Appendix D:
Student Outcome Survey Follow-Up with High School Items
Dating Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships™ Initiative
Division of Violence Prevention
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-0941
Exp. Date: 05/31/2016
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-24, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0941).
Student Name: Last_______________________________ First_________________________ Initial_______
Student Survey ID:
Classroom Number: _____________________________________________________________________________
School Number:
Program Year:
Survey Iteration:
Survey Date:
Cohort: _____
Evaluation of CDC’s Dating Matters™:
Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships Initiative
Use a pencil or blue or black pen.
Fill bubbles completely. Like this:
Do not mark answers with ’s or ’s.
1. Birth date: Month: ___________ Day: ________Year:________
2. Sex:
3. What is your current grade?
3a. What is the name of the school you will be attending next year? ________________________
4. Are you Hispanic or Latino?
5. What is your race? Mark one or more.
Black of African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaska Native
6. Think about the grown-ups that live in your house. Mark the circles to indicate all the grown-ups who live in your house.
Mother |
Foster Mother/Guardian |
Aunt |
Father |
Foster Father/Guardian |
Uncle |
Stepmother/Father's Girlfriend |
Grandmother |
Other relatives or friends |
Stepfather/Mother's Boyfriend |
Grandfather |
Family of boyfriend/girlfriend, or alone with boyfriend/girlfriend |
7. For each item, please mark the circle for Not True, Somewhat True or Certainly True. It would help us if you answer all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely sure. Please give your answers based on how things have been for you in the last 6 months.
Not True |
Somewhat True |
Certainly True |
a. I try to be nice to other people. I care about their feelings |
b. I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches, or sickness |
c. I usually share with others, for example, CD’s, games, food |
d. I worry a lot |
f. I am often unhappy, depressed, or tearful |
g. I am nervous in new situations. I easily lose confidence |
h. I am kind to younger children |
i. I often offer to help others (parents, teachers, children) |
j. I have many fears; I am easily scared |
The next question is about whether or not you have adults you can count on – to encourage you, or help you with any serious problems that come up.
8. Could you go to a parent or to another relative (not a parent) with a serious problem?
The next questions ask about “dating.” By “dating,” we mean spending time with someone you are seeing or going out with. Examples of this might include hanging out at the mall, in the neighborhood, or at home or going somewhere together like the movies, a game, or a party. It doesn't have to be a formal date or something you planned in advance and it may be with a small group. The term "date" includes both one-time dates and time together as part of long-term relationships.
9. Do your parents allow you to date?
10. Have you ever DATED someone, including, for example, someone you spent time with or someone you are/were seeing or going out with?
No [Middle School Only] If No, skip to Question 25
[High School Only] If No, skip to Question 26
11. Do your parents know where you are when you are out on a date?
12. What was the length of your longest dating relationship?
1 date
1 week
More than 1 week and less than one month
1 to 6 months
More than 6 months and less than a year
1 year or more
13. Have you ever dated someone who is a different age than yourself?
No If No, skip to Question 15
14. How much older or younger was that person?
1-year difference
2-year difference
More than 3 years difference in age
15. How many different people have you dated in the last 4 months?
0 |
4 |
8 |
1 |
5 |
9 |
2 |
6 |
10 or more |
3 |
7 |
The following questions ask you about things that may have happened with a boyfriend/girlfriend (past or present) in the last 4 months. [Middle School Only] If you have not dated anyone in the last 4 months, skip to question 25. [High School Only] If you have not dated anyone in the last four months, skip to question 26.
Fill in the bubbles below that are your best estimates of how often these things have ever happened with someone you were dating. As a guide, use the following scale:
Never: this has never happened in the last 4 months
Seldom: this has happened only 1-2 times in the last 4 months
Sometimes: this has happened about 3-5 times in the last 4 months
Often: this has happened 6 times or more in the last 4 months
16. |
In the last 4 months… |
Never |
Seldom |
Sometimes |
Often |
a. |
I touched him/her sexually when he/she didn’t want me to. |
b. |
He/she touched me sexually when I didn’t want him/her to. |
c. |
I tried to turn his/her friends against him/her. |
d. |
He/she tried to turn my friends against me. |
e. |
I did something to make him/her feel jealous. |
f. |
He/she did something to make me feel jealous. |
g. |
I destroyed or threatened to destroy something he/she valued. |
h. |
He/she destroyed or threatened to destroy something I valued. |
i. |
I brought up something bad he/she had done in the past. |
j. |
He/she brought up something bad I had done in the past. |
17. |
In the last 4 months… |
Never |
Seldom |
Sometimes |
Often |
a. |
I threw something at him/her. |
b. |
He/she threw something at me. |
c. |
I said things just to make him/her angry. |
d. |
He/she said things just to make me angry. |
e. |
I spoke to him/her in a hostile or mean tone of voice. |
f. |
He/she spoke to me in a hostile or mean tone of voice. |
g. |
I forced him/her to have sex when he/she didn’t want to. |
h. |
He/she forced me to have sex when I didn’t want to. |
i. |
I threatened him/her in an attempt to have sex with him/her. |
j. |
He/she threatened me in an attempt to have sex with me. |
18. |
In the last 4 months… |
Never |
Seldom |
Sometimes |
Often |
a. |
I insulted him/her with put-downs. |
b. |
He/she insulted me with put-downs. |
c. |
I kissed him/her when he/she didn’t want me to. |
d. |
He/she kissed me when I didn’t want him/her to. |
e. |
I said things to his/her friends about him/her to turn them against him/her. |
He/she said things to my friends about me to turn them against me. |
g. |
I ridiculed or made fun of him/her in front of others. |
h. |
He/she ridiculed or made fun of me in front of others. |
i. |
I kept track of who he/she was with and where he/she was. |
j. |
He/she kept track of who I was with and where I was. |
19. |
In the last 4 months… |
Never |
Seldom |
Sometimes |
Often |
a. |
I blamed him/her for the problem. |
b. |
He/she blamed me for the problem. |
c. |
I kicked, hit, or punched him/her. |
d. |
He/she kicked, hit, or punched me. |
e. |
I accused him/her of flirting with another girl/guy. |
f. |
He/she accused me of flirting with another girl/guy. |
g. |
I deliberately tried to frighten him/her. |
h. |
He/she deliberately tried to frighten me. |
i. |
I ridiculed or made fun of him/her in front of others. |
j. |
He/she ridiculed or made fun of me in front of others. |
20. |
In the last 4 months… |
Never |
Seldom |
Sometimes |
Often |
a. |
I slapped him/her or pulled his/her hair. |
b. |
He/she slapped me or pulled my hair. |
c. |
I threatened to hurt him/her. |
d. |
He/she threatened to hurt me. |
e. |
I threatened to end the relationship. |
f. |
He/she threatened to end the relationship. |
g. |
I threatened to hit him/her or throw something at him/her. |
h. |
He/she threatened to hit me or throw something at me. |
i. |
I pushed, shoved, or shook him/her |
j. |
He/she pushed, shoved, or shook me. |
21. |
In the last 4 months… |
Never |
Seldom |
Sometimes |
Often |
a. |
I spread rumors about him/her |
b. |
He/she spread rumors about me. |
c. |
I threatened him/her with a knife or gun (including waving or pointing a knife). |
d. |
He/she threatened me with a knife or gun (including waving or pointing a knife). |
e. |
I choked him/her. |
f. |
He/she choked me. |
g. |
I used a knife or fired a gun. |
h. |
He/she used a knife or fired a gun. |
i. |
I scratched him/her and/or bent his/her fingers. |
j. |
He/she scratched me and/or bent my fingers. |
k. |
I burned him/her. |
l. |
He/she burned me. |
m. |
I bit him/her. |
n. |
He/she bit me. |
22. |
Has someone you were dating, or used to date, in the last 4 months…..
Yes |
No |
a. |
Repeatedly followed, harassed, and contacted you when you didn’t want to be (and in a way that felt uncomfortable, scary or threatening to you)? |
b. |
Made unwanted phone calls or left you voice messages (hang-ups, text, voicemails) AND/OR Sent you unwanted emails, instant messages, or messages through websites like Facebook & MySpace? |
23. Have you done the following to someone you were dating or used to date in the last 4 months… |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Repeatedly followed, harassed, and contacted them when they didn’t want to be (and in a way that felt uncomfortable, scary or threatening to them)? |
b. |
Made unwanted phone calls or left them voice messages (hang-ups, text, voicemails) AND/OR Sent them unwanted emails, instant messages, or messages through websites like Facebook & MySpace?
24. Please indicate how often each of the following statements is true currently or was true in your most recent dating relationship in the last 4 months. Would you say never, sometimes, usually, or always? |
Never |
Sometimes |
Usually |
Always |
a. |
My boyfriend/girlfriend is/was honest and truthful with me. |
b. |
My boyfriend/girlfriend and I are/were good at working out our differences. |
c. |
When I have a serious disagreement with my boyfriend/girlfriend, we discuss(ed) it respectfully. |
d. |
My boyfriend/girlfriend and I work(ed) as a team. |
e. |
I enjoy(ed) spending time with my boyfriend/girlfriend. |
25. The following questions refer to times when you and the person you are dating have disagreements. We want you to answer these questions about a dating partner if you have one now or have had one in the last 4 months. [Middle School Only] But if you do not have a current or recent (in the last 4 months) boyfriend or girlfriend, please think about a close friend, either a boy or a girl.
Please remember that by “dating,” we mean spending time with someone you are seeing or going out with. Examples of this might include hanging out at the mall, in the neighborhood, or at home or going somewhere together like the movies, a game, or a party. It doesn't have to be a formal date or something you planned in advance and it may be with a small group. The term "date" includes both one-time dates and time together as part of long-term relationships.
[Middle School Only] The person I am thinking about when filling out this questionnaire has these initials: ___________.
[Middle School Only] This person is:
[Middle School Only] a current or recent (in the last 4 months) boy/girlfriend (please select if you have dated anyone in the last 4 months)
[Middle School Only] a close friend (only if you have not dated anyone in the last 4 months)
Never |
Almost Never |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
How often do YOU use these styles… |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. |
Launching personal attacks |
d. |
Focusing on the problem at hand. |
e. |
Remaining silent for long periods of time |
f. |
Not being willing to stick up for myself |
g. |
Exploding and getting out of control |
h. |
Sitting down and discussing differences constructively. |
i. |
Reaching a limit, shutting down, and refusing to talk any further. |
j. |
Being too compliant. |
k. |
Getting carried away and saying things that aren’t meant. |
l. |
Finding alternatives that are acceptable to each of us. |
m. |
Tuning the other person out. |
n. |
Not defending my position. |
o. |
Throwing insults and digs. |
p. |
Negotiating and compromising. |
q. |
Withdrawing, acting distant, and not interested. |
r. |
Giving in with little attempt to present my side of the issue. |
26. From the list below, choose the one adult in your home who is the main person who takes care of you. If there is more than one person who takes care of you, select the one you spend the most time with.
Older sister
Older brother
Foster mom
Foster dad
Other adult
The statements below are about this person who mainly takes care
of you. (In the statements, to keep things simple, we call this
person you selected above “parent” even though they may
have a different relationship to you.)
Please rate each item as to how often it TYPICALLY occurs in your home. |
Never |
Almost Never |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
1. |
Your parent tells you that you are doing a good job. |
2. |
You fail to leave a note or to let your parent know where you are going. |
3. |
You stay out in the evening past the time you are supposed to be home. |
4. |
You have a boy/girlfriend and your parent doesn’t know it. |
5. |
Your parent compliments you when you have done something well. |
6. |
Your parent asks you what your plans are for the coming day. |
7. |
Your parent praises you for behaving well. |
8. |
Your parent does not know the friends you are with. |
9. |
Your parent does not know the people you date. |
10. |
Your parent talks to you about your friends. |
11. |
Your parent talks to you about your boyfriends/girlfriends. |
12. |
Your parent asks you about your day in school. |
Now we are going to ask you about some things that might have happened in your life.
28. In the last 4 months, did you SEE a parent get pushed, slapped, hit, punched, or beat up by another parent, or their boyfriend or girlfriend?
29. In the last 4 months, did you HEAR a parent get pushed, slapped, hit, punched, or beat up by another parent, or their boyfriend or girlfriend?
30. In the last 4 months, in real life, did you SEE anyone get attacked on purpose with a stick, rock, gun, knife, or other thing that would hurt? Somewhere like: at home, at school, at a store, in a car, on the street, or anywhere else?
31. In the last 4 months, were you in any place in real life where you could see or hear people being shot, bombs going off, or street riots?
32. Have you ever been initiated into a named gang?
The next 5 questions ask about sexual intercourse.
33. Have you ever had sexual intercourse?
No If No, skip to Question 37
34. How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?
12 years old or younger
13 years old
14 years old
15 years old
16 years old
17 years old
18 years old or older
35. With how many people have you ever had sexual intercourse?
1 person
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 people
6 or more people
36. The last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner use a condom?
37. If you did NOT WANT TO have sex, how sure are you that you could keep from having sex?
Very sure I could keep from having sex
Sort of sure I could keep from having sex
Not too sure I could keep from having sex
I probably couldn’t keep from having sex
38. Is there at least one teacher or other adult in this school that you can talk to if you have a problem?
Not sure
39. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please choose one answer for each line. |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Not Sure |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
a. My school has clear rules and consequences for behavior. |
b. Harassment and bullying by other students is a problem at my school. |
c. Illegal drugs are a problem at my school. |
d. Violence is a problem at my school. |
e. Students help decide what goes on in my school. |
40. In the last 4 months, has anyone you know done the following to you IN PERSON? |
Never |
1-3 times |
4-9 times |
10 or more times |
a. |
Made unwelcome sexual comments, jokes or gestures |
b. |
Called you gay or lesbian in a negative way |
c. |
Touched you in an unwelcome sexual way |
d. |
Showed you sexy or sexual pictures that you didn’t want to see |
e. |
Physically intimidated you in a sexual way |
f. |
Forced you to do something sexual |
41. In the last 4 months, have you done the following to someone else IN PERSON? |
Never |
1-3 times |
4-9 times |
10 or more times |
a. |
Made unwelcome sexual comments, jokes or gestures |
b. |
Called them gay or lesbian in a negative way |
c. |
Touched you in an unwelcome sexual way |
d. |
Showed you sexy or sexual pictures that you didn’t want to see |
e. |
Physically intimidated you in a sexual way |
f. |
Forced you to do something sexual |
42. In the last 4 months, how often, if at all, did someone do the following things to you? |
Never |
1-3 times |
4-9 times |
10 or more times |
a. |
Someone spread rumors about me online, whether they were true or not. |
b. |
Someone made a threatening or aggressive comment to me online. |
c. |
Someone asked me to do something sexual when I was online that I did not want to do. |
43. In the last 4 months, how often, if at all, did you do the following to others? |
Never |
1-3 times |
4-9 times |
10 or more times |
a. |
Spread rumors about someone online, whether they were true or not. |
b. |
Made aggressive or threatening comments to anyone online. |
c. |
Asked someone to do something sexual online when the other person did not want to do it. |
d. |
Sent a picture text message that was sexual in any way when that person did not want to receive it. |
44. In the last 4 months, how many times have you... |
Never |
1 or 2 times |
3 to 5 times |
6 to 9 times |
10 or more times |
a. Drank more than a sip of beer, wine, wine coolers, or liquor (like whiskey or gin)? |
b. Smoked cigarettes? |
c. Been drunk? |
d. Used marijuana or weed (pot, hash, reefer)? |
e. Used inhalants? (sniffing glue, huffing, whippits) |
f. Used other illegal drugs (cocaine, crack, meth, heroin)? |
g. Used a prescription drug when it was not prescribed for you or that you took only for the experience or feeling it caused? |
45. These statements are about hitting in situations in which boys and girls are dating. How strongly
do you agree or disagree with each statement?
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. It is OK for a girl to hit her boyfriend if he did something to make her mad. |
b. It is OK for a girl to hit her boyfriend if he insulted her in front of friends. |
c. Boys sometimes deserve to be hit by the girls they date. |
d. A boy who makes his girlfriend jealous on purpose deserves to be hit. |
e. It is OK for a girl to hit a boy if he hit her first. |
46. These statements are about hitting in situations in which boys and girls are dating. How strongly do you agree or disagree with each statement?
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. It is OK for a boy to hit his girlfriend if she did something to make him mad. |
b. It is OK for a boy to hit his girlfriend if she insulted him in front of friends. |
c. Girls sometimes deserve to be hit by the boys they date. |
d. A girl who makes her boyfriend jealous on purpose deserves to be hit. |
e. It is OK for a boy to hit a girl if she hit him first. |
47. Are there any services in your community for helping teenagers who are victims in abusive and violent dating relationships?
I don’t know
48. Are there any websites or telephone hotlines for helping teenagers who are victims in abusive and violent dating relationships?
I don’t know
49. Please indicate whether you think the following statements are true or false. |
a. |
Boys are the victims of dating abuse about as often as girls. |
b. |
[Middle School Only] I can name at least two S.A.F.E. skills that help me communicate in a healthy way in my relationships. |
c. |
[Middle School Only] The majority of teens in abusive dating relationships have witnessed abuse between their parents. |
d. |
[Middle School Only] Dating violence only affects students in high school and college. |
e. |
Most teen rapes are by someone the teen does not know. |
f. |
Dating violence refers to only those behaviors that cause physical injury (e.g., bruises, cuts). |
g. |
I can name at least three local or national organizations/resources that can help teens who are in unhealthy or unsafe relationships. |
50. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? |
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. Most girls/women can’t be trusted. |
b. In a dating relationship the boy should be smarter than the girl. |
c. Girls are always trying to manipulate boys. |
d. In a dating relationship, the boy and girl should have about equal power. |
e. Swearing is worse for a girl than for a boy. |
g. In general, the father should have greater authority than the mother in making family decisions. |
h. It is all right for a girl to ask a boy out on a date. |
j. If both husband and wife have jobs, the husband should do a share of the housework, such as washing dishes and doing the laundry. |
k. Girls should have the same freedom as boys. |
51. In the last 30 days at school, how often did this happen? |
Never |
1 or 2 times |
3 or 4 times |
5 or more times |
a. |
I upset other students for the fun of it. |
b. |
In a group I teased other students. |
c. |
Other students made fun of me. |
d. |
Other students called me names. |
e. |
I helped harass other students. |
f. |
I spread rumors about other students. |
g. |
I started (instigated) arguments or conflicts. |
h. |
I excluded other students from my clique of friends. |
The next few questions are about vandalism, violence, and weapons.
52. In the past 4 months, how often did you: |
Never |
1 or 2 times |
3 or 4 times |
5 or more times |
Don’t know |
a. |
Deliberately damage property that didn’t belong to you (including painting graffiti or signs)? |
b. |
Get into a serious physical fight? |
c. |
Run away from home? |
d. |
Steal something worth more than $50? |
e. |
Sell marijuana or other drugs? |
f. |
Steal something worth less than $50? |
g. |
Get attacked by someone who seemed to want to seriously hurt you? |
h. |
Attack someone with the idea of seriously hurting them? |
53. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you carry a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club?
0 days
1 day
2 or 3 days
4 or 5 days
6 or more days
54. Have you seen, read, or heard about any campaigns (on Facebook, in your school, on flyers or posters, or from your friends) that talk about or focus on young people and healthy dating relationships?
Not sure
55. Have you heard of i2i?
Not sure
56. [Middle School Only] Which of the following is the i2i slogan?
Being bullied? Use your voice. Be heard.
What R U Looking 4
Think it’s important? Say so.
I don’t know
57. Which of the following have you seen or heard about? (Select all that apply.)
i2i Brand Ambassadors
i2i Facebook Page
i2i Healthy Relationships Texts
i2i posters, flyers, or postcards
I haven’t seen or heard about any of these.
58. Have you participated in any i2i activities?
58a. If yes, which ones? (Select all that apply.)
i2i event
Read or posted on the i2i Facebook page
Received an i2i relationship text
Received an i2i poster, flyer or post card
Talked with an i2i brand ambassador
Other activity (specify: _______)
Other activity (specify: _______)
59. Are you aware of your parent or caregiver attending or participating in any programs for parents that focused on communication, dating, or healthy relationships?
Not sure
60. Did you and your parent or caregiver work together to do activities that focused on communication, dating, or healthy relationships, like “Families for Safe Dates” booklets or Dating Matters program activities?
Not sure
58b. When did you participate in i2i activities?
Elementary/middle school only
High school only
Both elementary/middle school and high school
61. Are you, or have you ever been, an i2i brand ambassador?
The next two questions ask about drinking alcohol. This includes drinking beer, wine, wine coolers, and liquor such as rum, gin, vodka, or whiskey. For these questions, drinking alcohol does not include drinking a few sips of wine for religious purposes.
62. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?
0 days
1 or 2 days
3 to 5 days
6 to 9 days
10 to 19 days
20 to 29 days
All 30 days
63. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?
0 days
1 day
2 days
3 to 5 days
6 to 9 days
10 to 19 days
20 or more days
64. The last time you had sexual intercourse, what one method did you or your partner use to prevent
pregnancy? (Select only one response.)
I have never had sexual intercourse.
No method was used to prevent pregnancy.
Birth control pills
Depo-Provera (or any injectable birth control), Nuva Ring (or any birth control ring), Implanon (or any inplant), or any IUD
Some other method
Not sure
65. Did you drink alcohol or use drugs before you had sexual intercourse the last time?
I have never had sexual intercourse
66. People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings? Are you…
Only attracted to males
Mostly attracted to males
Equally attracted to males and females
Mostly attracted to females
Only attracted to females
Not sure
67. Do you think of yourself as…
Heterosexual or straight
Homosexual, gay, or lesbian
Not sure
68. During the past 12 months, how many times did someone you were dating or going out with physically hurt you on purpose? (Count such things as being hit, slammed into something, or injured with an object or weapon.)
I did not date or go out with anyone during the past 12 months
0 times
1 time
2 or 3 times
4 or 5 times
6 or more times
69. During the past 12 months, how many times did someone you were dating or going out with force you to do sexual things that you did not want to do? (Count such things as kissing, touching, or being physically forced to have sexual intercourse.)
I did not date or go out with anyone during the past 12 months
0 times
1 time
2 or 3 times
4 or 5 times
6 or more times
70. Was the person you were dating or going out with ever using alcohol, drugs, or both when any of these things happened (someone physically hurt you on purpose and/or forced you to do sexual things that you did not want to do)?
Don’t know
71. There are all different types of situations in which people physically hurt the person they are dating or going out with. If your dating partner physically hurt you in the past 12 months, did they hurt you:
Yes |
No |
a. When you were already in an argument about something else? |
b. When s/he was trying to make you do something that you did not want to do? |
c. When s/he was trying to keep you from doing something that you wanted or needed to do? |
d. When it was seemingly out of the blue or for no apparent reason? |
e. When you were told or it seemed like s/he was jealous? |
f. After you refused to do something that s/he asked you to do? |
h. After you physically hurt him/her first? |
i. To show that s/he was going to “win” the argument? |
j. To show you that s/he was the boss, in charge, or in control? |
k. Because s/he was drunk or high, but for no other apparent reason? |
72. During the past 12 months, how many times did you physically hurt someone on purpose that you were dating or going out with? (Count such things as hitting or slamming someone into something, or injuring someone with an object or weapon.)
I did not date or go out with anyone during the past 12 months
0 times
1 time
2 or 3 times
4 or 5 times
6 or more times
73. During the past 12 months, how many times did you force someone you were dating or going out with to do sexual things that he or she did not want to do? (Count such things as kissing, touching, or physically forcing someone to have sexual intercourse.)
I did not date or go out with anyone during the past 12 months
0 times
1 time
2 or 3 times
4 or 5 times
6 or more times
74. Were you ever using alcohol, drugs, or both when you did any of these things (physically hurting someone on purpose and/or forcing someone to do sexual things that they did not want to do) to someone you were dating or going out with?
Don’t know
75. How often do you turn to this person for support with personal problems?
Never or hardly at all
Seldom or not too much
Sometimes or somewhat
Often or very much
Always or extremely much
76. How often do you depend on this person for help, advice, or sympathy?
Never or hardly at all
Seldom or not too much
Sometimes or somewhat
Often or very much
Always or extremely much
77. When you are feeling down or upset, how often do you depend on this person to cheer things up?
Never or hardly at all
Seldom or not too much
Sometimes or somewhat
Often or very much
Always or extremely much
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Latzman, Natasha (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) |
Last Modified By | Angel, Karen C. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) |
File Modified | 2016-01-05 |
File Created | 2016-01-05 |