49 CFR Part 571 FMVSS No 218 2014

49 CFR Part 571 FMVSS No 218 2014_CC.pdf

FMVSS No. 218, Motorcycle Helmets Alternate Compliance Process

49 CFR Part 571 FMVSS No 218 2014

OMB: 2127-0715

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Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT

§ 571.218

[37 FR 9395, May 10, 1972]
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 571.217 see the List of CFR
Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at

§ 571.218 Standard No. 218; Motorcycle
S1. Scope. This standard establishes
minimum performance requirements
for helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle users.
S2. Purpose. The purpose of this
standard is to reduce deaths and injuries to motorcyclists and other motor
vehicle users resulting from head impacts.

S3. Application. This standard applies
to all helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle
S4. Definitions.
Basic plane means a plane through
the centers of the right and left external ear openings and the lower edge of
the eye sockets (Figure 1) of a reference headform (Figure 2) or test

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§ 571.218

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–14 Edition)

Discrete size means a numerical value
that corresponds to the diameter of an
equivalent circle representing the helmet interior in inches (±0.25 inch) or to
the circumference of the equivalent
circle in centimeters (±0.64 centimeters).
Helmet positioning index means the
distance in inches, as specified by the
manufacturer, from the lowest point of
the brow opening at the lateral midpoint of the helmet to the basic plane
of a reference headform, when the helmet is firmly and properly positioned
on the reference headform.
Impact site means the point on the
helmet where the helmet shell first
contacts the test anvil during the impact attenuation test.
Midsagittal plane means a longitudinal plane through the apex of a reference headform or test headform that
is perpendicular to the basic plane
(Figure 3).
Reference headform means a measuring device contoured to the dimensions of one of the three headforms described in Table 2 and Figures 5
through 8 with surface markings indicating the locations of the basic, midsagittal, and reference planes, and the
centers of the external ear openings.
Reference plane means a plane above
and parallel to the basic plane on a reference headform or test headform (Figure 2) at the distance indicated in
Table 2.
Retention system means the complete
assembly by which the helmet is retained in position on the head during
Test headform means a test device
contoured to the dimensions of one of
the three headforms described in Table
2 and Figures 5 through 8 with surface
markings indicating the locations of
the basic, mid-sagittal, and reference
S5. Requirements. Each helmet shall
meet the requirements of S5.1, S5.2,
and S5.3 when subjected to any conditioning procedure specified in S6.4, and
tested in accordance with S7.1, S7.2,
and S7.3.
S5.1 Impact attenuation. When an impact attenuation test is conducted in
accordance with S7.1, all of the following requirements shall be met:

(a) Peak accelerations shall not exceed 400g;
(b) Accelerations in excess of 200g
shall not exceed a cumulative duration
of 2.0 milliseconds; and
(c) Accelerations in excess of 150g
shall not exceed a cumulative duration
of 4.0 milliseconds.
S5.2 Penetration. When a penetration
test is conducted in accordance with
S7.2, the striker shall not contact the
surface of the test headform.
S5.3 Retention system.
S5.3.1 When tested in accordance
with S7.3:
(a) The retention system or its components shall attain the loads specified
without separation; and
(b) The adjustable portion of the retention system test device shall not
move more than 1 inch (2.5 cm) measured between preliminary and test load
S5.3.2 Where the retention system
consists of components which can be
independently fastened without securing the complete assembly, each such
component shall independently meet
the requirements of S5.3.1.
S5.4 Configuration. Each helmet shall
have a protective surface of continuous
contour at all points on or above the
test line described in S6.2.3. The helmet
shall provide peripheral vision clearance of at least 105° to each side of the
mid-sagittal plane, when the helmet is
adjusted as specified in S6.3. The vertex
of these angles, shown in Figure 3,
shall be at the point on the anterior
surface of the reference headform at
the intersection of the mid-sagittal and
basic planes. The brow opening of the
helmet shall be at least 1 inch (2.5 cm)
above all points in the basic plane that
are within the angles of peripheral vision (see Figure 3).
S5.5 Projections. A helmet shall not
have any rigid projections inside its
shell. Rigid projections outside any
helmet’s shell shall be limited to those
required for operation of essential accessories, and shall not protrude more
than 0.20 inch (5 mm).
S5.6 Labeling.
S5.6.1 On a label or labels separate
from the certification label required by
S5.6.2, each helmet shall be labeled permanently and legibly, in a manner


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Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT
such that the label(s) can be read easily without removing padding or any
other permanent part, with the following:
(a) Manufacturer’s name.
(b) Discrete size.
(c) Month and year of manufacture.
This may be spelled out (for example,
June 2010), or expressed in numerals
(for example, 6/10).
(d) Instructions to the purchaser as
(1) ‘‘Shell and liner constructed of
(identify type(s) of materials).’’
(2) ‘‘Helmet can be seriously damaged
by some common substances without
damage being visible to the user. Apply
only the following: (Recommended
cleaning agents, paints, adhesives, etc.,
as appropriate).’’
(3) ‘‘Make no modifications. Fasten
helmet securely. If helmet experiences
a severe blow, return it to the manufacturer for inspection, or destroy it
and replace it.’’
(4) Any additional relevant safety information should be applied at the
time of purchase by means of an attached tag, brochure, or other suitable
S5.6.2 Certification. Each helmet
shall be labeled permanently and legibly with a label, constituting the manufacturer’s certification that the helmet conforms to the applicable Federal
motor vehicle safety standards, that is
separate from the label(s) used to comply with S5.6.1, and complies with paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section.
(a) Content, format, and appearance.
The label required by paragraph S5.6.2
shall have the following content, format, and appearance:
(1) The symbol ‘‘DOT,’’ horizontally
centered on the label, in letters not
less than 0.38 inch (1.0 cm) high.
(2) The term ‘‘FMVSS No. 218,’’ horizontally centered beneath the symbol
DOT, in letters not less than 0.09 inches
(0.23 cm) high.
(3) The word ‘‘CERTIFIED,’’ horizontally centered beneath the term
‘‘FMVSS No. 218,’’ in letters not less
than 0.09 inches (0.23 cm) high.
(4) The precise model designation,
horizontally centered above the symbol
DOT, in letters and/or numerals not
less than 0.09 inch (0.23 cm) high.

§ 571.218
(5) The manufacturer’s name and/or
brand, horizontally centered above the
model designation, in letters and/or numerals not less than 0.09 inch (0.23 cm)
(6) All symbols, letters and numerals
shall be in a color that contrasts with
the background of the label.
(b) Other information. No information, other than the information specified in subparagraph (a), shall appear
on the label.
(c) Location. The label shall appear
on the outer surface of the helmet and
be placed so that it is centered laterally with the horizontal centerline of
the DOT symbol located a minimum of
1 inch (2.5 cm) and a maximum of 3
inches (7.6 cm) from the bottom edge of
the posterior portion of the helmet.
S5.7 Helmet positioning index. Each
manufacturer of helmets shall establish a positioning index for each helmet he manufactures. This index shall
be furnished immediately to any person who requests the information, with
respect to a helmet identified by manufacturer, model designation, and size.
S6. Preliminary test procedures. Before
subjecting a helmet to the testing sequence specified in S7., prepare it according to the procedures in S6.1, S6.2,
and S6.3.
S6.1 Selection of appropriate headform.
S6.1.1 A helmet with a manufacturer’s designated discrete size or size
range which does not exceed 63⁄4 (European size: 54) is tested on the small
headform. A helmet with a manufacturer’s designated discrete size or size
range which exceeds 63⁄4, but does not
exceed 71⁄2 (European size: 60) is tested
on the medium headform. A helmet
with a manufacturer’s designated discrete size or size range which exceeds
71⁄2 is tested on the large headform.
S6.1.2 A helmet with a manufacturer’s designated size range which includes sizes falling into two or all three
size ranges described in S6.1.1 is tested
on each headform specified for each
size range.
S6.2 Reference marking.
S6.2.1 Use a reference headform that
is firmly seated with the basic and reference planes horizontal. Place the
complete helmet to be tested on the appropriate reference headform, as specified in S6.1.1 and S6.1.2.


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§ 571.218

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–14 Edition)

S6.2.2 Apply a 10-pound (4.5 kg) static
vertical load through the helmet’s
apex. Center the helmet laterally and
seat it firmly on the reference
headform according to its helmet positioning index.
S6.2.3 Maintaining the load and position described in S6.2.2, draw a line
(hereinafter referred to as ‘‘test line’’)
on the outer surface of the helmet coinciding with portions of the intersection of that service with the following
planes, as shown in Figure 2:
(a) A plane 1 inch (2.5 cm) above and
parallel to the reference plane in the
anterior portion of the reference
(b) A vertical transverse plane 2.5
inches (6.4 cm) behind the point on the
anterior surface of the reference
headform at the intersection of the
mid-sagittal and reference planes;
(c) The reference plane of the reference headform;
(d) A vertical transverse plane 2.5
inches (6.4. cm) behind the center of
the external ear opening in a side view;
(e) A plane 1 inch (2.5 cm) below and
parallel to the reference plane in the
posterior portion of the reference
S6.3 Helmet positioning.
S6.3.1 Before each test, fix the helmet
on a test headform in the position that
conforms to its helmet positioning
index. Secure the helmet so that it
does not shift position before impact or
before application of force during testing.
S6.3.2 In testing as specified in S7.1
and S7.2, place the retention system in
a position such that it does not interfere with free fall, impact or penetration.
S6.4 Conditioning.
S6.4.1 Immediately before conducting
the testing sequence specified in S7,
condition each test helmet in accordance with any one of the following procedures:
(a) Ambient conditions. Expose to any
temperature from 61 °F to and including 79 °F (from 16 °C to and including 26
°C) and any relative humidity from 30
to and including 70 percent for a minimum of 4 hours.
(b) Low temperature. Expose to any
temperature from 5 °F to and including

23 °F (from ¥15 °C to and including ¥5
°C) for a minimum of 4 hours and no
more than 24 hours.
(c) High temperature. Expose to any
temperature from 113 °F to and including 131 °F (from 45 °C to and including
55 °C) for a minimum of 4 hours and no
more than 24 hours.
(d) Water immersion. Immerse in water
at any temperature from 61 °F to and
including 79 °F (from 16 °C to and including 26 °C) for a minimum of 4 hours
and no more than 24 hours.
S6.4.2 If during testing, as specified
in S7.1.3 and S7.2.3, a helmet is returned to the conditioning environment before the time out of that environment exceeds 4 minutes, the helmet
is kept in the environment for a minimum of 3 minutes before resumption
of testing with that helmet. If the time
out of the environment exceeds 4 minutes, the helmet is returned to the environment for a minimum of 3 minutes
for each minute or portion of a minute
that the helmet remained out of the
environment in excess of 4 minutes or
for a maximum of 12 hours, whichever
is less, before the resumption of testing
with that helmet.
S7. Test conditions.
S7.1 Impact attenuation test.
S7.1.1 Impact attenuation is measured by determining acceleration imparted to an instrumented test
headform on which a complete helmet
is mounted as specified in S6.3, when it
is dropped in guided free fall upon a
fixed hemispherical anvil and a fixed
flat steel anvil.
S7.1.2 Each helmet is impacted at
four sites with two successive impacts
at each site. Two of these sites are impacted upon a flat steel anvil and two
upon a hemispherical steel anvil as
specified in S7.1.10 and S7.1.11. The impact sites are at any point on the area
above the test line described in paragraph S6.2.3, and separated by a distance not less than one-sixth of the
maximum circumference of the helmet
in the test area. For each site, the location where the helmet first contacts
the anvil on the second impact shall
not be greater than 0.75 inch (1.9 cm)
from the location where the helmet
first contacts the anvil on the first impact.


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Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT
S7.1.3 Impact testing at each of the
four sites, as specified in S7.1.2, shall
start at two minutes, and be completed
by four minutes, after removal of the
helmet from the conditioning environment.
S7.1.4 (a) The guided free fall drop
height for the helmet and test
headform combination onto the hemispherical anvil shall be such that the
impact speed is any speed from 16.4 ft/
s to and including 17.7 ft/s (from 5.0 m/
s to and including 5.4 m/s).
(b) The guided free fall drop height
for the helmet and test headform combination onto the flat anvil shall be
such that the impact speed is any speed
from 19.0 ft/s to and including 20.3 ft/s
(from 5.8 m/s to and including 6.2 m/s).
S7.1.5 Test headforms for impact attenuation testing are constructed of
magnesium alloy (K–1A), and exhibit
no resonant frequencies below 2,000 Hz.
S7.1.6 The monorail drop test system
is used for impact attenuation testing.
S7.1.7 The weight of the drop assembly, as specified in Table 1, is the combined weight of the test headform and
the supporting assembly for the drop
test. The weight of the supporting assembly is not less than 2.0 lbs. and not
more than 2.4 lbs. (0.9 to 1.1 kg). The
supporting assembly weight for the
monorail system is the drop assembly
weight minus the combined weight of
the test headform, the headform’s
clamp down ring, and its tie down
S7.1.8 The center of gravity of the
test headform is located at the center
of the mounting ball on the supporting
assembly and lies within a cone with
its axis vertical and forming a 10° included angle with the vertex at the
point of impact. The center of gravity
of the drop assembly lies within the
rectangular volume bounded by x =
¥0.25 inch (¥0.64 cm), x = 0.85 inch (2.16
cm), y = 0.25 inch (0.64 cm), and y =
¥0.25 inch (¥0.64 cm) with the origin
located at the center of gravity of the
test headform. The rectangular volume
has no boundary along the z-axis. The
x-y-z axes are mutually perpendicular
and have positive or negative designations in accordance with the righthand rule (See Figure 5). The origin of
the coordinate axes also is located at
the center of the mounting ball on the

§ 571.218
supporting assembly (See Figures 6, 7,
and 8). The x-y-z axes of the test
headform assembly on a monorail drop
test equipment are oriented as follows:
From the origin, the x-axis is horizontal with its positive direction going
toward and passing through the
vertical centerline of the monorail.
The positive z-axis is downward. The yaxis also is horizontal and its direction
can be decided by the z- and x-axes,
using the right-hand rule.
S7.1.9 The acceleration transducer is
mounted at the center of gravity of the
test headform with the sensitive axis
aligned to within 5° of vertical when
the test headform assembly is in the
data impact position. The acceleration
data channel complies with the SAE
Recommended Practice J211/1, revised
March 1995 (incorporated by reference,
see § 571.5) requirements for channel
class 1,000.’’
S7.1.10 The flat anvil is constructed
of steel with a 5-inch (12.7 cm) minimum diameter impact face, and the
hemispherical anvil is constructed of
steel with a 1.9 inch (4.8 cm) radius impact face.
S7.1.11 The rigid mount for both of
the anvils consists of a solid mass of at
least 300 pounds (136.1 kg), the outer
surface of which consists of a steel
plate with minimum thickness of 1
inch (2.5 cm) and minimum surface
area of 1 ft 2 (929 cm2 ).
S7.1.12 The drop system restricts side
movement during the impact attenuation test so that the sum of the areas
bounded by the acceleration-time response curves for both the x- and yaxes (horizontal axes) is less than five
percent of the area bounded by the acceleration-time response curve for the
vertical axis.
S7.2 Penetration test.
S7.2.1 The penetration test is conducted by dropping the penetration
test striker in guided free fall, with its
axis aligned vertically, onto the outer
surface of the complete helmet, when
mounted as specified in S6.3, at any
point above the test line, described in
S6.2.3, except on a fastener or other
rigid projection.
S7.2.2 Two penetration blows are applied at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) apart,
and at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) from the


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§ 571.218

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–14 Edition)

centers of any impacts applied during
the impact attenuation test.
S7.2.3 The application of the two penetration blows, specified in S7.2.2,
starts at two minutes and is completed
by four minutes, after removal of the
helmet from the conditioning environment.
S7.2.4 The height of the guided free
fall is 118.1 ±0.6 in (3 ±0.015 m), as measured from the striker point to the impact point on the outer surface of the
test helmet.
S7.2.5 The contactable surface of the
penetration test headform is constructed of a metal or metallic alloy
having a Brinell hardness number no
greater than 55, which will permit
ready detection should contact by the
striker occur. The surface is refinished
if necessary before each penetration
test blow to permit detection of contact by the striker.
S7.2.6 The weight of the penetration
striker is not less than 6 pounds, 8
ounces and not more than 6 pounds, 12
ounces (2.95 to 3.06 kg).
S7.2.7 The point of the striker has an
included angle of 60 ±0.5°, a cone height
of 1.5 ±0.015 in. (3.8 ±0.038 cm), a tip radius of 0.02 ±0.004 in. (0.5 ±0.1 mm), and
a minimum hardness of 60 Rockwell, Cscale.
S7.2.8 The rigid mount for the penetration test headform is as described in
S7.3 Retention system test.
S7.3.1 The retention system test is
conducted by applying a quasi-static
tensile load at any rate from 0.4 to and
including 1.2 inch/min (from 1.0 to and
including 3.0 cm/min) to the retention
assembly of a complete helmet, which
is mounted, as described in S6.3, on a
stationary test headform as shown in
Figure 4, and by measuring the movement of the adjustable portion of the
retention system test device under tension.

S7.3.2 The retention system test device consists of both an adjustable
loading mechanism by which a quasistatic tensile load is applied at any
rate from 0.4 to and including 1.2 inch/
min (from 1.0 to and including 3.0 cm/
min) to the helmet retention assembly
and a means for holding the test
headform and helmet stationary. The
retention assembly is fastened around
two freely moving rollers, both of
which have a 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) diameter
and a 3 inch (7.6 cm) center-to-center
separation, and which are mounted on
the adjustable portion of the tensile
loading device (Figure 4). The helmet is
fixed on the test headform as necessary
to ensure that it does not move during
the application of the test loads to the
retention assembly.
S7.3.3 A 50–pound (22.7 kg) preliminary test load is applied to the retention assembly, normal to the basic
plane of the test headform and symmetrical with respect to the center of
the retention assembly for 30 seconds,
and the maximum distance from the
extremity of the adjustable portion of
the retention system test device to the
apex of the helmet is measured.
S7.3.4 An additional 250–pound (113.4
kg) test load is applied to the retention
assembly, in the same manner and at
the same location as described in
S7.3.3, for 120 seconds, and the maximum distance from the extremity of
the adjustable portion of the retention
system test device to the apex of the
helmet is measured.
APPENDIX TO § 571.218

Weight range 1—lb kg)

Test headform size
Small ................................
Medium .............................
Large ................................

7.6–8.0 (3.4–3.6)
10.8–11.2 (4.9–5.1)
13.2–13.6 (6.0–6.2)

1 Combined weight of instrumented test headform and supporting assembly for drop test.


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§ 571.219

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–14 Edition)

[38 FR 22391, Aug. 20, 1973, as amended at 39 FR 3554, Jan. 28, 1974; 45 FR 15181, Mar. 10, 1980;
53 FR 11288, Apr. 6, 1988; 53 FR 12529, Apr. 15, 1988; 76 FR 28160, May 13, 2011; 77 FR 768, Jan.
6, 2012]

§ 571.219 Standard No. 219; Windshield
zone intrusion.
S1. Scope. This standard specifies limits for the displacement into the windshield area of motor vehicle components during a crash.
S2. Purpose. The purpose of this
standard is to reduce crash injuries and
fatalities that result from occupants
contacting vehicle components displaced near or through the windshield.

S3. Application. This standard applies
to passenger cars and to multipurpose
passenger vehicles, trucks and buses of
4,536 kilograms or less gross vehicle
weight rating. However, it does not
apply to forward control vehicles,
walk-in van-type vehicles, or to openbody-type vehicles with fold-down or
removable windshields.

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