Recreation Use Data Report Part II - Concessionaires

Recreation Use Data Reports

Instructions Part II

Recreation Use Data Report Part II - Concessionaires

OMB: 1006-0002

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PART II, Form 7-2535 - Concessionaires


Paperwork Reduction Act: The purpose of this form is to provide information to the Bureau of Reclamation for evaluating and improving the recreation services and programs that it provides to the public. Response is mandatory. The reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 30 minutes, which includes the time for reviewing instructions and completing and reviewing the form. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. Please direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of these forms to the Bureau of Reclamation, Attention: 84-57000, P.O. Box 25007, Denver, CO 80225.

Privacy Act Statement: No Privacy Act Information is being collected; therefore, no direct link to the individual(s) filling out this form will be available.

General Instructions for Completing Recreation Use Data Report, Part II – Concessionaires

The following explanatory information will assist the preparer(s) when completing this form:

  • This form will be completed by the concessionaire operating within the recreation or wildlife area. If there is more than one concessionaire, each concessionaire should complete a separate Form 7-2535.

  • The shaded areas of this form will be completed by Reclamation or the managing partner.

  • Information provided in this form dealing with sub-concessions and non-profit organizations will be supplied by the primary concessionaire that has been granted a use authorization as described in Section 2 of this form.

  • Information provided in this form is applicable only to the concession operation that is authorized within a defined area on Reclamation lands and waterbodies.


Exclusive Use: Exclusive use, also known as private recreational or residential use, means any use that involves structures or other improvements used for recreational or residential purposes to the exclusion of public uses and are not associated with the official management of a Reclamation project. Private exclusive uses include, but are not limited to, those uses specified in 43 CFR part 21, Occupancy of Cabin Sites on Public Conservation and Recreation Areas, and 43 CFR part 429, Use of Bureau of Reclamation Land, Facilities, and Waterbodies.

External Review and Evaluation: An external review and evaluation is an assessment for the comprehensive management and condition of the concession area. The review and evaluation would be attended by a variety of specialized staff familiar with all aspects of the concession operation (i.e., life safety code expert, hazardous materials specialist, accessibility specialist, electrical engineer, water quality specialist, etc.).

Internal Review and Evaluation: An internal review and evaluation is an assessment of the overall concession area condition and management. The review and evaluation would be attended by a limited number of personnel (i.e., park managers/rangers and/or Reclamation representatives). The findings of this type of review and evaluation may determine that a more comprehensive external review should be conducted.

Non-profit Organization: A non-profit organization is a Federal 501(c) tax-exempt entity incorporated within the state in which it operates, and it is governed by a volunteer board of directors. Non-profit organizations assist in enhancing interpretative programs, providing visitor information, funding research, and supporting varies resource themes.

Non-Surfaced Roads: Non-surfaced roads are those roads that have not been improved by the addition of road base from outside sources. A non-surfaced road can be a two tract road that is not maintained or a road that receives periodic maintenance such as grading.

Reclamation Project: A Reclamation project means any water supply, water delivery, flood control, or hydropower project, together with associated facilities for fish, wildlife, recreation, or water treatment, constructed or administered by Reclamation under the Federal reclamation laws (the Act of June 17, 1902 [32 Stat. 388, chapter 1093; 43 US371 et. seq.] and acts supplementary thereto and amendatory thereof).

Surfaced Roads: Surfaced roads are those roads that have been improved with the addition of source materials (e.g., gravel or asphalt) transported from other locations and maintained accordingly.

Visitor: A visitor is defined as an individual who visits the recreation/wildlife area to recreate no matter how long that individual stays at the area (e.g., a person that stays overnight, 2 days, or 1 hour should be counted as one visitor).

Specific Instructions for Completing Recreation Use Data Report, Part II‑Concessionaires.

  1. Background Information: Identify background information related to the recreation area being reported. This part should be completed by Reclamation or the managing partner.

  • Reclamation Project: This is the official name of the Reclamation project where the reservoir/recreation area is located.

  • Recreation or Wildlife Area: Enter the most commonly used name of the recreation/wildlife area. This is typically the name of the reservoir where the defined recreation/wildlife area is located and not the name of the dam, or a unique name given by the managing partner. Note: The name of the recreation/wildlife area should have the same name that is indicated on Reclamation’s Recreation Area Brochure/Map.

  • Recreation/Wildlife Management Entity: Enter the primary managing entity of the recreation/wildlife area (e.g., Reclamation, California State Parks, Delta County, Colorado Division of Wildlife Resources, City of Scottsdale, Shoshone/Heart Mountain Irrigation District etc.).

  • Address: Enter the address of the local entity that is managing the recreation/wildlife area.

  • City, State, Zip Code: Enter the city, state, and zip code of the local entity that is managing the recreation/wildlife area.

  • E-mail address: Enter the e-mail address of the local entity that is managing the recreation/wildlife area.

  • Contact Name: Enter the name of the person that can be contacted concerning the recreation or wildlife information provided in this form.

  • Contact Phone: Enter the telephone number of the person that can be contacted about the recreation or wildlife area provided in this form.

  • Management Contract Agreement Number: Enter the number that has been assigned to the contract agreement by Reclamation.

  • Approval Date/Expiration Date: Enter the date that the last approving official signed the contract agreement and the date that the contract agreement will expire.

  • Last Reclamation Review/Inspection date: Enter the date of the last “Recreation Review/Inspection” conducted at the concession area by Reclamation that is in compliance with Reclamation Manual Directive and Standard, Recreation Program Management, LND 01-03.

  1. Concession Use Authorization: Identify information specific to the concessions use authorization.

  • Use Authorization Title: Enter the title of the use authorization.

  • Use Authorization Number: Enter the use authorization number provided by the managing entity (i.e., Reclamation or the managing partner).

  • Name of Concession Operation: This is the name as it appears in the current use authorization.

  • Legal Name of Owners: If this concession is part of a larger corporation, enter the name of the legal entity; otherwise just the legal name of the individual or corporation will suffice.

  • Address: Enter the current street address of the concession owners listed above.

  • City/State/Zip Code: Enter the city, state, and zip code of the concession owners listed above.

  • E-Mail Address: Enter the E-mail address of the concession owners listed above.

  • Issued by: Enter the entity that issued the concession use authorization (i.e., managing partner or Reclamation).

  • Approval Date/Expiration Date: Enter the date of the last signatory to the concession use authorization and the date the use authorization will expire.

  • Renewal Option: Check yes or no.

  • Renewal Term Length: Enter the length that the renewal option may be in affect.

  • Concession Agreement Authority: Enter the authority used to enter into the use authorization.

  • Annual Financial Report Prepared: Indicate whether a Reclamation Financial Annual Report has been prepared for the current reporting year by checking yes or no.

  1. Sub-Concessions: Identify any sub-concessions that have been authorized. Note: Pursuant to Reclamation Manual Directive and Standard, Concessions Managed by Reclamation, LND 04-01, new sub-concessions are not permitted. Pursuant to Reclamation Manual Directive and Standard, Concessions Managed by Non-Federal Partners, LND 04-02, sub-concessions are authorized.

  • Business Name: Enter the business name of the sub-concession.

  • Address: Enter the complete address of the sub-concession including city, state, and
    zip code.

  • Contact Name: Enter the name of the person(s) that are most familiar with the sub-concession operation.

  • Authority: Enter the authority used to enter into a sub-concession use authorization.

  • Service Provided: Enter the major service(s) provided by the sub-concession.

  1. Non-profit Organization/Facilities: Identify any non-profit organizations that have been authorized.

  • Organization: Enter the name of the non-profit organization.

  • Authority and Type of Use Authorization: Enter the authority that allowed the non-profit to conduct business on Reclamation lands, and the type of use authorization that permitted such use.

  • Type of Use Provided: Enter a description of the use that is provided to the public, managing partner, and/or Reclamation by the non-profit organization.

  • Facilities Owned/Operated: Enter a description of the facilities that are operated by the non-profit organization.

  1. Twelve Month Reporting Period: Enter the reporting period starting date (Month/Day/Year) and ending date (Month/Day/Year) that the concession is open to the public. This may not be for a period of 12 months. Any changes or irregularities in reporting such changes in reporting periods and/or partial information etc. should be entered in Section 15, Comments/Notes and Additional Data.

  2. Concession Area of Operation: Check for any changes, corrections, additions, or deletions in the following information related to the concession area that is being reported. This may require a review of Reclamation’s Dataweb Site, Project Data Files, Definite Plan Reports, etc. and where necessary, field measurements. Any significant changes made to this section that differ from the previous year Part II report should be noted here and further explained in the Section 15, Comments/Notes/Additional Data.

  • Total Area Occupied by Concession: Enter the total acres (water and land) for the concession operation. This may be stated in the concession contract or can be determined by measuring, calculating, or digitizing the area from a map that shows the concession area. This field should be completed by Reclamation or the managing partner.

  • Total Concession Land Surface Area: Enter the total land surface acres that have been designated for the concession operation. This field should be completed by Reclamation or the managing partner.

  • Total Concession Water Surface Area: Enter the total water surface acres that have been designated for the concession operation. This field should be completed by Reclamation or the managing partner.

  • Concession Area Surfaced Roads: Enter the total number of miles, in decimals (e.g., 1.5), of surfaced roads within the defined concession area used by the general public. Do not include the miles of maintenance roads used solely by the concessionaire.

  • Concession Non-Surfaced Roads: Enter the total number of miles, in decimals (e.g., 1.5) of non-surfaced roads within the defined concession area used by the general public. Do not include the miles of maintenance roads used solely by the concessionaire.

  • Shoreline Occupied by Concession: Enter the miles of shoreline, in decimals (e.g., 1.5) that are within the defined concession area that are available to the public. Do not include shoreline that are strictly reserved for use by the concessionaire and that may be closed to the public.

  • Total of all designated trails and paths: Enter the total mileage, in decimals (e.g., 1.5) for all motorized vehicle trails (e.g. off-highway vehicle trails) and non-motorized, multi-use trails (e.g., biking, hiking, jogging, and horse riding trails) managed by the concessionaire within the defined concession area. Do not include surfaced and non-surfaced roads that are used by the general public for ingress and egress to the concession area. Note: The mileage breakdowns for specific types of trails are accounted for in Section 13.G.

  1. Length of Season for Concession Operation: It is recommended that any changes in operations from previous reporting periods should be identified and noted in Section 15, Comments/Notes/Additional Data.

  • Peak Season Months: Enter the peak season month and day that the concession area is open to the public. The peak recreation season is typically Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.

  • Off Season Months: Enter the off season month and day that the concession area is open to the public. Off season occurs prior to or after the peak recreation season.

  1. Number of Visitors: Document in Section 15 any significant or unusual changes in use from previous reporting period(s). This can include such things as: bad weather on weekend/holidays, expanded facilities, closed facilities, poor fishing/hunting, low water, economy, etc.

  • Number of Peak Season Reporting Period: Enter the number of visitors during the peak season reporting period.

  • Number of Off Season Reporting Period: Enter the number of visitors during the off season reporting period.

  • Total: Enter the total number of visitors during the entire season that the concession operation is open to the public (peak and off season periods).

  1. Concession Review and Evaluation:

  • Date of Last Review and Evaluation: Enter the date of the last concession review and evaluation. This should be completed by the managing partner or Reclamation.

  • Type of Review: In the appropriate box, check whether it was an external or local review and evaluation. This should be completed by the managing partner or Reclamation. Refer to Paragraph 30 of LND 01-03 for additional information concerning local and external reviews.

  • Significant Findings: Briefly describe the major findings of the concession review and evaluation. If additional space is needed, Section 15 should be used. This should be completed by the managing partner or Reclamation.

  1. Fees:

  • Fee Type: Enter the type of fee charged to the public for a certain category of fees (e.g., boat rental, boat launch, or parking fee).

  • Fee Amount Daily: Enter the appropriate daily dollar amount for each type of fee charged at the concession area. Examples may include a daily parking fee of $5.00, a daily boat launch fee of $10.00, or daily boat rental fee of $20.00.

  • Fee Amount Annual (if applicable): Enter the total amount of fees collected annually during the reporting period for each of the fee types listed.

  1. Revenues/Expenses For Peak and Off Season Reporting Period:

Gross Receipts:

  • Concession: Enter the total gross revenues collected by the concessionaire.

  • Sub-concession(s): Enter the total gross revenues collected by the sub-concessionaire.

  • Other (identify): Enter any other gross revenues from other sources that are a result of the concession operation.

  • Total Gross Receipts of Concessionaire: Enter the total gross receipts from all sources that are the result of the concession operation.

Fees Paid To:

  • Reclamation: Enter the total amount of fees that the concession operation paid to Reclamation.

  • Managing Entity: Enter the total amount of fees the concession operation paid to the managing entity.

  • Other (identify): Enter the total amount of fees the concession operation paid to other entities besides Reclamation or the managing partner. For example, this could include a fee or assessment paid to a county or city for fire protection, police protection, or sewer/water.

  • Total Fees Paid by Concessionaire: Enter the total amount of fees the concession operation paid during the reporting period.

  1. Exclusive Uses: If exclusive use exists within a defined concession area, provide a description of the use and the quantities.

  2. Inventory of Recreation Facilities, Designated Areas, and Opportunities: Enter the quantity/number of available items and place a check mark ( ) in the appropriate cell indicating whether the facility, area, or opportunity that is being provided has drinking water, electricity, or sewer available. If the item is not available, leave the appropriate cells blank. To avoid double counting, this information should reflect only those facilities, areas, and opportunities specifically provided by the concessionaire; not those provided by Reclamation or a managing partner.

  • Several components are repeated for different activities (e.g., vault restrooms are mentioned in camping and day use area). Therefore, if components, such as a vault toilet, service more than one activity, make sure that the component is only counted once and that it is accounted for in the most appropriate sub-section of Section 13.

  • If a campground has several loops and each loop has an individual name, it still should be considered as a single campground.

  • If tents are allowed in an RV site, the site will be considered as an RV site and accounted for in the appropriate cell.

  1. Activity Ranking: Enter the letter of the most popular four activities listed in Section 13 with the most popular listed first and the second most popular activity listed second etc.

  2. Comments/Notes/Additional Data: Enter any information that is needed to explain any significant changes in information reported from the previous year. Care should be taken to indicate what section the explanatory notes refer too.

  3. Preparers Contact Information: Enter the contact information of the person from Reclamation or managing partner who completed the shaded portions of this form and the contact information for the person who supplied the information specific to the concession operation.


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByNagode, Jill K
File Modified2015-11-05
File Created2015-11-03

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