The Public Libraries Survey has been
conducted by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the
clearance number 3137-0074, which expires 12/31/2013. Pursuant to
P.L. 107-279, this Public Libraries Survey collects annual
descriptive data on the universe of public libraries in the U.S.
and the Outlying Areas. Information such as public service hours
per year, circulation of library books, number of librarians,
population of legal service area, expenditures for library
collection, programs for children and young adults, staff salary
data, and access to technology, etc., would be collected.
Although the number of
respondents is the same, the average time it takes to complete the
survey has decreased due to a majority of the state data
coordinators having completed the survey in previous years. The
recalculated average hourly wage for IMLS respondents has increased
from $26.30 to $27.49.
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