Spreadsheet for National DPP Intervention Sites

Formative and Summative Evaluation of the National Diabetes Prevention Program

Att 3a_Spreadsheet for Sites_08-27-15.xlsx

Spreadsheet for Intervention Sites

OMB: 0920-1090

Document [xlsx]
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Burden Statement
Year 1 or 2 Site Data
New Site Data
Site Response Options
New Site Response Options

Sheet 1: Burden Statement

Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-XXXX
Exp. Date xx/xx/xxxx
Spreadsheet for National DPP Intervention Sites
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to vary between 30 and 60 minutes, with an average of 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX)

Sheet 2: READ ME

Instruction for Form Completion:
Worksheet Definitions:

The "Year 1 or 2 Site Data" tab is used for Site Level Data from all previous sites recruited in Year 1 or 2 of the grant.

The "New Site Data" tab is used for NEW sites that were given new DPRP codes and started in Year 3 of the grant cycle if applicable. It needs to be completed for each NEW site in Year 3.

Please note:

There are multiple boxes under each "response" column to allow for selection of more than one response per question.

For questions that require both a drop down response and a numeric value to be entered, there are two separate boxes that are next to each other.


Sheet 3: Year 1 or 2 Site Data

Question Code Response
1. Site Name (MUST be the Org code that is provided by the DPRP) SITE_CODE

2. Please select from the list the type of organization that best describes your site. SITE_DESC

If you answer "Other," please specify.
3. Please list the full address of your site. SITE_LOC

4. Was this site still active in Year 3? If yes, continue to question 6. If no, answer question 5 and stop. SITE_ACTIVE

5. If the site was not active in Year 3, please provide reasons. CLOSE_WHY

6. Grant Year GRANT_YR

7. Fiscal Year FIS_YR

Intervention Description

9. For the current grant year, did your site change the DPP curriculum from the previous year? If no, skip to question 12. CURRICUL_Y2

10. If Yes to question 9, which DPP curriculum are you currently using at this site? CURRICUL_Y3

11. If Yes to question 9, why did the program change the DPP curriculum from the previous year? CUR_CHANGE

12. For the current grant year, did the program recruit NEW participants? If no, skip to question 14. PAR_NEW

13. If yes to question 13, please select from the list demographic characteristics of NEW PARTICIPANTS. Please select ALL that apply. PAR_CHAR

If you answer "Other," please specify.
14. Is there purposeful targeting of NEW disparate or vulnerable populations during recruitment for program participation at the site level? If so, what populations are targeted? Please select ALL that apply. SVULPOP

If you answer "Other," please specify.
15. Were there any NEW places from which National DPP participants were recruited? Please select ALL that apply. RECRUTPL

If you answer "Other," please specify.
16. Did you use any NEW recruitment methods (i.e., materials or campaigns, from healthcare/insurance company patient rosters, etc.) to identify and recruit new participants? Please select ALL that apply. SRECMETH

17. Were there any NEW referral sources (i.e., clinics, employers/worksites, state health departments, physicians, health centers, private organizations, non-profits, insurers, etc.). Please select ALL that apply. OREFLSOR

If you answer "Other," please specify.
18. How have you adapted the lifestyle change program to address the specific cultural needs or preferences of one or more of your targeted populations? Please select ALL that apply. SITE_ADAPT

If you answer "Other," please specify.
19. Was there any change in policy resulting in a new financing/reimbursement mechanism? If so, what entities have implemented the change in policy resulting in a new financing/reimbursement mechanism? Please select ALL that apply. SCOVPOL_Y2

If you answer "Other," please specify.
20. What was the policy that was changed? Please select ALL that apply. SCOVPOL_Y3

If you answer "Other," please specify.
21. Do you charge participants for the program? If so, and if you are able to report this data, how much do you charge on average per participant? PAR_PROGCOST

22. Is any participation or completion incentive offered to participants? If so, what are the incentive items? Please select ALL that apply. SITE_INCENT

If you answer "Other," please specify.

23. Please indicate from the list of primary resources necessary for program start-up and implementation (e.g., partnerships/coalition, in-kind contributions, etc.). Please select ALL that apply. SITE_RES

If you answer "Other," please specify.
24. In the current grant year, please list the number of and types of locations where classes are offered, and zip codes for all class locations (e.g., employer worksite, community health centers, clinic/practice, community centers, YMCAs, gyms, church, other non-profit, etc.)? Please select ALL that apply. PROGPLAC
Location Type Number of Classes offered at this Location Location Zip Code

If you answer "Other," please specify.

25. For the current grant year, was there any change from the previous grant year regarding how lifestyle coaches were paid? COACHMET_Y2

26. Please indicate how many of your lifestyle coaches are volunteers, hourly contractors, or salaried employees. If none, write "0". COACHMET_Y3

If you answer "Other," please specify.

27. For current grant year, was there any change from previous grant year regarding the funding source in place for lifestyle coach salary? If no, skip to question 30. TYPLCREM_Y2

28. What is the funding source for lifestyle coaches? Please select ALL that apply. TYPLCREM_Y3

If you answer "Other," please specify.
29. What is the average salary of a lifestyle coach, if you are able to report this data? LIFESAL

30. What is the funding source for program coordinators? Please select ALL that apply. TYPLCOORD_Y3

If you answer "Other," please specify.
31. What is the average salary of a program coordinator, if you are able to report this data? COORDSAL

32. What are the credentials of the lifestyle coaches? Please indicate the number of coaches with each of the listed credential using the categories provided. If none, write "0." COCHCRED

If you answer "Other," please specify.

Implementation Strategies

33. Please select from the list of barriers to program maintenance/sustainability in current grant year. Please select ALL that apply.


If you answer "Other," please specify.
34. Please select from the list strategies to address barriers listed above at site level. Please select ALL that apply. SITESTRAT

If you answer "Other," please specify.

Sheet 4: New Site Data

Question Code Response
1. Site Name (MUST be the Org code that is provided by the DPRP) SITE_CODE

2. Please select from the list the term that best describes your organization. SITE_DESC

If you answer "Other," please specify.
3. Please list the full address of your site. SITE_LOC

4. Grant Year GRANT_YR

5. Fiscal Year FIS_YR

6. Year lifestyle change program initiated (i.e., first class conducted) CLASSDAT

Intervention Description

7. Please select from the list demographic characteristics of PARTICIPANTS . Please select ALL that apply. PAR_CHAR

If you answer "Other," please specify.
8. Which DPP curriculum are you using at this site? CURRICUL

9. Is there purposeful targeting of disparate or vulnerable populations during recruitment for program participation at the site level? If so, what populations are targeted? Please select ALL that apply. SVULPOP

If you answer "Other," please specify.
10. Please select from the list the places from which National DPP participants were recruited. Please select ALL that apply. RECRUTPL

If you answer "Other," please specify.
11. What recruitment methods (i.e., materials or campaigns, from healthcare/insurance company patient rosters, etc.) did you use to identify and recruit new participants? Please select ALL that apply. SRECMETH

12. Please select from the list of referral sources to the lifestyle change programs (i.e., clinics, employers/worksites, state health departments, physicians, health centers, private organizations, non-profits, insurers, etc.). Please select ALL that apply. OREFLSOR

If you answer "Other," please specify.
13. Is there any policy in place that establishes a financing/reimbursement mechanism? If so, what entities have implemented the financing/reimbursement mechanism policy? Please select ALL that apply. SCOVPOL

If you answer "Other," please specify.
14. What was the policy that was established? Please select ALL that apply. SCOVPOL_Y3

If you answer "Other," please specify.
15. Do you charge participants for the program? If so, and if you are able to report this data, how much do you charge on average per participant? PAR_PROGCOST

16. Are there any participation or completion incentives offered to participants? If so, what are the incentive items? Please select ALL that apply. SITE_INCENT

If you answer "Other," please specify.

17. Please indicate from the list of primary resources necessary for program start-up and implementation (e.g., partnerships/coalition, in-kind contributions, etc.). Please select ALL that apply. SITE_RES

If you answer "Other," please specify.

Location Type Number of Classes Offered at this Location Location Zip Code
18. In the current grant year, please list the number of and types of locations where classes are offered, and zip codes for all class locations(e.g., employer worksite, community health centers, clinic/practice, community centers, YMCAs, gyms, church, other non-profit, etc.)? Please select ALL that apply. PROGPLAC

If you answer "Other," please specify.

19. Please indicate how many of your lifestyle coaches are volunteers, hourly contractors, or salaried employees. If none, write "0". COACHMET_Y3

If you answer "Other," please specify.

20. What is the funding source for lifestyle coaches? Please select ALL that apply. TYPLCREM_Y3

If you answer "Other," please specify.
21. What is the average salary of a lifestyle coach, if you are able to report this data? LIFESAL

22. What is the funding source for program coordinators? Please select ALL that apply. TYPLCOORD_Y3

If you answer "Other," please specify.
23. What is the average salary of a program coordinator, if you are able to report this data? COORDSAL

24. What are the credentials of the lifestyle coaches? Please indicate the number of coaches with each of the listed credential using the categories provided. If none, write "0." COCHCRED

If you answer "Other," please specify.

Implementation Strategies

25. Please select from the list the barriers to program start-up and implementation. Please select ALL that apply.


If you answer "Other," please specify.
26. Please select from the list strategies to address barriers listed above at site level. Please select ALL that apply. SITESTRAT

If you answer "Other," please specify.

Sheet 5: Site Response Options

YMCA AL Yes, all Employer worksite Yes CDC's National DPP Yes Rural No targeting of NEW disparate or vulnerable populations Have not adapted the lifestyle change program Did not recruit from any NEW places Did not engage in any participant recruitment No change in policy Employee coverage benefit No incentives for participation or completion were offered Grant funding Employer worksite No NEW referral sources Volunteer No additional funding needed: volunteer No additional funding needed: volunteer Certified Diabetes Educator (may also be counted in a category below) Site’s organizational capacity to implement National DPP Improve communication/engagement with partners/key stakeholders No, do not charge for participant fee They are volunteers with no salary incurred from our organization
Universities/schools AK No, none Faith-based org No Y-DPP (Plan Forward) No Urban Low SES Delivery bilingual or using non-English language Hospitals or healthcare systems (including hospital owned practices) Distributing or displaying paper marketing materials (i.e. flyers, pamphlets, brochures, and/or posters) Insurance Insurance coverage benefit Pedometers Partnerships/coalitions Faith-based org Hospitals or healthcare systems Healthcare clinics/centers/groups (including affiliated physician practices) Hourly Contractor No additional funding needed: site-level staff responsibility added without pay increase No additional funding needed: site-level staff responsibility added without pay increase Licensed nutritionist or dietician Procuring funding and/or program reimbursement Offering additional classes Yes, and able to report They are salaried staff and we are able to report their salary; please report
Local health departments AZ Some Community center N/A Group Lifestyle Balance (U Pitt) N/A Low-income Under or uninsured Use of cultural themes, images, or sayings Physician practices not affiliated with a healthcare system Direct recruitment by program staff (i.e. approaching participants one-on-one in their physician office or other setting) Employer Pay for performance Digital physical activity trackers In-kind contributions Community center Physician practices not affiliated with a healthcare system Salaried Insurance reimbursement Insurance reimbursement Pharmacist Staff support Expanding marketing efforts to community to increase participant enrollment Yes, but not able to report They are salaried staff, but we are not able to report their salary
Hospitals/healthcare systems/medical groups/physician practices AR N/A Government building
Native Lifestyle Balance
Under or Uninsured Race/ethnicity: African-American Addressing traditionally male or female roles Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Conducting or participating in health fairs and/or other community outreach activities (including blood glucose screening events at worksites) National Participant fee waiver or scholarship paid by grant Gym memberships Volunteer staff, Government building (non-community center) Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) Other Grant funding (CDC) Grant funding (CDC) Registered nurse Staff turnover Offer financial assistance to help participants pay for the program through grant/3rd party payers N/A N/A
Community-based orgs/community health centers/FQHCs CA
Physician office
New Prevent T2 Curriculum
Other Race/ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino Incorporating cultural dietary restrictions or preferences Native American clinic/IHS clinic Recruiting providers to make referrals during patient visit or to send letters/postcards to patients Other New in kind support Physical activity videos or CDs Access to organization member base Small business worksite where participants not employed (i.e., car dealership, grocery store, etc.) Employers/worksites
Grant funding (other governmental) Grant funding (other governmental) Physician Lack of clear program guidance Seeking in-kind classroom space

Pharmacy sites CO
Healthcare center/practice
Help Prevent Diabetes (Wake Forest)
N/A Race/ethnicity: Native American Other Employers/worksites (incl. employer wellness programs) Recruiting other organizational partners to make direct referrals or recruit via contact lists
Employer sponsored delivery Athletic gear or clothing Providers/participants incentives Healthcare or medical center/practice/clinic (non-hospital) State or local health departments
Grant funding (other nongovernmental) Grant funding (other nongovernmental) Health educator Buy-in/communication with partners Pilot an e-referral system from healthcare providers

Indian Health Services/Native American/Tribal Health Systems CT

Race/ethnicity: Asian/Pacific Islander
State or local health departments Advertising and press release in newsletters, local newspapers, radio, or television stations
Other Calorie King or other type of diet tracking books Office space, equipment, supplies Hospital or bldg. on hospital campus Other government entity
Participant fees (pay part of lifestyle coaching salary) Participant fees (pay part of lifestyle coaching salary) Exercise specialist Space for program delivery Provide additional benefits to participants to access other programs at their facilities

Business coalition/coop-extension sites DE
Health plan retail centers

Race/ethnicity: other (describe)
Other government entity Social media postings (i.e., FB, Twitter, Instagram)
N/A MyPlates or other food measuring devices Human resource capital University hospital bldg. Faith-based orgs
In-Kind from partner organization In-kind from partner organization Community Health Worker Healthcare providers or physician resistance to refer to program Other

Worksite/employee wellness programs FL
Cooperative Extensions

Geography: rural or frontier
Community center (i.e., library, Ruritan/Lions club, Centers on Aging, etc.) Presentations/information sessions to community/employees

Cookbooks Educational sessions to potential key stakeholders YMCA Other non-profit org
Other Other Other Low enrollment/recruitment N/A

Senior/aging/elderly centers GA
Federally qualified health centers

Geography: urban
YMCA Volunteer recruiters from previous lifestyle change classes (through word-of-mouth, phone, or email)

Discount coupons Scale for weight measurement, privacy screen Fitness centers/gyms Self-referral via org website/online participant portal
N/A N/A N/A Participant drop-out

Faith-based orgs HI
Gyms/Recreation centers

Fitness centers/gyms Posting on Organization website, or email blast to members

Gift cards Location to hold classes University center/classroom Other

Class schedule timing

Health plans/insurers/ managed care org ID


Program access incentives such as bus pass or parking pass Travel budget to site location Tribal clinic/center N/A

Fee charged to participants

Other IL

Other (describe)

Free or reduced child care Relationship with business groups (Chamber of Commerce, Brokers, Business Coalitions on health) Cooperative Extension

Competing priorities with organization's other diabetes control program for referral



Healthful food snacks or samples Marketing materials Other

Competing program with other partners that also offer lifestyle change program at their facilities


Certificates or plaque/trophy Other N/A

Lack of alignment of the program with site mission and values


Cash prizes N/A

Perceived difficulty of implementing the program


Commitment contracts




































Sheet 6: New Site Response Options

No targeting of disparate or vulnerable populations Hospitals or healthcare systems (including hospital owned practices) Did not engage in any participant recruitment N/A Employee coverage benefit Hospitals or healthcare systems Healthcare clinics/centers/groups (including affiliated physician practices)
Low SES Physician practices not affiliated with a healthcare system Distributing or displaying paper marketing materials (i.e. flyers, pamphlets, brochures, and/or posters) Insurance Insurance coverage benefit Physician practices not affiliated with a healthcare system
Under or uninsured Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Direct recruitment by program staff (i.e. approaching participants one-on-one in their physician office or other setting) Employer Pay for performance Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)
Race/ethnicity: African-American Native American clinic/IHS clinic Conducting or participating in health fairs and/or other community outreach activities (including blood glucose screening events at worksites) National Participant fee waiver or scholarship paid by grant Employers/worksites
Race/ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino Employers/worksites (incl. employer wellness programs) Recruiting providers to make referrals during patient visit or to send letters/postcards to patients Other In kind support State or local health departments
Race/ethnicity: Native American State or local health departments Recruiting other organizational partners to make direct referrals or recruit via contact lists
Employer sponsored delivery Other government entity
Race/ethnicity: Asian/Pacific Islander Other government entity Advertising and press release in newsletters, local newspapers, radio, or television stations
Other Faith-based orgs
Race/ethnicity: Other (describe) Community center (i.e., library, Ruritan/Lions club, Centers on Aging, etc.) Social media postings (i.e., FB, Twitter, Instagram)
N/A Other non-profit org
Geography: Rural or frontier YMCA Presentations/information sessions to community/employees

Self-referral via org website/online participant portal
Geography: Urban Fitness centers/gyms Volunteer recruiters from previous lifestyle change classes (through word-of-mouth, phone, or email)

Elderly Other Posting on Organization website, or email blast to members

Disabled N/A

Other (describe)


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