Prospective Studies of US Military Forces: The Millennium Cohort Study

Prospective Studies of US Military Forces: The Millennium Cohort Study

Family contact text (postal mail email)

Prospective Studies of US Military Forces: The Millennium Cohort Study

OMB: 0703-0064

Document [pdf]
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Pre-notice Letter
Email: Pre-notice email
Card with $5 GC
Endorsement Letter
Sample Survey with $2 bill
Military Family Month Postcard
Graphic PC
Holiday card
Spouse Appreciation Day
17. Final Email

Week 1
Week 3
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 14
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 1
Week 2
Week 6

July 14, 2014
August 4, 2014
September 8, 2014
September 15, 2014
September 22, 2014
September 29, 2014
October 6, 2014
October 20, 2014
November 3, 2014
November 17, 2014
December 2, 2014
December 15, 2014
March 2015
March 2015
April 2015

Week 8

May 2015

Week 9

June 2015

F1: Pre-notice letter with key study findings graphic insert & catch up on address
Week 1 [Proposed start: July 2014]
Purpose: Thank respondents for previous participation and provide study results.
Contents: cover letter, study results pamphlet, #10 business size envelope

Dear _[name]__,
You are one of 10,000 military spouses who completed a survey as part of an important DoD survey (the
Family Study) initiated to understand the impact of military service on families. You completed your
first study questionnaire in (survey month/year).
We greatly appreciate that you shared your experiences with us and thought you might appreciate
knowing about some of the preliminary findings from this effort. The enclosed summary provides just a
few of the initial results and how they will be used.
Those of you who helped with this study represent families from all branches and components of the
military – active duty, Reserves and National Guard. Some of your spouses are no longer serving in the
military, while others continue to serve. Regardless of your specific situation, it is very important that
we continue to hear from you. This study is designed to follow military families over time, including
both during and after military service time.
Version date: 2/13/14


We hope you’ll take a few moments to review the findings that we’ve included in this mailing. More
study information can be found on our website,
In a couple of weeks, we will be contacting you to learn about any changes that may have occurred in
your health and well-being since we last heard from you. We are eager to learn more about how
participants’ lives may have changed over time. By completing occasional follow-up questionnaires, we
will be able to understand the unique challenges associated with military life (such as moves, separation
from the military, and deployments).
Thanks so much for your effort to help the U.S. military provide the best health-related services possible
to current and future military families.
Very sincerely,
Study Fact Sheet for Participants (see attachment)

F2a: Pre-notice email: different versions for those with good or bad mailing addresses (If F1 mailing
returns as bad address, send this version of email)
Week 3
Purpose: 1st email connection. Mention unable to send F1 mailing because of bad address. Mention
more results on website. Have a ‘What’s New’ page on website.

Subject Line: Re-establishing Contact with You
Dear _[name]__,
Two weeks ago we sent you a postal letter that was returned to us because of an address problem.
We would like to share with you the progress of the DoD Family Study which you participated in (survey
month/year). This study is unique as it seeks to understand the health and wellness issues facing
military families in all branches of the armed forces. We are enormously grateful for your help with this
Department of Defense study, and thought you might be interested in knowing about some of the
results from this effort.
Thus, we would appreciate you providing us a current postal address so that we can continue to keep
you informed about results from this important national study. To do that, just click on the link (ADD
LINK) to update your address.
Thanks so much for your effort to help the U.S. military provide the best health care and support
programs possible to current and future military families through your participation in this critical study.

Version date: 2/13/14


Very sincerely,

Some people have multiple email addresses. If we've reached you at an inappropriate address, please
visit this website to provide a preferred address for contacting you .

F2b: Pre-notice Email (If F1 mailing is a good address, send this version of email)
Week 3
Purpose: reconnect by email. Mention more results on website . Have a ‘What’s New’ page on
Subject Line: Preliminary Results from Your Participation
Dear _[name]__,
We hope you recently received our letter in the mail which highlights the preliminary study findings of
the Family Study.
You are one of an important group of military spouses who completed this important DoD survey aimed
at understanding the impact of military service on families. You completed your first study
questionnaire in (survey month/year). We greatly appreciate you sharing your thoughts and
experiences because these will provide greater insight into issues facing today’s military families.
In a few weeks, we will send you the follow-up survey, which has some important new updates from the
previous version. We know that families change over time and would greatly appreciate hearing how
you are doing since the last survey. Even if you are no longer with your service member spouse, or if
your service member is no longer in the military, we greatly value your continued participation and
Additionally, we would like to share with you some of our study updates:[Web link to “What’s New”
Thank you again for your help in completing the current survey and your commitment for protecting the
health and wellness of current and future military families.
Very sincerely,
Some people have multiple email addresses. If we've reached you at an inappropriate address, please
visit this website to provide a preferred address for contacting you .

F3: Card with $5 Gift Card
Week 8

Version date: 2/13/14

Purpose: Invitation to go the web and complete the survey. Include $5 gift card as an impactful
preincentive. First push to complete survey on web.
Contents: 5 x 7 card with $5 GC attached and A7 envelope? (5”x7”)
Dear _[name]__,
A year or so ago, you were very helpful in completing a survey for the Family Study which assesses the
health and well-being of military families over time. We are writing to ask for your continued help in
understanding if and how military service affects the health of military families during and after service
We tremendously value your previous help with this effort that involves families from all branches and
components of the military. You may notice that this year’s questionnaire has been changed, removing
some questions and adding others that seem to be helpful in understanding what happens over time
with regard to health issues and the changes within family dynamics and relationships.
Please complete the survey by going to:, where you should click on Start Survey,
and enter your Subject ID: xxxxxx.
In recognition of your contribution to the Family Study, we are enclosing a small token of our
appreciation as a way of expressing our gratitude for your previous and continued efforts to make a
difference in the lives of current and future military families. We truly value your time and input in
order to complete the survey.
We know that relationships also change over time and families evolve. Even if you are no longer with
your service member spouse or geographically separated, we greatly value your continued participation
and input as this study is aimed to evaluate both the short- and long-term impact on families.

Because families serve too, we want to thank you for the sacrifices you have made for our country.
Very sincerely,

Week 9
Purpose: reference recent postal contact and gift. Continue to push for web completion.
Subject Line: How Are Current and Former Military Families Doing?
Dear _[name]__,
Earlier this week, you should have received a letter requesting your continued help with a long-term
study of the health and well-being of the families of military members of our armed forces. It’s the first
study of its kind to evaluate both the short and long-term effects on military families.
Version date: 2/13/14


I am following up with this email to provide an electronic link, which we hope makes it easier for you to
access and complete this follow-up survey. Just go to, click Start Survey and
enter your subject ID: xxxxxxx.
Unlike some studies, this one is designed to follow you over time to understand changes in health and
wellness, or your children’s, and any concerns you may have. Even if you or your children are not
experiencing any health concerns or changes since last time, your responses are still very valuable in
understanding the possible effects of military life experiences.
Thank you for working with thousands of other military spouses to protect the health and well-being of
military families.
If you did not receive our postal mailing with the small token of appreciation, then we may not have
your most updated address. We greatly value your help and we want to assure that we sent it to the
correct postal address. Please update your contact info at: [update contact info -website]_.

Very sincerely,

We hope we’ve reached an appropriate email address. However, if you don’t want us to use this
address, please visit: [unsubscribe email link]

Week 9
Purpose: reference recent postal contact and gift. Continue to push for web completion.

Subject Line: How Are Current and Former Military Families Doing?
Dear _[name]__,
Earlier this week, you should have received a letter requesting your continued help with a long-term
study of the health and well-being of the families of military members of our armed forces. It’s the first
study of its kind to evaluate both the short and long-term effects on military families.
I am following up with this email to provide an electronic link, which we hope makes it easier for you to
access and complete this follow-up survey. Just go to, click Start Survey and
enter your subject ID: xxxxxxx.
We understand that both you and your spouse are, or have been, in a dual military family. That makes
you especially important to this study, so we hope to hear from you. We realize that the health and
well-being of spouses may be affected somewhat differently in dual families than when only one
member of a family serves.

Version date: 2/13/14

Unlike some studies, this one is designed to follow you over time to understand changes in health and
wellness, or your children’s, and any concerns you may have. Even if you are not experiencing any
health concerns or changes since last time, your responses are still very valuable in understanding the
possible effects of military life experiences.
Thank you for working with thousands of other military spouses to protect the health and well-being of
military families.
If you did not receive our postal mailing with the small token of appreciation, then we may not have
your most updated address. You are a valued participant and we want to assure that we send it to the
correct postal address. Please update your contact info at: [update contact info -website]_.

Very sincerely,
We hope we’ve reached an appropriate email address. However, if you don’t want us to use this
address, please visit: [unsubscribe email link]

F5: Endorsement Letter
Week 10
Purpose: emphasize endorsement; emphasize official sponsorship.
Contents: cover letter, endorsement letter, #10 business size envelope
Consider smaller size like Deanie Dempsey letter.

Dear _[name]__,
Recently, we received a letter of support from [endorsement name] (please see enclosed letter) for our
national study of the health and well-being of military families. We really appreciate NAME’s support,
and also appreciate your help with this important study.
This study is unique and is designed to inform DoD policies for enhancing the care of service members
and their families. Among other things, it will help us understand the unique challenges associated with
military life such as relocations, military separation and integration into civilian life, and the impact of
injuries sustained during service time on families.
To complete your follow up survey, just go to and click Start Survey and enter
your Subject ID: xxxxxxx.
Military spouses make choices everyday that impact their families. We hope you choose to spend a part
of your day completing this important military family survey.
Very sincerely,

Version date: 2/13/14


F6: Email
Week 11
Purpose: email focusing on one topic.
Topic: how participation makes a difference
Subject Line: How Your Participation Can Make a Difference
Dear _[name]__,
We have been writing to you these last few weeks because it is so important that we hear from you and
want you to continue to be part of this important study. Some people have written and asked us, “How
will my participation in this study make a difference?”
Simply stated, without your shared experiences and that of other military spouses, we will not be able to
determine the impact of military service, both recent and remote, on the health and well-being of
military families. It is essential that we receive your information because you are part of a select group
of individuals that have the opportunity to represent military spouses, and share the voice of your
There are a specific number of military spouses taking this survey, so every individual response is
needed for this to be a successful study. Ultimately, the greatest benefits of this study will not be
known for many years. This is why it is essential to stay involved with the study even if your spouse
separates from service, or if your relationship status changes.
Thank you again for working with us to make the Family Study a success in improving the lives of military
members and their families.

Very sincerely,

P.S. To complete the questionnaire, go to and click Start Survey and enter your
Subject ID: xxxxxxx.

F7: Sample survey with $2 bill
Week 12
Purpose: sample survey
Contents: cover letter, sample survey, $2 bill, large OGE

Dear _[name]__,

Version date: 2/13/14

A few weeks ago, we wrote to you to ask you to complete your follow-up Family Study survey. Your
response is critically important to ensure that we have complete responses from all spouses who initially
completed the survey. Knowing your experiences as a current or former military spouse will be
especially helpful in determining how military families are doing over time.
The Family Study works in partnership with the Millennium Cohort Study and is the only military family
study that includes families from all branches of the military and Reserve/National Guard. In addition,
no other military family study surveys families over time as they experience both the unique challenges
and achievements associated with military life.
Some people have asked us what the survey is about. Consequently, we are enclosing a sample of some
of the questions. You can see that the survey includes a wide variety of items on physical and emotional
health, and life experiences. We have updated the survey questions to ensure an understanding of the
changes and evolving concerns of military spouses over time . If you are separated or divorced from
your service member spouse, or widowed, we have unique sections on the survey for your situation.
Just go to and click Start Survey and enter your Subject ID: xxxxxxx.
We really appreciate your effort to complete the survey online – completing it on the web saves DoD
money and allows us to produce results more quickly. As our way of saying thanks for considering our
request, we have enclosed a small token of appreciation.
We hope that results from this study will help with decisions on how to provide the best health-related
services possible for military families in the future.
Thanks so much for your time and sacrifices for our country.
Very sincerely,

F8: Email
Week 14
Purpose: mention sample survey sent previous week.

Subject: Have you Completed Your Family Study Survey Yet?
Dear _[name]__,
Last week, we sent you a sample of questions to help you better understand the variety of topics
contained on the new Family Study survey. It may have been helpful to see that the survey accounts for
various situations within military families, such as changes in relationships, the birth of children, new
health concerns, relocations, or military separation.
The request to complete a follow up survey was sent to you because you had previously completed a
survey for the study in [survey month/year]. We are especially interested in hearing your most recent

Version date: 2/13/14

thoughts and experiences because that will provide greater insight into issues facing today’s military
families, as well as the health and well-being of military spouses and children.
If you have already been able to go online and complete the questionnaire, we want to say thank you. If
you have not yet had time to consider our request, we hope you will be able to do so soon. To complete
it, all you need to do is go to the website, and click Start Survey. You will need to
use the following Subject ID: xxxxxxx.
Thanks so much for your consideration for completing this important survey.
Very sincerely,

Some people have multiple email addresses. If we've reached you at an inappropriate address, please
visit this website to provide a preferred address for contacting you .

F9: National Military Family Month postcard
Week 16
Purpose: celebrate National Military Family Month and encourage continued participation
During National Military Family Month, we want to thank you for the previous and current sacrifices and
steadfast support that you have made for our nation. We honor your strength and resilience, and the
important role you have played in protecting our nation. With the hundreds of thousands of service
members who have deployed overseas, experienced frequent relocations, or any changes in military
status, recognizing our past and present military families is more important than ever.
As part of America’s commitment to our service members to protect the well-being of the family
members they hold dear, the Department of Defense launched a long-term study of the impact of
military service on families.
If you have already been able to complete the Family Study follow-up questionnaire, we want to say
thank you. If you have not yet had time to consider our request, we hope you will be able to do so soon.
To complete it, all you need to do is go to the website, and click Start Survey.
You will need to use the following Subject ID: xxxxxxx.

Very sincerely,

F10: Postcard reminder
Week 18
Purpose: remind participant to complete survey
Contents: 5x7 postcard
Version date: 2/13/14


Dear _[name]__,
We greatly appreciate the large number of military spouses who have already completed their follow-up
survey, in order to help us understand better how military service affects families.
We hope that you have been able to complete the survey. If not, we encourage you to do so soon.
To complete the survey online, go to Just click Start Survey and enter your
Subject ID: xxxxxxx. That helps us summarize answers more quickly.
Your participation makes it possible to inform policymakers and healthcare providers regarding the
unique experiences of military families and guide measures that positively impact families like yours.
Thank you for considering our request.
Very sincerely,

F11: Email focusing on contrasting topic
Week 20
Purpose: reminder we sent a paper survey to their home
Topic: how the survey is different
Subject Line: What other spouses have been telling us
Dear _[name]__,
We appreciate the feedback we have received from over 10,000 respondents. One respondent told us,
“the survey was well thought out and extremely comprehensive.” Another respondent asked simply,
“Why did you ask so many questions?” It became apparent to us as the study was designed, that there
were so many different kinds of health issues faced by different military members and families. Because
of the large differences in people’s situations, it seemed important to cover various issues, and realize
that a less comprehensive questionnaire would have missed some important concerns that we need to
understand. I want to assure you that your answers to this survey are strictly confidential and will not be
shared with anyone outside the study team, including your spouse or military commands.
If you have already been able to complete the current questionnaire, we want to say thank you. If you
have not yet had time to consider our request, we hope you will be able to do so soon. To complete it,
you can go to the website, and click Start Survey. You will need to use the
following Subject ID: xxxxxxx.
Thank you for considering our request.
Version date: 2/13/14


Very sincerely,
We hope we’ve reached an appropriate email address. However, if you don’t want us to use this
address, please visit: [unsubscribe email link].

F12: Holiday card
Week 22
Purpose: holiday card
Contents: 5 x 7 card and A7 envelope (5”x7”)
Dear _[name]__,
The Family Study team would like to wish you and your family a joyful holiday season. We are grateful
for your help in the Family Study, an important national health and wellness study comprised of over
10,000 current and former military families.
The information provided by you and other invited participants will help us provide critical information
to health care providers and military leaders about the specific health concerns of military families.
We hope you have had the opportunity to complete your recent survey. If not, we encourage you to do
so soon. To complete the survey online, go to and click Start Survey and enter
your Subject ID: xxxxxxx.
We are now starting to summarize results to understand what changes if any have occurred in people’s
family situation and health care challenges since this study began in 2011.
Thanks again for working with us to help make the Family Study a success in improving the lives of
military families.
Kindest regards,


[obtain feedback from 1st phase to tailor 2nd phase]

Version date: 2/13/14



Letter to reconnect after the break and establish updated addresses
Week 1 [Start again in March 2015]
Purpose: reconnect after break; establish updated addresses
Contents: Cover letter, #10 business envelope
Will update based on survey responses in first phase and any feedback received

Dear _[name]__,
Last summer and fall, we wrote to you a number of times about the Family Study that is being done as
part of the Millennium Cohort Study that you and your spouse responded to a few years ago.
Over the holidays, we began looking at the results from the follow-up survey to identify any changes in
health issues or consequences of military service that may have happened. In some cases, there have
been significant changes in either the spouse or a family member, and in others, as we expected there
has not. It’s exciting to see what we are learning.
We have heard from most (a large number) of you who participated in the 2011-13 first time survey.
However, we are confident that the usefulness of our results will be even better if we can hear from you
and others who have not yet been able to respond to the follow-up survey.
We hope that by contacting you at a different time of year, it might be easier for you to find time to
respond, and update information for yourself and children you have. Simply stated, without your
shared experiences and that of other families, we will not be to accurately determine the impact of
military service, both recent and remote, on the health and well-being of military families.
We are sending this email link for you to be able to easily go online and complete the survey: and click Start Survey and enter your Subject ID: xxxxxxx.
Thanks so much for your effort to help improve the lives of military families.
Very sincerely,


Email to reference letter and provide web survey link [SERVICE MEMBER RESPONDED]

Week 2
Purpose: reference letter, provide electronic link, add new info

Version date: 2/13/14


Subject : Help Improve the Lives of Military Families
Dear _[name]__,
Last week, I sent a letter to you about an important health study called the Family Study. We have
heard from your spouse who completed the service member survey, but have not yet heard from you.
It is critically important that we hear from the both of you so that we may be able to link your data to
your spouse’s information and be able to get a more complete picture of military family health. ….
We are sending this by email to provide an electronic link, which we hope will make it easier for you to
respond. Just go to and click Start Survey and enter your Subject ID: xxxxxx.
Very sincerely,
Some people have multiple email addresses. If we've reached you at an inappropriate address, please
visit this website to provide a preferred address for contacting you .


Email to reference letter and provide web survey link [SERVICE MEMBER DID NOT RESPOND]
Week 2
Purpose: reference letter, provide electronic link, add new info

Subject : Help Improve the Lives of Military Families
Dear _[name]__,
Last week, I sent a letter to you about an important health study called the Family Study. We have not
heard from you or your spouse who completed the service member survey.
It is critically important that we hear from the both of you so that we may be able to link your data to
your spouse’s information and be able to get a more complete picture of military family health.
We are sending this by email to provide an electronic link, which we hope will make it easier for you to
respond. Just go to and click Start Survey and enter your Subject ID: xxxxxx.
Very sincerely,

Some people have multiple email addresses. If we've reached you at an inappropriate address, please
visit this website to provide a preferred address for contacting you .


Week 6
Purpose: Postcard reminder
Version date: 2/13/14

Contents: 5x7 graphic postcard
Show picture of revamped cover page of survey.

Dear _[name]__,
We hope that you have been able to complete the survey online. If not, we want to encourage you to
complete the survey soon because this will be one of your last opportunities to contribute to this study
and be able to communicate to us the needs of military families.
Just go to and click Start Survey and enter your Subject ID: xxxxxxx.
Even if your spouse is no longer in the service, or if your relationship status has changed, your
participation is essential in order to form a complete picture of the impact of military life. Furthermore,
even if your experiences have been positive, negative, or neutral, your input is extremely valuable to the
validity of this study’s findings.
Thank you for considering our request. We hope to hear from you as the opportunity to be a part of this
study comes to an end soon.
Very sincerely,


Military Spouse Appreciation Postcard
Week 8
Purpose: Military Spouse Appreciation
Dear _[name]__,
We thank you, today and always, for the many sacrifices you have made as a military spouse both past
and present. We salute you with sincere gratitude and pride on your very special day.
We greatly appreciate the large number of military spouses who have participated in the Millennium
Cohort Family Study, in order to help us understand how service in specific military branches,
deployment, length of time in service, relocations, and many other challenges, affect the long-term
health and well- being of service members and their families.
It is an honor to say “thank you” on Military Spouse Appreciation Day.
Very sincerely,


Final email

Version date: 2/13/14

Week 9
Purpose: Final email contact/last chance
Subject: Last Chance to Take Part in an Important Military Family Health and Wellness Study
Dear _[name]__,
We have contacted you many times this past year about the Family Study, and we are writing again
because of the great importance of this study, and because the opportunity to be part of this study
comes to an end this month.
There are many reasons why some spouses may have not yet responded. Some may be busy with work,
school, family, and other important obligations. Others may no longer feel that the military has an
impact on their lives, or they may wonder about the value of a survey to help the needs of current and
former military families. Whatever your circumstances and feelings, I would like to encourage you to
take a few minutes and provide your unique thoughts and experiences for this valuable study.
This research was specifically started to understand the true impact of military experiences on both the
short and long-term health and well-being of military families. We are answering the question, “How
are families doing?” by evaluating the health and well-being of both current and former military families
over time. As such, it is essential that we continue to receive responses among all spouses who initially
joined the study to determine how families have changed over time.
Even if your spouse is no longer in the service, or if your relationship status has changed, your
participation is essential in order to form a complete picture of the impact of military life. Furthermore,
even if your experiences have been positive, negative, or neutral, your input is extremely valuable to the
validity of this study’s findings.
We appreciate your help and want to make it as easy to respond as possible. Simply go to the following
link and click Start Survey and enter your Subject ID: xxxxxxx.
For any questions, please contact the Family Study Team at our toll-free number (800) 571-9248 or
email us at [email protected].
Thank you so much for considering this final opportunity to respond.
Very sincerely,

We hope we’ve reached an appropriate email address. However, if you don’t want us to use this
address, please visit: [unsubscribe email link]

Thank you card AFTER survey completion
Version date: 2/13/14

Send with incentive approx 6-8 weeks after survey completion
Purpose: Send Thank You card
Contents: 5x7 greeting card, A7 outer envelope,

Dear _______,
We are writing to thank you for recently completing your survey for the Family Study.
The information provided by you and other invited participants will help us provide critical information
to health care providers and military leaders about the specific concerns of military families. With this
information, we hope to find improved ways to provide you and yours with genuine family support,
which in turn facilitates mission readiness.
We plan to conduct a follow-up survey of participants in 2017, to learn about any changes in your
families’ health and well-being that may be related in some way to military service.
Meantime, as analyses are completed, we will post results on our website, , and
want to let you know that you may go there to see them.
Thanks again for working with us to help make the Family Study a success in protecting the health of
current and future military families.

Very sincerely,

Version date: 2/13/14

Study Fact Sheet For Participants

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorDon Dillman
File Modified2014-03-25
File Created2014-02-18

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