Interview Guide for Senior Village Director

Examining how Local Health Departments Leverage Age-Friendly Cities Initiatives to Build Resilience in Elderly Populations


Interview Guide for Senior Village Director

OMB: 0920-1093

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OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Exp. Date xx/xx/20xx

Appendix C.2.b: Interview Guide for Village Executive Directors


Time: (Start) (Stop)


  • Interviewers

  • Interviewee(s)

Interviewee’s Name, Title, Organization

Interviewee’s Scope of Responsibility:


The RAND Corporation, a non-profit research organization, is conducting a CDC-funded study to evaluate the impact that villages have on older adult well-being and resilience to emergencies. We define an emergency to include earthquakes, extended power outage, terrorist event, or a weather-related event such as a winter storm, heat, hurricane, tornado, wildfire, or flood. We hope to spend the next 30 minutes discussing your village and the activities and services it provides.

Informed Consent

Your participation in this discussion is completely voluntary and we can stop at any point.

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX).

RAND will use the information you provide for research purposes only. Your responses will be kept confidential. We will not link your name to the information that you provide. While every effort will be made to protect your individual identity, it may be possible for others to identify you because of the role you play in your village. As such, you should not tell us anything you do not want anyone inside or outside your organization to know.

We will be taking notes during our conversation today. The notes will be destroyed at the end of the study, and no one outside of the research team will see them. There are no consequences if you decline to participate.

If you have questions about this study you may contact the Principal Investigator, Joie Acosta, by phone at 703-413-1100 extension 5324. If you have any questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Human Subjects Protection Committee at RAND, 1776 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90407, (310) 393-0411, ext. 6369.

Do you have any questions before we begin?

Do you agree to participate in this interview?

No Okay, thank you for your time and have a nice day.

Yes Thank you very much. We really appreciate your support.

Interview Questions

I have some questions about your village’s goals and general activities (Note to interviewer: Ask ONLY if we do not have data on their village)

  1. How long has your village been active?

  1. What are the goals of your village?

  1. What kinds of services do you provide to your members?

  1. Can you describe the members of the village? (size of members, members’ demographics, who they live with, mobility, any change in membership or characteristics)

Staffing and Budget (Note to interviewer: Ask ONLY if we do not have data on their village)

  1. How would you describe the staffing structure (leadership positions, support staff, tasks that these groups are responsible for)? How many full-time and part-time staff do you employ? What do they do? Do you have any volunteers? What do they do?

  1. Who makes decisions about what activities are conducted/services are provided?

  1. Do you have any community partners and if so, can you describe them? What do they do? How do they enhance the health and wellbeing of your members?

  1. How is your village supported financially? Do you have an estimate of your total annual budget?

We are hoping to gain some insight into your village’s emergency preparedness activities.

  1. What do you perceive to be the greatest needs in terms of preparing older adults living in your village for an emergency?

  1. Does your village currently engage in any activities that support these needs? Some examples of activities include raising awareness about being prepared, ensuring emergency alerts reach residents, preparing or providing emergency supply kits, or developing evacuation plans.

If yes,

    1. What are they? Are there any gaps in the scope of activities or in how well these are carried out?

    1. Who initiates or develops these services to support older adults?

    1. Are there any gaps in the scope of activities or in how well these are carried out?

    1. If the [name of city/county’s] administration wanted to measure progress on improving the emergency preparedness of older adults in your community, what metrics would you recommend?

If not,

    1. Why (not a high priority, not important?) Are there any other barriers (financial, staffing, relationship related problems)?

    1. When do you anticipate including emergency preparedness activities into your village’s activities?

Now I’d like to ask about linkages with any local health departments (Note to interviewer: includes general activities, not just emergency preparedness activities)

  1. Does your village currently engage (communicate, collaborate, or have a formal relationship) with a local public health department?

If yes,

    1. Is it a local or state health department? Or both?

    1. Kinds of activities do they provide in support of your village’s goals or activities? What do you think they could provide but have not yet?

    1. Can you share the contact information for whoever you are working with? We’d like to ask them some questions about how they meet the needs of older adults living in your village.

If no,

    1. Would you like to have that kind of engagement? What would it take to have a more closely linked relationship with the public health department?

Now I’d like to ask about linkages with any local health departments specifically on emergency preparedness activities

  1. Does the public health department play any role in preparing older adults in the case of an emergency? If yes, do you think your village’s activities are aligned with those of the health department’s activities?

  1. Do any other agencies (Homeland Security or department of emergency management) play a role in emergency preparedness for older adults? If so, what do they do?


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