Formulas Online User Guide

FONL User Guide.pdf

Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages

Formulas Online User Guide

OMB: 1513-0122

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U.S. Department of the Treasury
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)
1310 G Street NW., Box 12
Washington, D.C. 20005

Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User

Prepared by:

Office of the Chief Information Officer
TTB RFC# TTB-2014-0099-MOD1

Dated: June 26, 2015

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual

Revision History
Version Number






A. Sharifi

Initial Version



A. Sharifi

Incorporated comments from internal



A. Sharifi

Incorporated comments from internal



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit



A. Sharifi

Incorporated comments from internal



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit



A. Sharifi

Updated for Formulas Online 1.1



A. Sharifi

Incorporated comments from internal



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit



A. Sharifi

Updated for Formulas Online 1.1.1



A. Sharifi

Updated for Formulas Online 1.2



A. Sharifi

Incorporated comments from internal



A. Sharifi

Updated for Formulas Online 1.3



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit



A. Sharifi

Updated for Formulas Online 1.4



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit



A. Sharifi

Incorporated comments from internal



A. Sharifi

Updated for TTB Portal changes



A. Sharifi

Updated for TTB Contact Us



A. Sharifi

Updated for Formulas Online 1.6



A. Sharifi

Incorporated comments from internal



A. Sharifi

Incorporated comments from internal



A. Sharifi

Incorporated comments from internal



A. Sharifi

Performed minor format and edit

Office of the Chief Information Officer

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Dated: June 26, 2015

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................1
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 1
PURPOSE AND SCOPE ................................................................................................... 1
ORGANIZATION OF THE USER MANUAL ........................................................................... 2
Conventions of the User Manual ........................................................................... 2
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................... 3


SYSTEM CAPABILITIES ....................................................................................................5
GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 5
User Registration Process .................................................................................... 5
Submission Creation Process ............................................................................... 5
Submission Workflow Process .............................................................................. 6
What’s New in 1.6 ................................................................................................. 6
PRIVACY ACT CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................25


SYSTEM FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................................29
DETAILED FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS ..........................................................................29
SYSTEM BASICS ...........................................................................................................29
GETTING STARTED – USING THE TTB ONLINE PORTAL PAGE ..........................................30
Access Formulas Online through the TTB Online Portal Page .............................31
USER REGISTRATION ....................................................................................................33
How Do I Register? ..............................................................................................33
Create a New User Registration ..........................................................................34
Activate a User ID ................................................................................................51
Modify a User Registration ...................................................................................55
NAVIGATING THE SYSTEM .............................................................................................64
Main Navigation Banner .......................................................................................64
Menu Options ......................................................................................................64
COLAS .........................................................................................................65
Home ............................................................................................................65
Text Menu.....................................................................................................65
My Profile......................................................................................................65
Help ..............................................................................................................65
Contact Us ....................................................................................................65
Log Off ..........................................................................................................65
Search ..........................................................................................................65
Drop-Down Menus ...............................................................................................66
Tabs ....................................................................................................................66
Action Bars ..........................................................................................................66
Listing Pages .......................................................................................................67
Detail Pages ........................................................................................................67
Common Functions ..............................................................................................67
Buttons and Controls ...........................................................................................68
3.5.10 Navigation Options ..............................................................................................69
HOME PAGE (MY SUBMISSIONS) ....................................................................................71
CREATING AND SUBMITTING SUBMISSIONS (BY TYPE) .....................................................80
Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages (Uniform) ..80
General Uniform Information .........................................................................80

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Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual
Create a New Uniform Submission ...............................................................80
Formula and/or Process for Article Made With Specially Denatured Spirits Request
(SDA) ..........................................................................................................................115
General SDA Information ............................................................................115
Create a New SDA Submission ..................................................................115
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request (Drawback) ...............135
General Drawback Information ...................................................................135
Create a New Drawback Submission ..........................................................135
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request (Rider).......................172
General Rider Information ...........................................................................172
Create a New Rider Submission .................................................................172
ADDING, EDITING, AND DELETING COMMENTS ..............................................................187
Add Comments ..................................................................................................187
Edit Comments ..................................................................................................188
Delete Comments ..............................................................................................189
UPLOADING ATTACHMENTS AND LINKING SUBMISSIONS ................................................191
Upload Attachments...........................................................................................191
Link Submissions ...............................................................................................194
3.10 EDITING, CORRECTING, AND RESUBMITTING SUBMISSIONS ...........................................196
3.10.1 Edit Submissions Needing Correction ................................................................196
3.10.2 Resubmit Submissions ......................................................................................200
3.11 COPYING EXISTING SUBMISSIONS ................................................................................201
3.12 PRINTING SUBMISSIONS ..............................................................................................203
3.12.1 Print Functions (Internet Explorer) .....................................................................203
3.12.2 Print Functions (Submissions) ...........................................................................204
3.13 ENTERING SAMPLE SENT DATE ...................................................................................212
3.14 PRINTING SAMPLE ID SHEETS .....................................................................................214
3.15 SEARCHING FOR SUBMISSIONS, SAMPLES, AND FORMULAS ...........................................217
3.15.1 Quick Searches .................................................................................................217 Search for Submissions ..............................................................................217 Search for Samples ....................................................................................219 Search for Formulas ...................................................................................221
3.15.2 Advanced Searches ...........................................................................................223 Search for Submissions/Formulas ..............................................................223
3.16 TEXT MENU ................................................................................................................226
3.16.1 Display the Text Menu .......................................................................................226
3.17 MY PROFILE ...............................................................................................................227
3.17.1 Update My Profile ..............................................................................................228
3.18 CHANGE PASSWORD ..................................................................................................229
3.18.1 Change Your Password .....................................................................................232
3.18.2 Reset Your Forgotten Password ........................................................................236
3.18.3 Reset Your Expired Password ...........................................................................239
3.18.4 Unlock Your Locked Account .............................................................................242
3.19 CONTACT US ..............................................................................................................245
3.19.1 Access Contact Us.............................................................................................245
3.20 LOG OFF ....................................................................................................................246
3.21 ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS..............................................................................................247
3.21.1 Surrender a Formula ..........................................................................................247 Surrender a Single Formula ........................................................................247 Surrender Multiple Formulas .......................................................................248
3.21.2 Withdraw a Submission .....................................................................................249
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Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual

Close a Submission ...........................................................................................250
Send an E-Mail Message ...................................................................................251


MESSAGE HANDLING ...................................................................................................255
CONFIRMATION MESSAGES .........................................................................................255
INFORMATIONAL MESSAGES ........................................................................................256
VALIDATION MESSAGES ..............................................................................................257
ERROR MESSAGES .....................................................................................................258


HELP FACILITIES ...........................................................................................................259
FIELD LEVEL TOOL TIPS ..............................................................................................259
FORMULAS ONLINE INDUSTRY MEMBER ONLINE HELP ..................................................259
FORMULAS ONLINE INDUSTRY MEMBER USER MANUAL ................................................260
ALFD CUSTOMER SERVICE .........................................................................................261
DEFINITION OF TERMS ................................................................................................261


DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................ 262

INDEX ..........................................................................................................................................I

List of Figures
Figure 1: TTB Online Portal Page .............................................................................................. 7
Figure 2: Display My Submissions ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 3: Filter My Submissions ................................................................................................. 9
Figure 4: Navigate My Submissions ........................................................................................... 9
Figure 5: Copy to Clipboard ......................................................................................................10
Figure 6: Print View ...................................................................................................................11
Figure 7: Export to Excel ...........................................................................................................12
Figure 8: Export to PDF ............................................................................................................12
Figure 9: Modal Window ...........................................................................................................14
Figure 10: Perjury Statement ....................................................................................................14
Figure 11: Tab Content Indicator ...............................................................................................15
Figure 12: Print Range Default Update .....................................................................................15
Figure 13: Invalid Character Error Message ..............................................................................16
Figure 14: SA or POA Acknowledgement for Beverage User Registration ................................16
Figure 15: Method of Manufacture Attachment Required Error Message ..................................17
Figure 16: Method of Manufacture Description or Attachment Required Error Message ...........17
Figure 17: Uniform Ingredient Quantity (Low) Validation ...........................................................18
Figure 18: Supersedes Fields on Main Tab (Uniform) ...............................................................19
Figure 19: Unfit for Beverage Statement Required for Drawback Submission ...........................19
Figure 20: Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) for Simple Mix or Filtration ......20
Figure 21: Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) for Washed Extracts ...............21
Figure 22: Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) for Simple Mixture or Filtration ................21
Figure 23: Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) for Washed Extracts ...............................22
Figure 24: Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients) ........................................22
Figure 25: Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients) ..........................................23
Figure 26: TTB Limited Ingredients Parts Per Million Value Increase ........................................23
Figure 27: Supersedes Fields on Main Tab (Drawback) ............................................................24
Figure 28: Revise Existing Formula Fields on Main Tab (SDA) .................................................24
Figure 29: Supersedes Fields on Main Tab (Rider) ...................................................................25
Figure 30: Privacy Policy ...........................................................................................................26
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Figure 31: Privacy Impact Assessments....................................................................................27
Figure 32: Privacy Impact Assessment (Formulas Online) ........................................................28
Figure 33: TTB Online Portal.....................................................................................................30
Figure 34: TTB Security Warning ..............................................................................................31
Figure 35: Home Page (My Submissions) .................................................................................31
Figure 36: COLAs and Formulas Online FAQs..........................................................................33
Figure 37: COLAs/FONL User Registration Confirmation..........................................................34
Figure 38: User Registration – Main Tab ...................................................................................35
Figure 39: User Registration – Reactivating Inactive Account ...................................................35
Figure 40: User Registration – New Application ........................................................................35
Figure 41: User Registration – Personal Information (USPS Domestic) ....................................36
Figure 42: User Registration – Personal Information (Foreign Address) ....................................36
Figure 43: User Registration – Business E-mail Addresses ......................................................36
Figure 44: User Registration – Authentication Questions ..........................................................37
Figure 45: User Registration – Company Tab ...........................................................................37
Figure 46: User Registration – Company (System Information – COLAs Online) ......................38
Figure 47: User Registration – Company (System Information – Formulas Online) ...................38
Figure 48: User Registration – Company (Company Information – Domestic) ...........................39
Figure 49: User Registration – Company (Company Information – Foreign) .............................40
Figure 50: User Registration – Company (Individual Information – Preparer/Reviewer) ............41
Figure 51: User Registration – Company (Individual Information – Submitter) ..........................41
Figure 52: User Registration – Company (Individual Information – SA/POA Selected, Beverage)
Figure 53: User Registration – Company (Individual Information – SA/POA Selected,
Nonbeverage) ....................................................................................................................41
Figure 54: User Registration – Action Bar .................................................................................42
Figure 55: User Registration – Approver Information ................................................................42
Figure 56: User Registration – Company Tab with Company Added .........................................43
Figure 57: User Registration – Delete Company Confirmation ..................................................43
Figure 58: User Registration – Docs/Links Tab .........................................................................44
Figure 59: User Registration – Attachment Modal Window .......................................................44
Figure 60: User Registration – Docs/Links Tab with Attachment Uploaded ...............................45
Figure 61: User Registration – Delete Attachment Confirmation ...............................................46
Figure 62: User Registration – Comments Tab .........................................................................46
Figure 63: User Registration – Comment Modal Window ..........................................................47
Figure 64: User Registration – Comments Tab with Comment Added.......................................47
Figure 65: User Registration – Delete Comment Confirmation ..................................................48
Figure 66: User Registration – Unsuccessful Validation Message .............................................48
Figure 67: User Registration – Successful Validation Message.................................................48
Figure 68: User Registration – Perjury Statement .....................................................................49
Figure 69: User Registration – Submission Confirmation ..........................................................49
Figure 70: User Registration – Exit Link ....................................................................................49
Figure 71: User Registration – Exit Confirmation.......................................................................50
Figure 72: Activate User ID – Password Change Utility Login ...................................................52
Figure 73: Activate User ID – Password Change Utility Main Page ...........................................53
Figure 74: Activate User ID – Password Change Successful ....................................................54
Figure 75: Modify User Registration – Drop-Down Menu ..........................................................55
Figure 76: Modify User Registration – Company Tab ................................................................55
Figure 77: Modify User Registration – Company Modal Window ...............................................56
Figure 78: Modify User Registration – Company Tab with Changes..........................................57
Figure 79: Modify User Registration – Delete Company Confirmation .......................................58
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Figure 80: Modify User Registration – Docs/Links Tab ..............................................................58
Figure 81: Modify User Registration – Attachment Modal Window ............................................59
Figure 82: Modify User Registration – Docs/Links Tab with Attachment Uploaded....................60
Figure 83: Modify User Registration – Delete Attachment Confirmation ....................................60
Figure 84: Modify User Registration – Comments Tab ..............................................................61
Figure 85: Modify User Registration – Comments Modal Window .............................................61
Figure 86: Modify User Registration – Comments Tab with Comment Added ...........................62
Figure 87: Modify User Registration – Delete Comment Confirmation.......................................62
Figure 88: Modify User Registration – Unsuccessful Validation Message .................................63
Figure 89: Modify User Registration – Successful Validation Message .....................................63
Figure 90: Modify User Registration – Perjury Statement ..........................................................63
Figure 91: Modify User Registration – Submission Confirmation ...............................................63
Figure 92: Main Navigation Banner ...........................................................................................64
Figure 93: Menu Options...........................................................................................................64
Figure 94: Drop-Down Menus – New ........................................................................................66
Figure 95: Drop-Down Menus – Modify Registration .................................................................66
Figure 96: Common Tab Items..................................................................................................66
Figure 97: Common Action Bar Items .......................................................................................67
Figure 98: Common Functions – Checkboxes ...........................................................................68
Figure 99: Common Functions – Characters Left Count............................................................68
Figure 100: Tool Tip ..................................................................................................................70
Figure 101: Home Page (My Submissions) ...............................................................................71
Figure 102: Display My Submissions ........................................................................................74
Figure 103: Filter My Submissions ............................................................................................75
Figure 104: Navigate My Submissions ......................................................................................76
Figure 105: Copy to Clipboard ..................................................................................................77
Figure 106: Print View ...............................................................................................................78
Figure 107: Export to Excel .......................................................................................................79
Figure 108: Export to PDF ........................................................................................................79
Figure 109: Create a New Uniform – Select New Drop-Down Menu .........................................81
Figure 110: Create a New Uniform – Select Company Product Source .....................................81
Figure 111: Create a New Uniform – Select Company Permit Number .....................................81
Figure 112: Create a New Uniform – Company (Domestic and For Export Only) ......................82
Figure 113: Create a New Uniform – Company (Import) ...........................................................83
Figure 114: Create a New Uniform – Company Tab with Company Address Added .................84
Figure 115: Create a New Uniform – Delete Address Confirmation ...........................................85
Figure 116: Create a New Uniform – Address Modal Window ...................................................85
Figure 117: Create a New Uniform – Address Type (Domestic and For Export Only)................85
Figure 118: Create a New Uniform – Address Type (Import) .....................................................86
Figure 119: Create a New Uniform – Address Fields (Domestic) ..............................................86
Figure 120: Create a New Uniform – Address Fields (Foreign) .................................................87
Figure 121: Create a New Uniform – Contacts ..........................................................................88
Figure 122: Create a New Uniform – Main Tab .........................................................................88
Figure 123: Create a New Uniform – Supersedes Formula Fields .............................................89
Figure 124: Create a New Uniform – Superseded Formula Modal Window ...............................89
Figure 125: Create a New Uniform – Superseded Formula Added ............................................90
Figure 126: Create a New Uniform – Delete Superseded Formula Confirmation .......................90
Figure 127: Create a New Uniform – Class/Type Specified .......................................................91
Figure 128: Create a New Uniform – Formula Tab (Volume/Weight Measurement Type) .........92
Figure 129: Create a New Uniform – Formula Tab (Percentage Measurement Type) ...............92
Figure 130: Create a New Uniform – Ingredients ......................................................................93
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Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual

Figure 131: Create a New Uniform – Fermentable Ingredient Modal Window ...........................94
Figure 132: Create a New Uniform – Fermentable Ingredients Information Added ....................95
Figure 133: Create a New Uniform – Delete Fermentable Ingredient Confirmation ...................95
Figure 134: Create a New Uniform – Finished Alcohol Ingredient Modal Window .....................96
Figure 135: Create a New Uniform – Finished Alcohol Information Added ................................97
Figure 136: Create a New Uniform – Delete Finished Alcohol Ingredient Confirmation .............97
Figure 137: Create a New Uniform – Flavor Ingredient Modal Window .....................................98
Figure 138: Create a New Uniform – Search Formulas Pop-Up Window...................................99
Figure 139: Create a New Uniform – Formulas Search Results Pop-Up Window ......................99
Figure 140: Create a New Uniform – No FID Sheet Found Error .............................................100
Figure 141: Create a New Uniform – Flavor Ingredient Information Added..............................100
Figure 142: Create a New Uniform – Delete Flavor Ingredient Confirmation ...........................101
Figure 143: Create a New Uniform – Other Ingredient Modal Window ....................................101
Figure 144: Create a New Uniform – Other Ingredient Information Added...............................102
Figure 145: Create a New Uniform – Delete Other Ingredient Confirmation ............................102
Figure 146: Create a New Uniform – Attachment Modal Window ............................................103
Figure 147: Create a New Uniform – Attachment Information Added ......................................104
Figure 148: Create a New Uniform – Group Ingredients Selected ...........................................104
Figure 149: Create a New Uniform – Group Ingredients Confirmation .....................................105
Figure 150: Create a New Uniform – Ingredient Group Modal Window ...................................105
Figure 151: Create a New Uniform – Ingredient Group Information Added..............................106
Figure 152: Create a New Uniform – Ungroup Ingredients Confirmation .................................106
Figure 153: Create a New Uniform – Method of Manufacture..................................................106
Figure 154: Create a New Uniform – Samples Tab .................................................................107
Figure 155: Create a New Uniform – Sample Modal Window ..................................................108
Figure 156: Create a New Uniform – Samples Tab with Sample Added ..................................109
Figure 157: Create a New Uniform – Delete Sample Confirmation ..........................................109
Figure 158: Create a New Uniform – Unsuccessful Validation Message .................................110
Figure 159: Create a New Uniform – Successful Validation Message .....................................110
Figure 160: Create a New Uniform – Save As Draft Confirmation ...........................................110
Figure 161: Create a New Uniform – Perjury Statement..........................................................111
Figure 162: Create a New Uniform – Submission Confirmation ...............................................111
Figure 163: Create a New Uniform – Unauthorized Users Tab................................................112
Figure 164: Create a New Uniform – Add Unauthorized Users Modal Window .......................112
Figure 165: Create a New Uniform – Unauthorized User Tab with User Added.......................113
Figure 166: Create a New Uniform – Delete Unauthorized User Confirmation ........................113
Figure 167: Create a New SDA – Select New Drop-Down Menu ............................................115
Figure 168: Create a New SDA – Select Company Name .......................................................116
Figure 169: Create a New SDA – Address Fields....................................................................116
Figure 170: Create a New SDA – Company Tab with Company Address Added ....................117
Figure 171: Create a New SDA – Delete Address Confirmation ..............................................118
Figure 172: Create a New SDA – Address Modal Window ......................................................118
Figure 173: Create a New SDA – Address Type .....................................................................118
Figure 174: Create a New SDA – Address Fields (Domestic)..................................................119
Figure 175: Create a New SDA – Address Fields (Foreign) ....................................................120
Figure 176: Create a New SDA – Contacts .............................................................................121
Figure 177: Create a New SDA – Main Tab ............................................................................121
Figure 178: Create a New SDA – Revised Formula Fields ......................................................122
Figure 179: Create a New SDA – Revised Formula Modal Window ........................................122
Figure 180: Create a New SDA – Revised Formula Added .....................................................122
Figure 181: Create a New SDA – Article Information...............................................................123
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Figure 182: Create a New SDA – Product Packing .................................................................123
Figure 183: Create a New SDA – Article Code Number Drop-Down List .................................124
Figure 184: Create a New SDA – Formula Tab .......................................................................125
Figure 185: Create a New SDA – SDA/SDR Formula Ingredient Pop-Up Window ..................126
Figure 186: Create a New SDA – SDA/SDR Formula Drop-Down List ....................................127
Figure 187: Create a New SDA – Delete SDA/SDR Formula Confirmation .............................128
Figure 188: Create a New SDA – Formula Tab with Formula and Process Added ..................128
Figure 189: Create a New SDA – Samples Tab ......................................................................129
Figure 190: Create a New SDA – Sample Modal Window .......................................................130
Figure 191: Create a New SDA – Samples Tab with Sample Added .......................................131
Figure 192: Create a New SDA – Delete Sample Confirmation ...............................................131
Figure 193: Create a New SDA – Unsuccessful Validation Message ......................................132
Figure 194: Create a New SDA – Successful Validation Message ..........................................132
Figure 195: Create a New SDA – Save As Draft Confirmation ................................................132
Figure 196: Create a New SDA – Perjury Statement ...............................................................133
Figure 197: Create a New SDA – Submission Confirmation ....................................................133
Figure 198: Create a New Drawback – Select New Drop-Down Menu ....................................135
Figure 199: Create a New Drawback – Select Company Name ..............................................136
Figure 200: Create a New Drawback – Address Fields ...........................................................136
Figure 201: Create a New Drawback – Company Tab with Company Address Added ............137
Figure 202: Create a New Drawback – Delete Address Confirmation .....................................138
Figure 203: Create a New Drawback – Address Modal Window .............................................138
Figure 204: Create a New Drawback – Address Type .............................................................138
Figure 205: Create a New Drawback – Address Fields (Domestic) .........................................139
Figure 206: Create a New Drawback – Address Fields (Foreign) ............................................140
Figure 207: Create a New Drawback – Contacts.....................................................................141
Figure 208: Create a New Drawback – Main Tab ....................................................................141
Figure 209: Create a New Drawback – Supersedes Formula Fields .......................................142
Figure 210: Create a New Drawback – Superseded Formula Modal Window .........................142
Figure 211: Create a New Drawback – Superseded Formula Added ......................................143
Figure 212: Create a New Drawback – Delete Superseded Formula Confirmation .................143
Figure 213: Create a New Drawback – Product Type Specified ..............................................143
Figure 214: Create a New Drawback – Product Type Drop-Down List ....................................143
Figure 215: Create a New Drawback – Formula Tab (Top) .....................................................144
Figure 216: Create a New Drawback – Formula Tab (Bottom) ................................................145
Figure 217: Create a New Drawback – Summary ...................................................................146
Figure 218: Create a New Drawback – Calculated Not Same As Declared Alcohol Content
Fields ...............................................................................................................................146
Figure 219: Create a New Drawback – Process Type Drop-Down List ....................................146
Figure 220: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Beverage Use .............................................147
Figure 221: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components/Compounded Flavors .............148
Figure 222: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) for Simple Mix
or Filtration .......................................................................................................................148
Figure 223: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) for Washed
Extracts ............................................................................................................................149
Figure 224: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) Information
Added ..............................................................................................................................149
Figure 225: Create a New Drawback – Delete Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol)
Ingredient Confirmation ....................................................................................................150
Figure 226: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) for
Simple Mix or Filtration.....................................................................................................150
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Figure 227: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) for
Washed Extracts ..............................................................................................................151
Figure 228: Create a New Drawback – Search Formulas Pop-Up Window .............................152
Figure 229: Create a New Drawback – Formulas Search Results Pop-Up Window ................152
Figure 230: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates)
Information Added............................................................................................................153
Figure 231: Create a New Drawback – Delete Alcoholic Components (Disapproved
Intermediates) Ingredient Confirmation ............................................................................153
Figure 232: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) for Simple
Mixture or Filtration ..........................................................................................................154
Figure 233: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) for Washed
Extracts ............................................................................................................................154
Figure 234: Create a New Drawback – Search Formulas Pop-Up Window .............................155
Figure 235: Create a New Drawback – Formulas Search Results Pop-Up Window ................156
Figure 236: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) Information
Added ..............................................................................................................................156
Figure 237: Create a New Drawback – Delete Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol)
Ingredient Confirmation ....................................................................................................157
Figure 238: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components .........................................157
Figure 239: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group) .....158
Figure 240: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group)
Information Added............................................................................................................158
Figure 241: Create a New Drawback – Delete Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group)
Ingredient Confirmation ....................................................................................................159
Figure 242: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients)
Figure 243: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients)
Information Added............................................................................................................160
Figure 244: Create a New Drawback – Delete Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid
Ingredients) Ingredient Confirmation ................................................................................160
Figure 245: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients)
Figure 246: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients)
Information Added............................................................................................................161
Figure 247: Create a New Drawback – Delete Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid
Ingredients) Ingredient Confirmation ................................................................................162
Figure 248: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components...............................162
Figure 249: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs) ..................163
Figure 250: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs) Information
Added ..............................................................................................................................163
Figure 251: Create a New Drawback – Delete Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs)
Ingredient Confirmation ....................................................................................................164
Figure 252: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids) ................164
Figure 253: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids) Information
Added ..............................................................................................................................165
Figure 254: Create a New Drawback – Delete Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids)
Ingredient Confirmation ....................................................................................................165
Figure 255: Create a New Drawback – Additional Details .......................................................166
Figure 256: Create a New Drawback – Samples Tab ..............................................................166
Figure 257: Create a New Drawback – Sample Modal Window ..............................................167
Figure 258: Create a New Drawback – Samples Tab with Sample Added ..............................168
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Figure 259: Create a New Drawback – Delete Sample Confirmation ......................................168
Figure 260: Create a New Drawback – Unsuccessful Validation Message ..............................169
Figure 261: Create a New Drawback – Successful Validation Message ..................................169
Figure 262: Create a New Drawback – Save As Draft Confirmation ........................................169
Figure 263: Create a New Drawback – Perjury Statement ......................................................170
Figure 264: Create a New Drawback – Submission Confirmation ...........................................170
Figure 265: Create a New Rider – Select New Drop-Down Menu ...........................................172
Figure 266: Create a New Rider – Select Company Name......................................................173
Figure 267: Create a New Rider – Address Fields ..................................................................173
Figure 268: Create a New Rider – Company Tab with Company Address Added ...................174
Figure 269: Create a New Rider – Delete Address Confirmation .............................................175
Figure 270: Create a New Rider – Address Modal Window .....................................................175
Figure 271: Create a New Rider – Address Type ....................................................................175
Figure 272: Create a New Rider – Address Fields (Domestic) ................................................176
Figure 273: Create a New Rider – Address Fields (Foreign) ...................................................177
Figure 274: Create a New Rider – Contacts ............................................................................178
Figure 275: Create a New Rider – Main Tab ...........................................................................178
Figure 276: Create a New Rider – Superseded Formula .........................................................179
Figure 277: Create a New Rider – Superseded Formula Added..............................................179
Figure 278: Create a New Rider – Delete Superseded Formula Confirmation .........................180
Figure 279: Create a New Rider – Formula Tab ......................................................................180
Figure 280: Create a New Rider – Samples Tab .....................................................................181
Figure 281: Create a New Rider – Sample Modal Window ......................................................182
Figure 282: Create a New Rider – Samples Tab with Sample Added......................................183
Figure 283: Create a New Rider – Delete Sample Confirmation ..............................................183
Figure 284: Create a New Rider – Unsuccessful Validation Message .....................................184
Figure 285: Create a New Rider – Successful Validation Message .........................................184
Figure 286: Create a New Rider – Save As Draft Confirmation ...............................................184
Figure 287: Create a New Rider – Perjury Statement..............................................................185
Figure 288: Create a New Rider – Submission Confirmation...................................................185
Figure 289: Add Comments – Comments Tab ........................................................................187
Figure 290: Add Comments – Comment Modal Window .........................................................187
Figure 291: Add Comments – Comments Tab with Comments Added ....................................188
Figure 292: Edit Comments – Comments Tab ........................................................................188
Figure 293: Edit Comments – Comment Modal Window .........................................................189
Figure 294: Edit Comments – Comments Tab with Comments Updated .................................189
Figure 295: Delete Comments – Comments Tab ....................................................................190
Figure 296: Delete Comments – Delete Comment Confirmation .............................................190
Figure 297: Delete Comments – Comments Tab with Comments Deleted ..............................190
Figure 298: Upload Attachments – Docs/Links Tab .................................................................191
Figure 299: Upload Attachments – Attachment Modal Window ...............................................192
Figure 300: Upload Attachments – Type Drop-Down List ........................................................192
Figure 301: Upload Attachments – Docs/Links Tab with Attachment Added ...........................193
Figure 302: Upload Attachments – Delete Attachment Confirmation .......................................193
Figure 303: Link Submissions – Docs/Links Tab .....................................................................194
Figure 304: Link Submissions – Submission Link Modal Window ...........................................194
Figure 305: Link Submissions – Docs/Links Tab with Submission Link Added ........................195
Figure 306: Link Submissions – Delete Submission Link Confirmation ...................................195
Figure 307: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – E-Mail Notification ..................................197
Figure 308: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Home Page (My Submissions) ...............198
Figure 309: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Needs Correction Tab ............................199
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Figure 310: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Return Reason Pop-Up Window ............199
Figure 311: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Perjury Statement ..................................200
Figure 312: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Submission Confirmation .......................200
Figure 313: Copying Existing Submissions – Copy as New Confirmation................................201
Figure 314: Copying Existing Submissions – Link New and Original Submissions Confirmation
Figure 315: Printing Submissions – Print Dialog......................................................................203
Figure 316: Printing Submissions – Print Pop-Up Window ......................................................204
Figure 317: Printing Submissions – All (Top) ..........................................................................205
Figure 318: Printing Submissions – All (Middle 1) ...................................................................206
Figure 319: Printing Submissions – All (Middle 2) ...................................................................207
Figure 320: Printing Submissions – All (Bottom) .....................................................................208
Figure 321: Printing Submissions – Current Tab .....................................................................209
Figure 322: Printing Submissions – Formula Summary (Top) .................................................210
Figure 323: Printing Submissions – Formula Summary (Bottom) ............................................211
Figure 324: Entering Sample Sent Date – Samples Tab with Enter Date Sent Selected .........212
Figure 325: Entering Sample Sent Date – Samples Tab with Enter Date Sent Added .............213
Figure 326: Printing Sample ID Sheets – Samples Tab with Print Sample ID Sheet Sent
Selected ...........................................................................................................................214
Figure 327: Printing Sample ID Sheets – Printable Sample ID Sheet ......................................215
Figure 328: Printing Sample ID Sheets – Print Dialog .............................................................216
Figure 329: Search for Submissions – Enter Search Criteria...................................................217
Figure 330: Search for Submissions – Search Results............................................................218
Figure 331: Search for Submissions – Submission Detail (Main Tab) .....................................218
Figure 332: Search for Samples – Enter Search Criteria .........................................................219
Figure 333: Search for Samples – Search Results ..................................................................219
Figure 334: Search for Samples – Submission Detail (Main Tab) ...........................................220
Figure 335: Search for Samples – Submission Detail (Samples Tab) .....................................220
Figure 336: Search for Samples – Sample Modal Window ......................................................221
Figure 337: Search for Formulas – Enter Search Criteria ........................................................221
Figure 338: Search for Formulas – Search Results .................................................................222
Figure 339: Search for Formulas – Submission Detail (Main Tab) ..........................................222
Figure 340: Search for Submissions/Formulas – Advanced Search ........................................223
Figure 341: Search for Submissions/Formulas – Search Submissions and Formulas .............224
Figure 342: Search for Submissions/Formulas – Search Results ............................................225
Figure 343: Text Menu ............................................................................................................226
Figure 344: User Profile (Top) .................................................................................................227
Figure 345: User Profile (Bottom) ............................................................................................228
Figure 346: Change Password Reminder Confirmation...........................................................229
Figure 347: Expired Password Error Message ........................................................................230
Figure 348: Locked Account Error Message ...........................................................................231
Figure 349: Change Password – Change Password Logout Confirmation ..............................232
Figure 350: Change Password – Password Change Utility Login ............................................233
Figure 351: Change Password – Password Change Utility Main Page....................................234
Figure 352: Change Password – Password Change Successful .............................................235
Figure 353: Reset Forgotten Password – Password Change Utility Login ...............................236
Figure 354: Reset Forgotten Password – Password Change Utility Main Page .......................237
Figure 355: Reset Forgotten Password – Password Change Successful ................................238
Figure 356: Reset Expired Password – Password Change Utility Login ..................................239
Figure 357: Reset Expired Password – Password Change Utility Main Page ..........................240
Figure 358: Reset Expired Password – Password Change Successful ...................................241
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Figure 359: Unlock Locked Account – Password Change Utility Login ....................................242
Figure 360: Unlock Locked Account – Password Change Utility Main Page............................243
Figure 361: Unlock Locked Account – Password Change Successful .....................................244
Figure 362: Contact TTB .........................................................................................................245
Figure 363: Log Off Confirmation ............................................................................................246
Figure 364: Surrender a Single Formula – Surrender Confirmation .........................................247
Figure 365: Surrender Multiple Formulas – Surrender Confirmation........................................248
Figure 366: Withdraw a Submission – Withdraw Confirmation ................................................249
Figure 367: Send an E-Mail Message – E-Mail Notification Pop-Up Window ..........................251
Figure 368: Send an E-Mail Message – Contact List Pop-Up Window ....................................252
Figure 369: Send an E-Mail Message – E-Mail Subject and Message Added .........................253
Figure 370: Send an E-Mail Message – Comments Tab with E-Mail Notification Added .........254
Figure 371: Confirmation Message .........................................................................................255
Figure 372: Informational Message .........................................................................................256
Figure 373: Validation Message ..............................................................................................257
Figure 374: Error Message......................................................................................................258
Figure 375: Help Pop-Up Window ...........................................................................................259
Figure 376: Online Industry Member Online Help....................................................................260
Figure 377: Online Industry Member User Manual ..................................................................261

List of Tables
Table 1: Manual Organization .................................................................................................... 2
Table 2: Manual Conventions..................................................................................................... 2
Table 3: Acronyms and Terms ................................................................................................... 3
Table 4: Formulas Online Action Bar Options ...........................................................................67
Table 5: Buttons and Controls ...................................................................................................68

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Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual


This User Manual provides a detailed overview of the system capabilities and functions of the
Formulas Online system for authenticated regulated industry members. It features the
operating instructions, message handling, and help facilities of Formulas Online. This User
Manual also includes an appendix that describes the definitions of terms displayed to the user.
The document is written on behalf of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) of the
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).
This section provides information on the project background and scope, points of contact, as
well as the document organization, conventions, and glossary.


The TTB mission is to:

Collect alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and ammunition taxes
Ensure that alcohol beverages are labeled, advertised and marketed in accordance with
the law
Administer the laws and regulations in a manner that protects the revenue, protects the
consumer, and promotes voluntary compliance

The Formulas Online system is a secure web application that enables industry members to
draft, submit, and track TTB’s processing of regulatory compliance submissions and associated
samples for beverage and nonbeverage-related compliance actions. The system also allows an
industry member to register and maintain one user ID used for both the Formulas Online system
and the COLAs Online system.
For beverage-related actions, the types of submissions processed include:

Formulas and/or Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages (Uniform)

For nonbeverage-related actions, the types of submissions processed include:

Formula and/or Process for Article Made with Specially Denatured Spirits (SDA)
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product (Drawback)
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Rider (Rider)

For additional actions, the types of submissions processed include:

User Registration Request

The purpose of this User Manual is to provide a brief understanding of how to operate and
navigate through the Formulas Online application.
The Formulas Online system is the authenticated system requiring user name and password to
submit beverage and nonbeverage forms and related documents, search for them, or change
profile information.
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This User Manual is intended to provide information on how to use the system for external
authenticated users of Formulas Online. There are two types of authenticated public users
expected to use this User Manual:

Submitter – The registered industry member submits the beverage and nonbeverage
submissions electronically and views the status of the submissions. The Submitter may
create, update, submit, and withdraw formulas and submissions.
Preparer/Reviewer – The user with this classification is responsible for drafting
submissions, but does not have the ability to officially submit, withdraw, or surrender a
formula or submission. The Preparer/Reviewer may create and/or update a submission
and save it in the “Draft” or “Needs Correction” statuses, but cannot officially submit a
new or revised submission for processing by TTB. Only an authorized Submitter for the
companies included in the submission can submit for processing.



Table 1 lists the details of the organization of the User Manual.
Table 1: Manual Organization
Section Number

Section Title




Provides information on the project
background, project objectives, and points of
contact, as well as the document organization,
conventions, and glossary


System Capabilities

Provides an overview of the Formulas Online
system and its capabilities


System Functions

Describes each specific function including
step-by-step procedures for using the function


Message Handling

Provides details on how messages are handled
in the Formulas Online system


Help Facilities

Discusses the help facilities provided to users
of the Formulas Online system

Appendix A

Definition of Terms

Defines important terms used in the Formulas
Online system


Conventions of the User Manual

Table 2 lists the manual conventions of the User Manual.
Table 2: Manual Conventions



Bold text indicates a button or key label


Indicates a note or message to the user

1. Numbered List

Numbered lists provide step-by-step procedures for performing an action


Bulleted lists provide information, not procedural steps

Bulleted List

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Indicates a link to a specific application or web page
Question Mark – context-sensitive help



Table 3 provides a list of acronyms and terms used in the User Manual. For a more complete
list, see Appendix A Definition of Terms.
Table 3: Acronyms and Terms
Acronym / Term



Also Known As


Alcohol Beverage Sampling Program


Alcohol by Volume


Advertising, Labeling and Formulation Division


Beverage Alcohol Laboratory


Code of Federal Regulations


Compliance Laboratory


Configuration Management


Certificate of Label Approval

COLAs Online

Certificate of Label Approval System


Distilled Spirits Specialty


Employer Identification Number


Eastern Standard Time


Federal Alcohol Administration


Food, Drug & Cosmetics

FID Sheet

Food and Drug Administration


Grain Neutral Spirits


Generally Recognized as Safe


High Fructose Corn Syrup


Industry Circular


Identification, identifier


Industry Member


Integrated Revenue Information System


Legal Instruments Examiner


Laboratory Information Management System


Market Compliance Office


Manufacturer of Nonbeverage Products


Method of Manufacture

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Acronym / Term



Natural and Artificial


Not applicable


Nonbeverage Alcohol


Nonbeverage Products Laboratory


National Revenue Center


Office of the Chief Information Officer


Optical Character Recognition


Online Industry Member


Other Than Standard wine


Password Change Utility


Power of Attorney


Point of Contact


Parts Per Million


Pacific Standard Time


Quantity Sufficient


Regulations and Rulings Division


Signature Authority, Signature Authority


Specially Denatured Alcohol


Specially Denatured Rum


Sample ID Sheet


Treasury Communications Services


Total Information Processing Support Services


Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, National Office


Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau


Use rate


Wine Gallon


With Other Natural Flavors

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This section provides an overview of the Formulas Online system and its capabilities.


The Formulas Online system is a web-based application that allows the drafting, submission,
workflow routing, revision, review, and return of beverage and nonbeverage-related regulatory
compliance submissions. From the perspective of the industry members, the high-level
functions of the system can be described in terms of three processes:

User Registration Process – See Section 2.1.1 User Registration Process
Submission Creation Process – See Section 2.1.2 Submission Creation Process
Submission Workflow Process – See Section 2.1.3 Submission Workflow Process
User Registration Process

The system allows new industry members to request access to the system via the user
registration process. These requests are routed and processed by TTB Registrars, who return
company submission authorization decisions and credentials to the applicants once the user
registration process is completed. Users can activate user IDs and set their passwords to
access the system and generate new regulatory compliance submissions on behalf of beverage
and nonbeverage companies for which they have been authorized to perform submissions. See
Section 3.4 User Registration for more information.
The user registration process also allows existing users to update their credentials with
revisions to the list of companies they represent, and their roles for submissions privileges
according to authorities at the companies the users represent. See Section 3.4.4 Modify a
User Registration for more information.
Users can also update their user profile detail directly in the system. See Section 3.17 My
Profile for more information.

Submission Creation Process

The system allows new industry members to create and submit to TTB new beverage and
nonbeverage-related formula and sample submissions for the companies the users are
authorized to represent in the application. A user can be fully authorized as a Submitter of
these entries, or can be partially authorized to enter the content as a Preparer/Reviewer for
these entries. The submission creation process is structured to guide the user through the entry
of a new submission, enabling him or her to identify the companies for which the submission is
associated, identify formulas for which this submission supersedes previous submissions, and
then facilitates the entry of specific data items associated with each submission type.
The functionality enables the Submitter to save the entry in “Draft” status, returning later to
complete the entry and validate the submission for data errors, before the user then submits the
entry to TTB for further processing.
Certain submission types require the user to submit accompanying samples. In these cases,
once the submission is submitted, the system reminds the user to print Sample Identification
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Sheets for each of the samples listed in the submission, affix, or include those sheets with the
packaged samples, and provides instructions for mailing the samples to the appropriate TTB
location or laboratory for analysis of the sample and associated submission information. An email notification is sent to the Submitter upon successful submission of the entry to TTB for

Submission Workflow Process

The system allows authorized users to track the progress of their submissions as TTB
processes them. A Notify function is available to the users to communicate ongoing comments
and issues with their submissions to TTB Internal Processors responsible for processing the
The system allows the TTB Internal Processors to conduct such procedures as marking the
receipt of items (typically samples) required to proceed with processing the submission,
assigning the submission to Chemists where applicable (NPL submissions in particular), and
reviewing the results of analysis by the appropriate Rules and Regulations Division Office
(RRD) and/or Field Office (FO) participants (TID, TAD, or TAED).
In addition, the system also allows TTB processors to return the submission to the users for
correction of selected issues, allowing the users to update and resubmit corrected submissions.
Users can also withdraw submissions in progress and surrender approved formulations if
necessary once approved.

What’s New in 1.6

The following system updates and new functionality are included in Version 1.6 of the Formulas
Online system:

Updated System Entry Point
My Submissions Home Page Enhancements
Search Results Enhancements
General Submission Enhancements
User Registration Submission Enhancements
Uniform Submission Enhancements
Drawback Submission Enhancements
SDA Submission Enhancements
Rider Submission Enhancements

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Updated System Entry Point – The TTB Online Portal now includes a vertical menu to
streamline access to the most commonly accessed areas, such as the Public COLAs
Registry and TTB contact information.
Figure 1: TTB Online Portal Page

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My Submissions Home Page Enhancements – The My Submissions home page now
includes the following enhancements in functionality:

Display My Submissions Home Page – You may now display the contents of your
My Submissions home page in increments of 50 or 100 or show all using the Show
drop-down list. By default, Formulas Online will display the contents of your My
Submissions home page in increments of 50.
Figure 2: Display My Submissions


Display Only Open Submissions – You may now view your open submissions (i.e.,
“In Process” or “Draft” status) in your My Submissions home page. You may view
your cancelled, withdrawn, or closed submissions by performing an Advanced


Sort My Submissions Home Page – You may now sort the columns in your My
Submissions list by selecting the column header. You may toggle between
ascending and descending order for a column by selecting the arrow next to the
column header. You may also select multiple columns to sort by pressing the Shift
key on your keyboard while selecting the column headers.

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Filter My Submissions Home Page – You may now enter filter criteria in the Filter
field to automatically filter the contents of your My Submissions home page. This
filter criteria must match the contents of your My Submissions home page; it will not
apply to the contents within a particular submission.
Figure 3: Filter My Submissions


Navigate My Submissions – You may now navigate your My Submissions home
page using page number links as well as Previous and Next links. These links are
located at the top and bottom of your My Submissions home page.
Figure 4: Navigate My Submissions

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View Internal Statuses of Submissions – You may now view the internal statuses
of nonbeverage submissions on your My Submissions home page. This gives you
more visibility on the progress of your submissions in Formulas Online.


Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual

When you initially submit a Nonbeverage submission with samples, you will see
the submission status as “Items Pending” instead of “In Process.”
When the sample has been received, you will see the submission status as
“Assignment Pending.”
When the nonbeverage submission has been assigned for processing, you will
see the submission status “Lab Analysis.”
If the assignment is complete but additional quality assurance is being
performed, you will see the submission status as “QA Review.”

Copy to Clipboard – You may now select the Copy button to copy the contents of
your My Submissions home page to the clipboard, allowing you to paste this data
into another application, such as Microsoft Word.
Figure 5: Copy to Clipboard

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Print View – You may now select the PrintView button to display a printable view of
your My Submissions home page, allowing you to use your web browser’s print
function to print the data. You may press the Esc key on your keyboard to close the
printable view and return to your My Submissions home page.
Figure 6: Print View

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Export to Excel or PDF – You may now select the Excel or PDF button to export
the contents of your My Submissions home page into a Microsoft Excel file or an
Adobe Acrobat PDF file.
Figure 7: Export to Excel

Figure 8: Export to PDF

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Search Results Enhancements – The results of a Quick or Advanced Search now
include the following enhancements in functionality, similar to the enhancements in your
My Submissions home page:

Display Search Results – You may now display the search results in increments of
50 or 100 or show all using the Show drop-down list. By default, Formulas Online
will display the search results in increments of 50.


Sort Search Results – You may now sort the columns in the search results by
selecting the column header. You may toggle between ascending and descending
order for a column by selecting the arrow next to the column header. You may also
select multiple columns to sort by pressing the Shift key on your keyboard while
selecting the column headers.


Filter Search Results – You may now enter filter criteria in the Filter field to
automatically filter the contents the search results. This filter criteria must match the
contents of the search results; it will not apply to the contents within a particular


Navigate My Work List – You may now navigate the search results using page
number links as well as Previous and Next links. These links are located at the top
and bottom of the search results.


Copy to Clipboard – You may now select the Copy button to copy the contents of
the search results to the clipboard, allowing you to paste this data into another
application, such as Microsoft Word.


Print View – You may now select the PrintView button to display a printable view of
the search results, allowing you to use your web browser’s print function to print the
data. You may press the Esc key on your keyboard to close the printable view and
return to the search results.


Export to Excel or PDF – You may now select the Excel or PDF button to export
the contents of the search results into a Microsoft Excel file or an Adobe Acrobat
PDF file.

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General Submission Enhancements – Formulas Online 1.6 includes the following
general submission enhancements:

Modal Windows Replace Pop-Up Windows – The majority of pop-up windows in
Formulas Online have been replaced with modal windows. A modal window displays
within the current browser window – unlike a pop-up window, which displays outside
the current browser window and resembles ads that your browser may be set up to
block and are easy to miss or dismiss.
Figure 9: Modal Window


Perjury Statement Update – The Perjury Statement now displays at the bottom of
all tabs within a submission. Previously, the Perjury Statement displayed in a pop-up
window when you selected the Submit button to submit after you successfully
validated the submission.
Figure 10: Perjury Statement

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Tab Content Indicator – If you have content in the Comments tab or Docs/Links tab
of your submission, Formulas Online now displays an asterisk (*) next to the tab to
indicate it includes content.
Figure 11: Tab Content Indicator


Print Range Default Update – You may now print a submission and Formulas
Online will automatically default the Print Range to “Formula Summary.” This
displays data from the Main and Formula tabs for Drawback submissions and data
from the Main, Formula, Results, and Needs Correction tabs for Uniform, Rider, and
SDA submissions. Previously, Formulas Online defaulted the Print Range to the less
commonly utilized option “All,” which displays all tabs for the submission.
Figure 12: Print Range Default Update


Invalid Character Validation – You may now validate if an invalid character (i.e.,
certain special characters such as à or formatting) has been entered in a field in
Formulas Online. If you enter an invalid character in a field and attempt to commit
the change (i.e., select the OK or Submit button), the following error message
displays, prompting you to select the web browser back button and remove the
invalid character by entering it directly or pasting it from a plain text editor such as
An error has occurred with your input in one or more fields.
Please select the browser back button and remove or replace all pasted text that
contains special characters or formatting.
You may replace the invalid text either by typing the data directly from the keyboard
or pasting it from a text editor that uses plain text only (e.g., Notepad).

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Figure 13: Invalid Character Error Message



Advanced Search Issue Resolved – You may now perform an Advanced Search
for submissions with a “Withdrawn” or “Cancelled” status and successfully return
search results that match your search criteria. Previously, there was an issue where
an Advanced Search for “Withdrawn” or “Cancelled” submissions incorrectly returned
no search results.

User Registration Submission Enhancements – Formulas Online 1.6 includes the
following User Registration submission enhancements:

SA or POA Acknowledgement for Beverage User Registration – You must now
acknowledge you have a valid Signing Authority (SA) or Power of Attorney (POA) on
file at the National Revenue Center (NRC) if you select “Signing Authority” or “Power
of Attorney” as your Signature Authorization when registering an Alcohol Beverage
company in Formulas Online.
Figure 14: SA or POA Acknowledgement for Beverage User Registration

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Uniform Submission Enhancements – Formulas Online 1.6 includes the following
Uniform submission enhancements:

Method of Manufacture Attachment Required for Uniform Submission with
Samples –You must now attach a Method of Manufacture (MOM) before you may
submit a Uniform submission with samples. If you attempt to validate or submit a
Uniform submission with samples without attaching a MOM, the following error
message displays:
This submission requires a method of manufacture on company letterhead or a TTB
Form 5100.51 signed by the producer. Please use the upload function to attach one
of these documents and select 'Method of Manufacture' when you are prompted for
You must go to the Docs/Links tab and attach a document with the Type “Method of
Manufacture” in order to proceed with the submission.
Figure 15: Method of Manufacture Attachment Required Error Message


Method of Manufacture Attachment or Description Required for Uniform
Submission without Samples –You must now enter a MOM description OR attach
a MOM before you may submit a Uniform submission without samples. If you
attempt to validate or submit a Uniform submission without samples without entering
a MOM description OR attaching a MOM, the following error message displays:
Method of Manufacture description or document attachment is required. If you are
using the upload function to attach one of these documents, you must select 'Method
of Manufacture' when you are prompted for Type.
You must go to the Formula tab and enter a Method of Manufacture description OR
you must go to the Docs/Links tab and attach a document with the Type “Method of
Manufacture” in order to proceed with the submission.

Figure 16: Method of Manufacture Description or Attachment Required Error Message

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Uniform Ingredient Quantity (Low) Validation – You may now enter a Quantity
(Low) value of 0 (Zero) for Uniform Fermentable, Finished Alcohol, Flavor, and Other
Ingredients. Previously, this value had to be greater than 0 (Zero).
Figure 17: Uniform Ingredient Quantity (Low) Validation


Import Uniforms New TTB Formula ID Issue Resolved – Formulas Online has
resolved the issue where Import Uniform submissions with no Company Formula
Numbers were getting new TTB Formula IDs generated when you resubmitted after
the submission was sent back to you in “Needs Correction” status.

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Supersedes Fields Removed from Create New Uniform Pop-Up Window – You
may now only enter supersede information through the Main tab when creating a
new Uniform submission. You may no longer enter supersede information on the
Create New Uniform pop-up window; these fields have been removed to streamline
Figure 18: Supersedes Fields on Main Tab (Uniform)


Drawback Submission Enhancements – Formulas Online 1.6 includes the following
Drawback submission enhancements:

Unfit for Beverage Statement Required for Drawback Submission – You must
now complete the Unfit for Beverage Statement field under Additonal Details in the
Formula tab for a Drawback submission. Unfit for Beverage Statement is now a
required field, indicated by a red asterisk (*).
Figure 19: Unfit for Beverage Statement Required for Drawback Submission

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Contains Colors and Limited Ingredients Fields Updated – You may now enter
information in the updated Contains Colors and Limited Ingredient fields in the
Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) and Alcoholic Components
(Ineligible Alcohol) ingredient modal windows for a Drawback submission. Instead of
checkboxes, these fields are drop-down lists with Yes or No values. If you select
Yes in the Contains Colors field, the FDA Approved field displays allowing you to
enter the information. If you select Yes in the Limited Ingredients field, the Names
and % by Weight field displays allowing you to enter the information.

Figure 20: Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) for Simple Mix or Filtration

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Figure 21: Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) for Washed Extracts

Figure 22: Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) for Simple Mixture or Filtration

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Figure 23: Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) for Washed Extracts


Limited Ingredients Field Added for Individual Liquids and Individual Solids –
You may now enter Limited Ingredient information for nonalcoholic components
(individual liquid ingredients and individual solid ingredients) for a Drawback
submission. Instead of checkboxes, this field is a drop-down list with Yes or No
values. If you select Yes in the Limited Ingredients field, the Names and % by
Weight field displays allowing you to enter the information.
Figure 24: Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients)

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Figure 25: Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients)


TTB Limited Ingredients Parts Per Million Value Increase – You may now enter a
Parts Per Million (PPM) value of up to 999,999 in all TTB Limited Ingredients fields
for a Drawback submission. Previously, the limit was a PPM value of up to 99,999.
Figure 26: TTB Limited Ingredients Parts Per Million Value Increase

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Supersedes Fields Removed from Create New Drawback Pop-Up Window –
You may now only enter supersede information through the Main tab when creating
a new Drawback, submission. You may no longer enter supersede information on
the Create New Drawback pop-up window; these fields have been removed to
streamline functionality.
Figure 27: Supersedes Fields on Main Tab (Drawback)


SDA Submission Enhancements – Formulas Online 1.6 includes the following SDA
submission enhancements:

Revise Existing Formula Fields from Create New Pop-Up Window (SDA) – You
may now only enter revised existing formula information through the Main tab when
creating a new SDA submission. You may no longer enter revised existing formula
information on the Create New SDA pop-up window; these fields have been removed
to streamline functionality.
Figure 28: Revise Existing Formula Fields on Main Tab (SDA)

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Rider Submission Enhancements – Formulas Online 1.6 includes the following Rider
submission enhancements:

Supersedes Fields Removed from Create New Rider Pop-Up Window – You
may now only enter supersede information through the Main tab when creating a
new Rider submission. You may no longer enter supersede information on the
Create New Rider pop-up window; these fields have been removed to streamline
Figure 29: Supersedes Fields on Main Tab (Rider)



The TTB privacy policy is described in the Privacy Policy page linked on the TTB Online Portal
page and on the Public COLA Registry entry point, the Public COLA Registry Basic Search
page. The TTB privacy impact assessment (PIA) is available in the Privacy Impact
Assessments page linked on the TTB Online Portal page and on the Public COLA Registry
entry point, the Public COLA Registry Basic Search page.
Figure 30 details the Privacy Policy page. Figure 31 details the Privacy Impact Assessments
page. Figure 32 details the Privacy Impact Assessment page for Formulas Online, accessed by
selecting the Formulas Online link on the Privacy Impact Assessments page.

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Figure 30: Privacy Policy

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Figure 31: Privacy Impact Assessments

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Figure 32: Privacy Impact Assessment (Formulas Online)

In addition, the following government warning displays at the bottom of the TTB Online Portal

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This section describes each specific system function of the Formulas Online system.


Through the Formulas Online system, an industry member may:

View all submissions he or she has authored and submitted.
If authorized, edit all visible submissions while they are in the “Draft” or “Needs
Correction” statuses.
If authorized, create comments for all visible submissions, edit COLAs Access restriction
list for all visible Uniform submissions.
Access both the COLAs Online system and the Formulas Online system from the same
main page: the TTB Online Portal page.

This section discusses all of the basic information needed to start using the Formulas Online
system. This section includes the following information:

Getting Started – Using the TTB Online Portal Page – See Section 3.3 Getting
Started – Using the TTB Online Portal Page
User Registration – See Section 3.4 User Registration
Navigating the System – See Section 3.5 Navigating the System
Home (My Submissions) – See Section 3.6 Home Page (My Submissions)
Creating and Submitting Submissions (by Type) – See Section 3.7 Creating and
Submitting Submissions (by Type)
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Comments – See Section 3.8 Adding, Editing, and
Deleting Comments
Uploading Attachments and Linking Submissions – See Section 3.9 Uploading
Attachments and Linking Submissions
Editing, Correcting, and Resubmitting Submissions – See Section 3.10 Editing,
Correcting, and Resubmitting Submissions
Copying Existing Submissions – See Section 3.11 Copying Existing Submissions
Printing Submissions – See Section 3.12 Printing Submissions
Entering Sample Sent Date – See Section 3.13 Entering Sample Sent Date
Printing Sample ID Sheets – See Section 3.14 Printing Sample ID Sheets
Searching for Submissions, Samples, and Formulas – See Section 3.15 Searching
for Submissions, Samples, and Formulas
Text Menu – See Section 3.16 Text Menu
My Profile – See Section 3.17 My Profile
Change Password – See Section 3.18 Change Password
Contact Us – See Section 3.19 Contact Us
Log Off – See Section 3.20 Log Off
Additional Functions – See Section 3.21 Additional Functions

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You access both the COLAs Online system and the Formulas Online system from the same
main page: the TTB Online Portal page. You may also access the Public COLA Registry or
begin the user registration process for using TTB Online. Your My Submissions home page
displays when you successfully log into the Formulas Online system after acknowledging the
TTB Security Warning. Figure 33 details the TTB Online Portal page. Figure 34 details the TTB
Security Warning. Figure 35 details the My Submissions home page.
Figure 33: TTB Online Portal

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Figure 34: TTB Security Warning

Figure 35: Home Page (My Submissions)


Access Formulas Online through the TTB Online Portal Page

Follow these steps to access Formulas Online through the TTB Online Portal page:
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1. From your web browser, enter in the address field.
2. Press the Enter key. The TTB Online Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
3. Enter your User Name and Password in the available fields.
4. Select the Formulas Online button. The TTB Security Warning displays. See Figure 34.
5. Select the OK button. The TTB Security Warning closes and your My Submissions home
page displays. See Figure 35.
►Note: If you do not have a user name and password, select the How do I register for COLAs
Online? link to view registration FAQs. See Section 3.4.1 How Do I Register? for more
information. Alternatively, you may go directly to the registration process by selecting the
Register for TTB Online link. See Section 3.4.2 Create a New User Registration for more
►Note: Follow the steps in Section 3.18.1 Change Your Password to change an existing
►Note: Follow the steps in Section 3.18.2 Reset Your Forgotten Password to reset a forgotten
►Note: Follow the steps in Section 3.18.3 Reset Your Expired Password to reset an expired
►Note: Follow the steps in Section 3.18.4 Unlock Your Locked Account to unlock a locked
►Note: After one year of inactivity, your user ID will also be deleted and you will need to reregister if you wish to resume using Formulas Online. Follow the steps in Section 3.4.2 Create
a New User Registration to re-register.
►Note: When you are inactive in the system for ten minutes, the system logs you out and
returns you to the TTB Online Portal page. The system allows you to log back in immediately in
the event you are timed out.

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This section discusses the basic information for user registration. This section includes the
following information:

How Do I Register? – See Section 3.4.1 How Do I Register?
Create a New User Registration – See Section 3.4.2 Create a New User Registration
Activate a User ID – See Section 3.4.3 Activate a User ID
Modify a User Registration – See Section 3.4.4 Modify a User Registration
How Do I Register?

The how to register? link displays the COLAs and Formulas Online FAQs page and provides
general information on how to register for COLAs Online and/or Formulas Online. Figure 36
details the COLAs and Formulas Online FAQs page.
Figure 36: COLAs and Formulas Online FAQs

Follow these steps in Section 3.4.2 Create a New User Registration to register for COLAs
Online and/or Formulas Online.
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Create a New User Registration

Follow these steps to create a new user registration:
1. From your web browser, enter in the address field.
2. Press the Enter key. The TTB Online Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
3. Select the Register for TTB Online link. A confirmation message box displays prompting
you to confirm your action. See Figure 37.
Figure 37: COLAs/FONL User Registration Confirmation

a. If you already use COLAs Online or Formulas Online, select the Cancel button.
b. If you are new to COLAs Online or Formulas Online or wish to reactivate an inactive
account, select OK button to confirm. The User Registration page displays with the
Main tab selected. See Figure 38.

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Figure 38: User Registration – Main Tab

Type of Application
Figure 39: User Registration – Reactivating Inactive Account

Figure 40: User Registration – New Application

4. Select the radio button next to Type of Application (New Application or Reactivate an
Inactive Account).
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a. If you are an existing COLAs Online user or an inactive Formulas Online user, select the
Reactivate an Inactive Account radio button and enter your user ID (if you remember it).
See Figure 39.
b. If you are a new user, select the New Application radio button. See Figure 40.

Personal Information
Figure 41: User Registration – Personal Information (USPS Domestic)

Figure 42: User Registration – Personal Information (Foreign Address)

5. Enter your personal information in the available fields. See Figure 41. If you select Foreign
for Address Format, additional address fields display. See Figure 42.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.

Business E-mail Addresses
Figure 43: User Registration – Business E-mail Addresses

6. Enter at least one valid business e-mail address in the available field(s). See Figure 43.

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►Note: You may add up to three valid e-mail addresses, but then you must select which
should be used as the primary contact. E-mail notification will only be sent to the primary
contact e-mail address.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.

Authentication Questions
Figure 44: User Registration – Authentication Questions

►Note: The system prompts you to select three different authentication questions from among
several available. It also prompts you to answer the questions you have selected. Your
selections and answers are protected by encryption technology and are unavailable to others.
This information is used by the system to allow you to activate your user ID by setting your initial
password or change a forgotten password.
7. Select three different Authentication Questions from the drop-down lists. See Figure 44.
8. Enter your answers in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
9. Select the Next button. The Company tab displays. See Figure 45.

Company Tab
Figure 45: User Registration – Company Tab

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10. Select the access type from the COLAs Online System Access drop-down list if you are
requesting COLAs Online access. See Figure 45.
11. Select the Add button. The Company modal window displays. See Figure 46.

Company Information/System Information
Figure 46: User Registration – Company (System Information – COLAs Online)

Figure 47: User Registration – Company (System Information – Formulas Online)

►Note: If you selected an access type from the COLAs Online System Access drop-down list
(See Figure 45), the COLAs Online radio button next to System Requested is selectable. See
Figure 46. Otherwise, you may only select the Formulas Online radio button option. See Figure
►Note: You may register to use COLAs Online or Formulas Online. Because access approval
for each system is done independently, you must complete two entries for that company: one for
COLAs Online access and one for Formulas Online access. This may be completed within the
same user registration request.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
12. If the System Requested is COLAs Online, the System Access displays based on the
access type selected from the COLAs Online System Access drop-down list. See Figure 45.
13. If the System Requested is Formulas Online, select the Submitter or Preparer / Reviewer
radio button next to System Access.
►Note: For Formulas Online, users may register as Submitter or Preparer/Reviewer at the
company level. For COLAs Online, users can only be either a Submitter or a
Preparer/Reviewer for all companies included in the user registration request.
14. If the System Requested is Formulas Online, select the Alcohol Beverage radio button or
Nonbeverage Product radio button next to Company Type.

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►Note: The Nonbeverage Product Company Type is only applicable for a Nonbeverage
Product company.

Submitter Company Information
Figure 48: User Registration – Company (Company Information – Domestic)

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Figure 49: User Registration – Company (Company Information – Foreign)

15. If registering as a Submitter or Preparer/Reviewer for an Alcohol Beverage company, enter
your permit number, registry number, or brewer’s number and date of permit issue in the
available fields.
►Note: The Company Code field is only applicable for a Nonbeverage Product company.
►Note: The Date of Permit Issue field format is MM/DD/YYYY. Enter it in manually or place
your cursor in the field to display a pop-up calendar to find the correct date.
16. If registering as a Submitter or Preparer/Reviewer for a Nonbeverage company, enter your
company code in the available field.
►Note: The Registry, Permit, or Brewer’s Notice field will not be required and the Date of
Permit Issue field will be hidden if you select the Nonbeverage Product radio button next to
Company Type.
17. Enter your company address information in the available fields. See Figure 48. If you select
Foreign for Address Format, additional address fields display. See Figure 49.
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►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.

Individual Information/Signature Authority or Power of Attorney Forms
Figure 50: User Registration – Company (Individual Information – Preparer/Reviewer)

Figure 51: User Registration – Company (Individual Information – Submitter)

Figure 52: User Registration – Company (Individual Information – SA/POA Selected, Beverage)

Figure 53: User Registration – Company (Individual Information – SA/POA Selected, Nonbeverage)

18. If registering as a Preparer/Reviewer, select the Employee or Representative radio button.
See Figure 50.
19. If registering as a Submitter, select the Employee or Representative radio button. See
Figure 51.
20. If registering as a Submitter, select the Owner, Signing Authority, or Power of Attorney radio
►Note: If you are registering for the first time as a Submitter on behalf of a beverage company,
unless you are an owner, you must acknowledge you have a valid SA or POA on file at the NRC
by selecting the “I agree” checkbox. See Figure 52. If registering for the first time as Submitter
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on behalf of a nonbeverage company, unless you are an owner, you need to upload a signed
Power of Attorney form or a Signing Authority form. See Figure 53. You may download the
Power of Attorney form or Signing Authority form through the system for completion, or you may
upload your own completed, scanned form.
21. If the Signing Authority or Power of Attorney radio button was selected for a nonbeverage
company, select the POA Form or SA Form link in the action bar to download the form(s)
required. See Figure 54.
Figure 54: User Registration – Action Bar

22. Complete and scan the required form(s).
23. Upload the file through the Docs/Links Tab.

Approver Information
Figure 55: User Registration – Approver Information

24. If known, enter the Title and Name of the Company Approval Official in the available fields.
25. Select the OK button. The Company modal window closes and the company is added to
the user registration submission. See Figure 56.

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Figure 56: User Registration – Company Tab with Company Added

►Note: Select the System link to display the Company modal window and edit the company
information. Select the checkbox next to the company and select the Delete button to delete
the company. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See
Figure 57. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 57: User Registration – Delete Company Confirmation

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Docs/Links Tab
Figure 58: User Registration – Docs/Links Tab

►Note: If registering for the first time as Submitter, unless you are an owner, you need to
upload a signed Power of Attorney form or a Signing Authority form. If you do not have any
attachments to upload, follow the steps in the Comments Tab if you have any comments to add
to the user registration submission. If you do not have any comments to add, follow the steps in
User Registration Submission to submit your user registration.
26. Select the Next button. The Docs/Links tab displays. See Figure 58.
27. Select the Upload button. The Attachment modal window displays. See Figure 59.
Figure 59: User Registration – Attachment Modal Window

28. Enter a description for the file in the available field.
29. Select a type from the Type drop-down list.
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►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: You must select the correct type. For example, if you selected Signing Authority as
the Signature Authorization in the Company modal window, you must select Signing Authority
from the Type drop-down list. If you selected Power of Attorney as the Signature Authorization
in the Company modal window, you must select Power of Attorney from the Type drop-down
►Note: If you are reactivating a former COLAs Online or Formulas Online user ID and these
items are on file, you will not need to file these again.
30. Select the Browse button to browse and select the signed Power of Attorney or Signing
Authority file.
31. Select the OK button. The Attachment modal window closes and the file is uploaded to the
user registration submission. See Figure 60.
Figure 60: User Registration – Docs/Links Tab with Attachment Uploaded

►Note: Select the edit link to display the Attachment modal window and edit the attachment
information. Select the checkbox next to the attachment and select the Delete button to delete
the attachment. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action.
See Figure 61. Select the OK button to confirm.

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Figure 61: User Registration – Delete Attachment Confirmation

Comments Tab
Figure 62: User Registration – Comments Tab

►Note: Adding comments to a user registration submission is optional. If you do not have any
comments to add, follow the steps in User Registration Submission to submit your user
32. Select the Comments tab. The Comments tab displays. See Figure 62.
33. Select the Add button. The Comment modal window displays. See Figure 63.

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Figure 63: User Registration – Comment Modal Window

34. Enter comments in the available field.
35. Select the OK button. The Comment modal window closes and the comments are added to
the user registration submission. See Figure 64.
Figure 64: User Registration – Comments Tab with Comment Added

►Note: Select the Comment link to display the Comment modal window and edit the comment
information. Select the checkbox next to the comment and select the Delete button to delete
the comment. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See
Figure 65. Select the OK button to confirm.
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Figure 65: User Registration – Delete Comment Confirmation

User Registration Submission
36. Select the Validate button. Red error messages display indicating any issues found with
the user registration submission. Fields with errors will also be highlighted red. See Figure
66. Alternatively, a green message displays indicating no issues were found with the user
registration submission. See Figure 67. Correct any errors and repeat this step until the
user registration submission is successfully validated.
Figure 66: User Registration – Unsuccessful Validation Message

Figure 67: User Registration – Successful Validation Message

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37. Select the Perjury Statement checkbox at the bottom of any tab to acknowledge you have
read, understood, and complied with instructions for filing the application. See Figure 68.
Figure 68: User Registration – Perjury Statement

38. Select the Submit button. The Submission Confirmation page displays with a submission
ID and the user registration submission is successfully submitted. See Figure 69.
Figure 69: User Registration – Submission Confirmation

TTB verifies your authorizations with the companies you are registering for and will contact
you by e-mail when a determination has been reached or if additional information is needed.
You should allow up to 20 days for processing and keep a record of the submission ID for
tracking purposes.
39. Select the Exit link in the main navigation banner. See Figure 70.
Figure 70: User Registration – Exit Link

A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 71.

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Figure 71: User Registration – Exit Confirmation

40. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and the TTB Online
Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
41. Follow the steps in Section 3.4.3 Activate a User ID to activate your user ID once TTB has
contacted you with the user ID.

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Activate a User ID

►Note: Follow the steps in Section 3.18.1 Change Your Password to change an existing
►Note: Follow the steps in Section 3.18.2 Reset Your Forgotten Password to reset a forgotten
►Note: Follow the steps in Section 3.18.3 Reset Your Expired Password to reset an expired
►Note: Follow the steps in Section 3.18.4 Unlock Your Locked Account to unlock a locked
►Note: After one year of inactivity, your user ID will also be deleted and you will need to reregister if you wish to resume using Formulas Online. Follow the steps in Section 3.4.2 Create
a New User Registration to re-register.
Follow these steps to activate your user ID once TTB has contacted you with the user ID after
processing your user registration submission:
1. From your web browser, enter in the address field.
2. Press the Enter key. The TTB Online Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
3. Select the New or forgotten password? link. The Password Change Utility displays. See
Figure 72.

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Figure 72: Activate User ID – Password Change Utility Login

4. Enter the user ID you received from TTB in the User ID field.
5. Enter the e-mail address you entered during user registration as the primary e-mail in the
Primary Email address field.
6. Select the Get User Profile Questions button. The system displays one of the three
authentication questions you answered when you filled out the user registration initially. See
Figure 73.

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Figure 73: Activate User ID – Password Change Utility Main Page

►Note: If you fail two login attempts or if you fail two times to answer your security questions
correctly, your account will be locked. Please contact the TTB Help Desk at 866-927-2533
(Option 2) to have your account unlocked.
7. Enter the answer for your security question in the available field.
8. Enter the password in the New Password field.
9. Enter the password in the Retyped New Password field.
►Note: Passwords must meet the following complexity rules:

Password must be at least 8 characters long.
Password must not contain your user ID.
Password must contain at least 1 UPPERCASE, 1 lowercase, 1 digit, and 1 special
You cannot reuse a password that has been used in the last 10 times or within the last
48 hours.
You cannot use the following special characters: ' (single-quote), " (double-quote), _
(underscore), = (equal sign), & (ampersand), and @ (at sign).

10. If you make a mistake, select the Clear button to clear the entry before setting your new
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11. If you change your mind, select the Cancel button to cancel before setting your new
12. Select the Set New Password button. A confirmation message box displays stating your
password was successfully changed. See Figure 74.
Figure 74: Activate User ID – Password Change Successful

13. Select the OK button to confirm. The Password Change Utility closes and the TTB Online
Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
14. Follow the steps in Section 3.3.1 Access Formulas Online through the TTB Online Portal
Page to login to Formulas Online using your newly activated user ID and password.

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Modify a User Registration

You may modify your user registration to add access to companies in the Formulas Online
Follow these steps to modify an existing user registration:
1. Select Modify Registration in the drop-down menu. See Figure 75.
Figure 75: Modify User Registration – Drop-Down Menu

The Company tab of your existing user registration displays. See Figure 76.
►Note: See Section 3.5 Navigating the System for more information on the drop-down menus
and Formulas Online menu options.

Modify Company Information
Figure 76: Modify User Registration – Company Tab

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2. Select the Add button. The Company modal window displays. See Figure 77.
Figure 77: Modify User Registration – Company Modal Window

3. Enter the information in the available fields.
►Note: The Date of Permit Issue field format is MM/DD/YYYY. Enter it in manually or place
your cursor in the field to display a pop-up calendar to find the correct date.
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►Note: The Registry, Permit, or Brewer’s Notice field will not be required and the Date of
Permit Issue field will be hidden if the Nonbeverage Product radio button next to Company Type
is selected.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
4. Select the OK button. The Company modal window closes and the Company tab displays.
See Figure 78.
Figure 78: Modify User Registration – Company Tab with Changes

►Note: Select the System link to display the Company modal window and edit the company
information. Select the checkbox next to the company and select the Delete button to delete
the company. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See
Figure 79. Select the OK button to confirm.

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Figure 79: Modify User Registration – Delete Company Confirmation

5. Repeat the steps until you have added all companies desired.
►Note: To add attachments to the modify user registration, follow the steps in Docs/Links Tab.
If you do not have any attachments to upload, follow the steps in Comments Tab if you have
any comments to add to the modify user registration submission. If you do not have any
comments to add, follow the steps in Modify User Registration Submission to submit your
modify user registration.

Docs/Links Tab
6. Select the Docs/Links tab. The Docs/Links tab displays. See Figure 80.
Figure 80: Modify User Registration – Docs/Links Tab

7. Select the Upload button. The Attachment modal window displays. See Figure 81.

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Figure 81: Modify User Registration – Attachment Modal Window

8. Enter a description for the file in the available field.
9. Select a type from the Type drop-down list.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: You must select the correct type. For example, if you selected Signing Authority as
the Signature Authorization in the Company modal window, you must select Signing Authority
from the Type drop-down list. If you selected Power of Attorney as the Signature Authorization
in the Company modal window, you must select Power of Attorney from the Type drop-down
►Note: If you are reactivating a former Formulas Online user ID and these items are on file,
you will not need to file these again.
10. Select the Browse button to browse and select the file.
11. Select the OK button. The Attachment modal window closes and the file is uploaded to the
modify user registration submission. See Figure 82.

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Figure 82: Modify User Registration – Docs/Links Tab with Attachment Uploaded

►Note: Select the edit link to display the Attachment modal window and edit the attachment
information. Select the checkbox next to the attachment and select the Delete button to delete
the attachment. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action.
See Figure 83. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 83: Modify User Registration – Delete Attachment Confirmation

Comments Tab
►Note: Adding comments to a modify user registration submission is optional. If you do not
have any comments to add, follow the steps in Modify User Registration Submission to submit
your modify user registration.
12. Select the Comments tab. The Comments tab displays. See Figure 84.

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Figure 84: Modify User Registration – Comments Tab

13. Select the Add button. The Comments modal window displays. See Figure 85.
Figure 85: Modify User Registration – Comments Modal Window

14. Enter comments in the available field.
15. Select the OK button. The Comments modal window closes and the comments are added
to the modify user registration submission. See Figure 86.

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Figure 86: Modify User Registration – Comments Tab with Comment Added

►Note: Select the Comment link to display the Comments modal window and edit the
comment information. Select the checkbox next to the comment and select the Delete button to
delete the attachment. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your
action. See Figure 87. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 87: Modify User Registration – Delete Comment Confirmation

Modify User Registration Submission
16. Select the Validate button. Red error messages display indicating any issues found with
the user registration submission. See Figure 88. Alternatively, a green message displays
indicating no issues were found with the user registration submission. See Figure 89.
Correct any errors and repeat this step until the user registration submission is successfully

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Figure 88: Modify User Registration – Unsuccessful Validation Message

Figure 89: Modify User Registration – Successful Validation Message

17. Select the Perjury Statement checkbox at the bottom of any tab to acknowledge you have
read, understood, and complied with instructions for filing the application. See Figure 90.
Figure 90: Modify User Registration – Perjury Statement

18. Select the Submit button. The Submission Confirmation page displays with a submission
ID and the modify user registration submission is successfully submitted. See Figure 91.
Figure 91: Modify User Registration – Submission Confirmation

TTB verifies the changes to your authorizations with the companies and will contact you by
e-mail when a determination has been reached or if additional information is needed. You
should allow up to 20 days for processing and keep a record of the submission ID for
tracking purposes.

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This section discusses the basic information for navigating the Formulas Online system. This
section includes the following information:

Main Navigation Banner – See Section 3.5.1 Main Navigation Banner
Menu Options – See Section 3.5.2 Menu Options
Drop-Down Menus – See Section 3.5.3 Drop-Down Menus
Tabs – See Section 3.5.4 Tabs
Action Bars – See Section 3.5.5 Action Bars
Listing Pages – See Section 3.5.6 Listing Pages
Detail Pages – See Section 3.5.7 Detail Pages
Common Functions – See Section 3.5.8 Common Functions
Buttons and Controls – See Section 3.5.9 Buttons and Controls
Navigation Options – See Section 3.5.10 Navigation Options
Main Navigation Banner

At the top of the page is the main navigation banner. Use the links and options on the banner to
access the different application options. Figure 92 details the main navigation banner.
Figure 92: Main Navigation Banner


Menu Options

At the top-right of the page are the menu options. Figure 93 details the Formulas Online menu
Figure 93: Menu Options

The following menu options are available:

COLAS – See Section COLAS
Home – See Section Home
Text Menu – See Section Text Menu
My Profile – See Section My Profile

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Help – See Section Help
Contact Us – See Section Contact Us
Log Off – See Section Log Off
Search – See Section Search

The COLAS menu option allows Formulas Online users who have access to COLAs Online to
access the COLAs Online system. If you do not have access to the COLAs Online system, the
COLAS link will not display.


The Home menu option allows you to access your My Submissions home page. This is the
default page displayed upon a successful login. See Section 3.6 Home Page (My
Submissions) for more information.

Text Menu

The Text Menu menu option displays a 508-compliant text version of the menu options and
drop-down menus. See Section 3.16 Text Menu for more information.

My Profile

The My Profile menu option allows you to view and edit your user profile information and
change your system password. See Section 3.17 My Profile for more information.


The Help menu option allows you to access the Formulas Online system’s online help or the
Formulas Online Industry Member User Manual (in PDF format). See Section 5.2 Formulas
Online Industry Member Online Help and Section 5.3 Formulas Online Industry Member User
Manual for more information.

Contact Us

The Contact Us menu option provides contact information for technical support resources. See
Section 3.19 Contact Us for more information.

Log Off

The Log Off menu option allows you to log off the Formulas Online system. See Section 3.20
Log Off for more information.


The Search menu option allows you to perform a quick or advanced search to locate a
submission, sample, or formula. See Section 3.15 Searching for Submissions, Samples, and
Formulas for more information.

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Drop-Down Menus

The New drop-down menu option allows you to create new submissions in the Formulas Online
system. Figure 94 details the New drop-down menu option. See Section 3.7 Creating and
Submitting Submissions (by Type) for more information.
Figure 94: Drop-Down Menus – New

The Modify Registration drop-down menu option allows you to modify your registration
information. Figure 95 details the Modify Registration drop-down menu option. See Section
3.4.4 Modify a User Registration for more information.
Figure 95: Drop-Down Menus – Modify Registration



A row of tabs is at the top of every submission. Use the tabs to enter information pertaining to a
submission, such as entering or viewing comments and/or attaching or viewing related
documents. Tabs may vary by the operations you are allowed to perform. Figure 96 details
common tab items.
Figure 96: Common Tab Items

►Note: If you have content in the Comments tab or Docs/Links tab of your submission,
Formulas Online displays an asterisk (*) next to the tab to indicate it includes content.

Action Bars

Action bars are used to perform actions on the submission you are working with. Available
actions may vary depending on the submission status. If the item displays here as an action
name and is relevant to your submission status, it will be available to you in the action bar of
your submission. Figure 97 details common action bar items. Table 4 lists common action bar
options and their descriptions.
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Figure 97: Common Action Bar Items

Table 4: Formulas Online Action Bar Options
Action Name
Copy as New

POA Form
SA Form



Displays the Comment modal window for you to add a
comment to the submission.
Creates and opens a new submission from a copy of the
current submission.
Displays the Create E-Mail pop-up window for you to
compose and send an e-mail notification to a TTB staff
member or the Submitter.
Downloads a .PDF Power of Attorney form for printing to
be included with a User Registration Request.
Displays a printer-friendly version of the submission.
Downloads a .PDF Signature Authority form for printing
to be included with a User Registration Request.
Enables you to surrender an approved formula in
“Closed” status. After a confirmation message box, the
system changes the disposition to “Surrendered.”
Displays the Upload pop-up window for you to upload a
file and associate it with the submission.
Enables you to withdraw an in-process submission –
before it reaches the “Closed” status. After a
confirmation message box, the system changes the
submission status to “Withdrawn.”

Listing Pages

Once you have performed a search, the application displays results (if any) on a listing page.
Listing pages display links to submissions associated with the sample, formula, or submission.
Selecting a link displays the Detail page, which presents the selected record.

Detail Pages

Detail pages display specific submission-related items selected from a listing page and, if the
submission is not “Closed,” allow you to correct (if applicable) and resubmit the submission for
validation and processing.

Common Functions

The following are common functions in the Formulas Online system:

Checkboxes appear beneath the action bar and above the main page content on pages
as appropriate. If the option is not available, the checkbox will not be selectable. See
Figure 98.

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Figure 98: Common Functions – Checkboxes


Characters left counts appear beneath text entry fields as appropriate. The system limits
the number of characters you are allowed to enter in given fields and counts down to let
you know when you are nearing the limit. See Figure 99.
Figure 99: Common Functions – Characters Left Count


Buttons and Controls

Table 5 lists the buttons and controls available in the Formulas Online system and describes
their functions.
Table 5: Buttons and Controls
* (asterisk)


Apply Sort
Cancel (confirmation message

Indicates input that is mandatory unless the submission is being
saved as draft.
Provides help text associated with a particular field or section.
Displays a modal window to add another line of data to a section of
the submission. For example, when you select the Add button in an
Ingredient section, the Ingredient modal window is displayed for the
entry of a new ingredient.
Sorts selected columns in ascending/descending order.
Deletes the draft submission after a confirmation message box.
Cancels any changes made to the data (if editable) and closes the
confirmation message box.

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Clear Sort
Find FID
Get User Profile Questions

OK (confirmation message box)
Print This Page

Save As Draft
Select (checkbox to left of each
line item)
Set New Password

Tool Tip (shown when mouse
moves over field)


Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual

Use to designate a selected person (by role) as additional recipient of
Removes the data entered. Only applicable for search screens.
Clears sort criteria.
Allows user to add data to the submission and continue to the next
After displaying a confirmation message box, deletes the rows that
were selected.
Locates the FID sheet associated with the flavor.
Displays the Authentication Questions from the User Registration.
Executes the Surrender functions or the action selected in the For
Selected Samples drop-down list (Enter Date Sent or Print Sample ID
Groups ingredients together by type.
Allows you to link other submissions to this submission.
Displays the next screen in the data entry sequence.
Saves changes/entry and closes the confirmation message box.
Displays the previous screen in the data entry sequence.
Displays the Print Submission pop-up window.
Prints the Sample ID Sheet in a printer-friendly format.
For existing submissions being edited, validates and saves the
contents of the screen. All changes to data must be saved explicitly
or submitted in order for the updates to be made permanently to the
Saves the submission without validating or submitting it for
processing. Stays on the same page – does not exit the submission.
Executes a search.
Selects a line item to take a specific action on. Most often used in
lists to select items for deletion.
Sends the e-mail message.
Permits you to change or reset an existing password.
Validates the entire submission and, if valid, displays and requires
acknowledgement of the Perjury Statement. Once validated, the
submission is saved and submitted for processing. When
acknowledged, display confirmation page.
Designates a selected person (by role) as primary recipient of e-mail.
Displays short help description for fields, section headers, labels,
actions and buttons, where needed.
Ungroups ingredients that were grouped together by type.
Uploads items that Formulas Online will associate with the submission
Verifies field contents with Formulas Online prior to submission.
Every time you select the Validate button, the system reviews what
was entered throughout the entire submission.

Navigation Options

The following are navigation options in the Formulas Online system:

You may use the mouse to select any button.
You may use the Tab key to navigate from field to field on the screens. You cannot use
Tab functions within text boxes.

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All buttons can be selected or activated using the Enter key. You must tab to the
appropriate button and select the Enter key.
To activate a radio button or checkbox, tab to the option and then select the Spacebar.
You may view Tool Tips, which are brief descriptions of fields, by moving the mouse
pointer over editable fields. Tool Tips display, only where needed, one-by-one as you
place your cursor over a text box. See Figure 100.
Figure 100: Tool Tip

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The My Submissions home page is the default page displayed upon a successful login. You
may also select the Home link in the main navigation banner to access the page at any time.
The My Submissions home page displays a list of your open submissions. Figure 101 details
the My Submissions home page.
Figure 101: Home Page (My Submissions)

From the My Submissions home page, you will be able to:

Create and submit a new submission. See Section 3.7 Creating and Submitting
Submissions (by Type).
View the details of an open submission by selecting the Submission ID link.
Edit an existing open submission by selecting the Submission ID link. See Section 3.10
Editing, Correcting, and Resubmitting Submissions.
Search for a cancelled, withdrawn, or closed submission through a Quick or Advanced
Search. See Section 3.15 Searching for Submissions, Samples, and Formulas.
Display the contents of your My Submissions home page in specified increments. See
Displaying My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages.
Sort your submissions. See Sorting My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages.
Filter your submissions. See Filtering My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages.
Navigate using page number links as well as Previous and Next links located at the top
and bottom of your My Submissions home page. See Navigating My Submissions
Home Page and Listing Pages.

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Copy the contents to the clipboard. See Copying My Submissions Home Page and
Listing Pages.
Display a printable view of your My Submissions home page. See Print View My
Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages.
Export the contents of your My Submissions home page. See Exporting My
Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages.

►Note: Navigating, filtering, sorting, copying, exporting, viewing, and displaying content in a
printable view in your My Submission home page is the same for all listing pages (i.e., Search
Results pages).
The following information is available for each type of submission:

Submission ID – Link to the submission
TTB Formula ID – Tells you the TTB Formula ID for the submission
Company Formula # – Tells you the Company Formula # for the submission
Type – Tells you the submission type
Paper – Indicates if the submission was e-filed or paper-filed
Submission Status – Includes the following statuses for the respective submission
o Drawback –
 Approved
 Approved for Export Only
 Assignment Pending
 Cancelled
 Closed
 Correction Review
 Disapproved (Domestic)
 Draft
 Fit for Bev Purposes (Foreign)
 Items Pending
 Lab Analysis
 Needs Correction
 No Action
 QA Review
 Withdrawn
o Rider –
 Approved
 Approved for Export Only
 Assignment Pending
 Cancelled
 Closed
 Correction Review
 Disapproved (Domestic)
 Draft
 Fit for Bev Purposes (Foreign)
 Items Pending
 Lab Analysis
 Needs Correction
 No Action

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 QA Review
 Withdrawn
o SDA –
 Approved
 Assignment Pending
 Cancelled
 Closed
 Correction Review
 Disapproved
 Draft
 Items Pending
 Lab Analysis
 Needs Correction
 QA Review
 Withdrawn
o Uniform –
 Approved
 Assigned
 Assignment Pending
 Cancelled
 Closed
 Draft
 Expired
 Hold for Research
 Items Pending
 Lab Analysis
 Needs Correction
 Pending Closed
 QA Review
 Received
 Rejected
 Revoked
 Surrendered
 Withdrawn
o User Registration –
 Cancelled
 Closed
 Draft
 In Process
 Withdrawn
Submission Date – The date the submission was submitted; submissions in “Draft”
status will not have a submission date
Submitter – Name of the user who submitted the submission
Product – Product or Brand Name

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Displaying My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages
You may display the contents of your My Submissions home page or listing pages in increments
of 50 or 100 or show all using the Show drop-down list. By default, Formulas Online will display
the contents of your My Submissions home page in increments of 50.
Figure 102: Display My Submissions

Sorting My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages
You may sort the content in your My Submissions home page and listing pages. Select the
column headings in the order you want to sort by. Select a heading once to sort the column in
ascending order and the arrow points up ( ). Select it again to sort the column in descending
order and the arrow points down ( ). You may also select multiple columns to sort by pressing
the Shift key on your keyboard while selecting the column headers.

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Filtering My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages
You may filter the content in your My Submissions home page and listing pages. Enter filter
criteria in the Filter field to automatically filter the contents of the page. This filter criteria must
match the contents of your page; it will not apply to the contents within a particular submission.
Figure 103: Filter My Submissions

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Navigating My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages
You may navigate in your My Submissions home page and listing pages using page number
links as well as Previous and Next links. These links are located at the top and bottom of your
Figure 104: Navigate My Submissions

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Copying My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages
You may copy the content in your My Submissions home page and listing pages. Select the
Copy button to copy the contents of your page to the clipboard, allowing you to paste this data
into another application, such as Microsoft Word.
Figure 105: Copy to Clipboard

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Print View My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages
You may display a printable view of your My Submissions home page and listing pages. Select
the PrintView button to display a printable view of your page, allowing you to use your web
browser’s print function to print the data. You may press the Esc key on your keyboard to close
the printable view and return to your page.
Figure 106: Print View

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Exporting My Submissions Home Page and Listing Pages
You may export the content in your My Submissions home page and listing pages. Select the
Excel or PDF button to export the contents of your page into a Microsoft Excel file or an Adobe
Acrobat PDF file.
Figure 107: Export to Excel

Figure 108: Export to PDF

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This section discusses the basic information for creating and submitting submissions (by type)
in the Formulas Online system. This section includes the following information:

Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages (Uniform) –
See Section 3.7.1 Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages
Formula and/or Process for Article Made With Specially Denatured Spirits Request
(SDA) – See Section 3.7.2 Formula and/or Process for Article Made With Specially
Denatured Spirits Request (SDA)
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request (Drawback) – See Section
3.7.3 Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request (Drawback)
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request (Rider) – See Section 3.7.4
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request (Rider)
Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages (Uniform)

This section discusses the basic information for Formula and Process for Domestic and
Imported Alcohol Beverages (Uniform) submissions in the Formulas Online system. This
section includes the following information:

General Uniform Information – See Section General Uniform Information
Create a New Uniform Submission – See Section Create a New Uniform
General Uniform Information

These screens allow you to create, edit, verify, and submit a new Formula and Process for
Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages (Uniform) submission in the Formulas Online
system. Uniform submissions give detailed information about the formula, ingredients, and
process for the beverage alcohol submission, including any documents associated with an

Create a New Uniform Submission

Follow these steps to create a new Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol
Beverages (Uniform) submission:
1. Select Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages from the
New drop-down menu. See Figure 109.

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Figure 109: Create a New Uniform – Select New Drop-Down Menu

The Company modal window displays. See Figure 110.
Figure 110: Create a New Uniform – Select Company Product Source

2. Select Domestic, Import, or Export Only from the Product Source drop-down list. The
Permit Number field displays. See Figure 111.
Figure 111: Create a New Uniform – Select Company Permit Number

3. Select the permit number for the company for which you are creating this submission. The
system pre-populates the company address information.
►Note: If you select Domestic or For Export Only as the product source, the Permit Holder
and Submitter mailing address information displays. See Figure 112. If you select Importer as
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the product source, the Foreign Manufacturer address information also displays. See Figure
Figure 112: Create a New Uniform – Company (Domestic and For Export Only)

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Figure 113: Create a New Uniform – Company (Import)

4. Edit Submitter mailing address information or Foreign Manufacturer address information if
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: Permit Holder address information is not editable.
►Note: By default, the Create New Formula radio button is selected. If you wish to supersede
an existing formula, select the Supersede Existing Formula radio button. You will be prompted
to populate the information noted in Superseded Formula.
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5. Select the Continue button. The Company modal window closes and the Company tab
displays with the address information added. See Figure 114.

Company/Address Detail
Figure 114: Create a New Uniform – Company Tab with Company Address Added

►Note: Whenever you see a Company or Address screen, you will also see the Start Date and
End Date fields. These fields indicate the dates during which the entity (generally the
Manufacturer) had ownership of a given submission or formula and/or when a given address
was active and/or valid (for any submission type). The majority of submissions will never show
an End Date. End Dates are generated only when formulas are adopted by, transferred to, or
removed from, a given company. This is referred to as formula adoption.
►Note: Please contact the ALFD directly if you need assistance with formula adoption. Your
e-mail request should include information for both the sending and receiving companies
(company names, company codes, permit numbers, formula numbers, and dates of adoption,
removal, or transfer) involved for both the sending and receiving companies.
1. Confirm the Company/Address Detail information.
►Note: Select the Address Type link to edit any necessary information for the address type.
You cannot edit the Manufacturer address, but you may add a different one and then delete the
one you have selected. Select the checkbox next to the address and select the Delete button to
delete the address. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action.
See Figure 115. Select the OK button to confirm.

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Figure 115: Create a New Uniform – Delete Address Confirmation

2. Select the Add button to add a new address. The Address modal window displays. See
Figure 116.
Figure 116: Create a New Uniform – Address Modal Window

3. Select the address type from the Address Type drop-down list. The system displays the
address fields. See Figure 119.
►Note: The address type options available depend on the product source you selected earlier.
See Figure 117 for the address type options available for Domestic and For Export Only. See
Figure 118 for address type options available for Import.
Figure 117: Create a New Uniform – Address Type (Domestic and For Export Only)

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Figure 118: Create a New Uniform – Address Type (Import)

4. Enter the company address information in the available fields. See Figure 119. If you select
Foreign for Address Format, additional address fields display. See Figure 120.
Figure 119: Create a New Uniform – Address Fields (Domestic)

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Figure 120: Create a New Uniform – Address Fields (Foreign)

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
5. Select the OK button. The Address modal window closes and the Company tab displays
with the address information added.
6. Repeat the steps for all additional addresses needed for the submission.
►Note: If you add any company for which you are not an authorized Submitter, even after you
have either started with or entered one for which you are an authorized Submitter, you will not
be able to submit the submission. You will only be able to save as draft.
►Note: Available and/or required addresses vary depending on type of Uniform submission
being entered. Imported submissions have two additional address types: Foreign Manufacturer
and Importer.
7. Select the Next button. The Main tab displays. See Figure 122.
►Note: For convenience, the system displays Contacts information at the bottom of the Main
tab as well as on the Company tab. See Figure 121.
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Figure 121: Create a New Uniform – Contacts

1. Confirm Contacts information (if any).
2. Add, edit, or delete Contacts through the Company tab if applicable following the steps in
Company/Address Detail.

Main Tab
Figure 122: Create a New Uniform – Main Tab

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
1. Create a new formula or supersede an existing formula.
a. If you are creating a new formula:

Enter the Company Formula Number in the text box to the right of the Permit
Number. This must be a numeric value.

b. If you are superseding an existing formula:
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Select the Supersede Existing Formula radio button. The Supersedes Formula fields
display below the radio buttons. See Figure 123.

Superseded Formula
►Note: You may change the submission from Supersede to New by selecting the Create New
Formula radio button. You will not be able to change the submission from Supersede to New
until you delete any superseded formula information.
►Note: A single formula may supersede multiple formulas.
Figure 123: Create a New Uniform – Supersedes Formula Fields

1. Select the Add button. The Superseded Formula modal window displays. See Figure 124.
Figure 124: Create a New Uniform – Superseded Formula Modal Window

2. Enter the TTB Formula ID.
3. Select the Company Code and enter the Company Formula #.
4. Select the OK button. The Superseded Formula modal window closes and the Main tab
displays with the superseded formula added. See Figure 125.

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Figure 125: Create a New Uniform – Superseded Formula Added

►Note: Select the checkbox next to the superseded formula and select the Delete button to
delete the superseded formula. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm
your action. See Figure 126. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 126: Create a New Uniform – Delete Superseded Formula Confirmation

►Note: You may add additional superseded formulas by selecting the Add button to display
the Superseded Formula modal window and following Steps 1 – 4.

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Figure 127: Create a New Uniform – Class/Type Specified

1. Select the options from the drop-down lists.
a. Commodity Type





Distilled Spirits

►Note: Commodity types are available in this drop-down list according to whether the specific
manufacturer produces that commodity type.
b. Product Source





For Export Only

c. Class/Type
►Note: Class/Type options vary depending on commodity selected.
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2. Enter the Product Name and Type Description in the available fields.
3. Select the Next button. The Formula tab displays. See Figure 128.

Figure 128: Create a New Uniform – Formula Tab (Volume/Weight Measurement Type)

Figure 129: Create a New Uniform – Formula Tab (Percentage Measurement Type)

1. Enter the Summary information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
a. Measurement Type




b. Measurement Units










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►Note: Measurement Type and Measurement Units will pre-populate the type of Units of
Measurement used in the Ingredients pop-up windows.
►Note: When the Product Source is “Domestic,” then the unit of measure should be “English.”
When the Product Source is “Import,” then the unit of measure should be “Metric.”
c. Total Yield
d. Alcohol Content of Finished Product






% by Volume



Figure 130: Create a New Uniform – Ingredients

The Ingredients section of the Formula tab contains multiple sections to add specific types of
ingredients information and to group ingredients together by type.
►Note: If the Commodity Type is “Wine” or “Distilled Spirits,” you will see Fermentable
Ingredients, Finished Alcohol, Flavors, and Other Ingredients. If Commodity Type is “Malt,” you
will not see Finished Alcohol.
Follow these steps to add ingredients information to the submission:
1. Enter all ingredients information.
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a. Ingredients (Fermentable Ingredient)
b. Ingredients (Finished Alcohol Ingredient)
c. Ingredients (Flavor Ingredient)
d. Ingredients (Other Ingredient)

Ingredients (Fermentable Ingredient)
Figure 131: Create a New Uniform – Fermentable Ingredient Modal Window

Follow these steps to add fermentable ingredient information to the submission:
1. Select the Add button in the Fermentable Ingredients section. The Fermentable Ingredient
modal window displays. See Figure 131.
2. Enter the fermentable ingredient information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: You may enter a Quantity (Low) value of 0 (Zero).

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3. Select the OK button. The Fermentable Ingredient modal window closes and the Formula
tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Fermentable Ingredients section. See Figure
Figure 132: Create a New Uniform – Fermentable Ingredients Information Added

4. Repeat the steps to add all fermentable ingredient information to the submission.
►Note: Select the Ingredient Name link to display the Fermentable Ingredient modal window
and edit the ingredient. Select the checkbox next to the fermentable ingredient and select the
Delete button to delete the ingredient. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to
confirm your action. See Figure 133. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 133: Create a New Uniform – Delete Fermentable Ingredient Confirmation

►Note: See Add/Edit Attachments (for all ingredients) to attach a file specific to this ingredient.

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Ingredients (Finished Alcohol Ingredient)
Figure 134: Create a New Uniform – Finished Alcohol Ingredient Modal Window

Follow these steps to add finished alcohol ingredient information to the submission:
1. Select the Add button in the Finished Alcohol section. The Finished Alcohol Ingredient
modal window displays. See Figure 134.
2. Enter the finished alcohol ingredient information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
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►Note: You may enter a Quantity (Low) value of 0 (Zero).
3. Select the OK button. The Finished Alcohol Ingredient modal window closes and the
Formula tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Finished Alcohol section. See Figure
Figure 135: Create a New Uniform – Finished Alcohol Information Added

4. Repeat the steps to add all finished alcohol ingredient information to the submission.
►Note: Select the Ingredient Name link to display the Finished Alcohol Ingredient modal
window and edit the ingredient. Select the checkbox next to the finished alcohol ingredient and
select the Delete button to delete the ingredient. A confirmation message box displays
prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 136. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 136: Create a New Uniform – Delete Finished Alcohol Ingredient Confirmation

►Note: See Add/Edit Attachments (for all ingredients) to attach a file specific to this ingredient.

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Ingredients (Flavor Ingredient)
Figure 137: Create a New Uniform – Flavor Ingredient Modal Window

Follow these steps to add flavor ingredient information to the submission:
1. Select the Add button in the Flavors section. The Flavor Ingredient modal window displays.
See Figure 137.
2. Enter the flavor ingredient information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: You may enter a Quantity (Low) value of 0 (Zero).
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►Note: If you select the “Compound Flavor?” checkbox, you may specify a TTB Formula ID.
►Note: If the flavor alcohol ingredient is a previously submitted formula, this allows you to
search for a submission and populate the existing formula information (e.g., TTB Formula ID,
Permit Number, and Company Formula ID).
3. Optional Step: Select the Select button next to TTB Formula ID. The Search Formulas popup window displays. See Figure 138.
Figure 138: Create a New Uniform – Search Formulas Pop-Up Window

a. Enter the search criteria in the available fields.
b. Select Search button. The Formulas Search Results pop-up window displays. See
Figure 139.
Figure 139: Create a New Uniform – Formulas Search Results Pop-Up Window

c. Select the TTB Formula ID link. The Formulas Search Results pop-up window closes
and the Flavor Alcohol Ingredient modal window displays. The TTB Formula ID, Permit
Number, and Company Formula ID fields are populated. Select the Clear button to clear
the fields.
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►Note: If you select the “Compound Flavor?” checkbox, you should upload a FID Sheet unless
one has already been uploaded for this ingredient in a previous submission. This is not required
but doing so would expedite the processing of the formula.
4. Optional Step: In the Ingredient Documents section, select the Find FID button to locate a
FID sheet for this ingredient from a previous submission. The associated FID sheet
displays, if found.
►Note: If there is no FID sheet found, a warning message box displays recommending that
you upload a FID sheet. This warning message box does not display if a FID sheet has already
been uploaded for this ingredient in a previous submission. See Figure 140.
Figure 140: Create a New Uniform – No FID Sheet Found Error

5. Optional Step: Attach a FID sheet or other document specific to this ingredient. See
Add/Edit Attachments (for all ingredients).
6. Select the OK button. The Flavor Ingredient modal window closes and the Formula tab
displays. The ingredient is added in the Flavors section. See Figure 141.
Figure 141: Create a New Uniform – Flavor Ingredient Information Added

7. Repeat the steps to add all flavor ingredient information to the submission.
►Note: Select the Ingredient Name link to display the Flavor Ingredient modal window and edit
the ingredient. Select the checkbox next to the flavor ingredient and select the Delete button to
delete the ingredient. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your
action. See Figure 142. Select the OK button to confirm.

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Figure 142: Create a New Uniform – Delete Flavor Ingredient Confirmation

►Note: See Add/Edit Attachments (for all ingredients) to attach a file specific to this ingredient.

Ingredients (Other Ingredient)
Figure 143: Create a New Uniform – Other Ingredient Modal Window

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Follow these steps to add other ingredient information to the submission:
1. Select the Add button in the Other Ingredients section. The Other Ingredient modal window
displays. See Figure 143.
2. Enter the other ingredient information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: You may enter a Quantity (Low) value of 0 (Zero).
3. Select the OK button. The Other Ingredient modal window closes and the Formula tab
displays. The ingredient is added in the Other Ingredients section. See Figure 144.
Figure 144: Create a New Uniform – Other Ingredient Information Added

4. Repeat the steps to add all other ingredient information to the submission.
►Note: Select the Ingredient Name link to display the Other Ingredient modal window and edit
the ingredient. Select the checkbox next to the other ingredient and select the Delete button to
delete the ingredient. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your
action. See Figure 145. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 145: Create a New Uniform – Delete Other Ingredient Confirmation

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►Note: See Add/Edit Attachments (for all ingredients) to attach a file specific to this ingredient.

Add/Edit Attachment (for all ingredients)
Figure 146: Create a New Uniform – Attachment Modal Window

Follow these steps to add/edit attachments for all ingredients:
1. Select the checkbox next to the ingredient.
2. Select the Add Attachment button. The Attachment modal window displays. See Figure
3. Enter the attachment information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
4. Select the Browse button to browse and select a file specific to this ingredient.
5. Select the Open button to attach the selected file.
6. Select the OK button. The Attachment modal window closes and the Ingredient modal
window displays. The attachment is added in the ingredient documents section. See Figure

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Figure 147: Create a New Uniform – Attachment Information Added

►Note: Select the edit link next to the attachment to display the Attachment modal window and
edit the attachment.

Ingredients (Group Ingredients)
Follow these steps to group ingredients by type:
►Note: You cannot “share” ingredients across groups. You may only group ingredients within
the same types (e.g., flavors with flavors). This is typically used to indicate that, for a given
batch, only one of the ingredients in the group will be used. The ingredients are so similar that
they are interchangeable and would not require a change in formulation
1. Select the checkboxes next to the ingredients within types. See Figure 148.
Figure 148: Create a New Uniform – Group Ingredients Selected

2. Select the Group button. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm
your action. See Figure 149.

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Figure 149: Create a New Uniform – Group Ingredients Confirmation

3. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and the Ingredient
Group modal window displays. See Figure 150.
Figure 150: Create a New Uniform – Ingredient Group Modal Window

4. Enter the group information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
5. Select the OK button. The Ingredient Group modal window closes and the Formula tab
displays. The group name is added in the ingredient section. See Figure 151.

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Figure 151: Create a New Uniform – Ingredient Group Information Added

►Note: To ungroup ingredients, select the checkboxes next to the ingredients and select the
Ungroup button. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action.
See Figure 152. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and
the group name is removed from the ingredient section.
Figure 152: Create a New Uniform – Ungroup Ingredients Confirmation

Method of Manufacture
Figure 153: Create a New Uniform – Method of Manufacture

Follow these steps to add Method of Manufacture information to the submission:
1. Enter the method of manufacture description or enter “see attached” in the text box and
attach method of manufacture. See Section 3.9.1 Upload Attachments for information on
uploading attachments. You must make sure the Type selected is Method of Manufacture.

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►Note: You must attach a Method of Manufacture before you may submit a Uniform
submission with samples. You must enter a Method of Manufacture description OR attach a
Method of Manufacture before you may submit a Uniform submission without samples.
2. Select the Next button to proceed with the submission creation. The Samples tab displays.
See Figure 154.

Sample Detail
Figure 154: Create a New Uniform – Samples Tab

►Note: Submissions may require you to mail a sample of the product for laboratory analysis,
depending on the source, class and type of the product selected on the Main tab. If you will be
providing a sample, it must be added to the submission through the Samples tab.
Follow these steps to add a sample to the submission:
1. Select the Add button in the Samples tab. The Sample modal window displays. See Figure

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Figure 155: Create a New Uniform – Sample Modal Window

2. Enter the sample information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
3. Select the OK button. The Sample modal window closes and the Sample tab displays. The
sample is added in the Sample Detail section. See Figure 156.

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Figure 156: Create a New Uniform – Samples Tab with Sample Added

4. Repeat the steps to add each sample you are sending to TTB.
►Note: The system generates submission ID and sample IDs after you save as draft or
submit. Until then, sample IDs appear as “Pending.” The system prompts you to generate the
sample ID sheet once you submit. When it does, enter dates sent, print sample ID sheets, and
affix them to the physical samples or include them in the mailing package.
►Note: Select the Sample ID link to display the Sample modal window and edit the sample.
Select the checkbox next to the sample and select the Delete button to delete the sample. A
confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 157.
Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 157: Create a New Uniform – Delete Sample Confirmation

Validate/Save as Draft
Before submitting, you may either:
1. Validate (check for errors without saving or submitting as final to TTB) to ensure that you
have completed the submission correctly. Select the Validate button. Red error messages
display indicating any issues found with the submission. See Figure 158. Alternatively, a
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green message displays indicating no issues were found with the submission. See Figure
159. Correct any errors and repeat this step until the submission is successfully validated.
You may save as draft with errors, but you must correct all errors before submitting a draft.
Figure 158: Create a New Uniform – Unsuccessful Validation Message

Figure 159: Create a New Uniform – Successful Validation Message

2. Save as Draft if you are not yet ready to submit, or if you are the Preparer/Reviewer (since
only a Submitter may actually submit the submission). Select the Save as Draft button.
Formulas Online stores your submission until you or an authorized Submitter return to
finalize the submission. See Figure 160.
Figure 160: Create a New Uniform – Save As Draft Confirmation

Submit Uniform Submission
Follow these steps to submit your uniform submission:
1. Select the Perjury Statement checkbox at the bottom of any tab to acknowledge you have
read, understood, and complied with instructions for filing the application. See Figure 161.

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Figure 161: Create a New Uniform – Perjury Statement

2. Select the Submit button. The Submission Confirmation page displays with links to the
Submission ID, Unauthorized Users tab, and the Samples tab (where applicable). The
uniform submission is successfully submitted. See Figure 162.
Figure 162: Create a New Uniform – Submission Confirmation

TTB will contact you by e-mail when analysis has been completed or if additional information
is needed.
►Note: Unauthorized Users data is used by COLAs Online. By default, unless you exclude
them, all COLAs Online users who are registered for this company will be able to reference this
approved formula on a COLAs Online e-application. You may use the Unauthorized Users
function to disable given users. This is not common. See Unauthorized Users Tab – Uniform
for more information.
3. Select the return to the Samples link in the submission confirmation to enter sample sent
dates and print sample ID sheets if you included samples in the submission.
►Note: Only users with authenticated Submitter roles may submit submissions. Users with
authenticated Preparer/Reviewer roles for any of the permit numbers included with the
submission may perform all other submission preparation functions, but are not allowed to
submit as final to TTB for processing.

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Unauthorized Users Tab
Figure 163: Create a New Uniform – Unauthorized Users Tab

The Unauthorized Users tab will only display after you have submitted the submission. This tab
allows you to restrict an individual’s use of this formula in COLAs Online.
Follow these steps to restrict an individual’s access to this formula:
1. Select the Add button. The Add Unauthorized User modal window displays. See Figure
Figure 164: Create a New Uniform – Add Unauthorized Users Modal Window

2. Select the checkbox next the user you want to designate as “unauthorized.”
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3. Select the Add button. The Add Unauthorized Users modal window closes and the
Unauthorized Users tab displays with the unauthorized user’s name. See Figure 165.
Figure 165: Create a New Uniform – Unauthorized User Tab with User Added

4. Select the Save button.
►Note: Select the checkbox next to the user and select the Delete button to delete the user.
A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 166.
Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 166: Create a New Uniform – Delete Unauthorized User Confirmation

Enter a Sample Sent Date for Uniform Submissions

See Section 3.13 Entering Sample Sent Date for sample sent date instructions.

Print a Sample ID Sheet for Uniform Submissions

See Section 3.14 Printing Sample ID Sheets for sample sending instructions.

Comments and Docs/Links for Uniform Submissions

See Section 3.8 Adding, Editing, and Deleting Comments for comment instructions. See
Section 3.9 Uploading Attachments and Linking Submissions for upload and link instructions.

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Edit, Correct, and Resubmit a Uniform Submission

Before submitting, you may edit the submission at will. After submitting, you will be unable to
edit until/unless TTB informs you that your submission needs correction. See Section 3.10
Editing, Correcting, and Resubmitting Submissions for editing, correction, and resubmission

Copy an Existing Uniform Submission

See Section 3.11 Copying Existing Submissions for copy instructions.

Print a Uniform Submission

See Section 3.12 Printing Submissions for print instructions.

Withdraw a Uniform Submission

See Section 3.21.2 Withdraw a Submission for instructions on how to withdraw an active
submission prior to TTB process completion.

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Formula and/or Process for Article Made With Specially Denatured Spirits
Request (SDA)

This section discusses the basic information for Formula and/or Process for Article Made With
Specially Denatured Spirits Request (SDA) submissions in the Formulas Online system. This
section includes the following information:

General SDA Information – See Section General SDA Information
Create a New SDA Submission – See Section Create a New SDA Submission
General SDA Information

These screens allow you to create, edit, verify, and submit a new Formula and/or Process for
Article Made With Specially Denatured Spirits Request (SDA) submission in the Formulas
Online system. SDA is alcohol to which denaturing materials have been added. Title 27 Code
of Federal Regulations part 21 lists all the SDA formulas authorized by TTB. Manufacturers
may use SDA in the manufacture of any product that is not intended for consumption.
Generally, SDA is used in cosmetic products but its use extends to pharmaceuticals, chemical
manufacturing, and products where SDA is the solvent or reactant.

Create a New SDA Submission

Follow these steps to create a new Formula and/or Process for Article Made With Specially
Denatured Spirits Request (SDA) submission:
1. Select Formula and/or Process for Article Made with Specially Denatured Spirits from
the New drop-down menu. See Figure 167.
Figure 167: Create a New SDA – Select New Drop-Down Menu

The Company modal window displays. See Figure 168.

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Figure 168: Create a New SDA – Select Company Name

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
2. Select the name for the company for which you are creating this submission. The system
pre-populates the company address information. See Figure 169.
Figure 169: Create a New SDA – Address Fields

3. Edit Submitter mailing address information if applicable.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: Company address information is not editable.
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►Note: By default, the Create New Formula radio button is selected. If you wish to revise an
existing formula, select the Revise Existing Formula radio button. You must populate the
information noted in Revised Formula.
4. Select the Continue button. The Company modal window closes and the Company tab
displays with the address information added. See Figure 170.

Company/Address Detail
Figure 170: Create a New SDA – Company Tab with Company Address Added

►Note: Whenever you see a Company or Address screen, you will also see the Start Date and
End Date fields. These fields indicate the dates during which the entity (generally the
Manufacturer) had ownership of a given submission or formula and/or when a given address
was active and/or valid (for any submission type). The majority of submissions will never show
an End Date. End Dates are generated only when formulas are adopted by, transferred to, or
removed from, a given company. This is referred to as formula adoption.
►Note: Please contact ALFD directly if you need assistance with formula adoption. Your email request should include information for both the sending and receiving companies (company
names, company codes, permit numbers, formula numbers, and dates of adoption, removal, or
transfer) involved for both the sending and receiving companies.
1. Confirm the Company/Address Detail information.
►Note: Select the Address Type link to edit any necessary information for the address type.
You cannot edit the Manufacturer address, but you may add a different one and then delete the
one you have selected. Select the checkbox next to the address and select the Delete button to
delete the address. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action.
See Figure 171. Select the OK button to confirm.

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Figure 171: Create a New SDA – Delete Address Confirmation

2. Select the Add button to add a new address. The Address modal window displays. See
Figure 172.
Figure 172: Create a New SDA – Address Modal Window

3. Select the address type from the Address Type drop-down list. See Figure 173. The
system displays the address fields. See Figure 174.
Figure 173: Create a New SDA – Address Type

4. Enter the company address information in the available fields. See Figure 174. If you select
Foreign for Address Format, additional address fields display. See Figure 175.

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Figure 174: Create a New SDA – Address Fields (Domestic)

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Figure 175: Create a New SDA – Address Fields (Foreign)

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
5. Select the OK button. The Address modal window closes and the Company tab displays
with the address information added.
6. Repeat the steps for all additional addresses needed for the submission.
►Note: If you add any company for which you are not an authorized Submitter, even after you
have either started with or entered one for which you are an authorized Submitter, you will not
be able to submit the submission. You will only be able to save as draft.
7. Select the Next button. The Main tab displays. See Figure 177.
►Note: For convenience, the system displays Contacts information at the bottom of the Main
tab as well as on the Company tab. See Figure 176.
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Figure 176: Create a New SDA – Contacts

1. Confirm Contacts information (if any).
2. Add, edit, or delete Contacts through the Company tab if applicable following the steps in
Company/Address Detail.

Main Tab
Figure 177: Create a New SDA – Main Tab

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
1. Create a new formula or revise an existing formula.
a. If you are creating a new formula:

Select the Create New Formula radio button.

b. If you are revising an existing formula:
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Select the Revise Existing Formula radio button. The Revised Formula fields display
below the radio buttons. See Figure 178.

Revised Formula
►Note: You may change the submission from Revise to New by selecting the Create New
Formula radio button. You will not be able to change the submission from Revise to New until
you remove any revised formula information.
Figure 178: Create a New SDA – Revised Formula Fields

1. Select the Add button. The Revised Formula modal window displays. See Figure 179.
Figure 179: Create a New SDA – Revised Formula Modal Window

2. Enter the Formula Identifier by either entering the TTB Formula ID (if known) or entering one
of the following: Article Name, Manufacturer, or Date Approved.
►Note: This must be a closed submission formula if the formula exists in Formulas Online.
3. Select the OK button. The Revised Formula modal window closes and the Main tab
displays with the revised formula added. See Figure 180.
Figure 180: Create a New SDA – Revised Formula Added

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►Note: Select the checkbox next to the revised formula and select the Delete button to delete
the revised formula.
►Note: You may add additional revised formulas by selecting the Add button to display the
Revised Formula modal window and following Steps 1 – 3.

Article Information/Product Packing
Figure 181: Create a New SDA – Article Information

Figure 182: Create a New SDA – Product Packing

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
1. Enter the Article Name or Use in the available field. See Figure 181.
2. Select the Article Code Number from the Article Code Number drop-down list. See Figure

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Figure 183: Create a New SDA – Article Code Number Drop-Down List

3. Enter the Article Purpose in the available field.
4. Select the Product Is To Be Packaged In Pressurized Containers checkbox. The Product
Packing Information fields display. See Figure 182.
5. Enter the Type of Propellant.
6. Enter the Ratio of Propellant To Concentrate
7. Select the Next button. The Formula tab displays. See Figure 184.

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SDA/SDR Formula Details
Figure 184: Create a New SDA – Formula Tab

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
1. Select the Add button. The SDA/SDR Ingredient pop-up window displays. See Figure 185.

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Figure 185: Create a New SDA – SDA/SDR Formula Ingredient Pop-Up Window

2. Select SDA/SDR formula from the SDA/SDR Formula drop-down list. See Figure 186.

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Figure 186: Create a New SDA – SDA/SDR Formula Drop-Down List

3. Enter proof and denaturants information in the available fields.
4. Select the OK button. The Formula tab displays. See Figure 188.
5. Repeat as many times if necessary to enter all SDA/SDR information.
►Note: Select the SDA/SDR Formula link to display the SDA/SDR Ingredient pop-up window
and edit the SDA/SDR information. Select the checkbox next to the SDA/SDR Formula and
select the Delete button to delete the SDA/SDR Formula. A confirmation message box displays
prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 187. Select the OK button to confirm.

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Figure 187: Create a New SDA – Delete SDA/SDR Formula Confirmation

Formula and Process
Figure 188: Create a New SDA – Formula Tab with Formula and Process Added

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
1. Select the checkbox if SDA/SDR is to be recovered from the manufacturing process.
2. Describe the Formula and Process in the text box.
3. Select the Next button. The Samples tab displays. See Figure 189.

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Sample Detail
Figure 189: Create a New SDA – Samples Tab

►Note: For SDA 39-C, oil samples are required. For SDA 38-B and SDA 38-F, samples are
recommended. All other SDA submissions do not require any samples but may include them.
Follow these steps to add a sample to the submission:
1. Select the Add button. The Sample modal window displays. See Figure 190.

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Figure 190: Create a New SDA – Sample Modal Window

2. Enter the sample information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
3. Select the OK button. The Sample modal window closes and the Sample tab displays. The
sample is added in the Sample Detail section. See Figure 191.

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Figure 191: Create a New SDA – Samples Tab with Sample Added

4. Repeat the steps to add each sample you are sending to TTB.
►Note: The system generates submission ID and sample IDs after you save as draft or
submit. Until then, sample IDs appear as “Pending.” The system prompts you to generate the
sample ID sheet once you submit. When it does, enter dates sent, print sample ID sheets, and
affix them to the physical samples or include them in the mailing package.
►Note: Select the Sample ID link to display the Sample pop-up window and edit the sample.
Select the checkbox next to the sample and select the Delete button to delete the sample. A
confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 192.
Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 192: Create a New SDA – Delete Sample Confirmation

Validate/Save as Draft
Before submitting, you may either:
1. Validate (check for errors without saving or submitting as final to TTB) to ensure that you
have completed the submission correctly. Select the Validate button. Red error messages
display indicating any issues found with the submission. See Figure 193. Alternatively, a
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green message displays indicating no issues were found with the submission. See Figure
194. Correct any errors and repeat this step until the submission is successfully validated.
You may save as draft with errors, but you must correct all errors before submitting a draft.
Figure 193: Create a New SDA – Unsuccessful Validation Message

Figure 194: Create a New SDA – Successful Validation Message

2. Save as Draft if you are not yet ready to submit, or if you are the Preparer/Reviewer (since
only a Submitter may actually submit the submission). Select the Save as Draft button.
Formulas Online stores your submission until you or an authorized Submitter return to
finalize the submission. See Figure 195.
Figure 195: Create a New SDA – Save As Draft Confirmation

Submit SDA Submission
Follow these steps to submit your SDA submission:
1. Select the Perjury Statement checkbox at the bottom of any tab to acknowledge you have
read, understood, and complied with instructions for filing the application. See Figure 196.

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Figure 196: Create a New SDA – Perjury Statement

2. Select the Submit button. The Submission Confirmation page displays with links to the
Submission ID and the Samples tab (where applicable). The SDA submission is
successfully submitted. See Figure 197.
Figure 197: Create a New SDA – Submission Confirmation

TTB will contact you by e-mail when analysis has been completed or if additional information
is needed.
3. Select the return to the Samples link in the submission confirmation to enter sample sent
dates and print sample ID sheets if you included samples in the submission.
►Note: Only users with authenticated Submitter roles may submit submissions. Users with
authenticated Preparer/Reviewer roles for any of the permit numbers included with the
submission may perform all other submission preparation functions, but are not allowed to
submit as final to TTB for processing.

Enter a Sample Sent Date for SDA Submissions

See Section 3.13 Entering Sample Sent Date for sample sent date instructions.

Print a Sample ID Sheet for SDA Submissions

See Section 3.14 Printing Sample ID Sheets for sample sending instructions.

Comments and Docs/Links for SDA Submissions

See Section 3.8 Adding, Editing, and Deleting Comments for comment instructions. See
Section 3.9 Uploading Attachments and Linking Submissions for upload and link instructions.

Edit, Correct, and Resubmit an SDA Submission

Before submitting, you may edit the submission at will. After submitting, you will be unable to
edit until/unless TTB informs you that your submission needs correction. See Section 3.10
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Editing, Correcting, and Resubmitting Submissions for editing, correction, and resubmission

Copy an Existing SDA Submission

See Section 3.11 Copying Existing Submissions for copy instructions.

Print an SDA Submission

See Section 3.12 Printing Submissions for print instructions.

Withdraw an SDA Submission

See Section 3.21.2 Withdraw a Submission for instructions on how to withdraw an active
submission prior to TTB process completion.

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Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request (Drawback)

This section discusses the basic information for Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product
Request (Drawback) submissions in the Formulas Online system. This section includes the
following information:

General Drawback Information – See Section General Drawback Information
Create a New Drawback Submission – See Section Create a New Drawback
General Drawback Information

These screens allow you to create, edit, verify, and submit a new Formula and Process for
Nonbeverage Product Request (Drawback) submission in the Formulas Online system.
Nonbeverage drawback alcohol is pure alcohol, the same as that used for consumption.
However, when a manufacturer uses that alcohol in the production of a food, flavor, medicine, or
perfume that is approved by the Nonbeverage Products Laboratory as unfit for beverage
purposes, he or she can claim a return on most of the distilled spirits excise tax paid. Use the
Drawback submission to submit a formula for a nonbeverage product.

Create a New Drawback Submission

Follow these steps to create a new Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request
(Drawback) submission:
1. Select Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product from the New drop-down menu.
See Figure 198.
Figure 198: Create a New Drawback – Select New Drop-Down Menu

The Company modal window displays. See Figure 199.

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Figure 199: Create a New Drawback – Select Company Name

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
2. Select the name for the company for which you are creating this submission. The system
pre-populates the company address information. See Figure 200.
Figure 200: Create a New Drawback – Address Fields

3. Edit Submitter mailing address information if applicable.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
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►Note: Company address information is not editable.
►Note: By default, the Create New Formula radio button is selected. If you wish to supersede
an existing formula, select the Supersede Existing Formula radio button. You will be prompted
to populate the information noted in Superseded Formula.
4. Select the Continue button and proceed to Company/Address Detail. The Company tab
displays with the address information added. See Figure 201.

Company/Address Detail
Figure 201: Create a New Drawback – Company Tab with Company Address Added

►Note: Whenever you see a Company or Address screen, you will also see the Start Date and
End Date fields. These fields indicate the dates during which the entity (generally the
Manufacturer) had ownership of a given submission or formula and/or when a given address
was active and/or valid (for any submission type). The majority of submissions will never show
an End Date. End Dates are generated only when formulas are adopted by, transferred to, or
removed from, a given company. This is referred to as formula adoption.
►Note: Please contact ALFD directly if you need assistance with formula adoption. Your email request should include information for both the sending and receiving companies (company
names, company codes, permit numbers, formula numbers, and dates of adoption, removal, or
transfer) involved for both the sending and receiving companies.
1. Confirm the Company/Address Detail information.
►Note: Select the Address Type link to edit any necessary information for the address type.
You cannot edit the Manufacturer address, but you may add a different one and then delete the
one you have selected. Select the checkbox next to the address and select the Delete button to
delete the address. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action.
See Figure 202. Select the OK button to confirm.

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Figure 202: Create a New Drawback – Delete Address Confirmation

2. Select the Add button to add a new address. The Address modal window displays. See
Figure 203.
Figure 203: Create a New Drawback – Address Modal Window

3. Select the address type from the Address Type drop-down list. See Figure 204. The
system displays the address fields. See Figure 205.
Figure 204: Create a New Drawback – Address Type

4. Enter the company address information in the available fields. See Figure 205. If you select
Foreign for Address Format, additional address fields display. See Figure 206.

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Figure 205: Create a New Drawback – Address Fields (Domestic)

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Figure 206: Create a New Drawback – Address Fields (Foreign)

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
5. Select the OK button. The Address modal window closes and the Company tab displays
with the address information added.
6. Repeat the steps for all additional addresses needed for the submission.
►Note: If you add any company for which you are not an authorized Submitter, even after you
have either started with or entered one for which you are an authorized Submitter, you will not
be able to submit the submission. You will only be able to save as draft.
7. Select the Next button. The Main tab displays. See Figure 208.
►Note: For convenience, the system displays Contacts information at the bottom of the Main
tab as well as on the Company tab. See Figure 207.

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Figure 207: Create a New Drawback – Contacts

1. Confirm Contacts information (if any).
2. Add, edit, or delete Contacts through the Company tab if applicable following the steps in
Company/Address Detail.

Main Tab
Figure 208: Create a New Drawback – Main Tab

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
1. Create a new formula or supersede an existing formula.
a. If you are creating a new formula:

Enter the Company Formula Number in the text box to the right of the Company
Formula #. This must be a numeric value.

b. If you are superseding an existing formula:

Select the Supersede Existing Formula radio button. The Supersedes Formula fields
display below the radio buttons. See Figure 209.

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Superseded Formula
►Note: You may change the submission from Supersede to New by selecting the Create New
Formula radio button. You will not be able to change the submission from Supersede to New
until you delete any superseded formula information.
►Note: A single formula may supersede multiple formulas.
Figure 209: Create a New Drawback – Supersedes Formula Fields

1. Select the Add button. The Superseded Formula modal window displays. See Figure 210.
Figure 210: Create a New Drawback – Superseded Formula Modal Window

2. Select the Closed TTB Formula ID or Closed Company Formula #.
3. Enter the TTB Formula ID.
4. Select the Company Code and enter the Company Formula #.
5. Select the OK button. The Superseded Formula modal window closes and the Main tab
displays with the superseded formula added. See Figure 211.

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Figure 211: Create a New Drawback – Superseded Formula Added

►Note: Select the checkbox next to the superseded formula and select the Delete button to
delete the superseded formula. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm
your action. See Figure 212. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 212: Create a New Drawback – Delete Superseded Formula Confirmation

►Note: You may add additional superseded formulas by selecting the Add button to display
the Superseded Formula modal window and following Steps 1 – 5.

Product Type
Figure 213: Create a New Drawback – Product Type Specified

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
1. Enter the Product Name in the available field.
2. Select the Product Type from the Product Type drop-down list. See Figure 214.
Figure 214: Create a New Drawback – Product Type Drop-Down List

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►Note: If you select the product type “Dietary Supplement,” it will automatically default the
process type of the Drawback submission to “Dietary Supplement” in the Formula tab. This will
display Dietary Supplement-specific fields.
3. Enter the Kind of Spirits On Which Drawback Will Be Claimed in the available field.
4. Select the Next button. The Formula tab displays. See Figure 215 and Figure 216.

Formula Tab
Figure 215: Create a New Drawback – Formula Tab (Top)

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Figure 216: Create a New Drawback – Formula Tab (Bottom)

Follow these steps to add formula information to the submission:
1. Select your process type.
2. Enter information applicable to your selected process type. Required fields and sections
vary depending upon the selected process type. The sections available are as follows:
a. Summary – All process types
b. Alcoholic Beverage Use – All process types
c. Alcoholic Components/Compounded Flavors – All process types except Dietary
d. Nonalcoholic Components – All process types except Dietary Supplements
e. Dietary Supplement Components – Dietary Supplements only

Additional Details – All process types

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Figure 217: Create a New Drawback – Summary

Follow these steps to add summary information to the submission:
1. Enter summary information applicable to your selected process type.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: Measurements Used will pre-populate the type of Units of Measurement used in the
Ingredients pop-up windows.
2. Optional Step: Select the checkbox next to Is calculated alcohol content of finished product
not the same as declared alcohol content? to display applicable and complete fields.
Figure 218: Create a New Drawback – Calculated Not Same As Declared Alcohol Content Fields

Process Type
Follow these steps to add process type information to the submission:
1. Select the process type from the Process Type drop-down list. See Figure 219.
Figure 219: Create a New Drawback – Process Type Drop-Down List

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►Note: The default selection is “Dietary Supplements” if “Dietary Supplements” was selected
as a product type in the Main tab. “Dietary Supplements” will not display as an option in the
Process Type drop-down list if it was not selected as a product type.
►Note: The primary difference between pop-up windows fields between Simple
Mixture/Filtration and Washed Extracts is that Washed Extracts pop-up windows will include a
checkbox for whether the ingredient is soluble. A process type of “Other” will contain all
possible fields except Dietary Supplement-specific fields.

Alcoholic Beverage Use
Figure 220: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Beverage Use

Follow these steps to add alcoholic beverage use information to the submission:
1. Add alcoholic beverage use information.
a. Select the checkbox to indicate whether the finished product is to be used in alcoholic
beverage. The subsequent fields only display if this checkbox is selected.
b. Select the checkbox to indicate whether the product contains natural flavoring.
c. Select the checkbox to indicate whether the product contains > 0.1% artificial flavoring.
d. Select the checkbox to indicate whether the product contains a color additive and, if so,
enter name of additive. The additive field only displays if this checkbox is selected.
e. Select the checkbox to indicate whether all FDA Approved Ingredients are without

Enter the Parts Per Million (PPM) for the TTB Limited Ingredients listed.

►Note: You may enter a Parts Per Million (PPM) value of up to 999,999 in all TTB Limited
Ingredients fields.

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Alcoholic Components/Compounded Flavors
Figure 221: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components/Compounded Flavors

Follow these steps to add alcoholic components/compounded flavors ingredient information to
the submission:
1. Add all alcoholic components/compounded flavors ingredient information.
a. Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol)
b. Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates)
c. Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol)

Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol)
Figure 222: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) for Simple Mix or

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Figure 223: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) for Washed

Follow these steps to add alcoholic components (eligible alcohol) ingredient information to the
1. Select the checkbox to indicate that the product contains eligible alcohol.
2. Select the Add button. The Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) pop-up window
displays. See Figure 222 and Figure 223.
3. Enter the required alcoholic components (eligible alcohol) ingredient information.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
4. Select the OK button. The Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) pop-up window closes
and the Formula tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Eligible Alcohol section. See
Figure 224.
Figure 224: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) Information Added

5. Repeat the steps to add all alcoholic components (eligible alcohol) ingredient information.

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►Note: Select the Ingredient link to display the Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) popup window and edit the alcoholic components (eligible alcohol) ingredient information. Select
the checkbox next to the alcoholic components (eligible alcohol) ingredient and select the
Delete button to delete the ingredient. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to
confirm your action. See Figure 225. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 225: Create a New Drawback – Delete Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol) Ingredient

Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates)
Figure 226: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) for
Simple Mix or Filtration

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Figure 227: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) for
Washed Extracts

Follow these steps to add alcoholic components (disapproved intermediates) ingredient
information to the submission:
1. Select the checkbox to indicate that the product contains disapproved intermediates.
2. Select the Add button. The Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) pop-up
window displays. See Figure 226 and Figure 227.
3. Enter the required alcoholic components (disapproved intermediates) ingredient information.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: If you select Yes in the Contains Colors field, the FDA Approved field displays allowing
you to enter the information. If you select Yes in the Limited Ingredients field, the Names and %
by Weight field displays allowing you to enter the information.
►Note: If the alcoholic components (disapproved intermediates) ingredient is a previously
submitted formula, you may provide formula identifying information to help facilitate the
processing of the Drawback submission.

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►Note: You may search for a submission and populate the existing formula information (e.g.,
TTB Formula ID, Company Code, and Company Formula ID). Alternately, you may enter the
Company Code and Company Formula # directly on the Alcoholic Components (Disapproved
Intermediates) pop-up window.
4. Optional Step: Select the Select button next to TTB Formula ID. The Search Formulas popup window displays. See Figure 228.
Figure 228: Create a New Drawback – Search Formulas Pop-Up Window

a. Enter the search criteria in the available fields.
b. Select Search button. The Formulas Search Results pop-up window displays. See
Figure 229.
Figure 229: Create a New Drawback – Formulas Search Results Pop-Up Window

c. Select the TTB Formula ID link. The Formulas Search Results pop-up window closes
and the Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) pop-up window displays.
The TTB Formula ID, Company Code, and Company Formula ID fields are populated.
Select the Clear button to clear the fields.

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5. Select the OK button. The Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates) pop-up
window closes and the Formula tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Disapproved
Intermediates section. See Figure 230.
Figure 230: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates)
Information Added

6. Repeat the steps for all alcoholic components (disapproved intermediates) ingredients.
►Note: Select the Ingredient link to display the Alcoholic Components (Disapproved
Intermediates) pop-up window and edit the alcoholic components (disapproved intermediates)
ingredient information. Select the checkbox next to the alcoholic components (disapproved
intermediates) ingredient and select the Delete button to delete the ingredient. A confirmation
message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 225. Select the OK
button to confirm.
Figure 231: Create a New Drawback – Delete Alcoholic Components (Disapproved Intermediates)
Ingredient Confirmation

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Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol)
Figure 232: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) for Simple
Mixture or Filtration

Figure 233: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) for Washed

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Follow these steps to add alcoholic components (ineligible alcohol) ingredient information to the
1. Select the checkbox to indicate that the product contains ineligible alcohol.
2. Select the Add button. The Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) pop-up window
displays. See Figure 232 and Figure 233.
3. Enter the required alcoholic components (ineligible alcohol) ingredient information.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: If you select Yes in the Contains Colors field, the FDA Approved field displays allowing
you to enter the information. If you select Yes in the Limited Ingredients field, the Names and %
by Weight field displays allowing you to enter the information.
►Note: If the finished alcohol ingredient is a previously submitted formula, you may provide
formula identifying information to help facilitate the processing of the Drawback submission.
►Note: You may search for a submission and populate the existing formula information (e.g.,
TTB Formula ID, Company Code, and Company Formula ID). Alternately, you may enter the
Company Code and Company Formula # directly on the Alcoholic Components (Ineligible
Alcohol) pop-up window.
4. Optional Step: Select the Select button next to TTB Formula ID. The Search Formulas popup window displays. See Figure 234.
Figure 234: Create a New Drawback – Search Formulas Pop-Up Window

a. Enter the search criteria in the available fields.
b. Select Search button. The Formulas Search Results pop-up window displays. See
Figure 235.

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Figure 235: Create a New Drawback – Formulas Search Results Pop-Up Window

c. Select the TTB Formula ID link. The Formulas Search Results pop-up window closes
and the Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) pop-up window displays. The TTB
Formula ID, Company Code, and Company Formula ID fields are populated. Select the
Clear button to clear the fields.
5. Select the OK button. The Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) pop-up window closes
and the Formula tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Ineligible Alcohol section. See
Figure 236.
Figure 236: Create a New Drawback – Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) Information

6. Repeat the steps for all alcoholic components (ineligible alcohol) ingredients.

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►Note: Select the Ingredient link to display the Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) popup window and edit the alcoholic components (ineligible alcohol) ingredient information. Select
the checkbox next to the alcoholic components (ineligible alcohol) ingredient and select the
Delete button to delete the ingredient. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to
confirm your action. See Figure 225. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 237: Create a New Drawback – Delete Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) Ingredient

Nonalcoholic Components
Figure 238: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components

Follow these steps to add nonalcoholic components ingredient information to the submission:
1. Enter all nonalcoholic components ingredient information.
a. Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group)
b. Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients)
c. Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients)
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Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group)
Figure 239: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group)

Follow these steps to add nonalcoholic components (ingredients by group) ingredient
information to the submission:
1. Select the checkbox to indicate that the product contains ingredients by group.
2. Select the Add button. The Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group) pop-up
window displays. See Figure 239.
3. Enter the required nonalcoholic components (ingredients by group) ingredient information.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: Enter the Predominant Chemical Information in the following order, separated by
commas: (1) Name, (2) FEMA #, and (3) Weight (which varies depending on units of
measurement used).
4. Select the OK button. The Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group) pop-up
window closes and the Formula tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Ingredients by
Group section. See Figure 240.
Figure 240: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group)
Information Added

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5. Repeat the steps for all nonalcoholic components (ingredients by group) ingredients.
►Note: Select the Ingredient link to display the Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by
Group) pop-up window and edit the nonalcoholic components (ingredients by group) ingredient
information. Select the checkbox next to the nonalcoholic components (ingredients by group)
ingredient information and select the Delete button to delete the ingredient. A confirmation
message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 241. Select the OK
button to confirm.
Figure 241: Create a New Drawback – Delete Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group)
Ingredient Confirmation

Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients)
Figure 242: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients)

Follow these steps to add nonalcoholic components (individual solid ingredients) ingredient
information to the submission:
1. Select the checkbox to indicate that the product contains individual solid ingredients.

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2. Select the Add button. The Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients) pop-up
window displays. See Figure 242.
3. Enter the required nonalcoholic components (individual solid ingredients) ingredient
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: If you select Yes in the Limited Ingredients field, the Names and % by Weight field
displays allowing you to enter the information.
4. Select the OK button. The Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients) pop-up
window closes and the Formula tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Individual
Ingredients (Solids) section. See Figure 243.
Figure 243: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid Ingredients)
Information Added

5. Repeat the steps for all nonalcoholic components (individual solid ingredients) ingredients.
►Note: Select the Ingredient link to display the Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid
Ingredients) pop-up window and edit the nonalcoholic components (individual solid ingredients)
ingredient information. Select the checkbox next to the nonalcoholic components (individual
solid ingredients) ingredient information and select the Delete button to delete the ingredient. A
confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 244.
Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 244: Create a New Drawback – Delete Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid
Ingredients) Ingredient Confirmation

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Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients)
Figure 245: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients)

Follow these steps to add nonalcoholic components (individual liquid ingredients) ingredient
information to the submission:
1. Select the checkbox to indicate that the product contains individual liquid ingredients.
2. Select the Add button. The Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients) popup window displays. See Figure 245.
3. Enter the required nonalcoholic components (individual liquid ingredients) information.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: If you select Yes in the Limited Ingredients field, the Names and % by Weight field
displays allowing you to enter the information.
►Note: When adding a liquid ingredient, if the process type is “Other,” you will see the quantity
sufficient (Q.S) checkbox. This field may be selected when you have added a liquid Q.S to
display the total yield.
4. Select the OK button. The Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients) pop-up
window closes and the Formula tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Individual
Ingredients (Liquids) section. See Figure 246.
Figure 246: Create a New Drawback – Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid Ingredients)
Information Added

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5. Repeat the steps to add all nonalcoholic components (individual liquid ingredients).
►Note: Select the Ingredient link to display the Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid
Ingredients) pop-up window and edit the nonalcoholic components (individual liquid ingredients)
ingredient information. Select the checkbox next to the nonalcoholic components (individual
liquid ingredients) ingredient information and select the Delete button to delete the ingredient. A
confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 247.
Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 247: Create a New Drawback – Delete Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid
Ingredients) Ingredient Confirmation

Dietary Supplement Components
Figure 248: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components

Follow these steps to add dietary supplement components ingredient information to the
1. Enter all dietary supplement components ingredient information.
a. Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs)
b. Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids)

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Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs)
Figure 249: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs)

Follow these steps to add dietary supplement components (herbs) ingredient information to the
1. Select the checkbox to indicate that the product contains herbs.
2. Select the Add button. The Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs) pop-up window
displays. See Figure 249.
3. Enter required dietary supplement components (herbs) ingredient information.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
4. Select the OK button. The Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs) pop-up window closes
and the Formula tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Herbs section. See Figure
Figure 250: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs) Information Added

5. Repeat the steps for all dietary supplement components (herbs) ingredients.

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►Note: Select the Ingredient link to display the Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs) popup window and edit the dietary supplement components (herbs) ingredient information. Select
the checkbox next to the dietary supplement components (herbs) ingredient information and
select the Delete button to delete the ingredient. A confirmation message box displays
prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 251. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 251: Create a New Drawback – Delete Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs) Ingredient

Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids)
Figure 252: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids)

Follow these steps to add dietary supplement components (liquids) ingredient information to the
1. Select the checkbox to indicate that the product contains liquid ingredients.
2. Select the Add button. The Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids) pop-up window
displays. See Figure 252.
3. Enter the required dietary supplement components (liquids) ingredient information.
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►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
4. Select the OK button. The Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids) pop-up window
closes and the Formula tab displays. The ingredient is added in the Liquids section. See
Figure 253.
Figure 253: Create a New Drawback – Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids) Information

5. Repeat the steps to add all dietary supplement components (liquids) ingredients.
►Note: Select the Ingredient link to display the Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids)
pop-up window and edit the dietary supplement components (liquids) ingredient information.
Select the checkbox next to the dietary supplement components (liquids) ingredient information
and select the Delete button to delete the ingredient. A confirmation message box displays
prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 254. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 254: Create a New Drawback – Delete Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids) Ingredient

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Additional Details
Figure 255: Create a New Drawback – Additional Details

1. Enter any additional details.
a. Unfit for Beverage Statement
b. Taste Panel Results
c. Formula Information and Process
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
2. Select the Next button. The Samples tab displays. See Figure 256.

Sample Detail
Figure 256: Create a New Drawback – Samples Tab

►Note: Drawback submissions require samples for any products not produced in the United
States and for all dietary supplements. All other Drawback submissions do not require any
samples but may include them.
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Follow these steps to add a sample to the submission:
1. Select the Add button. The Sample modal window displays. See Figure 257.
Figure 257: Create a New Drawback – Sample Modal Window

2. Enter the sample information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
3. Select the OK button. The Sample modal window closes and the Sample tab displays. The
sample is added in the Sample Detail section. See Figure 258.

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Figure 258: Create a New Drawback – Samples Tab with Sample Added

4. Repeat the steps to add each sample you are sending to TTB.
►Note: The system generates submission ID and sample IDs after you save as draft or
submit. Until then, sample IDs appear as “Pending.” The system prompts you to generate the
sample ID sheet once you submit. When it does, enter dates sent, print sample ID sheets, and
affix them to the physical samples or include them in the mailing package.
►Note: Select the Sample ID link to display the Sample modal window and edit the sample.
Select the checkbox next to the sample and select the Delete button to delete the sample. A
confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 259.
Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 259: Create a New Drawback – Delete Sample Confirmation

Validate/Save as Draft
Before submitting, you may either:
1. Validate (check for errors without saving or submitting as final to TTB) to ensure that you
have completed the submission correctly. Select the Validate button. Red error messages
display indicating any issues found with the submission. See Figure 260. Alternatively, a
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green message displays indicating no issues were found with the submission. See Figure
261. Correct any errors and repeat this step until the submission is successfully validated.
You may save as draft with errors, but you must correct all errors before submitting a draft.
Figure 260: Create a New Drawback – Unsuccessful Validation Message

Figure 261: Create a New Drawback – Successful Validation Message

2. Save as Draft if you are not yet ready to submit, or if you are the Preparer/Reviewer (since
only a Submitter may actually submit the submission). Select the Save as Draft button and
Formulas Online stores your submission until you or an authorized Submitter return to
finalize the submission. See Figure 262.
Figure 262: Create a New Drawback – Save As Draft Confirmation

Submit Drawback Submission
Follow these steps to submit your drawback submission:
1. Select the Perjury Statement checkbox at the bottom of any tab to acknowledge you have
read, understood, and complied with instructions for filing the application. See Figure 263.

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Figure 263: Create a New Drawback – Perjury Statement

2. Select the Submit button. The Submission Confirmation page displays with links to the
Submission ID and the Samples tab (where applicable). The drawback submission is
successfully submitted. See Figure 264.
Figure 264: Create a New Drawback – Submission Confirmation

TTB will contact you by e-mail when analysis has been completed or if additional information
is needed.
3. Select the return to the Samples link in the submission confirmation to enter sample sent
dates and print sample ID sheets if you included samples in the submission.
►Note: Only users with authenticated Submitter roles may submit submissions. Users with
authenticated Preparer/Reviewer roles for any of the permit numbers included with the
submission may perform all other submission preparation functions, but are not allowed to
submit as final to TTB for processing.

Enter a Sample Sent Date for Drawback Submissions

See Section 3.13 Entering Sample Sent Date for sample sent date instructions.

Print a Sample ID Sheet for Drawback Submissions

See Section 3.14 Printing Sample ID Sheets for sample sending instructions.

Comments and Docs/Links for Drawback Submissions

See Section 3.8 Adding, Editing, and Deleting Comments for comment instructions. See
Section 3.9 Uploading Attachments and Linking Submissions for upload and link instructions.

Edit, Correct, and Resubmit a Drawback Submission

Before submitting, you may edit the submission at will. After submitting, you will be unable to
edit until/unless TTB informs you that your submission needs correction. See Section 3.10
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Editing, Correcting, and Resubmitting Submissions for editing, correction, and resubmission

Copy an Existing Drawback Submission

See Section 3.11 Copying Existing Submissions for copy instructions.

Print a Drawback Submission

See Section 3.12 Printing Submissions for print instructions.

Withdraw a Drawback Submission

See Section 3.21.2 Withdraw a Submission for instructions on how to withdraw an active
submission prior to TTB process completion.

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Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request (Rider)

This section discusses the basic information for Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product
Request (Rider) submissions in the Formulas Online system. This section includes the
following information:

General Rider Information – See Section General Rider Information
Create a New Rider Submission – See Section Create a New Rider
General Rider Information

These screens allow you to create, edit, verify, and submit a new Formula and Process for
Nonbeverage Product Request (Rider) submission in the Formulas Online system.
Nonbeverage drawback alcohol is pure alcohol, the same as that used for consumption.
However, when a manufacturer uses that alcohol in the production of a food, flavor, medicine, or
perfume that is approved by the Nonbeverage Products Laboratory as unfit for beverage
purposes, he or she can claim a return on most of the distilled spirits excise tax paid. Use the
Rider submission to describe changes in one or more previously approved Drawback formulas
or processes.

Create a New Rider Submission

Follow these steps to create a new Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product Request
(Rider) submission:
1. Select Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product – Rider from the New drop-down
menu. See Figure 265.
Figure 265: Create a New Rider – Select New Drop-Down Menu

The Company modal window displays. See Figure 266.

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Figure 266: Create a New Rider – Select Company Name

2. Select the name for the company for which you are creating this submission. The system
pre-populates the company address information. See Figure 267.
Figure 267: Create a New Rider – Address Fields

3. Edit Submitter mailing address information if applicable.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
►Note: Company address information is not editable.
1. Select the Continue button. The Company modal window closes and the Company tab
displays with the address information added. See Figure 268.
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Company/Address Detail
Figure 268: Create a New Rider – Company Tab with Company Address Added

►Note: Whenever you see a Company or Address screen, you will also see the Start Date and
End Date fields. These fields indicate the dates during which the entity (generally the
Manufacturer) had ownership of a given submission or formula and/or when a given address
was active and/or valid (for any submission type). The majority of submissions will never show
an End Date. End Dates are generated only when formulas are adopted by, transferred to, or
removed from, a given company. This is referred to as formula adoption.
►Note: Please contact ALFD directly if you need assistance with formula adoption. Your email request should include information for both the sending and receiving companies (company
names, company codes, permit numbers, formula numbers, and dates of adoption, removal, or
transfer) involved for both the sending and receiving companies.
1. Confirm the Company/Address Detail information.
►Note: Select the Address Type link to edit any necessary information for the address type.
You cannot edit the Manufacturer address, but you may add a different one and then delete the
one you have selected. Select the checkbox next to the address and select the Delete button to
delete the address. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action.
See Figure 269. Select the OK button to confirm.

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Figure 269: Create a New Rider – Delete Address Confirmation

2. Select the Add button to add a new address. The Address modal window displays. See
Figure 270.
Figure 270: Create a New Rider – Address Modal Window

3. Select the address type from the Address Type drop-down list. See Figure 271. The
system displays the address fields. See Figure 272.
Figure 271: Create a New Rider – Address Type

4. Enter the company address information in the available fields. See Figure 272. If you select
Foreign for Address Format, additional address fields display. See Figure 273.

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Figure 272: Create a New Rider – Address Fields (Domestic)

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Figure 273: Create a New Rider – Address Fields (Foreign)

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
5. Select the OK button. The Address modal window closes and the Company tab displays
with the address information added.
6. Repeat the steps for all additional addresses needed for the submission.
►Note: If you add any company for which you are not an authorized Submitter, even after you
have either started with or entered one for which you are an authorized Submitter, you will not
be able to submit the submission. You will only be able to save as draft.
7. Select the Next button. The Main tab displays. See Figure 275.
►Note: For convenience, the system displays Contacts information at the bottom of the Main
tab as well as on the Company tab. See Figure 274.
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Figure 274: Create a New Rider – Contacts

1. Confirm Contacts information (if any).
2. Add, edit, or delete Contacts through the Company tab if applicable following the steps in
Company/Address Detail.

Main Tab
Figure 275: Create a New Rider – Main Tab

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
1. Enter the Product Name in the available field.
2. If you are superseding an existing formula, follow the steps in Superseded Formula.
3. Select the Next button. The Formula tab displays. See Figure 279.

Superseded Formula
►Note: A single formula may supersede multiple formulas.
1. Select the Add button. The Superseded Formula modal window displays. See Figure 276.
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Figure 276: Create a New Rider – Superseded Formula

2. Select the Closed TTB Formula ID or Closed Company Formula #.
3. Enter the TTB Formula ID.
4. Select the Company Code and enter the Company Formula #.
5. Select the OK button. The Main tab displays The Superseded Formula modal window
closes and the Main tab displays with the superseded formula added. See Figure 277.
Figure 277: Create a New Rider – Superseded Formula Added

►Note: Select the checkbox next to the superseded formula and select the Delete button to
delete the superseded formula. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm
your action. See Figure 278. Select the OK button to confirm.

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Figure 278: Create a New Rider – Delete Superseded Formula Confirmation

►Note: You may add additional superseded formulas by selecting the Add button to display
the Superseded Formula modal window and following Steps 1 – 5.

Description of Revisions
Figure 279: Create a New Rider – Formula Tab

►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
1. Add Description of revisions and/or additions to the original formula information.
2. Select the Next button. The Samples tab displays. See Figure 280.

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Sample Detail
Figure 280: Create a New Rider – Samples Tab

►Note: Rider submissions do not require any samples but may include them.
Follow these steps to add a sample to the submission:
1. Select the Add button. The Sample modal window displays. See Figure 281.

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Figure 281: Create a New Rider – Sample Modal Window

2. Enter the sample information in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
3. Select the OK button. The Sample pop-up window closes and the Sample tab displays.
The sample is added in the Sample Detail section. See Figure 282.

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Figure 282: Create a New Rider – Samples Tab with Sample Added

4. Repeat the steps to add each sample you are sending to TTB.
►Note: The system generates submission ID and sample IDs after you save as draft or
submit. Until then, sample IDs appear as “Pending.” The system prompts you to generate the
sample ID sheet once you submit. When it does, enter dates sent, print sample ID sheets, and
affix them to the physical samples or include them in the mailing package.
►Note: Select the Sample ID link to display the Sample pop-up window and edit the sample.
Select the checkbox next to the sample and select the Delete button to delete the sample. A
confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 283.
Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 283: Create a New Rider – Delete Sample Confirmation

Validate/Saving as Draft/Submitting
Before submitting, you may either:
1. Validate (check for errors without saving or submitting as final to TTB) to ensure that you
have completed the submission correctly. Select the Validate button. Red error messages
display indicating any issues found with the submission. See Figure 284. Alternatively, a
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green message displays indicating no issues were found with the submission. See Figure
285. Correct any errors and repeat this step until the submission is successfully validated.
You may save as draft with errors, but you must correct all errors before submitting a draft.
Figure 284: Create a New Rider – Unsuccessful Validation Message

Figure 285: Create a New Rider – Successful Validation Message

2. Save as Draft if you are not yet ready to submit, or if you are the Preparer/Reviewer (since
only a Submitter may actually submit the submission). Select the Save as Draft button and
Formulas Online stores your submission until you or an authorized Submitter return to
finalize the submission. See Figure 286.
Figure 286: Create a New Rider – Save As Draft Confirmation

Submit Rider Submission
Follow these steps to submit your rider submission:
1. Select the Perjury Statement checkbox at the bottom of any tab to acknowledge you have
read, understood, and complied with instructions for filing the application. See Figure 287.

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Figure 287: Create a New Rider – Perjury Statement

2. Select the Submit button. The Submission Confirmation page displays with links to the
Submission ID and the Samples tab (where applicable). The rider submission is
successfully submitted. See Figure 288.
Figure 288: Create a New Rider – Submission Confirmation

TTB will contact you by e-mail when analysis has been completed or if additional information
is needed.
3. Select the return to the Samples link in the submission confirmation to enter sample sent
dates and print sample ID sheets if you included samples in the submission.
►Note: Only users with authenticated Submitter roles may submit submissions. Users with
authenticated Preparer/Reviewer roles for any of the permit numbers included with the
submission may perform all other submission preparation functions, but are not allowed to
submit as final to TTB for processing.

Enter a Sample Sent Date for Rider Submissions

See Section 3.13 Entering Sample Sent Date for sample sent date instructions.

Print a Sample ID Sheet for Rider Submissions

See Section 3.14 Printing Sample ID Sheets for sample sending instructions.

Comments and Docs/Links for Rider Submissions

See Section 3.8 Adding, Editing, and Deleting Comments for comment instructions. See
Section 3.9 Uploading Attachments and Linking Submissions for upload and link instructions.

Edit, Correct, and Resubmit a Rider Submission

Before submitting, you may edit the submission at will. After submitting, you will be unable to
edit until/unless TTB informs you that your submission needs correction. See Section 3.10
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Editing, Correcting, and Resubmitting Submissions for editing, correction, and resubmission

Copy an Existing Rider Submission

See Section 3.11 Copying Existing Submissions for copy instructions.

Print a Rider Submission

See Section 3.12 Printing Submissions for print instructions.

Withdraw a Rider Submission

See Section 3.21.2 Withdraw a Submission for instructions on how to withdraw an active
submission prior to TTB process completion.

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This section discusses the basic information for adding, editing, and deleting comments in the
Formulas Online system. This section includes the following information:

Add Comments – See Section 3.8.1 Add Comments
Edit Comments – See Section 3.8.2 Edit Comments
Delete Comments – See Section 3.8.3 Delete Comments
Add Comments

Follow these steps to add comments when creating or editing a submission:
1. Select the Comment link in the action bar. Alternatively, select the Comments tab in the
submission. See Figure 289.
Figure 289: Add Comments – Comments Tab

2. Select the Add button. The Comment modal window displays. See Figure 290.
Figure 290: Add Comments – Comment Modal Window

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3. Enter comments in the available field.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
4. Select the OK button. The Comments modal window closes and the comments are added
in the Comments Detail. See Figure 291.
Figure 291: Add Comments – Comments Tab with Comments Added

5. Repeat the steps to add additional comments.

Edit Comments

Follow these steps to edit a comment when creating or editing a submission:
1. Select the Comments tab in the submission. See Figure 292.
Figure 292: Edit Comments – Comments Tab

2. Select the Comment link. The Comments modal window displays. See Figure 293.

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Figure 293: Edit Comments – Comment Modal Window

3. Edit comments in the available field.
►Note: You may only edit comments you have added.
4. Select the OK button. The Comments modal window closes and the comments are updated
in the Comments Detail. See Figure 294.
Figure 294: Edit Comments – Comments Tab with Comments Updated

5. Repeat the steps to edit additional comments.

Delete Comments

Follow these steps to delete a comment when creating or editing a submission:
1. Select the Comments tab in the submission. See Figure 295.
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Figure 295: Delete Comments – Comments Tab

2. Select the checkbox(es) next to the comment(s) you wish to delete.
►Note: You may only delete comments you have added.
3. Select the Delete button. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm
your action. See Figure 296.
Figure 296: Delete Comments – Delete Comment Confirmation

4. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and the comments
are deleted from the Comments Detail. See Figure 297.
Figure 297: Delete Comments – Comments Tab with Comments Deleted

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This section discusses the basic information for uploading attachments and linking submissions
in the Formulas Online system. This section includes the following information:

Upload Attachments – See Section 3.9.1 Upload Attachments
Link Submissions – See Section 3.9.2 Link Submissions
Upload Attachments

Follow these steps to upload attachments to a submission:
1. Select the Upload link in the action bar. The Attachment modal window displays. See
Figure 299. Proceed to Submission Documents & Links.
Alternatively, select the Docs/Links tab in the submission. The Docs/Links tab displays.
See Figure 298.

Document & Link Detail
Figure 298: Upload Attachments – Docs/Links Tab

2. In the Submission Documents section, select the Upload button. The Attachment modal
window displays. See Figure 299.

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Submission Documents & Links
Figure 299: Upload Attachments – Attachment Modal Window

3. Enter a description for the file in the Description field.
4. Select a type from the Type drop-down list. See Figure 300.
Figure 300: Upload Attachments – Type Drop-Down List

►Note: Make sure you select the correct type for the corresponding attachment. For example,
if a Method of Manufacture attachment is required and uploaded, Method of Manufacture must
be the selected type.
5. Select the Browse button next to the File field to browse and select the file.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
6. Select the OK button. The Attachment modal window closes and the file is added in the
Submission Documents. See Figure 301.

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Figure 301: Upload Attachments – Docs/Links Tab with Attachment Added

►Note: Virus checking is a part of the upload process. When you see a virus-related error or
comment, take appropriate action. Otherwise, you will not notice anti-virus activity.
7. Repeat the steps to upload all attachments.
►Note: Attachments will not be available for display until the submission is saved as draft or
►Note: Select the edit link next to the attachment to display the Attachment modal window and
edit the attachment. Select the checkbox(es) next to the attachment(s) and select the Delete
button to delete the attachment(s). A confirmation message box displays prompting you to
confirm your action. See Figure 302. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 302: Upload Attachments – Delete Attachment Confirmation

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Link Submissions

Follow these steps to link a submission to another submission:
1. Select the Docs/Links tab in the submission. The Docs/Links tab displays. See Figure 303.
Figure 303: Link Submissions – Docs/Links Tab

2. In the Submission Links section, select the Add button. The Submission Links modal
window displays. See Figure 304.

Submission Links
Figure 304: Link Submissions – Submission Link Modal Window

3. Enter the Link Submission ID and Link Description in the available fields.
►Note: Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required fields.
4. Select the OK button. The Submission Link modal window closes and the link is added in
the Submission Links. See Figure 305.
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Figure 305: Link Submissions – Docs/Links Tab with Submission Link Added

5. Repeat the steps to associate this submission with other submissions.
6. Optional Step: Select the Submission ID link to confirm that you have linked to the desired
►Note: The Submission ID link will only display if you have read access to the submission.
You do not require read access to add the submission link.
►Note: Select the edit link next to the link to display the Submission Link modal window and
edit the link. Select the checkbox(es) next to the link(s) and select the Delete button to delete
the link(s). A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your action. See
Figure 306. Select the OK button to confirm.
Figure 306: Link Submissions – Delete Submission Link Confirmation

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This section discusses the basic information for editing, correcting, and resubmitting
submissions in the Formulas Online system. This section includes the following information:

Edit Submissions Needing Correction – See Section 3.10.1 Edit Submissions
Needing Correction
Resubmit Submissions – See Section 3.10.2 Resubmit Submissions
Edit Submissions Needing Correction

Before submitting, you may edit the submission at will. After submitting, you will be unable to
edit until/unless TTB informs you that your submission needs correction.
TTB will inform you via e-mail if your submission has been returned for correction. Beverage
formula submitters have 30 days to correct their returned submissions. There are no deadlines
for returned nonbeverage formula submissions. You need to pay careful attention to the
information conveyed about the submission on the Needs Correction tab for the submission.
Follow these steps to correct a submission:
1. Locate the submission needing correction using one of the following methods:
a. Select the link in the e-mail you have received from TTB and login into Formulas Online.
See Figure 307.

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Figure 307: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – E-Mail Notification

b. Perform a search for the submission. See Section 3.15 Searching for Submissions,
Samples, and Formulas for more information.
c. Locate the submission you need to correct on the My Submissions home page. The
Submission Status will be “Needs Correction.” See Figure 308.

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Figure 308: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Home Page (My Submissions)

2. Select the Submission ID link to display the submission.
3. Select the Needs Correction tab. See Figure 309. The Needs Correction tab details the
reasons why the submission is being returned for correction.

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Needs Correction Information
Figure 309: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Needs Correction Tab

Return/Needs Correction Reason Description Details
4. Select Needs Correction Reason link. The Return Reason pop-up window displays. See
Figure 310.
Figure 310: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Return Reason Pop-Up Window

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5. Select the OK button. The Return Reason pop-up window closes and the Return tab
6. Advance through the submission by selecting the tabs, editing the fields and making
corrections, additions, or deletions as needed.
7. Resubmit when you are done following the steps in Section 3.10.2 Resubmit Submissions.

Resubmit Submissions

Follow these steps to resubmit a submission that required corrections:
1. If you are resubmitting with a new or replacement sample, you must add the
new/replacement sample entry on the Samples tab. After you have submitted, enter the
Sample Sent Date and print out a new sample ID sheet for that sample. See Section 3.13
Entering Sample Sent Date and Section 3.14 Printing Sample ID Sheets.
2. Select the Perjury Statement checkbox to acknowledge you have read, understood, and
complied with instructions for filing the application. See Figure 311.
Figure 311: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Perjury Statement

3. Select the Submit button. The Submission Confirmation page displays with links to the
Submission ID, Unauthorized Users tab, and the Samples tab (where applicable). The
submission is successfully re-submitted. See Figure 312.
Figure 312: Edit Submissions Needing Correction – Submission Confirmation

TTB will contact you by e-mail when analysis has been completed or if additional information
is needed.

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Follow these steps to copy a submission to use as a base for a new submission:
1. Perform a search for the submission. See Section 3.15 Searching for Submissions,
Samples, and Formulas for more information.
Alternatively, locate the submission you wish to copy on the My Submissions home page.
►Note: Any submission other than a User Registration submission may be copied.
2. Select the Submission ID link to display the submission.
3. Select the Copy as New link in the action bar. A confirmation message box displays
prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 313.
Figure 313: Copying Existing Submissions – Copy as New Confirmation

4. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and a confirmation
message box displays prompting you to link the copy to the original submission. See Figure
Figure 314: Copying Existing Submissions – Link New and Original Submissions Confirmation

►Note: The link will only appear on the new submission.

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5. Select the OK button. The confirmation message box closes and the Main tab displays with
the copied submission.
►Note: Only those editable fields necessary to create a new submission will be copied.
6. Advance through the submission by selecting the tabs.
a. Make desired selections and enter new data as appropriate, just as if this were a new
submission from scratch.
b. When a sample should be associated with the submission, you will need to re-enter
sample information.
7. Optional Step: By default, the new submission will not have any of the Submission
Documents that were associated with the original submission. You may prefer to add any or
all of them. See Section 3.9.1 Upload Attachments for more information.
8. Optional Step: If you did not select the OK button earlier when asked if you wanted to link
the new submission to the original one, the Submission Links section is empty. If you
omitted linking the submissions initially and decide to link them later, you may also do so.
See Section 3.9.2 Link Submissions for more information.
9. Make any desired changes and proceed as usual (this becomes, in effect, a new

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This section discusses the basic information for printing submissions in the Formulas Online
system. This section includes the following information:

Print Functions (Internet Explorer) – See Section 3.12.1 Print Functions (Internet
Print Functions (Submissions) – See Section 3.12.2 Print Functions (Submissions)
Print Functions (Internet Explorer)

Formulas Online supports standard Internet Explorer print functions. Follow these steps to print
a page in Formulas Online:
1. Go to the page in Formulas Online you wish to print. If you are on the My Submissions
home page or a listing page (i.e., Search Results), select the PrintView button to display a
printable view of your page.
2. Select File > Print from the Internet Explorer menu or select the
displays. See Figure 315.

icon. The Print dialog

Figure 315: Printing Submissions – Print Dialog

3. Select the Print button. The page is sent to the selected printer and printed.
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Print Functions (Submissions)

Formulas Online supports printing printer-friendly versions of submissions. Using the action
bar, you can print from any tab of a submission. Follow these steps to print a submission:
1. Perform a search for the submission. See Section 3.15 Searching for Submissions,
Samples, and Formulas for more information.
Alternatively, locate the submission you wish to print on the My Submissions home page.
2. Select the Submission ID link to display the submission.
3. Select the Print link in the action bar. The Print Submission pop-up window displays. See
Figure 316.
Figure 316: Printing Submissions – Print Pop-Up Window

4. Select the radio button next to the Print Range.
a. “All” will display all tabs for the submission. See Figure 317 – Figure 320.
b. “Current Tab” will display only the tab you were viewing when you selected the Print link.
See Figure 321.
c. “Formula Summary” will display data from the Main and Formula tabs for Drawback
submissions and data from the Main, Formula, Results, and Needs Correction tabs for
Uniform, Rider, and SDA submissions. See Figure 322 and Figure 323.
5. Select the OK button. The Print Submission pop-up window closes and the printable
version of the submission displays.
►Note: Check your page orientation settings before printing. Most pages print well as Portrait,
but some Formula and Sample pages are wider and print best as Landscape.

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Figure 317: Printing Submissions – All (Top)

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Figure 318: Printing Submissions – All (Middle 1)

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Figure 319: Printing Submissions – All (Middle 2)

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Figure 320: Printing Submissions – All (Bottom)

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Figure 321: Printing Submissions – Current Tab

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Figure 322: Printing Submissions – Formula Summary (Top)

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Figure 323: Printing Submissions – Formula Summary (Bottom)

6. Select the Print this page button. The Print dialog displays. See Figure 315.
7. Select the Print button. The printable version of the submission is sent to the selected
printer and printed.
8. Select the
the page.

in the upper right corner of the printable version of the submission to close

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Not every submission requires a sample. When a sample is required, however, you may enter
a sample sent date and print a sample ID sheet.
In order to submit a sample to TTB, enter the date you will send the sample, print a sample ID
sheet for each sample in the submission, attach the sample ID sheet to the sample, and send
the sample to the appropriate laboratory.
Follow these steps to enter a sample sent date:
1. Perform a search for the submission. See Section 3.15 Searching for Submissions,
Samples, and Formulas for more information.
Alternatively, locate the submission on the My Submissions home page.
2. Select the Submission ID link to display the submission.
3. Select the Samples tab.
4. Select the checkbox next to the Sample ID for each sample you plan to send.
►Note: Select the top-level checkbox to select all the samples. Deselect the ones you do not
wish to send or have already sent.
5. Select Enter Date Sent from the For Selected Samples drop-down list.
6. Enter the date in the Date field. See Figure 324.
►Note: The Date field format is MM/DD/YYYY. Enter it in manually or place your cursor in the
field to display a pop-up calendar to find the correct date.
Figure 324: Entering Sample Sent Date – Samples Tab with Enter Date Sent Selected

7. Select the Go button. The Date Sent field is updated with the sample sent date. See Figure

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Figure 325: Entering Sample Sent Date – Samples Tab with Enter Date Sent Added

8. Select the Save button.

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Not every submission requires a sample. When a sample is required, however, you may enter
a sample sent date and print a sample ID sheet.
Follow these steps to print a sample ID sheet:
1. Enter the Sample Sent date following the steps in Section 3.13 Entering Sample Sent Date.
2. Select the checkbox next to the Sample ID for each sample you wish to send.
►Note: Select the top-level checkbox to select all the samples. Deselect the ones you do not
wish to send or have already sent.
3. Select Print Sample ID Sheet from the For Selected Samples drop-down list. See Figure
Figure 326: Printing Sample ID Sheets – Samples Tab with Print Sample ID Sheet Sent Selected

4. Select the Go button. The printable sample ID sheet displays. See Figure 327.

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Figure 327: Printing Sample ID Sheets – Printable Sample ID Sheet

►Note: If you generate this label prior to saving, the application indicates a null value for your
sample ID.
5. Select the Print this page button. The Print dialog displays. See Figure 328.

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Figure 328: Printing Sample ID Sheets – Print Dialog

6. Select the Print button. The printable version of the sample ID sheet is sent to the selected
printer and printed.
7. Select the
in the upper right corner of the printable version of the sample ID sheet to
close the page.
8. Attach the sample ID sheet to your sample shipment and ship the samples as directed.

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This section discusses the basic information for searching for submissions, samples, and
formulas in the Formulas Online system. This section includes the following information:

Quick Searches – See Section 3.15.1 Quick Searches
Advanced Searches – See Section 3.15.2 Advanced Searches


Quick Searches

There are three types of quick searches in the Formulas Online system:

Search for Submissions – See Section Search for Submissions
Search for Samples – See Section Search for Samples
Search for Formulas – See Section Search for Formulas

Search for Submissions

►Note: You may search for submissions in the Formulas Online system for which you have
the privilege to access.
Follow these steps to perform a search for a submission:
1. Enter the Submission ID in the search text field.
►Note: Enter a minimum of 4 numbers of the Submission ID followed by the “%” special
character to perform a wildcard search.
2. Select Submissions from the search drop-down list. See Figure 329.
►Note: By default, Submissions will be selected.
Figure 329: Search for Submissions – Enter Search Criteria

3. Select the Search button or press the Enter key. The search results display. See Figure

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Figure 330: Search for Submissions – Search Results

4. Select the Submission ID link. The submission displays with the Main tab selected. See
Figure 331.
Figure 331: Search for Submissions – Submission Detail (Main Tab)

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Search for Samples

►Note: You may search for samples in the Formulas Online system for which you have the
privilege to access.
Follow these steps to perform a search for a sample:
1. Enter the Sample ID in the search text field.
►Note: Enter a minimum of 4 numbers of the Sample ID followed by the “%” special character
to perform a wildcard search.
2. Select Samples from the search drop-down list. See Figure 332.
Figure 332: Search for Samples – Enter Search Criteria

3. Select the Search button or press the Enter key. The search results display listing the
submissions containing the Sample ID. See Figure 333.
Figure 333: Search for Samples – Search Results

4. Select the Submission ID link. The submission displays with the Main tab selected. See
Figure 334.

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Figure 334: Search for Samples – Submission Detail (Main Tab)

5. Select the Samples tab. See Figure 335.
Figure 335: Search for Samples – Submission Detail (Samples Tab)

6. Select the Sample ID link. The Sample modal window displays. See Figure 336.

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Figure 336: Search for Samples – Sample Modal Window

Search for Formulas

►Note: You may search for formulas in the Formulas Online system for which you have the
privilege to access.
Follow these steps to perform a search for a formula:
1. Enter the TTB Formula ID in the search text field.
►Note: Enter a minimum of 4 numbers of the TTB Formula ID followed by the “%” special
character to perform a wildcard search.
2. Select Formulas from the search drop-down list. See Figure 337.
Figure 337: Search for Formulas – Enter Search Criteria

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3. Select the Search button or press the Enter key. The search results display listing the
submissions containing the Formula ID. See Figure 338.
Figure 338: Search for Formulas – Search Results

4. Select the Submission ID link. The submission displays with the Main tab selected. See
Figure 339.
Figure 339: Search for Formulas – Submission Detail (Main Tab)

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Advanced Searches

There is one type of advanced searches in the Formulas Online system:

Search for Submissions/Formulas – See Section Search for

Search for Submissions/Formulas

►Note: You may search for submissions/formulas in the Formulas Online system for which
you have the privilege to access.
Follow these steps to perform a search for submissions/formulas:
1. Select the Advanced Search button next to the Search button. See Figure 340.
Figure 340: Search for Submissions/Formulas – Advanced Search

The Search Submissions and Formulas page displays. See Figure 341.

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Figure 341: Search for Submissions/Formulas – Search Submissions and Formulas

2. Enter or select the search criteria in the available fields.
►Note: Press the CTRL key to select multiple values from the drop-down lists. Use the “%”
special character to perform a wildcard search.
►Note: Product/Class Type changes based on the Commodity type selected. Other available
search criteria displays based on the Submission Name selected.
3. Select the Search button. The search results display listing the submissions matching the
search criteria. See Figure 342.
►Note: Select the Clear button to clear the available fields.

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Figure 342: Search for Submissions/Formulas – Search Results

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In compliance with 508 standards, Formulas Online provides a text menu in addition to the
graphic menu. Figure 343 details the Text Menu.
Figure 343: Text Menu


Display the Text Menu

Follow these steps to display the Text Menu:
1. Select the Text Menu link in the main navigation banner. The Text Menu displays. See
Figure 343.
2. Use buttons to move through the screens. Use the Tab key to move through editable fields.
3. Use submenu links to create new submissions or perform the tasks mentioned.
4. If you wish to return to Graphic Menu display, select the Graphic Menu link in the main
navigation banner.

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The User Profile page provides the ability to view and edit some of your user profile information
submitted during the registration process. This page also allows you to change your system
password and view all active permit numbers that you have registered. Figure 344 and Figure
345 detail the User Profile page.
►Note: You may NOT view requested but not yet approved, deleted, or inactive permit
numbers for your user account in the User Profile page.
Figure 344: User Profile (Top)

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Figure 345: User Profile (Bottom)


Update My Profile

Follow these steps to view and/or edit your user profile information:
1. Select the My Profile link in the Main Navigation Menu. The User Profile page displays.
See Figure 344 and Figure 345.
2. Make changes to your personal information and business e-mail addresses if applicable.
3. Make changes to your authentication questions and answers if applicable.
4. Select the Save button. An informational message displays at the top of the page stating
your changes have been successfully saved.
5. Select the Change Password button to change your system password. See Section 3.18
Change Password.
6. Select the Cancel button to exit without making changes.

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Passwords expire every 90 days and you will be required to change your password before
expiration. You can change your password at any time through the Password Change Utility. If
you login to Formulas Online when your password is due to expire, a confirmation message box
displays reminding you to change your password through the Password Change Utility. See
Figure 346. You may select the OK button and follow the steps in Section 3.18.3 Reset Your
Expired Password to change your password through the Password Change Utility.
Figure 346: Change Password Reminder Confirmation

If your password expires before you are able to change your password, an error message
displays when you attempt to login to Formulas Online. See Figure 347.

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Figure 347: Expired Password Error Message

You may follow the steps in Section 3.18.3 Reset Your Expired Password to reset your expired
password through the Password Change Utility.
If you attempt to login to Formulas Online multiple times with an invalid user name/password
combination, you will lock your account. An error message displays stating your account is
locked. See Figure 348.

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Figure 348: Locked Account Error Message

You may reset your password to unlock your account. Follow the steps in Section 3.18.4
Unlock Your Locked Account to unlock your account by resetting your password through the
Password Change Utility.
If you have simply forgotten your password, but it is not expired, you may follow the steps in
Section 3.18.2 Reset Your Forgotten Password to reset your forgotten password through the
Password Change Utility.
After one year of inactivity, your user ID will also be deleted and you will need to re-register if
you wish to resume using Formulas Online. Follow the steps in Section 3.4.2 Create a New
User Registration to re-register.

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Change Your Password

Follow these steps to change a Formulas Online system password through the Password
Change Utility:
1. Select the My Profile link from the main navigation banner. The My Profile page displays.
See Figure 344 and Figure 345.
2. Select the Change Password link. A confirmation message box displays stating you will be
logged out to perform this action. See Figure 349.
Figure 349: Change Password – Change Password Logout Confirmation

3. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and you are logged
out of Formulas Online. The Password Change Utility login page displays. See Figure 350.

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Figure 350: Change Password – Password Change Utility Login

4. Enter your user ID in the User ID field.
5. Enter your e-mail address in the Primary Email address field.
6. Select the Get User Profile Questions button. The system displays one of the three
authentication questions you answered when you filled out the user registration initially. See
Figure 351.

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Figure 351: Change Password – Password Change Utility Main Page

►Note: If you fail two times to answer your security questions correctly, your account will be
locked in the application. Please contact the TTB Help Desk at 866-927-2533 (Option 2) to
have your account unlocked in the application.
7. Enter the answer for your security question in the available field.
8. Enter the password in the New Password field.
9. Enter the password in the Retyped New Password field.
►Note: Passwords must meet the following complexity rules:

Password must be at least 8 characters long.
Password must not contain your user ID.
Password must contain at least 1 UPPERCASE, 1 lowercase, 1 digit, and 1 special
You cannot reuse a password that has been used in the last 10 times or within the last
48 hours.
You cannot use the following special characters: ' (single-quote), " (double-quote), _
(underscore), = (equal sign), & (ampersand), and @ (at sign).

10. If you make a mistake, select the Clear button to clear the entry before setting your new
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11. If you change your mind, select the Cancel button to cancel before setting your new
12. Select the Submit button. A confirmation message box displays stating your password was
successfully changed. See Figure 352.
Figure 352: Change Password – Password Change Successful

13. Select the OK button. The Password Change Utility closes and the TTB Online Portal page
displays. See Figure 33.
14. Follow the steps in Section 3.3.1 Access Formulas Online through the TTB Online Portal
Page to login to Formulas Online using your user ID and new password

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Reset Your Forgotten Password

Follow these steps to reset a forgotten Formulas Online system password through the
Password Change Utility:
1. From your web browser, enter in the address field.
2. Press the Enter key. The TTB Online Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
3. Select the New or forgotten password? link. The Password Change Utility displays. See
Figure 353.
Figure 353: Reset Forgotten Password – Password Change Utility Login

4. Enter your user ID in the User ID field.
5. Enter your e-mail address in the Primary Email address field.
6. Select the Get User Profile Questions button. The system displays one of the three
authentication questions you answered when you filled out the user registration initially. See
Figure 354.

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Figure 354: Reset Forgotten Password – Password Change Utility Main Page

►Note: If you fail two times to answer your security questions correctly, your account will be
locked in the application. Please contact the TTB Help Desk at 866-927-2533 (Option 2) to
have your account unlocked in the application.
7. Enter the answer for your security question in the available field.
8. Enter the password in the New Password field.
9. Enter the password in the Retyped New Password field.
►Note: Passwords must meet the following complexity rules:

Password must be at least 8 characters long.
Password must not contain your user ID.
Password must contain at least 1 UPPERCASE, 1 lowercase, 1 digit, and 1 special
You cannot reuse a password that has been used in the last 10 times or within the last
48 hours.
You cannot use the following special characters: ' (single-quote), " (double-quote), _
(underscore), = (equal sign), & (ampersand), and @ (at sign).

10. If you make a mistake, select the Clear button to clear the entry before setting your new
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11. If you change your mind, select the Cancel button to cancel before setting your new
12. Select the Set New Password button. A confirmation message box displays stating your
password was successfully changed. See Figure 355.
Figure 355: Reset Forgotten Password – Password Change Successful

13. Select the OK button to confirm. The Password Change Utility closes and the TTB Online
Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
14. Follow the steps in Section 3.3.1 Access Formulas Online through the TTB Online Portal
Page to login to Formulas Online using your user ID and new password.

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Reset Your Expired Password

Follow these steps to reset an expired Formulas Online system password through the Password
Change Utility:
1. From your web browser, enter in the address field.
2. Press the Enter key. The TTB Online Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
3. Select the Expired password? link. The Password Change Utility displays. See Figure 356.
Figure 356: Reset Expired Password – Password Change Utility Login

4. Enter your user ID in the User ID field.
5. Enter your e-mail address in the Primary Email address field.
6. Select the Get User Profile Questions button. The system displays one of the three
authentication questions you answered when you filled out the user registration initially. See
Figure 357.

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Figure 357: Reset Expired Password – Password Change Utility Main Page

►Note: If you fail two times to answer your security questions correctly, your account will be
locked in the application. Please contact the TTB Help Desk at 866-927-2533 (Option 2) to
have your account unlocked in the application.
7. Enter the answer for your security question in the available field.
8. Enter the password in the New Password field.
9. Enter the password in the Retyped New Password field.
►Note: Passwords must meet the following complexity rules:

Password must be at least 8 characters long.
Password must not contain your user ID.
Password must contain at least 1 UPPERCASE, 1 lowercase, 1 digit, and 1 special
You cannot reuse a password that has been used in the last 10 times or within the last
48 hours.
You cannot use the following special characters: ' (single-quote), " (double-quote), _
(underscore), = (equal sign), & (ampersand), and @ (at sign).

10. If you make a mistake, select the Clear button to clear the entry before setting your new
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11. If you change your mind, select the Cancel button to cancel before setting your new
12. Select the Set New Password button. A confirmation message box displays stating your
password was successfully changed. See Figure 358.
Figure 358: Reset Expired Password – Password Change Successful

13. Select the OK button to confirm. The Password Change Utility closes and the TTB Online
Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
14. Follow the steps in Section 3.3.1 Access Formulas Online through the TTB Online Portal
Page to login to Formulas Online using your user ID and new password.

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Unlock Your Locked Account

Follow these steps to unlock a locked Formulas Online account through the Password Change
1. From your web browser, enter in the address field.
2. Press the Enter key. The TTB Online Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
3. Select the New or forgotten password? link. The Password Change Utility displays. See
Figure 359.
Figure 359: Unlock Locked Account – Password Change Utility Login

4. Enter your user ID in the User ID field.
5. Enter your e-mail address in the Primary Email address field.
6. Select the Get User Profile Questions button. The system displays one of the three
authentication questions you answered when you filled out the user registration initially. See
Figure 360.

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Figure 360: Unlock Locked Account – Password Change Utility Main Page

►Note: If you fail two times to answer your security questions correctly, your account will be
locked in the application. Please contact the TTB Help Desk at 866-927-2533 (Option 2) to
have your account unlocked in the application.
7. Enter the answer for your security question in the available field.
8. Enter the password in the New Password field.
9. Enter the password in the Retyped New Password field.
►Note: Passwords must meet the following complexity rules:

Password must be at least 8 characters long.
Password must not contain your user ID.
Password must contain at least 1 UPPERCASE, 1 lowercase, 1 digit, and 1 special
You cannot reuse a password that has been used in the last 10 times or within the last
48 hours.
You cannot use the following special characters: ' (single-quote), " (double-quote), _
(underscore), = (equal sign), & (ampersand), and @ (at sign).

10. If you make a mistake, select the Clear button to clear the entry before setting your new
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11. If you change your mind, select the Cancel button to cancel before setting your new
12. Select the Set New Password button. A confirmation message box displays stating your
password was successfully changed. See Figure 361.
Figure 361: Unlock Locked Account – Password Change Successful

13. Select the OK button to confirm. The Password Change Utility closes and the TTB Online
Portal page displays. See Figure 33.
14. Follow the steps in Section 3.3.1 Access Formulas Online through the TTB Online Portal
Page to login to Formulas Online using your user ID and new password.

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The Contact Us link displays the Contact TTB page. The Contact TTB page provides
information on how to contact ALFD Customer Service via the ALFD mailing address, Phone
Number, Fax Number, or ALFD e-mail address. Figure 362 details the Contact TTB page.
Figure 362: Contact TTB


Access Contact Us

Follow these steps to access the Contact TTB page through the Contact Us link:
1. Select Contact Us link in the main navigation banner or the Need Help Logging On and
Using TTB Online? link in the TTB Online Portal page. The Contact TTB page displays.
See Figure 362.

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Follow these steps to log off from Formulas Online:
1. Select the Log Off link in the main navigation banner. A confirmation message box displays
prompting you to confirm your action. See Figure 363.
Figure 363: Log Off Confirmation

2. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and Formulas
Online logs you off and displays the TTB Online Portal page. See Figure 33.
►Note: To log back into Formulas Online, follow the steps in Section 3.3.1 Access Formulas
Online through the TTB Online Portal Page.

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This section discusses the basic information for additional functions in the Formulas Online
system. This section includes the following information:

Surrender a Formula – See Section 3.21.1 Surrender a Formula
Withdraw a Submission – See Section 3.21.2 Withdraw a Submission
Close a Submission – See Section 3.21.3 Close a Submission
Send an E-Mail Message – See Section 3.21.4 Send an E-Mail Message


Surrender a Formula

Formulas may only be surrendered using the most recent closed submission that contains the
formula. If there is at least one submission eligible to be surrendered on the My Submissions
home page or search results pages, the Surrender radio button displays at the top of the
Submission ID column.

Surrender a Single Formula

Follow these steps to surrender a single formula:
1. Perform a search for the formula in the closed submission. See Section 3.15 Searching for
Submissions, Samples, and Formulas for more information.
Alternatively, locate the formula in the closed submission on the My Submissions home
2. Select the Submission ID link.
3. Select the Surrender link in the action bar. A confirmation message box displays prompting
you to confirm your action. See Figure 364.
Figure 364: Surrender a Single Formula – Surrender Confirmation

4. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and the disposition
of the formula is changed to “Surrendered.”

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Surrender Multiple Formulas

Follow these steps to surrender one or more formulas from My Submissions or Search Results
1. Perform a search for the formula in the closed submission. See Section 3.15 Searching for
Submissions, Samples, and Formulas for more information.
Alternatively, locate the formula in the closed submission on the My Submissions home
2. Select the Surrender radio button.
3. Select the checkbox next to the Submission ID for each submission you wish to surrender.
►Note: Select the top-level checkbox to select all the submissions.
4. Select the Go button. A confirmation message box displays prompting you to confirm your
action. See Figure 365.
Figure 365: Surrender Multiple Formulas – Surrender Confirmation

5. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and the disposition
of the selected formulas are changed to “Surrendered.”

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Withdraw a Submission

You may withdraw a submission using the Formulas Online system. This has the effect of
cancelling the submission permanently.
►Note: A submission may not be withdrawn when in any of the following statuses: “Draft,”
“Closed,” or “Cancelled.”
Follow these steps to withdraw a submission:
1. Perform a search for the in-process submission. See Section 3.15 Searching for
Submissions, Samples, and Formulas for more information.
Alternatively, locate the in-process submission on the My Submissions home page.
2. Select the Submission ID link.
3. Select the Withdraw link in the action bar. A confirmation message box displays prompting
you to confirm your action. See Figure 366.
Figure 366: Withdraw a Submission – Withdraw Confirmation

4. Select the OK button to confirm. The confirmation message box closes and the status of
the submission is changed to “Withdrawn.”

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Close a Submission

Only TTB closes submissions. Close conditions vary depending on the submission type. Some
formulas receive a disposition (e.g., “Approved,” “Rejected”) and all go through a review
process. Non-formula submissions show a status of “Closed” but do not receive dispositions.
Should you wish to surrender a formula, you may do so yourself. See Section 3.21.1 Surrender
a Formula for more information. If you cannot surrender a formula yourself for any reason,
contact TTB to request that it be surrendered.

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Send an E-Mail Message

You may send an ad hoc e-mail message to TTB staff using the Formulas Online system.
Follow these steps to send an e-mail message:
1. Select the Notify link in the action bar. The E-mail Notification pop-up window displays. See
Figure 367.
Figure 367: Send an E-Mail Message – E-Mail Notification Pop-Up Window

2. Select the e-mail message recipients.
a. Select the To button. The Contact List pop-up window displays. See Figure 368.

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Figure 368: Send an E-Mail Message – Contact List Pop-Up Window

b. Select the primary recipients (by role) from the Select Recipients list.
►Note: BAL contacts display for beverage submissions. NPL contacts display for
nonbeverage submissions.
►Note: Press the CTRL key to select multiple recipients.
c. Select the To button to add the primary recipients to the To field.
d. Select the secondary recipients (by role) from the Select Recipients list.
►Note: BAL contacts display for beverage submissions. NPL contacts display for
nonbeverage submissions.
►Note: Press the CTRL key to select multiple recipients.
e. Select the CC button to add the secondary recipients to the CC field.

Select the OK button. The Contact List pop-up window closes and the E-mail
Notification pop-up window displays.

3. Enter the e-mail message subject in the Subject field.
4. Enter the e-mail message in the Message field. See Figure 369.

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Figure 369: Send an E-Mail Message – E-Mail Subject and Message Added

5. Select the Send button. The E-Mail Notification pop-up window closes and the e-mail
message is sent to the selected recipients. A copy of the e-mail message is added to the
Comments tab associated with the submission. See Figure 370.

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Figure 370: Send an E-Mail Message – Comments Tab with E-Mail Notification Added

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This section details how messages (confirmation, informational, and error) are handled in the
Formulas Online system.


The Formulas Online system displays a confirmation message box in front of the page when
you attempt to perform an action and a confirmation is required. If you select the OK button, the
system performs the action. If you select the Cancel button, the system displays the initial
page, allowing you to change values in the fields, etc. and reattempt the action.
Figure 371 details a standard system confirmation message.
Figure 371: Confirmation Message

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The Formulas Online system displays an informational message at the top of the page when the
user successfully performs certain actions, such as saving a record. Figure 372 details a page
with a standard system informational message.
Figure 372: Informational Message

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The Formulas Online system displays a validation message at the top of the page when the
user successfully performs a validation of a submission. Figure 373 details a page with a
standard system validation message.
Figure 373: Validation Message

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The Formulas Online system displays an error message at the top of the page when the user
attempts to validate data and encounters one of the following scenarios:

A value is not entered or selected in a required field
Invalid information is entered in a field
Valid information is entered in a field in an invalid format
A system error occurs

Figure 374 details a page with a standard system error message.
Figure 374: Error Message

Error messages contain detail about the specific error encountered by the user. For example, if
the user has not entered or selected a required field, the error message states the field is
required and the user cannot proceed before resolving the issue.

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This section discusses the help facilities provided to users of the Formulas Online system.


Tool tips are small rectangles of text that describes a field. Field level tool tips will be provided
in the system when the user places the cursor over certain system field labels.


There are two ways to display online help in the Formulas Online system:
1. Select the Help link in the main navigation banner. The Help pop-up window displays. See
Figure 375.
Figure 375: Help Pop-Up Window

a. Leave the Online Industry Member User Manual radio button selected.
b. Select the OK button. The Online Industry Member Online Help displays. See Figure

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Figure 376: Online Industry Member Online Help

Alternatively, you may:
2. Select the question mark icons ( ) you see throughout the Formulas Online system. These
display context-sensitive help, information that is specifically meant to assist you with a
given field, screen, submission.


The Formulas Online Industry Member User Manual is available (in PDF format). Follow these
steps to display the Formulas Online Industry Member User Manual:
1. Select the Help link in the main navigation banner. The Help pop-up window displays. See
Figure 375.
a. Select the Download Online Industry Member User Manual radio button.
b. Select the OK button. The Online Industry Member User Manual displays in PDF
format. See Figure 377.

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Figure 377: Online Industry Member User Manual



If you need assistance, please contact ALFD Customer Service.


The most common Formulas Online system terms (field names) used and their definitions can
be found in Appendix A.

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This section provides the definitions of common terms used in the Formulas Online system.
Click on a letter below to go to the terms beginning with that letter.
# │ A │ B │ C │ D │ E │ F│ G │ H │ I │ J │ K │ L │ M │ N │ O │ P │ Q │ R │ S │ T │ U │ V │ W │ X │
Y│ Z

% Fill
Indicate how much of the container is filled, in percentages.
Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages. Every person who is required to file a
formula under 27 CFR Parts 4, 5, 7, 19, 24, 25, and 26 must submit this form. Permit approval and formula
approval are required prior to manufacture/importation of any product requiring a formula.
Production/importation may commence upon receipt by the proprietor of an approved formula on TTB Uniform.

Also Known As.
Alcohol Beverage Sampling Program.
Alcohol by Volume.
Access Level
Indicates whether the user will be able to see all submissions made by his or her companies, or only those that
he or she has authored [created/submitted] personally.
Act, the
Homeland Security Act of 2002.
Action Bar Items
Items accessible on most screen tabs in the application: COLAs, Comment, Copy as New, Link, Notify, Power
of Attorney Form (user registration only), Print, Signature Authority Form (user registration only), Surrender,
Upload, and Withdraw.
ad hoc
Latin, "for this purpose only”. It generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task. In this
case, e-mail that is generated specifically about, and tied to, a specific submission.
Address Format
Addresses will either display in domestic (street, city, state, zip) or foreign (street, city, country, region, etc.)
Alcohol Content
Formula information field in Uniform on the Formula tab. Alcohol content of finished product (multiple fields).
Depending on type of submission, some values are calculated for you and some need to be entered. Where a
range exists, the low must always be either equal to or less than the high value.

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Advertising, Labeling and Formulation Division.
All Natural.
Approval Date
The date on which the formula submission was approved by TTB.
Approval Provision
Conditions under which the approval has been granted. Example: approval contingent on meeting legal
criteria as specified.
This status indicates a final action regarding a particular submission. Submissions enter this status when both
the submission and the associated materials, if any, meet all applicable requirements.
Approved Class/Type
Class/type codes indicate the class and/or type designation for a product. Each product is assigned a unique
class/type code. The approved class/type only applies if the value is different from the class/type the submitter
Approved Classification
The approved classification only applies if the value is different from the classification the submitter entered.
Examples include malt beverage, porter, wine, stout, whisky, etc.
Approved for Export Only
This status indicates a final action regarding a particular submission. Submissions enter this status when both
the submission and the associated materials, if any, meet all applicable requirements for exports only.
Approved Type
The approved type only applies if the value is different from the type the submitter entered. Examples include
diluted whisky, dessert flavor wine, etc.
This status indicates that the submission has been assigned to an ALFD specialist for evaluation.
Assignment Pending
This status indicates that the submission is awaiting assignment within the laboratory.
Attachment ID
The Attachment ID is the identifier used to associate image files scanned at TTB to a submission in the
system. All scanned files associated with a given submission are scanned with that submission’s Attachment
[Perjury Statement] To affirm to be correct, true, or genuine.

Beverage Alcohol Laboratory.
Basic Permit
A unique identifier assigned by TTB to certain Industry Member types and stored in IRIS. In this document, it
often collectively refers to any Industry Member holding a Permit, Registry, or Brewers Notice.

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Brewer's Number
A unique identifier assigned by TTB to certain Industry Member types and stored in IRIS. In this document, it
often collectively refers to any Industry Member holding a Permit, Registry, or Brewers Notice.

This status indicates that the submission and/or supporting materials were not returned to TTB within the
specified period and the submission is “Cancelled” by the system or the submission was cancelled by the
Person to be copied via e-mail/hardcopy.
Code of Federal Regulations.
Characters Left
For text fields, the application counts the number of characters you are permitted to enter in that field and
displays the information. This is set to prevent you from overwriting the textbox.
Compliance Laboratory.
Class/Type Description
This is a free-format field used to provide addition detail about the TTB alcohol classification and type
designations provided on a Uniform submission.
This status indicates that the submission processing has been completed and a determination has been made
(Uniform). This status indicates that the submission processing and follow-up have been completed (SDA,
Drawback, Rider, and User Registration).
Configuration Management.
Certificate of Label Approval.
COLAs Access
The application permits authorized users to restrict access to COLAs formula information.
COLAs Online
Certificate of Label Approval System.
Refers to the type of alcoholic beverage product include in the submission. Commodities included are either
wine, distilled spirits, or malt beverages.
Commodity Type
TTB maintains a list of the pre-COLA evaluations required for specific products or product categories. The list
is divided into three commodity-specific charts—one each for wine, distilled spirits, and malt beverages. If you
are unsure of the classification, please contact the Advertising Labeling and Formulation Division (ALFD)
Customer Service Team at 1-866-927-ALFD or by e-mail at [email protected].
►Note: Sake is classified as wine for labeling purposes.

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Collectively refers to Industry Members.
Company Approval Official
A company approval official is someone in the company who has TTB signing authority.
Company Code
The Company code that represents the original code of the company originating a formula. Used in
conjunction with the Company Formula Number to represent a nonbeverage formulation. This is not
supported in the current Formulas Online release.
Company Formula ID
This is made up of the company code plus the company formula number (assigned by the company;
sequential). One of the three ways formulas can be identified by the submitter.
Company Formula Number
This is a manually assigned sequential number the company itself assigns to a given formula. With the
company’s permit number, this makes up the Company Formula ID.
Company ID
This is a combination of the company’s name and company code. Industry Members select these from pick
lists; TTB processors input these manually.
Company Name
The official corporate or business name or the name under which the company is doing business (DBA – doing
business as).
Correction Review
This status indicates that the submission is being reviewed by NPL to confirm the submission needs to be
returned for correction.
Created Date
Date on which the submission was created. Used to “age” submissions.

Date Approved
Date on which the submission was approved.
Date of Permit Issue
The date on which TTB issued the permit to the company and/or the permit went into effect.
Date Received
Date on which the samples were received by TTB.
Date Submitted
Date on which the submission was submitted to TTB.
This status indicates a final action regarding a particular submission. Submissions enter this status when the
submission and the associated materials, if any, have not met all applicable requirements.
Disapproved (Domestic)
This status indicates a final action regarding a particular submission. A Submission enters this status when it
has been determined that the product is fit for beverage purposes and therefore not eligible for drawback of
tax, except when use by claimant in eligible nonbeverage products.

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The determination (e.g., “Approved,” “Pending,” “Rejected”) of a given submission. Not to be confused with
This status indicates that the submission is in progress (is created, but has not yet been properly submitted).
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Alcohol (Drawback). This form must be filed within 6 months after the
end of the quarter in which distilled spirits were first used to manufacture the product for drawback. One form
must be filled out per formula.
Industry members seek to receive a partial return of taxes, known as a drawback, paid on products by proving
that the alcohol in their products has been rendered unfit for beverage purposes, and thus the majority of the
distilled spirits excise tax paid on the spirits should be returned to them. Nonbeverage products must meet
two criteria. They must be unfit for beverage purposes and they must fall within one of the six eligible product
classes. The six classes are foods, flavors, flavoring extracts, medicines, medicinal preparations, and
Drawback Rider
See Rider.
Distilled Spirits Specialty.

Employer Identification Number.
The user is an employee of the company for which he or she is requesting access to Formulas Online.
Eastern Standard Time.
This status indicates that the imported formula older than five years (if approved prior to 10/1/2012) or ten
years (if approved on or after 10/1/2012) was expired by the system.

Federal Alcohol Administration.
Food, Drug & Cosmetics.
Food and Drug Administration.
FID Sheet
Flavor Ingredient Data (FID) Sheet.

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Find FID
Visible when an FID is not already associated with this ingredient and when Compound Flavor is checked.
TTB Formula ID or Company Formula Number must be entered. Pressing this button causes the application
to obtain the most recent FID and display it. (It does not link the FID to the ingredient). Existing FID must
have been submitted by the one of the submitting companies.
If the FID is not found, the application immediately displays a message that advises the submitter to upload a
FID. This message is also displayed when the OK button is pressed on the Flavor Ingredient modal window
when the FID is not found.
First Name
The first (given/birth) name of an individual. This field is used in many places throughout the application. In
some cases, it refers to a contact person; in others, it refers to complainant. Used in multiple places
throughout the application.
Fit for Bev Purposes (Foreign)
This status indicates a final action regarding a particular submission. A Submission enters this status when it
has been determined that the product is fit for beverage purposes and must comply with alcoholic beverage
regulations if imported into the U.S. If this product is used in alcoholic beverages produced outside the U.S., it
is not eligible for flavor credit under 26 USC 5010.
Form 5100.17
The TTB form after which the Sample ID Sheet was derived. This sheet must be printed by the submitter and
included with each sample sent to TTB for analysis. See also Sample ID Sheet.
Form 5100.51
Formula and Process For Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages. Every person who is required to file a
formula under 27 CFR Parts 4, 5, 7, 19, 24, 25, and 26 must submit this form. Permit approval and formula
approval are required prior to manufacture/importation of any product requiring a formula.
Production/importation may commence upon receipt by the proprietor of an approved formula on TTB
Form 5190.19
The paper version of what is now the Formula and/or Process for Article Made With Specially Denatured
Spirits (SDA) in the Formulas Online application.
Form 5154.1
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Alcohols (Drawback). This form must be filed within 6 months after the
end of the quarter in which distilled spirits were first used to manufacture the product for drawback. One form
must be filled out per formula.
Refers to alcohol beverage formulas. Also referred to as Formulations.
Formula Adoption
The process in which companies transfer to or include other companies in the ownership of their formulas, and
therefore have need to access their formulas.
Formula ID
See Formula Identifier.
Formula Identifier
The TTB identifier that uniquely identifies a formula for which a company has provided Uniform submissions.
Formula Load
Formula load is the process in which old formulas previously processed in their paper form are loaded to the
system for historical reference.

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Formulas Online
TTB’s Formulas Online system.

Grain Neutral Spirits.
Generally Recognized as Safe.

High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Hold for Research
This status indicates that the submission is being temporarily held by ALFD for further research.

Industry Circular.
Identification, identifier.
a.k.a. Industry Member. See Industry Member.
In Process
This status indicates that the submission has been submitted to TTB and is being evaluated.
Inactive User
An inactive user is someone who was issued a user ID formerly but has either asked to be inactivated at some
point in the past or was otherwise deactivated in the system. If you wish to inactivate a user ID, please contact
Industry Member
a.k.a. IM. A distiller, brewer, rectifier, blender, or other producer, or importer or wholesaler of distilled spirits,
wine, or malt beverages.
Ingredient Name
If TTB Formula ID is not specified, enter the name of the finished alcohol ingredient.
Integrated Revenue Information System.
Items Pending
This status indicates that the physical samples (if any) have not been received by the laboratory.

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Lab Analysis
This status indicates that laboratory analysis is in progress.
Label Representative ID
Third-party filers (consultants, label representatives, trade associations, etc.) are given a unique ID number by
TTB. If you wish to limit your search to items that were filed by a particular representative, enter the
representative ID number when performing an advanced search.
Last Name
The last name (the patronymic). This field is used in many places throughout the application. In some cases,
it refers to a contact person; in others, it refers to complainant.
Legal Instruments Examiner.
Laboratory Information Management System.

Market Compliance Office.
Measurement Unit
Ounces, drams, etc. Depends also on whether measuring in English or metric units.
Manufacturer of Nonbeverage Products.
Method of Manufacture. MOM primarily refers to method of manufacture/statement of procedure from alcohol
beverage manufacturer to describe ingredients and method of manufacture for input to Form Uniform
(Uniform) items 6 and 7.

Natural and Artificial.
Not applicable.
Nonbeverage Alcohol. Also used to refer to the Drawback form.
Needs Correction
This status indicates that the submission has been reviewed by TTB but cannot be approved as submitted.
The submission is returned to the submitter with a list of corrections in the Needs Correction tab of the
electronic submission that need to be made either to the submission or to the supporting materials
(documents, samples, etc.). Submissions in the “Needs Correction” status may also be “Withdrawn” by the

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New User
A new user is someone who has never been issued an individual user ID.
No Action
This status indicates a final action regarding a particular submission. A Submission enters this status when it
has been determined that there is no alcohol eligible for drawback of tax. Use is subject to compliance with
U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations.
Nonbeverage Company
A manufacturer of nonbeverage products.
Nonbeverage Products Laboratory.
National Revenue Center. The NRC collects tax revenues; screens applications; issues permits and approves
notices or registrations; reconciles returns, reports, and claims; and provides technical assistance to Bureau
employees and industry members on related laws and regulations.

Office of the Chief Information Officer.
Optical Character Recognition.
Online Industry Member. A registered user of the Formulas Online and/or COLAs Online systems. An
Industry Member becomes an authorized FONL Online Industry User through a formal TTB User Registration
Other Than Standard wine. The Beverage Alcohol Lab may request that an OTS formula be loaded to the
Formulas Online system for reference when processing a formula submission that includes OTS wine as an
ingredient in the formula.
The owner of the company.

page orientation
Page orientation is the way in which a rectangular page is oriented for normal viewing. The two most common
types of orientation are portrait and landscape.
Password Change Utility
a.k.a. PCU. The application that allows the user to change or reset his/her password.
a.k.a. Password Change Utility. See Password Change Utility.

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The application does not generate sample IDs until the submission has either been saved as draft or
submitted. Therefore, sample IDs remain as “Pending” until then.
This disposition indicates continuing action regarding a particular submission. Submissions remain in this
status until approved or rejected.
Pending Closed
This status indicates that a determination by ALFD is being finalized.
A unique identifier assigned by TTB to certain Industry Member types and stored in IRIS. In this document, it
often collectively refers to any Industry Member holding a Permit, Registry, or Brewers Notice.
Permit Name
The operating name and/or owner name associated with a Plant Registry/Basic Permit/Brewer's Number.
Proof Gallon.
Plant Registry
A unique identifier assigned by TTB to certain Industry Member types and stored in IRIS. In this document, it
often collectively refers to any Industry Member holding a Permit, Registry, or Brewers Notice.
Power of Attorney.
Point of Contact.
Parts Per Million. Parts Per Million are part of the TTB Limited Ingredients listed in Drawback submissions.
A registered Industry Member user of the Formulas Online and/or COLAs systems who has the ability to
create and save but not submit or submit electronic applications.
Primary Contact
The primary contact is the e-mail address you want TTB to use whenever sending you e-mail.
Product Class/Type
This code indicates the class and or type designation for a product. Each product has been assigned a unique
class/type code.
Product Source
This indicates whether the finished alcohol beverage was produced in the United States or somewhere else.
For example, wine produced in France is imported while whiskey made in Kentucky is domestic.
Product Type
Product Type refers to the various types of nonbeverage formulas, including Flavor, Medicine, Perfume, Food,
or Dietary Supplement.
Product/Brand Name
Product Brand Name is the name under which a product is sold. If there is no ‘brand name’, the product is
sold under the name of the bottler, packer, or importer.
Pacific Standard Time.

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QA Review
This status indicates that the ALFD determination is in review.
Quantity Sufficient. When adding a liquid ingredient, if the process type is “Other,” you will see the quantity
sufficient (Q.S) checkmark. This field should only be checked when you have added a liquid Q.S to bring up
the total yield. Remember, do not check this box if you are not entering a liquid ingredient in a Process Type
”Other” Drawback or Rider submission.
See stamp.
When you perform a search, the application sends a ‘query’ to the database to find records that match your
search parameters.

Reasons for Correction
These are reasons for which the Formulas Online submission needs to be corrected. If the time permitted for
corrections passes without any changes from the Formulas Online Submitter, the submission will automatically
be rejected, and these reasons will become the reasons for which the submission was rejected.
This status indicates that the submission has been received by ALFD but has not yet been assigned to an
ALFD specialist.
Registrars return company submission authorization decisions and credentials to the applicants once the
registration process is completed.
This status indicates a final action regarding a particular submission. Submissions enter this status when the
submission and the associated materials, if any, have not met all applicable requirements or a submission was
not required.
Generally a third-party filer. Required to submit a signing authority or power of attorney in order to be
registered as Submitter on behalf of the company in the Formulas Online application.
This status indicates that an approved formula in “Closed” status was revoked by TTB.
Regulations and Rulings Division.

Signature Authority, Signature Authority.

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Any material submitted to the laboratory for analysis, primarily alcoholic beverage or nonbeverage products
such as flavors.
Sample ID
The unique identifier that was automatically assigned to the sample. Opens the sample edit screen.
Sample ID Sheet
Sample ID Sheet (based on the original paper 5100.17 Submission Form).
Specially Denatured Alcohol. Alcohol to which denaturing materials have been added. Also used to refer to
Form 5150.19.
Specially Denatured Rum.
Sample ID Sheet (5100.17 Submission Form).
Product Source. This indicates whether the finished alcohol beverage was produced in the United States or
somewhere else. For example, wine produced in France is imported while whiskey made in Kentucky is
Source of Product
This indicates whether the finished alcohol beverage was produced in the United States or somewhere else.
For example, wine produced in France is imported while whiskey made in Kentucky is domestic.
Standard qualifying descriptions used by formula reviewers when evaluating a formula for approval.
The workflow status of a given submission.
Submission Date
Date on which the submission was submitted to TTB.
Submission ID
Unique identifier provide on each submission when created. Not to be confused with the Formula ID.
Submission Number
See Submission ID.
Submission Status
The status of a given submission.
A registered Industry Member user of the Formulas Online and/or COLAs systems. An Industry Member
becomes a Formulas Online (FONL) Online Industry Member (OIM) User through a formal TTB User
Registration process.
An authenticated Online Industry Member (OIM) is granted a user ID and password. Submitters have the
ability to withdraw, surrender, review status, and correct electronic applications in addition to creating and
The authorized user who submitted a Form. Generally refers to those who submit electronically through
Formulas Online, but can also stand for a paper-based Submitter, depending on the context in which it is used.

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Enables the user to surrender an approved formula in Closed status. After a confirmation message box, the
system changes the disposition to Surrendered and returns the user to his/her home page.
This status indicates that an approved formula in “Closed” status was surrendered by the Submitter.

Similar to tabs on manila folders in a filing cabinet, these appear on the display of a submission and organize
the content of the submission into specific sections.
Taste Panel Results
One of three parts of the Additional Details available for Formula information in Drawback and Rider
To be done. To be determined.
Treasury Communications Services.
Third-Party Filers
Trade associations, law firms, and consultants who file submissions on behalf of online industry members.
Each third-party filer must contact ALFD for a Label Representative ID before he or she makes a submission.
Third-party filers should also enter contact information for themselves as part of each submission process.
Total Information Processing Support Services.
Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, National Office.
The job title of an individual. Used in User Registration for the user (his or her job title) and the company
approval official.
Tool Tip
Used to display short help description for each field.
►Note: If the information is lengthy, it may appear in Help rather than being displayed as a tool tip.
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
TTB Formula ID
See Formula Identifier.
TTB ID, old TTB formula number
This is a unique, 14-digit number assigned by TTB to track each COLA. The first five digits represent the
calendar year and Julian date the application was received by TTB. One of the three ways formulas can be
identified by the submitter.
TTB Terms Glossary
TTB Terms Glossary. This contains useful terms used in alcohol beverage forms. Available at and subsequent pages.

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Type of Commodity
See Commodity Type.
Type of Measurement
English (gallons, etc.) or Metric (liters, etc.).
Type of Product
See Product Type.

Unfit for Beverage Statement
One of three parts of the Additional Details available for Formula information in Drawback and Rider
Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverage (5100.51). Every person who is required
to file a formula under 27 CFR Parts 4, 5, 7, 19, 24, 25, and 26 must submit this form. Permit approval and
formula approval are required prior to manufacture/importation of any product requiring a formula.
Production/importation may commence upon receipt by the proprietor of an approved formula on TTB 5100.51.
Unit of Measurement
Varies depending on measurement type: English or Metric. If English, all weight and volume fields will be
expressed in pounds and gallons, respectively; if metric, all weight and volume fields will be expressed in
kilograms and liters, respectively.
Use Rate (when referring to flavor ingredients).
Collectively refers to Formulas Online users. By definition, a user is registered and authorized to use a given
system, which is in contrast with the public, who may use a system without registration and approval.
User Information
New user information includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Employer Information
Company Information pertaining to application
Individual information pertaining to application
User Registration Request
User Registration Request (online; replacing paper requests). Using the TTB Online Portal Page, a qualified
person seeking authorized access to either the Formulas Online or COLAs Online applications may register.
In addition, registered users of either system may use the user registration process to update their credentials
with revisions to the list of companies they represent, and their roles for submissions privileges according to
authorities at the companies the users represent.

Allows the user to withdraw an in-process submission. After a confirmation prompt, the system changes the
submission status to Withdrawn and returns the user to his or her home page.

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This status indicates that an in-process submission has been withdrawn by the submitter or a specialist.
With Other Natural Flavors.

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Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual

Nonalcoholic Components (Ingredients by Group
...................................................................... 158
Process Type ..................................................... 146
Product Type ..................................................... 143
Sample Detail .................................................... 166
Submit Drawback Submission ........................... 169
Summary ........................................................... 146
Superseded Formula ......................................... 142
Validate/Save as Draft ....................................... 168
Create a New Rider Submission
Company/Address Detail ................................... 174
Contacts............................................................. 178
Description of Revisions .................................... 180
Main Tab ............................................................ 178
Sample Detail .................................................... 181
Submit Rider Submission................................... 184
Superseded Formula ......................................... 178
Validate/Save as Draft ....................................... 183
Create a New SDA Submission
Article Information/Product Packing ................... 123
Company/Address Detail ................................... 117
Contacts............................................................. 121
Formula and Process ......................................... 128
Main Tab ............................................................ 121
Revised Formula ................................................ 122
Sample Detail .................................................... 129
SDA/SDR Formula Details ................................. 125
Submit SDA Submission .................................... 132
Validate/Save as Draft ....................................... 131
Create a New Uniform Submission
Add/Edit Attachment (for all ingredients)............ 103
Class/Type ........................................................... 91
Company/Address Detail ..................................... 84
Contacts............................................................... 88
Ingredients ........................................................... 93
Ingredients (Fermentable Ingredient) ................... 94
Ingredients (Finished Alcohol Ingredient)............. 96
Ingredients (Flavor Ingredient) ............................. 98
Ingredients (Group Ingredients) ......................... 104
Ingredients (Other Ingredient) ............................ 101
Main Tab .............................................................. 88
Method of Manufacture ...................................... 106
Sample Detail .................................................... 107
Submit Uniform Submission............................... 110
Summary ............................................................. 92
Superseded Formula ........................................... 89
Unauthorized Users Tab .................................... 112
Validate/Save as Draft ....................................... 109
Create a New User Registration
Approver Information ........................................... 42
Authentication Questions ..................................... 37
Business E-mail Addresses ................................. 36
Comments Tab .................................................... 46
Company Information/System Information ........... 38
Company Tab ...................................................... 37
Docs/Links Tab .................................................... 44
Individual Information/Signature Authority or Power
of Attorney Forms ............................................ 41
Personal Information ............................................ 36

Access Formulas Online
TTB Online Portal Page ....................................... 31
Action Bars ............................................................. 66
Add Comments..................................................... 187
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Comments .......... 187
Add Comments .................................................. 187
Delete Comments .............................................. 189
Edit Comments .................................................. 188
Additional Functions ........................................... 247
Close a Submission ........................................... 250
Send an E-Mail Message ................................... 251
Surrender a Formula .......................................... 247
Withdraw a Submission ..................................... 249
Advanced Searches
Search for Submissions/Formulas ..................... 223
Searching for Submissions, Samples, and
Formulas ....................................................... 223
Upload Attachments........................................... 191

Change Password ................................................ 229
Change Your Password ..................................... 232
Reset Your Expired Password ........................... 239
Reset Your Forgotten Password ........................ 236
Unlock Your Locked Account ............................. 242
Close a Submission ............................................. 250
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Comments .......... 187
Confirmation Messages ....................................... 255
Contact Us ............................................................ 245
Access Contact Us ............................................ 245
Copying Existing Submissions........................... 201
Copying My Submissions Home Page and Listing
Pages .................................................................. 77
Create a New Drawback Submission
Additional Details ............................................... 166
Alcohol Beverage Use ....................................... 147
Alcoholic Components (Disapproved
Intermediates)................................................ 150
Alcoholic Components (Eligible Alcohol)............ 148
Alcoholic Components (Ineligible Alcohol) ......... 154
Alcoholic Components/Compounded Flavors .... 148
Company/Address Detail ................................... 137
Contacts............................................................. 141
Dietary Supplement Components ...................... 162
Dietary Supplement Components (Herbs) ......... 163
Dietary Supplement Components (Liquids) ....... 164
Formula Tab ...................................................... 144
Main Tab ............................................................ 141
Nonalcoholic Components ................................. 157
Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Liquid
Ingredients).................................................... 161
Nonalcoholic Components (Individual Solid
Ingredients).................................................... 159

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Formulas Online 1.6 Online Industry Member User Manual

Submitter Company Information .......................... 39
Type of Application .............................................. 35
User Registration Submission.............................. 48
Creating and Submitting Submissions (By Type)
............................................................................. 80

Help Facilities .................................................... 259
Home Page (My Submissions) ............................ 71
How Do I Register? .............................................. 33
Listing Pages ....................................................... 67
Main Navigation Banner....................................... 64
Menu Options ...................................................... 64
Message Handling ............................................. 255
Modify a User Registration................................... 55
Navigating the System ......................................... 64
Navigation Options .............................................. 69
Privacy Act Considerations .................................. 25
Submission Creation Process ................................5
Submission Workflow Process...............................6
System Basics ..................................................... 29
System Capabilities ...............................................5
System Functions ................................................ 29
TTB Online Portal Page ....................................... 30
User Registration ................................................. 33
What’s New in 1.6 ..................................................6

Delete Comments ................................................. 189
Displaying My Submissions Home Page and
Listing Pages ..................................................... 74
Drop-Down Menus ................................................. 66

Edit Comments ..................................................... 188
Edit Submissions Needing Correction
Needs Correction Information ............................ 199
Return/Needs Correction Reason Description
Details ........................................................... 199
Editing, Correcting, and Resubmitting
Submissions .................................................... 196
Edit Resubmit Submissions ............................... 200
Edit Submissions Needing Correction................ 196
Entering Sample Sent Date ................................. 212
Error Messages .................................................... 258
Exporting My Submissions Home Page and
Listing Pages ..................................................... 79

Help Facilities ....................................................... 259
ALFD Customer Service .................................... 261
Field Level Tool Tips .......................................... 259
Formulas Online Industry Member Online Help . 259
Formulas Online Industry Member User manual260
Home Page (My Submissions) .............................. 71



Informational Messages ...................................... 256

Filtering My Submissions Home Page and Listing
Pages .................................................................. 75
Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported
Alcohol Beverages (Uniform) ........................... 80
Create a New Uniform Submission ...................... 80
General Uniform Information................................ 80
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product
Request (Drawback) ........................................ 135
Create a New Drawback Submission................. 135
General Drawback Information .......................... 135
Formula and Process for Nonbeverage Product
Request (Rider) ................................................ 172
Create a New Rider Submission ........................ 172
General Rider Information.................................. 172
Formula and/or Process for Article Made With
Specially Denatured Spirits Request (SDA) .. 115
Create a New SDA Submission ......................... 115
General SDA Information ................................... 115
Search for Formulas .......................................... 221
Surrender a Formula .......................................... 247
Formulas Online
Activate a User ID ................................................ 51
Buttons and Controls ........................................... 68
Common Functions .............................................. 67
Create a New User Registration .......................... 34
Detail Pages ........................................................ 67
Detailed Functional Descriptions ......................... 29
General Description ...............................................5
Getting Started ..................................................... 30

Office of the Chief Information Officer

Link Submissions
Submission Links ............................................... 194
Log Off .................................................................. 246

Menu Options
COLAS................................................................. 65
Contact Us ........................................................... 65
Help ..................................................................... 65
Home ................................................................... 65
Log Off ................................................................. 65
My Profile ............................................................. 65
Search ................................................................. 65
Text Menu ............................................................ 65
Message Handling................................................ 255
Confirmation Messages ..................................... 255
Error Messages ................................................. 258
Informational Messages ..................................... 256
Modify User Registration
Comments Tab .................................................... 60
Docs/Links Tab .................................................... 58
Modify Company Information ............................... 55
Modify User Registration Submission .................. 62
My Profile .............................................................. 227
Update My Profile .............................................. 228

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Close a Submission ........................................... 250
Copying Existing Submissions ........................... 201
Creating and Submitting Submissions (By Type) . 80
Editing, Correcting, and Resubmitting Submissions
...................................................................... 196
Link Submissions ............................................... 194
Printing Submissions ......................................... 203
Search for Submissions ..................................... 217
Submission Creation Process ................................5
Submission Workflow Process...............................6
Uploading Attachments and Linking Submissions
...................................................................... 191
Withdraw a Submission ..................................... 249
Surrender a Formula ............................................ 247

Navigating My Submissions Home Page and
Listing Pages ..................................................... 76
Navigating the System
Action Bars .......................................................... 66
Drop-Down Menus ............................................... 66
Main Navigation Banner....................................... 64
Menu Options ...................................................... 64
Tabs ..................................................................... 66

Print View My Submissions Home Page and
Listing Pages ..................................................... 78
Printing Sample ID Sheets .................................. 214
Printing Submissions .......................................... 203
Print Functions (Internet Explorer) ..................... 203
Print Functions (Submissions) ........................... 204
Privacy Act Considerations................................... 25

Tabs......................................................................... 66
Definition ............................................................ 262
Text Menu ............................................................. 226
Display the Text Menu ....................................... 226
TTB Online Portal Page ......................................... 30
Access Formulas Online ...................................... 31

Quick Searches
Searching for Submissions, Samples, and
Formulas ....................................................... 217


Upload Attachments
Document & Link Detail ..................................... 191
Uploading Attachments and Linking Submissions
........................................................................... 191
Link Submissions ............................................... 194
Upload Attachments........................................... 191
User Registration ................................................... 33
Activate a User ID ................................................ 51
Create a New User Registration .......................... 34
Modify a User Registration................................... 55

Search for Samples ........................................... 219
Search for Submissions/Formulas ..................... 223
Searching for Submissions, Samples, and
Formulas .......................................................... 217
Advanced Searches ........................................... 223
Quick Searches ................................................. 217
Search for Formulas .......................................... 221
Search for Samples ........................................... 219
Search for Submissions ..................................... 217
Send an E-Mail Message ..................................... 251
Sorting My Submissions Home Page and Listing
Pages .................................................................. 74
Submission Documents & Links ........................ 192

Office of the Chief Information Officer

Withdraw a Submission....................................... 249

Page III

Dated: June 26, 2015

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2015-06-26
File Created2015-06-26

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