2015 Information Collection Justification_Revised MJ 10-1

2015 Information Collection Justification_Revised MJ 10-1.docx

USDA 1890 National Scholars Program

OMB: 0503-0015

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USDA/1890 National Scholars Program Application

Information Collection Justification

  1. Justification

    1. Explain the circumstances that make the collection of information necessary. Identify any legal or administrative requirements that necessitate the collection. Attach a copy of the appropriate section of each statute and regulation mandating or authorizing the collection of information.

The USDA/1890 National Scholars Program is an annual recruiting effort by the USDA/1890 National Program Office and the participating nineteen 1890 Land-Grant Universities. This human capital initiative is a collective effort geared toward attracting graduating high school seniors and currently enrolled college students, who are rising sophomores or juniors, into pursuing disciplines in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences at any of the 1890 Land-grant Universities.

The USDA/1890 National Scholars Program offers scholarships to U.S. citizens who are seeking a bachelor’s degree at one of the nineteen 1890 Historically Black Land Grant Universities. National Scholars are required to study in the following or related disciplines: Agriculture, Agricultural Business/Management, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural/Civil/Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural Production and Technology, Agronomy or Crop Science, Animal Sciences, and Botany.

Each USDA/1890 National Scholars Program applicant is required to submit a hard copy of the USDA/1890 National Scholars Program Application Form to the USDA/1890 Program Liaison assigned to the 1890 Land-Grant University to which they want to apply.

High School Applicants are required to submit biographical information; educational background information; and extracurricular activities. The applicant’s guidance counselor provides information on the student’s academic status, grade point average, and test scores. A former or present teacher of the applicant provides information that assesses the applicant’s interests, habits, and potential.

College Applicants are required to submit biographical information; educational background information; extracurricular activities; and an essay. Two letters of recommendation are required by a Department Head, Dean of a College or one of the University Vice President and a College Professor, however, there are no sections included in the application that these individuals will need to complete.

The collection of this information from all applicants is necessary to appropriately assess them based on their academic background, extracurricular activities and interests, and potential performance and completion of the USDA/1890 National Scholars Program. This information is shared with all reviewing officials at each step of the Scholar Selection process. Reviewing officials include, but are not limited to, University Professors, Deans, and Vice Presidents; Agency Administrators, Program Directors, and Agency Coordinators; and the USDA/1890 National Office Personnel.

    1. Indicate how, by whom, how frequently, and for what purpose the information is to be used. Except for a new collection, indicate the actual use the agency has made of the information received from the current collection.

The information that is collected is used by many parties. A detailed description is below.

The USDA/1890 Program Liaison uses the information to:

  • Review all components of the application for completeness

  • Determine if the application meets the minimum eligibility requirements to be considered for the USDA/1890 National Scholars Program.

The 1890 Land-Grant University Personnel uses the information to:

  • Determine If the applicants are a good fit for the university based on the applicant’s:

    • Proposed major (program of study)

    • Interests

    • Future academic/professional goals

    • Grade Point Average

    • ACT/SAT Scores

Based on that information, they select the top twelve applications to be forwarded to the USDA/1890 National Program Office for consideration.

The USDA/1890 National Office Personnel uses the information to:

  • Determine if the applicants are a good fit for the National Scholars Program based on their:

    • Proposed major (program of study)

    • Interests

    • Future academic/professional goals

    • Grade Point Average

    • ACT/SAT Scores

The USDA Agency Personnel uses the information to:

  • Determine if the applicants are a good fit for the agency based on their:

    • Proposed major (program of study)

    • Interests

    • Future academic/professional goals

    • Grade Point Average

    • ACT/SAT Scores

This process takes place once a year from February 1st until the yearly scholar selection processes concludes in May.

In 2015, the current collection of information is being used to select the USDA/1890 National Scholars Program Class of 2015. The process concludes at the end of May 2015.

    1. Describe whether, and to what extent, the collection of information involves the use of automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses, and the basis for the decision for adopting this means of collection. Also, describe any consideration of using information technology to reduce burden.

The USDA/1890 National Scholars Program is an on-line application located on the USDA/1890 National Scholars Program website (www.usda.gov/1890program.xml). The application is a fillable form that can be completed on our website then printed and mailed.

    1. Describe efforts to identify duplication. Show specifically why any similar information already available cannot be used or modified for use for the purpose described in item 2 above.

USDA is the only agency (Department) that collects this information.

    1. If the collection of information impacts small businesses or other small entities, describe any methods used to minimize burden.

This collection does not impact small businesses or other small entities.

    1. Describe the consequence to Federal program or policy activities if the collection is not conducted or is conducted less frequently, as well as any technical or legal obstacles to reducing burden.

The USDA/1890 National Scholars Program would not be able to function consistently without this annual collection.

    1. Explain any special circumstances that would cause an information collecti­on to be con­ducted in a manner consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5.

  • requiring respondents to report informa­tion to the agency more often than quarterly;

  • requiring respondents to prepare a writ­ten response to a collection of infor­ma­tion in fewer than 30 days after receipt of it;

  • requiring respondents to submit more than an original and two copies of any docu­ment;

  • requiring respondents to retain re­cords, other than health, medical, governm­ent contract, grant-in-aid, or tax records for more than three years;

  • in connection with a statisti­cal sur­vey, that is not de­signed to produce valid and reli­able results that can be general­ized to the uni­verse of study;

  • requiring the use of a statis­tical data classi­fication that has not been re­vie­wed and approved by OMB;

Explain any special circumstances that would cause an information collecti­on to be con­ducted in a manner:

  • that includes a pledge of confiden­tiali­ty that is not supported by au­thority estab­lished in statute or regu­la­tion, that is not sup­ported by dis­closure and data security policies that are consistent with the pledge, or which unneces­sarily impedes shar­ing of data with other agencies for com­patible confiden­tial use; or

  • requiring respondents to submit propri­etary trade secret, or other confidential information unless the agency can demon­strate that it has instituted procedures to protect the information's confidentiality to the extent permit­ted by law.

The information collection is conducted in a manner consistent with the guidelines established in 5 CFR 1320.5.

    1. If applicable, provide a copy and identify the date and page number of publication in the Federal Register of the agency's notice, soliciting comments on the information collection prior to submission to OMB. Summarize public comments received in response to that notice and describe actions taken by the agency in response to these comments.

A public notice with request for comments for this application was published in the Federal Register regarding this information collection and program guidelines. The noticed was published on Thursday, July 30, 2015, Vol. 80, No. 146. No comments were received during the allotted time period.

Describe efforts to consult with persons outside the agency to obtain their views on the availability of data, frequency of collection, the clarity of instructions and recordkeeping, disclosure, or reporting form, and on the data elements to be recorded, disclosed, or reported.

Dr. Christopher C. Mathis (University Professor)

Darrion Culler (Graduate Student)

Dominique Brown (Agency Coordinator)

Individuals reviewed and completed application to assess time needed to complete package and clarity of questions.

    1. Explain any decision to provide any payment or gift to respondents, other than remuneration of contractors or grantees.

This information collection activity involves no payments or gifts to respondents.

    1. Describe any assurance of confidentiality provided to respondents and the basis for the assurance in statute, regulation, or agency policy.

“No additional assurance of confidentiality is provided with this information collection. Any and all information obtained in this collection shall not be disclosed except in accordance with 5 U.S.C.552a.”

    1. Provide additional justification for any questions of a sensitive nature, such as sexual behavior or attitudes, religious beliefs, and other matters that are commonly considered private. This justification should include the reasons why the agency considers the questions necessary, the specific uses to be made of the information, the explanation to be given to persons from whom the information is requested, and any steps to be taken to obtain their consent.

This information collection activity will ask no questions of a personal or sensitive nature.

    1. Provide estimates of the hour burden of the collection of information. The statement should:

  • Indicate the number of respondents, frequency of response, annual hour burden, and an explanation of how the burden was estimated. If this request for approval covers more than one form, provide separate hour burden estimates for each form and aggregate the hour burdens in Item 13 of OMB Form 83-I.

  • Provide estimates of annualized cost to respondents for the hour burdens for collections of information, identifying and using appropriate wage rate categories.

Respondents: USDA/1890 National Scholars Program Applicants

Note: Three individuals (high school student, teacher, and guidance counselor)

complete a section of each application

Estimated number of respondents to complete all sections of application... 1,200

Estimated Average time to complete whole application………… 3.00 hrs.

Applicant section………………… 1.5 hours

Teacher section…………………… 45 minutes

Counselor section………………… 45 minutes

Estimated Average time per respondent……………………………… 1 hour

Estimated number of respondents per application…………………… 3

Estimated total Annual Response……………………………………… 1,200

Estimated total Collection Burden…………………………………… 3,600 hours

Estimated hour burden of the collection of information from currently enrolled college student

Respondents: USDA/1890 National Scholars Program Applicants

Note: Three individuals (college student, college professor, and department head, dean of college, or one of the Vice Presidents of University) complete a section of each application

Estimated number of Respondents to complete all sections of application.... 300

Estimated Average time to complete whole application………………… 3.00 hours

Applicant section………………… 2.0 hours

Professor section………………… 30 minutes

Department Head, Dean, or Vice President

of University section…………… 30 minutes

Estimated Average time per respondent……………………………… 1.0 hour

Estimated number of respondents per application…………………… 3

Estimated total Annual Response……………………………………… 300

Estimated total Collection Burden……………………………………… 300 hours

Total Estimated hour burden of the collection of information per scholarship cycle

Estimated total Annual Response……………………………………… 1,500

Estimated total Collection Burden……………………………………… 3,900 hours

Estimated annualized cost to respondents of the hour burdens of the collection of information from graduating high school senior

Burdens for collections of information……………………………… $201,168.00

Applicant section ($7.25/hr. @ 1.5 hours)…………………… $ 10.88

Teacher section ($36/hr. @ 0.75 hours)………………… $ 27.00

Counselor section ($28/hr. @ 0.75 hours)……………… $ 20.25

___________________________________________________ _____

Burden cost for collection $ 58.13

Estimated annualized cost to respondents of the hour burdens of the collection of information from currently enrolled college student

Burdens for collections of information……………………………… $ 14,850.00

Applicant section ($7.25/hr. @ 2.0 hours)…………………… $ 14.50

Professor section ($35/hr. @ .50 hours)………………… $ 17.50

Department Head, Dean, or Vice President

of University section ($48/hr. @ 0.50 hours)……………… $ 24.00

___________________________________________________ _____

Burden cost for collection $56.00

Total Estimated annualized cost to respondents of the hour burdens of the collection of information per scholarship cycle

Burdens for collections of information for high school applicants……… $ 201,168.00

Burdens for collections of information for college applicants…………… $ 14,850.00

________________________________________ ___________ _____

Burden cost for collection total $ 216,018.00

Applicant completes his/her section of application and forwards the other two sections to teacher and counselor or to professor and department head, dean, or university vice president for completion. Applicant wages based on minimum wages + general mailing cost associated with mailing document. Teacher and counselor, professor, department head, and university vice president average salaries were used Applicant spends around than two hours completing their required section and teacher and counselor utilizes less than one hour each to complete their section.

    1. Provide estimates of the total annual cost burden to respondents or record keepers resulting from the collection of information (do not include the cost of any hour burden shown in items 12 and 14). The cost estimates should be split into two components: (a) a total capital and start-up cost component annualized over its expected useful life; and (b) a total operation and maintenance and purchase of services component.

There is zero annual cost burden associated with capital or start-up costs.

    1. Provide estimates of annualized cost to the Federal government. Also, provide a description of the method used to estimate cost and any other expense that would not have been incurred without this collection of information.

Annual Federal Government Cost

Estimated Mailing Cost + Shipping/Handling for NSPM to send applications to

University & others…………………………………… $ 6,400.00

Estimated Printing Cost of 10,000 Applications. ………………………… $ 22,000.00

Estimated Mailing cost/university to mail applications to candidates

$130.00 x 19 Universities……………………………………………… $ 2,375.00

Estimated Travel Time for Recruiting 10% of

salary ($72,000 = $7,200) x 19 Universities……………… $ 136,800.00

Estimated time for Ag Liaison Officer to screen applications upon receipt

25 applications averaged/university

30 minutes each = 12.5 hours X $35/hr = $437.50/University … $8,312.50

Hours prepping applications for screening by University selection committee

3 hours @ $35/hr. = $ 105.00 x 19 Universities = …………………… $ 1,995.00

Mailing cost per university ($50) to mail applicants to NSPM… $ 950.00

NSPM development of Profiles for distribution to Agencies & Prep

$45/hr. x 2 hours x 19 Universities………………………………… $ 1,710.00

Total Annual Federal Government Cost…………………………………… $ 180,542.50

    1. Explain the reasons for any program changes or adjustments reported in Items 13 or 14 of the OMB Form 83-1.

There is no change in burden from the last approval.

    1. For collections of information whose results are planned to be published, outline plans for tabulation and publication.

The Office of Advocacy and Outreach has no plans to publish information it collects in connection with this program.

    1. If seeking approval to not display the expiration date for OMB approval of the information collection, explain the reasons that display would be inappropriate.

The Office of Advocacy and Outreach will display the date and OMB control number.

    1. Explain each exception to the certification statement identified in Item 19 "Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act."

The Office of Advocacy and Outreach can certify compliance with all provisions in the Act.


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