Audience Research to Inform Physical Activity Guidelines Strategic Communication

Prevention Communication Formative Research


Audience Research to Inform Physical Activity Guidelines Strategic Communication

OMB: 0990-0281

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ODPHP Physical Activity Guidelines, 2nd Edition

Screener Script for Child and Adolescent Focus Groups

OMB Control Number: 0990-0281

December 21, 2017

Submitted to:

Sherrette Funn

Office of the Chief Information Officer

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Submitted by:

Frances Bevington

Strategic Communication and Public Affairs Advisor

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Screener Script for Child and Adolescent Focus Groups

Hello, I’m [RECRUITER FIRST AND LAST NAME] and I'm calling from [RECRUITMENT FIRM]. We are an independent consumer research organization. We are not selling or promoting any product or service. I am calling you because you expressed interest in your child participating in a focus group about how to help people be more physically active.

This is a study funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. If your child qualifies, your child will receive $40 for their participation in a 60-minute focus group, and you or another parent or guardian will receive $35. You will be asked to stay at the facility while your child is participating. The focus groups will be held in-person in [CITY, STATE] the week of [MONTH DAY].

Does this sound like something your child would be interested in?



Great. Let’s find out if your child qualifies. I’ll have a few questions for you and for your child.

[Child Age] How old are your children? [Do not read categories, but tally for all categories that apply.]

Ages 7 or younger TERMINATE

Ages 8 to 12 [potentially eligible for child focus group]

Ages 13 to 16 [potentially eligible for adolescent focus group]

Age 17 or older TERMINATE

Before we start, can you confirm that your child who is age __ [eligible child; if more than one child is eligible, ask parent what the age is of their least active child] is there with you to answer a few questions.


No RESCHEDULE – find a time when both the parent and child are available

Good, I’m going to start with a few questions for you. My questions should only take a few minutes. Any information you provide will be kept private. You can stop at any time or skip any question. To ensure we include a variety of children in our focus groups, I will ask you some questions about your family and your child, such as their gender and racial/ethnic background.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0281. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per parental response and 3 minutes per minor response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 336-E, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer

Would you like to proceed?



Before we begin, I’d like to let you know that all information you provide about your child will be kept private. Your help is voluntary, and you do not have to answer every question. If you would rather not answer a question, let me know and you can skip it. You can stop at any time.

  1. [Family Market Research] Do you or any other member of your child’s household or immediate family work for a market research company, an advertising agency, a public relations firm, or the media (TV/radio/newspapers/magazines)?



  1. [Family Health Care] Do you or any other member of your child’s household or immediate family work in public health or health care?



  1. [Child English Speaking] Is your child comfortable speaking in English?



  1. [Child English Reading] Is your child comfortable reading in English at the 3rd grade reading level or higher?



  1. [Child Recent Participation] Within the past 3 months, has your child participated in an interview or focus group in which they were asked to give their opinions regarding a product, a service, or advertising?



  1. [Child Related] Is anyone in your child’s household or family already participating in this project?



Next, I’d like to find out a little more about your eligible child who is age __ [child who is eligible].

  1. [Child Physical Activity] How many days a week does your child get 60 minutes or more of physical activity? Physical activity is anything that gets their body moving. Would you say… [Read categories]

1 day a week

2 days a week

3 days a week

4 days a week

5 days a week TERMINATE

6 days a week TERMINATE

7 days a week TERMINATE

  1. [Child Gender] What is your child’s gender? [Do not read categories]




Choose not to answer

  1. [Child Ethnicity] Is your child of Hispanic or Latino origin?



  1. [Child Race] Which category best describes your child’s race? [Read categories]


Black or African American

American Indian or Alaska Native

Asian or Pacific Islander


And now a couple questions about you and your family…

  1. [Child Relationship] Which of the following best describes your relationship to the child? [Read categories]




Something else (specify: )

  1. [Parent Education] What is the highest level of education you have completed? Please stop me when I reach the description that best describes your education.

Some elementary or middle school, but did not go to high school

Some high school, but did not finish (9 to 12 years)

High school diploma or GED

Some college

Technical school or trade school (like real estate, childcare, plumbing, electrical)

College graduate

Post graduate

  1. [Household Income] What is your household’s yearly income? Please stop me when I reach the description that best describes your household’s yearly income.

Less than $20,000

$20,000 to $34,999

$35,000 to $49,999

$50,000 to $74,999

$75,000 to $99,999

$100,000 to $149,999

$150 to $199,999

$200,000 or more


Thank you for answering all of my questions. We’re looking for children from different backgrounds and, unfortunately, we’ve already recruited several people with backgrounds similar to your child. Again, thank you for your time.



Thank you for answering all of my questions so far. May I speak with your child now? I’d like to ask them a few questions about participating in the focus group. After I talk with your child, I’ll ask to speak with you again to schedule the focus group.

[When child is on the phone] Hello, I’m [RECRUITER FIRST AND LAST NAME], and I'm calling from [RECRUITMENT FIRM]. Your [parent/step-parent/guardian/etc. — see response to Q11] said I could ask you a few questions about participating in a focus group, which is a discussion with about 7 other [kids/teens] your age.

During the focus group, a researcher will ask you and the other [kids/teens] to tell us what you think about physical activity. That’s anything that gets your body moving, like running or riding a bike. We’ll use what you tell us to help [kids/teens] be more physically active. The focus group will be about an hour long and every [kid/teen] that participates will get $40 for being in the focus group.

I just have a few questions about the focus group, and it will only take a minute or so for you to answer them. Your answers will be kept private, meaning we won’t share them with anyone. It’s okay if you don’t want to answer a question — just let me know and you can skip it. You can also stop at any time.

Would you like to answer a few questions?


No TERMINATE after thanking the child and asking to speak to a parent to thank them and say goodbye.

  1. [Child Name] What is your name? [If needed, add: And how do you spell that?”]


No response/prefers not to answer TERMINATE after thanking the child and asking to speak to a parent to thank them and say goodbye.

  1. [Child Grade] What grade are you in? [Read categories if necessary]











Don’t know/no response/prefers not to answer TERMINATE after thanking the child and asking to speak to a parent to thank them and say goodbye.

16. [Child Interest] The focus group will be about an hour long. You’ll be in a room with about 7 other kids around your age, and a researcher will ask you questions about physical activity. Does being in the focus group sound like something you’d like to do?


No TERMINATE after thanking child and asking to speak to parent to thank them and say goodbye.

17. [Child Interest in Discussion] During the focus group, the researcher will show you some pictures, videos, and other materials and ask you to talk about them. Would you feel comfortable looking at some pictures or other materials and talking about them with other [kids/teens]?


No TERMINATE after thanking the child and asking to speak to a parent to thank them and say goodbye.

  1. [Child Favorite Physical Activity] What is your favorite way to be physically active? Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving, like running or riding a bike. [If necessary, add: “What do you like to do that involves moving your body?”]

No response/prefers not to answer

Thank you. May I please speak with your [parent/step-parent/guardian/etc. — see response to Q11] again so we can set up a time for the focus group?



[When parent/guardian is on the phone again.] I have just a few more questions about scheduling your child’s focus group.

The group discussion will take place on [DATE, TIME, LOCATION]. Would your child be able to attend on this day and at this time for an hour-long discussion?


No TERMINATE: “Thank you to you and your child for speaking with me.”

And would you or another parent or guardian be able to come with your child on [DATE, TIME, LOCATION] and wait while your child participates in the focus group?


No TERMINATE: “Thank you to you and your child for speaking with me.”

Great. This is an important project and your child’s opinions will help the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to promote healthy lifestyles for children. As I said, your child will receive a payment of $40 for their participation in the 60-minute focus group, and you or another parent or guardian will receive $35 for time spent waiting on-site during the focus group. No one will try to sell you or your child anything. No one will call you as a result of your participation.

Do you give permission to allow your child to take part in the focus group?


No TERMINATE. Thank you to you and your child for speaking with me.



Let me just mention a couple of more things:

  • If your child uses glasses for reading or watching TV, please be sure your child brings their glasses with them, since your child will be asked to look at pictures and other materials.

  • If any other children come with you and your child to the discussion group, they will not be able to join in the group. They will need to wait with you until the focus group is completed.

  • Only one person from the same household or family will be able to participate in this discussion group project.

We can only invite a limited number of people to be in the group. May we schedule your child for the focus group?


No TERMINATE. Thank you for speaking with me.

Let me [get/confirm] your contact information so that we can call you a few days before the group to remind you and your child of the date and time.










Recruiter: Date:

If your child will not be able to participate, please call [NAME AND NUMBER] to let us know as soon as possible, so we can ask someone else. We need to have a certain number of people for the group. Thank you!

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorLizzie Barnett
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-21

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