National Park Service U.S.
Department of the Interior
Control Number: 1024-0224
Jimmy Carter National Historic Site
[On-line] Visitor Study
Survey Information and Instructions:
The focus of this study is to better understand visitor use and experience related to travel behaviors, evaluations and impacts of your visit, and communication preferences during your most recent visit at Jimmy Carter National Historic Site (JICA).
Your participation in the study is voluntary. There are no penalties for not answering some or all questions, but because each participant will represent many others who will not be included in the study, your input is extremely important. The answers you provide will remain anonymous. Our results will be summarized so that the answers you provide cannot be associated with you or anyone in your group or household. Throughout the questions below, Jimmy Carter National Historic Site will be represented through the acronym “JICA”. Please respond to each question below, by filling in the blank, or selecting the box(s). It should only take about 10 minutes after your visit to complete. If you have any questions about the survey please contact Dr. Peter Newman at [email protected].
You must be 18 years of age or older to take this survey. Please click the button below to agree that you are at least 18 years of age or older and proceed to the survey.
I am 18 years of age or older
Jimmy Carter National Historic Site (JICA) and Pennsylvania State University thank you for your participation in this study.
REDUCTION and PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: The Paperwork Reduction Act
requires us to tell you why we are collecting this information, how
we will use it, and whether or not you have to respond. We are
authorized by the National Park Service Protection Interpretation
and research in System (54 USC §100702) to collect this
information. The routine uses of this information will be for the
benefit of NPS Managers and Planning staff Jimmy Carter National
Historic Site (JICA) in future initiatives related to the visitor
use and resource management within the site.
data collected will be summarized to evaluate visitor uses and
expectations during their visit at JICA. Your responses to this
collection are completely voluntary and will remain anonymous. You
can end the process at any time and will not be penalized in any way
for choosing to do so. All contact information collected for the
purpose of the follow-up survey will be destroyed at the end of the
collection period and no personal identifiable records will be
maintained or stored for any purposes. Data collected will only be
reported in aggregates and no individually identifiable responses
will be reported. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
you are not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number (1024-0224).
We estimate that it will take about 10 minutes to complete and
return this on-site questionnaire. You may send comments concerning
the burden estimates or any aspect of this information collection
to: Dr. Peter
Department Head
& Professor, Recreation, Park and Tourism Management,
801 Ford
Building, University Park, PA 16802,
Penn State
(address) or [email protected]
(email); or Phadrea Ponds NPS Information Collection Coordinator at
[email protected] (email).
Was this your first visit to JICA?
YES ☐ NO ☐
If NO, Approximately how many times have you visited JICA?
Times before ___________ (approximate)
OR ☐ Don’t know/not sure
In what town/city did you and your personal group stay on the night before your arrival at JICA? If you stayed overnight at home, please select ‘Stayed at home’ and write the name of your hometown and state.
☐Stayed at home (If selected, please provide): CITY _________________________ STATE _________________________
☐Stayed away from home (If selected, please provide): CITY _________________ STATE ________________
Please rate the quality of your experience for each item (these are the exact same items from the previous question) based on today’s visit. Please select only one response for each item.
Quality of opportunities… |
Not Relevant |
Extremely poor |
Poor |
Somewhat poor |
Neither poor nor good |
Somewhat good |
Good |
Extremely good |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
To learn about the history and cultural significance of the area |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To learn about the community and environment of Plains, GA |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To experience historic southern culture |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To experience historic farm life |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To learn about historic agricultural practices |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To learn about the Civil Rights Movement |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To learn about the life and presidency of Jimmy Carter |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To learn about Jimmy Carter’s values |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To learn about Jimmy Carter’s military service |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To learn about past presidents |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To visit all presidential historic sites (including this site) |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To spend time with family/friends |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To bring my family closer together |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To share this place with my family/friends |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To view the scenic beauty |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To experience tranquility and contemplativeness in nature |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To experience the diversity of the natural world |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To experience solitude |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To experience a feeling of calmness or peace |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To experience a positive change in mood and emotion |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To think about my personal values |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To give my mind a rest |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To get away from the usual demands of life |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To get away from the noise back home |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To escape from answering emails, texts, or phone calls |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To get some exercise |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To improve my physical health |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
To experience a sense of adventure or challenge |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________ |
We are interested in what you gained from you visit to JICA. Please select the number that best represents your level of agreement with each statement below. Please select only one response for each item.
My visit to JICA… |
Not relevant |
Completely disagree |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither disagree nor agree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Completely agree |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Increased my likelihood of returning to JICA |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my likelihood of returning to JICA with friends and family |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my likelihood of returning to Plains, GA |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my likelihood of returning to other Carter-related sites in Plains, GA |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my likelihood of visiting other points of interest in Plains, GA |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my likelihood of visiting other National Park Service sites |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my likelihood of visiting other Presidential Historic sites |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my understanding of the South, from the culture to the working landscape |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my understanding of the Carters, their values, and their lives |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my understanding of the U.S. Presidents and Presidential Historic Sites |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my sense of connection with my family |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my sense of contemplativeness |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my health and well-being |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Increased my sense of ecological health and well-being |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
During your most recent trip to JICA, what was your primary mode of transportation? Please select only one.
Personal Vehicle (including rental car)
SAM Excursion Shortline Train
School bus
Organized group tour bus (not including school group bus)
Other (please specify):___________________
This is a two-part question. Part A. Thinking about your trip, would you have liked to have experienced less of, the same, or more of each of the following transportation-related services? Part B. Please indicate how likely you would be to use each service in JICA, if offered. Please select only one response for each item in Part A and B.
Part A. Opinion of Service (Want Less or More) |
Part B. Likelihood of Using in Future |
Transportation-related Experiences |
A lot less 1 |
Less 2 |
Same 3 |
More 4 |
A lot more 5 |
Would Not Use |
Unsure/Don’t Know |
Would Use |
Paved pedestrian paths for hiking and/or biking between the JICA sites and Plains, GA |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Shuttle buses between the JICA sites and Plains, GA |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
A bike share program for use between the JICA sites and Plains, GA |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Self-guided auto tours broadcast via radio |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
Self-guided audio headset tours for walking or cycling between the JICA sites and Plains, GA |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
☐ |
What was the primary source that you used for planning your trip JICA? Please select only one.
☐JICA, National Park Service website
☐JICA Facebook page
☐Maranatha Baptist Church website
☐SAM Excursion Shortline Train website
☐Travel website (please specify):_________________________
☐Commercial or educational organized group
☐Previous visit
☐Other (please specify): _____________________________________
How likely are you to stay connected with JICA through social media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, etc.)? Please select only one.
Not at all likely |
Slightly likely |
Moderately likely |
Very likely |
Completely likely |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Visitors have different reasons for engaging JICA on social media. Please rate how important you find the following reasons for engaging JICA on social media. Please select only one response for each item.
Importance |
Not at all important |
Slightly important |
Moderately important |
Very important |
Extremely important |
To feel like I belong to the JICA community |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To interesting people. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To talk to others about JICA. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To let other people know who I am. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To show other people my values. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To feel a connection to JICA. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To reduce the stresses of everyday life. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To maintain a connection to the Carters and the historic site. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
For entertainment. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To feel excited. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To learn something new about the Carters. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To get useful information about visiting JICA. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
To get information about special events. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
In the future, if you were given the opportunity to visit the Carters’ home (Part A), the surrounding Residential Grounds (Part B), and the Other Nearby Sites (Part C), what would be your most valued experience from the options below? Please rank all of the items that represent your preference for Parts A (1st –4th), and B and C (1st and 2nd).
Carter Home
____ Experiencing the daily life and work of the Carters through a scheduled, ranger-led guided tour of their home
____ Experiencing memorabilia from the Carters’ life and work on a self-guided tour of their home
____ Being able to both experience areas of the Carters’ home on my own and on a scheduled, ranger-led guided tour
____ Experiencing the Carter on my own home through assistance of technology (e.g., virtual interactions with the Carters, expanded stories via smartphone apps, etc.)
Residential Grounds
____ Walking the residential grounds to learn about the Carters’ active lifestyle and their love of the outdoors through interpretive fishing, painting, and tennis displays
____ Walking the residential grounds to commemorate the Carters’ legacy at an interpretive memorial garden and internment site
Other Nearby Sites
____ A driving tour of sites in Plains, GA that includes a stop at the Carter home
____ A walking/biking tour of sites in Plains, GA that includes a stop at the Carter home
On this visit, how long did you [and your personal group] stay at JICA? Please list hours below.
Number of hours: _______
Were you or your personal group part of some larger commercial, educational, or other organized group of visitors?
☐ YES (If YES, please describe the type of your you were with below) ☐ NO
If YES, what type of group: _______________________________________________
What is your gender? ☐ Female ☐ Male
What is the highest level of formal education you have completed? (Check one.)
Some high school
High school graduate or GED
Some college, business or trade school
College, business or trade school graduate
Some graduate school
Master’s, doctoral or professional degree
Are you Hispanic or Latino? YES ☐ NO ☐
is your race? (Check
that apply.)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian
Pacific Islander other than Native Hawaiian
Jimmy Carter National Historic Site and Penn State University thank you for your assistance.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Lauren Abbott |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |