18 Cfr 154.1-154.8

18 CFR 154.1-154.8.pdf

FERC-546, Certificated Rate Filings: Gas Pipeline Rates

18 CFR 154.1-154.8

OMB: 1902-0155

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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Subpart A—General Provisions and
154.1 Application; Obligation to file.
154.2 Definitions.
154.3 Effective tariff.
154.4 Electronic filing of tariffs and related
154.5 Rejection of filings.
154.6 Acceptance for filing not approval.
154.7 General requirements for the submission of a tariff filing or executed service
154.8 Informal submission for staff suggestions.

§ 154.1
154.306 Cash working capital.
154.307 Joint facilities.
154.308 Representation of chief accounting
154.309 Incremental expansions.
154.310 Zones.
154.311 Updating of statements.
154.312 Composition of Statements.
154.313 Schedules for minor rate changes.
154.314 Other support for a filing.
154.315 Asset retirement obligations.

Subpart E—Limited Rate Changes

Subpart F—Refunds and Reports

Subpart B—Form and Composition of Tariff
154.101 [Reserved]
154.102 Requirements for filing rate schedules and tariffs.
154.103 Composition of tariff.
154.104 Table of contents.
154.105 Preliminary statement.
154.106 Map.
154.107 Currently effective rates.
154.108 Composition of rate schedules.
154.109 General terms and conditions.
154.110 Form of service agreement.
154.111 Index of customers.
154.112 Exception to form and composition
of tariff.

Additional requirements.
RD&D expenditures.
ACA expenditures.
Periodic rate adjustments.


Subpart G—Other Tariff Changes
154.600 Compliance with other subparts.
154.601 Change in executed service agreement.
154.602 Cancellation or termination of a tariff, executed service agreement or part
154.603 Adoption of the tariff by a successor.
AUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 717–717w; 31 U.S.C.
9701; 42 U.S.C. 7102–7352.
SOURCE: Order 582, 60 FR 52996, Oct. 11, 1995,
unless otherwise noted.

Subpart C—Procedures for Changing Tariffs
154.201 Filing requirements.
154.202 Filings to initiate a new rate schedule.
154.203 Compliance filings.
154.204 Changes in rate schedules, forms of
service agreements, or the general terms
and conditions.
154.205 Withdrawals and amendments of tariff filings and executed service agreements.
154.206 Motion to place suspended rates into
154.207 Notice requirements.
154.208 Service of tariff filings on customers
and other parties.
154.209 [Reserved]
154.210 Protests, interventions, and comments.

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Subpart D—Material to be Filed With
154.301 Changes in rates.
154.302 Previously submitted material.
154.303 Test periods.
154.304 Format of statements, schedules,
workpapers and supporting data.
154.305 Tax normalization.

Subpart A—General Provisions
and Conditions
§ 154.1 Application; Obligation to file.
(a) The provisions of this part apply
to filings pursuant to section 4 of the
Natural Gas Act.
(b) Every natural gas company must
file with the Commission and post in
conformity with the requirements of
this part, schedules showing all rates
and charges for any transportation or
sale of natural gas subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and the
classifications, practices, rules, and
charges, and services, together with all
contracts related thereto.
(c) No natural gas company may file,
under this part, any new or changed
rate schedule or contract for the performance of any service for which a
certificate of public convenience and
necessity or certificate amendment
must be obtained pursuant to section


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§ 154.2

18 CFR Ch. I (4–1–15 Edition)

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7(c) of the Natural Gas Act, until such
certificate has been issued.
(d) For the purposes of paragraph (b)
of this section, any contract that conforms to the form of service agreement
that is part of the pipeline’s tariff pursuant to § 154.110 does not have to be
filed. Any contract or executed service
agreement which deviates in any material aspect from the form of service
agreement in the tariff is subject to
the filing requirements of this part.
§ 154.2 Definitions.
(a) Contract means any agreement
which in any manner affects or relates
to rates, charges, classifications, practices, rules, regulations, or services for
any transportation or sale of natural
gas subject to the jurisdiction of the
Commission. This term includes an executed service agreement.
(b) FERC Gas Tariff or tariff means a
compilation, on electronic media, of all
of the effective rate schedules of a particular natural gas company, and a
copy of each form of service agreement.
(c) Form of service agreement means
an unexecuted agreement for service
included as an example in the tariff.
(d) Post means: to make a copy of a
natural gas company’s tariff and contracts available during regular business hours for public inspection in a
convenient form and place at the natural gas company’s offices where business is conducted with affected customers; and, to serve each affected customer and interested state Commission
in accordance with § 154.208 of this
(e) Rate schedule means a statement
of a rate or charge for a particular
classification of transportation or sale
of natural gas subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and all terms,
conditions, classifications, practices,
rules, and regulations affecting such
rate or charge.
(f) Filing date means the day on
which a tariff, or part thereof, or a contract is received in the Office of the
Secretary of the Commission for filing
in compliance with the requirements of
this part.
[Order 582, 60 FR 52996, Oct. 11, 1995, as
amended by Order 714, 73 FR 57533, Oct. 3,

§ 154.3

Effective tariff.

(a) The effective tariff of a natural
gas company is the tariff filed pursuant
to the requirements of this part, and
permitted by the Commission to become effective. A natural gas company
must not directly or indirectly, demand, charge, or collect any rate or
charge for, or in connection with, the
transportation or sale of natural gas
subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, or impose any classifications,
practices, rules, or regulations, different from those prescribed in its effective tariff and executed service
agreements on file with the Commission, unless otherwise specifically permitted by order of the Commission.
(b) No tariff provision may purport to
change an effective rate or charge except in the manner provided in section
4 of the Natural Gas Act, and the regulations in this part. The tariff may not
provide for any rate or charge to be
automatically changed by an index or
other periodic adjustment, without filing for a rate change pursuant to these
§ 154.4 Electronic filing of tariffs and
related materials.
(a) General rule. All filings made in
proceedings initiated under this part
must be made electronically, including
tariffs, rate schedules, service agreements, and contracts, or parts thereof,
and material that relates to or bears
upon such documents, such as cancellations, amendments, withdrawals, termination, or adoption of tariffs, and
motions relating to suspension.
(b) Requirement for signature. All filings must be signed in compliance with
the following:
(1) The signature on a filing constitutes a certification that the contents are true to the best knowledge
and belief of the signer, and that the
signer possesses full power and authority to sign the filing.
(2) A filing must be signed by one of
the following:
(i) The person on behalf of whom the
filing is made;
(ii) An officer, agent, or employee of
the company, governmental authority,
agency, or instrumentality on behalf of
which the filing is made; or,


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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(iii) A representative qualified to
practice before the Commission under
§ 385.2101 of this chapter who possesses
authority to sign.
(3) All signatures on the filing or any
document included in the filing must
comply, where applicable, with the requirements in § 385.2005 of this chapter
with respect to sworn declarations or
statements and electronic signatures.
(c) Format requirements for electronic filing. The requirements and formats for electronic filing are listed in
instructions for electronic filing and
for each form. These formats are available on the Internet at http://
www.ferc.gov and can be obtained at
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Public Reference Room, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC
(d) Only filings filed and designated
as filings with statutory action dates
in accordance with these electronic filing requirements and formats will be
considered to have statutory action
dates. Filings not properly filed and
designated as having statutory action
dates will not become effective, pursuant to the Natural Gas Act, should the
Commission not act by the requested
action date.
[Order 714, 73 FR 57533, Oct. 3, 2008, as amended by Order 714-A, 79 FR 29076, May 21, 2014]

§ 154.5

Rejection of filings.

A filing that fails to comply with
this part may be rejected by the Director of the Office of Energy Market Regulation pursuant to the authority delegated to the Director in Part 375 of this
[Order 582, 60 FR 52996, Oct. 11, 1995, as
amended by Order 699, 72 FR 45325, Aug. 14,
2007; Order 701, 72 FR 61054, Oct. 29, 2007;
Order 714, 73 FR 57534, Oct. 3, 2008]

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§ 154.6 Acceptance for filing not approval.
The acceptance for filing of any tariff, contract or part thereof does not
constitute approval by the Commission. Any filing which does not comply
with any applicable statute, rule, or
order, may be rejected.

§ 154.7
§ 154.7 General requirements for the
submission of a tariff filing or executed service agreement.
The following must be included with
the filing of any tariff, executed service agreement, or part thereof, or
change thereto.
(a) A letter of transmittal containing:
(1) A list of the material enclosed,
(2) The name of a responsible company official to whom questions regarding the filing may be addressed,
with a telephone number at which the
official may be reached,
(3) The date on which such filing is
proposed to become effective,
(4) Reference to the authority under
which the filing is made, including the
specific section of a statute, subpart of
these regulations, order of the Commission, provision of the company’s tariff,
or any other appropriate authority. If
an order is referenced, the letter must
include the citation to the FERC Reports, the date of issuance, and the
lead docket number of the proceeding
in which the order was issued.
(5) A list of the tariff sheets or sections enclosed,
(6) A statement of the nature, the
reasons, and the basis for the filing.
The statement must include a summary of the changes or additions made
to the tariff or executed service agreement, as appropriate. The statement
must include a quantified summary
comparing the cost of service, rate base
change in rate made to the tariff or executed service agreement compared to
the same information underlying the
last rate found by the Commission to
be just and reasonable. A detailed explanation of the need for each change
or addition to the tariff or executed
service agreement must be included.
The natural gas company also must
note all relevant precedents relied
upon to prepare its filing.
(7) Any requests for waiver. A request
for waiver must include a reference to
the specific section of the statute, regulations, or the company’s tariff from
which waiver is sought, and a justification for the waiver.
(8) Where the natural gas company
proposes a new rate, identification of
the last rate, found by the Commission


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§ 154.8

18 CFR Ch. I (4–1–15 Edition)

to be just and reasonable, that
underlies the proposed rate.
(9) A motion, in case of minimal suspension, to place the proposed rates
into effect at the end of the suspension
period; or, a specific statement that
the pipeline reserves its right to file a
later motion to place the proposed
rates into effect at the end of the suspension period.
(b) A certification of service to all
customers and state commissions pursuant to § 154.2(d).
[Order 582, 60 FR 52996, Oct. 11, 1995, as
amended by Order 582–A, 61 FR 9628, Mar. 11,
1996; Order 714, 73 FR 57534, 57535, Oct. 3, 2008]

§ 154.8 Informal submission for staff
Any natural gas company may informally submit a proposed tariff or any
part thereof or material relating thereto for the suggestions of the Commission staff prior to filing. Opinions of
the Commission staff are not binding
upon the Commission.

Subpart B—Form and Composition
of Tariff

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§ 154.101


§ 154.102 Requirements for filing rate
schedules and tariffs.
(a) All rates schedules, tariffs, and
service agreements may be filed either
by dividing the rate schedule, tariff, or
agreement into individual tariff sheets,
or tariff sections, or as an entire document except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section.
(b) Open access transportation tariffs
must be filed either as individual
sheets or sections. If filed as sections,
each section must include only material of related subject matter and must
be of reasonable length and must include at a minimum a section for each
item listed in the table of contents
under § 154.103 of this section and each
topic listed under General Terms and
Conditions of Service.
(c) Individual negotiated rate agreements, non-conforming service agreements, or other agreements that are
included in the tariff may be filed as
entire documents.
(d) The first section or sheet of the
tariff must include:

(1) The FERC Gas Tariff Volume
Number and Name of the Natural Gas
Company, for example
FERC Gas Tariff Volume No. [ ] of
[Name of Natural Gas Company]
(2) The name, title, address, telephone number, e-mail address and facsimile number of a person to whom
communications concerning the tariff
should be sent.
[Order 714, 73 FR 57534, Oct. 3, 2008]

§ 154.103 Composition of tariff.
(a) The tariff must contain sections,
in the following order: A table of contents, a preliminary statement, a uniform resource locator for the Internet
address of a map of the system, currently effective rates, composition of
rate schedules, general terms and conditions, form of service agreement, and
an index of customers.
(b) Rate schedules must be grouped
according to class and numbered serially within each group, using letters
before the serial number to indicate
the class of service. For example: FT–1,
FT–2 may be used for firm transportation service; IT–1, IT–2 may be used
for interruptible transportation service; X–1, X–2 may be used for schedules
for which special exception has been
[Order 582, 60 FR 52996, Oct. 11, 1995, as
amended by Order 801, 79 FR 75050, Dec. 17,

§ 154.104 Table of contents.
The table of contents must contain a
list of the rate schedules, sections of
the general terms and conditions, and
other sections in the order in which
they appear, showing the sheet number
of the first page of each section or the
section number. The list of rate schedules must consist of: The alphanumeric
designation of each rate schedule, a
very brief description of the service,
and the sheet number of the first page
of each rate schedule or the section
[Order 714, 73 FR 57534, Oct. 3, 2008]

§ 154.105 Preliminary statement.
The preliminary statement must contain a brief general description of the
company’s operations and may also
contain a general explanation of its


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