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pdfIndiana: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
The FIFRA Work Plan and Report Template is a new format for the FIFRA grantee Work Plan, grantee
progress reports as well as the year-end evaluation from the EPA regional offices. In order for the template to
be approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act1 EPA must determine the amount of burden (time it
takes/hours) this change in format will pose to grantees. This brief survey will assist in determining the
amount of burden activity for the FIFRA Template for grantees.
On the next page, you will find a few questions that attempt to capture the burden for Work Plan
development and grantee progress reports both before and after the FIFRA excel template was created, as
well as two tables that contain a list of the template tabs and uses columns to display labor burden and total
burden hours. One table describes the activities in the pilot version of the template and the other table
describes the activities in the current version of the template.
1. For the questions that pertain to the template, please estimate the amount of time and identify the types of
personnel that help complete each of the template tab activities in the table(s) below.
2. When you estimate the average amount of time it takes you and your staff to complete the template please,
include in your estimate the amount of time it takes to read the template instruction manual and to locate
applicable files.
3. If you had the opportunity to use both the pilot version and the current version of the excel template and
would like to tell us about the burden hours for both, please do so. If not, please fill in the table that applies
to your situation.
Example: To complete the burden hour estimate for the Start Tab - Management spends 20 minutes (0.3
hours) to explain and assign the technical staff to complete the template; the technical person spends 10
minutes (0.2 hours) to complete the Start Tab; no clerical staff is involved in this phase of the activity. So the
total burden hour estimate to complete the Start Tab of the template would be 0.5 hours.
IMPORTANT: Only estimate the values for each for actually filling in, inserting or attaching documents and
text and general use of the FIFRA excel template. DO NOT include effort spent on budget creation or other
supporting material for your application package.
PRA Notice: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 USC 3501 et seq.), and the implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq.), a
Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, certain collections of information involving identical questions
to 10 or more persons unless the agency has obtained approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For each such collection activity,
the agency is required to "inform" the respondent that they are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. Failure to display a valid OMB control number permits a respondent to raise the affirmative legal defense provided by the "public
protection" provision in section 3512 of the PRA (see also 5 CFR 1320.6).
FIFRA Cooperative Agreement reporting is currently approved by OMB under OMB Control No. 2030-0020. However, the Agency has not yet
obtained approval from OMB for this reporting template. Until such approval is obtained, the reporting template is solely intended to provide
respondents with an alternate method of providing information to the Agency that is already required under the terms of the cooperative
agreement. Until OMB approves the reporting template under the PRA, the PRA’s "public protection" provision will prevent the Agency from
treating the failure to utilize the reporting template as grounds for withholding benefits or imposing penalties. Instead the agency must permit
respondents to prove or satisfy the legal conditions in any other reasonable manner.
Page 1
Indiana: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
1) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a work plan for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement? 24-36 hours
2) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a midyear or yearend progress report for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement? 24-36
If unsure, stating an estimated time range is fine. (example: 10 - 30 hours of staff and management time per workplan
or progress report )
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Start (include any time spent in consultation with
EPA to help you through the process).
Work Plan
5700 Main (projections only)
5700 WPS
57000 Container Containment (CC)
Endangered Species
Performance Measures
Endangered Species(duplicate)
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
0.5 (work plan
Management final review and submittal to EPA
0.5 (work plan
File template report (record keeping)
3) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the current FIFRA excel template: 6 hours for
work plan only
4) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the pilot version of the FIFRA excel template:
49 hours for work plan plus EOY reporting
Page 2
Indiana: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Start (include any time spent in consultation with
EPA to help you through the process).
Special/Supplemental Projects
Certification and Training
Worker Protection
Endangered Species
Pesticides in Water
Container Containment
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Page 3
Indiana: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
5700-33 H Projections/Accomplishments
5700-33 H Accomplishments
5700-33 H WPS
5700-33 H Container Containment
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
Page 4
Massachusetts: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
The FIFRA Work Plan and Report Template is a new format for the FIFRA grantee Work Plan, grantee
progress reports as well as the year-end evaluation from the EPA regional offices. In order for the template to
be approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act1 EPA must determine the amount of burden (time it
takes/hours) this change in format will pose to grantees. This brief survey will assist in determining the
amount of burden activity for the FIFRA Template for grantees.
On the next page, you will find a few questions that attempt to capture the burden for Work Plan
development and grantee progress reports both before and after the FIFRA excel template was created, as
well as two tables that contain a list of the template tabs and uses columns to display labor burden and total
burden hours. One table describes the activities in the pilot version of the template and the other table
describes the activities in the current version of the template.
1. For the questions that pertain to the template, please estimate the amount of time and identify the types of
personnel that help complete each of the template tab activities in the table(s) below.
2. When you estimate the average amount of time it takes you and your staff to complete the template please,
include in your estimate the amount of time it takes to read the template instruction manual and to locate
applicable files.
3. If you had the opportunity to use both the pilot version and the current version of the excel template and
would like to tell us about the burden hours for both, please do so. If not, please fill in the table that applies
to your situation.
Example: To complete the burden hour estimate for the Start Tab - Management spends 20 minutes (0.3
hours) to explain and assign the technical staff to complete the template; the technical person spends 10
minutes (0.2 hours) to complete the Start Tab; no clerical staff is involved in this phase of the activity. So the
total burden hour estimate to complete the Start Tab of the template would be 0.5 hours.
IMPORTANT: Only estimate the values for each for actually filling in, inserting or attaching documents and
text and general use of the FIFRA excel template. DO NOT include effort spent on budget creation or other
supporting material for your application package.
PRA Notice: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 USC 3501 et seq.), and the implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq.), a
Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, certain collections of information involving identical questions
to 10 or more persons unless the agency has obtained approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For each such collection activity,
the agency is required to "inform" the respondent that they are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. Failure to display a valid OMB control number permits a respondent to raise the affirmative legal defense provided by the "public
protection" provision in section 3512 of the PRA (see also 5 CFR 1320.6).
FIFRA Cooperative Agreement reporting is currently approved by OMB under OMB Control No. 2030-0020. However, the Agency has not yet
obtained approval from OMB for this reporting template. Until such approval is obtained, the reporting template is solely intended to provide
respondents with an alternate method of providing information to the Agency that is already required under the terms of the cooperative
agreement. Until OMB approves the reporting template under the PRA, the PRA’s "public protection" provision will prevent the Agency from
treating the failure to utilize the reporting template as grounds for withholding benefits or imposing penalties. Instead the agency must permit
respondents to prove or satisfy the legal conditions in any other reasonable manner.
Page 1
Massachusetts: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
1) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a work plan for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement?
2) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a midyear or yearend progress report for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement?
If unsure, stating an estimated time range is fine. (example: 10 - 30 hours of staff and management time per workplan
or progress report )
3) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the current FIFRA excel template:
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Start (include any time spent in consultation
with EPA to help you through the process).
Work Plan
5700 Main
5700 WPS
57000 Container Containment (CC)
Endangered Species
Performance Measures
Endangered Species
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
4) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the pilot version of the FIFRA excel template:
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Start (include any time spent in consultation with
EPA to help you through the process).
Special/Supplemental Projects
Certification and Training
Worker Protection
Endangered Species
Pesticides in Water
Container Containment
Page 2
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Massachusetts: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
5700-33 H Projections/Accomplishments
5700-33 H Accomplishments
5700-33 H WPS
5700-33 H Container Containment
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
Page 3
New Mexico: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
The FIFRA Work Plan and Report Template is a new format for the FIFRA grantee Work Plan, grantee
progress reports as well as the year-end evaluation from the EPA regional offices. In order for the template to
be approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act1 EPA must determine the amount of burden (time it
takes/hours) this change in format will pose to grantees. This brief survey will assist in determining the
amount of burden activity for the FIFRA Template for grantees.
On the next page, you will find a few questions that attempt to capture the burden for Work Plan
development and grantee progress reports both before and after the FIFRA excel template was created, as
well as two tables that contain a list of the template tabs and uses columns to display labor burden and total
burden hours. One table describes the activities in the pilot version of the template and the other table
describes the activities in the current version of the template.
1. For the questions that pertain to the template, please estimate the amount of time and identify the types of
personnel that help complete each of the template tab activities in the table(s) below.
2. When you estimate the average amount of time it takes you and your staff to complete the template please,
include in your estimate the amount of time it takes to read the template instruction manual and to locate
applicable files.
3. If you had the opportunity to use both the pilot version and the current version of the excel template and
would like to tell us about the burden hours for both, please do so. If not, please fill in the table that applies
to your situation.
Example: To complete the burden hour estimate for the Start Tab - Management spends 20 minutes (0.3
hours) to explain and assign the technical staff to complete the template; the technical person spends 10
minutes (0.2 hours) to complete the Start Tab; no clerical staff is involved in this phase of the activity. So the
total burden hour estimate to complete the Start Tab of the template would be 0.5 hours.
IMPORTANT: Only estimate the values for each for actually filling in, inserting or attaching documents and
text and general use of the FIFRA excel template. DO NOT include effort spent on budget creation or other
supporting material for your application package.
PRA Notice: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 USC 3501 et seq.), and the implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq.), a
Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, certain collections of information involving identical questions
to 10 or more persons unless the agency has obtained approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For each such collection activity,
the agency is required to "inform" the respondent that they are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. Failure to display a valid OMB control number permits a respondent to raise the affirmative legal defense provided by the "public
protection" provision in section 3512 of the PRA (see also 5 CFR 1320.6).
FIFRA Cooperative Agreement reporting is currently approved by OMB under OMB Control No. 2030-0020. However, the Agency has not yet
obtained approval from OMB for this reporting template. Until such approval is obtained, the reporting template is solely intended to provide
respondents with an alternate method of providing information to the Agency that is already required under the terms of the cooperative
agreement. Until OMB approves the reporting template under the PRA, the PRA’s "public protection" provision will prevent the Agency from
treating the failure to utilize the reporting template as grounds for withholding benefits or imposing penalties. Instead the agency must permit
respondents to prove or satisfy the legal conditions in any other reasonable manner.
Page 1
New Mexico: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
1) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a work plan for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement? Our estimate actually has two
scenarios…one when we have fully revised the workplan, and the other where we started with the previous workplan and just
updated dates, and a few of the activities. Admittedly the latter was done most often. This took about 15 hours total
(everyone’s time and review included) however, it did not lend to a fully ‘pertinent’ workplan…it was sufficient for the work
needed but did not take full advantage of the goals and efforts ongoing in the state. Much more time was taken when the
workplan had to be fully revised and verified with a new guidance. The template, since it is set up to follow the current
guidance, removes the step by step process of making sure the work plan met the guidance requirements. It ‘forces’ you to do
an annual evaluation of the full work plan…in our opinion. Thank you.
If unsure, stating an estimated time range is fine. (example: 10 ‐ 30 hours of staff and management
time per workplan or progress report )
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Start (include any time spent in consultation
with EPA to help you through the process).
Work Plan
5700 Main
5700 WPS
57000 Container Containment (CC)
Endangered Species
Performance Measures
Endangered Species
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to
File template report (record keeping)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated Burden
27 *due to complexity
of word document used
2) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the current FIFRA excel template:
3) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the pilot version of the FIFRA excel template:
Page 2
New Mexico: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Start (include any time spent in consultation with
EPA to help you through the process).
Special/Supplemental Projects
Certification and Training
Worker Protection
Endangered Species
Pesticides in Water
Container Containment
5700-33 H Projections/Accomplishments
5700-33 H Accomplishments
5700-33 H WPS
5700-33 H Container Containment
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Page 3
New York:Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
SURVEY RESPONSE BY: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation,
Bureau of Pest Management
May 29, 2014
The FIFRA Work Plan and Report Template is a new format for the FIFRA grantee Work Plan, grantee
progress reports as well as the year-end evaluation from the EPA regional offices. In order for the template to
be approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act1 EPA must determine the amount of burden (time it
takes/hours) this change in format will pose to grantees. This brief survey will assist in determining the
amount of burden activity for the FIFRA Template for grantees.
On the next page, you will find a few questions that attempt to capture the burden for Work Plan
development and grantee progress reports both before and after the FIFRA excel template was created, as
well as two tables that contain a list of the template tabs and uses columns to display labor burden and total
burden hours. One table describes the activities in the pilot version of the template and the other table
describes the activities in the current version of the template.
1. For the questions that pertain to the template, please estimate the amount of time and identify the types of
personnel that help complete each of the template tab activities in the table(s) below.
2. When you estimate the average amount of time it takes you and your staff to complete the template please,
include in your estimate the amount of time it takes to read the template instruction manual and to locate
applicable files.
3. If you had the opportunity to use both the pilot version and the current version of the excel template and
would like to tell us about the burden hours for both, please do so. If not, please fill in the table that applies
to your situation.
Example: To complete the burden hour estimate for the Start Tab - Management spends 20 minutes (0.3
hours) to explain and assign the technical staff to complete the template; the technical person spends 10
minutes (0.2 hours) to complete the Start Tab; no clerical staff is involved in this phase of the activity. So the
total burden hour estimate to complete the Start Tab of the template would be 0.5 hours.
IMPORTANT: Only estimate the values for each for actually filling in, inserting or attaching documents and
text and general use of the FIFRA excel template. DO NOT include effort spent on budget creation or other
supporting material for your application package.
PRA Notice: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 USC 3501 et seq.), and the implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq.), a
Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, certain collections of information involving identical questions
to 10 or more persons unless the agency has obtained approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For each such collection activity,
the agency is required to "inform" the respondent that they are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. Failure to display a valid OMB control number permits a respondent to raise the affirmative legal defense provided by the "public
protection" provision in section 3512 of the PRA (see also 5 CFR 1320.6).
FIFRA Cooperative Agreement reporting is currently approved by OMB under OMB Control No. 2030-0020. However, the Agency has not yet
obtained approval from OMB for this reporting template. Until such approval is obtained, the reporting template is solely intended to provide
respondents with an alternate method of providing information to the Agency that is already required under the terms of the cooperative
agreement. Until OMB approves the reporting template under the PRA, the PRA’s "public protection" provision will prevent the Agency from
treating the failure to utilize the reporting template as grounds for withholding benefits or imposing penalties. Instead the agency must permit
respondents to prove or satisfy the legal conditions in any other reasonable manner.
Page 1
New York:Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
Page 2
New York:Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
1) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a work plan for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement?
Response: Approximately 3 weeks of staff time (37.5 hr.s/wk).
2) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a midyear or yearend progress report for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement?
Response: Approximately 9 weeks of staff time/year (37.5 hr.s/wk). Note – in addition to time
spent preparing mid-year & end-of-year reports, this estimate includes these time factors: field
staff collecting, compiling, and reporting information to a central location, and maintenance of
that data at the central location.
If unsure, stating an estimated time range is fine. (example: 10 - 30 hours of staff and management time per workplan
or progress report )
3) *Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the current FIFRA excel template:
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Start (include any time spent in consultation
with EPA to help you through the process).
Work Plan
5700 Main
5700 WPS
57000 Container Containment (CC)
Endangered Species
Performance Measures
Endangered Species
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA 2
File template report (record keeping)
*Above time estimates reflect time to complete the above elements one time. Over the course of the
year, several elements will be completed multiple times as listed below.
5700 Main: Will be completed 5 times.
5700 WPS: Will be completed 4 times; 5700 (CC): Will be completed 4 times.
Review for accuracy: Will be done 5 times.
Management final review and submittal to EPA: Will be done 5 times.
File template report (record keeping): Will be done 5 times.
4) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the pilot version of the FIFRA excel template:
Page 3
New York:Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
Response: Intentionally left blank. A pilot version was not used.
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Start (include any time spent in consultation with
EPA to help you through the process).
Special/Supplemental Projects
Certification and Training
Worker Protection
Endangered Species
Pesticides in Water
Container Containment
5700-33 H Projections/Accomplishments
5700-33 H Accomplishments
5700-33 H WPS
5700-33 H Container Containment
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
Page 4
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Oregon: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
The FIFRA Work Plan and Report Template is a new format for the FIFRA grantee Work Plan, grantee
progress reports as well as the year-end evaluation from the EPA regional offices. In order for the template to
be approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act1 EPA must determine the amount of burden (time it
takes/hours) this change in format will pose to grantees. This brief survey will assist in determining the
amount of burden activity for the FIFRA Template for grantees.
On the next page, you will find a few questions that attempt to capture the burden for Work Plan
development and grantee progress reports both before and after the FIFRA excel template was created, as
well as two tables that contain a list of the template tabs and uses columns to display labor burden and total
burden hours. One table describes the activities in the pilot version of the template and the other table
describes the activities in the current version of the template.
1. For the questions that pertain to the template, please estimate the amount of time and identify the types of
personnel that help complete each of the template tab activities in the table(s) below.
2. When you estimate the average amount of time it takes you and your staff to complete the template please,
include in your estimate the amount of time it takes to read the template instruction manual and to locate
applicable files.
3. If you had the opportunity to use both the pilot version and the current version of the excel template and
would like to tell us about the burden hours for both, please do so. If not, please fill in the table that applies
to your situation.
Example: To complete the burden hour estimate for the Start Tab - Management spends 20 minutes (0.3
hours) to explain and assign the technical staff to complete the template; the technical person spends 10
minutes (0.2 hours) to complete the Start Tab; no clerical staff is involved in this phase of the activity. So the
total burden hour estimate to complete the Start Tab of the template would be 0.5 hours.
IMPORTANT: Only estimate the values for each for actually filling in, inserting or attaching documents and
text and general use of the FIFRA excel template. DO NOT include effort spent on budget creation or other
supporting material for your application package.
PRA Notice: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 USC 3501 et seq.), and the implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq.), a
Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, certain collections of information involving identical questions
to 10 or more persons unless the agency has obtained approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For each such collection activity,
the agency is required to "inform" the respondent that they are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. Failure to display a valid OMB control number permits a respondent to raise the affirmative legal defense provided by the "public
protection" provision in section 3512 of the PRA (see also 5 CFR 1320.6).
FIFRA Cooperative Agreement reporting is currently approved by OMB under OMB Control No. 2030-0020. However, the Agency has not yet
obtained approval from OMB for this reporting template. Until such approval is obtained, the reporting template is solely intended to provide
respondents with an alternate method of providing information to the Agency that is already required under the terms of the cooperative
agreement. Until OMB approves the reporting template under the PRA, the PRA’s "public protection" provision will prevent the Agency from
treating the failure to utilize the reporting template as grounds for withholding benefits or imposing penalties. Instead the agency must permit
respondents to prove or satisfy the legal conditions in any other reasonable manner.
Page 1
Oregon: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
1) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a work plan for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement? 45 hrs
2) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a midyear or yearend progress report for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement? 60 hrs
If unsure, stating an estimated time range is fine. (example: 10 - 30 hours of staff and management time per workplan
or progress report )
3) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the current FIFRA excel template:
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Start (include any time spent in consultation
with EPA to help you through the process).
Work Plan
5700 Main
5700 WPS
57000 Container Containment (CC)
Endangered Species
Performance Measures
Endangered Species
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Page 2
Pennsylvania: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
The FIFRA Work Plan and Report Template is a new format for the FIFRA grantee Work Plan, grantee
progress reports as well as the year-end evaluation from the EPA regional offices. In order for the template to
be approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act1 EPA must determine the amount of burden (time it
takes/hours) this change in format will pose to grantees. This brief survey will assist in determining the
amount of burden activity for the FIFRA Template for grantees.
On the next page, you will find a few questions that attempt to capture the burden for Work Plan
development and grantee progress reports both before and after the FIFRA excel template was created, as
well as two tables that contain a list of the template tabs and uses columns to display labor burden and total
burden hours. One table describes the activities in the pilot version of the template and the other table
describes the activities in the current version of the template.
1. For the questions that pertain to the template, please estimate the amount of time and identify the types of
personnel that help complete each of the template tab activities in the table(s) below.
2. When you estimate the average amount of time it takes you and your staff to complete the template please,
include in your estimate the amount of time it takes to read the template instruction manual and to locate
applicable files.
3. If you had the opportunity to use both the pilot version and the current version of the excel template and
would like to tell us about the burden hours for both, please do so. If not, please fill in the table that applies
to your situation.
Example: To complete the burden hour estimate for the Start Tab - Management spends 20 minutes (0.3
hours) to explain and assign the technical staff to complete the template; the technical person spends 10
minutes (0.2 hours) to complete the Start Tab; no clerical staff is involved in this phase of the activity. So the
total burden hour estimate to complete the Start Tab of the template would be 0.5 hours.
IMPORTANT: Only estimate the values for each for actually filling in, inserting or attaching documents and
text and general use of the FIFRA excel template. DO NOT include effort spent on budget creation or other
supporting material for your application package.
PRA Notice: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 USC 3501 et seq.), and the implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq.), a
Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, certain collections of information involving identical questions
to 10 or more persons unless the agency has obtained approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For each such collection activity,
the agency is required to "inform" the respondent that they are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. Failure to display a valid OMB control number permits a respondent to raise the affirmative legal defense provided by the "public
protection" provision in section 3512 of the PRA (see also 5 CFR 1320.6).
FIFRA Cooperative Agreement reporting is currently approved by OMB under OMB Control No. 2030-0020. However, the Agency has not yet
obtained approval from OMB for this reporting template. Until such approval is obtained, the reporting template is solely intended to provide
respondents with an alternate method of providing information to the Agency that is already required under the terms of the cooperative
agreement. Until OMB approves the reporting template under the PRA, the PRA’s "public protection" provision will prevent the Agency from
treating the failure to utilize the reporting template as grounds for withholding benefits or imposing penalties. Instead the agency must permit
respondents to prove or satisfy the legal conditions in any other reasonable manner.
Page 1
Pennsylvania: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
1) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a work plan for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement?
55-65 hours of staff & management time
2) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a midyear or yearend progress report for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement?
15-20 hours of staff & management time
If unsure, stating an estimated time range is fine. (example: 10 - 30 hours of staff and management time per workplan
or progress report )
3) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the current FIFRA excel template:
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Start (include any time spent in consultation
with EPA to help you through the process).
Work Plan
5700 Main
5700 WPS
57000 Container Containment (CC)
Endangered Species
Performance Measures
Endangered Species
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA 1
File template report (record keeping)
Comment – as this was a new process the initial time to learn to use the form was greater, but now that we
have experience with this template future application and reporting using this process will provide
considerable paperwork and time savings.
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Start (include any time spent in consultation with
EPA to help you through the process).
Special/Supplemental Projects
Certification and Training
Worker Protection
Endangered Species
Pesticides in Water
Container Containment
Page 2
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Pennsylvania: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
5700-33 H Projections/Accomplishments
5700-33 H Accomplishments
5700-33 H WPS
5700-33 H Container Containment
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
4) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the pilot version of the FIFRA excel template:
N/A Pennsylvania was not part of the pilot project
Page 3
Vermont: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
The FIFRA Work Plan and Report Template is a new format for the FIFRA grantee Work Plan, grantee
progress reports as well as the year-end evaluation from the EPA regional offices. In order for the template to
be approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act1 EPA must determine the amount of burden (time it
takes/hours) this change in format will pose to grantees. This brief survey will assist in determining the
amount of burden activity for the FIFRA Template for grantees.
On the next page, you will find a few questions that attempt to capture the burden for Work Plan
development and grantee progress reports both before and after the FIFRA excel template was created, as
well as two tables that contain a list of the template tabs and uses columns to display labor burden and total
burden hours. One table describes the activities in the pilot version of the template and the other table
describes the activities in the current version of the template.
1. For the questions that pertain to the template, please estimate the amount of time and identify the types of
personnel that help complete each of the template tab activities in the table(s) below.
2. When you estimate the average amount of time it takes you and your staff to complete the template please,
include in your estimate the amount of time it takes to read the template instruction manual and to locate
applicable files.
3. If you had the opportunity to use both the pilot version and the current version of the excel template and
would like to tell us about the burden hours for both, please do so. If not, please fill in the table that applies
to your situation.
Example: To complete the burden hour estimate for the Start Tab - Management spends 20 minutes (0.3
hours) to explain and assign the technical staff to complete the template; the technical person spends 10
minutes (0.2 hours) to complete the Start Tab; no clerical staff is involved in this phase of the activity. So the
total burden hour estimate to complete the Start Tab of the template would be 0.5 hours.
IMPORTANT: Only estimate the values for each for actually filling in, inserting or attaching documents and
text and general use of the FIFRA excel template. DO NOT include effort spent on budget creation or other
supporting material for your application package.
PRA Notice: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 USC 3501 et seq.), and the implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq.), a
Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, certain collections of information involving identical questions
to 10 or more persons unless the agency has obtained approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For each such collection activity,
the agency is required to "inform" the respondent that they are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. Failure to display a valid OMB control number permits a respondent to raise the affirmative legal defense provided by the "public
protection" provision in section 3512 of the PRA (see also 5 CFR 1320.6).
FIFRA Cooperative Agreement reporting is currently approved by OMB under OMB Control No. 2030-0020. However, the Agency has not yet
obtained approval from OMB for this reporting template. Until such approval is obtained, the reporting template is solely intended to provide
respondents with an alternate method of providing information to the Agency that is already required under the terms of the cooperative
agreement. Until OMB approves the reporting template under the PRA, the PRA’s "public protection" provision will prevent the Agency from
treating the failure to utilize the reporting template as grounds for withholding benefits or imposing penalties. Instead the agency must permit
respondents to prove or satisfy the legal conditions in any other reasonable manner.
Page 1
Vermont: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
1) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a work plan for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement? Average time for developing a workplan
was about 35 hours of staff time.
2) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a midyear or yearend progress report for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement? Average
would be about 12-15 hours.
If unsure, stating an estimated time range is fine. (example: 10 - 30 hours of staff and management time per workplan
or progress report )
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Start (include any time spent in consultation
with EPA to help you through the process).
Work Plan
5700 Main
5700 WPS
57000 Container Containment (CC)
Endangered Species
Performance Measures
Endangered Species
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
3) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the current FIFRA excel template:
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Start (include any time spent in consultation with
EPA to help you through the process).
Special/Supplemental Projects
Certification and Training
Worker Protection
Endangered Species
Pesticides in Water
Container Containment
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Page 2
Vermont: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
5700-33 H Projections/Accomplishments
5700-33 H Accomplishments
5700-33 H WPS
5700-33 H Container Containment
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
4) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the pilot version of the FIFRA excel template:
About 30.5 staff hours, but a lot of time was spent discussing how to transition from one method to the other. The narrative
workplan was often a cut and paste with minor modifications from the previous year. Switching to the template has allowed
us to reevaluate the typical boiler plate language and focus on reprioritizing program functions.
Page 3
Virginia: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
The FIFRA Work Plan and Report Template is a new format for the FIFRA grantee Work Plan, grantee
progress reports as well as the year-end evaluation from the EPA regional offices. In order for the template to
be approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act1 EPA must determine the amount of burden (time it
takes/hours) this change in format will pose to grantees. This brief survey will assist in determining the
amount of burden activity for the FIFRA Template for grantees.
On the next page, you will find a few questions that attempt to capture the burden for Work Plan
development and grantee progress reports both before and after the FIFRA excel template was created, as
well as two tables that contain a list of the template tabs and uses columns to display labor burden and total
burden hours. One table describes the activities in the pilot version of the template and the other table
describes the activities in the current version of the template.
1. For the questions that pertain to the template, please estimate the amount of time and identify the types of
personnel that help complete each of the template tab activities in the table(s) below.
2. When you estimate the average amount of time it takes you and your staff to complete the template please,
include in your estimate the amount of time it takes to read the template instruction manual and to locate
applicable files.
3. If you had the opportunity to use both the pilot version and the current version of the excel template and
would like to tell us about the burden hours for both, please do so. If not, please fill in the table that applies
to your situation.
Example: To complete the burden hour estimate for the Start Tab - Management spends 20 minutes (0.3
hours) to explain and assign the technical staff to complete the template; the technical person spends 10
minutes (0.2 hours) to complete the Start Tab; no clerical staff is involved in this phase of the activity. So the
total burden hour estimate to complete the Start Tab of the template would be 0.5 hours.
IMPORTANT: Only estimate the values for each for actually filling in, inserting or attaching documents and
text and general use of the FIFRA excel template. DO NOT include effort spent on budget creation or other
supporting material for your application package.
PRA Notice: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 USC 3501 et seq.), and the implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq.), a
Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, certain collections of information involving identical questions
to 10 or more persons unless the agency has obtained approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For each such collection activity,
the agency is required to "inform" the respondent that they are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. Failure to display a valid OMB control number permits a respondent to raise the affirmative legal defense provided by the "public
protection" provision in section 3512 of the PRA (see also 5 CFR 1320.6).
FIFRA Cooperative Agreement reporting is currently approved by OMB under OMB Control No. 2030-0020. However, the Agency has not yet
obtained approval from OMB for this reporting template. Until such approval is obtained, the reporting template is solely intended to provide
respondents with an alternate method of providing information to the Agency that is already required under the terms of the cooperative
agreement. Until OMB approves the reporting template under the PRA, the PRA’s "public protection" provision will prevent the Agency from
treating the failure to utilize the reporting template as grounds for withholding benefits or imposing penalties. Instead the agency must permit
respondents to prove or satisfy the legal conditions in any other reasonable manner.
Page 1
Virginia: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
1) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a work plan for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement? 20 hours.
2) Before the template was created, can you provide a ball park estimate of the average time your office
spent developing a midyear or yearend progress report for the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement? 20 hours.
If unsure, stating an estimated time range is fine. (example: 10 - 30 hours of staff and management time per workplan
or progress report )
3) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the current FIFRA excel template:
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Start (include any time spent in consultation
with EPA to help you through the process).
Work Plan
5700 Main
5700 WPS
57000 Container Containment (CC)
Endangered Species
Performance Measures
Endangered Species
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA 2
File template report (record keeping)
Note: Above is for FY15-17 Grant Application (Template)
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
TOTAL 7.95 hours.
4) Estimate the burden hours for the following activities for the pilot version of the FIFRA excel template:
Note: Above is for FY14 Mid and EOY Reporting (Template)
Burden Activity
(Each Template Tab)
Start (include any time spent in consultation with
EPA to help you through the process).
Special/Supplemental Projects
Certification and Training
Worker Protection
Endangered Species
Pesticides in Water
Container Containment
TOTAL 24.9 Hours
Labor category (hours)
Managerial Technical Clerical
Total Estimated
Burden (hours)
Page 2
Virginia: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
5700-33 H Projections/Accomplishments
5700-33 H Accomplishments
5700-33 H WPS
5700-33 H Container Containment
Review Template for accuracy/errors
Management final review and submittal to EPA
File template report (record keeping)
Page 3
Wisconsin: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
The FIFRA Work Plan and Report Template is a new format for the FIFRA grantee Work Plan, grantee
progress reports as well as the year-end evaluation from the EPA regional offices. In order for the template to
be approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act1 EPA must determine the amount of burden (time it
takes/hours) this change in format will pose to grantees. This brief survey will assist in determining the
amount of burden activity for the FIFRA Template for grantees.
On the next page, you will find a few questions that attempt to capture the burden for Work Plan
development and grantee progress reports both before and after the FIFRA excel template was created, as
well as two tables that contain a list of the template tabs and uses columns to display labor burden and total
burden hours. One table describes the activities in the pilot version of the template and the other table
describes the activities in the current version of the template.
1. For the questions that pertain to the template, please estimate the amount of time and identify the types of
personnel that help complete each of the template tab activities in the table(s) below.
2. When you estimate the average amount of time it takes you and your staff to complete the template please,
include in your estimate the amount of time it takes to read the template instruction manual and to locate
applicable files.
3. If you had the opportunity to use both the pilot version and the current version of the excel template and
would like to tell us about the burden hours for both, please do so. If not, please fill in the table that applies
to your situation.
Example: To complete the burden hour estimate for the Start Tab - Management spends 20 minutes (0.3
hours) to explain and assign the technical staff to complete the template; the technical person spends 10
minutes (0.2 hours) to complete the Start Tab; no clerical staff is involved in this phase of the activity. So the
total burden hour estimate to complete the Start Tab of the template would be 0.5 hours.
IMPORTANT: Only estimate the values for each for actually filling in, inserting or attaching documents and
text and general use of the FIFRA excel template. DO NOT include effort spent on budget creation or other
supporting material for your application package.
PRA Notice: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 USC 3501 et seq.), and the implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq.), a
Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, certain collections of information involving identical questions
to 10 or more persons unless the agency has obtained approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For each such collection activity,
the agency is required to "inform" the respondent that they are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. Failure to display a valid OMB control number permits a respondent to raise the affirmative legal defense provided by the "public
protection" provision in section 3512 of the PRA (see also 5 CFR 1320.6).
FIFRA Cooperative Agreement reporting is currently approved by OMB under OMB Control No. 2030-0020. However, the Agency has not yet
obtained approval from OMB for this reporting template. Until such approval is obtained, the reporting template is solely intended to provide
respondents with an alternate method of providing information to the Agency that is already required under the terms of the cooperative
agreement. Until OMB approves the reporting template under the PRA, the PRA’s "public protection" provision will prevent the Agency from
treating the failure to utilize the reporting template as grounds for withholding benefits or imposing penalties. Instead the agency must permit
respondents to prove or satisfy the legal conditions in any other reasonable manner.
Page 1
Wisconsin: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
I apologize for my delay in responding. I am going to have to go with a ranged response for each
question, since we don’t break out our time this specifically.
1) Workplan prior to template: approximately 40 – 60 hours of staff and management time.
2) Mid‐year and year end prior to template: approximately 40 – 60 hours of staff and management
3) Estimate using the current template: approximate 20 – 30 hours. I fully expect that this will
decrease a bit as we become more familiar with the template.
4) Pilot template: I estimate it was 30 – 40 hours of staff and management time for the workplan
and 15‐20 hours for the mid‐year/year‐end reports. First year template had a lot of repetition
and second year was better. The new template is better still
Note that I have not included our “budget review” process time in the above. We have an extensive
review and sign-off process for grants in our department. That process takes an addition 30-40
hours of time, no matter which format we use. Our grant budgets must be reviewed and approved
by program, finance, legal and administrative staff.
We may be able to better estimate next year when we have a full year under our belt with the new
template and capturing time reporting from staff. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any
Page 2
Wisconsin: Survey on FIFRA Grantees Burden for Completing Work Plans and Reports
May 21, 2014
I apologize for my delay in responding. I am going to have to go with a ranged response for each
question, since we don’t break out our time this specifically.
1) Workplan prior to template: approximately 40 – 60 hours of staff and management time.
2) Mid‐year and year end prior to template: approximately 40 – 60 hours of staff and management
3) Estimate using the current template: approximate 20 – 30 hours. I fully expect that this will
decrease a bit as we become more familiar with the template.
4) Pilot template: I estimate it was 30 – 40 hours of staff and management time for the workplan
and 15‐20 hours for the mid‐year/year‐end reports. First year template had a lot of repetition
and second year was better. The new template is better still
Note that I have not included our “budget review” process time in the above. We have an extensive
review and sign-off process for grants in our department. That process takes an addition 30-40
hours of time, no matter which format we use. Our grant budgets must be reviewed and approved
by program, finance, legal and administrative staff.
We may be able to better estimate next year when we have a full year under our belt with the new
template and capturing time reporting from staff. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any
Page 3
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | csmoot |
File Modified | 2014-07-25 |
File Created | 2014-07-25 |