N U.S. Department of the Interior
Social Science Program |
OMB Control Number 1024-0224 Current Expiration Date:8-31-2014 |
Approval for NPS-Sponsored Public Surveys
Submission Date |
4-2-2015 |
1. |
Project Title: NPS Socioeconomic Monitoring Program (SEM):Phase 1
2. |
Abstract: |
The purpose of this project is to conduct 20 surveys to test the questions and procedures that will be used to develop a final survey for the service-wide NPS socioeconomic monitoring program (SEM). |
(not to exceed 150 words) |
3. |
Principal Investigator Contact Information |
First Name: |
Steve |
Last Name: |
Lawson |
Title: |
Director, Public Lands Planning and Management |
Affiliation: |
Resource Systems Group, Inc. |
Street Address: |
55 Railroad Row |
City: |
White River Junction |
State: |
VT |
Zip code: |
05001 |
Phone: |
802-295-4999 |
Fax: |
802-295-1006 |
Email: |
4. |
Park or Program Liaison Contact Information - |
First Name: |
Bret |
Last Name: |
Meldrum |
Title: |
Branch Chief |
Park: |
NPS Social Science Branch |
Street Address: |
1201 Oakridge Drive |
City: |
Fort Collins |
State: |
CO |
City: |
80525 |
Phone: |
970-267-7213 |
Fax: |
Email: |
Project Information |
5. |
Park(s) For Which Research is to be Conducted: |
This collection is designed to be administered at 20 NPS units (to be determined) that will be systematically selected to cover each of the NPS regions and a range of NPS unit types (e.g., national parks, historical parks, recreation areas). |
6. |
Survey Dates: |
May 1 2015 |
December 31, 2016 |
7. |
Type of Information Collection Instrument (Check ALL that Apply) |
Mail-Back Questionnaire |
On-Site Questionnaire |
Face-to-Face Interview |
Telephone Survey |
Focus Groups |
Other (explain) |
8. |
Survey Justification: (Use as much space as needed; if necessary include additional explanation on a separate page.) |
Social science research in support of park planning and management is mandated in the NPS Management Policies 2006 (Section 8.11.1, “Social Science Studies”). The NPS pursues a policy that facilitates social science studies in support of the NPS mission to protect resources and enhance the enjoyment of present and future generations (National Park Service Act of 1916, 38 Stat 535, 16 USC 1, et seq.). NPS policy mandates that social science research will be used to provide an understanding of park visitors, the non-visiting public, gateway communities and regions, and human interactions with park resources. Such studies are needed to provide a scientific basis for park planning, management, and policy.
The National Park Service is well known for its survey research in national parks throughout the nation. Most of the surveys are conducted on a park-by park basis. From the concern that the current collection of data could not be systematically rolled up to create a long-term assessment of national trends characteristics, and behaviors of human populations in national parks the socioeconomic program (SEM) was developed.
The justification for a service-wide socioeconomic monitoring program is identified in the NPS strategic goals for science, an external review of the NPS Social Science Program and in the 2008 Department of the Interior Appropriations Bill Joint Explanatory Statement.
For the purpose of this request we would like to gather similar information using a single instrument at approximately 20 NPS units. This information will include: trip characteristics, spending in gateway communities, perceptions of park experiences, attitudes toward park management, and satisfaction about park services and facilities. The information collected will be used to develop a final survey and sampling methods that will be used by the socioeconomic monitoring program to administer surveys at selected parks. The purpose of this request is test the information collection process at 20 parks to validate the following:
9. |
Survey Methodology: (Use as much space as needed; if necessary include additional explanation on a separate page.) |
The respondent universe for the surveys in this submission will be all recreational visitors, age 18 and older visiting the selected NPS unit during the sampling period.
A systematic sampling procedure will be used to intercept every kth visitor group to participate in the study. The sampling interval used at each NPS unit will be based on the unit’s 2013 Visitation Use Statistics (http://www.nature.nps.gov/assets/redirects/statsRedirect.cfm).
To prepare a sampling plan, NPS units were organized into one of three categories, based on previous research about NPS unit types (Rookey, Le, Littlejohn & Dillman, 2012). The categories include: 1) National Parks, which are large, natural resource-based parks; 2) Recreational Parks, which include National Recreation Areas, Seashores, Lakeshores and other units with a primary focus on recreation-related activities; and 3) Historical Parks, which have a primary focus on history and culture. Based on this categorization of NPS units, our sampling plan includes the following:
The survey design and sampling plan for the collections are based on Dillman's (2010) Tailored Design Method (TDM). The methodology has been used in more than 250 surveys conducted by the NPS Visitor Services Project (VSP). All of the questions in this collection and any variations are noted appear in the current NPS Pool of Known Questions (OMB 1024-0224; Current Expiration Date: 8-31-2014).
Each interviewer will be instructed to contact every kth visitor group at the designated intercept locations at each of the NPS units. Each interviewer will be trained on every aspect of on-site surveying including: using sampling intervals, avoiding sampling bias, and how to handle all types of interviewing situations, especially safety of the visitor and the interviewer. Quality control will be ensured by monitoring interviewers in the field, and by checking their paperwork at the end of each survey day.
The initial contact with visitors will be used to explain the study and determine if visitors are interested in participating. This should take approximately 1 minute per selected group. When a group is encountered, the survey interviewer will approach an adult in the group to request participation. All contacted visitors, including those who refuse to participate in the survey upon this initial contact, will then be asked to respond to a set of non-response bias questions (listed below, in item 9e). The interviewers will record observable information (i.e., current time, group size) on the survey log and non-response bias form, whether or not they agree to participate or even to answer the non-response bias questions. Visitors that decline to participate in the study will be thanked for their consideration. The number of refusals will be recorded and used to calculate the overall response rate for the collection at each park unit and overall.
Groups that agree to participate in the survey will be asked to identify the adult in the group who will have the next birthday to serve as the respondent. That individual will then be given a mail back survey packet and asked to provide or personally record his or her name, address, phone number, and email address on the survey tracking sheet – this information will only be used to follow-up with non-respondents who agree to participate but do not promptly return the completed questionnaire. At the end of the survey sampling period, all visitors accepting a survey packet on-site will be mailed a thank you/reminder postcard within 11 working days. A reminder letter, replacement questionnaire, and postage-paid return envelope will be sent to non-respondents 21 working days after completion of on-site contacts.
Visitors who are contacted for the information collection in each NPS unit will be read the following script:
“Hello, my name is _________. I am conducting a survey for the National Park Service to help managers and planner understand your opinions about the programs and services here. Your participation is voluntary and all responses will be kept anonymous. Would you be willing to take a questionnaire and mail it back to us using the postage-paid envelope?”
Although the same methodology and survey procedures will be used at each of the 20 NPS units, the response rates are expected to vary by unit type (Rookey, Le, Littlejohn & Dillman, 2012). In particular, response rates in national parks are expected to be higher than those in recreational or historic parks; thus, expected response rates and confidence levels are described here by park type for the 20 NPS units.
National Parks: A total of 390 visitors will be contacted during the sampling period. Based on similar studies conducted by the NPS VSP, it is expected that 350 (90%) visitors will agree to participate in the survey. It is expected that 228 visitors (65%) will complete and return the survey by mail. The target sample size for each national park is the same; park visitation data will be used to weight resultant survey data proportional to park visitation.
Recreational and Historical Parks: These survey will be administered at a total of 15 recreational and historical parks, and at each park, a total of 438 visitors will be contacted during the sampling period. Based on similar studies conducted by the NPS VSP, it is expected that 350 (80%) visitors will agree to participate in the survey. recreational and historical park is the same; park visitation data will be used to weight resultant survey data proportional to park visitation.
Based on the survey sample sizes, there will be 95% confidence that the survey findings will be accurate to within 7 percentage points, regardless of park type (Fowler, 1993). Thus, the proposed sample sizes will be adequate for bivariate comparisons and will allow for comparisons between study sites and more sophisticated multivariate analysis. For dichotomous response variables, estimates will be accurate within the margins of error and confidence intervals will be somewhat larger for questions with more than two response categories.
During the initial contact, the interviewer will ask each visitor four questions taken from the survey. These questions will be used in a non-response bias analysis.
Very good Good Average Poor Very Poor
Alone Friends Family Family and friends Other (Please specify) ____________________________
_____ Number of hours, if a day trip _____ Number of days, if greater than 1 day
Yes No
All responses will be recorded for every survey contact, except for those refusing to participate in the study or to answer the non-response bias questions. Results of the non-response bias check will be reported and any implications for applicability of survey results to generalizations about the study population will be discussed.
The survey questions are taken from the currently approved list of questions in NPS Pool of Known Questions (OMB 1024-0224; Current Expiration Date: 8-31-2014). The questionnaire format and many of the questions are similar to that used in more than 250 previous NPS VSP survey instruments. Variations of the questions have been reviewed by NPS managers, professors at Colorado State University and University of Wyoming, and PhD-level NPS survey research consultants at RSG.
In addition, five volunteers were asked to complete the survey instrument, and answer a series of debriefing questions. We also asked for feedback on the respondent burden, quality and clarity of the survey instrument and instructions, and ways to minimize respondent burden. Participants were also asked to indicate if they had any difficulty or confusion with multi-item response scales and/or instructions for recording responses (e.g., “Mark one” or “Mark all that apply”).
The feedback from the pre-test participants was unanimously very positive; participants reported that the layout of the survey instrument and question wording were straightforward, which helped to minimize respondent burden. Participants reported that they had no trouble with skip patterns, multi-item response scales, or other instructions for recording responses. The pre-test administrator also inspected the completed survey instruments, after the pre-test was concluded and found that there were no systematic response errors or item non-response patterns.
The time it took each pre-test participant to complete the survey instrument averaged 19 minutes (Table 1). This finding helps to validate the burden hour estimates and suggests that participation in the study does not cause undue/excessive respondent burden.
Table 1. Pre-test participants’ completion times.
Participants in the pre-test offered the following minor suggestions to improve the wording or format of specific questions in the survey instrument, as follows:
The survey instrument was revised to address each of the above comments and three spending-related questions were also added. |
10 |
Burden Estimates: |
National Parks:
Recreational and Historical Parks:
The total estimate respondent burden for this collection will be 1,690 hours.
11. |
Reporting Plan: |
The study results will be presented in an internal agency report for the NPS Social Science Program and park managers, and at two meetings with NPS Social Science Program staff and other decision-makers. Response frequencies will be tabulated and measures of central tendency computed (e.g., mean, median, mode, as appropriate). The report will be archived with the NPS Social Science Program for inclusion in the Social Science Studies Collection as required by the NSP Programmatic Approval Process; and will also be posted on the Park Studies Unit VSP website at: http:/psu.uidaho.edu/vsp.reports.htm. Hard copies will be available upon request. |
Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., & Christian, L.M. (2010). Internet, Mail, and Mixed-mode surveys: The tailored design method, 3rd Edition, Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Fowler, F.J. (1993). Survey Research Methods, 2nd Edition, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications.
Rookey, B. D, Le, L., Littlejohn, M., & Dillman, D. A. (2012). Understanding the resilience of mail-back survey methods: An analysis of 20 years of change in response rates to national park surveys. Social Science Research, 41(6), 1404-1414.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | CPSU |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-24 |