Interviewer Script: “At the beginning of this project you signed a consent form (in-person or electronically) saying that you understand your responses will be kept confidential. However, I am worried about your safety, and if you remember, the consent form indicated that I may need to report any situations in which you may be in danger. I would appreciate your honesty in helping me understand how we can help.
You indicated (in person or online) that you may be experiencing physical and/or sexual abuse or have in the past. These might be things like:
You were forced to have sex with someone when you didn’t want to.
A sexual partner punched, slapped, or hurt you.
You had sexual contact with an adult
A parent or caretaker punched, slapped or hurt you.
I know this might be uncomfortable, but I am going to ask you to answer a few questions pertaining to the event or events you reported (in person or online). You don’t need to tell me the specifics, just the basics to help me determine that you are safe.”
1) “Did the experience you mentioned happen recently (in the past 4 months) or is it something that happened before you began this study?”
Abuse Indicated, and ongoing. Continue to Question 2.
Abuse Indicated, but in the past. Continue to Question 2.
No Abuse Indicated. GO TO QUESTION 5.
Interviewer Script: “Do you still see this person? If
so, how much time do you spend around this person?”
Flagged for Imminent Risk
3) Interviewer Script: “What was/is this person’s relationship to you?”
[Flag for IMMINENT RISK if participant indicates that the person is a parent, stepparent, significant other of parent, guardian, foster parent, family member, teacher, therapist who is in contact with the participant]
Flagged for Imminent Risk (if any of the relationships listed above)
4) Interviewer Script: “Do you currently feel safe?”
Yes, Skip to Question 5
No, continue to Question 4a “No”, Flagged for Imminent Risk and continue to 4a
“Why don’t you feel safe?” OR “Do
you think you can stay safe tonight?”
5) Interviewer Script: “Do you feel upset now that we have talked about this?”
“Very Upset”: Flagged for Imminent Risk
#2: NO
Script: “Based
on your responses, I want to make sure you’re safe. We have a
great team of clinicians that I’d like to check in with and
possibly invite to speak with you. Would you be OK with that?”
Contact PI:
Inform her/him that there is a participant who has experienced
Study Staff Assists with Contacting On-Call Clinician for
study staff will determine if on-call clinician should be
Follow Up:
A: Clinician Doesn’t Evaluate Participant: Complete
page 3 with participant (e.g. determine available support, provide
referrals, write up plan of action, etc.). Finalize CIP form,
complete safety log and route to supervisor within 24 hours.
B. Clinician Provides Further Evaluation:
clinician to further assess risk and work with clinician to complete
page 3 (e.g. determine support, provide referrals, write up plan of
action, etc.). Finalize CIP form, complete safety log and route to
supervisor within 24 hours.
deemed necessary by clinician AND reviewed with the PI: Work
with PI, clinician and supervisor to fill out DCF reporting form
copy of written confirmation form and send original to DCF SITUATION
Interviewer Script:
“It seems like you’re not in any immediate danger
and that you’re feeling OK now that we’ve talked about
this. Experiences like these can be very difficult to cope with,
so it can be a good idea to talk with a therapist or others about
these experiences if you ever need support or someone to talk to.”
participant referrals (see attached referrals sheet) and discuss
plan of action.
Write-up the Plan of Action (page 3), complete safety log and route
to the supervisor within 24 hours. SITUATION
Script: “Based
on your responses, I want to make sure you’re safe. We have a
great team of clinicians that I’d like to check in with and
possibly invite to speak with you. Would you be OK with that?”
Contact PI:
Inform her/him that there is a participant who is at IMMINENT RISK.
Study Staff Assists with Contacting On-Call Clinician for
study staff will follow safety event SSP for contacting emergency
on call clinician.
Follow Up:
A: Clinician Doesn’t Evaluate Participant:
page 3 with participant (e.g. determine available support, provide
referrals, write up plan of action, etc.). Finalize CIP form,
complete safety log and route to supervisor within 24 hours.
B. Clinician Provides Further Evaluation:
clinician to further assess risk and work with clinician to complete
page 3 (e.g. determine support, provide referrals, write up plan of
action, etc.). Finalize CIP form, complete safety log and route to
supervisor within 24 hours.
deemed necessary by clinician AND reviewed with the PI: Work
with PI, clinician and supervisor to fill out DCF reporting form
copy of written confirmation form and send original to DCF
A. Interviewer/Clinician Script: Do you currently have a therapist? If so, do you feel you can talk about these things with your therapist?
B. Interviewer/Clinician Script: Would you be interested in any legal resources or other referrals?
C. Plan of Action (developed with participant by clinician or interviewer):1
Post-Visit: Summarize Risk Assessment (clarify the risk(s) and how you determined the level of risk):2
If clinician called in, this should be completed by clinician, otherwise it should be completed by interviewer.
[write on the back of the pages if necessary]
__________________________________ __________________________
Signature of Assessor Date
(Sign on day of CIP)
_________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Clinician-on-call Date
(Imminent Risk or if consulted)
__________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator Date
(Imminent Risk or if consulted)
Appendix 1: Checklist for Mandated Reporters
When DCF is called, the operator will ask you for the following information. Please prepare this information BEFORE placing a call to DCF. If you do not have all of the information requested on this form, or if the participant does not want to disclose this information, indicate to the operator that you do not have the information.
I. Alleged Victim(s)
Name(s) of victim(s): ________________________________________________________________
Birthdate(s) of victim(s) or approximate age: ______________________________________________
Address (or approximate address): ______________________________________________________
II. Alleged Perpetrator(s)
Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________
Birthdate(s) or Age(s) or some approximation so role of DCF can be determined: __________________
Relationship to Victim(s): _______________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
III. Harms to Victim(s)
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Risk of Harm
NOTE: The Hotline worker will be able to put the allegation in the proper sub-category such as
Physical Abuse/Cuts, Bruises, and Welts.
IV. Description of Incident(s)
Be prepared to give a brief description of the incident(s) of abuse. This description should include:
1. as much detail as you have about the actual incident
2. indication of intention (especially in physical abuse)
3. description of the time and place of the incident
4. information, if any, about possible witnesses to the abuse
5. evidence of abuse (physical evidence, behavioral indicators, disclosure by the victim, etc.)
Violence Recovery Program at Fenway Health
Support groups for GLBT individuals, providing support in areas and on issues such as recovery, coming out, trauma, self-esteem, parenting, and substance abuse.
Phone: 617-927-6250
Toll-Free: 800-834-3242
The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)
24-hour hotline: 800-841-8371
Offers free counseling, referrals, support groups and advocacy for all survivors of sexual assault/abuse, rape, and incest.
Lowell, MA
Phone: 978-452-7721
24-Hour toll-free hotline 800-542-5212
Dove, Inc.
24 Crisis Hotline, community services, support groups, legal advocacy, 911 cell phones, sexual assault services and referrals.
Quincy, MA
24-hour line: 617-471-1234, 888-314-3683
Outreach & Family Services: 617-770-4065
The Network/La Red
Offers free direct services for abused LBT individuals, including emergency shelter, support groups, safety planning, court accompaniment, information, and referrals and accessing social, legal, medical, housing services. All services are in English/Spanish, wheelchair- and TTY accessible. ASL interpreters and childcare available.
Boston, MA
Hotline: 617-742-4911; TTY for the hearing impaired: 617-227-4911; Tel: 617-695-0877
E-mail: [email protected];
Renewal House
Provides advocacy, and support groups, help with public assistance and referrals for financial assistance, legal services, job training and education, counseling, health/dental, and childcare.
Phone: 617-566-6881
life-saving shelter, support services, training and education.
Services are free and confidential and available to all survivors of
domestic abuse.
24-hour hotline: 617-623-5900
Victim Rights Law Center (VRLC)
Offers free legal assistance to victims of sexual assault in privacy, education, immigration, employment, public benefits, housing and safety.
115 Broad Street, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Phone: 617-399-6720
Healing Abuse Working for Change
HAWC offers support groups, legal advocacy, children’s services, a shelter, community education. They offer services in English, Spanish, Portuguese
27 Congress Street
Salem, MA
Phone: 978-744-2999 x17 (Salem)
978-283-8642 (Gloucester)
781-592-9900 (Lynn)
The Boston Fair Housing Commission
to Housing Discrimination
City Hall, Boston, MA 02201
Phone: 617-635-4408
Melody Bravo, Citywide GLBT Family Liaison
Cambridge Public Schools
Phone: 617-349-6727
Community Legal Services & Counseling Ctr
Legal assistance & mental health counseling
West Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-661-1010
and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD)
Legal rights
organization dedicated to ending GLBT and HIV discrimination.
294 Washington Street; Suite 740
Boston, MA 02108
Phone: 617-426-1350
Boston Legal Services
Friend Street, Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-371-1234
Harvard Law School Legal Services Center
HIV/AIDS Law Consortium of Western Massachusetts
800.633.1890 or 413.732.0011
JRI Health Law Institute
Boston, MA
Phone: 617-988-8700
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)
MCAD is the state's chief civil rights agency. MCAD works to eliminate discrimination and advance civil rights. If you believe you have been discriminated against, you should file a complaint with the MCAD immediately.
Hours: 8:45 am - 4:00 pm
Phone: Boston 617-994-6000
Springfield 413-739-2145 Worcester 508-799-8010
New Bedford 508-990-2390
TransCEND Legal service/AIDS Action
Amory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02119
Phone: 617-437-6200
Walk in (Tues.Wed.Thurs.)
Committee for Civil Rights
Washington Street
Boston, MA 02110
Phone: 617-482-1145
Samaritans, Inc. is a non-denominational, not-for-profit volunteer organization serving greater Boston & Metro west communities. We are dedicated to reducing the incidence of suicide by befriending individuals in crisis and educating the community about effective prevention strategies. We reach more than 100,000 people each year with the help of more than 400 volunteers – 100 of them teens.
Samaritans state-wide toll free: 877-870-4673
Samaritans: 800-252-8336
24-Hour helplines: 617-247-0220 or 508-875-4500
MTPC Suicide Prevention for Transgender Persons
Two brochures are now available addressing the issue of transgender suicide. These may be downloaded via the links from the MTPC web site or from MTPC’s offices.
Other Helplines:
Trevor Project: 866-488-7586 (866-4-U-TREVOR)
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Helpline: 617-267-9001, Toll-free: 888-340-4520
Listening Line:
617-267-2535; Toll-free: 800-399-PEER
Community Health Center
California Street, Houston, TX 77006
Phone: 832-548-5000
The Montrose Center
401 Branard Street, Houston, TX 77006
Phone: 713-529-0037
Hatch Youth (at the Montrose Center)
401 Branard Street, Houston, TX 77006
Phone: 713-529-0037
*Phoenix Youth is a Hatch program specifically for youth of color
Texas Youth Hotline 24/7
Call: 1-800-989-6884
Text: 512-872-5777
PFLAG Houston
Phone: 713-467-3524
Texas Abuse/Neglect Hotline – Department of Family and Protective Services
Phone: 1-800-252-5400
The Attic Youth Center
255 South 16th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215-545-4331
The Mazzoni Center – LGBTQ Health & Well-being
21 S. 12th Street, 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-563-0652
Legal services: 215-563-0657
PFLAG Philadelphia
Phone: 215-572-1833
The Support Center for Child Advocates – LGBTQ Youth Project
1617 JFK Blvd, Suite 1200, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 267-546-9200
Y-HEP (Youth Health Empowerment Project)
1417 Locust Street, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215-564-6388
Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative (GALAEI)
149 W. Susquehanna Ave, North Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 267-457-3912
1 Specify: type of incident (e.g., slapped, raped), when the incident occurred, abuser (caregiver or non-caregiver), action taken (e.g., police report, informed family), current state of the participant (e.g., no abuse), and resources provided for support.
2 Summarize what the participant stated and clarify the current state of the incident (e.g., participant is not currently being abused).
Script (Child Abuse) Page
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Research #: _____ _____ _____ _____ |
Author | mnewcomb |
Last Modified By | SYSTEM |
File Modified | 2017-10-04 |
File Created | 2017-10-04 |