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B.1 Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods
The 2015 SDR features a substantial sample expansion, and significantly expanded analytical objectives.
The SDR sample size is increasing from 47,078 cases in 2013 to 120,000 cases in 2015. The main
objective of this expansion is to produce reliable estimates of employment outcomes by the fine field of
degree (FFOD) taxonomy used in the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED). The expanded sample will
maintain the existing estimation capabilities associated with analytical domains defined by various
demographic characteristics and currently used in NCSES publications such as Science and Engineering
Indicators, and Women, Minorities, and People with Disabilities.
Prior to the 2015 sample expansion, the SDR sample for each cycle consisted of two components: a panel
sample and a new cohort sample. The panel sample was selected from the previous cycle’s SDR sample,
and the new cohort sample was selected from an SED frame representing the most recent two academic
years of science, engineering, and health research doctorate recipients..
The 2015 SDR is comprised of three components: 1) a panel sample that tracks doctorate recipients
throughout their careers until age 76 referred to as the “panel,” 2) a new sample of doctorate recipients
awarded their degrees from 1959 to 2011 referred to as the “expansion,” and 3) a new cohort component
that adds new doctorate recipients after they receive their degree (in the 2012 and 2013 academic year)
referred to as the “new cohort.” The 2015 panel will carry over about one third of the 2013 panel cases.
B.1.1 Frame
The 2015 SDR sampling frame is based on the most current Doctorate Record File (DRF). The DRF is a
cumulative census of research doctorates awarded from U.S. institutions since 1920. It is annually
updated with new research doctorate recipients through the SED. The 2013 DRF contains 1,995,942
To be eligible for inclusion in the 2015 SDR sampling frame, an individual in the DRF must:
Have a research doctoral degree in a science, engineering or health field from a U.S. institution,
awarded from academic years 1959 through 2013, and
Be non-institutionalized and under age 76 as of February 1, 2015.
The final 2015 SDR sampling frame consists of 1,102,985 cases classified into six groups based on the
new SDR design, and is shown in Table 1. The “Sample Component” column refers to the three
components described above: 1) one group for the panel; 2) four groups for the expansion sample; and 3)
one group for the new cohort of recent degree recipients. The six frame groups can be described as
1. Frame Group 1 contains the eligible cases from the 2013 SDR selected sample and represents a
longitudinal panel.
2. Frame Group 2 contains cases previously selected for the SDR and who were determined to be
permanently ineligible during past survey data collection. The majority of these cases are verified
as deceased or are individuals who never earned a science, engineering, or health doctorate
degree. Because this information is known for cases included in past SDR cycles and is not
available for frame cases never selected SDR in the past, these known ineligible cases are
included in the frame and given a chance at selection. The purpose of including these cases on the
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frame is to simplify the weighting process because these known ineligible cases will have to be
accounted for during estimation. By including them on the frame, the survey will not need to
track or estimate these cases separately. Any of these cases selected will not be fielded, but will
retain their permanent ineligible status for response calculations for the 2015 SDR.
3. Frame Group 3 contains cases previously selected for the SDR, but were excluded from the
sample in a maintenance cut procedure. A proportional maintenance cut of panel cases was
implemented in the past to control the overall sample size while adding in representative cases
selected from the newest cohorts of doctorate degree earners.
4. Frame Group 4 is the largest group and contains cases that were eligible for the SDR in prior
cycles, were given a chance at selection for the survey, but were never selected.
5. Frame Group 5 contains cases that were never given a chance at selection for the SDR due to
eligibility rules in effect at the time of sampling. Specifically, for the 1977 through 2001 SDR
survey cycles, individuals who earned a science, engineering or health research doctorate degree
from a U.S. institution who were not U.S. citizens and reported plans to leave the U.S. subsequent
to degree award were not considered eligible; these cases were excluded from the 1977 to 2001
SDR sample frames. Beginning with the 2003 SDR cycle and all subsequent survey cycles, the
sample included these types of individuals.
6. Frame Group 6 contains individuals who have earned their degree since the 2013 SDR sampling
frame was built. These individuals have not previously had a chance to be selected for the SDR
since they have just been awarded their doctorate degrees in the 2012 and 2013 academic years.
Table 1: The Six Groups of 2015 SDR Frame Cases
1 – Panel
SED Academic
Years (AY)
Permanently ineligible cases determined in past
cycles of the SDR accrued since 1973 forward (i.e.,
deceased, no degree earned, non-U.S. citizens located
abroad 2 cycles in a row)
Maintenance cut cases removed from the sample
during 1995-2013 sample selection (proportionally
deselected regardless of response outcome)
Eligible for primary selection from SED AY 19592011, but not selected previously
2 - Expansion
3 – New Cohort
2013 SDR sampled cases that remain eligible for
Not eligible for primary selection from SED AY
1975-2000 that are now considered eligible (i.e., new
graduates with plans to leave the U.S. after degree
New cohort cases from SED AY 2012 and 2013
B.1.2 2015 Sample Design
The SDR has historically featured a stratified random sample design, where the strata were defined by
broad degree field, gender, race, ethnicity, citizenship, disability status, and other relevant demographic
variables. The 2013 SDR featured a total of 194 strata, including 150 strata for individuals residing in the
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U.S. and 44 strata for individuals residing outside the U.S. The strata for those residing in the U.S. were
defined by degree field, gender, race and ethnicity, citizenship at birth, and disability status; strata for
those residing outside the U.S.were defined by degree field, gender, race, ethnicity, and citizenship at
The 2015 SDR still has a stratified random sample design but now features a total of 216 newly defined
strata. The strata are defined by the SED FFOD alone, reflecting the emphasis on the new analytical
objectives at the fine field level. Each stratum corresponds to a fine field of degree, except the last
stratum, which consists of a group of fine fields that no longer exist after the 2000 SED (i.e., discontinued
fields in the 21st century). These fields are grouped into one single stratum because they individually do
not constitute analysis domains that contribute to the 2015 design analytical objectives. A total of 118,916
cases were allocated to the 215 strata that constitute the fine fields; 1,084 cases were allocated to the 216th
stratum representing the discontinued fields after the 2000 SED.
The 2015 SDR design also features oversampling of under-represented minorities (URM), women, and
the 2013 panel cases within each sampling stratum. Oversampling of URM and women allows the sample
to sustain the estimation capabilities under the prior SDR design. The purpose of a panel oversample is to
support limited but important longitudinal analysis using earlier waves of the SDR. The addition of a
panel oversample maintains the simplicity of a new sample, but allows for longitudinal analysis using
earlier waves of the SDR. Demographic variables used for stratification in previous sample designs, such
as citizenship at birth, predicted resident location, and doctorate award year, are used as sorting variables
within each stratum to impose an implicit stratification to improve their representation in the sample.
The 2015 SDR sample allocation follows a two-step process. The first step assigns an equal allocation to
each fine field to meet a pre-specified level of precision at the fine field level; the second step allocates
the remaining sample to bring the overall sample closer to a proportional representation of the 15 SDR
broad field categories. The two-step allocation was implemented because broad fields with a large
population but consisting of a small number of fine fields (e.g., Computer/Information Sciences) are
underrepresented by the equal allocation in the first step. Similarly, broad fields with a small population
but consisting of a large number of fine fields (e.g., Agricultural Sciences) are overrepresented. The two
step allocation makes the representation of broad degree fields more proportional to the population and
minimizes the variation in sample weights for the full sample.
For 2013, the overall design effect was 1.13, reflecting mostly proportional sample allocation under that
design. The projected overall design effect for 2015 increases to 1.6 due to a more disproportional sample
allocation under the new design. The fixed allocation to strata in the first step led to more weight
variations because the frame size varies greatly across strata, while the second step allocation helped to
control the design effects.
B.2 Statistical Procedures
The SDR statistical data processing procedures have several components, including weighting
adjustments to compensate for the complex design features, missing data imputation, and variance
B.2.1 Weighting
A final weight will be computed for each completed interview to remove potential bias in the estimates of
population characteristics. Estimation bias could result from various sources, including unequal selection
probabilities, nonresponse, and frame coverage issues. The weighting procedures will address all these
factors through a series of adjustments to the sampling weights under the 2015 SDR design.
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For a sample member j , its sampling weight will be computed as
pj is the inclusion probability under the sample design.
The sampling weight will be adjusted in sequence for unknown eligibility, unit nonresponse, and frame
coverage based on similar methodologies developed for the 2013 SDR. First, for cases whose eligibility
status is not determined by the end of survey, their assigned base weights are transferred to cases whose
eligibility is known. Next, among eligible cases, the weights of nonrespodents are transferred to the
respondents so that the respondents represent all eligible cases in the sample. Finally, a poststratification
adjustment align the sample to the frame population so that the sample estimates agree with the frame
counts with respect to factors not explicitly controlled in the sample design. For example, the 2013 SDR
is poststratified by degree year and the 15-category broad degree field.
For the 2015 SDR, some modifications to the weighting scheme may be necessary to reflect the changes
to the sample design. In 2013, logistic regression models were used to derive unknown eligibility and
nonresponse weighting adjustment factors for different segments of the sample. The 2015 weighting will
take the same approach, although the actual models have not yet been developed and will likely be
different from the models used in 2013. With a final weight, the Horvitz-Thompson estimator will be
used to derive point estimates for various SDR variables.
B.2.2 Item Nonresponse Adjustment
The SDR has conducted comprehensive imputation to fill in item-level missing data. Two general
methods of imputation, logical imputation and statistical imputation, have been used. The logical
imputation method is usually employed during the data editing process when a possible answer to a
missing item can be deduced from past data, or from other responses from the same respondent. For
those items still missing after logical imputation, the statistical imputation is employed and uses primarily
a hot-deck imputation procedure. In hot-deck imputation, data provided by a donor respondent in the
current cycle is used to impute missing data for a respondent who is considered to be similar to the donor
respondent. The 2015 SDR will use similar imputation techniques, although the actual imputation models
may be different to reflect changes in the sampling frame and the final sample.
B.2.3 Variance Estimation
The SDR has adopted a Successive Difference Replication Method (SDRM) for variance estimation. The
SDRM method was designed to be used with systematic samples when the sort order of the sample is
informative. This is the case for the 2015 SDR, which employs systematic sample after sorting cases
within each stratum by selected demographic variables. Under the SDRM method, implicit strata imposed
by the sorting are collapsed and averaged over all possible pairs so that variance of an implicit stratum
can be estimated. In 2013, a total of 104 replicates were developed and the final weight was adjusted
within each replicate such that standard replication techniques could be used to estimate the SDRM
variance. The same general approach will be adapted to the 2015 SDR.
The results of SDRM are multiple sets of replicate weights that can be used to derive the variance of point
estimates by using special variance estimation software packages such as SAS and SUDAAN. Users who
do not have access to such software will be provided generalized variance functions (GVFs) to support
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variance estimation. The GVFs will be estimated for the key SDR domains and instructions will be
provided on how to use the GVFs to estimate the variance of various sample statistics and for domains
not directly covered by the GVFs.
B.3 Methods to Maximize Response
B.3.1 Maximizing Response Rates
The weighted response rate for the 2013 SDR was 76.4 percent. Extensive locating efforts, nonresponse
follow-up survey procedures, and targeted data collection protocols will be used to attain a targeted 70
percent response rate for 2015. An early incentive as outlined in section A.9 will be offered, in addition to
a late stage incentive in the latter months of data collection.
B.3.2 Locating
New sample members will first need to be located before a request for survey participation can be made.
The 2015 SDR will follow a locating protocol similar to that implemented in 2013 with some
improvements. The contacting information obtained from the 2013 SDR and prior cycles will be used to
locate and contact the panel; the information from the SED will be the starting information used to locate
and contact any cases that are new-to-SDR3 in 2015.
2015 SDR Locating Protocol Overview. As in the prior SDR cycles, there will be two phases of
locating for the 2015 SDR: prefield and main locating. Prefield locating activities include Accurint®4
batch processing, address review, and individual case locating (also called manual locating). Prefield
locating occurs before the start of data collection and is used to ensure the initial outreach request for
survey participation is sent to as many sample members as possible. Prefield work does not include direct
contact (by mail, telephone, or email) with the sample members or other individuals who many know how
to reach the sample members. Main locating includes manual locating and additional Accurint®
processing as needed. The main locating activity will begin at the start of data collection and will include
contact (by mail, telephone or email) with sample members and other individuals who may know how to
reach the sample members. Both the prefield and main locating activities will be supported by an online
case management system. The case management system will include background information for each
case, all of the locating leads, all searches conducted, and all outreach attempts made which lead to the
newly found contacting information (including mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and email
The 2015 SDR will implement a responsive design methodology which will assess the locating rates and
survey response by key analytic domains to tailor appropriate follow-up responses and late-stage
incentive offers.
Prefield Locating Activities. The prefield locating activities consist of four major components, as
described below. All SDR prefield locating activities will be “stealth” meaning the sample members and
any individuals who may know the sample member will not be contacted to obtain or confirm up-to-date
contacting information.
For the 2015 cycle, “new-to-SDR” refers to cases not included in the 2013 sample due to the expansion and new
cohort sample components (components 2 and 3, respectively) described in the Section B.1.1 Frame.
Accurint® is a widely accepted locate-and-research tool available to government, law enforcement, and commercial
customers. Address searches can be run in batch or individually, and the query does not leave a trace in the credit
record of the sample person being located. In addition to updated address and telephone number information,
Accurint® returns deceased status updates.
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1. For the panel (sample component 1) and the new cohort (sample component 3), the U.S. Postal
Service’s (USPS) automated National Change of Address (NCOA) database will be used to
update addresses for the sample. The NCOA incorporates all change of name/address orders
submitted to the USPS nationwide for residential addresses; this database is updated biweekly.
The NCOA database maintains up to 36 months of historical records of previous address changes.
However, the NCOA updates will be less effective for the new sample (sample component 2)
since the starting contacting information from SED will be more than three years out of date.
2. After implementing the NCOA updates for the panel and new cohort, the sample will be assessed
to determine which cases require prefield locating. This assessment is different for the panel cases
than for the expansion and new cohort sample components.
Prefield locating will be conducted on panel cases which could not be found in the prior round of
data collection.
For the new-to-SDR cases (the expansion and new cohort sample components), an Accurint®
batch search will be run using the available information provided in the SED. The returned
results from Accurint® will be assessed to determine which cases are ready for contacting and
which require prefield locating. There are four potential data return outcomes from the Accurint®
batch search:
a. Returned with a date of death. For those cases that return a date of death, the mortality status
will be confirmed with an independent online source and finalized as deceased. When the
deceased status cannot be confirmed, the cases will be queued for manual prefield locating and
the possible deceased outcome will be noted in the case record so further searching on the
possible date of death may be conducted.
b. Returned with existing address confirmed. For cases where Accurint® confirms the SED
address as current (i.e., less than two years old), the case will be considered ready for data
collection and will not receive prefield locating.
c. Returned with no new information. For cases where Accurint® provides no new information or
the date associated with new contacting information is more than two years out of date, the cases
will be queued for manual prefield locating.
d. Returned with new information. When Accurint® provides new and current contacting
information, the new information will be used, the case will be considered ready for data
collection, and will not receive prefield locating.
3. A specially trained locating team will conduct online searches as part of the manual locating
effort throughout prefield locating, for those individuals not found via the automated searches.
Only publically available data will be accessed during the online searches. The locating staff will
use search strategies that effectively combine and triangulate the sample member’s earned degree
and academic institution information, demographic information, prior address information, any
return information from Accurint®, and information about any nominated contact persons. From
the search results, locators will search employer directories, education institutions sites, alumni
and professional association lists, white pages listings, real estate databases, online publication
databases (including those with dissertations), online voting records, and other administrative
sources. Locating staff will be carefully trained to verify they have found the correct sample
member by using personal identifying information such as name and date of birth, academic
history, and past address information from the SED and the SDR (where it exists).
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4. Additionally, the 2015 SDR will use Accurint® to conduct individual matched searches or AIM
searches. AIM allows locators to search on partial combinations of identifying information to
obtain an individual’s full address history and discover critical name changes. This method has
shown in other studies to be a cost-effective strategy when locating respondents with out-of-date
contact information. The AIM searching method will be implemented by the most expert
locating staffand will be conducted on the subset of cases not found with regular online searches.
Main Locating Activities. Cases worked in main locating will include those not found during the
prefield locating period as well as cases determined to have outdated or incorrect contacting
information from failed data collection outreach activities. Prior to beginning the main locating work,
locating staff who worked during the prefield period will receive a refresher training which focuses
on maintaining sample member confidentiality particularly when making phone calls, supplementing
online searches with direct outreach to the sample members and other individuals, and gaining the
cooperation of those sample members and other individuals successfully reached. The locating staff
will continue to use and expand upon the online searching methods from the prefield period, but are
now able to call to confirm the correct sample member has been reached and, ideally, to gain survey
cooperation from the found individuals. In addition to outreach to the sample members, main
locating activities during data collection will include calls, letters, and emails to dissertation advisors,
employers, alumni associations, and other individuals who may know how to reach the sample
B.3.3 Data Collection Strategies
A multi-mode data collection protocol (mail, CATI, and web) will be used to facilitate survey
participation, data completeness, and sample member satisfaction. The 2015 SDR data collection
protocols and contacting methods are built upon the methodology used in the 2013 and prior survey
cycles incorporating improvements based upon the methodological experiment results from the 2013
cycle (see Attachment G - 2013 Survey of Doctorate Recipients Contacting Protocol Experiments
Results). The data collection field period is segmented into two phases: a “starting” phase and “latestage” phase. The starting phase includes four separate data collection protocols tailored to different
sample groups. In the late-stage, all remaining nonresponse cases (regardless of their starting data
collection protocol) receive a single contacting protocol.
The majority of the sample will be assigned to the web starting data collection protocol. However, some
panel sample members will be assigned to the alternative modes based on their reported mode
preferences, past response behaviors, and available contacting information. The four different starting
protocols are implemented in tandem. The starting protocols and sample members assigned to these
starting protocols are described below.
1. Web – The initial request to complete the 2015 SDR will be made by a USPS and/or email
message that includes links to the online version of the survey; when both a USPS and email
address are available, sample members are contacted by both means rather than one. This
contacting strategy was tested in a 2013 methods experiment and works well. This starting
protocol group includes the following sample members:
Panel members that report a preference for the online mode.
Panel members that report a preference for the mail or CATI mode, but who have both a
USPS and email address. This assignment is based on the results from a 2013 contacting
experiment which indicated sample members can be converted to the online mode when
provided a reasonable rationale for using the online mode.
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Expansion sample members with a USPS mailing address and/or email address. In 2013
SDR, 66.7 percent of those reporting a mode preference selected the web or online mode for
future survey rounds, and 74.9 percent of the 2013 SDR surveys were collected in the online
New cohort sample members who have a USPS mailing address and a portable email address
not tied to their doctoral degree institution. A 2013 contacting experiment indicated new
cohort sample members have a higher response and respond more quickly when started in the
online mode.
2. Mail – The initial request to complete the 2015 SDR will be made through a USPS mailing that
includes a paper version of the survey. This starting protocol group includes 2013 panel sample
members who reported they prefer the mail mode and do not have an email address, and 2013
respondents who completed by CATI without a reported survey mode preference and without an
email address. New cohort sample members without a portable email address will also receive
the mail starting protocol.
3. Reluctant Mail – The initial request to complete the 2015 SDR will be made through a USPS
mailing that includes a paper version of the survey. This protocol is a modified version of the
starting mail protocol, but has fewer contacts with more time between contacts during the starting
phase. This group will include panel sample members who are known to be reluctant survey
participants – specifically, individuals who previously indicated they would complete the survey
only after receiving an incentive, as well panel sample members who refused to participate in
4. CATI – The initial request to complete the 2015 SDR will be made by a trained telephone
interviewer who will attempt to complete the survey via CATI. This starting group includes 2013
panel sample members who reported they prefer the CATI mode and other sample members from
any other sample component whose only current contacting information is a valid telephone
number at the beginning of data collection.
A core set of contact materials (Prenotice Letter, Thank You/Reminder Postcard, and Cover Letters
accompanying the paper questionnaire) will be used as outreach to the SDR sample members (see
Attachment D – Draft 2015 SDR Survey Mailing Materials). These contact materials will be tailored to
address the particular issues or concerns of the sample groups to whom they are targeted. Tailoring will
be primarily based on type of cohort (e.g., 2013 panel, expansion, or new cohort). Additional tailoring for
the 2013 panel members will be based on response/nonresponse in the past round, citizenship, retirement
status, and expressed mode preference. Email versions of contact materials will be developed to
communicate with sample members who have email addresses on file.
The type and timing of contacts for each starting data collection protocol is shown in Figure 1. The
outreach method and schedule is consistent with the approach used in the 2013 cycle, but with some
improvements described below.
1. In the 2015 cycle, the reluctant mail starting protocol will introduce the short or critical item only
(CIO) version of the survey earlier in an effort to a) increase the survey participation rate for
these cases, b) shorten their time to respond, c) decrease the overall number of contacting
attempts, and d) reduce the need to offer an incentive in order to obtain the short version of the
survey. Past experience demonstrates the SDR obtains a better unit survey response from
reluctant sample members when the CIO survey is offered. Reluctant sample members have low
item-nonresponse when the survey is shorter.
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2. In 2013, 114 nonresponse panel members were classified as “hostile” refusals. These individuals
were vehement and/or profane when declining to participate. These panel sample members will
receive a single questionnaire mailing with a cover letter that acknowledges their refusal status, as
has been the case in previous cycles. However, in 2015, the contact materials will revert back to
text used in the 2010 cycle which is less assertive than the text used in 2013. In 2010, seven
sample members participated after receiving the mailing and none complained. In 2013, more
assertive text only yielded two complete surveys and 15 complaints.
3. As noted above, the expansion sample component will be assigned to the web starting protocol
Research5 shows that including a token incentive in the initial request for survey participation
improves survey response. To remain cost efficient while providing a token incentive, the initial
USPS mailing with the request for survey participation will include a four-color print information
card explaining the purpose and value of the SDR. The information card will include a
detachable panel that may be used as a bookmark. For confidentiality reasons the detachable
panel will not mention the survey, but will be graphically appealing and will include useful
information like measurement conversions.
4. Incentives will be offered during the starting data collection phase as described below in section
CATI follow-up contacts will be conducted for those sample members who do not submit a completed
questionnaire via a paper or online survey. To facilitate the multimode effort, the CATI system will have
the ability to record updated USPS and email addresses for sample members who request a paper survey
or web survey access, respectively. The CATI Interviewing team will include Refusal Avoidance and
Conversion specialists who have a proven ability to work with doctoral sample members to obtain
informed consent and survey participation.
The overall 2015 SDR schedule of contacts by starting protocol is shown in Figure 1.
Millar, M.M. and D.A. Dillman (2011). Improving response to web and mixed-mode surveys. Public Opinion
Quarterly, 55 (2), 249-269.
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Figure 1: 2015 SDR Data Collection Contacting Protocol and Schedule by Starting Mode
Starting Protocol
• Panel members except past
Week refusers, and those who prefer mail
or CATI w/o an email address;
• Expansion sample members;
• New cohort sample members with
portable email addresses
Initial Contact Letter
w/Web access
Initial Contact Email
w/Web access
Follow-up Letter
w/Web access
Follow-up Email
w/Web access
Starting Protocol
• Panel members who prefer mail
w/o an email address;
• Panel members who completed by
CATI w/o a mode preference and
w/o an email address
• New cohort members w/o a
portable email address
Reluctant Mail
Starting Protocol
• Panel members who will only
participate with an incentive
• Panel members who refused to
participate in 2013
Prenotice Letter
Starting Protocol
• Panel members who prefer CATI
w/o an email address
• Any sample members whose only
contact info is a phone number
Prenotice Letter
Questionnaire Mailing #1
Questionnaire Mailing #1
Thank you/Reminder Postcard
Thank you/Reminder Postcard
CATI calling
Questionnaire Mailing #2
Telephone follow-up
Prompting Letter w/Web access
Prompting Email w/Web access
Prompting Letter w/Web access
Prompting Email w/Web access
Prompting Letter w/Web access
Questionnaire Mailing #1
Prompting Email w/Web access
Thank you/Reminder Postcard
Telephone prompt
Telephone prompt3
Questionnaire Mailing #1
Thank you/Reminder Postcard
Telephone follow-up
Questionnaire Mailing #2
Questionnaire Mailing #2
Isolate and select Late-Stage Incentive sample; Prepare Late-Stage mailings; Sample rests
Late-Stage Incentive Offer (to those selected) and Contacting Protocol
Offer Critical Item Only (short) survey to most nonrespondents
and continue to find sample members and offer Late-Stage Incentive
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Last Chance Letter and Email
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B.3.4 Incentive Plan for 2015
The 2015 SDR protocol includes an early and a late-stage incentive for nonrespondents to reduce
nonresponse bias.
As noted in section A.9.1, there are three primary sample components in the 2015 SDR:
(1) Panel: Individuals included in the 2013 SDR sample and selected for the 2015.
(2) New cohort: Individuals who received their doctorate in the academic years 2012 and 2013.
(3) Expansion sample: Individuals who were not in the 2013 SDR sample and who received their
doctorate in the academic years 1961-2011.
In the 2015 SDR, these specific subgroups of cases will be offered an early incentive:
1. Reluctant Panel Sample Members. Sample members who completed the 2006, 2008, 2010, or
2013 SDR only after having been offered an incentive are designated as reluctant, and will
receive a $30 incentive check affixed to the cover letter of the first mail questionnaire; the followup letter to these sample members will refer to this incentive. The rationale for proposing this
approach is based on the 2013 SDR data collection experience – 69.7 percent of the incentivized
“incentive required” sample members completed the survey compared to 37.6 percent of the nonincentivized “incentive required” sample members who completed the survey.
2. New Cohort Sample Members. Based on the new cohort incentive experiments in the 2006 and
2008 SDR, an incentive will be included in the second contact with all new cohort sample
members. The 2006 and 2008 experiment results indicate that offering an honorarium in the
second request for survey participation was more effective than offering it in the first survey
request or during the late-stage of data collection. These experimental results suggest an
incentive offer to new cohort sample members accelerates their response and will be more cost
effective. These sample members will receive a $30 incentive check in their second contact
regardless of their starting mode (although for sample members starting on the telephone, this
will be their first mailing, which follows their first “contact” of a telephone call) – only finalized
cases (i.e., completes, final ineligibles, final refusals) will not receive the second contact with the
3. Underrepresented Minorities in the Panel and Expansion Sample. Similar to the incentive for new
cohort sample members, a $30 incentive check will be offered in the second contact to sample
members in either the panel or the expansion component who are URM.
Based on this incentive plan which includes early and late-stage incentives, the incentive will be offered
to approximately 22,250 sample members to include an estimated 2,750 panel, 13,500 expansion, and
6,000 new cohort sample. All SDR incentive experiments have consistently shown that most incentivized
sample members do not cash their prepaid incentive check, yet do participate in the survey. The incentive
offered to the approximately 22,250 sample members will total to an incentive amount sent of $667,500.
In the 2013 SDR, 10,487 sample members were offered the incentive. Of these individuals, 2,896 cashed
the incentive check (27.6%). Of the 2,896 individuals that cashed the incentive check, 2,702 completed
the survey (93.3%). Of the 10,487 sample members offered the incentive, 5,062 individuals completed
the survey (48.3%) despite not cashing the check.
It is estimated for 2015 that 31.5% of the checks sent will be cashed. As a result, the total cost for
incentives is estimated to be $210,000: $27,000 to the 2013 panel cohort, $135,000 to the expansion
cohort, and $48,000 to the new cohort.
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B.4 Testing of Procedures
Data from both SESTAT surveys (SDR and NSCG) are combined into a unified data system so the two
surveys must be closely coordinated in an effort to provide comparable data. Many of the questionnaire
items in the two surveys are the same.
The SESTAT survey questionnaire items are divided into two types of questions: core and module. Core
questions are defined as those considered to be the base for the SESTAT surveys. These items are
essential for sampling, respondent verification, basic labor force information, or analyses of the science
and engineering workforce in the SESTAT integrated data system. SESTAT surveys ask core questions of
all respondents each time they are surveyed to establish the baseline data and to update the respondents’
labor force status, changes in employment, and other characteristics. Module items are special topics that
are asked less frequently on a rotational basis. Module items provide the data needed to satisfy specific
policy or research needs.
The 2015 SDR questionnaire contains no new survey question content compared to the 2013 version of
the questionnaire. However, as part of the 2015 SESTAT planning effort, NCSES asked the Census
Bureau’s Center for Survey Measurement to conduct an expert review and cognitive interviews for the
full set of NSCG questionnaire items, many of which overlap with the SDR questionnaire items. The
expert review and cognitive interviews resulted in minor question wording revisions to select items in the
SDR questionnaire.
An improvement to the 2015 paper version of the survey has been implemented based on a review of
item-nonresponse in the 2013 cycle. In 2013, of all the critical items, date of birth was missing most
often. Furthermore, date of birth is the primary means of sample person verification in the paper survey
mode and when it is missing it results in recontacting sample members, which is inefficient and may be
bothersome to them. To ensure the correct sample member has been found, particularly in the expansion
cohort, and to reduce the need for recontacting sample members, the 2015 paper survey version will
include three additional sample person verification questions focused on the sample doctoral degree.
These questions have been included in the web and CATI versions of the survey since 2003, and are only
new to the paper form. Specifically, in 2015, the paper form will ask sample members to provide the
degree field of study, month and year of degree award, and academic institution awarding the degree for
their first U.S.-earned SEH doctoral degree.
A complete list of modifications to the 2015 SDR questionnaire is included in Attachment C – Draft 2015
SDR Questionnaires.
B.4.1 Survey Contact Materials
Survey contact materials will be tailored to fit sample members’ need for information about the SDR and
to gain their cooperation. Contact materials that request sample member participation via the web survey
will include access to the survey online. As has been done since 2003 SDR, the 2015 SDR letterhead
stationery will include project and NSF website information, and the data collection contractor’s project
toll-free telephone line, USPS and email addresses. Stationery will contain a watermark that shows the
survey’s established logo as part of an effort to brand the communication to sample members for ease of
B.4.2 Questionnaire Layout
Other than the addition of three sampled degree questions described above, there are no changes for 2015.
Through means such as the Human Resources Experts Panel (section A.8.2), as well as cognitive
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research and testing, NCSES continues to review, revise, and enhance the content of its survey
instruments. NCSES will review the data after the 2015 round, and will propose and test
changes for the 2017 questionnaire.
B.4.3 Web-Based Survey Instrument
In the 2003 SDR, the online mode was introduced. Figure 2 shows the rate of SDR web survey
participation from the 2003 through 2013 survey cycles.
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Figure 2: Web Mode Participation Rate: 2003-2013 SDR
Web Surveys
Other Modes*
* Other response modes are self‐administered mail‐in form or telephone interview.
The 2015 SDR will improve upon the web functionality used in the past rounds. While using the same
back-end data collection software, the 2015 online survey will employ a front-end user interface that is
optimized for mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) so that the respondent experience with the
online survey will be similar regardless of the screen size or web browser used to access the survey. At
least 80 percent of the SDR respondents are expected to participate via web based on their stated
preference in the last round and the observed rate of online participation in the last survey cycle.
B.5 Responsive Design and Nonresponse Error Assessment
The targeted response rate for the 2015 SDR is 70 percent. The reduction in response from previous
cycles is based on the change in the sample composition. Most sample members will be newly selected
for the SDR (86.6 percent) and will not have current contacting information. The 2015 SDR will
implement a responsive design methodology which will assess the locating rates and survey response by
key analytic domains to tailor appropriate follow-up responses and late-stage incentive offers. It is not
expected that these steps will eliminate all survey nonresponse and potential response bias.
The SDR will conduct a nonresponse bias analysis. At the conclusion of the survey, an assessment of
potential bias in the survey results will be conducted. Numerous metrics will be computed to assess
nonresponse: unit response rates, estimates of key domains, item nonresponse rates, and R-indicators.
Each of these metrics provides different insights into the issue of nonresponse.
Unit response rates quantify the percentage of the sample population responded to the survey. In the 2013
SDR, the sample had an overall weighted response rate of 76.4 percent; however, the weighted response
rates by major field ranged from 71 to 82 percent. Some variation in response is expected due to random
variation; large variations in response behavior can be a cause for concern with the potential to introduce
nonresponse bias.
An examination of the estimates of key domains provides insight on the potential for bias due to
nonresponse error and the impact on the survey estimates. To account for nonresponse, and ensure the
respondent population represents the target population in size, nonresponse weighting adjustments are
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made to the respondent population. Following the nonresponse adjustment, post-stratification is employed
to ensure the respondent population represents not just the size of the target population, but also the
proportion of members in various domains of the population. To estimate the effect of these adjustment
steps, estimates of various domains within the SDR target population will be calculated from the frame,
from respondents, after the nonresponse adjustment, and after final adjustments. This examination will
provide insight on whether the SDR weighting adjustments are appropriately meeting the SDR survey
estimation goals.
To examine item nonresponse, response rates for all questionnaire items will be produced. In addition, to
examine the impact of data collection mode on item nonresponse, item response rates by response mode
also will be produced. Like the unit response rates, the item response rates can be used as an indicator for
potential bias in survey estimates.
R-indicators and corresponding standard errors will be provided for the 2015 SDR. R-indicators are
useful for assessing the potential for nonresponse bias. R-indicators are based on response propensities
calculated using a predetermined balancing model (“balancing propensities”) to provide information on
both how different the respondent population is compared to the full sample population, as well as which
variables in the predetermined model are driving the variation in nonresponse.
B.6 Contacts for Statistical Aspects of Data Collection
Contacts for statistical aspects of data collection are Jeri Mulrow, Acting NCSES Chief Statistician (703292-4784), Steven Proudfoot (703-292-4434, SDR Project Officer) and Wan-Ying Chang (703-2922310), NCSES Mathematical Statistician).
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File Type | application/pdf |
Author | brown-shana |
File Modified | 2015-08-26 |
File Created | 2015-08-25 |