30-Day Notice

1018-0119 - 30-Day published.pdf

Policy for Evaluation of Conservation Efforts When Making Listing Decisions (PECE)

30-Day Notice

OMB: 1018-0119

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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 166 / Thursday, August 27, 2015 / Notices
• Modification of National Customs
Automation Program (NCAP) Test
Concerning Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) Cargo Release for
Ocean and Rail Carriers: 79 FR 6210
(February 3, 2014).
• Modification of National Customs
Automation Program (NCAP) Test
Concerning Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) Cargo Release to
Allow Importers and Brokers to Certify
From ACE Entry Summary: 79 FR 24744
(May 1, 2014).
• Modification of National Customs
Automation Program (NCAP) Test
Concerning Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) Cargo Release for
Truck Carriers: 79 FR 25142 (May 2,
• Modification of National Customs
Automation Program (NCAP) Test
Concerning Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) Document Image
System: 79 FR 36083 (June 25, 2014).
• Announcement of eBond Test: 79
FR 70881 (November 28, 2014).
• eBond Test Modifications and
Clarifications: Continuous Bond
Executed Prior to or Outside the eBond
Test May Be Converted to an eBond by
the Surety and Principal, Termination of
an eBond by Filing Identification
Number, and Email Address Correction:
80 FR 899 (January 7, 2015).
• Modification of National Customs
Automation Program (NCAP) Test
Concerning Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) Document Image
System Relating to Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Document Submissions: 80 FR 5126
(January 30, 2015).
• Modification of National Customs
Automation Program (NCAP) Test
Concerning the use of Partner
Government Agency Message Set
through the Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) for the Submission
of Certain Data Required by the
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA): 80 FR 6098 (February 4, 2015).
• Announcement of Modification of
ACE Cargo Release Test to Permit the
Combined Filing of Cargo Release and

Importer Security Filing (ISF) Data: 80
FR 7487 (February 10, 2015).
• Modification of NCAP Test
Concerning ACE Cargo Release for Type
03 Entries and Advanced Capabilities
for Truck Carriers: 80 FR 16414 (March
27, 2015).
• Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) Export Manifest for
Air Cargo Test: 80 FR 39790 (July 10,
• National Customs Automation
Program (NCAP) Concerning Remote
Location Filing Entry Procedures in the
Automated Commercial Environment
(ACE) and the Use of the Document
Image System for the Submission of
Invoices and the Use of eBonds for the
Transmission of Single Transaction
Bonds: 80 FR 40079 (July 13, 2015).
Dated: August 24, 2015.
Brenda Smith,
Assistant Commissioner, Office of
International Trade.
[FR Doc. 2015–21266 Filed 8–26–15; 8:45 am]

Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–HQ–ES–2015–N169; 4500030113]

rmajette on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Information Collection Request

Information Collection Request Sent to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for Approval; Policy for
Evaluation of Conservation Efforts
When Making Listing Decisions (PECE)
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.

We (U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service) have sent an Information
Collection Request (ICR) to OMB for
review and approval. We summarize the
ICR below and describe the nature of the
collection and the estimated burden and
cost. This information collection is
scheduled to expire on August 31, 2015.
We may not conduct or sponsor and a
person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it


Number of


displays a currently valid OMB control
number. However, under OMB
regulations, we may continue to
conduct or sponsor this information
collection while it is pending at OMB.
DATES: You must submit comments on
or before September 28, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Send your comments and
suggestions on this information
collection to the Desk Officer for the
Department of the Interior at OMB–
OIRA at (202) 395–5806 (fax) or OIRA_
[email protected] (email).
Please provide a copy of your comments
to the Service Information Collection
Clearance Officer, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, MS BPHC, 5275
Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–
3803 (mail), or [email protected]
(email). Please include ‘‘1018–0119’’ in
the subject line of your comments.
request additional information about
this ICR, contact Hope Grey at hope_
[email protected] (email) or 703–358–2482
(telephone). You may review the ICR
online at http://www.reginfo.gov. Follow
the instructions to review Department of
the Interior collections under review by
OMB Control Number: 1018–0119.
Title: Policy for Evaluation of
Conservation Efforts When Making
Listing Decisions (PECE).
Service Form Number: None.
Type of Request: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Description of Respondents: Primarily
State, local, or tribal governments.
However, individuals, businesses, and
not-for-profit organizations could
develop agreements/plans or may agree
to implement certain conservation
efforts identified in a State agreement/
Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
obtain or retain a benefit.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
Estimated Annual Nonhour Burden
Cost: None.
time per

Number of

Total annual
burden hours

Agreement .......................................................................................................
Monitoring ........................................................................................................
Reporting .........................................................................................................





Totals ........................................................................................................





Abstract: Section 4 of the Endangered
Species Act (ESA) (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
seq.) specifies the process by which we

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can list species as threatened or
endangered. When we consider whether
or not to list a species, the ESA requires

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us to take into account the efforts being
made by any State or any political
subdivision of a State to protect such




Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 166 / Thursday, August 27, 2015 / Notices

species. We also take into account the
efforts being made by other entities.
States or other entities often formalize
conservation efforts in conservation
agreements, conservation plans,
management plans, or similar
documents. The conservation efforts
recommended or called for in such
documents could prevent some species
from becoming so imperiled that they
meet the definition of a threatened or
endangered species under the ESA.
The Policy for Evaluation of
Conservation Efforts When Making
Listing Decisions (PECE) (68 FR 15100,
March 28, 2003) encourages the
development of conservation
agreements/plans and provides certainty
about the standard that an individual
conservation effort must meet in order
for us to consider whether it contributes
to forming a basis for making a decision
about the listing of a species. PECE
applies to ‘‘formalized conservation
efforts’’ that have not been implemented
or have been implemented but have not
yet demonstrated if they are effective at
the time of a listing decision.
Under PECE, formalized conservation
efforts are defined as conservation
efforts (specific actions, activities, or
programs designed to eliminate or
reduce threats or otherwise improve the
status of a species) identified in a
conservation agreement, conservation
plan, management plan, or similar
document. To assist us in evaluating a
formalized conservation effort under
PECE, we collect information such as
conservation plans, monitoring results,
and progress reports. The development
of such agreements/plans is voluntary.
There is no requirement that the
individual conservation efforts included
in such documents be designed to meet
the standard in PECE. The PECE policy
is posted on our Candidate Conservation
Web site at http://www.fws.gov/
Comments Received and Our Responses

rmajette on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Comments: On June 19, 2015, we
published in the Federal Register (80
FR 35391) a notice of our intent to
request that OMB renew authority for
this information collection. In that
notice, we solicited public comments
for 60 days, ending August 18, 2015. We
did not receive any comments.
Request for Public Comments
We again invite comments concerning
this information collection on:
• Whether or not the collection of
information is necessary, including
whether or not the information will
have practical utility;

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• The accuracy of our estimate of the
burden for this collection of
• Ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of
public record. Before including your
address, phone number, email address,
or other personal identifying
information in your comment, you
should be aware that your entire
comment, including your personal
identifying information, may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask OMB in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that it will be done.
Dated: August 24, 2015.
Tina A. Campbell,
Chief, Division of Policy, Performance, and
Management Programs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
[FR Doc. 2015–21253 Filed 8–26–15; 8:45 am]

Fish and Wildlife Service

Rocky Mountain Arsenal National
Wildlife Refuge, Adams County, CO;
Environmental Impact Statement
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability; final
environmental impact statement.

We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, announce the
availability of a final environmental
impact statement (EIS) for the
comprehensive conservation plan (CCP)
for the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
National Wildlife Refuge (refuge) in
Adams County, Colorado. In the final
environmental impact Statement we
describe alternatives, including our
preferred alternative, to manage the
refuge for the 15 years following
approval of the final CCP.
ADDRESSES: You may request copies or
more information by one of the
following methods. You may request
hard copies or a CD–ROM of the
Email: rockymountainarsenal@
fws.gov. Include ‘‘Rocky Mountain
Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge final
EIS’’ in the subject line of the message.

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U.S. Mail: Bernardo Garza, Planning
Team Leader, Branch of Refuge
Planning, P.O. Box 25486, Denver
Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225–0486.
Fax: Attn: Bernardo Garza, Planning
Team Leader, 303–236–4792.
To view comments on the final CCP–
EIS from the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), or for information on
EPA’s role in the EIS process, see EPA’s
Role in the EIS Process under
Bernardo Garza, Planning Team Leader,
303–236–4377 (phone) or bernardo_
[email protected] (email).
With this notice, we announce the
availability of the final EIS for the
refuge. We started this process through
a notice in the Federal Register (78 FR
48183; August 7, 2013). Following a
lengthy scoping and alternatives
development period, we published a
second notice in the Federal Register
(80 FR 26084; May 6, 2015) announcing
the availability of the draft CCP and
draft EIS and our intention to hold
public meetings, and requested
comments. In addition, EPA published
a notice announcing the draft CCP and
EIS (80 FR 27950; May 15, 2015), as
required under section 309 of the Clean
Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.). We now
announce the final EIS. Under the Clean
Air Act, EPA also will announce the
final EIS via the Federal Register. This
notice complies with our CCP policy to
advise other Federal and State agencies,
Tribes, and the public of the availability
of the final EIS for this refuge.
EPA’s Role in the EIS Process
The EPA is charged under section 309
of the Clean Air Act to review all
Federal agencies’ EISs and to comment
on the adequacy and the acceptability of
the environmental impacts of proposed
actions in the EISs.
EPA also serves as the repository (EIS
database) for EISs prepared by Federal
agencies and provides notice of their
availability in the Federal Register. The
EIS database provides information about
EISs prepared by Federal agencies, as
well as EPA’s comments concerning the
EISs. All EISs are filed with EPA, which
publishes a notice of availability on
Fridays in the Federal Register.
The notice of availability is the start
of the 45-day public comment period for
draft EISs, and the start of the 30-day
‘‘wait period’’ for final EISs, during
which agencies are generally required to
wait 30 days before making a decision
on a proposed action. For more



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File Modified2015-08-27
File Created2015-08-27

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