2511.01 Attachment F (Virginia)

2511supp01 Attachment-F_Virginia FY15-VA-Mid Year Report-020215.xlsx

Reporting in the FIFRA Cooperative Agreement Work Plan and Report Template

2511.01 Attachment F (Virginia)

OMB: 2070-0198

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Work Plan FY15
Work Plan FY16
Work Plan FY17
5700 Main FY15
5700 Main FY16
5700 Main FY17
5700 WPS FY15
5700 WPS FY16
5700 WPS FY17
5700 CC FY15
5700 CC FY16
5700 CC FY17
Perf Meas
Prog Area
Act Type

Sheet 1: Start


FIFRA Cooperative Agreement Work Plan and Report



Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services



Data entry in white boxes only. Asterik denotes a required field.

Grantee Information:
Cooperative Agreement Information:

Work Plan/Report Status:

*Name: Liza J. Fleeson 1)

*Agreement Type:
PPG 3)

Work Plan Draft 7) 4/15/2014 8)

Work Plan Final

*Grantee: Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 2)

*Number of Years:
3 4)

Work Plan Final

Report Draft



End Extended to:

(EPA Region 3)

*Project Period:
7/1/2014 5)

Budget Period #1


Budget Period #2


Budget Period #3


*Work Plan and Report Applies to:
Budget Period #1 6)


Examples of Standard Reports:

My Reports:

5700 Main

Midyear/End of Year Status

Report 1

Budget 5700 Worker Protection

Program Area Report

Work Plan/Report 5700 Container Containment

Significant Issue/Innovative Activities

Outcomes Performance Measures

Activity Type Report

Endangered Species

EPA Recommendations

Reporting Links:

Certification and Training - CPARD


My References:

Pesticides in Water - POINTS

EPA Grant Forms List

Template Instructions/Help

Grant Guidance

Version 1.0


Sheet 2: Narrative

(double click Office Document to add content, or delete and insert your own by going to Insert> Object on the menu above)


Examples: Authority to Accept Cooperative Agreement, Legislative Changes, QAPPs, Neutral Admin. Inspection schemes, Case Review Results, etc.

Sheet 3: Budget

Use this space to insert or attach your budget detail. 

(insert your own by going to Insert> (Text)Object on the menu above)

See FY15-17 PPPG Application Attachments in Tab 2

Sheet 4: Work Plan FY15

Program Area NPM Activity # When adding rows: Orange = Empty cell Pink = Duplicate cell '15 - '17 Grant Guidance Activity Activity Type Be as specific as possible, include metrics, locations, etc. as appropriate. Work Plan Activity Description (Outputs) Due Date Status Provide concise and descriptive information on the status of the activity; include numeric information and any significant issues/innovations if appropriate Describe Work Plan Activity Accomplishment (include any issues or innovations, if appropriate) If selected, explain why in "Work Plan Activity Accomplishment" Significant Issues/ Innovations EPA Review of Status EPA Comment(s) EPA Recommendation (s)
Basic Pesticide Program OPP & OECA Complete administrative/management, fiduciary and reporting requirements associated with this cooperative agreement. Required VDACS will complete administrative/management, fiduciary and reporting requirements associated with this cooperative agreement including compliance with EPA's Grants Policy Issuance GPI 12-6: Timely Obligation, Award and Expenditure of EPA Grant Funds. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete VDACS continues to complete all reporting requirements associated with this cooperative agreement including compliance with EPA's Grants Policy Issuance GPI 12-6: Timely Obligation, Award and Expenditure of EPA Grant Funds. None

Basic Pesticide Program OPP & OECA Build or maintain staff and management expertise on pesticide program issues and enforcement (e.g. attend training opportunities through PREP, PIRT, in-service training, etc. or other appropriate activities). Required Conduct ongoing assessment of training and development needs. Ensure Staff receives appropriate training by attending training opportunities through PREP, PIRT, in-house activities and other commercially available training programs. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed Staff continues to receive appropriate training by attending training opportunities through PREP, PIRT, in-house activities and other commercially available training programs. VDACS most recently hosted the EPA Region III Inspector's Workshop in Roanoke Virginia. This Workshop consisted of inspection and investigation topics and activities along with 8 hours of health and safety training. All program management and field staff were in attendance. None

Basic Pesticide Program OPP & OECA Respond to pesticide inquiries, concerns, tips, and complaints from the public. Required VDACS will continue to respond to inquiries, concerns, tips, and complaints relating to pesticide use in the Commonwealth. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed Staff responded to 73 complaints, incidents, tips and concerns during the reporting period. None

Basic Pesticide Program OPP Provide outreach, communication, and training as appropriate as a result of new emerging issues, rules, regulations, and registration and registration review decisions. Required Participate in outreach and education events as needed and/or when requested. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete OPS, in cooperation with Virginia Tech, continued review and revision of commercial manuals and exams based upon current 5 year schedule. Provided training in cooperation with Virginia Cooperative Extension at various meetings and conferences to individuals seeking initial certification. Staff provided 18 legal update and educational presentations. Staff monitored and presented at 14 additional recertification meetings. None

Basic Pesticide Program OPP Report information on all known or suspected pesticide incidents involving pollinators to OPP ([email protected]) with a copy to the regional office. Required VDACS will report information on known or suspected pesticide incidents involving pollinators to OPP with a copy to the regional office. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No known or suspected pesticide incidents involving pollinators were report to OPS during the reporting period. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Project inspection numbers and report various inspection and enforcement accomplishments. The 5700 forms, ES Inspections Report, and performance measures (when final) forms contained in the FIFRA template may be used for this purpose. Required Utilizing time factor outputs, project annual number of inspections and investigations by type as part of grant application process. Reporting of inspection/investigation activities will take place at the mid and end of year. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Submitted Pesticide Performance Partnership Grant for FY15-17 including annual commitments. For FY15 Midyear report, all required reports will be submitted within 30 days after end of reporting period. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain adequate pesticide laws, rules, and associated implementation procedures. Required VDACS is designated as the state lead agency in the Commonwealth of Virginia for pesticide regulation. Pesticide use, handling and distribution is governed by the Virginia Pesticide Control Act (Act), Title 3.2, Chapter 39 of the Code of Virginia, as amended 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA) to amend Regulations Governing Pesticide Applicator Certification under Authority of Virginia Pesticide Control Act [2 VAC 5-685] approved July 2014. Amendments are intended to improve the clarity of the regulation by updating the regulation to align with current agency practices.


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Provide outreach and compliance assistance. Required Participate in outreach and education events and provide compliance assistance upon receipt of request. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete OPS participated in or monitored a total of 32 training sessions. 155 continuing education course outlines or agendas were reviewed or approved for certification or recertification of pesticide applicators. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Draft, modify, or maintain a priority setting plan for inspections & investigations, addressing grantee and EPA- identified priorities (see Appendix 4, Enforcement Priority Setting Guidance; to be replaced by Compliance Monitoring Strategy when finalized). Required Conduct inspection activities in support the EPA’s two overarching priorities—Degree of harm to human health and the environment and Identification of violations. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Inspections and investigations include: 8 producer establishments (with containment); 3 soil fumigation; and 44 facilities/businesses that serve the underserved and vulnerable populations. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA During use inspections, monitor compliance with the label, including any ESA bulletins, if applicable. Required Pesticide use inspections include monitoring all label requirements, including ESA bulletins when applicable. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed There are currently no Pesticide Use Limitation Areas (PULA) in Virginia for pesticide active ingredients or products with an ESA Bulletin. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Develop/maintain a searchable inspection/investigation and case tracking system and track all inspections/investigations and cases. Required The current status of all inspections/investigations and cases will be tracked in an enforcement and compliance database. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete A total of 1349 inspections and investigations were completed and resulted in the issuance of civil penalties totaling $6,640. These penalties were contained within 15 unique cases. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Ensure a minimum of one state employee obtains and maintains an EPA inspector’s credential. Where state authority is inappropriate or inadequate, or at EPA's request, conduct FIFRA inspections with EPA credentials, according to EPA procedures and guidance documents. Required Seek and maintain federal credentials for all Pesticide Investigators. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete All but one new employee have and maintain federal credentials. The new employee is in the process of seeking federal credentials. Pesticide inspections are performed in accordance with the EPA FIFRA Inspector's Manual. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Refer all inspections conducted with federal credentials to the region. Required Forward all inspections conducted with federal credentials to EPA Region 3. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Staff have conducted 28 producer establishments inspections that have been or will be forwarded to EPA Region 3. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Refer FIFRA cases to the region for enforcement consideration according to a mutually identified referral priority scheme. Required Refer all FIFRA inspections conducted with federal credentials to the EPA Region for enforcement consideration. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No inspection has been referred to EPA Region 3 thus far in FY15. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain and follow a matrix to develop and issue enforcement actions. Required Issue all civil penalties in accordance with the Guidelines for Enforcement of the Virginia Pesticide Control Act: Civil Penalty Decision Matrix. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed All civil penalties are issued in accordance with the Guidelines or Enforcement of the Virginia Pesticide Control Act: Civil Penalty Decision Matrix. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Follow up on significant or grantee and region agreed upon pesticide incidents referred by EPA as required by FIFRA Sections 26 and 27. Required Follow established procedures for Significant Incidents. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No significant incidents reported during reporting period. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Conduct inspections consistent with the FIFRA Inspection Manual including collection of the appropriate amount of sale and distribution records as discussed in Chapter 6 "Product Sampling". Required Inspection/Investigations to be conducted in accordance with the FIFRA Inspection Manual. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed Inspections/Investigations have been conducted in accordance with the FIFRA Inspection Manual. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain and follow a Quality Management Plan for the overall pesticide enforcement program. Required Maintain and follow a Quality Management Plan. Update as necessary. 6/30/2015 Complete Current Quality Management Plan is valid through April 15, 2017. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain and follow Quality Assurance Project Plan(s) for pesticide sample collection and analysis. Required Maintain and follow a Quality Assurance Plan. Update as necessary. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Quality Assurance Project Plan is currently undergoing review and revision at the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain access to adequate laboratory support capacity. Required Maintain current interagency agreement between VDACS and DCLS for analytic testing services. 6/30/2015 Complete Agreement in effect July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2019. None

Basic Pesticide Program OECA Assist EPA in enforcing regulatory actions and monitoring Section 18, Section 24(c), and Experimental Use Permits. Required VDACS will assist EPA in enforcing regulatory actions and monitoring Section 18, Section 24(c), and Experimental Use Permits in the Commonwealth. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Conducted 1 experimental use permit inspection during the reporting period. None

Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Implement Part 170 worker protection standard (WPS) rule requirements and carry out program implementation requirements. Required VDACS will continue to implement Part 170 worker protection standard (WPS) rule requirements and carry out program implementation requirements through outreach, education, compliance assistance and inspections. VDACS plans to conduct 35 Tier I inspections in FY 15. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete 16 Tier I inspections were conducted during the reporting period. As part of their pesticide safety training services, Telamon provide the opportunity to complete the self inspection check list with participating age establishments. None

Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Conduct WPS-related Outreach and Education. This includes communicating existing requirements to the regulated community and informing co-regulators, the regulated community, and other program stakeholders of any proposed changes or new requirements. Required Make available new and existing WPS related information to covered agricultural establishments; coordinate and exchange information, as appropriate, with other Agencies and program stakeholders regarding proposed changes or new regulations. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Staff participated in outreach exhibits at two grower events during the reporting period. Maintain an ongoing relationship with Virginia Cooperative Extension Services and supports its educational efforts through the provision of educational materials and participation in education programs upon request. None

Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Support WPS worker & handler training. Required Make available WPS training and related materials. Provide information on EPA's Agricultural Compliance Assistance Center. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Provide grant monies to Telamon Corporation to support full time pesticide safety trainer. 400 farm workers (370 workers and 30 Handlers) trained by Telamon in 29 training sessions during reporting period. Telamon also promoted it's training services at 17 events. None

Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Assure mechanisms and procedures are in place to enable coordination and follow-up on reports of occupational pesticide exposure, incidents or illnesses that may be related to pesticide use/misuse or WPS violations. Required Investigate any reports of occupational pesticide exposure incidents/illnesses related to pesticide use/misuse or WPS violations. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No reports of exposure incidents/illnesses reported during reporting period. None

Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OECA Monitor compliance with the WPS requirements associated with use of high risk pesticides, high exposure scenarios or repeat offenders. Include activities that support both WPS and product use compliance. Required Inspect agricultural establishment to ensure compliance, investigate any reports alleging pesticide misuse or WPS violations. Inform pesticide workers and handlers regarding WPS protection, how to report incidents and illnesses and how to file a complaint. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed Information on reporting incidents and illnesses and how to file a complaint is provided during WPS training. None

Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OECA Grantees may refer potential violations to the regional office for appropriate action. Required VDACS may refer potential violations to the regional office for appropriate action. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No potential violations forwarded to the regional office for action during the reporting period.

Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OPP Implement pesticide applicator certification programs in accordance with Part 171 and EPA approved certification plans. This includes communicating information about proposed rule changes that may be published for comment to co-regulators, the regulated community, and other program stakeholders. Required VDACS administers pesticide applicator certification programs in accordance with Part 171 and the certification plan as approved by EPA. Any and all proposed rule changes will be disseminated to other agencies, the regulated industry and other stakeholders. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA) to amend Regulations Governing Pesticide Applicator Certification under Authority of Virginia Pesticide Control Act [2 VAC 5-685] was published as required in the Virginia Register of Regulations 12/10/14.


Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OPP Meet state/and tribal certification plan requirements for plan maintenance and annual reporting using the Certification Plan and Reporting Database (CPARD). Required Use CPARD to update C&T plan annually or as necessary and submit annual C&T accomplishment information by December 31. 6/30/2015 Complete Submitted annual C&T accomplishment information for FY14. None

Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OPP Monitor applicator training for quality assurance. Required Monitor and participate in applicator training programs. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete OPS participated in and/or monitored a total of 32 training sessions. None

Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OECA Monitor compliance with the pesticide applicator certification requirements. Focus on sale/distribution of restricted use pesticides (RUPs) to applicators. One example is the fumigation sector(s) of concern. Required Make available information regarding range of new risk mitigation labeling requirements. Conduct routine inspections of dealers or restricted use materials to ensure proper certification and compliance. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Staff continue to make available information regarding range of new risk mitigation labeling requirements. Conducted 58 routine inspections of dealers of restricted use materials to ensure proper certification and compliance. None

Container Containment OPP Provide technical assistance for the regulated community, as appropriate. Required Conduct education and outreach as needed and/or as requested. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No requests for education and outreach were requested during the reporting period. None

Container Containment OPP Alert EPA to changes in state regulations and tribal codes. Required VDACS has regulations for Pesticide Containers and Containment Under Authority of the Virginia Pesticide Control Act and will notify EPA regarding any changes relating to the Container Containment regulations. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No changes during the reporting period. None

Container Containment OECA Monitor compliance with C/C requirements. Focus on product and user compliance with special emphasis on agricultural retailers/distributors that repackage pesticides into refillable containers, as well as RUP and Tox 1 category products. Required Conduct producer establishment inspections (PEIs), marketplace and dealer inspections to determine if the pesticide product released for shipment has the proper labeling and marketplace, dealer and pesticide producer inspections to verify compliance with the design requirements as appropriate. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Completed 28 PEI, 132 Marketplace, and 58 Dealer inspections within which 8 C/C inspections were conducted in during the reporting period. None

Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants OPP For High Use States only (CA, WA, ID, OR, WI, MI, FL, MN, NC, VA, AZ, NV, GA, CO, ND) As appropriate, provide technical assistance, education, and outreach, to the regulated community. Required Make available information related to the new risk mitigation labeling requirements. Provided education and outreach as needed and/or requested. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No requests for education and outreach requested during the reporting period. None

Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants OECA Monitor compliance with soil fumigation labels. Focus on product and user compliance with special emphasis on new label requirements. Required VDACS will continue to conduct agricultural use inspections relating to soil fumigations to ensure compliance and will investigate any reports alleging pesticide misuse or violations. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Conducted 3 soil fumigation inspections as part of agricultural use inspections during the FY 15 reporting period. None

Pesticides in Water OPP For pesticides scheduled for registration review, submit existing water quality monitoring data not already provided to EPA, housed in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), entered into EPA's STORET Data Warehouse, or otherwise readily/publicly accessible to the EPA via the web. See OPP Guidance for Submission of State and Tribal Water Quality Monitoring Data, Appendix 5. Required VDACS will submit any available water quality monitoring data not already provided to EPA, housed in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), entered into EPA's STORET Data Warehouse, or otherwise readily/publicly accessible to the EPA via the web. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No water quality data available not already provided to EPA during the reporting period. None

Pesticides in Water OPP Evaluate: Identify pesticides of concern (POC) by evaluating a list of pesticides of interest (pesticides which have the potential to threaten local resources) to determine if those pesticides are found at concentration levels locally that are approaching or exceeding reference points and therefore are a threat to local water quality. The base list of pesticides of interest can be found in Appendix 6. Required Available data will be used to evaluate Pesticides of Interest to determine their potential to occur in ground or surface water at concentrations approaching or exceeding a human health or ecological reference point. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No new data of ground or surface water concentrations approaching or exceeding a human health or ecological reference point were found during the reporting period. None

Pesticides in Water OPP Manage: Actively manage pesticides of concern beyond the label to reduce or prevent further contamination of local water resources. Required Pesticides determined to be of concern will be managed to reduce or prevent further contamination of local water resources. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No pesticides determined to be of concern during the reporting period. None

Pesticides in Water OPP Demonstrate Progress: Show the management strategy has been effective in reducing or maintaining concentrations below reference points. Required Management of any pesticide of concern will be as such to show efficacy in reducing or maintaining concentrations below reference points. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No pesticides determined to be of concern during the reporting period. None

Pesticides in Water OPP Re-evaluate pesticides if there is new information that could affect risk (e.g., new hazard data, significant increase in use, a new OPP risk assessment or registration decision involving a water quality concern). Required VDACS will re-evaluate pesticides if there is new information that could affect risk (e.g., new hazard data, significant increase in use, a new OPP risk assessment or registration decision involving a water quality concern). 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed No new information during the reporting period indicating increased risk (e.g., new hazard data, significant increase in use, a new OPP risk assessment or registration decision involving a water quality concern). None

Pesticides in Water OPP Report progress of activities in 06.01.02 – 06.01.05 in POINTS. Required Use POINTS to update annually or as necessary pesticides of interest into the tracking system by December 31. 6/30/2015 Complete POINTS updated as of December 31, 2014. None

Pesticides in Water OPP Where appropriate, consult with and/or coordinate prevention and protection of water resources with other agencies responsible for water resource protection. Required Staff continues to participate on the Department of Environmental Quality's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Provides technical support and outreach and education upon request. 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed Staff continues to participate on the Department of Environmental Quality's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Provides technical support and outreach and education upon request. None

Pesticides in Water OECA Monitor compliance with pesticide water quality risk mitigation measures, and respond to pesticide water contamination events especially where water quality standards or other reference points are threatened. Required Monitor compliance with and reporting adverse findings for non-compliance with the water quality protection labeling requirements as part of routine inspections and investigating all reports involving water quality including appropriate sampling and enforcement action when necessary. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Staff continue to monitor compliance with and report adverse findings for non-compliance with the water quality protection labeling requirements as part of routine inspections. Staff continue to investigate all reports involving water quality and include appropriate sampling and enforcement action when necessary. None

Endangered Species Protection OPP Provide outreach and education on the Endangered Species Protection Program to current and potential pesticide users and pesticide inspectors. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015 Ongoing/As Needed Staff participated in the annual training of aerial applicators which included a review and demonstration of the new Bulletins Live! Two, an upgraded version of Bulletins Live. None

Endangered Species Protection OPP Provide risk assessment and risk mitigation support using EPA’s stakeholder engagement process at: http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0442-0038 Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Endangered Species Protection OPP Provide information such as crop data, pesticide use data, and species location data to OPP for use in listed species-specific risk assessments for upcoming registration review cases. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Endangered Species Protection OPP Comment on exposure assumptions used in risk assessments. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Endangered Species Protection OPP Comment on the feasibility of proposed, listed species-specific mitigation measures during OPP’s standard processes of registration and registration review. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Endangered Species Protection OPP Review draft bulletins, should any be developed in a state’s area. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Endangered Species Protection OPP Establish and maintain relationships with local and regional fish and wildlife agencies. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Endangered Species Protection OPP Work with certification and training staff and cooperative extension services to provide endangered species information for pesticide applicator training. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Endangered Species Protection OECA Monitor compliance with Endangered Species Bulletins, and track and report compliance information on endangered species inspections as described in Appendix 1, Number 7, Endangered Species Protection, Section D (Reporting Requirements) and E (Performance Measures), on page 41 of the Guidance. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Bed Bugs OPP Provide education, outreach and technical assistance on pesticide and integrated pest management control approaches, and guidance for responses to bed bug infestations. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Bed Bugs OECA Monitor product and user compliance. Focus on illegal claims and illegal use of products not registered for control of bed bugs with special emphasis on RUP and Tox 1 category products. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Pollinator Protection OPP Establish relationships with federal, state, tribal and local agencies, beekeeper organizations, grower organizations (e.g., commodity groups), crop advisors, pesticide manufacturers (registrants), and other stakeholder groups within the region to assist where needed in combined pollinator protection activities. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Pollinator Protection OPP Provide continuing educational opportunities and outreach to keep growers, applicators, and handlers up-to-date on the most recent methods to protect pollinators, such as IPM, BMPs, or softer applications. Selected Conduct outreach and education to user groups that increase awareness and compliance with the pollinator protection label language requirements;
gather pollinator protection incident data for FY15-17 and report data as part of annual end-of-year reports; and provide a link from OPS web page to EPA's pollinator protection web page.
6/30/2015 Partially Complete As part of all recertification courses, included information regarding pollinator protection label amendments (Ag & Non-Ag) as part of required legal update. Additional opportunities included presentations at annual association meetings. None

Pollinator Protection OECA Monitor user compliance with pollinator protection label language. The EPA Bee Incident Investigation Guidance, found online at: www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/monitoring/fifra/bee-inspection-guide.pdf, or similar state or tribal guidance, should be followed to the extent possible by the grantee when investigating pollinator incidents. Selected Monitor compliance with pollinator protection label language during inspections. VDACS Joint “Investigation Guidance For Alleged Pesticide Related Bee Incidents” document which outlines the coordinated efforts between Office of Pesticide Services (OPS) and/or the Office of Plant Industry Services (OPIS-Apiary Program) will be followed when any report of an alleged pesticide exposure to bees is received {See attached guidance document}. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Through inter-office coordination between OPS and the Office of Plant Industry Services (OPIS), VDACS has monitored user compliance with pollinator protection label language. Pesticide labels are routinely reviewed for pollinator protection language for compliance with label requirements. Both OPS & OPIS have received training on EPA's Bee Incident Investigation Guidance and VDACS' response policy. For the reporting period, OPS conducted 1 For Cause Investigation alleging failure to comply with pollinator protection label language. None

Pollinator Protection OECA Conduct inspections and take enforcement actions directed at detecting and stopping distribution of unregistered or misbranded pesticides that could adversely affect pollinators and/or the quality of hive products. Selected Conduct marketplace inspections to ensure pesticides in channels of trade which could adversely affect pollinators are properly registered and labeled; and take enforcement action as appropriate for all violations. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Completed 132 marketplace inspections during the reporting period. None

School Integrated Pest Management OPP Provide education, outreach and/or training on School IPM approaches to public schools or educational organizations working with public schools. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


School Integrated Pest Management OPP Forge partnerships with other agencies and/or organizations to promote adoption of IPM in public schools. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Spray Drift OPP Conduct education and outreach activities that increase awareness and adoption of spray drift reduction techniques and technologies. Selected Conduct outreach and education to user groups to increase awareness and compliance with spray drift label language and the availability of drift reduction technologies and provide link from OPS web page to information about EPAs voluntary Drift Reduction Technology Program web page. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete As part of all recertification courses, included information regarding the "label is the law" which includes both spray drift and spray drift technology as part of required legal update. Additional opportunities included presentations at annual association meetings. None

Spray Drift OPP Gather spray drift incident data from the past 2-3 years to form an incident baseline and then gather additional incident data during the grant period. Selected VDACS will gather spray drift incident data for FY15-17 and report data as part of annual end-of-year reports. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete Currently implementing a revised pesticide use investigation form with fields to capture information relating to the use of drift reduction technology (DRT). For the reporting period, OPS conducted 8 For Cause Investigations alleging spray drift. None

Spray Drift OPP Report gathered data annually in a separate file attached to the end-of-year report. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015

Spray Drift OECA Monitor compliance with spray drift label language and report investigation findings as part of year–end reporting. Selected Monitor compliance with spray drift label language requirements and take enforcement action as appropriate for all violations. 6/30/2015 Partially Complete During routine use and for cause inspections pesticide labels are reviewed for drift label language and compliance with label requirements. None

State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP When conducting training of state staff, offer tribal pesticide staff an opportunity to participate if space is available or can be made available. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Offer tribes an opportunity to ride along with state pesticide inspectors as training for tribal pesticide inspectors. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Share information on tips, complaints, violators, and/or incidents that may be relevant in Indian country. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Let tribes know when the state issues a FIFRA Section 24(c) or applies for a Section 18. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Provide lab support to tribes. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Other negotiated activities as appropriate. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OECA Improve tribal capacity to enforce pesticide programs. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Supplemental Distributors OECA Monitor compliance of distributor products. Focus on product integrity, including product composition, product labeling, and registration requirements under FIFRA. Place special emphasis on (1) registrants, producers and supplemental distributors that handle large numbers of distributor products, (2) registrants, producers and supplemental distributors with a history of noncompliance with distributor products, (3) distributor products that are high risk (Tox 1 category and RUP products) and (4) distributor products making public health claims on the labeling. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Contract Manufacturers OECA Monitor compliance with contract manufacturing requirements. Focus on one or more of the following: manufacturers of disinfectants, RUPs, or Tox 1 category products, and manufacturers with a prior history of FIFRA noncompliance. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Imports OECA Assist regions when necessary to monitor movement of imported pesticides within state or tribal lands. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


National Data System OECA Work with OECA to determine what data to collect and how to utilize the data to enhance the effectiveness of the National Pesticide Program and illustrate the performance of the national pesticide compliance program. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Supplemental/ Special Project OPP Supplemental Activity (OPP) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Supplemental/ Special Project OECA Supplemental Activity (OECA) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015

Regional Guidance Activity OPP Regional Activity (OPP) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Regional Guidance Activity OECA Regional Guidance Activity (OECA) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2015


Sheet 5: Work Plan FY16

Program Area NPM Activity # When adding rows: Orange = Empty cell Pink = Duplicate cell '15 - '17 Grant Guidance Activity Activity Type Be as specific as possible, include metrics, locations, etc. as appropriate. Work Plan Activity Description (Outputs) Due Date Status Provide concise and descriptive information on the status of the activity; include numeric information and any significant issues/innovations if appropriate Describe Work Plan Activity Accomplishment (include any issues or innovations, if appropriate) If selected, explain why in "Work Plan Activity Accomplishment" Significant Issues/ Innovations EPA Review of Status EPA Comment(s) EPA Recommendation (s)
Basic Pesticide Program OPP & OECA Complete administrative/management, fiduciary and reporting requirements associated with this cooperative agreement. Required VDACS will complete administrative/management, fiduciary and reporting requirements associated with this cooperative agreement including compliance with EPA's Grants Policy Issuance GPI 12-6: Timely Obligation, Award and Expenditure of EPA Grant Funds. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OPP & OECA Build or maintain staff and management expertise on pesticide program issues and enforcement (e.g. attend training opportunities through PREP, PIRT, in-service training, etc. or other appropriate activities). Required Conduct ongoing assessment of training and development needs. Ensure Staff receives appropriate training by attending training opportunities through PREP, PIRT, in-house activities and other commercially available training programs. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OPP & OECA Respond to pesticide inquiries, concerns, tips, and complaints from the public. Required VDACS will continue to respond to inquiries, concerns, tips, and complaints relating to pesticide use in the Commonwealth. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OPP Provide outreach, communication, and training as appropriate as a result of new emerging issues, rules, regulations, and registration and registration review decisions. Required Participate in outreach and education events as needed and/or when requested. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OPP Report information on all known or suspected pesticide incidents involving pollinators to OPP ([email protected]) with a copy to the regional office. Required VDACS will report information on known or suspected pesticide incidents involving pollinators to OPP with a copy to the regional office. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Project inspection numbers and report various inspection and enforcement accomplishments. The 5700 forms, ES Inspections Report, and performance measures (when final) forms contained in the FIFRA template may be used for this purpose. Required Utilizing time factor outputs, project annual number of inspections and investigations by type as part of grant application process. Reporting of inspection/investigation activities will take place at the mid and end of year. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain adequate pesticide laws, rules, and associated implementation procedures. Required VDACS is designated as the state lead agency in the Commonwealth of Virginia for pesticide regulation. Pesticide use, handling and distribution is governed by the Virginia Pesticide Control Act (Act), Title 3.2, Chapter 39 of the Code of Virginia, as amended 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Provide outreach and compliance assistance. Required Participate in outreach and education events and provide compliance assistance upon receipt of request. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Draft, modify, or maintain a priority setting plan for inspections & investigations, addressing grantee and EPA- identified priorities (see Appendix 4, Enforcement Priority Setting Guidance; to be replaced by Compliance Monitoring Strategy when finalized). Required Conduct inspection activities in support the EPA’s two overarching priorities—Degree of harm to human health and the environment and Identification of violations. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA During use inspections, monitor compliance with the label, including any ESA bulletins, if applicable. Required Pesticide use inspections include monitoring all label requirements, including ESA bulletins when applicable. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Develop/maintain a searchable inspection/investigation and case tracking system and track all inspections/investigations and cases. Required The current status of all inspections/investigations and cases will be tracked in an enforcement and compliance database. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Ensure a minimum of one state employee obtains and maintains an EPA inspector’s credential. Where state authority is inappropriate or inadequate, or at EPA's request, conduct FIFRA inspections with EPA credentials, according to EPA procedures and guidance documents. Required Seek and maintain federal credentials for all Pesticide Investigators. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Refer all inspections conducted with federal credentials to the region. Required Forward all inspections conducted with federal credentials to EPA Region 3. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Refer FIFRA cases to the region for enforcement consideration according to a mutually identified referral priority scheme. Required Refer all FIFRA inspections conducted with federal credentials to the EPA Region for enforcement consideration. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain and follow a matrix to develop and issue enforcement actions. Required Issue all civil penalties in accordance with the Guidelines for Enforcement of the Virginia Pesticide Control Act: Civil Penalty Decision Matrix. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Follow up on significant or grantee and region agreed upon pesticide incidents referred by EPA as required by FIFRA Sections 26 and 27. Required Follow established procedures for Significant Incidents. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Conduct inspections consistent with the FIFRA Inspection Manual including collection of the appropriate amount of sale and distribution records as discussed in Chapter 6 "Product Sampling". Required Inspection/Investigations to be conducted in accordance with the FIFRA Inspection Manual. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain and follow a Quality Management Plan for the overall pesticide enforcement program. Required Maintain and follow a Quality Management Plan. Update as necessary. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain and follow Quality Assurance Project Plan(s) for pesticide sample collection and analysis. Required Maintain and follow a Quality Assurance Plan. Update as necessary. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain access to adequate laboratory support capacity. Required Maintain current interagency agreement between VDACS and DCLS for analytic testing services. 6/30/2016


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Assist EPA in enforcing regulatory actions and monitoring Section 18, Section 24(c), and Experimental Use Permits. Required VDACS will assist EPA in enforcing regulatory actions and monitoring Section 18, Section 24(c), and Experimental Use Permits in the Commonwealth. 6/30/2016


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Implement Part 170 worker protection standard (WPS) rule requirements and carry out program implementation requirements. Required VDACS will continue to implement Part 170 worker protection standard (WPS) rule requirements and carry out program implementation requirements through outreach, education, compliance assistance and inspections. VDACS plans to conduct 35 Tier I inspections in FY 16. 6/30/2016


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Conduct WPS-related Outreach and Education. This includes communicating existing requirements to the regulated community and informing co-regulators, the regulated community, and other program stakeholders of any proposed changes or new requirements. Required Make available new and existing WPS related information to covered agricultural establishments; coordinate and exchange information, as appropriate, with other Agencies and program stakeholders regarding proposed changes or new regulations. 6/30/2016


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Support WPS worker & handler training. Required Make available WPS training and related materials. Provide information on EPA's Agricultural Compliance Assistance Center. 6/30/2016


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Assure mechanisms and procedures are in place to enable coordination and follow-up on reports of occupational pesticide exposure, incidents or illnesses that may be related to pesticide use/misuse or WPS violations. Required Investigate any reports of occupational pesticide exposure incidents/illnesses related to pesticide use/misuse or WPS violations. 6/30/2016


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OECA Monitor compliance with the WPS requirements associated with use of high risk pesticides, high exposure scenarios or repeat offenders. Include activities that support both WPS and product use compliance. Required Inspect agricultural establishment to ensure compliance, investigate any reports alleging pesticide misuse or WPS violations. Inform pesticide workers and handlers regarding WPS protection, how to report incidents and illnesses and how to file a complaint. 6/30/2016


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OECA Grantees may refer potential violations to the regional office for appropriate action. Required VDACS may refer potential violations to the regional office for appropriate action. 6/30/2016

Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OPP Implement pesticide applicator certification programs in accordance with Part 171 and EPA approved certification plans. This includes communicating information about proposed rule changes that may be published for comment to co-regulators, the regulated community, and other program stakeholders. Required VDACS administers pesticide applicator certification programs in accordance with Part 171 and the certification plan as approved by EPA. Any and all proposed rule changes will be disseminated to other agencies, the regulated industry and other stakeholders. 6/30/2016


Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OPP Meet state/and tribal certification plan requirements for plan maintenance and annual reporting using the Certification Plan and Reporting Database (CPARD). Required Use CPARD to update C&T plan annually or as necessary and submit annual C&T accomplishment information by December 31. 6/30/2016


Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OPP Monitor applicator training for quality assurance. Required Monitor and participate in applicator training programs. 6/30/2016


Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OECA Monitor compliance with the pesticide applicator certification requirements. Focus on sale/distribution of restricted use pesticides (RUPs) to applicators. One example is the fumigation sector(s) of concern. Required Make available information regarding range of new risk mitigation labeling requirements. Conduct routine inspections of dealers or restricted use materials to ensure proper certification and compliance. 6/30/2016


Container Containment OPP Provide technical assistance for the regulated community, as appropriate. Required Conduct education and outreach as needed and/or as requested. 6/30/2016


Container Containment OPP Alert EPA to changes in state regulations and tribal codes. Required VDACS has regulations for Pesticide Containers and Containment Under Authority of the Virginia Pesticide Control Act and will notify EPA regarding any changes relating to the Container Containment regulations. 6/30/2016


Container Containment OECA Monitor compliance with C/C requirements. Focus on product and user compliance with special emphasis on agricultural retailers/distributors that repackage pesticides into refillable containers, as well as RUP and Tox 1 category products. Required Conduct producer establishment inspections (PEIs), marketplace and dealer inspections to determine if the pesticide product released for shipment has the proper labeling and marketplace, dealer and pesticide producer inspections to verify compliance with the design requirements as appropriate. 6/30/2016


Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants OPP For High Use States only (CA, WA, ID, OR, WI, MI, FL, MN, NC, VA, AZ, NV, GA, CO, ND) As appropriate, provide technical assistance, education, and outreach, to the regulated community. Required Make available information related to the new risk mitigation labeling requirements. Provided education and outreach as needed and or/ requested. 6/30/2016


Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants OECA Monitor compliance with soil fumigation labels. Focus on product and user compliance with special emphasis on new label requirements. Required VDACS will continue to conduct agricultural use inspections relating to soil fumigations to ensure compliance and will investigate any reports alleging pesticide misuse or violations. 6/30/2016


Pesticides in Water OPP For pesticides scheduled for registration review, submit existing water quality monitoring data not already provided to EPA, housed in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), entered into EPA's STORET Data Warehouse, or otherwise readily/publicly accessible to the EPA via the web. See OPP Guidance for Submission of State and Tribal Water Quality Monitoring Data, Appendix 5. Required VDACS will submit any available water quality monitoring data not already provided to EPA, housed in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), entered into EPA's STORET Data Warehouse, or otherwise readily/publicly accessible to the EPA via the web. 6/30/2016


Pesticides in Water OPP Evaluate: Identify pesticides of concern (POC) by evaluating a list of pesticides of interest (pesticides which have the potential to threaten local resources) to determine if those pesticides are found at concentration levels locally that are approaching or exceeding reference points and therefore are a threat to local water quality. The base list of pesticides of interest can be found in Appendix 6. Required Available data will be used to evaluate Pesticides of Interest to determine their potential to occur in ground or surface water at concentrations approaching or exceeding a human health or ecological reference point. 6/30/2016


Pesticides in Water OPP Manage: Actively manage pesticides of concern beyond the label to reduce or prevent further contamination of local water resources. Required Pesticides determined to be of concern will be managed to reduce or prevent further contamination of local water resources. 6/30/2016


Pesticides in Water OPP Demonstrate Progress: Show the management strategy has been effective in reducing or maintaining concentrations below reference points. Required Management of any pesticide of concern will be as such to show efficacy in reducing or maintaining concentrations below reference points. 6/30/2016


Pesticides in Water OPP Re-evaluate pesticides if there is new information that could affect risk (e.g., new hazard data, significant increase in use, a new OPP risk assessment or registration decision involving a water quality concern). Required VDACS will re-evaluate pesticides if there is new information that could affect risk (e.g., new hazard data, significant increase in use, a new OPP risk assessment or registration decision involving a water quality concern). 6/30/2016


Pesticides in Water OPP Report progress of activities in 06.01.02 – 06.01.05 in POINTS. Required Use POINTS to update annually or as necessary pesticides of interest into the tracking system by December 31. 6/30/2016


Pesticides in Water OPP Where appropriate, consult with and/or coordinate prevention and protection of water resources with other agencies responsible for water resource protection. Required Staff continues to participate on the Department of Environmental Quality's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Provides technical support and outreach and education upon request. 6/30/2016


Pesticides in Water OECA Monitor compliance with pesticide water quality risk mitigation measures, and respond to pesticide water contamination events especially where water quality standards or other reference points are threatened. Required Monitor compliance with and reporting adverse findings for non-compliance with the water quality protection labeling requirements as part of routine inspections and investigating all reports involving water quality including appropriate sampling and enforcement action when necessary. 6/30/2016


Endangered Species Protection OPP Provide outreach and education on the Endangered Species Protection Program to current and potential pesticide users and pesticide inspectors. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Endangered Species Protection OPP Provide risk assessment and risk mitigation support using using EPA’s stakeholder engagement process at: http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0442-0038 Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Endangered Species Protection OPP Provide information such as crop data, pesticide use data, and species location data to OPP for use in listed species-specific risk assessments for upcoming registration review cases. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Endangered Species Protection OPP Comment on exposure assumptions used in risk assessments. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Endangered Species Protection OPP Comment on the feasibility of proposed, listed species-specific mitigation measures during OPP’s standard processes of registration and registration review. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Endangered Species Protection OPP Review draft bulletins, should any be developed in a state’s area. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Endangered Species Protection OPP Establish and maintain relationships with local and regional fish and wildlife agencies. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Endangered Species Protection OPP Work with certification and training staff and cooperative extension services to provide endangered species information for pesticide applicator training. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Endangered Species Protection OECA Monitor compliance with Endangered Species Bulletins, and track and report compliance information on endangered species inspections as described in Appendix 1, Number 7, Endangered Species Protection, Section D (Reporting Requirements) and E (Performance Measures), on page 41 of the Guidance. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Bed Bugs OPP Provide education, outreach and technical assistance on pesticide and integrated pest management control approaches, and guidance for responses to bed bug infestations. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Bed Bugs OECA Monitor product and user compliance. Focus on illegal claims and illegal use of products not registered for control of bed bugs with special emphasis on RUP and Tox 1 category products. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Pollinator Protection OPP Establish relationships with federal, state, tribal and local agencies, beekeeper organizations, grower organizations (e.g., commodity groups), crop advisors, pesticide manufacturers (registrants), and other stakeholder groups within the region to assist where needed in combined pollinator protection activities. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Pollinator Protection OPP Provide continuing educational opportunities and outreach to keep growers, applicators, and handlers up-to-date on the most recent methods to protect pollinators, such as IPM, BMPs, or softer applications. Selected Conduct outreach and education to user groups that increase awareness and compliance with the pollinator protection label language requirements;
gather pollinator protection incident data for FY15-17 and report data as part of annual end-of-year reports; and provide a link from OPS web page to EPA's pollinator protection web page.


Pollinator Protection OECA Monitor user compliance with pollinator protection label language. The EPA Bee Incident Investigation Guidance, found online at: www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/monitoring/fifra/bee-inspection-guide.pdf, or similar state or tribal guidance, should be followed to the extent possible by the grantee when investigating pollinator incidents. Selected Monitor compliance with pollinator protection label language during inspections. VDACS Joint “Investigation Guidance For Alleged Pesticide Related Bee Incidents” document which outlines the coordinated efforts between Office of Pesticide Services (OPS) and/or the Office of Plant Industry Services (OPIS-Apiary Program) will be followed when any report of an alleged pesticide exposure to bees is received {See attached guidance document}. 6/30/2016


Pollinator Protection OECA Conduct inspections and take enforcement actions directed at detecting and stopping distribution of unregistered or misbranded pesticides that could adversely affect pollinators and/or the quality of hive products. Selected Conduct marketplace inspections to ensure pesticides in channels of trade which could adversely affect pollinators are properly registered and labeled; and take enforcement action as appropriate for all violations. 6/30/2016


School Integrated Pest Management OPP Provide education, outreach and/or training on School IPM approaches to public schools or educational organizations working with public schools. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


School Integrated Pest Management OPP Forge partnerships with other agencies and/or organizations to promote adoption of IPM in public schools. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Spray Drift OPP Conduct education and outreach activities that increase awareness and adoption of spray drift reduction techniques and technologies. Selected Conduct outreach and education to user groups to increase awareness and compliance with spray drift label language and the availability of drift reduction technologies and provide link from OPS web page to information about EPAs voluntary Drift Reduction Technology Program web page. 6/30/2016


Spray Drift OPP Gather spray draft incident data from the past 2-3 years to form an incident baseline and then gather additional incident data during the grant period. Selected VDACS will gather spray drift incident data for FY15-17 and report data as part of annual end-of-year reports. 6/30/2016


Spray Drift OPP Report gathered data annually in a separate file attached to the end-of-year report. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016

Spray Drift OECA Monitor compliance with spray drift label language and report investigation findings as part of year–end reporting. Selected Monitor compliance with spray drift label language requirements and take enforcement action as appropriate for all violations. 6/30/2016


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP When conducting training of state staff, offer tribal pesticide staff an opportunity to participate if space is available or can be made available. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Offer tribes an opportunity to ride along with state pesticide inspectors as training for tribal pesticide inspectors. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Share information on tips, complaints, violators, and/or incidents that may be relevant in Indian country. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Let tribes know when the state issues a FIFRA Section 24(c) or applies for a Section 18. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Provide lab support to tribes. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Other negotiated activities as appropriate. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OECA Improve tribal capacity to enforce pesticide programs. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Supplemental Distributors OECA Monitor compliance of distributor products. Focus on product integrity, including product composition, product labeling, and registration requirements under FIFRA. Place special emphasis on (1) registrants, producers and supplemental distributors that handle large numbers of distributor products, (2) registrants, producers and supplemental distributors with a history of noncompliance with distributor products, (3) distributor products that are high risk (Tox 1 category and RUP products) and (4) distributor products making public health claims on the labeling. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Contract Manufacturers OECA Monitor compliance with contract manufacturing requirements. Focus on one or more of the following: manufacturers of disinfectants, RUPs, or Tox 1 category products, and manufacturers with a prior history of FIFRA noncompliance. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Imports OECA Assist regions when necessary to monitor movement of imported pesticides within state or tribal lands. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


National Data System OECA Work with OECA to determine what data to collect and how to utilize the data to enhance the effectiveness of the National Pesticide Program and illustrate the performance of the national pesticide compliance program. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Supplemental/ Special Project OPP Supplemental Activity (OPP) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Supplemental/ Special Project OECA Supplemental Activity (OECA) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016

Regional Guidance Activity OPP Regional Activity (OPP) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Regional Guidance Activity OECA Regional Guidance Activity (OECA) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2016


Sheet 6: Work Plan FY17

Program Area NPM Activity # When adding rows: Orange = Empty cell Pink = Duplicate cell '15 - '17 Grant Guidance Activity Activity Type Be as specific as possible, include metrics, locations, etc. as appropriate. Work Plan Activity Description (Outputs) Due Date Status Provide concise and descriptive information on the status of the activity; include numeric information and any significant issues/innovations if appropriate Describe Work Plan Activity Accomplishment (include any issues or innovations, if appropriate) If selected, explain why in "Work Plan Activity Accomplishment" Significant Issues/ Innovations EPA Review of Status EPA Comment(s) EPA Recommendation (s)
Basic Pesticide Program OPP & OECA Complete administrative/management, fiduciary and reporting requirements associated with this cooperative agreement. Required VDACS will complete administrative/management, fiduciary and reporting requirements associated with this cooperative agreement including compliance with EPA's Grants Policy Issuance GPI 12-6: Timely Obligation, Award and Expenditure of EPA Grant Funds. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OPP & OECA Build or maintain staff and management expertise on pesticide program issues and enforcement (e.g. attend training opportunities through PREP, PIRT, in-service training, etc. or other appropriate activities). Required Conduct ongoing assessment of training and development needs. Ensure Staff receives appropriate training by attending training opportunities through PREP, PIRT, in-house activities and other commercially available training programs. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OPP & OECA Respond to pesticide inquiries, concerns, tips, and complaints from the public. Required VDACS will continue to respond to inquiries, concerns, tips, and complaints relating to pesticide use in the Commonwealth. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OPP Provide outreach, communication, and training as appropriate as a result of new emerging issues, rules, regulations, and registration and registration review decisions. Required Participate in outreach and education events as needed and/or when requested. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OPP Report information on all known or suspected pesticide incidents involving pollinators to OPP ([email protected]) with a copy to the regional office. Required VDACS will report information on known or suspected pesticide incidents involving pollinators to OPP with a copy to the regional office. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Project inspection numbers and report various inspection and enforcement accomplishments. The 5700 forms, ES Inspections Report, and performance measures (when final) forms contained in the FIFRA template may be used for this purpose. Required Utilizing time factor outputs, project annual number of inspections and investigations by type as part of grant application process. Reporting of inspection/investigation activities will take place at the mid and end of year. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain adequate pesticide laws, rules, and associated implementation procedures. Required VDACS is designated as the state lead agency in the Commonwealth of Virginia for pesticide regulation. Pesticide use, handling and distribution is governed by the Virginia Pesticide Control Act (Act), Title 3.2, Chapter 39 of the Code of Virginia, as amended 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Provide outreach and compliance assistance. Required Participate in outreach and education events and provide compliance assistance upon receipt of request. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Draft, modify, or maintain a priority setting plan for inspections & investigations, addressing grantee and EPA- identified priorities (see Appendix 4, Enforcement Priority Setting Guidance; to be replaced by Compliance Monitoring Strategy when finalized). Required Conduct inspection activities in support the EPA’s two overarching priorities—Degree of harm to human health and the environment and Identification of violations. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA During use inspections, monitor compliance with the label, including any ESA bulletins, if applicable. Required Pesticide use inspections include monitoring all label requirements, including ESA bulletins when applicable. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Develop/maintain a searchable inspection/investigation and case tracking system and track all inspections/investigations and cases. Required The current status of all inspections/investigations and cases will be tracked in an enforcement and compliance database. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Ensure a minimum of one state employee obtains and maintains an EPA inspector’s credential. Where state authority is inappropriate or inadequate, or at EPA's request, conduct FIFRA inspections with EPA credentials, according to EPA procedures and guidance documents. Required Seek and maintain federal credentials for all Pesticide Investigators. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Refer all inspections conducted with federal credentials to the region. Required Forward all inspections conducted with federal credentials to EPA Region 3. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Refer FIFRA cases to the region for enforcement consideration according to a mutually identified referral priority scheme. Required Refer all FIFRA inspections conducted with federal credentials to the EPA Region for enforcement consideration. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain and follow a matrix to develop and issue enforcement actions. Required Issue all civil penalties in accordance with the Guidelines for Enforcement of the Virginia Pesticide Control Act: Civil Penalty Decision Matrix. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Follow up on significant or grantee and region agreed upon pesticide incidents referred by EPA as required by FIFRA Sections 26 and 27. Required Follow established procedures for Significant Incidents. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Conduct inspections consistent with the FIFRA Inspection Manual including collection of the appropriate amount of sale and distribution records as discussed in Chapter 6 "Product Sampling". Required Inspection/Investigations to be conducted in accordance with the FIFRA Inspection Manual. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain and follow a Quality Management Plan for the overall pesticide enforcement program. Required Maintain and follow a Quality Management Plan. Update as necessary. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain and follow Quality Assurance Project Plan(s) for pesticide sample collection and analysis. Required Maintain and follow a Quality Assurance Plan. Update as necessary. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Maintain access to adequate laboratory support capacity. Required Maintain current interagency agreement between VDACS and DCLS for analytic testing services. 6/30/2017


Basic Pesticide Program OECA Assist EPA in enforcing regulatory actions and monitoring Section 18, Section 24(c), and Experimental Use Permits. Required VDACS will assist EPA in enforcing regulatory actions and monitoring Section 18, Section 24(c), and Experimental Use Permits in the Commonwealth. 6/30/2017


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Implement Part 170 worker protection standard (WPS) rule requirements and carry out program implementation requirements. Required VDACS will continue to implement Part 170 worker protection standard (WPS) rule requirements and carry out program implementation requirements through outreach, education, compliance assistance and inspections. VDACS plans to conduct 35 Tier I inspections in FY 17. 6/30/2017


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Conduct WPS-related Outreach and Education. This includes communicating existing requirements to the regulated community and informing co-regulators, the regulated community, and other program stakeholders of any proposed changes or new requirements. Required Make available new and existing WPS related information to covered agricultural establishments; coordinate and exchange information, as appropriate, with other Agencies and program stakeholders regarding proposed changes or new regulations. 6/30/2017


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Support WPS worker & handler training. Required Make available WPS training and related materials. Provide information on EPA's Agricultural Compliance Assistance Center. 6/30/2017


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OPP Assure mechanisms and procedures are in place to enable coordination and follow-up on reports of occupational pesticide exposure, incidents or illnesses that may be related to pesticide use/misuse or WPS violations. Required Investigate any reports of occupational pesticide exposure incidents/illnesses related to pesticide use/misuse or WPS violations. 6/30/2017


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OECA Monitor compliance with the WPS requirements associated with use of high risk pesticides, high exposure scenarios or repeat offenders. Include activities that support both WPS and product use compliance. Required Inspect agricultural establishment to ensure compliance, investigate any reports alleging pesticide misuse or WPS violations. Inform pesticide workers and handlers regarding WPS protection, how to report incidents and illnesses and how to file a complaint. 6/30/2017


Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard OECA Grantees may refer potential violations to the regional office for appropriate action. Required VDACS may refer potential violations to the regional office for appropriate action. 6/30/2017

Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OPP Implement pesticide applicator certification programs in accordance with Part 171 and EPA approved certification plans. This includes communicating information about proposed rule changes that may be published for comment to co-regulators, the regulated community, and other program stakeholders. Required VDACS administers pesticide applicator certification programs in accordance with Part 171 and the certification plan as approved by EPA. Any and all proposed rule changes will be disseminated to other agencies, the regulated industry and other stakeholders. 6/30/2017


Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OPP Meet state/and tribal certification plan requirements for plan maintenance and annual reporting using the Certification Plan and Reporting Database (CPARD). Required Use CPARD to update C&T plan annually or as necessary and submit annual C&T accomplishment information by December 31. 6/30/2017


Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OPP Monitor applicator training for quality assurance. Required Monitor and participate in applicator training programs. 6/30/2017


Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification OECA Monitor compliance with the pesticide applicator certification requirements. Focus on sale/distribution of restricted use pesticides (RUPs) to applicators. One example is the fumigation sector(s) of concern. Required Make available information regarding range of new risk mitigation labeling requirements. Conduct routine inspections of dealers or restricted use materials to ensure proper certification and compliance. 6/30/2017


Container Containment OPP Provide technical assistance for the regulated community, as appropriate. Required Conduct education and outreach as needed and/or as requested. 6/30/2017


Container Containment OPP Alert EPA to changes in state regulations and tribal codes. Required VDACS has regulations for Pesticide Containers and Containment Under Authority of the Virginia Pesticide Control Act and will notify EPA regarding any changes relating to the Container Containment regulations. 6/30/2017


Container Containment OECA Monitor compliance with C/C requirements. Focus on product and user compliance with special emphasis on agricultural retailers/distributors that repackage pesticides into refillable containers, as well as RUP and Tox 1 category products. Required Conduct producer establishment inspections (PEIs), marketplace and dealer inspections to determine if the pesticide product released for shipment has the proper labeling and marketplace, dealer and pesticide producer inspections to verify compliance with the design requirements as appropriate. 6/30/2017


Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants OPP For High Use States only (CA, WA, ID, OR, WI, MI, FL, MN, NC, VA, AZ, NV, GA, CO, ND) As appropriate, provide technical assistance, education, and outreach, to the regulated community. Required Make available information related to the new risk mitigation labeling requirements. Provided education and outreach as needed and or/ requested. 6/30/2017


Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants OECA Monitor compliance with soil fumigation labels. Focus on product and user compliance with special emphasis on new label requirements. Required VDACS will continue to conduct agricultural use inspections relating to soil fumigations to ensure compliance and will investigate any reports alleging pesticide misuse or violations. 6/30/2017


Pesticides in Water OPP For pesticides scheduled for registration review, submit existing water quality monitoring data not already provided to EPA, housed in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), entered into EPA's STORET Data Warehouse, or otherwise readily/publicly accessible to the EPA via the web. See OPP Guidance for Submission of State and Tribal Water Quality Monitoring Data, Appendix 5. Required VDACS will submit any available water quality monitoring data not already provided to EPA, housed in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), entered into EPA's STORET Data Warehouse, or otherwise readily/publicly accessible to the EPA via the web. 6/30/2017


Pesticides in Water OPP Evaluate: Identify pesticides of concern (POC) by evaluating a list of pesticides of interest (pesticides which have the potential to threaten local resources) to determine if those pesticides are found at concentration levels locally that are approaching or exceeding reference points and therefore are a threat to local water quality. The base list of pesticides of interest can be found in Appendix 6. Required Available data will be used to evaluate Pesticides of Interest to determine their potential to occur in ground or surface water at concentrations approaching or exceeding a human health or ecological reference point. 6/30/2017


Pesticides in Water OPP Manage: Actively manage pesticides of concern beyond the label to reduce or prevent further contamination of local water resources. Required Pesticides determined to be of concern will be managed to reduce or prevent further contamination of local water resources. 6/30/2017


Pesticides in Water OPP Demonstrate Progress: Show the management strategy has been effective in reducing or maintaining concentrations below reference points. Required Management of any pesticide of concern will be as such to show efficacy in reducing or maintaining concentrations below reference points. 6/30/2017


Pesticides in Water OPP Re-evaluate pesticides if there is new information that could affect risk (e.g., new hazard data, significant increase in use, a new OPP risk assessment or registration decision involving a water quality concern). Required VDACS will re-evaluate pesticides if there is new information that could affect risk (e.g., new hazard data, significant increase in use, a new OPP risk assessment or registration decision involving a water quality concern). 6/30/2017


Pesticides in Water OPP Report progress of activities in 06.01.02 – 06.01.05 in POINTS. Required Use POINTS to update annually or as necessary pesticides of interest into the tracking system by December 31. 6/30/2017


Pesticides in Water OPP Where appropriate, consult with and/or coordinate prevention and protection of water resources with other agencies responsible for water resource protection. Required Staff continues to participate on the Department of Environmental Quality's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Provides technical support and outreach and education upon request. 6/30/2017


Pesticides in Water OECA Monitor compliance with pesticide water quality risk mitigation measures, and respond to pesticide water contamination events especially where water quality standards or other reference points are threatened. Required Monitor compliance with and reporting adverse findings for non-compliance with the water quality protection labeling requirements as part of routine inspections and investigating all reports involving water quality including appropriate sampling and enforcement action when necessary. 6/30/2017


Endangered Species Protection OPP Provide outreach and education on the Endangered Species Protection Program to current and potential pesticide users and pesticide inspectors. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Endangered Species Protection OPP Provide risk assessment and risk mitigation support using using EPA’s stakeholder engagement process at: http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0442-0038 Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Endangered Species Protection OPP Provide information such as crop data, pesticide use data, and species location data to OPP for use in listed species-specific risk assessments for upcoming registration review cases. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Endangered Species Protection OPP Comment on exposure assumptions used in risk assessments. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Endangered Species Protection OPP Comment on the feasibility of proposed, listed species-specific mitigation measures during OPP’s standard processes of registration and registration review. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Endangered Species Protection OPP Review draft bulletins, should any be developed in a state’s area. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Endangered Species Protection OPP Establish and maintain relationships with local and regional fish and wildlife agencies. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Endangered Species Protection OPP Work with certification and training staff and cooperative extension services to provide endangered species information for pesticide applicator training. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Endangered Species Protection OECA Monitor compliance with Endangered Species Bulletins, and track and report compliance information on endangered species inspections as described in Appendix 1, Number 7, Endangered Species Protection, Section D (Reporting Requirements) and E (Performance Measures), on page 41 of the Guidance. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Bed Bugs OPP Provide education, outreach and technical assistance on pesticide and integrated pest management control approaches, and guidance for responses to bed bug infestations. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Bed Bugs OECA Monitor product and user compliance. Focus on illegal claims and illegal use of products not registered for control of bed bugs with special emphasis on RUP and Tox 1 category products. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Pollinator Protection OPP Establish relationships with federal, state, tribal and local agencies, beekeeper organizations, grower organizations (e.g., commodity groups), crop advisors, pesticide manufacturers (registrants), and other stakeholder groups within the region to assist where needed in combined pollinator protection activities. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Pollinator Protection OPP Provide continuing educational opportunities and outreach to keep growers, applicators, and handlers up-to-date on the most recent methods to protect pollinators, such as IPM, BMPs, or softer applications. Selected Conduct outreach and education to user groups that increase awareness and compliance with the pollinator protection label language requirements;
gather pollinator protection incident data for FY15-17 and report data as part of annual end-of-year reports; and provide a link from OPS web page to EPA's pollinator protection web page.


Pollinator Protection OECA Monitor user compliance with pollinator protection label language. The EPA Bee Incident Investigation Guidance, found online at: www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/monitoring/fifra/bee-inspection-guide.pdf, or similar state or tribal guidance, should be followed to the extent possible by the grantee when investigating pollinator incidents. Selected Monitor compliance with pollinator protection label language during inspections. VDACS Joint “Investigation Guidance For Alleged Pesticide Related Bee Incidents” document which outlines the coordinated efforts between Office of Pesticide Services (OPS) and/or the Office of Plant Industry Services (OPIS-Apiary Program) will be followed when any report of an alleged pesticide exposure to bees is received {See attached guidance document}. 6/30/2017


Pollinator Protection OECA Conduct inspections and take enforcement actions directed at detecting and stopping distribution of unregistered or misbranded pesticides that could adversely affect pollinators and/or the quality of hive products. Selected Conduct marketplace inspections to ensure pesticides in channels of trade which could adversely affect pollinators are properly registered and labeled; and take enforcement action as appropriate for all violations. 6/30/2017


School Integrated Pest Management OPP Provide education, outreach and/or training on School IPM approaches to public schools or educational organizations working with public schools. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


School Integrated Pest Management OPP Forge partnerships with other agencies and/or organizations to promote adoption of IPM in public schools. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Spray Drift OPP Conduct education and outreach activities that increase awareness and adoption of spray drift reduction techniques and technologies. Selected Conduct outreach and education to user groups to increase awareness and compliance with spray drift label language and the availability of drift reduction technologies and provide link from OPS web page to information about EPAs voluntary Drift Reduction Technology Program web page. 6/30/2017


Spray Drift OPP Gather spray draft incident data from the past 2-3 years to form an incident baseline and then gather additional incident data during the grant period. Selected VDACS will gather spray drift incident data for FY15-17 and report data as part of annual end-of-year reports. 6/30/2017


Spray Drift OPP Report gathered data annually in a separate file attached to the end-of-year report. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017

Spray Drift OECA Monitor compliance with spray drift label language and report investigation findings as part of year–end reporting. Selected Monitor compliance with spray drift label language requirements and take enforcement action as appropriate for all violations. 6/30/2017


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP When conducting training of state staff, offer tribal pesticide staff an opportunity to participate if space is available or can be made available. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Offer tribes an opportunity to ride along with state pesticide inspectors as training for tribal pesticide inspectors. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Share information on tips, complaints, violators, and/or incidents that may be relevant in Indian country. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Let tribes know when the state issues a FIFRA Section 24(c) or applies for a Section 18. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Provide lab support to tribes. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OPP Other negotiated activities as appropriate. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


State and Tribal Coordination and Communication OECA Improve tribal capacity to enforce pesticide programs. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Supplemental Distributors OECA Monitor compliance of distributor products. Focus on product integrity, including product composition, product labeling, and registration requirements under FIFRA. Place special emphasis on (1) registrants, producers and supplemental distributors that handle large numbers of distributor products, (2) registrants, producers and supplemental distributors with a history of noncompliance with distributor products, (3) distributor products that are high risk (Tox 1 category and RUP products) and (4) distributor products making public health claims on the labeling. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Contract Manufacturers OECA Monitor compliance with contract manufacturing requirements. Focus on one or more of the following: manufacturers of disinfectants, RUPs, or Tox 1 category products, and manufacturers with a prior history of FIFRA noncompliance. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Imports OECA Assist regions when necessary to monitor movement of imported pesticides within state or tribal lands. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


National Data System OECA Work with OECA to determine what data to collect and how to utilize the data to enhance the effectiveness of the National Pesticide Program and illustrate the performance of the national pesticide compliance program. Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Supplemental/ Special Project OPP Supplemental Activity (OPP) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Supplemental/ Special Project OECA Supplemental Activity (OECA) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017

Regional Guidance Activity OPP Regional Activity (OPP) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Regional Guidance Activity OECA Regional Guidance Activity (OECA) Not Selected N/A 6/30/2017


Sheet 7: Outcomes

RPA# Required Program Areas Required Type EPA Program Outcome Grantee Outcome EPA Goal
1 Basic Pesticide Program Required Maintain a basic level of pesticide program implementation, compliance assistance, and enforcement to ensure a viable pesticide regulatory and enforcement program, achieve environmental results, and maximize success with the Agency's performance measures. VDACS will continue to maintain its enforcement, certification and pesticide programs through inspections, compliance assistance and outreach programs to ensure a viable pesticide regulatory and enforcement program to protect human health and the environment and meet EPA's performance measures. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
2 Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard Required Prevent or reduce occupational pesticide exposures, incidents and illnesses from pesticides, especially ones that pose high risks or high exposures to workers. VDACS will work to prevent or reduce exposure, incidents or illness to workers from pesticides with an emphasis on establishments and/or situations and/or pesticides that pose high risks of exposure to workers and handlers. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
3 Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification Required Prevent or reduce pesticide exposures and incidents to humans and the environment by increasing the competence and expertise of applicators/handlers of restricted use pesticides. VDACS through its certification program will work to prevent or reduce pesticide exposures and/or incidents to humans and/or the environment by ensuring the competence and expertise of individuals using pesticides. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
4 Container Containment Required Prevent or reduce pesticide exposures to humans and the environment due to damaged pesticide containers and pesticide spills or releases. VDACS will work to prevent or reduce pesticide exposures to humans and the environment due to damaged containers, spills or releases through inspections and outreach. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
5 Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants Required Prevent or reduce incidents resulting from soil fumigation exposures. VDACS will work to prevent or reduce incidents resulting from soil fumigation exposures through inspections, compliance assistance and outreach. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
6 Pesticides in Water Required Ensure that pesticides do not adversely affect the nation’s water resources. VDACS will work to ensure pesticides do not adversely affect water resources through compliance and outreach activities related to water quality protection labeling. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
7 Endangered Species Protection Pick List Limit potential effects from pesticide use to listed species, while at the same time not placing undue burden on agriculture or other pesticide users. N/A EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
8 Bed Bugs Pick List Minimize the potential for pesticide misuse/overuse and spread of bed bug infestations by increasing understanding of bed bug prevention and control approaches, and ensuring compliance with accepted control approaches. N/A EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
9 Pollinator Protection Pick List Ensure pollinators are protected from adverse effects of pesticide exposure. VDACS will work to ensure pollinators are protected from adverse effects of pesticide exposure by conducting outreach and education to user groups that increase awareness and compliance with the pollinator protection label language requirements.
EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
10 School Integrated Pest Management Pick List Decrease exposure of children in public schools (grades K-12) to pests and pesticides through increased adoption of verifiable and ongoing school Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. N/A EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety.
11 Spray Drift Pick List Reduce spray drift incidents by increasing awareness and adoption of spray drift reduction techniques and technologies. VDACS will conduct outreach and education to user groups to increase awareness and compliance with spray drift label language and the availability of drift reduction technologies. VDACS will also monitor compliance with spray drift label language requirements.

EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
12 State and Tribal Coordination and Communication Pick List Where appropriate, support tribal pesticide program capacity building and efficient use of state resources by improving coordination, communication and cooperation between tribes and states to advance pesticide program implementation and increase program efficiencies. N/A EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
13 Supplemental Distributors Pick List Ensure that distributor products are properly registered, formulated and labeled. N/A EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
14 Contract Manufacturers Pick List Reduce instances of illegal manufacture or mislabeling of products manufactured under contract. N/A EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
15 Imports Pick List Eliminate the distribution of unregistered, misbranded, or adulterated imported pesticides. N/A EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
16 National Data System Pick List Collect detailed enforcement data on a national level from grantees to better target pesticide violations and to explain the performance of the national program. N/A EPA Strategic Plan Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing Pollution, Objective 1: Ensure Chemical Safety. EPA Strategic Plan Goal 5: Enforcing Environmental Laws.
17 Supplemental/ Special Project Optional

18 Regional Guidance Activity Optional

Sheet 8: 5700 Main FY15

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460


Pesticides Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Projections & Accomplishment Summary Report

State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 14-15 Reporting Period: 7/1/2014 6/30/2015
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Projections & Accomplishments Agricultural Nonagricultural EUP PEI Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Projected: (Hrs) 2400 500 4500 700 0 180 900 0 0 2000 360 11540 5.55


120 25 300 35 0 12 180 0 0 400 72 1144

Samples 5 25 5 55 0 11 160 0 0 0 0 261


900 240 4800 940 20 560 660 0 0 3530 290 11940 5.74

Inspections: ( Q1 Q2 ) 45 12 320 47 1 28 132 0 0 706 58 1349

Federal Facilities

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Samples = 195 Physical 0 12 0 18 0 0 137 0 0 0 0 167

Documentary 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 28

(Accomplished) - (Projected)

-1500 -260 300 240 20 380 -240 0 0 1530 -70 400 0.19

Inspections (75) (13) 20 12 1 16 (48) 0 0 306 (14) 205

Samples (5) (13) (5) (37) 0 17 (23) 0 0 0 0 (66)

Pesticide Enforcement Actions Taken

Civil Complaints Issued 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Criminal Actions Referred 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Administrative Hearings Conducted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

License/Certificate Suspension 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

License/Certificate Revocation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Warnings Issued 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 1 0 27

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarntine or Embargo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other Enforcement Actions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Cases Assessed Fines 0 2 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 15

Total Number of Actions 0 2 1 5 0 0 26 0 0 8 0 42

% of Inspections Resulting in Actions 0.0% 16.7% 0.3% 10.6% 0.0% 0.0% 19.7%

1.1% 0.0% 3.1%

Percent of Total Actions
4.8% 2.4% 11.9%



< Summary (Projections and Accomplishments for Q1 Q2 )

Q1 State/Tribe:
VDACS SFY 14-15 Reporting Period: 7/1/2014 9/30/2014

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted 30 9 155 32 0 16 90 0 0 383 40 755

Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical






Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued



Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines


< Q1

Q2 State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 14-15 Reporting Period: 10/1/2014 12/31/2014

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted 15 3 165 15 1 12 42 0 0 323 18 594

Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical






Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued



Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines
1 1 3


< Q2

< Q3 (No Inspections)

< Q4 (No Inspections)

Sheet 9: 5700 Main FY16

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460


Pesticides Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Projections & Accomplishment Summary Report

State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 15-16 Reporting Period: 7/1/2015 6/30/2016
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Projections & Accomplishments Agricultural Nonagricultural EUP PEI Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Projected: (Hrs) 2400 500 4500 700 0 180 900 0 0 2000 360 11540 5.55


120 25 300 35 0 12 180 0 0 400 72 1144

Samples 5 25 5 55 0 11 160 0 0 0 0 261


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Inspections: ( ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Federal Facilities

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Samples = 0 Physical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Documentary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(Accomplished) - (Projected)

-2400 -500 -4500 -700 0 -180 -900 0 0 -2000 -360 -11540

Inspections (120) (25) (300) (35) 0 (12) (180) 0 0 (400) (72) (1144)

Samples (5) (25) (5) (55) 0 (11) (160) 0 0 0 0 (261)

Pesticide Enforcement Actions Taken

Civil Complaints Issued 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Criminal Actions Referred 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Administrative Hearings Conducted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

License/Certificate Suspension 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

License/Certificate Revocation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Warnings Issued 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarntine or Embargo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other Enforcement Actions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Cases Assessed Fines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Number of Actions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

% of Inspections Resulting in Actions

Percent of Total Actions

< Summary (Projections and Accomplishments for )

Q1 State/Tribe:
VDACS SFY 15-16 Reporting Period: 7/1/2015 9/30/2015

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted


Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical


Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q1 (No Inspections)

Q2 State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 15-16 Reporting Period: 10/1/2015 12/31/2015

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted


Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical


Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q2 (No Inspections)

Q3 State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 15-16 Reporting Period: 1/1/2016 3/31/2016

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted


Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical


Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q3 (No Inspections)

Q4 State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 15-16 Reporting Period: 4/1/2016 6/30/2016

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted


Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical


Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q4 (No Inspections)

Sheet 10: 5700 Main FY17

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460


Pesticides Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Projections & Accomplishment Summary Report

State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 16-17 Reporting Period: 7/1/2016 6/30/2017
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Projections & Accomplishments Agricultural Nonagricultural EUP PEI Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Projected: (Hrs) 2400 500 4500 700 0 180 900 0 0 2000 360 11540 5.55


120 25 300 35 0 12 180 0 0 400 72 1144

Samples 5 25 5 55 0 11 160 0 0 0 0 261


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Inspections: ( ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Federal Facilities

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Samples = 0 Physical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Documentary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(Accomplished) - (Projected)

-2400 -500 -4500 -700 0 -180 -900 0 0 -2000 -360 -11540

Inspections (120) (25) (300) (35) 0 (12) (180) 0 0 (400) (72) (1144)

Samples (5) (25) (5) (55) 0 (11) (160) 0 0 0 0 (261)

Pesticide Enforcement Actions Taken

Civil Complaints Issued 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Criminal Actions Referred 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Administrative Hearings Conducted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

License/Certificate Suspension 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

License/Certificate Revocation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Warnings Issued 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarntine or Embargo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other Enforcement Actions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Cases Assessed Fines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Number of Actions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

% of Inspections Resulting in Actions

Percent of Total Actions

< Summary (Projections and Accomplishments for )

Q1 State/Tribe:
VDACS SFY 16-17 Reporting Period: 7/1/2016 9/30/2016

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted


Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical


Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q1 (No Inspections)

Q2 State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 16-17 Reporting Period: 10/1/2016 12/31/2016

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted


Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical


Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q2 (No Inspections)

Q3 State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 16-17 Reporting Period: 1/1/2017 3/31/2017

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted


Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical


Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q3 (No Inspections)

Q4 State/Tribe: VDACS SFY 16-17 Reporting Period: 4/1/2017 6/30/2017

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year Agricultural Nonagricultural Experimental Use Permit Producing Establishment Market-place Imports Exports Certified Applicator Records Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers TOTAL

Use For Cause Use For Cause

Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Output Summary

Total Inspections Conducted


Federal Facilities

Samples Collected Physical


Civil Complaints Issued

Criminal Actions Referred

Administrative Hearings Conducted

License/Certificate Suspension

License/Certificate Revocation

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

Number of Warnings Issued

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Embargo

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q4 (No Inspections)

Sheet 11: 5700 WPS FY15


United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460

Pesticides Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Accomplishment Report (WPS)

State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 7/1/2014 6/30/2015

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted 16 0 0 0 16 0

Samples Collected Physical 0 0 0 0 0
1 Pesticide Safety Training 0

Documentary 0 0 0 0 0
2 Central Posting 0

Civil Complaints Issued 0 0 0 0 0
3 Notice of Application 0

Criminal Actions Referred 0 0 0 0 0
4 Entry Restrictions 0

Administrative Hearings Conducted 0 0 0 0 0
5 Personal Protective Equipment 0

License/Certificate Suspension 0 0 0 0 0
6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications 0

License/Certificate Revocation 0 0 0 0 0
7 Decontamination 0

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification 0 0 0 0 0
8 Emergency Assistance 0

Number of Warnings Issued 0 0 0 0 0
9 Information Exchange 0

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo 0 0 0 0 0
10 Retaliation 0

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action 0 0 0 0 0

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Cases Assessed Fines 0 0 0 0 0

* This column is a subset of the WPS Tier I and WPS Tier II Columns combined to collect data on inspections conducted at facilities claiming the Immediate Family Exemption

< Summary

Q1 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 7/1/2014 9/30/2014

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted 16

Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q1

Q2 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 10/1/2014 12/31/2014

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted


Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q2

Q3 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 1/1/2015 3/31/2015

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted

Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q3

Q4 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 4/1/2015 6/30/2015

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted

Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q4

Sheet 12: 5700 WPS FY16


United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460

Pesticides Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Accomplishment Report (WPS)

State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 7/1/2015 6/30/2016

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted 0 0 0 0 0 0

Samples Collected Physical 0 0 0 0 0
1 Pesticide Safety Training 0

Documentary 0 0 0 0 0
2 Central Posting 0

Civil Complaints Issued 0 0 0 0 0
3 Notice of Application 0

Criminal Actions Referred 0 0 0 0 0
4 Entry Restrictions 0

Administrative Hearings Conducted 0 0 0 0 0
5 Personal Protective Equipment 0

License/Certificate Suspension 0 0 0 0 0
6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications 0

License/Certificate Revocation 0 0 0 0 0
7 Decontamination 0

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification 0 0 0 0 0
8 Emergency Assistance 0

Number of Warnings Issued 0 0 0 0 0
9 Information Exchange 0

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo 0 0 0 0 0
10 Retaliation 0

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action 0 0 0 0 0

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Cases Assessed Fines 0 0 0 0 0

* This column is a subset of the WPS Tier I and WPS Tier II Columns combined to collect data on inspections conducted at facilities claiming the Immediate Family Exemption

< Summary

Q1 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 7/1/2015 9/30/2015

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted


Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q1

Q2 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 10/1/2015 12/31/2015

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted

Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q2

Q3 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 1/1/2016 3/31/2016

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted

Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q3

Q4 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 4/1/2016 6/30/2016

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted

Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q4

Sheet 13: 5700 WPS FY17


United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460

Pesticides Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Accomplishment Report (WPS)

State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 7/1/2016 6/30/2017

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted 0 0 0 0 0 0

Samples Collected Physical 0 0 0 0 0
1 Pesticide Safety Training 0

Documentary 0 0 0 0 0
2 Central Posting 0

Civil Complaints Issued 0 0 0 0 0
3 Notice of Application 0

Criminal Actions Referred 0 0 0 0 0
4 Entry Restrictions 0

Administrative Hearings Conducted 0 0 0 0 0
5 Personal Protective Equipment 0

License/Certificate Suspension 0 0 0 0 0
6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications 0

License/Certificate Revocation 0 0 0 0 0
7 Decontamination 0

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification 0 0 0 0 0
8 Emergency Assistance 0

Number of Warnings Issued 0 0 0 0 0
9 Information Exchange 0

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo 0 0 0 0 0
10 Retaliation 0

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action 0 0 0 0 0

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Cases Assessed Fines 0 0 0 0 0

* This column is a subset of the WPS Tier I and WPS Tier II Columns combined to collect data on inspections conducted at facilities claiming the Immediate Family Exemption

< Summary

Q1 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 7/1/2016 9/30/2016

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted


Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q1

Q2 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 10/1/2016 12/31/2016

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted

Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q2

Q3 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 1/1/2017 3/31/2017

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted

Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q3

Q4 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 4/1/2017 6/30/2017

Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year WPS Tier I WPS Tier II
Inspections at Facilities Claiming Family Exemption *

Use For Cause Use For Cause Total
Violations During WPS Inspections # of Violations

Total Inspections Conducted

Samples Collected Physical

1 Pesticide Safety Training


2 Central Posting

Civil Complaints Issued

3 Notice of Application

Criminal Actions Referred

4 Entry Restrictions

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5 Personal Protective Equipment

License/Certificate Suspension

6 Mix/Loading, Application Equip & Applications

License/Certificate Revocation

7 Decontamination

License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

8 Emergency Assistance

Number of Warnings Issued

9 Information Exchange

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

10 Retaliation

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations 0

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q4

Sheet 14: 5700 CC FY15


United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460

Pesticides Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Accomplishment Report (Container/Containment)

State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 7/1/2014 6/30/2015
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted 8 0 8
Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical 0 0

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)

Documentary 0 0

2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued 0 0

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred 0 0

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted 0 0

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension 0 0

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation 0 0


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification 0 0

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued 0 0

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo 0 0

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action 0 0

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions 0 0

Number of Cases Assessed Fines 0 0

< Summary

Q1 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 7/1/2014 9/30/2014
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted 7
Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q1

Q2 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 10/1/2014 12/31/2014
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted 1
Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q2

Q3 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 1/1/2015 3/31/2015
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q3

Q4 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY14-15 Reporting Period: 4/1/2015 6/30/2015
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q4

Sheet 15: 5700 CC FY16


United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460

Pesticides Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Accomplishment Report (Container/Containment)

State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 7/1/2015 6/30/2016
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted 0 0

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical 0 0

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)

Documentary 0 0

2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued 0 0

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred 0 0

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted 0 0

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension 0 0

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation 0 0


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification 0 0

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued 0 0

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo 0 0

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action 0 0

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions 0 0

Number of Cases Assessed Fines 0 0

< Summary

Q1 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 7/1/2015 9/30/2015
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q1

Q2 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 10/1/2015 12/31/2015
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q2

Q3 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 1/1/2016 3/31/2016
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q3

Q4 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY15-16 Reporting Period: 4/1/2016 6/30/2016
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q4

Sheet 16: 5700 CC FY17


United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460

Pesticides Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Accomplishment Report (Container/Containment)

State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 7/1/2016 6/30/2017
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted 0 0

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical 0 0

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)

Documentary 0 0

2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued 0 0

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred 0 0

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted 0 0

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension 0 0

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation 0 0


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification 0 0

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued 0 0

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo 0 0

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action 0 0

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions 0 0

Number of Cases Assessed Fines 0 0

< Summary

Q1 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 7/1/2016 9/30/2016
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q1

Q2 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 10/1/2016 12/31/2016
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q2

Q3 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 1/1/2017 3/31/2017
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q3

Q4 State/Tribe: VDACS Year: SFY16-17 Reporting Period: 4/1/2017 6/30/2017
Work Plan Accomplishments

Enforcement Accomplishments This Reporting Year PEI Non-PEI

Container/Containment Violations

With Containment Containment Total

Total Inspections Conducted

Refillable Containers

Samples Collected Physical

1. Deficient labeling (i.e. cleaning and disposal instructions)


2. Deficient container design (valves, openings)

Civil Complaints Issued

3. Producing establishment registration violations

Criminal Actions Referred

4. No contract manufacturing agreement, residue removal,instructions, list of acceptable containers

Administrative Hearings Conducted

5. Deficient management procedures & operation

License/Certificate Suspension

6. Record keeping

License/Certificate Revocation


License/Certificate Conditioning or Modification

7. Secondary containment & pads – capacity/design

Number of Warnings Issued

8. Secondary containment & pads – site management

Stop-Sale, Seizure, Quarantine or Emabargo

9. Secondary containment & pads – record keeping

Cases Forwarded to EPA for Action

Total Violations

Other Enforcement Actions

Number of Cases Assessed Fines

< Q4

Sheet 17: ES


United States Environmental Protection Agency

Endangered Species Inspections Report*

State/Tribe: Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Fiscal Year: SFY 14-15

Reporting Period: 7/1/2014 6/30/2015

Number Comment**

Total number of use and for cause inspections that involved the use of a pesticide product that refers the applicator to obtain and follow the instructions of an Endangered Species Bulletin

Number of use and for cause inspections where the pesticide applicator was alleged to be in violation of Endangered Species labeling requirements, including any applicable Bulletin

* This information is required for all grantees whether or not Endangered Species is selected from the pick-list.

** To help OPP assess the effectiveness of endangered species risk mitigation requirements and Endangered Species bulletins, please include in this comment field some information on the pesticide products and bulletin provisions that were violated.

Sheet 18: Perf Meas

[Placeholder for Enforcement Performance Measures Form when final]


Sheet 19: Status

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Activity Status Report

7/1/2014 BACK


NPM (All)

Status Program Area Due Date Activity # Work Plan Activity Description (Outputs) Count of Status
(blank) Bed Bugs

Container Containment

Contract Manufacturers


National Data System

Pollinator Protection

Spray Drift

Supplemental Distributors

Basic Pesticide Program

Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants

Pesticides in Water

Endangered Species Protection

Supplemental/Special Project

Regional Guidance Activity

Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard

Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification 9/30/2017 (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)

School Integrated Pest Management 9/30/2017 (blank) (blank)

State and Tribal Coordination and Communication 9/30/2017 (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)

Grand Total

Sheet 20: Prog Area

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Report by Progam Area

7/1/2014 Back

NPM (All)

Program Area Status Activity # Due Date Work Plan Activity Description (Outputs) Count of Status
Bed Bugs (blank) 9/30/2017 (blank) 9/30/2017 (blank)
Container Containment

Contract Manufacturers


National Data System

Pollinator Protection

Spray Drift

Supplemental Distributors

Basic Pesticide Program

Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants

Pesticides in Water

Endangered Species Protection

Supplemental/Special Project

Regional Guidance Activity

Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard (blank) 9/30/2017 (blank)
Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification (blank)

School Integrated Pest Management (blank)

State and Tribal Coordination and Communication (blank) 9/30/2017 (blank) 9/30/2017 (blank) 9/30/2017 (blank) 9/30/2017 (blank)
Grand Total

Sheet 21: Sig

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Significant Issues & Innovations Report

7/1/2014 BACK


NPM (All)

Significant Issues/ Innovations Prog # Program Area Count of Significant Issues/ Innovations
(blank) 2 Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard

11 Spray Drift

17 Supplemental/Special Project

None 1 Basic Pesticide Program 21

2 Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard 5

3 Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification 4

4 Container Containment 3

5 Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants 2

6 Pesticides in Water 8

7 Endangered Species Protection 9

8 Bed Bugs 2

9 Pollinator Protection 4

10 School Integrated Pest Management 2

11 Spray Drift 3

12 State and Tribal Coordination and Communication 7

13 Supplemental Distributors 1

14 Contract Manufacturers 1

15 Imports 1

16 National Data System 1

17 Supplemental/Special Project 1

18 Regional Guidance Activity 2
Grand Total


Sheet 22: Act Type

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Activity Type Report

7/1/2014 BACK


NPM (All)

Activity Type Prog # Program Area Activity # Status Work Plan Activity Description (Outputs) Count of Activity Type

Required 1 Basic Pesticide Program (blank) gxhk dgttlk 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1

2 Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1

3 Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1

4 Container Containment (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1

5 Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1

6 Pesticides in Water (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1 (blank) (blank) 1


Grand Total


Sheet 23: Rec

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
EPA Recommendations Report
SFY 14-15 7/1/2014


NPM (All)

Program Area Work Plan Activity Description (Outputs) EPA Recommendation (s)
Bed Bugs (blank)
Container Containment (blank)
Contract Manufacturers (blank)
Imports (blank)
National Data System (blank)
Pollinator Protection (blank)
Spray Drift (blank)
Supplemental Distributors (blank)
Basic Pesticide Program (blank)

gxhk dgttlk
Soil Fumigation & Soil Fumigants (blank)
Pesticides in Water (blank)
Endangered Species Protection (blank)
Supplemental/Special Project (blank)
Regional Guidance Activity (blank)
Worker Safety: Worker Protection Standard (blank)
Worker Safety: Pesticide Applicator Certification (blank)
School Integrated Pest Management (blank)
State and Tribal Coordination and Communication (blank)
Grand Total

Sheet 24: MY1

My Report

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