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NAEP Assessments for 2017-2019
OMB# 1850-NEW v.1
(previous OMB# 1850-0790 v.43)
November 23, 2015
Table of Contents
Part C-1: 2017 Core Contextual Modules White Paper .................................................................. 2
Part C-2: 2017 Reading Issues Paper ............................................................................................ 42
Part C-3: 2017 Mathematics Issues Paper ..................................................................................... 75
Part C-4: 2009 Science Issues Paper ........................................................................................... 110
Part C-5: 2011 Writing Issues Paper ........................................................................................... 125
Part C-6: 2018 Social Studies Issues Paper................................................................................. 145
Part C-7: 2014 TEL Issues Paper ................................................................................................ 185
Part C-8: 2015 NIES Issues Paper .............................................................................................. 214
NAEP 2017-2019 Clearance: Supporting Statement Part C
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Part C-1: 2017 Core Contextual Modules White Paper
NAEP 2017-2019 Clearance: Supporting Statement Part C
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Core “White Paper”
Jonas P. Bertling
Educational Testing Service
Written in preparation for New Item Development for the 2017 Digital Based NAEP
Core Questionnaires
May 2014
1 Introduction
This memo describes the plans to develop core contextual questionnaire modules for the 2017
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) technology-based survey questionnaires.
Two main goals for this memo are, first to describe a proposed revised general questionnaire
approach that focuses on questionnaire modules and indices in addition to stand-alone questions
and, second, to describe five potential modules capturing opportunity to learn and noncognitive
student factors relevant to student achievement that are proposed for future NAEP Core survey
questionnaires. Evidence from the research literature on selection of these modules will be provided.
We thereby directly address the National Assessment Governing Board’s policy principles laid out in
their 2012 policy statement, particularly the principles that “NAEP reporting should be enriched by
greater use of contextual data derived from background or non-cognitive questions asked of
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students, teachers, and schools” (National Assessment Governing Board, 2012, p. 2). Proposed
Revision of General Questionnaire Approach
Historically, NAEP has designed its contextual questionnaires around single questions and
questionnaire results were therefore reported as single questions as well. A revised approach is
presented that is a more balanced, one that provides a mixture of both breadth and depth of coverage.
That is, in addition to single questions that are important to providing context for student
achievement, indices that are based on aggregation of data and several questions that will add more
robust policy-relevant reporting elements to the NAEP survey questionnaires. Indices can be
clustered into a number of distinct modules that each focus on a specific area of contextual variables
(e.g., socio-economic status). This approach is not entirely new – the existing core questionnaires
already contain several questions on multiple topics. In the existing approach, however, no aggregate
indices were created for reporting. While additional questions will be needed to capture all modules
proposed here, the main difference between the existing and newly proposed approach is
aggregating questions into indices that build several modules. This approach directly addresses the
National Assessment Governing Board’s call for making better use of the NAEP contextual variables,
specifically the first implementation guideline that, “clusters of questions will be developed on
important topics of continued interest” (National Assessment Governing Board, 2012, p. 2).
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Table 1 summarizes the differences between the current and proposed approaches in terms of both
questionnaire design and reporting.
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Table 1 - Proposed revision of general questionnaire approach
Current Approach
Single questions
Single questions
Proposed Approach
Modules of questions and select
single questions
Indices based on multiple
questions and select single
The proposed modules will comprise multiple questions on the same topic. While this marks a shift
to the approach to questionnaire design in NAEP, the central interest remains the same, that is
assessing topics related to student achievement. The NAEP subject area assessments focus on
measuring what students know and can do. The NAEP survey questionnaires capture relevant
contextual data for evaluating the achievement results that can help educators and policy makers
better understand the circumstances under which learning and instruction take place. In addition,
the proposed modules can add value to the NAEP survey questionnaires by capturing student,
teacher, and school factors that might not only be interpreted as important achievement predictors,
but that may also represent goals of education, and related outcomes, by themselves (see e.g.,
“Defining and Selecting Key Competencies”, Rychen & Salganik, 2003; “Key Education Indicators”,
Smith & Ginsburg, 2013). Enhanced questionnaire designs with questions being spiraled across
multiple forms will be considered for future technology-based assessments, in line with the National
Assessment Governing Board’s implementation guideline that, “whenever feasible, assessment
samples should be divided (spiral sampling) (…) in order to cover more topics without increasing
respondent burden” (National Assessment Governing Board, 2012, p. 3). Spiraling approaches are
the standard practice for the cognitive (subject area) tests in educational large-scale assessments
(Comber & Keeves, 1973; OECD, 2013). Recent research findings suggest that questionnaire spiraling
can substantially increase content coverage of survey questionnaires with very small to negligible
impact on the overall measurement model, including conditioning and estimation of plausible values
(see e.g., Adams, Berezner,& Lietz, 2013; Kaplan & Wu, 2014; Monseur & Bertling, 2014; Almonte et
al., 2014). Different possible spiraling designs for the 2017 NAEP questionnaires are currently being
The idea of questionnaire indices (or modules) is not new. It is the current practice for other largescale assessments and surveys to aggregate multiple questions into scale indices, and analyze
relationships with achievement results and group differences based on these questionnaire indices,
in addition to analyzing responses to single questions.
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Since the year 2000, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD)
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA; e.g., OECD, 2013) has been providing
various questionnaire indices based on a 30 minute student questionnaire, plus additional indices
from a school principal questionnaire, as well as a number of optional questionnaires (e.g.,
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Familiarity questionnaire) that are administered
in selected countries only. Example indices from PISA 2012 are Attitudes towards school (4 items),
Sense of Belonging (8 items), Perseverance (4 items), Openness for Problem Solving (4 items), or
Mathematics Self-Efficacy (8 items). PISA also entails an index of economic, social, and cultural status
that is based on several questionnaire components. With PISA 2012 OECD introduced several new
item formats for increased cross-cultural validity of the derived questionnaire indices, among them
Anchoring Vignettes to adjust Likert type responses (Bertling & Kyllonen, 2013), Topic Familiarity
items with overclaiming correction (Kyllonen & Bertling, 2013), and Situational Judgment Tests to
measure students’ problem solving approaches (Bertling, 2012; see Kyllonen & Bertling, 2013, for
an overview). The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)
follows a very similar approach with their international large-scale assessments. Both the Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS; e.g., Martin, Mullis, & Foy, 2008) and the
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS; e.g., Foy & Drucker, 2011) include
numerous questionnaire indices. While PISA assesses only 15-year olds, TIMSS and PIRLS are
administered at grades 4 and 8. At both grades, questionnaire indices are primarily based on matrix
questions, i.e., questions that comprise a general item stem plus multiple sub-items. Example indices
from TIMSS are Home Resources for Learning (5 items), or School Emphasis on Academic Success (5
items). The Gallup Student Poll measures Hope, Engagement, and Wellbeing of fifth- through twelfthgraders in the United States, with 5 to 8 items per index.
Contextual modules with questionnaire indices can add value to the NAEP survey questionnaires in
several ways. Modules create more robust reporting through aggregating items into indices. Use of
scale indices to describe contextual factors instead of single items is not only beneficial from a
measurement perspective (e.g., indices will minimize wording effects of individual contextual
questions), but will also enhance the relevance of NAEP to policy makers, educators, and researchers
by enriching NAEP reporting and potentially providing trend data on important noncognitive student
factors as well as alternative outcomes of formal and informal education.
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2 Overview of Key Factors Relevant to Student
The NAEP statute requires that contextual factors included in the NAEP survey questionnaires must
be directly related to the appraisal of academic achievement. A simple way to think of student
achievement is as a function of student factors and opportunity to learn factors, and their interplay.
Student factors can be further divided into a student’s cognitive ability and “noncognitive factors”
capturing a student’s attitudes towards school and learning, interest, motivation, self-related
competency beliefs, and other dispositions relevant to learning and achievement. The term
“noncognitive factors” will be described in more detail in the following section.
Opportunity to Learn (OTL) describes whether a student is exposed to opportunities to acquire
relevant knowledge and skills. It was originally defined quite narrowly as whether students had
sufficient time and received adequate instruction to learn (Carrol, 1963; see also Abedi et al., 2006).
Several different aspects of the OTL constructs have been highlighted since then and, therefore,
broadened the definition of the term. In this memo we use a broad definition of OTL as all contextual
factors that capture the cumulative learning opportunities a student was exposed to at the time of
the assessment. These factors comprise both learning opportunities at school and informal and
formal learning outside of school. Examples for opportunities to learn at school are exposure to
relevant content, access to resources for learning, and exposure to a positive school climate that
encourages learning. Outside of school, a student family’s socio-economic background (SES) and the
family academic climate/home academic resources can determine opportunities to learn. For
example, while a student’s mathematical reasoning ability will be a core driver for performance on a
mathematics test, whether or not the student has been exposed to relevant learning material, has
access to the resources needed, and received support for this learning as needed might play an
equally large or even larger role for the student’s success. Student factors and opportunity to learn
factors can interact as students may differ in how they make use of the opportunities provided, and
learning opportunities may help learners develop abilities and shape their attitudes. Figure 1 shows
a graphical illustration of this general model.
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“Noncognitive Factors”
Outside of School
At School
Figure 1 – A Simplified Model of Student Achievement,
Note. Contextual variables can be input, process, or outcome variables at the systems level, school level,
classroom level, or individual student level. Complex moderation or mediation pathways are not shown.
This graphical illustration is simplified in several ways: it does not illustrate the multilevel structure
with data sources at different levels (such as system level, school level, classroom level and individual
level variables) and different types of variables (input, process, output) as distinguished in more
complex models, such as the Context-Input-Process-Output (CIPO) model; Purves, 1987; OECD
2013). It also does not depict the possible pathways of moderation and mediation that might
characterize the interplay between the components shown. In other words, not all factors depicted
in this model might pose direct influence on achievement but effects can be indirect, i.e. mediated
through other factors, or variables can impact the relationship between other variables as
moderators. For instance, noncognitive student factors (e.g., mindset, academic perseverance) might
mediate the relationship between SES and achievement. Moreover, achievement outputs might take
the role of input variables for noncognitive or other student factors when, for instance, students with
higher achievement levels might develop stronger noncognitive factors (for instance, self-efficacy
beliefs). In the context of this memo the model can provide a useful basis for categorizing the
different contextual factors relevant to achievement and aligns with other schematic models
proposed in the literature (e.g., Farrington et al., 2012; Heckman & Kautz, 2013).
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Despite the importance to general cognitive ability and content knowledge to student achievement
in school educational, psychological, and econometric research over the past decades, has shown that
psycho-social variables or so-called “noncognitive skills” or “noncognitive factors” are of key
importance for success in K-12 and beyond (Almlund, Duckworth, Heckmann and Kauth 2011;
Heckmann, Stixrud and Urzua, 2006; Richardson et al., 2012), and also have effects in comparable
range on achievement as cognitive ability has (e.g., Poropat, 2009). Success in school and beyond
depends, for instance, on applying effort and being committed to succeed and persist during
adversity, seeing learning as an opportunity, and respecting and understanding others. Related
educational, and especially psychological, research has focused on noncognitive factors for many
years, while numerous theories on the respective constructs have been proposed and investigated.
Economics literature has only recently focused more on noncognitive skills. Here, the increased
interest in these skills can be explained based on studies showing the predictive value of constructs
beyond classical cognitive measures of reading and mathematics for important academic and
workforce-related outcomes. While the term “noncognitive” is currently the most widely used term
to describe student factors outside of those commonly measured by aptitude tests factors, it might
reinforce a false dichotomy between traditional academic factors and psycho-social variables when,
in fact, almost all aspects of human behavior can be linked to cognition (Borghans, Duckworth,
Heckman, & Weel, 2008). Given its wide use and the current lack of a widely accepted alternative
term, we use “noncognitive factors” here to refer to skills, strategies, attitudes, and behaviors that are
distinct from content knowledge and academic skills, as described by Farrington et al. in their 2012
report for the Consortium of Chicago School Research, “Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners:
The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Shaping School Performance”. Alternative labels that have been
used in the literature are “non-intellectual correlates of GPA” (Richardson et al., 2012), “Personality”
(Heckman et al.) or “incentive enhancing preferences” (e.g., Bowles, Gintis & Osborne, 2000) to
describe parameters “that shift the employee’s best response function upward, leading an employee
to work harder at every wage rate and holding all else constant” (p. 4). In the context of educational
large-scale assessments, this definition can be modified to relate to all student factors that motivate
a student to study harder, be more actively engaged in learning, and achieve higher grades, but also
in a broader sense, factors that make a student more successful in education, better prepared for
adult life as a student and/or member of the workforce, and an active citizen, potentially including
factors such as subjective well-being. Most taxonomies of so-called “21st Century Skills” (e.g.,
National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council) include noncognitive factors as well.
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The National Assessment Governing Board’s first policy principle in their 2012 Policy Statement on
NAEP Background Questions and the Use of Contextual Data in NAEP Reporting explicitly highlights
the importance of “non-cognitive questions asked of students, teachers, and schools” for enriched
NAEP reporting (National Assessment Governing Board, 2012, p. 1). We propose to include, in
addition to the subject-specific contextual factors, several domain-general noncognitive student
factors in future NAEP questionnaires to broaden the coverage of relevant variables and increase the
policy relevance of the NAEP database and reports.
Several larger literature reviews and meta-analyses have recently highlighted the importance of
noncognitive factors. Richardson et al. (2012) identified 42 noncognitive factors relevant to student
achievement and proposed clustering these into the following five conceptually overlapping, but
distinct, research domains, (1) personality traits, (2) motivational factors, (3) self-regulated learning
strategies, (4) students’ approaches to learning, and (5) psychosocial contextual influences. Metaanalytical correlations in the range of approximately .20 or larger with Grade Point Average (GPA)
were found for 10 noncognitive factors out of the 42 factors investigated: Performance self-efficacy,
Academic self-efficacy, Grade goal, Effort regulation, Strategic approaches to learning, Time/study
management, Procrastination, Conscientiousness, Test anxiety, and Need for cognition. Correlations
with achievement for these noncognitive factors are in the same range as the meta-analytical
correlation between general intelligence and GPA. When controlling for cognitive ability, several
studies reported conscientiousness to take the role of the strongest predictor of achievement
(O’Connor & Paunonen, 2007; Poropat, 2009), and as a “comparatively important predictor”
(Poropat, 2009, p. 330) in direct comparison with general intelligence. It was suggested that effort
regulation might be the driving force behind these relationships with achievement (Richardson &
Abraham, 2009). Other reviews have drawn similar conclusions highlighting goal setting and taskspecific self-efficacy as the strongest predictors of GPA (Robbins et al., 2004. A classification of
noncognitive factors that seems especially helpful in the context of NAEP is the recent work by the
University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research (CCSR). The authors of the report
suggest a similar, though slightly different, classification of student success factors compared to the
classification suggested by Richardson and others. The five clusters of success factors identified are:
Academic Behaviors, Academic Perseverance, Academic Mindsets, Learning Strategies, and Social
Skills (Farrington et al., 2012). While some of the research on noncognitive factors (e.g., Heckman &
Kautz, 2013; Nyhus & Pons, 2005; O’Connor & Paunonen, 2007; Paunonen & Ashton, 2001; Poropat,
2009; Roberts, Kuncel, Shiner, Caspi, & Goldberg, 2007) focuses heavily on personality and the socalled Big Five or OCEAN model (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness,
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Neuroticism; Costa & McCrae, 1992; McCrae & Costa, 1989) which was seen primarily as a stable
person characteristics in a large part of the traditional literature, Farrington et al. emphasize the
malleability of noncognitive student factors, and the importance of teaching in fostering noncognitive
factors that help students become active learners who succeed in school. This view is consistent with
recent findings from individual differences researchers providing ample validity evidence for the
malleability, amenability for interventions, and lifetime changes of noncognitive factors (e.g.,
Heckman and Kautz, 2013; Specht, Egloff, Schmukle, 2011). As Farrington et al. (2012) describe,
social investments in the development of noncognitive factors may “yield payoffs in improved
educational outcomes as well as reduced racial/ethnic and gender disparities in school performance
and educational attainment” (p. 5). Dweck et al. (2011) highlight that educational intervention and
initiatives can “have transformative effects on students’ experience and achievement in school,
improving core academic outcomes such as GPA and test scores months and even years later” (p. 3).
Several researchers have described effective techniques to positively impact noncognitive factors
such as self-efficacy beliefs in various contexts (e.g., Abraham, 2012; Ashford, Edmunds, & French,
2010; Bandura, 1997) and have also highlighted the specific importance of teachers’ behaviors such
as setting grades, providing constructive feedback and promoting mastery experiences, especially at
early grades (Chen et al., 2000; Lent & Brown, 2006; Stock & Cervone, 1990). Research suggests that
performance-focused interventions show larger expected effects on students’ academic achievement
than more general counseling services (Richardson et al., 2012). Further, the CCSR model aligns well
with multidimensional models of students’ school engagement (Appleton, Christenson, Kim, &
Reschly, 2006; Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004), with the three main engagement components
behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement. Academic behaviors and
perseverance relate to behavioral engagement, and academic mindsets and learning strategies
capture cognitive engagement as well as aspects of emotional engagement. The first cluster described
in the CCSR review, Academic behaviors, comprises behaviors such as going to class, doing
homework, organizing materials, participating in class, and studying. Academic perseverance
(cluster 2; also referred to as “grit”) as the second cluster is described as “a student’s tendency to
complete school assignments in a timely and thorough manner, to the best of one’s ability, despite
distractions, obstacles, or level of challenge. (...) It is the difference between doing the minimal
amount of work to pass a class and putting in long hours to truly master course material and excel in
one’s studies.” (p. 9). Academic perseverance is conceptualized as a direct antecedent to academic
behaviors. Academic mindsets (cluster 3) are described as “the psycho-social attitudes and beliefs
one has about oneself in relation to academic work” (p. 9) and thereby give rise to academic
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perseverance. Four key academic mindsets highlighted by Farrington et al. (2012) are (1) “I belong
in this academic community”, (2) “My ability and competence grow with my effort, (3), “I can succeed
at this”, and (4) “This work has value for me”. Learning strategies (cluster 4) are processes or tactics
that help students leverage academic behaviors to maximize learning. Four groups of learning
strategies distinguished by Farrington et al. (2012) are: study skills, metacognitive strategies, selfregulated learning, and goal-setting. Social skills (cluster 5) are conceptualized as interpersonal
qualities that have mostly indirect effects on academic performance by affecting academic behavior,
with key social skills being empathy, cooperation, assertion, and responsibility (Farrington et al.,
2012). Farrington et al. (2012) propose a model “as a simplified framework for conceptualizing the
primary relationships” (p. 13) for how these five noncognitive factors affect academic performance
within a classroom context. In their model, academic mindsets build the foundation for the
emergence of academic perseverance that may result in academic behaviors which, as a next step,
lead to academic performance. While Harrington’s focus clearly is on noncognitive factors, their
model also includes classroom factors and socio-cultural context factors that provide a foundation
for student learning and may shape noncognitive factors. These factors capture the OTL factors
previously described on in this section and illustrated in Figure 1.
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3 Modules proposed for future Core
Based on a review of the research literature, as well as a review of approaches for other large-scale
assessments, five potential modules, each comprising related constructs, are suggested for future
core contextual questionnaires. These modules are (1) Socio-Economic Status (SES), (2) Technology
Use, (3) School Climate, (4) Grit, and (5) Desire for Learning1. Modules may differ in their scope, in
terms of the number of questions needed on the questionnaire. SES, Technology Use, and School
Climate will likely comprise variables at multiple levels (e.g., school level, classroom level, and
individual level) and, therefore, be represented by questions across all respondent groups, while Grit
and Desire for Learning are primarily student-level constructs and, therefore, might require fewer
questions. Table 2 shows how these modules fit in with the overall model of student achievement
described in the previous section. Some modules capture variables spanning both student and OTL
factors. Technology use, for instance, includes an ability component (Familiarity with technology), a
noncognitive component (Attitudes towards technology), and an OTL component (Access to
Main criteria for selecting these modules were the following:
(a) Factors captured in each module should have a clear relationship with student
achievement. Student factors with no clear or low correlations with achievement based
on the published research are discarded from inclusion. This criterion directly refers to
the NAEP statute. Modules with a strong research foundation based on several studies
(ideally, meta-analyses) and established theoretical models will be favored over modules
with less research evidence regarding the relationship with achievement or modules with
a less established theoretical foundation.
(b) Factors captured in each module should be malleable and actionable in terms of possible
interventions in an outside the classroom.
(c) Factors should be amenable for measurement with survey questionnaires. Some of the
factors summarized above (e.g., social skills, learning strategies) might require other
assessment strategies to provide meaningful and reliable measures.
In an earlier presentation of potential modules the term “Need for Cognition” (NFC) was used. We suggest using
the more general term “Desire for Learning” to replace the previous term as it is less technical and broader than
NFC with NFC as one possible facets.
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(d) Modules suggested for inclusion in the Core Survey Questionnaires should focus on those
student and OTL factors that are domain-general, meaning that they are not specific to
one of the NAEP subject areas but, first, apply equally to all subject area assessments and,
second, cannot be measured better as part of the subject-specific questionnaires.
These modules also show high alignment with the modules suggested by the National Assessment
Governing Board’s first implementation guideline for questions and questionnaires (“Clusters of
questions will be developed on important topics of continuing interest, such as student motivation
and control over the environment, use of technology, and out-of school learning, which could be used
regularly or rotated across assessment cycles”, National Assessment Governing Board, 2012, p. 2) as
well as the “Key Education Indicators” (KEI) suggested by Smith and Ginsburg (2013). Technology
was suggested as one module and is proposed also in this memo. Motivation was suggested as a
module and is captured by the two proposed modules of Grit and Desire for Learning in this memo.
Grit captures predominantly students’ motivation to work hard, apply effort, and self-regulate their
learning. Desire for learning captures intrinsic motives and general learning motivation. Out of school
activities play a role in several modules, but are primarily covered in the Technology Use module.
Out of school activities related to specific subject-areas are suggested for inclusion in the subjectspecific questionnaires, which is in line with current NAEP practices. The Technology and
Engineering Literacy (TEL) and Science survey questionnaires, for instance, include several
questions specifically targeted at learning opportunities and activities outside of school. School
climate was suggested as one KEI and is captured in this memo.
Several important noncognitive and OTL factors are not suggested as possible modules for the core
questionnaires as they can be better measured if questions are contextualized within the subjectarea questionnaires. This applies, for instance, to self-efficacy, self-concept, confidence, and interest,
or to OTL factors such as availability of resources for learning and instruction, and curriculum
content. Contextual factors specific to a NAEP subject area are proposed to be measured via the
subject-specific questionnaires, in line with current NAEP practices. Table 2 lists not only the
suggested domain-general modules, but also examples for the domain-specific indicators that are
considered for future survey questionnaires. For each subject area, an Issues Paper (not part of this
document) further lays out the contextual variables relevant to each subject area and the subjectspecific questionnaires. In the following section, the proposed modules will be described in more
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Table 2 – Overview of integration of suggested modules with achievement model; numbers in parentheses
indicate the five modules (1: SES, 2: Technology Use, 3: School Climate; 4: Grit; 5: Desire for Learning).
(Core Questionnaires)
Familiarity with Technology (2)
Opportunity to
Learn (OTL)
Outside of
(Subject Area Questionnaires)
Learning Strategies
Grit (4), including:
o Perseverance
o Passion for long term goals
o Effort regulation, self-control,
Procrastination (-)
Desire for Learning (5), including:
o Need for Cognition
o Curiosity
o Openness
Attitudes towards Technology (2)
Access to Technology (2)
School Climate (3), including:
o Physical and emotional Safety
o Teaching and learning,
o Interpersonal relationships,
o Institutional environment
Socio-Economic Status (1),
key components:
o Home Possessions
(including access to
technology (2) and family
academic resources)
o Parental Education
o Parental Occupation
Motivation, Grade Goal
Locus of Control
Resources for Learning
and Instruction
Organization of
Teacher Preparation
Out of school
Note. *Basic student background characteristics, such as race/ethnicity are not included in this
overview table; **This list of domain-specific indicators is not exhaustive; domain-specific
contextual factors are described in the Issues Papers for each subject area.
3.1 Socio-Economic Status (Module 1)
Socio-economic status (SES) is a legislatively mandated reporting category in NAEP and questions
about SES have been included in all past NAEP survey questionnaires. Along with background
variables such as gender, age, and race/ethnicity SES-related variables are also among the standard
questions and reporting categories in other large-scale assessments by OECD and IEA (e.g., PISA,
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SES has been described as an individual’s access to resources for meeting needs (Cowan & Sellman,
2008), the social standing or class of an individual or group, or as a gradient that reveals inequities
in access to and distribution of resources (American Psychological Association, 2007). The first
research on SES emerged in the 1920s when Taussig (1920) analyzed father’s occupational status
and observed that students of families with low income or low-status jobs demonstrated lower
achievement in school. Sims (1927) and Cuff (1934) took a more comprehensive approach using a
score card consisting of 23 survey questions including also home possessions (e.g., books), rooms in
the home, cultural activities, and parents’ educational attainment. Since then multiple approaches to
SES have been taken, and more complex statistical models were applied (e.g., Ganzeboom et al., 1992;
Hauser & Warren, 1997). Two large meta-analyses of studies published before 1980 (White, 1982)
and between 1990 and 2000 (Sirin, 2005) consistently demonstrated medium to strong relationships
between SES and achievement, and further showed that parental educational attainment was the
most commonly used measure for SES, followed by occupational status and family income. Sirin
(2005) suggested six categories to group indicators of SES (numbers in parentheses denote the
number of studies identified by Sirin): parental educational attainment (30 studies), parental
occupational status (15 studies), family income (14 studies), free or reduced-price lunch (10 studies),
neighborhood (6 studies), and home resources (4 studies). OECD reports an Index of Economic, Social,
and Cultural Status (ESCS) in their PISA reports that are based on three main components: the highest
parental education (indicated as the educational attainment of the parent with the higher educational
attainment; classified using the ISCED coding), the highest parental occupation (indicated as the
occupational status of the parent with the higher occupational status; classified using the ISCO
coding), and an index of home possessions (derived as a composite of approximately 20 items about
various wealth possessions, cultural possessions, and home educational resources, plus a measure of
the total number of books in the home). While different studies have taken slightly different
approaches to the measurement of SES, a common element across the various definitions and
measurement approaches for SES is the distinction of the so-called “Big 3” components: education,
income, and occupation (APA, 2007; Cowan & Sellman, 2008; OECD, 2013). In 2012, NCES created an
Expert Panel that completed a white paper entitled, Improving the Measurement of Socioeconomic
Status for the National Assessment of Educational Progress: A Theoretical Foundation.2 Based on a
The SES Expert Panel White Paper is available at
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comprehensive review and analysis of the literature the NAEP SES Expert Panel (2012) suggested
the following consensus definition that is adapted for this memo:
“SES can be defined broadly as one’s access to financial, social, cultural, and human capital
resources. Traditionally a student’s SES has included, as components, parental educational
attainment, parental occupational status, and household or family income, with appropriate
adjustment for household or family composition. An expanded SES measure could include
measures of additional household, neighborhood, and school resources.” (p. 14)
SES indicators can be defined at different levels, with the systems level (e.g., the general wealth of an
economy and spending on education), school level (e.g., a school’s funding situation and the
availability and quality of educational resources), and individual level (e.g., home possessions) being
three key levels described in the literature (e.g., OECD, 2013). An example for another level is
neighborhood SES. Studies often compare socio-economically advantaged with disadvantaged
students. OECD considers students socio-economically advantaged if their ESCS index falls into the
top quartile (i.e., the top 25 percent) in their country or economy, and socio-economically
disadvantaged if their ESCS falls into the bottom quartile, respectively (OECD, 2013). That is, the
definition of being advantaged or disadvantaged is, ultimately, relative to a reference population.
The relationship between SES and student achievement has been well documented in the research
literature (Bryant, Glazer, Hansen, & Kursch, 1974; Coleman et al., 1966; Cowan & Sellman, 2008;
Cuff, 1934; Harwell & Holley, 1916; Kieffer, 2012; LeBeau, 2010; Lynd & Lynd, 1929; Singh, 2013;
Sirin, 2005; White, 1982; ). This relationship can go in both directions. SES determines students’
opportunity to learn and what skills they acquire, and the distribution of skills across the population
can have significant implications on the distribution of economic and social outcomes within
societies (OECD, 2013). Data from OECD’s Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), for instance, shows that
individuals with literacy scores on the highest level are “almost three times as likely to enjoy higher
wages than those scoring at the lowest levels, and those with low literacy skills are also more than
twice as likely to be unemployed” (OECD, 2013, p. 26). Recursive models and more complex path
models have been proposed to explain the observed relationships with achievement based on
additional variables such as personal aspirations, peer effects, cultural and social capital, and
variables concerning home academic climate and cognitively challenging home environments (e.g.,
Blau & Duncan, 1967; Reynolds & Walberg, 1992; Spaeth, 1976; Levin & Belfield, 2002; Coleman,
The availability of SES as a contextual variable enables researchers and policy makers to study
educational equity and fairness issues, making the existence of a reliable and valid SES measure an
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important indicator that can help monitoring achievement gaps. PISA 2012 results indicate that
socio-economic status strongly relates to achievement (“Socio-economically advantaged students
and school tend to outscore their disadvantaged peers by larger margins than between any other two
groups of students”, OECD, 2012, p. 34). At the same time, the socio-economic gradient (defined as
the relationship between SES and performance, OECD, 2013) can be altered by policies targeted at
increasing educational equity. PISA results show, for instance, that increasing educational equity
goes along with increased achievement overall in a majority of countries (OECD, 2013). SES further
is an important covariate with achievement to examine the effects of other variables, and as a
matching variable in educational intervention studies. (NAEP SES Expert Panel, 2012).
Current NAEP practice is to measure SES through a set of proxy variables that only partly capture the
“Big 3” components. Out of the three main components of SES, education, occupation, and income,
NAEP currently assesses parental education (based on student reported data) and household income
via several proxy variables including books in the home, household possessions (both student
reported), and school reported eligibility for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP; 2008), as
well as Title 1 status. For reporting purposes, all of these are treated as individual variables, rather
than as a composite index similar to the index of economic, social, and cultural status (ESCS) that is
reported by OECD based on PISA.
After reviewing the current SES indicators used in NAEP, the NAEP SES Expert Panel (2012)
concluded with four key recommendations for future SES developments in NAEP: First, developing
a core SES measure based on the “Big 3” indicators (family income, parental educational attainment,
and parental occupational status), second, considering development of an expanded SES measure,
which could include neighborhood and school SES variables; third, focusing on SES composite
measures rather than relying on single proxy measures; and forth, exploring possibilities of using
data from the U.S. Census Bureau, such as the American Community Survey (ACS), to link to NAEP.
Similar suggestions had been made earlier, particularly to create a composite measure rather than
relying on single proxy measures (Barton, 2003), and to use data linked from other sources, such as
the U.S.Census to provide more accurate data on income, parental educational attainment, and
parental occupation (Hauser & Andrew, 2007).
At the current stage of item development for the 2017 technology-based core survey questionnaires,
main considerations for future development are the design of parental occupation questions and a
possible update of existing questions on both household income and education. In this context, we
are pursuing a potential link between NAEP and Census that will allow us to obtain SES-related
information without increasing student burden. A special study will be conducted in 2015 to link
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NAEP with the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) for grade 4 students. A short supplemental
questionnaire will be administered to all ECLS students, including new questions on parental
education and parental occupation. Furthermore, re-evaluating the validity of the NSLP measure and
some of the key traditional SES questions, such as the number of books in the home, is a priority for
future development. Particularly the availability of digital technologies has changed the use of
physical books and created new alternative indicators of wealth.
With the 2017 Core Survey Questionnaires we attempt to present a SES composite index that
captures the “big 3” components of SES and adds value to OECD’s ESCS index by improving the
validity of the parental education and occupation measures and, if feasible, combine student reported
data with other data sources in creating the index. These plans directly address the National
Assessment Governing Board’s implementation guideline that, “The development and use of
improved measures of socio-economic status (SES) will be accelerated, including further exploration
of an SES index for NAEP reporting” (National Assessment Governing Board, 2012, p. 3).
In addition, we attempt to further explore creation of an extended SES measure that might also
include psychological variables (such as, coping mechanisms, perceptions of the environment; see
also, SES Expert Panel, 2012) and potentially a subjective SES measure. In doing so we respond to
the NAEP SES Expert Panel’s recommendation that, “psychological variables and some subjective
measures of SES may be useful contextual and potentially explanatory variables that could help
interpret NAEP scores.” (NAEP SES Expert Panel, 2012, p. 17). Such an extension would correspond
to an SES model with an emphasis on social gradients and individuals’ positions relative to others
that was described by the American Psychological Association Task Force on Socioeconomic Status
as a potential alternative to the traditional materialist SES model (APA, 2007a).
3.2 Technology Use (Module 2)
Over the next few years, NAEP will fully transition from paper-and-pencil assessments to technologybased assessments (TBAs). This represents not only a change in administration format, but also
signals the introduction of potentially new and expansive content in the subject area assessments
that reflect the way students are being prepared for post-secondary technology-rich environments.
Teaching and learning in and outside of the classroom increasingly involve using a variety of digital
technologies, such as internet resources, laptops, tablets, and smart phones.
As all NAEP assessments move to technology-based delivery, discerning to what extent students have
access to digital technology, are familiar with it, and whether students have positive attitudes
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regarding the use of technology for learning, is especially important. Thus far, two NAEP assessments,
namely the 2011 Writing assessment and the 2014 TEL assessment have been administered via
computers. When one examines the contextual variables from these assessments that were designed
to measure previous access and exposure to computers, there is only a single contextual item
measuring computer access that is common to both assessments – “Is there a computer in your
home?” There are no common items that measure familiarity with computers or other relevant
technologies across the assessments. With this suggested module, the intent is to develop a set of
indicators that help evaluate and monitor over time how prepared students are, in a narrow sense,
to take a technology-based assessment and, more generally, to deal with digital technologies in their
everyday life, both at school and outside of school. Self-efficacy regarding major use cases of
computer software in and outside the classroom, as well as keyboarding skills, will be considered as
part of this module as well.
The literature shows that access to technology at school and outside of school is linked to student
achievement (Clements, 1999; Clements and Sarama, 2003; Salerno, 1995). For example, studies find
that access to technology in the home is linked with improved achievement in mathematics and
reading (Espinosa, Laffrey, Whittaker, & Sheng, 2006; Hess & McGarvey, 1987), as well as other
achievement indicators such as graduating from high school (Fairlie, 2005). Specifically, Fairlie
(2005) found that children who had access to a computer at home were more likely to graduate from
high school. Researchers also find that access to the technology at school is positively related to
achievement, that is students who have access to technology at school tend to demonstrate higher
levels of achievement (Lowther, Ross, & Morrison, 2003; Mackinnon & Vibert, 2002; Siegle & Foster,
2001). Interestingly, Lowther et al. (2003) also found that in addition to general access to technology,
student achievement is also influenced by whether students have their own laptop or have to share
a computer with other classmates. Specifically, these authors found that students, who had access to
their own laptop in the classroom, were more likely to have higher Problem-Solving, Science, and
Writing scores than students who had access to shared classroom computers. One encouraging
finding shows that at-risk students attending a school where a 1:1 laptop program is implemented
(i.e., one laptop is provided to each student) demonstrate the highest gains in Writing (Zheng,
Warschauer, Farkas, 2013).
While access to technology does have several educational implications, most notably on student
achievement, the literature also shows that familiarity with technology (i.e., knowing how to access
and search the Internet, use functions in Word, Excel, etc.) is crucial to student academic success
(Cuban, Kirkpatrick, & Peck, 2001) and shapes students attitudes about technology (Peck, Cuban, &
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Kirkpatrick, 2002). Familiarity with technology, often referred to as computer literacy, technology
literacy, or information and communications (ICT) literacy (i.e., knowledge about computers and
other related technology), encompasses a wide range of skills from basic knowledge/skills such as
starting a computer, opening software programs (e.g., Word or Excel) or opening a web browser (e.g.,
Internet Explorer) to more advanced skills such as advanced programming.
OECD conceptualizes ICT literacy as the “availability and use of information and communications
technology (ICT), including where ICT is mostly used, as well as on the students’ ability to carry out
computer tasks and their attitudes towards computer use” (OECD, 2009). ICT literacy is considered
within the context of the home and at school, for example, the 2009 ICT questionnaire included items
related to devices available to students, activities, or tasks that students complete (e.g., home:
“Download music, films, games or software from the Internet”; school: “Post your work on the
school’s website”). In PISA, the importance of ICT literacy for learning and instruction is reflected by
a special questionnaire for students that is administered in addition to the regular student
questionnaire in a growing number of countries (45 countries in 2009). The optional ICT
questionnaire includes socio-economic factors (e.g., access to technology devices at home and
technology equipment at school), familiarity with specific tasks (e.g., using a spreadsheet or creating
a presentation), and attitudes towards computers (e.g., “it is very important to me to work with a
computer”) (OECD, 2009). Students who were more confident in their ability to perform routine ICT
tasks (e.g., open a file or save a file) and Internet tasks (e.g., browse the internet or use email) also
tended to demonstrate higher levels of mathematics and reading proficiency (OECD, 2003; 2010).
PISA also includes questions in the school principal questionnaire asking about the availability of
computers in schools and whether principles experience a shortage in computers that might
negatively impact instruction in their school (OECD, 2010).
In line with these results, other studies such as Cuban et al. (2001) and Peck et al. (2002) found that
increased technology literacy is positively associated with several non-cognitive factors such as selfconfidence and motivation to excel in school. Similarly, another study found that students who have
access to and use technology also report higher participation rates in class, more interest in learning,
and greater motivation to do well in class (Trimmel & Bachmann, 2004). In addition, students also
believe that the use of laptops, and technology in general, positively affects their study habits and
general academic learning (Demb, Erickson, & Hawkins-Wilding, 2004).
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3.3 “School Climate” (Module 3)
School climate is a concept that captures a variety of experiences from the learning environment. It
is best thought of as a multidimensional construct. School climate refers to the quality and character
of school life. It sets the tone for all the learning and teaching done in the school environment
(National School Climate Center, 2013) and thereby also represents an important opportunity to
learn factor. School climate not only sets the tone for learning and teaching in the school, but may
also relate to student subjective well being (defined as “people’s experiences of their lives as
desirable”, Diener and William, 2006, p. 28) and happiness at school. The Gallup Student Poll, for
instance, includes a set of questions addressing student well-being. Several studies demonstrated the
strong impact that a student’s well-being and sense of belonging in a school or classroom can have
on achievement (Battistich, Solomon, Kim, Watson, & Schaps, 1995; Cohen & Garcia, 2008; Furrer &
Skinner, 2003; Goodenow, 1992; Goodenow & Grady, 1993; McMillan & Chavis, 1986; Ryan & Deci,
2000; Solomon, Watson, Battistich, Schaps, & Delucchi; 1996; Wentzel & Asher, 1995; Wentzel &
Caldwell, 1997). Particularly the feeling of being part of a school or classroom community can have
considerable psychological benefits for students and makes them more likely to engage in productive
academic behaviors. School climate can have impact on students’ academic mindsets and thereby,
indirectly, impact academic perseverance and behaviors (Farrington et al., 2012).
The literature suggests some common areas to address with any school climate measure (e.g. Clifford,
Menon, Condon, and Hornung, 2012; Cohen et al. 2013; Haggerty, Elgin, and Woodley, 2010; Voight
and Hanson, 2012). One of the latest reviews by Cohen et al. (2013) identifies four areas of focus:
safety (emotional and physical), teaching and learning, interpersonal relationships, and the
institutional environment. The various sub-dimensions for these four areas are discussed below.
Safety includes the sub-dimensions of rules and norms, sense of physical security, and sense of socialemotional support. Rules and norms are measured by indicators of how clearly rules about physical
violence, verbal abuse, harassment, and teasing are communicated and enforced (e.g., “Rules in this
school are made clear to students”). Sense of physical security refers to a sense that students and
adults feel safe from physical harm in the school (e.g. “Students feel safe in this school”). Sense of
social-emotional security is measured by indicators of students who feeling safe from verbal abuse,
teasing, and exclusion (e.g. “Students left me out of things to make me feel badly”). The contextual
questionnaires in TIMSS and PIRLS, for instance, include a scale that captures whether students feel
that they are bullied at school.
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Teaching and learning includes the sub-dimensions of support for learning, and social and civic
learning. Support for learning includes indicators of several different types of teaching practices that
provide varied opportunities for learning, encourage students to take risks, offer constructive
feedback, and foster an atmosphere conducive to academic challenge (e.g. “My teachers will always
listen to students' ideas”). Social and civic learning is measured by indicators of civic knowledge,
skills, and dispositions such as effective listening, conflict resolution, and ethical decision making (e.g.
“I can always find a way to help people end arguments”).
Interpersonal relationships include the sub-dimensions of respect for diversity, social support from
adults, and social support among students. Respect for diversity is measured by indicators of mutual
respect for individual differences at all levels of the school (e.g. “Students respect those of other
races”). Social support from adults is measured by indicators of supportive relationships between
adults and students, high expectations for student success, willingness to listen to students, and
personal concern for students (e.g. “Adults who work in this school care about students”). Social
support among students refers to the level of peer relationship or friendship between students (e.g.
“Students are friendly with each other”).
Institutional environment includes the sub-dimensions of school connectedness or engagement and
physical surroundings. School connectedness or engagement refers to whether the students
positively identify with the school and the norms for broad participation in school life (e.g. “I am
happy to be at this school”). The physical surroundings sub-dimension refers to how appealing the
schools facilities are and whether the school has adequate resources and materials (e.g. “This school
has clean and well–maintained facilities and property.”)
A great deal of research on school climate has been conducted in the United States at the national
level. The School Climate Surveys (SCLS) will pilot new questionnaires with middle and high schools
in 2015. Longitudinal surveys (such as the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, ECLS-K) include
measures of school climate on their student, teacher, and school administrator survey instruments.
State-wide surveys are also common. States such as Alaska, California and Delaware have undertaken
item development efforts to develop their own surveys of school climate (American Institutes of
Research, 2011; Bear & Yang, 2011; Hanson, 2011). The PISA student questionnaire includes several
measures of school climate, such as Student-Teacher-Relations, Sense of Belonging, and Disciplinary
Climate that have been consistently used in the survey since 2000. PIRLS and TIMSS report several
indices related to school climate as well (e.g., Students Bullied at School Scale; School Discipline and
Safety Scale). Finally, there are nonprofit organizations such as the National School Climate Center
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( that assists schools with assessing school climate and
developing strategies for improving it at their school. Item development for the proposed school
climate module will consider using existing questions from other surveys where appropriate to
further strengthen the linkage between NAEP and other large-scale assessments and surveys, as
called for in the National Assessment Governing Board’s implementation guidelines for future survey
questionnaires (“NAEP will include background questions from international assessments, such as
PISA and TIMSS, to obtain direct comparison of states and TUDA districts to educational practices in
other countries”, National Assessment Governing Board, 2012, p.3).
Research has shown a relationship between several of the sub-dimensions of school climate and
student achievement. Information on school-level factors which help improve schools, and thereby
also positively affect student learning, is of high policy relevance. A positive school climate creates an
environment that is conducive to student learning and achievement. School climate has been proven
to show an increase in a student’s motivation to learn (Eccles et al., 1993). It has also been shown to
moderate the impact of socioeconomic context on academic success (Astor, Benebnisty, and Estrada,
There has been research showing that each of the sub-dimensions of school climate effect student
achievement. In the area of safety, schools without supportive norms, structures, and relationships
are more likely to experience violence and victimization which is often associated with reduced
academic achievement (Astor, Guerra, and Van Acker, 2010). The relationships that a student
encounters at all levels in school also have an effect on student achievement. Students’ perceptions
of teacher-student support and student-student support are positively associated with GPA (Jia et al.,
2009). The student-teacher relationship even very early on in school, such as kindergarten, portends
future academic success (Hamre and Pianta, 2001). Positive perceptions of the racial climate in a
school are also associated with higher student achievement while negative racial climate can
negatively influence college preparation (Griffin and Allen, 2006).
Perhaps some of the strongest predictors of achievement related to school climate refer to the
teaching and learning practices in a school. Several correlational studies have shown a positive
relationship between school climate in this area and academic achievement in elementary
(Sterbinksky, Ross, and Redfield, 2006), middle school (Brand, Felner, Shim, Seitsinger, and Dumas,
2003), and high school (Stewart, 2008). Research shows that positive school climate not only
contributes to immediate student achievement, but endures for years (Hoy, Hannum, and TschannenMoran, 1998). Specific types of social and civic learning practices have been shown to be related to
higher achievement. For example, evidence-based character education programs are associated with
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higher achievement scores for elementary students. One meta-analysis of 700 positive youth
development, social emotional learning, and character education programs found that socioemotional learning led to a gain of 11-17 percentile points in achievement (Payton et al., 2008). There
is also research suggesting that the institutional environment is related to achievement. School
connectedness or engagement has been shown to be predictive of academic outcomes (Ruus, 2007).
A school climate measure for NAEP should take into account the various major focus areas and subdimensions reviewed above. A selection of the most important sub-dimensions to focus on in future
NAEP contextual questionnaires seems important. Also, different respondent groups might be more
appropriate for the measurement of different sub-dimensions.
3.4 “Grit” (Module 4)
One key finding from the research literature reviewed in the previous section is that academic
perseverance is one of the strongest predictors of achievement. This module focuses not only on
academic perseverance but combines perseverance with other, related factors that are comprised
under the factor “Grit”. Grit is defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals (Duckworth,
Peterson, Matthews, and Kelly, 2007). Grit can contribute to understanding student achievement
beyond variables related to SES and other OTL factors. It is related to conscientiousness, defined as
the degree to which a person is hard working, dependable, and detail oriented (Berry et al., 2007),
but focuses on its facets perseverance, industriousness, self-control, and procrastination
(negatively), which are among the facets that are strongest related to achievement (e.g., Barrick,
Stewart and Piotrowski, 2002). Students’ persistence even on difficult tasks (perseverance, e.g., not
to put off difficult problems, not to give up easily), general work ethics (industriousness, e.g., prepare
for class, work consistently throughout the school year), and low level of procrastination are not only
among the strongest non-cognitive predictors of GPA (Richardson et al., 2012), but are also important
predictors of success in higher education and the workforce in general (e.g., Heckman, Stixrud &
Urzua, 2006; Lindqvist & Vestman, 2011; Poropat, 2009; Roberts et al., 2007). Meta-analyses (e.g.,
Poropat, 2009) have shown that perseverance and related person characteristics predict educational
success to a comparable degree as cognitive ability measures. In other words, a prediction of a
person’s educational outcomes, such as GPA, based on a score reflecting the person’s level of
perseverance is about as accurate as a prediction of the same outcome based on a person’s IQ.
Grit goes beyond what is captured with these conscientiousness facets by including the capacity to
sustain both the effort and interest in projects that take months or even longer to complete. Grit is a
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noncognitive factor that may explain why some individuals accomplish more than others of equal
intellectual ability. Early psychologists recognized that there are certain factors that influence how
individuals utilize their abilities. William James suggested that psychologists should study both the
different types of human abilities and the means by which individuals utilize these abilities (James,
1907). Galton studied the biographical information of a number of eminent individuals and
concluded that high achievers had “ability combined with zeal and with capacity for hard labor”
(Galton, 1892). There are also more recent examples in modern psychology that demonstrate
renewed interest in the trait of perseverance (Peterson and Seligman, 2004). Howe (1999) studied
the biographical details of geniuses such as Einstein and Darwin and concluded that perseverance
must be as important as intelligence in predicting achievement. Similarly, Ericsson and Charness
(1994) found that in chess, sports, music, and the visual arts, dedicated or deliberate practice was an
important predictor of individual differences between individuals. Interestingly, these same studies
show that grit predicts achievement over and beyond the contribution of intelligence.
Grit is related to some of the Big Five personality traits. In particular, it shares some commonality
with the trait of conscientiousness. In contrast to conscientiousness, however, grit focuses on longterm endurance. Grit may also be similar in certain aspects to an individual’s “need for achievement”
(McClelland, 1961). Need for achievement considers an individual’s ability to complete manageable
goals that provide immediate feedback on performance. While the idea of working towards a goal
may be similar between need for achievement and grit, individuals high in grit are more likely to set
long-term goals and continue to pursue these goals even without any positive feedback.
Grit has been measured in different settings. It has been measured with both children and adults, and
there are similar measuring instruments available for both children and adults. The questionnaire
has been administered on both the Web and by pencil and paper. A series of studies that have been
used to validate the measure were conducted on a variety of populations (Duckworth, Peterson,
Matthews, and Kelly, 2007; Duckworth and Quinn, 2009). These include visitors to a website
providing free information about psychological research, undergraduate students majoring in
psychology, incoming United States Army cadets, and children age 7-15 years old participating in a
national spelling bee. Grit is highly relevant to NAEP as a noncognitive factor that explains individual
differences in achievement. Students higher in grit may develop different study habits that allow
them to use more of their intellectual ability than other students with similar levels of intelligence.
Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, and Kelly (2007) have provided some evidence in this direction.
When SAT scores were held constant, grit was shown to have roughly the same association to GPA as
SAT scores. These findings suggest that what student’s may lack in general cognitive ability, as
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reflected in traditional test scores, be able to be made up in “grittiness”. They have also found that
children higher in grit were more likely to advance to higher rounds in a national spelling bee than
children who were lower in grit. Furthermore, this relationship was mediated by the number of hours
that the children practiced on the weekend—that is, children higher in grit seem to be more likely to
spend time practicing on weekends, which leads to better achievement in the spelling bee. Other
studies have shown that undergraduate students higher in grit have higher GPAs than students lower
in grit (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, and Kelly, 2007). This was true even though grit was
associated with lower SAT scores. In addition, U.S. military cadets who are higher in grit have been
shown to be less likely to drop out than cadets who are lower in grit (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews,
and Kelly, 2007). This relationship holds even after controlling for other factors such as Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT) scores (as mentioned earlier), high school rank, and Big Five personality
3.5 “Desire for Learning” (Module 5)
Desire for Learning is proposed as a second main domain-general noncognitive student factor that
adds to Grit in that need for cognition assesses whether individuals see learning as an opportunity
and approach learning situations at school and outside of school with an academic mindset that helps
them apply effort, persevere, and refrain from procrastination attempts. As highlighted in the
overview section of this paper, grit and academic perseverance are key factors to student
achievement in the classroom. At the same time, the research suggests that “an isolated focus on
academic perseverance as a thing unto itself may well distract reformers from attending to student
mindsets and the development of learning strategies that appear to be crucial to supporting students’
academic perseverance.”(Farrington et al., 2012, p. 27). We therefore suggest including “Desire for
Learning” as an additional module that will provide policy relevant data on students’ mindset in
terms of their need for cognition, curiosity, and intrinsic motivation to learn and grow further. Desire
for learning plays an essential role in order to teach students to become truly engaged learners, as
highlighted by the authors of the CCSR review on noncognitive factors: “Teaching adolescents to
become learners requires more than improving test scores; it means transforming classrooms into
places alive with ideas that engage students’ natural curiosity and desire to learn in preparation for
college, career, and meaningful adult lives. This requires schools to build not only students’ skills and
knowledge but also their sense of what is possible for themselves, as they develop the strategies,
behaviors, and attitudes that allow them to bring their aspirations to fruition.” (p. 77). Desire for
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learning relates to cognitive engagement in the multidimensional model of school engagement
described earlier on in this memo, particularly students’ motivation to learn, intrinsic motivation,
and task valuing in school (Ames, 1992; see also Eccles et al, 1993: subjective value of learning scale),
and mastery goal orientations (Wentzel, 1998).
A main theoretical basis for the relevance of desire for learning comes from research on so-called
“Need for Cognition”. Drawing on earlier work in social psychology, particularly the work of Cohen
(e.g, Cohen, 1957), Cacioppo and Petty (1982) described the need for cognition construct (that is,
“the tendency for an individual to engage in and enjoy thinking,” p. 116), and introduced a scale to
measure it, and presented evidence for the scale’s validity. For example, their first study showed that
university faculty had higher scores on the need for cognition than assembly line workers did. A
review of work in the ensuing 12 years (Cacioppo, Petty, Feinstein, and Jarvis, 1996) found that the
construct had been examined in more than 100 empirical studies; work on the need for cognition has
continued to the present day. The original scale for measuring need for cognition included 34 items,
but Cacioppo, Petty, and Kao (1984) introduced a shorter version with 18 items that appeared just a
reliable as the original.
More than 30 studies have examined reliability of scale scores, most of them using Cronbach’s alpha;
these studies generally find that the scale has high reliability. Numerous studies have also examined
the factorial structure of the original or short forms of the need for cognition scale; most of them find
a single dominant factor, with a few exceptions. For example, Tanaka, Panter, and Winborne (1988)
argue for three dimensions—cognitive persistence, cognitive confidence, and cognitive complexity.
Generally, researchers have treated the need for cognition as a one-dimensional construct. Those
who are high on need for cognition enjoy effortful cognitive endeavors and engage in them; those
who are low on need for cognition do not enjoy such endeavors and try to avoid them.
The need for cognition scale has been translated into several languages (including German, Dutch,
and Turkish) and has been administered in a variety of settings. The original items were designed for
self-administration. Respondents are presented with 18 or 34 statements (“Thinking is not my idea
of fun”) and are asked to rate each statement on a five-point scale, ranging from “extremely
uncharacteristic” to “extremely characteristic”. The items are balanced in the sense that half of the
statements indicate the presence of the need for cognition and half indicate the lack of it.
A few studies have included the need for cognition items in large-scale mail surveys (Verplanken,
1989, 1991, reports their use in a mail survey in the Netherlands), and the items would seem to lend
themselves to computerized administration (such as a web survey). The vast majority of studies
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using the scale have administered it to undergraduates. The only studies we have found that have
used the items with respondents in the age range of the NAEP participants were conducted in
Germany (Bertrams and Dickhäuser, 2009; Preckel, Holling, and Vock, 2014). Some of the items in
the English version could exceed the vocabulary of the typical fourth grader. Thus, a version of the
scale might need to be developed for use with the NAEP student samples.
Several studies show that desire for learning/need for cognition is related to achievement in school
(e.g., Bertrams and Dickhäuser, 2009; Preckel, Holling, and Vock, 2006; see also Petty and Jarvis,
1996) and one of the stronger predictors of GPA based on meta-analytical data (Richardson et al.,
2012). There are several pathways that could account for the link between desire for learning/need
for cognition and academic success. Need for cognition reflects willingness to expend cognitive effort
and this is clearly a prerequisite for mastering difficult material. In addition, persons with higher
desire for learning engage in more effortful cognitive processing and seek out information more than
their counterparts who are low in desire for learning/need for cognition (Cacioppo et al., 1996).
Finally, those high on need for cognition also have higher intrinsic motivation to perform challenging
cognitive tasks (Cacioppo et al., 1996). Whatever the exact causal path, need for cognition does seem
to predict academic achievement, whether measured by GPA or standardized test scores.
Desire for Learning also captures aspects of Openness, reflecting people’s willingness to make
adjustments to existing attitudes and behaviors once they have been exposed to new ideas or
situations (Flynn, 2005). PISA 2012 includes a 4-item openness for problem solving scale (e.g., “I like
to solve complex problems”) that shows some conceptual overlap with the Need for Cognition (NFC)
scales described above. Correlations of the scale with achievement are among the largest across all
noncognitive indices included in the PISA questionnaires based on PISA 2012 data.
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Part C-2: 2017 Reading Issues Paper
NAEP 2017-2019 Clearance: Supporting Statement Part C
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Reading “Issues Paper”
Jonas P. Bertling & Debby E. Almont e
Educational Testing Service
Written in Preparation for New Item Development for the 2017 Digital Based NAEP
Reading Survey Questionnaires
April 2015
Executive Summary
This paper presents an overview of key contextual factors for Reading Achievement and thereby
provides a basis for the development of NAEP Reading Survey Questionnaires for the 2017 technologybased Reading assessment. Four “issues” (i.e., broad topics) are described in this issues paper.
Throughout these issues, the role of technology for learning and instruction is highlighted as an
overarching theme. Issues capture both opportunity-to-learn factors and noncognitive student factors
relevant to Reading Achievement. High-level implementation recommendations are provided for each
issue emphasizing key areas for suggested new item development, thereby creating a starting point for
the definition of modules and/or clusters of survey questions that can provide a basis for scale indices.
Issue 1: Resources for Learning and Instruction
Issue 1 captures the extent to which resources for learning and instruction—People, Products,
and Time—are available to students, teachers, and schools. Areas for potential new development are
especially the availability and use of technology-based reading resources inside and outside of school,
and a better quantification of the time available for learning and instruction.
Issue 2: Organization of Instruction
Issue 2 comprises how instruction inside and outside of school is organized, and how technology
is incorporated into instruction. Areas for potential new development are especially the integration of
technology-based reading, different text forms, web resources, assessments, interactive tools, and
multimedia into the classroom. Important questions are also how teachers adapt their teaching
practices to technology-based reading innovations, how teachers use technology-based reading
innovations to engage students with reading, and how technology-based reading innovations impact
the curricula at the different grade levels.
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Issue 3: Teacher Preparation
Issue 3 captures how well teachers are prepared for teaching reading, what teachers’
professional development opportunities are, and to what extent teachers make use of these
opportunities. An important area for new development is teachers’ preparedness to use technology in
their reading instruction in purposeful ways. Inclusion of questions that explore the format of
professional development programs, the skills taught within these programs, and the value and
applicability of these programs in the classroom could be beneficial as well.
Issue 4: Student Factors
Issue 4 addresses noncognitive student factors related to reading, represented by their reading
activities outside of school, reading interest and motivation, self-related beliefs, and their metacognition
and reading strategies, especially with regard to technology-based reading. Future item development
should focus on capturing more behavioral and attitudinal facets of engagement (e.g., interest,
motivation, and self-related beliefs) given that engagement is a significant predictor of academic
achievement. Additionally, an important question to address is how other student factors represented
in the 2017 Core questionnaire can be contextualized for reading (e.g., Grit, Desire for Learning); this
would allow us to distinguish whether items are domain general or domain specific.
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In 2013, the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) released the Reading Framework for the
2013 National Assessment of Educational Progress. Reading is conceptualized as an “active and complex
process that involves: understanding written text, developing and interpreting meaning, and using
meaning as appropriate to type of text, purpose, and situation.” This paper further describes the
theoretical base and content of the 2013 NAEP Reading assessment. Past frameworks, along with
subject-specific issues papers help inform item development for future survey questionnaires.
The current reading issues paper will serve as a guideline to identify constructs1 or modules2 that will be
captured in the questionnaires by creating clusters of questions3 and more robust reporting elements
such as scale indices4. Traditionally, NAEP survey questionnaires have been analyzed and reported on
the item level, however in 2017 we will consider reporting at the indices level (see Table 2).
Table 1. Changes to NAEP Survey Questionnaire Approach.
Historical Approach
New Approach
Single questions
Modules of questions and select
single questions
Single questions
Indices based on multiple questions
and select single questions
Specifically, the purpose of this revised issues paper5 is to guide the development of the 2017
technology-based Reading survey questionnaires, and subsequent reading questionnaires, based on
relevant issues and sub-issues (i.e., more specific topics related to the broader issue) that are or might
be related to student reading performance.
There are two different sets of contextual variables that guide this paper. The first set of contextual
variables are noncognitve or student factors, referring to the skills, strategies, attitudes and behaviors
that are distinct from content knowledge and academic skills (Farrington et al., 2012). Student factors also
include cognitive ability, however we are not capturing cognitive ability with the NAEP survey
questionnaires. For the sake of completeness cognitive ability is shown in the schematic model. The focus
lies on noncognitive variables that can be measured with self-report questionnaire. The second set of
contextual variables are related to whether students are exposed to opportunities to acquire relevant
knowledge and skills, both at school and outside of school otherwise known as opportunity to learn factors.
Definition: Complex psychological concept, for example motivation.
Definition: A more defined, but still general, version of the issue. For example, a module for the issue “student
engagement” may be “student engagement when reading on technological devices”.
Definition: A group of specific questions that capture the important components of the module.
Definition: A cluster of questions that can be aggregated.
The previous version of this issues paper was prepared in 2009.
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Student factors and opportunity to learn factors may interact as students differ in how they make use of
the opportunities provided and learning opportunities may help learners develop abilities and shape their
attitudes. Figure 1 shows a graphical illustration of this schematic model. This graphical illustration is
simplified in several ways: it does not illustrate the multilevel structure with data sources at different
levels (such as system level, school level, classroom level and individual level variables) and different types
of variables (input, process, and output). Issues 1 – 3 are considered “opportunity to learn factors,” and
Issue 4 is considered “student factors.”
Figure 1. A schematic model of student achievement.6
Four more specific objectives of this issues paper are:
1. Re-evaluate the references and theories described in the 2009 issues paper in terms of their
relevance for the 2017 technology-based reading assessment; collate and interpret additional
research evidence on important contextual variables for reading performance, especially in
technology-rich environments, including variables on the student level and aggregate levels such
as schools, districts, or states.
This figure was part of a white paper on “Plans for NAEP Core Contextual Variables” prepared for the National
Assessment Governing Board earlier this year (Bertling, April 2014). More detail about the model and the
underlying rationale is provided in the white paper.
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2. Enhance clarity of defined issues by reducing redundancies and re-organizing issues or subissues where needed.
3. Strengthen focus on reading-specific contextual variables (i.e., important background or context
variables) taking into consideration that these variables may overlap with core contextual
variables. Variables that are relevant to performance across all subjects assessed in NAEP (e.g.,
general availability of and familiarity with technology, perseverance, achievement motivation, or
school climate) should be included in the core, or possibly an extended core in the 2017
technology-based NAEP Survey Questionnaires.7
4. Provide high-level implementation recommendations for each issue emphasizing key areas for
new item development, thereby creating a starting point for the definition of modules and/or
clusters of survey questions that can provide a basis for scale indices.
Four issues with a total of 15 sub-issues that reflect key contextual variables for reading achievement
are presented in this revised paper. The main criteria for selecting these issues were the following:
a) Factors captured in each issue should have a clear relationship with student achievement.
Student factors with no clear or low correlations with achievement based on the published
research are discarded from inclusion. This criterion directly refers to the NAEP statute. Issues
with a strong research foundation based on several studies (ideally, meta-analyses) and
established theoretical models will be favored over issues with less research evidence regarding
the relationship with achievement or issues with a less established theoretical foundation.
b) Factors captured in each issue should be malleable and actionable in terms of possible
interventions in an outside the classroom.
c) Factors should be amenable for measurement with survey questionnaires. Some of the factors
summarized above (e.g., social skills, learning strategies) might require other assessment
strategies to provide meaningful and reliable measures.
d) Issues suggested for inclusion in the Core Survey Questionnaires should focus on those student
and OTL factors that are domain-specific, meaning that they are not specific to reading
Additional items will be developed for potential inclusion in the 2017 Reading questionnaires using this
issues paper as a guideline, and will be tested in cognitive interviews. After the cognitive interviews have
been conducted, the data will be reviewed to help inform which items should be administered in the
2016 Pilot. The items will be reviewed once more after the 2016 Pilot to inform which items are
administered during in the 2017 Operational assessment. See Appendix A for an illustration of this
New item development for future core survey questionnaires is a separate effort not addressed in this issues paper.
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The resources available for reading learning and instruction affect how reading is learned and taught in
schools (Greenwald, Hedges, & Laine, 1996; Lee & Barro, 2001; Lee & Zuze, 2011). Resources available to
the student outside of school further shape their opportunities to learn. These “resources” encompass
more than every day classroom tools, such as resources and services available at the local, district, and
state levels. Resources include people resources (e.g., teachers and counselors), product resources (e.g.,
libraries or media centers, textbooks, computers, devices for technology-based reading, or other
technologies), and time resources (e.g., teachers’ time to prepare lessons, or students’ time to learn and
study). General resources (e.g., school buildings, classroom space, and technological equipment in the
classroom) can be distinguished from subject-specific resources for reading (e.g., book, eBooks, and other
technology-based reading resources, libraries, or time for reading instruction).
In the 21st Century literacy environment, information and knowledge about any topic is now readily
accessible via technological devices (e.g., computers, tablets, handhelds, phones) linked to the internet,
which is quintessentially a networked, virtual universal library. With the growing accessibility of the
Internet and the increased use of electronic communication, technology-based reading and multimedia
resources, technology not only influences student learning but also has a strong influence on the teaching
environment. Apps that link to the Internet and online instructional tools are now available as
instructional aids. Access to technologies, sufficient technological infrastructure in the classroom, and
training in how to implement them effectively, will determine the extent to which teachers use them for
instruction (Common Sense Media, 2013). Three sub-issues are defined in Table 1.
Table 1 - Resources for Learning and Instruction: Sub-issues
Issue 1.1.:
People resources include resources for learning and instruction both inside and outside of
school. A school’s people resources are comprised of the individuals who provide instruction.
The composition of the instructional staff, student-to-teacher ratio, and availability of
curriculum specialists are key aspects (Ehrenberg, Brewer, Gamoran, & Willms, 2001;
Funkhouser, E., 2009; Nye, Konstantpoulos, & Hedges, 2004). Outside the school, people
resources include home reading support and parental interventions that can promote literacy
acquisition (Darling & Westberg, 2004; Kim & Quinn, 2013, Sénéchal & Young, 2008; Van
Steensel, McElvany, Kurvers, & Herppich, 2011), not only prior to a student’s entry to school but
throughout all years of schooling (Baker, 2003; Klauda & Wigfield, 2012).
Issue 1.2.:
Product resources describe school-based resources—in the classroom, in the local schools,
and across the district as well as home resources relevant to reading. The availability or absence
of specific types of product resources, and the quality of these may facilitate or hinder the
learning environment’s positive impact. Desirable reading resources include books, technologybased reading resources, reading areas within classrooms and the school (i.e., library or media
center), availability of reading-based interventions, and technology, such as computers, tablets
and e-readers, software and apps, and access to the Internet and e-mail. The increase of
technological access and availability has resulted in some school or school district shifts from
traditional print reading to electronic reading. For example, Los Angeles Unified School District
(LAUSD), the second largest school district in the country, has recently decided to transition
students from hard-copy textbooks to electronic textbooks on iPads. General computer use has
been shown to be positively associated with reading achievement (Bowers & Berland, 2013;
Jenkins, 2006; Lee, Brescia, & Kissinger, 2009; Sutherland, Facer, Furlong, & Furlong, 2000) and
apps for mobile devices can constitute effective complements to reading instruction (Chiong &
Shuler, 2010; Lieberman, Bates, & So, 2009). As student access to online media is constantly
increasing (Gutnick, Robb, Takeuchi, & Kotler, 2011; Rideout, Foehr, & Roberts, 2010), it
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constitutes an important potential performance moderator. Limited home access to these
resources can, for instance, widen achievement gaps and further disadvantage students who
don’t have access to relevant technology (Hsu, Wang, & Runco, 2013, Leu et al., 2009).
Research underlines the importance of the availability of reading resources in schools, for
instance through libraries (i.e., a stationary structure that houses books, and may or may not
include a computer lab or an audio/video collection) or media centers (i.e., a stationary
structure that includes various audio/video resources such as computers, Internet resources,
DVDs, VHS, CDs, streaming video and audio; this center may or may not include book
collections). Reading achievement is promoted especially by ensuring a variety of reading
materials so that students can choose books they are interested in (Allington et al., 2010; Clark,
2010). Further, new resources for technology-based reading can help students solve tasks inside
and outside of school in ways that were not accessible with traditional media resources. For
example, if students do not know the meaning of a word, they may look it up in an online
dictionary, or if they are unfamiliar with a concept, they may watch a video about it on YouTube.
Research indicates that skilled readers use the resources available to them to foster their own
understanding (Sabatini & O’Reilly, 2013). As a result of new technological devices student’s
now might have access to new genres and types of texts, both inside and outside of school that
they might be interested in and engaged with. In the classroom, as technology-based reading
becomes more relevant, both for the teacher and student, it is important to capture (a)
strategies by which teachers and schools adopt technological devices; (b) the ways teachers
integrate technological devices into teaching activities; and (c) the ways schools integrate
technological devices into extracurricular learning opportunities for students. Issue 2 will
elaborate more on the integration of technologies into teaching practices.
Issue 1.3.:
The third relevant resource category—time—can be conceptualized in terms of three facets
of an effective reading program: importance, opportunity, and responsibility. “Importance”
manifests as the amount of time devoted to reading instruction per week at the 4 th, 8th, and 12th
grade levels. Schools have been steadily increasing the time spent on reading and
mathematics—the subjects that are the primary targets of standardized testing (Dillon, 2006;
West, 2007). “Opportunity” refers to the degree to which schools provide teachers with the
opportunity to prepare lessons, to review students’ work, or to collaborate with other teachers,
to prepare assessments and interpret assessment data, and to make instructional decisions.
Also, time as “responsibility” represents the time that schools expend preparing for and
administering school-, district-, state-, and/or federally-mandated tests, the effects of which are
a topic of continuing debate. Knowledge of the amount of time reading teachers devote to the
activities associated with standardized testing can provide additional information on the
relationship between testing preparation and student achievement in reading. Outside of
school, time spent on homework and studying for exams and assessments is an important
aspect that falls under this issue as well. Yet, the empirical evidence regarding relationships
between time spent on homework and achievement is complex. For instance, high achievers
often spend less time on homework because they apply more efficient learning strategies
(Trautwein, 2007; Won & Han, 2010). Generally, homework seems more effective for highachieving and older students (Hattie, 2009). Trautwein (2007) suggested measures of homework
frequency rather than homework time as an alternative approach to capture the effect of
homework on achievement. The second issue, Organization of Instruction will elaborate more
on the importance of using time for learning and instruction in purposeful and effective ways.
Considerations for Potential Development for Issue 1:
Promising areas for future item development may be enhancing the measurement of the availability and
use of technology-based reading devices inside and outside of school. Item development could focus on
distinguishing between different mediums (print versus digital reading), and types of technologies (e.g.,
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desktop versus tablet). Item development might also discern between the quantity and quality of resources,
and identifying limited resources that deter learning (e.g., classrooms being overcrowded, teachers having
too many teaching hours). Further, including items that assess time available for learning and instruction
could enhance future survey questionnaires.
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The literature shows that teaching and instruction can influence students’ opportunities to learn (Ancess,
2000). Issue 2 comprises two related sub-issues—the content of the curriculum and the instructional
strategies applied by the teacher, including the integration of technological resources into classroom
instruction and student assignments. These sub-issues are defined in Table 2.
Table 2 - Organization of Instruction: Sub-issues
Issue 2.1:
Knowing what the curriculum comprises, as well as the degree to which it can be
considered the same across a set of schools, is prerequisite to understanding its
effectiveness, independently and in interaction with other factors. Questions that reflect key
facets of curriculum definition and assessment are: Who creates the reading curriculum? Are
teachers on board with the existing or mandated curriculum? How much flexibility are
teachers granted to tailor the curriculum to individual students’ needs? To what extent may
students choose their own reading material? Is reading taught as a separate course or as part
of a larger language arts curriculum? Which types of text do students read? How, and to
what extent are technology-based and multimedia resources integrated into the reading
Content coverage, content exposure, and content emphasis are, in addition to quality of
instruction, the three most prominently used variables in international educational research
to capture students’ opportunity to learn (OTL; Carrol, 1963; Abedi et al., 2006). OTL and
relevant prior knowledge students have acquired before an assessment represent important
achievement moderators and/or predictors. When students or student groups differ
considerably with regard to prior exposure to relevant content aspects of a Reading
assessment, test scores reflect not only reading ability per se, but also prior knowledge (Katz
& Lautenschlager, 2001). Including measures of opportunity to learn and curricular topics
covered in classroom instruction (Kyllonen & Bertling, 2013) can help disentangle these
Issue 2.2:
In addition to understanding curriculum content, the relationships between different
instructional strategies and achievement, within and across curricula should be considered.
This might include asking teachers what pedagogical methods they believe are most
effective; what genres they teach; whether they select texts for reading or whether
textbooks and/or technology-based reading resources are mandated by the school/district;
whether they teach vocabulary, reading, and other language arts separately or as part of a
holistic context (e.g., do they teach vocabulary through providing lists of words, through
analyzing context, or through both methods?), and whether reading strategies are taught in
the classroom and teachers apply methods to activate student involvement and cognition
(Klieme, Pauli, & Reusser, 2009; Lipowsky et al., 2009). Further, team teaching and teacher
collaboration are other aspects of this issue.
Research on different teaching methods and instructional strategies shows that some
methods for teaching reading and language arts are more effective than others. Effective
instruction comes both from teachers’ own rich knowledge of reading and language arts, and
from the repertoire of instructional strategies through which they facilitate students’ reading
comprehension and skills. These strategies require teachers to know how students acquire
reading comprehension and why they might misunderstand certain concepts. Teachers apply
this knowledge when they match their instructional approach to the needs of a particular
student or group of students. In addition, teachers’ approaches to instruction and their
attitudes toward their students (including aspects such as, setting high expectations, creating
a positive classroom climate, etc.) and subject are central to student learning in the
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classroom. The literature shows that even the types of assessments that teachers create and
administer send clear messages to the student as to what the teacher finds important about
a particular topic or subject (ETS, 2013).
Instructional strategies also refer to ways of achievement grouping and differentiation of
teaching in the classroom. Research indicates benefits for reading achievement of smallgroup instruction (Lou et al., 2000; Puzio & Colby, 2010) for both high and low achievers
(Catsambis & Buttaro, 2012; Lleras & Rangel, 2009; Slavin, 2010). Positive relationships with
achievement were also found for peer tutoring, small-group work, and peer mentoring to
promote student learning (Hattie, 2009; Springer, Stanne, & Donovan, 1999). The literature
also shows that in general classroom peer effects influence student achievement (Burke &
Sass, 2008; Hoxby, C., 2000). Sabatini and O’Reilly (2013) point out that instructional
differentiation can depend upon and be aided by the more nuanced information provided by
an assessment. Students who score low on a reading test because they have low ability but
are motivated are likely to benefit from reading strategy training that focuses on both
foundational and comprehension skill development (McNamara, 2007). On the other hand,
students who score low because of low motivation might require a different approach to
boosting their performance (Guthrie & Davis, 2003). Supporting and measuring effort and
motivation can, thereby, potentially improve the design, interpretation, and use of the
reading scores from the cognitive assessment.
By applying effective instructional methods, teachers can also foster student engagement
with reading, and consequentially their reading achievement. Instruction and curricula can,
for instance, engage students by including texts and topics that are highly relevant and
interesting for them (Moley, Bandre, & George, 2011). Incorporating technology that
teachers readily have access to can also foster student engagement. It is important to note
that teachers may not include technology into classroom instruction for many reasons, for
example a teacher may (a) have limited access to technology, (b) may not have the necessary
professional development.
Technology aside, the literature shows that students tend to display more motivation if
topics are goal-driven, age appropriate, and relevant to the issues that concern them
(Guthrie & Davis, 2003). Teachers may influence students’ literacy engagement by promoting
reading and by supporting individual preferences in reading (Anderson et al., 1988).
Issue 2.3: Use
of Assessments
Teachers can use various assessments (e.g., summative and formative assessments) to not
only “test” what students learned, but also to help inform lessons and improve future
learning. Further, a well-constructed assessment can help teachers monitor student learning
and progress, and identify students’ weaknesses and strengths (ETS, 2003). Assessments can
include traditional formats such as paper-and-pencil multiple choice/short answer items, as
well as more elaborative formats such as essays, presentations, demonstrations, or problemsolving activities (ETS, 2013). Specifically, summative assessments are assessments that
capture “learning” or “knowledge” that has already been acquired. On the other hand,
formative assessments are designed to help teachers plan instruction more effectively by
identifying what a student knows and can do. Research findings indicate that teachers gather
better quality evidence of student understanding when they apply effective formative
assessments in their classroom (e.g. McGatha, Bush and Rakes, 2009). Formative
assessments can not only provide the teacher with important diagnostic feedback to guide
instruction but also help students understand and overcome their misconceptions by
encouraging the higher-order thinking skills of questioning and reflective thinking (Chin &
Teou, 2009).
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Considerations for Potential Development for Issue 2:
Promising areas for future item development may be enhancing the measurement of curriculum content
and instructional strategies as two important aspects of opportunity to learn. Questions could focus on
technology-based reading, different text forms (e.g., formal and informal texts such as comic books, novels,
text messages), and incorporation of web resources, assessments, interactive tools, and multimedia into
the classroom. Important questions are also how teachers adapt their teaching practices to the rapid
technological changes (i.e., do they try to incorporate new technology), how teachers use technological
devices to engage students with reading (i.e., as part of the main lesson or as a supplement), and how
technology-based reading impacts the curricula at the different grade levels (i.e., are students expected to
read printed materials or on an digital device such as a laptop or tablet). Teachers’ use of formative
assessments is another possible focus for development.
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In addition to the contextual variables described under issue 2, key factors for the success of reading
instruction are the qualification of the instructional staff and their levels of preparedness to apply effective
teaching methods and teach relevant curricula (Wayne & Youngs, 2003). Teacher preparation comprises
two main components: teacher education and training, and professional development. In the 2009 issues
paper, a third sub-issue, teacher pedagogical knowledge, was defined. In order to increase consistency
across issues and sub-issues and reduce redundancy, this sub-issue is integrated into sub-issue one. The
key difference between the two sub-issues for teacher preparation is that the first captures the education
and training teachers acquired before teaching in their current position, while the second sub-issue
captures ongoing professional development activities. These sub-issues are defined in Table 3.
Table 3 - Teacher Preparation: Sub-issues
Issue 3.1:
Education and
Education and training refers to both the quality and depth of the instructional staffs’
education, experience, and other teaching qualifications such as relevant content expertise
(Darling-Hammond, 2000; Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005) and pedagogical knowledge and skills.
This includes the proportion of reading teachers who have an undergraduate or graduate
degree in a discipline related to reading, literature, or English/language arts, as well as the
amount of reading/ELA-specific coursework taken and coursework and/or certificates related
to understanding how students learn, effective pedagogy in teaching reading, as well as the
amount of teacher experience on the job (Harris & Sass, 2011; Leigh, 2010). Professional
development entails participating in seminars, workshops, conferences, and professional
trainings that might be in-person or web-based. Such trainings can increase teaching
effectiveness and content knowledge (Blank & de las Alas, 2009; Yoon, Duncan, Lee, Scarloss,
& Shapley, 2007).
With regard to the 2017 technology-based assessment, collecting relevant contextual data
on teacher education and training regarding the use of technology in instruction will be
especially important. Recent studies indicate that professional development can help teachers
incorporate online reading into their classroom practices (Coiro, 2012; Voogt, Westbroek,
Handelzalts, Walraven, McKenny, Pieters, et al., 2011). The amount, quality, and type of
education and training that teachers receive—particularly in the field of reading—are
potentially related to their effectiveness in the classroom, and, thus, to student achievement.
Questions about teacher preparation at the pre-service level might be reflected in such
factors as educational emphasis (major and minor), courses taken, course content, and the
relative emphasis on instruction in reading versus instruction in non-subject-specific
pedagogy. Additional questions might ask what requirements the school or district specifies as
necessary in hiring “highly qualified” teachers. Furthermore, once a new teacher’s formal
training has been completed, does the school provide a mentor to help him or her adjust to
the reality of the classroom? Finally, what does the state’s certification process entail?
Teachers exert their impact on students through what they do, not what they know.
Therefore, addressing teachers’ reading pedagogy by first describing the methods being
practiced in reading classrooms across the nation is a reasonable goal. Further analyses might
ultimately provide insight into which teacher (or curriculum) characteristics are associated
with the prevalence of which pedagogical approaches, and which teaching strategies appear
most effective with which types of students. The first step, however, would be to identify
what actually happens in reading classrooms.
In addition to individually considering the role of content, pedagogy, and technology, we
should also consider the overlap between these two constructs. Frameworks such as the
TPACK model (Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge) are useful in understanding how
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these three constructs overlap. The TPACK model illustrates how effective teaching with
technology requires “an understanding of the representation of concepts using technology,
pedagogical techniques that use technologies in constructs ways to teach content, and
knowledge of what makes concepts difficult or easy to understand and how technology can
help redress some of the problems that students face” (Koehler & Mishra, 2009;
Issue 3.2:
The amount, types, settings, and content of professional development that teachers
receive, specifically to teach reading, are important to track in any assessment of teacher
preparation. Worth noting might be the relative emphasis that each course places on subjectspecific content versus general pedagogical strategies. Further, if the school, district, or state
mandates or recommends continued education in reading pedagogy, are teachers meeting
these requirements or recommendations? What percentage of a school’s faculty is engaged in
reading-focused professional development opportunities at any given time or on a continuing
basis? Which opportunities do teachers have to receive professional development, and what
are teachers’ experiences with professional development programs? In a related vein, the
source of the training afforded to working teachers might also provide insight into the
influence that teachers’ professional development experience ultimately exerts on students’
reading achievement. Potential training sources include workshops, courses, or seminars
offered by private companies; workshops that precede professional conferences; courses
offered or mandated within a school or across a district; and training sponsored by textpublishing firms or teachers’ professional associations. Finally, given the growing role of
technology in instruction in general, teachers must be trained in the effective use of
computers and emerging technologies. Participation in professional development courses that
focus on integrating technology with instruction is one way for teachers to learn how these
tools can enhance learning. Some teachers may not use technology because it is not available,
and others may avoid it because they lack the knowledge to incorporate it effectively
(Common Sense Media, 2013).
In addition to professional development, teachers may also need other support staff, such as
specialists and coaches who are highly trained in a particular domain and can support
teaching in the classroom. Traditionally, specialists and coaches have been viewed as a
resource for students, but recently the role of a coach has changed to one of a mentor for
teachers. The literature shows that support staff, in particular coaches, are important for
teacher’s professional development (Dole, 2004).
Issue 3.3:
In addition to teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge, teacher attitudes (e.g. selfefficacy and curiosity), play an important role for effective teaching and instruction (Jerald,
2007). Studies show that teachers who have high self-efficacy are more likely to be open to
new ideas and concepts, try new teaching/instructional methods, and persist when things in
the classroom do not well (Berman, McLaughlin, Bass, Pauly, & Zellman, 1977; Guskey, 1988;
Stein & Wang, 1988). The literature also shows that teacher self-efficacy can influence student
achievement, motivation, and self-efficacy (Anderson, Greene, & Loewen, 1988; Midgley,
Feldlaufer, & Eccles, 1989; Moore & Esselman, 1992; Ross 1992). Other noncognitive factors,
such as curiosity, growth mindset, and attribution attitudes have also been shown to play an
important role in student learning.
Considerations for Potential Development 3:
Promising areas for future item development could focus on adding questions addressing teachers’
preparedness to use technology in their reading instruction in purposeful ways. Additionally, we could
consider differentiating between professional development programs (e.g., content- versus pedagogicalfocused professional development programs), and including questions about noncognitive teacher
factors, such as teachers’ confidence to implement various instructional elements (e.g., content,
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pedagogical knowledge), teacher attribution, mindset, and desire for learning. Questions about
noncognitive teacher factors should clearly focus on teachers views of learning and instruction to ensure
alignment with the NAEP statute to refrain from measuring “personal or family beliefs and attitudes.”
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As depicted in the schematic model in the introduction of this paper, noncognitive student factors
constitute an important set of contextual variables relevant to student achievement. Indicators of student
engagement with reading, such as reading-related attitudes, interests, self-efficacy, self-concept, reading
confidence, and habits and behaviors, have been shown to be highly associated with reading achievement
in many studies (Guthrie & Wigfield, 2000; OECD, 2010), with in some cases even stronger relationships
with reading proficiency than other key contextual variables, such as indicators of socio-economic status
(OECD, 2002). Further, research suggests that motivations toward reading play a crucial role in how long
students read and how much effort they exert (Baker & Wigfield, 1999; Becker, McElvany, & Kortenbruck,
2010; Retelsdorf, Köller, & Möller, 2011; Taboada, Tonks, & Wigfield, & Guthrie, 2009). Students who read
for personal interest have been shown to exhibit higher levels of reading achievement, compared to those
who do not read for pleasure, because reading achievement is related to a positive attitude toward
reading. Activities signaling engagement with reading include reading books or articles for enjoyment;
discussing books or readings with friends and family; or doing other reading-related activities beyond
strictly school-related tasks. Reading engagement variables constitute important predictors, moderators,
and mediators of reading achievement. Moreover, knowing the level of interest and motivation students
exert during test taking can bring about improvements to instructional methods, test design, and test
interpretation that more accurately gauge and enhance student’s reading proficiency (Sabatini & O’Reilly,
2013). Relevant sub-issues are defined in Table 4.
Table 4 - Student Factors: Sub-issues
Issue 4.1.:
outside of
Students’ learning opportunities and behaviors outside of school or regular lessons have
gained increased interest with policymakers, educators, and researchers. One basis for the
increased interest is that students spend only about 20% of their time in school; therefore,
how they spend the remaining 80% of their time can have profound effects on their
academic achievement (Miller, 2003). Time spent reading is a strong factor in the
relationship between out-of-school reading and in-school achievement (Anderson, Wilson, &
Fielding, 1988). According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 8- to 18-year-olds on average
spend about 7.5 hours every day using technology (e.g., smart phones, computer, or other
electronic devices) (Rideout, Foehr, and Roberts, 2010). These technologies may provide new
forms of learning that do not necessarily take place in the regular, “traditional” classroom
but provide new opportunities for learning outside of school. Blasé (2000) asserted that
reliance on e-mail communication has changed the ways that students read and write. With
the increased availability and use of technology-based reading devices, and the creation of
new text forms (e.g., chat, tweets, multimedia text, etc.), new opportunities for students to
read and to practice and develop their reading skills have emerged and continue to emerge.
Used appropriately, computers and the Internet allow students to work more independently
on higher-order thinking skills and provide an opportunity for students to access a wealth of
reading materials. Technology broadens the learning community and enables students to
communicate and collaborate with each other about reading (Common Sense Media, 2013).
Research indicates that proficient readers tend to read more recreationally than poor
readers (Leppänen, Aunola, & Nurmi, 2005; Mol & Bus, 2011). Reading for enjoyment, in turn
helps enhance students’ vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and overall reading skills (Lewis &
Samuels, 2003; Mol & Bus, 2011). When children and adolescents read outside of school, the
purpose of reading can considerably differ depending on the type or medium of the reading
material. The type of material (e.g., continuous text, noncontinuous text, mixed texts, or
multimedia resources) students read out of school is, therefore, an important factor to be
captured in the Reading survey questionnaire. While the purpose for reading determines the
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level of processing, effort, and attention readers need to regulate (McCrudden et al., 2010,
2011; Sheehan & O’Reilly, 2012), the level of comprehension demanded by the reader also
varies greatly depending upon the goals of reading (Carver, 1997; van den Broek et al., 2001;
van den Broek, Risden, & Husebye-Hartman, 1995).
Under this sub-issue, capturing information on when, where, how much, and what types
of text students read outside of school will be relevant in future NAEP Reading survey
Issue 4.2.:
Interest and
Student interest and motivation to read is essential to success in reading (Anmarkrud &
Bråten, 2009; Logan, Medford, & Hughes, 2011). Based on Deci & Ryan’s (1985) initial work,
researchers typically distinguish intrinsic motivation from extrinsic motivation or
instrumental motivation. Learners with high levels of intrinsic motivation like to read
because they find it to be interesting and enjoyable whereas extrinsically motivated learners
are more strongly driven by rewards and other incentives (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Research
evidence from many studies shows that intrinsic motivation relates more strongly to reading
achievement than extrinsic motivation (Becker, McElvany, & Kortenbruck, 2010; Schiefele,
Schaffner, Möller, & Wigfield, 2012; Vansteenkiste, Timmermans, Lens, Soenens, & Van den
Broeck, 2008). Motivation is affected by a number of factors including the reader’s interest in
the topic, texts and tasks on an assessment, as well the value and stakes they ascribe to the
assessment and its potential impact on their lives. Further, teacher instruction can indirectly
impact achievement through the mediating effect of student engagement and motivation
(Martin, Foy, Mullis, & O’Dwyer, 2013). Another important reason for the inclusion of
motivation-related items in the survey questionnaires is that student scores might not (only)
reflect true reading achievement but, to some extent, motivation or interest, and therefore
underestimate students’ true abilities (Braun, Kirsch, & Yamamoto, 2011). If students are not
giving their best effort, then one cannot be confident of the claim that a poor score reflects
the lack of specific reading skills. Low scores on a reading comprehension test may be
interpreted as reflecting low reading skill, or they may simply mean the test taker was not
interested and did not try his/her best (Braun et al., 2011). Explicit assessment of motivation
as a performance moderator could thereby help enhance the validity of the assessment.
Issue 4.3.: Selfrelated beliefs
Research has shown the importance of noncognitive constructs for predicting school,
college, and workforce success (Poropat, 2009; Richardson, Abraham, & Bond, 2012; Robbins
et al., 2004), with self-efficacy consistently found to be one of the most important predictors
(Multon, Brown, & Lent, 1991; Richardson et al., 2012; Wright, Jenkins-Guarnieri, &
Murdock, 2012). Self-efficacy has been generally defined as an individual’s evaluation of his
or her own ability to perform a task and about what they believe they are capable of
accomplishing (Bandura, 1986). Students’ reading-specific, self-related beliefs comprise their
self-concept, self-efficacy, and confidence specific to reading tasks. These self-perceptions
determine how individuals use the knowledge and skills that they have to achieve a certain
task (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). It has been reported that self-efficacy beliefs are correlated
with other self-beliefs, such as self-concept and other motivational constructs (Zimmerman,
2000). Evidence has also suggested that self-efficacy and self-concept beliefs are each related
to and influential on academic achievement (Pajares, 1996). Pintrich and De Groot (1990)
have suggested that self-efficacy has a special role in terms of cognitive engagement, that is,
it may increase self-efficacy beliefs that in turn could lead to more frequent and increased
use of cognitive strategies, leading to higher achievement (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). Students
with high self-efficacy engage in effective self-regulating strategies more often than those
with lower level beliefs; high self-efficacy also seems to enhance performance as these
beliefs also tend to enhance persistence (Pajares, 1996; Bouffard-Bouchard, Parent, &
Larivee, 1991; Berry, 1987). Measures of self-efficacy and self-concept should be designed to
assess self-related beliefs relative to students’ peers or experiences separately for specific
subject- or content-areas to account for the multi-dimensional nature of the construct
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(Marsh & Craven, 2006); that is, students reading self-concept and self-efficacy are distinct
from their mathematics or science self-concept or self-efficacy perceptions. Research
suggests that students with strong positive self-related beliefs regarding their reading
capabilities tend to read more than their peers and have better reading comprehension (De
Naeghel, Van Keer, Vansteenkiste, & Rosseel, 2012). Zimmerman, Bandura, and MartinezPons (1992) demonstrated that academic self-efficacy mediated the influence of self-efficacy
for self-regulated learning on academic achievement. Multon, Brown, and Lent (1991)
conducted a meta-analysis that indicated self-efficacy was related to academic outcomes,
with these effects becoming stronger as students progressed from elementary school to high
school to college (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). The effects were stronger for classroom-based
indices (i.e., grades) and basic skill measures when compared to standardized tests,
demonstrating that self-efficacy beliefs are often subject- and context-specific (Pajares &
Schunk, 2001). More recent meta-analytical results support these findings (Richardson et al.,
Issue 4.4.:
and reading
Twenty-first Century literacy skills require readers to synthesize, evaluate, and integrate
diverse sources (Britt & Rouet, 2012; Graesser et al., 2007; Lawless et al., 2012; Metzger,
2007; Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008). This diversity not only includes the variety of
text types used in the assessment, but also the range of different perspectives students need
to understand, manage, and integrate with increased difficulty of reading as text complexity
and number of sources increase (McNamara, Graesser, & Louwerse, 2012). This renders the
strategies with which students approach reading tasks a crucial factor for their success (Eilers
& Pinkley, 2006; Hacker et al., 2009). Especially dynamic multimedia texts place additional
demands on readers as they need to update their old understanding with new evidence, or
re-interpret text sources with a new perspective. Websites, for instance, might vary in terms
of currency, quality, and perspective and the most current and evidence-based sources must
be identified, reconciled and synthesized (Coiro, 2009; Lawless et al., 2012; Metzger, 2007).
This management of cognition and understanding is often collectively referred to as selfregulation and metacognition in the research literature (Hacker et al., 2009; McKeown &
Beck, 2009; Pressley, 2002; Schraw, 1998). A variety of specific reading strategies aimed at
helping readers to simplify, organize, restructure, remember, and embellish text can be
distinguished, including visualization/imagery (Oakhill & Patel, 1991), paraphrasing (Fisk &
Hurst, 2003), elaborating (Menke & Pressley, 1994), predicting (Afflerbach, 1990), selfexplanation (McNamara, 2004), note-taking (Faber, Morris, & Lieberman, 2000),
summarization (Franzke, Kintsch, Caccamise, Johnson, & Dooley, 2005), previewing (Spires,
Gallini, & Riggsbee, 1992), and the use of graphic organizers and text structure (Goldman &
Rakestraw, 2000; Meyer & Wijekumar, 2007). Studies have shown that highly proficient
readers tend to have strong self-regulation and metacognitive abilities (Hacker, Dunlosky, &
Graesser, 2009; McNamara, 2007; Pressley, 2002). A skilled reader is a resilient reader who
can tolerate error, respond to feedback, recover from mistakes, and use alternate resources
and representations to achieve coherence (Linderholm, Virtue, Tzeng, & van den Broek,
Issue 4.5: Grit
One key finding from the research literature reviewed in the previous section is that
academic perseverance is one of the strongest predictors of achievement. This issue focuses
on perseverance with other, related factors that are comprised under the factor “Grit.” Grit
is defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews,
and Kelly, 2007). Grit is related to conscientiousness, defined as the degree to which a
person is hard working, dependable, and detail oriented (Berry et al., 2007), but focuses on
its facets perseverance, industriousness, self-control, and procrastination (negatively), which
are among the facets that are strongest related to achievement (Barrick, Stewart and
Piotrowski, 2002). Students’ persistence even on difficult tasks (perseverance, e.g., not to put
off difficult problems, not to give up easily), general work ethics (industriousness, e.g.,
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prepare for class, work consistently throughout the school year), and low level of
procrastination are not only among the strongest non-cognitive predictors of GPA
(Richardson et al., 2012), but are also important predictors of success in higher education
and the workforce in general (Heckman, Stixrud & Urzua, 2006; Lindqvist & Vestman, 2011;
Poropat, 2009; Roberts et al., 2007).
Issue 4.6:
Desire for
Desire for Learning is proposed as another noncognitive student factor that adds to Grit
in that need for cognition assesses whether individuals see learning as an opportunity and
approach learning situations at school and outside of school with an academic mindset that
helps them apply effort, persevere, and refrain from procrastination attempts. The research
suggests that “an isolated focus on academic perseverance as a thing unto itself may well
distract reformers from attending to student mindsets and the development of learning
strategies that appear to be crucial to supporting students’ academic
perseverance”(Farrington et al., 2012, p. 27). Including “Desire for Learning” as an additional
sub-issue will provide policy relevant data on students’ mindset in terms of their need for
cognition, curiosity, and intrinsic motivation to learn and grow further.
Several studies show that desire for learning/need for cognition is related to
achievement in school (Bertrams and Dickhäuser, 2009; Preckel, Holling, and Vock,
2006) and one of the stronger predictors of GPA based on meta-analytical data
(Richardson et al., 2012).
Considerations for Potential Development for issue 4:
Item development in 2017 will primarily focus on Issue 4 given that few items capture these sub-issues.
Capturing the different aspects of student factors (i.e., sub-issues 4.1 – 4.4) is important given that they
represent important predictors of achievement. Issue 4.4 could be considered for future item development;
currently effective measurement of reading strategies and metacognition can only partly be accomplished
with self-report questionnaire measures. Future development could also focus on discerning whether
interactive assessment strategies (e.g., SBTs) could be used to measure this sub-issue. Additionally, an
important question to address is how other student factors represented in the 2017 Core questionnaire
can be contextualized for reading (e.g., Grit, Desire for Learning); this would allow us to distinguish
whether items are domain general or domain specific.
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Appendix A: Illustration depicting how items will be selected for the 2017 Operational administration.
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Subject-specific taxonomy: Reading Survey Questionnaires
Appendix B. Overview how issues and sub-issues will be addressed in questionnaires for the three respondent groups
Resources for Learning and
Organization of Instruction
Teacher Preparation
Student Factors
People Resources
Product Resources
Time Resources
Curriculum Content
Instructional Strategies
Use of Assessments
Education and Training
Professional Development
Noncognitive Teacher Factors
Reading Activities Outside of School
Interest and Motivation
Self-related Beliefs
Metacognition and Learning Strategies
Desire for Learning
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Part C-3: 2017 Mathematics Issues Paper
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Mathematics “Issues Paper”
Jonas P. Bertling, Jared Anthony, & Debby E. Almonte
Educational Testing Service
Written in Preparation for New Item Development for the 2017 Digital Based NAEP
Mathematics Survey Questionnaires
April 2015
Executive Summary
This paper presents an overview of key contextual factors for Mathematics Achievement and thereby
provides a basis for the development of NAEP Mathematics Survey Questionnaires for the 2017 Digital
Based Assessment in Mathematics. Four “issues” (i.e., broad topics) are described in this issues paper.
Throughout these issues, the role of technology for learning and instruction is highlighted as an
overarching theme. Issues capture both opportunity-to-learn factors and noncognitive student factors
relevant to Mathematics Achievement. For each issue key areas for potential development are
highlighted, thereby creating a starting point for the definition of modules and/or clusters of survey
questions that can provide a basis for scale indices.
Issue 1: Resources for Learning and Instruction
Issue 1 captures the extent to which resources for learning and instruction—People, Products, and
Time—are available to students, teachers, and schools. Areas for potential new development are the
availability and use of technology resources for engagement in mathematics related activities inside
and outside of school, and a better quantification of the time available for learning and instruction.
Issue 2: Organization of Instruction
Issue 2 comprises how instruction outside of school is organized, and how technology is incorporated
into instruction. Areas for potential new development include, course content and/or a differential
emphasis on conceptual versus procedural understanding, whether there is a development of schoolwide curriculum, tracking and ability grouping, use of technology to explore mathematical concepts
and deepen understanding and use of formative assessments.
Issue 3: Teacher Preparation
Issue 3 captures how well teachers are prepared for teaching mathematics , what teachers’
professional development opportunities are, and to what extent teachers make use of these
opportunities. An important area for new development is teachers’ preparedness to use technology in
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their mathematic instruction in purposeful ways. Inclusion of questions that explore the format of
professional development programs, the skills taught within these programs, and the value and
applicability of these programs in the classroom could be beneficial as well.
Issue 4: Student Factors
Issue 4 addresses student engagement with mathematics, represented by their mathematics activities
outside of school, mathematics interest and motivation, self-related beliefs, and their meta-cognition
strategies for mathematics problem solving, especially with regard to mathematics activities involving
digital technology. Future item development should focus on capturing more behavioral and
attitudinal facets of engagement (e.g., interest, motivation, and self-related beliefs) given that
engagement is a significant predictor of academic achievement. Additionally, an important question
to address is how other student factors represented in the 2017 Core questionnaire can be
contextualized for mathematics (e.g., Grit, Desire for Learning); this would allow us to distinguish
whether items are domain general or domain specific.
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In 2013, the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) released the Mathematics Framework for the
2013 National Assessment of Educational Progress. This paper describes the theoretical base for
modules being measured and general content of the 2015 NAEP Mathematics assessment. Past
frameworks, along with subject-specific issues papers help inform item development for future survey
The current mathematics issues paper will serve as a guideline to identify constructs1 or modules2 that
will be captured in the questionnaires by creating clusters of questions3 and more robust reporting
elements such as scale indices4. Traditionally, NAEP survey questionnaires have been analyzed and
reported on the item level, however in 2017 we will consider reporting at the indices level (see Table 1).
Table 1. Changes to NAEP Survey Questionnaire Approach.
Historical Approach
New Approach
Single questions
Modules of questions and select
single questions
Single questions
Indices based on multiple questions
and select single questions
The purpose of this revised issues paper5 is to guide the development of the 2017 mathematics survey
questionnaires (and subsequent mathematics questionnaires) based on relevant issues and sub-issues
(i.e., more specific topics related to the broader issue) that are or might be related to student
performance in mathematics.
There are two different sets of contextual variables that guide this paper. The first set of contextual
variables are noncognitve or student factors, referring to the skills, strategies, attitudes and behaviors
that are distinct from content knowledge and academic skills (Farrington et al., 2012). Student factors
also include cognitive ability, however we are not capturing cognitive ability with the NAEP survey
questionnaires. For the sake of completeness, cognitive ability is shown in the schematic model. The
focus lies on noncognitive variables that can be measured with self-report questionnaires. The second
set of contextual variables are related to whether students are exposed to opportunities to acquire
relevant knowledge and skills, both at school and outside of school, otherwise known as opportunity to
learn factors. Student factors and opportunity to learn factors may interact as students differ in how
they make use of the opportunities provided and learning opportunities that may help learners develop
abilities and shape their attitudes. Figure 1 shows a graphical illustration of this schematic model. This
1 Definition:
A group of specific questions that capture the important components of the module.
Definition: A more defined, but still general, version of the issue. For example, a module for the issue “student
engagement” may be “student engagement with mathematics on technological devices”.
Definition: A cluster of questions that can be aggregated.
Definition: Complex psychological concept, for example motivation.
The previous version of this issues paper was prepared in 2009.
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graphical illustration is simplified in several ways: it does not illustrate the multilevel structure with data
sources at different levels (such as system level, school level, classroom level and individual level
variables) and different types of variables (input, process, and output). Issues 1 – 3 are considered
“opportunity to learn factors,” and Issue 4 is considered “student factors.”
Figure 1. A schematic model of student achievement. 6
Four more specific objectives of this issues paper are:
1. Re-evaluate the references and theories described in the 2009 issues paper in terms of their
relevance for the 2017 Digital Based Assessment in mathematics; collate and interpret
additional research evidence on important contextual variables for mathematics performance,
especially in technology-rich environments, including performance predictors, moderators, or
mediators on the student level and aggregate levels such as schools, districts, or states.
2. Enhance clarity of defined issues by reducing redundancies and re-organizing issues or subissues where needed.
This figure was part of a white paper on “Plans for NAEP Core Contextual Variables” prepared for the National
Assessment Governing Board earlier this year (Bertling, April 2014). More detail about the model and the
underlying rationale is provided in the white paper.
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3. Strengthen focus on mathematics-specific contextual variables (i.e., important background or
contextual variables) taking into consideration that these variables may overlap with core
contextual variables. Variables that are relevant to performance across all subjects assessed in
NAEP (e.g., general availability of and familiarity with technology, perseverance, achievement
motivation, or school climate) should be included in the mathematics questionnaire, or possibly
an extended core in the 2017 NAEP Survey Questionnaires. 7
4. Provide high-level implementation recommendations for each issue emphasizing key areas for
new item development, thereby creating a starting point for the definition of modules and/or
clusters of survey questions that can provide a basis for scale indices.
Four issues with a total of 18 sub-issues that reflect key contextual variables for mathematics
achievement are presented in this revised paper.
The main criteria for selecting these issues were the following:
a) Factors captured in each issue should have a clear relationship with student achievement.
Student factors with no clear or low correlations with achievement based on the published
research are discarded from inclusion. This criterion directly refers to the NAEP statute. Issues
with a strong research foundation based on several studies (ideally, meta-analyses) and
established theoretical models will be favored over issues with less research evidence regarding
the relationship with achievement or issues with a less established theoretical foundation.
b) Factors captured in each issue should be malleable and actionable in terms of possible
interventions in and outside the classroom.
c) Factors should be amenable for measurement with survey questionnaires. Factors such as social
skills or learning strategies might require other assessment strategies to provide meaningful and
reliable measures.
d) Issues suggested for inclusion in the mathematics Survey Questionnaires should focus on those
students and OTL factors that are domain-specific, meaning they are not specific to mathematics
New items will be developed for potential inclusion in the 2017 Mathematics questionnaires using this
issues paper as a guideline, and will be tested in cognitive interviews this fall. After the cognitive
interviews have been conducted, the data will be reviewed to help inform which items should be
administered in the 2016 Pilot. The items will be reviewed once more after the 2016 Pilot to inform
which items are to be administered in the 2017 Operational assessment. See Appendix A for an
illustration of this process.
New item development for future core survey questionnaires is a separate effort not addressed in this issues paper.
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The resources available for mathematics instruction affect how mathematics is learned and taught in
schools (Greenwald, Hedges, & Laine, 1996; Lee & Barro, 2001; Lee & Zuze, 2011). Resources available
to the student outside of school further shape their opportunities to learn. These “resources”
encompass more than every day classroom tools, such as resources and services available at the local,
district, and state levels. Resources include people resources (e.g., teachers and counselors), product
resources (e.g., libraries or media centers, textbooks, computers, digital devices for mathematics), and
time resources (e.g., teachers’ time to prepare lessons, or students’ time to learn and study). General
resources (e.g., school buildings, classroom space, and technological equipment in the classroom) can be
distinguished from subject-specific resources for mathematics (e.g., computers, calculators, eBooks,
libraries, or time for mathematics instruction). Three sub-issues can be distinguished and are defined in
the following Table.
Table 2. Resources for Learning and Instruction: Sub-issues
Issue 1.1.:
The most obvious component of a school’s “people” resources comprises the
individuals who provide instruction. The composition of the instructional staff thus
constitutes an important facet of this sub-issue. Key aspects of staff composition
include the student-to-teacher ratio, the proportion of mathematics teachers who have
an undergraduate or graduate degree in a mathematics discipline, and the availability
of curriculum specialists. Zhao et al. (2002) uses the term human infrastructure to
describe the organizational arrangement to support integration of digital technology in
the classroom and reports that the availability of human infrastructure has a strong
mediating effect on the success of technological innovations at schools. Human
infrastructure includes, but is not limited to, a flexible and responsive technical staff,
knowledgeable and communicative groups of people who can help a teacher
understand and use technologies for his or her own classroom needs, and a supportive
and informed administrative staff. With regard to learning outside of school, this subissue refers to students’ opportunities to talk to parents or other family members about
their mathematics schoolwork or other mathematics-related topics, and to receive help
with homework, or preparation for exams. People resources outside of school might
also include tutors or other individuals available to the student that are not associated
with the students’ school.
Issue 1.2.:
Mathematics resources, and the extent to which they are furnished to all students, may
facilitate or hinder the learning environment’s positive impact and, in turn, influence
mathematics achievement. Desirable mathematics resources include up-to-date
textbooks; computers, calculators, and other technological resources; online
mathematics courses or other software programs. Product resources may be available
at school and provided by the school during classes, in the library or media center, or
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from other places outside of school. Access to computer technology and internet
connectivity in U. S. schools has increased substantially over the past decade. Internet
availability in public schools is usually presented as the percentage of classrooms and
computer labs with Internet access or as the percentage of public schools with Internet
access (Ogle et al. 2002). Product resources may refer to at school and outside of school
learning contexts.
Issue 1.3.:
The available time for learning and instruction is one of the core components of the
OTL construct. Several facets can be distinguished: the amount of time devoted to
mathematics instruction per week at the fourth, eighth, and twelfth- grade level; the
degree to which schools provide teachers with the opportunity to prepare lessons, to
review students’ work, or to collaborate with other teachers; the time that schools
spend on preparing for and administering school-, district-, state-, and/or federallymandated tests, and the available time for students to complete their mathematics
homework and engage in mathematics related behaviors outside of school. Schools
have been steadily increasing the time spent on reading and mathematics (Dillon,
2006). Further, when school policies afford mathematics teachers the opportunity to
collaborate with science teachers, the level of student achievement increases in both
disciplines (Xin & Lingling, 2004). Knowledge of the amount of time mathematics
teachers devote to the activities associated with standardized testing can provide
additional information on the relationship between testing and student achievement in
math. With regard to learning outside of school, the available time for students varies
as students might, for instance, need to fulfill other responsibilities (e.g., take care of a
sibling or another family member), or work part-time (applies to 12th grade students).
Considerations for Potential Development for Issue 1:
Promising areas for future item development may include enhancing the measurement of the availability
and use of technological resources for practicing and learning mathematics inside and outside of the
classroom. Item development might also discern between the quantity and quality of resources, and
identifying limited resources that deter learning (e.g., limited outside of the classroom resources, limited
outside of the school resources, classrooms being overcrowded, teachers having too many teaching
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Current literature suggests that students’ opportunities to learn mathematics are determined in part by
how mathematics instruction is organized. Issue 2 comprises four related sub-issues, the content of the
mathematics curriculum (Issue 2.1.), the instructional strategies through which students experience this
content (Issue 2.2.), the use of technology for instruction (Issue 2.3.), and the role of assessments in the
classroom (Issue 2.4.).
Table 3. Organization of Instruction: Sub-issues
Issue 2.1.: Curriculum
A school’s mathematics curriculum can be understood by examining the
required mathematics courses, the optional mathematics courses, and the
students’ course histories in mathematics. This understanding is strengthened
by viewing the data in conjunction with information about achievement
grouping and tracking. Different tracks may offer altogether different courses
or they may offer same-subject courses that differ in content and rigor. In
either case, gathering information about, for example, differential course
content and/or a differential emphasis on conceptual versus procedural
understanding would be important. Curriculum content can also be examined
in terms of whether there is a school-wide curriculum for mathematics in place
and, if so, how it is developed and periodically updated, and whether it
adheres to any content standards. Understanding how the mathematics
curriculum functions requires an understanding of how it is organized and how
students gain access. This, in turn, depends on understanding schools’ policies
on tracking and achievement grouping, when students begin to receive
instruction in different mathematics topics, and what specific courses are
offered and taken by students.
Since the early 2000’s major changes to the middle school mathematics
curriculum have been made and show many more students taking algebra
courses and an increased emphasis in seventh- and eighth-grade on algebraic
concepts, like pattern recognition and generalization, modeling relationships,
and algebraic reasoning (National Assessment Governing Board [NAGB], 2003).
In fact, many states now require that students demonstrate proficiency in
algebra to graduate from high school (RAND Mathematics Study Panel & Ball,
2003). In addition, algebraic concepts in mathematics have infused instruction
in elementary school. Within the 2009 issues paper, there was a specific
emphasis on the teaching and learning of algebra as a separate issue. We do
not present teaching and learning of algebra as a separate issue here as it
shows considerable overlap with the other issues outlined here and refers not
only to a single issue but cuts across issues. Algebra topics are of direct
relevance, for instance, for instruction, teacher preparation, and for students’
self-efficacy and motivation. With regard to curriculum content, a special
emphasis should lie on assessing whether and to what extent algebra topics
are represented in the curriculum. The content of an algebra curriculum can
take many forms depending on how much emphasis is placed on procedural
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versus conceptual understanding, the depth to which topics are covered, and
the manner in which different topics and skills are introduced.
Algebra is sometimes characterized as a “gateway” topic—for example, the
RAND mathematics study panel (RAND Mathematics Study Panel & Ball, 2003)
recommended that algebra instruction should receive focus, because without
a solid foundation in it, higher mathematics is inaccessible to students. In the
past, Algebra I was typically taught in the ninth grade. Over the years, more
students have been taking algebra earlier, in Grade 8, and algebraic concepts
are being addressed in earlier grades still. The NCTM standards, for example,
include algebra standards across grade bands, starting in the K-2 band (NCTM,
The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM, 2010) also
emphasize algebraic concepts from early on; beginning in Kindergarten, there
is a high level standard for “Operations and Algebraic Thinking.” By high
school, there is significant emphasis on functions, especially comparing
different kinds of functions. This is consistent with the view that students
should absorb and revisit algebraic concepts over an extended period of time.
Whether or not it is advisable for students to begin Algebra 1 in eighth grade is
a matter of some debate—for example, a recent report from the Brown Center
suggests that while enrollment in Algebra 1 courses at Grade 8 has greatly
increased since 1990, it is not significantly correlated with either the NAEP
composite score or the NAEP Algebra strand score (Loveless, 2013). Whether
algebra instruction begins at eighth- or ninth-grade, one promising direction
for enhancing instruction in algebra is to emphasize the connection between
Numbers and Operations. There is considerable evidence to suggest that
students are unlikely to spontaneously observe the connection between
numbers and algebra unless it is consistently reinforced (Lee & Wheeler,
Issue 2.2.:
Effective instruction comes not only from teachers’ own rich knowledge of
mathematics, but also from the repertoire of instructional strategies through
which they facilitate students’ thinking about and understanding the
mathematical principles and concepts. These strategies require teachers to
know how students acquire mathematical understanding and why they
typically misunderstand certain concepts. Two important facets of effective
instructional strategies are targeting instruction based on students’ needs, and
creating connections to real-world problems in addition to teaching of abstract
Students’ learning of mathematical content and their mathematic
achievement improves when teachers provide tailored instruction based on
students’ specific learning needs (Bergan, Sladeczek, Schwartz and Smith,
1991; Chatterji et al., 2009; Stecker & Fuchs, 2000). In addition, student
engagement also increases when teachers facilitate learning based on the
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needs of their students (Beeland, 2002; Jang, Reeve & Deci, 2010). Two
important engagement-promoting aspects of teachers’ instructional styles are
‘autonomy support’ and ‘structure’ (Jang et al., 2010). Providing clear
expectations and framing students’ learning activities with explicit guidance
helps students stay on task and persevere.
Research also suggests that teachers can foster student engagement by
implementing real-world problems or everyday mathematics problems in their
instruction (Civil, 2002; Gainsburg, 2008). For example, Civil (2002)
investigated the relationship between students’ participation rates and tasks
that were either traditional, formal mathematics or problems related to
contextual, everyday mathematics. Results showed that, when students were
asked to complete real-world tasks such as creating games that reflected math
occurring outside of school, student’s involvement in classroom discussions,
rates of homework completion, and the quality of students’ results increased.
The importance of teaching algebra has been highlighted in the previous issue.
Whether or not a teacher has embraced the notion that all students should
and can learn algebra will also affect how equitably the curriculum is delivered.
One example for effective organization of instruction to facilitate learning
based on students’ needs is the use of scaffolding activities that encourage
students to perceive the connection between algebra and numbers and
operations (Bernardo & Okagaki, 1994; Kieran, 1992; Koedinger & Anderson,
1998; Wollman, 1983). Scaffolding is an effective instructional strategy
especially when used continuously for longer time periods but not as a shortterm instructional technique (Rosnick & Clement, 1980; Graf, Bassok, Hunt, &
Minstrell, 2004).
Issue 2.3.: Use of
Technology in
Technology plays an increasingly prominent role in mathematics instruction.
Although calculators have long been used in many classrooms, their use
continues to become more sophisticated. Moreover, desktop, laptop, and
tablet computers and other mobile devices are playing a more central role as
their availability increases and as software and Internet tools become more
useful for instructional purposes.
The availability of new technologies is changing the way mathematics is taught
and learned. Teachers are able to demonstrate mathematical concepts in new
ways, and students have access to a range of tools and programs that they can
use to explore mathematical concepts. For example, graphing tools, threedimensional shape manipulators, and statistical and simulator programs
provide students with an opportunity to explore and deepen their
understanding of mathematics. Of course, access to these technologies (see
Issue 1) will determine the extent to which teachers use them in instruction.
The growing availability of technology for mathematics instruction also points
to the need for schools to prepare teachers to use them effectively (see Issue
3). In order to understand students’ opportunity to learn in terms of their
opportunity to work with technology it is necessary to measure not only if
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technology is available, but also how it is used. Barton (2000) concluded based
on a review of the research literature that access to technology alone did not
ensure enhanced learning. Moreover, the impact of the technology was found
to depend on the ways in which it is used to mediate mathematics in the
classroom as on simple access to the technology. Important facets of this subissues that should be differentiated in the 2017 mathematics questionnaires
are: the use of different types of calculators; the use of different types of
computers; and the use of online resources for instruction inside and outside
the classroom.
Calculator use has been an important policy issue for years. Educators have
debated whether or not calculator use, particularly at fourth-grade, is
appropriate. For example, calculators may help students visualize numerical
representations, learn more advanced mathematical concepts, or work on
complex problems for which paper-and-pencil computation would be
unnecessarily time-consuming and distracting. In contrast, students may use
calculators to check answers or carry out simple arithmetic operations. This
more simplistic application raises the educational concern that calculators may
preclude students’ learning basic computation skills. Hansen, Fife, Graf, &
Supernavage (2010) concluded that calculators may allow certain skills to be
assessed that one might otherwise be unable to assess; that using calculators
may make tasks more authentic in work and higher-education settings; and
that calculator use can help remove construct-irrelevant variance in
assessment situations. While calculator use can have beneficial effects, an
important consideration is that calculators should have a pedagogical role in
instruction supported by special curriculum materials, and not be used just for
routine calculations (Hansen et al., 2010).
Used appropriately, computers and the Internet allow students to work more
independently on higher-order thinking skills and provide an opportunity for
students to locate and use real data and to solve real-world problems.
Technology broadens the learning community and enables students to
communicate with each other about mathematics. Dynamic geometric
software can help students visualize and understand complex mathematics
concepts. Simulation software can help students explore real-world problems
and database and spreadsheet programs can help students analyze and solve
problems. The issue is not just whether these technologies and programs are
used, but what impact they have on the level of mathematics being taught.
Finally, given the wide availability of Internet connections, many schools can
offer students access to mathematics courses offered online; such courses
would otherwise be unavailable.
Issue 2.4.: Use of
Summative assessments are essentially assessments “of” learning or
knowledge that has already been acquired. On the other hand, formative
assessments are to help teachers plan instruction: The purpose of a formative
assessment is to help the teacher understand what a student knows and can
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do so that the teacher can plan instruction more effectively. Arieli-Attali,
Wylie, and Bauer (2012) provide an example how effective formative
assessments can be designed by combining two components, a locator test
that would place student understanding with respect to levels of
understanding within a set of learning progressions; and incremental tasks to
be used by teachers in class, both to update teachers’ understanding of where
students are in their understanding and to support student learning as they
transition from one level to the next within a progression. Research findings
indicate that teachers gather better quality evidence of student understanding
when they apply effective formative assessments in their classroom (McGatha,
Bush and Rakes, 2009). Formative assessments can not only provide the
teacher with important diagnostic feedback to guide instruction but also help
students understand and overcome their misconceptions by encouraging the
higher-order thinking skills of questioning and reflective thinking (Chin & Teou,
2009). Recent meta-analytical findings (Kingston and Nash, 2011) further
support the use of formative assessment in mathematics classrooms.
Considerations for Potential Development for Issue 2:
Promising areas for future item development may be enhancing the measurement of curriculum content,
instructional strategies, and teacher practices as three important aspects of opportunity to learn.
Questions might also discern between technology-based mathematics activities and incorporation of
web resources, assessments, interactive tools, and multimedia into the classroom. Important questions
may concern how teachers adapt their teaching practices to the rapid technological changes, how
teachers use technological devices to engage students with mathematics, and how use of digital
technologies for mathematics activities impacts the curricula at the different grade levels.
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Although U.S. students' mathematics scores have increased in recent years, both in TIMSS and in NAEP,
international comparisons show that they are still lower than student scores in Singapore, China, and
Japan (Provasnik, et al., 2012; NCES, 2011); the PISA results in particular show lower scores for students
in the U.S. than for students in Finland or Switzerland as well (OECD, 2010). It has been suggested that
these differences may be due at least in part to inadequate teacher training as well as insufficient
preparation time (i.e., U.S. teachers have fewer unscheduled hours per week to plan lessons).
International performance differences are most evident in the middle grades, but the origin of these
differences may have even earlier roots in instruction: an influential study based on in-depth interviews
of small numbers of teachers in the U.S. and China suggested that relative to U.S. teachers, Chinese
teachers possess enhanced conceptual schemas of fundamental mathematics content (Ma, 1999). For
example, most of the Chinese teachers in Ma’s study could successfully construct a story problem
around a fraction division statement such as 1 ¾ ÷ ½, but the U.S. teachers had difficulty with this task,
sometimes reinterpreting the statement as a fraction multiplication problem (i.e., the scenario would
involve taking half of 1 ¾). Four sub-issues with regard to teacher preparation are distinguished, content
knowledge and subject-specific training, pedagogical training, professional development, and teacher
attitudes. Teachers who have a sophisticated grasp of mathematics, who have experience teaching
mathematics to students of diverse backgrounds, and learning styles, and who have access to
professional development opportunities are likely to be more adept at providing students with a strong
conceptual understanding than are teachers who lack these advantages.
Table 4. Teacher Preparation: Sub-issues
Issue 3.1.: Content
knowledge and
Teachers’ undergraduate and graduate coursework in mathematics is a crucial
indicator of their overall preparation. However, information regarding formal
education and training alone is not sufficient for understanding the extent of
teachers’ preparation. Traditionally, teachers' subject knowledge has been
assessed based on background variables such as courses taken, degrees
attained, etc. (Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005). In recent years however, instruments
have been developed that are intended to measure teachers' content-specific
knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (e.g., Hill, Schilling, & Ball,
2004; Hill, Ball & Schilling, 2008). Measures of teacher content knowledge in
mathematics have been associated with student performance gains (Hill et al.,
2005) and better identification and remediation of gaps in students’
knowledge (e.g., Carpenter, Fennema, Peterson, Chiang and Loef, 1989). One
especially important topic in which teachers’ content knowledge is crucial for
student achievement is Algebra. Content knowledge is inextricable from
pedagogical knowledge. That is, teachers’ ability to provide first-rate
instruction in mathematics is strongly related to their own subject-matter
expertise, as well as to their training in how to teach mathematical concepts.
The RAND Mathematics Study Panel (2003) has noted that “the quality of
mathematics teaching and learning depends on what teachers do with their
students, and what teachers can do depends on their knowledge of
mathematics.” A thorough knowledge of mathematics enables teachers to
teach dynamically—by showing many representations of the same concept, by
encouraging student questions, and by providing alternative explanations.
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Teachers who lack such grounding often rely primarily upon teaching
algorithms and procedures, whereas teachers with strong mathematical skills
are also able to stress conceptual understanding.
In addition to teachers’ content knowledge and subject-specific training,
gathering information about teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and training
seems equally important. In order to provided targeted instruction based on
students’ needs and engage students in the classroom discussion and foster
their interest in learning mathematical content, teachers need to be equipped
with the necessary pedagogical knowledge. Undergraduate and graduate
coursework in mathematics pedagogy is therefore also important.
Issue 3.2.:
Teachers’ ongoing participation in professional development activities that
focus on mathematics is also critical to teacher preparation. Professional
development in mathematics knowledge per se may be especially valuable,
although pedagogically-oriented development opportunities are also
important. Professional development includes courses, workshops, seminars,
classroom observations and critiques (both observing and being observed),
conferences, “camps,” or any other venue in which teachers are expected to
hone their subject-matter or pedagogical skill— both within and outside the
school environment. Furthermore, to enhance their learning and to assist with
curriculum planning, teachers can access online instructional materials,
websites, and chat rooms devoted to mathematics instruction. Finally, given
the growing role of technology in mathematics instruction (see below),
teachers must be trained in the effective use of computers, of calculators, and
of emerging technologies. Participation in professional development courses
that focus on integrating technology with instruction is one way for teachers to
learn how these tools can enhance learning. Some teachers may not use
technology because it is not available; others may avoid it because they lack
the knowledge to incorporate it effectively; and still others may not fully
understand the mathematics content that technology allows students to
access when solving complex problems. When teachers participate in
professional development programs that emphasize collective meetings with
groups of teachers and that provide opportunities for teachers to review
student work and discuss student responses and behaviors, they deepen both
their content and pedagogical knowledge needed to effectively engage in the
critical tasks of teaching and develop their teaching practices (e.g., Desimone,
Porter, Garet, Yoon and Birman, 2002; Guskey and Yoon, 2009; Garet, Porter,
Desimone, Birman and Yoon, 2001).
In addition to professional development, teachers may also need other
support staff, such as specialists and coaches who are highly trained in a
particular domain and can support teaching in the classroom. Traditionally,
specialists and coaches have been viewed as a resource for students, but
recently the role of a coach has changed to one of a mentor for teachers. The
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Issue 3.3.:
Noncognitive Teacher
literature shows that support staff, in particular coaches, are important for
teacher’s professional development (Dole, 2004).
In addition to teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge, teacher attitudes
(e.g. self-efficacy and attributions placed on student learning) play an
important role for effective teaching and instruction. Teachers who are
interested in the subject they are teaching, who have positive attitudes
towards their work and show high levels of confidence in their ability to
succeed in the classroom are more likely to be successful. Studies show that
teachers who have high self-efficacy are more likely to be open to new ideas
and concepts, try new teaching/instructional methods, and persist when things
in the classroom do not go well (Berman, McLaughlin, Bass, Pauly, & Zellman,
1977; Guskey, 1988; Stein & Wang, 1988). The literature also shows that
teacher self-efficacy can influence student achievement, motivation, and selfefficacy (Anderson, Greene, & Loewen, 1988; Midgley, Feldlaufer, & Eccles,
1989; Moore & Esselman, 1992; Ross 1992). Other noncognitive factors, such
as curiosity, growth mindset, and attribution attitudes have also been shown
to play an important role in student learning.
Considerations for Potential Development for Issue 3:
Promising areas for future item development may be enhancing the measurement of teachers’
preparedness to use digital technologies in their mathematics instruction in purposeful ways.
Additionally, development may consider differentiating between professional development programs
(e.g., content- versus pedagogical-focused professional development programs), including questions
about web-based trainings and teachers’ experiences with professional development programs, and
including questions about noncognitive teacher factors, such as teacher factors (e.g., teacher attribution
) will clearly focus on teachers views of learning and instruction to ensure alignment with the NAEP
statute to refrain from measuring “personal or family beliefs and attitudes.”
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Research has shown that student learning of mathematical content improves when students are more
engaged in their classroom activities. Two aspects of engagement can be distinguished: (1) engagement
in regular classroom activities and study behavior in the classroom, and (2) students’ time use for
mathematics related activities outside the classroom, including extracurricular and out-of-school
activities. Also research has shown that the relationship between student social behavior and academic
performance is generally positive. Academic and school-oriented behaviors, such as increased interest in
schoolwork, striving to make good grades, and active attempts at subject mastery have been
consistently linked to positive academic outcomes (Wentzel, 1993). Additionally, several studies have
noted that a relationship exists between well-behaved students and academic achievement and other
intellectual outcomes (Malecki & Elliott, 2002; DiPerna & Elliot, 1999; Feshbach & Feshbach, 1987;
Green, Forehand, Beck, & Vosk, 1980; Lambert & Nicholl, 1977). For example, social skills have often
emerged as a significant predictor of academic achievement (Malecki & Elliot, 2002). Wentzel (1993)
provided evidence for this claim, noting that social skills and good behavior are associated with higher
levels of academic achievement; problematic behaviors are negatively correlated with academic
success. It has been suggested that disruptive and disinterested students may not strive for or achieve
academic success as such behaviors often lead to negative treatment by the teacher and classmates.
Thus, these behaviors impact the student-teacher relationship, possibly hindering the student’s
academic achievement (Wentzel, 1993). Marks (2000) studied student engagement in the classroom as
a factor which contributed to students’ social and cognitive development and led to higher
achievement, and consequently better understanding of mathematical content. The author defined
engagement as a psychological process – “the attention, interest, investment, and effort students
expend in the work of learning” (p.155). Previous research reported that greater engagement with
school and class work increased academic success and, accordingly, knowledge about the content,
among middle and high school students (Lee & Smith, 1993). Finn, Pannozzo, and Voelkl (1995) found
that students who are inattentive, withdrawn, and disengaged in the classroom activities (e.g.,
mathematical activities) have poorer academic performance compared to engaged students.
Another important component of students’ attitudes and behaviors are students’ self-related beliefs.
Four sub-issues can be distinguished: (1) mathematics self-efficacy, (2) mathematics self-concept, (3)
mathematics anxiety, (4) and perceived control of success in mathematics. All components are captured
in the PISA 2012 student questionnaire and there is a strong research base supporting their importance
for mathematics learning in specific.
Two important conditions for students’ success in mathematics are their interest in the topic and their
willingness to engage in it. This issue comprises student attitudes and behaviors related to motivation
and interest. Three sub-issues are distinguished, mathematics interest, instrumental motivation, and
achievement motivation. Mathematics interest captures whether students show interest in the topics
covered at school. Instrumental motivation captures whether students see mathematics as useful for
their real life and their future choices whether or not to study mathematics beyond school and chose a
mathematics-oriented career. Achievement motivation captures students’ motivation to achieve good
results in mathematics and in school in general, more closely related to a general motive of being a good
student and being better than other students in class. Achievement motivation is one of the strongest
predictors of success based on meta-analysis (e.g., Richardson et al., 2012).
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Table 5. Student Factors: Sub-issues
Issue 4.1.: Mathematics
Activities outside of
How students spend their time outside of school, and to what extent they
engage in mathematics related activities adds an important component to
studying student behaviours in the classroom. Several studies provide
evidence that students’ time use patterns in general (i.e., not only time
spent on mathematics related activities) relate to important success
variables. Time use patterns might play an important role to explain
relationships between various student background variables (such as ESCS)
and performance variables, for instance, as important mediator variables
(see Porterfield and Winkler, 2007). Patterns of free-time activities in
middle childhood predict adjustment in early adolescence (McHale, Crouter
and Tucker, 2001). Fuligni and Stevenson (1995) showed in a cross-cultural
study that time use predicts mathematics achievement across several
countries. The participation in extracurricular activities has been
demonstrated to protect against early school drop-out for at risk students
(Mahoney and Cairns, 1997). More than 60 countries of the world economy
regularly conduct systematic time use studies among adults and
adolescents, but time-use has not been measured as part of educational
large-scale assessments so far. Important activities and behaviors to
capture with regard to students’ time use are extracurricular activities,
homework, study time, and other mathematics-related activities.
Student engagement is clearly related to involvement in extracurricular
activities (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006). These activities, including music, fine
arts, academic clubs, and athletics, have been shown to be beneficial to
academic growth. Participation in such activities can provide students with
opportunities to learn about teamwork, respect, and responsibility, and
provide a venue for the student to apply these lessons (NCES, 1995).
Participation in extracurricular activities has been associated with academic
achievement (NCES, 1995). Several longitudinal studies have suggested that
participation in school sports plays a role in increasing student grades
(Fejgin, 1994; Hanson & Kraus, 1998, 1999; Broh, 2002). Similarly, Marsh’s
(1992) analysis of student participation in extracurricular activities indicated
that extracurricular involvement is associated with improved GPA and
higher educational aspirations (Broh, 2002).
The existing literature on homework is optimistic as most studies indicate it
has a positive impact on academic achievement (McMullen, 2007; Betts
1997; Neilson, 2005). For instance, using data from the National Educational
Longitudinal Study of 1988, Aksoy and Link (2000) found homework to have
a positive and significant impact on tenth grade math scores (Eren &
Henderson, 2008). Cooper, Robinson, and Patall (2006) analyzed recent
articles in education, psychology, and sociology and found that increased
amounts of homework are related to small increases in academic
achievement (McMullen, 2007). McMullen (2007) reiterated this, finding
that one extra hour of mathematics homework per week improved
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mathematics achievement. Betts (1997) used teacher reported hours of
homework assigned to understand the effect of homework on math scores
and found significant results. It was reported that one extra hour of math
homework for seventh through eleventh graders did indeed advance
student math skills (Eren & Henderson, 2006). Such findings indicate that
homework is an important factor in student achievement.
Issue 4.2.: Self-related
Ben-Avie, Haynes, White, Ensign, Steinfeld, & Sartin, L. (2003) conducted
three studies to evaluate the work of the Institute for Student Achievement
(ISA) for three years. In those studies, researchers emphasized the
meaningful connection between engagement and perseverance, and the
importance of academic perseverance in showing high performance in
mathematics. Perseverance was defined as “students’ persistence in
performing strategic behaviors that increase the likelihood of academic
success, regardless of obstacles or distractions” (p.22). Students’ openness
for problem solving (e.g., enjoy solving complex problems, seek
explanations for things), their planning & organization behaviors (e.g.,
make to-do lists, keep notes for subjects; finish assignments on time, don’t
do things at the last minute), persistence even on difficult tasks (e.g., not
put off difficult problems, don’t give up easily), and general work ethics
(e.g., prepare for class, work consistently throughout the school year) are
not only among the most predictive noncognitive predictors of GPA (see
recent meta-analysis by Richardson et al., 2012), but also important
predictors of success in higher education and the workforce in general (e.g.,
Heckman, Stixrud & Urzua, 2006; Lindqvist & Vestman, 2011; Poropat,
2009; Roberts et al., 2007
Self-efficacy refers to the beliefs that individuals hold about what they
believe they are capable of accomplishing. These self-perceptions
determine how individuals use the knowledge and skills that they have to
achieve a certain task (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). It has been reported that
self-efficacy beliefs are correlated with other self-beliefs, such as selfconcept and other motivational constructs (Zimmerman, 2000). Evidence
has also suggested that self-efficacy and self-concept beliefs are each
related to and influential on academic achievement (Pajares, 1996). Pintrich
and De Groot (1990) have suggested that self-efficacy has a special role in
terms of cognitive engagement, that is, it may increase self-efficacy beliefs
that in turn, could lead to more frequent and increased use of cognitive
strategies, leading to higher achievement (Pajares & Schunk, 2001).
Students with high self-efficacy engage in effective self-regulating strategies
more often than those with lower level beliefs; high self-efficacy also seems
to enhance performance as these beliefs also tend to enhance persistence
(Pajares, 1996; Bouffard-Bouchard, Parent, & Larivee, 1991; Berry, 1987).
Self-efficacy beliefs have been positively related to academic achievement,
moderating the effect of experiences, abilities, and prior achievement.
Zimmerman, Bandura, and Martinez-Pons (1992) demonstrated that
academic self-efficacy mediated the influence of self-efficacy for selfregulated learning on academic achievement (Pajares, 1996). Multon,
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Brown, and Lent (1991) conducted a meta-analysis that indicated selfefficacy was related to academic outcomes, with these effects becoming
stronger as students progressed from elementary school to high school to
college (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). The effects were stronger for classroombased indices (i.e., grades) and basic skill measures when compared to
standardized tests, demonstrating that self-efficacy beliefs are often subject
and context-specific (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). Overall, there is an ample
amount of evidence that suggests self-efficacy and self-concept are
powerful constructs that predict both academic beliefs and performance
(Pajares, 1996).Stevens, Olivarez, and Hamman (2006) studied the
relationship between cognitive, motivational and emotional variables to
predict students’ performance in mathematics. Results supported the
importance of self-efficacy as a predictor of math performance. In general,
students who feel more confident with mathematics are more likely than
others to use mathematics in the various contexts that they encounter. This
is why self-efficacy is often also considered an outcome by itself, not only
an important contextual factor for mathematics achievement.
Self-concept also is widely accepted as an important universal aspect of
being human and central to understanding the quality of human existence
(Bandura, 2006; Bruner, 1996; Marsh & Craven, 2006; Pajares, 1996;
Pajares & Schunk, 2005). Positive self-beliefs are valued as a desirable
outcome in many disciplines of psychology and central in the current
positive psychology revolution sweeping psychology; that focuses on how
individuals can optimize their life (Diener, 2000; Fredrickson, 2001;
Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Motivational constructs in the TIMSS
survey (and for purposes of the present investigation) can be broadly
divided into self-concept (sometimes referred to as competence beliefs),
positive affect (sometimes referred to as intrinsic motivation), and task
value (a construct combining value and importance, but overlapping
substantially with what some refer to as extrinsic motivation). Stipek,
Salmon, Givvin, Kazemi, Saxe, & MacGyvers (1998) investigated a broader
range of motivational variables related to instructional teacher practices
and student preferences. Results revealed that two relevant factors of
motivation – mastery orientation and enjoyment – significantly correlated
with learning on procedurally oriented fractions problems and traditional
computation items (r=.12 and r=.15 with p<.05, respectively). Students who
rated their mathematics or fractions competencies relatively high were
more focused on learning and mastery, and they reported more positive
emotions, and greater enjoyment.
Students who have a strong sense of perceived control approach tasks
differently than students who do not think that they are in control of their
success. In PISA 2012, several items measure students’ perceived control of
success in mathematics in specific and of success in school in general.
Responses to these items are among the strongest predictors of cognitive
performance on the mathematics tasks. Measuring perceived control in the
NAEP 2017 mathematics questionnaires will add an important component
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about students’ self-related beliefs and an important contextual variable for
understanding student performance.
Students who have positive emotions towards mathematics are in a
position to learn mathematics better than students who feel anxiety
towards mathematics. Students who are anxious towards mathematics
tasks and tests are less likely to be successful and struggle with reaching
their true potential when engaging in mathematics related tasks. Research
(e.g., Deci & Ryan, 1985; Eccles, 1983; Eccles & Wigfield, 2002; Renninger,
2000; 2009; Renninger, Hidi & Krapp, 1992; Stipek & MacIver, 1989)
provides a clear theoretical rational for the separation of competency selfbeliefs from affective components such as intrinsic motivation and interest.
Issue 4.3.: Interest and
Intrinsically motivated learners are motivated by internal rather than
external incentives. Students might, for example, learn in order to find out
more about a subject domain or to achieve the positive emotional state
that learning can engender (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). Interest and
enjoyment are classic examples of intrinsic motivation (Bøe et al., 2011;
Renninger, Hidi, & Krapp, 1992) that represent a relatively stable evaluative
orientation towards certain topics or domains. Intrinsic motivation is often
accompanied by positive feelings (e.g., feelings of involvement or
stimulation) and attribution of personal significance to an object or domain.
Subject-specific intrinsic motivation affects the intensity and continuity of
engagement in learning situations, the selection of learning strategies, and
the depth of understanding achieved, and choice behaviors (Schiefele,
2001). Mathematics interest captures whether students show interest in
the topics covered at school and generally like mathematics. Zhu and Leung
(2011) used the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies
(TIMSS) 2003 eighth-grade mathematics data to investigate the effects of
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on learning and academic performance.
Overall, more than 70% of the students had a higher level of extrinsic than
intrinsic motivation. Regression analyses further revealed a significant
positive effect of pleasure-oriented (intrinsic) motivation on mathematical
achievement among the U.S. students (r=.17, p<.001). Data from the 2003
cycle of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) support
these findings by indicating that both the degree and continuity of
engagement in learning and the depth of understanding relates to interest
in and enjoyment of particular subjects, or intrinsic motivation. This effect
has been shown to operate largely independently of students’ general
motivation to learn (OECD, 2004; see also the last section of this chapter).
Intrinsic motivation can be understood as a factor for engagement and
constitutes at the same time an important outcome of increased
engagement. Research has also shown that positive attitudes towards
mathematics and mathematics interest at age 15 predict future success
(e.g., Thomson & Hillman, 2010).
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A central requirement of effective learning is the motivation to learn—the
driving force behind learning. Deci and Ryan (1985) devised a theory of
learning motivation that differentiates between extrinsic and intrinsic
motivation and explicitly acknowledge the central importance of selfconceptions within the motivational spectrum (Ryan & Deci, 2003).
Extrinsically motivated students pursue learning goals associated with
valued consequences located outside the person and deemed personally
important, such as instrumental value, positive feedback or rewards for
good performance. Instrumental motivation captures whether students see
mathematics as useful for their real life and their future choices whether or
not to study mathematics beyond school and chose a mathematics-oriented
Achievement motivations captures students’ motivation to achieve good
results in mathematics and in school in general, more closely related to a
general motive of being a good student and being better than other
students in class. Achievement motivation is one of the strongest predictor
of success based on meta-analysis (e.g., Richardson et al., 2012).
Issue 4.4.: Grit for
One key finding from the research literature reviewed in the previous section
is that academic perseverance is one of the strongest predictors of
achievement. This module focuses not only on academic perseverance but
combines perseverance with other, related factors that are comprised under
the factor “Grit”. Grit is defined as perseverance and passion for long-term
goals (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, and Kelly, 2007). Grit can contribute
to understanding student achievement beyond variables related to SES and
other OTL factors. It is related to conscientiousness, defined as the degree to
which a person is hard working, dependable, and detail oriented (Berry et al.,
2007), but focuses on its facets perseverance, industriousness, self-control,
and procrastination (negatively), which are among the facets that are
strongest related to achievement (e.g., Barrick, Stewart and Piotrowski,
2002). Students’ persistence even on difficult tasks (perseverance, e.g., not
to put off difficult problems, not to give up easily), general work ethics
(industriousness, e.g., prepare for class, work consistently throughout the
school year), and low level of procrastination are not only among the
strongest noncognitive predictors of GPA (Richardson et al., 2012), but are
also important predictors of success in higher education and the workforce
in general (e.g., Heckman, Stixrud & Urzua, 2006; Lindqvist & Vestman, 2011;
Poropat, 2009; Roberts et al., 2007). Meta-analyses (e.g., Poropat, 2009)
have shown that perseverance and related person characteristics predict
educational success to a comparable degree as cognitive ability measures. In
other words, a prediction of a person’s educational outcomes, such as GPA,
based on a score reflecting the person’s level of perseverance is about as
accurate as a prediction of the same outcome based on a person’s IQ.
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Grit goes beyond what is captured with these conscientiousness facets by
including the capacity to sustain both the effort and interest in projects that
take months or even longer to complete. Grit is a noncognitive factor that
may explain why some individuals accomplish more than others of equal
intellectual ability. Early psychologists recognized that there are certain
factors that influence how individuals utilize their abilities. William James
suggested that psychologists should study both the different types of human
abilities and the means by which individuals utilize these abilities (James,
1907). Galton studied the biographical information of a number of eminent
individuals and concluded that high achievers had “ability combined with zeal
and with capacity for hard labor” (Galton, 1892). There are also more recent
examples in modern psychology that demonstrate renewed interest in the
trait of perseverance (Peterson and Seligman, 2004). Howe (1999) studied
the biographical details of geniuses such as Einstein and Darwin and
concluded that perseverance must be as important as intelligence in
predicting achievement. Similarly, Ericsson and Charness (1994) found that
in chess, sports, music, and the visual arts, dedicated or deliberate practice
was an important predictor of individual differences between individuals.
Interestingly, these same studies show that grit predicts achievement over
and beyond the contribution of intelligence.
Grit is related to some of the Big Five personality traits. In particular, it shares
some commonality with the trait of conscientiousness. In contrast to
conscientiousness, however, grit focuses on long-term endurance. Grit may
also be similar in certain aspects to an individual’s “need for achievement”
(McClelland, 1961). Need for achievement considers an individual’s ability to
complete manageable goals that provide immediate feedback on
performance. While the idea of working towards a goal may be similar
between need for achievement and grit, individuals high in grit are more
likely to set long-term goals and continue to pursue these goals even without
any positive feedback.
Grit has been measured in different settings but there are few if any studies
that have examined grit within a specific context. It has been measured with
both children and adults, and there are similar measuring instruments
available for both children and adults. The questionnaire has been
administered on both the Web and by pencil and paper. A series of studies
that have been used to validate the measure were conducted on a variety of
populations (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, and Kelly, 2007; Duckworth
and Quinn, 2009). These include visitors to a website providing free
information about psychological research, undergraduate students majoring
in psychology, incoming United States Army cadets, and children age 7-15
years old participating in a national spelling bee. Grit is highly relevant to
NAEP as a noncognitive factor that explains individual differences in
achievement. Students higher in grit may develop different study habits that
allow them to use more of their intellectual ability than other students with
similar levels of intelligence. Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, and Kelly
(2007) have provided some evidence in this direction. When SAT scores were
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held constant, grit was shown to have roughly the same association to GPA
as SAT scores. These findings suggest that what student’s may lack in general
cognitive ability, as reflected in traditional test scores, be able to be made up
in “grittiness”. They have also found that children higher in grit were more
likely to advance to higher rounds in a national spelling bee than children
who were lower in grit. Furthermore, this relationship was mediated by the
number of hours that the children practiced on the weekend—that is,
children higher in grit seem to be more likely to spend time practicing on
weekends, which leads to better achievement in the spelling bee. Other
studies have shown that undergraduate students higher in grit have higher
GPAs than students lower in grit (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, and Kelly,
2007). This was true even though grit was associated with lower SAT scores.
In addition, U.S. military cadets who are higher in grit have been shown to be
less likely to drop out than cadets who are lower in grit (Duckworth, Peterson,
Matthews, and Kelly, 2007). This relationship holds even after controlling for
other factors such as Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores (as mentioned
earlier), high school rank, and Big Five personality characteristics.
Issue 4.5.: Desire for
Learning for
Desire for Learning is proposed as a second main domain-general
noncognitive student factor that adds to grit in that need for cognition
assesses whether individuals see learning as an opportunity and approach
learning situations at school and outside of school with an academic
mindset that helps them apply effort, persevere, and refrain from
procrastination attempts. As highlighted in the overview section of this
paper, grit and academic perseverance are key factors to student
achievement in the classroom. At the same time, the research suggests that
“an isolated focus on academic perseverance as a thing unto itself may well
distract reformers from attending to student mindsets and the
development of learning strategies that appear to be crucial to supporting
students’ academic perseverance.”(Farrington et al., 2012, p. 27).
Considerations for Potential Development Recommendation for Issue 4:
Promising areas for future item development may focus on capturing the different aspects of
noncognitive student factors given that they represent important performance predictors, moderators,
or mediators of academic achievement. Additionally, an important question to consider is how the use of
different media platforms interact with the aforementioned sub-issues. Future item development may
also focus on student motivation and other noncognitive factors to determine the specific beliefs held by
students for achievement in mathematics. Item development may also enhance focus on the
mathematics activities that students engage in outside of the classroom. Additionally, an important
question to consider is how other student factors represented in the 2017 Core questionnaire can be
contextualized for mathematics (e.g., Grit, Desire for Learning); this would allow us to distinguish
whether items are domain general or domain specific.
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Stipek, D., & MacIver, D. (1989). Developmental change in children's assessment of intellectual
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Stipek, D., Salmon, J. M., Givvin, K. B., Kazemi, E., Saxe, G., & MacGyvers, V. L. (1998). The value (and
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Appendix A: Illustration depicting how items will be selected for the 2017 Operational administration.
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Appendix B: Subject-specific taxonomy: Mathematics Survey Questionnaires
Table 1 - Overview how issues and sub-issues will be considered for potential development in questionnaires for the three respondent groups
Resources for Learning
and Instruction
Organization of
Teacher Preparation
Student Factors
People Resources
Product Resources
Time Resources
Curriculum Content
Instructional Strategies
Use of Technology in Instruction
Use of Formative Assessment
Content knowledge and subject-specific training
Education and Training
Professional Development
Noncognitive Teacher Factors
Mathematics Activities outside of School
Self-related beliefs
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Interest and Motivation
Grit for Mathematics
Desire for Learning for Mathematics
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Part C-4: 2009 Science Issues Paper
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Science “Issues Paper”
Educational Testing Service
Written in preparation for New Item Development for the 2009 Paper-and-Pencil
Science Survey Questionnaires
In November 2005, the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) approved the Science
Framework for the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). In addition to
defining a new structure for the cognitive assessments, the 2009 Framework includes
recommendations regarding the content that might be covered in the background questionnaires
that accompany each NAEP administration. The prospective content of the background
questionnaires was a particular focus of discussion at the August 2005 meeting of the Science
Assessment Planning Committee and at the September 2005 meeting of the Science Assessment
Steering Committee.
Convened by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), a panel of science experts
met in Washington, DC on June 6, 2006, to define the scope of the Science Background
Questionnaires (BQ) more fully. With one exception, the panel comprised members of either the
Science Planning Committee or the Science Steering Committee. Their goal was to suggest
issues that (1) would demonstrably relate to student achievement in science, both now and in the
foreseeable future, and (2) were relevant to NAEP’s mission and goals.
NCES subsequently defined five primary issues:
Issue 1: Availability and Use of Instructional Resources
Issue 2: Organization of Science Instruction
Issue 3: Teacher Preparation
Issue 4: Role of Technology in Instruction
Issue 5: Student Engagement with Science
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Where appropriate, NCES further categorized these issues into sub-issues; both the issues and
the sub-issues are presented in the following discussion.
As is the case for the mathematics and reading BQs, NCES will avoid imposing an unacceptable
time burden on respondents by rotating the issues that are emphasized in a given NAEP
administration. The last section of the paper specifies the issues that will be emphasized in future
administrations. Issues that are not emphasized in a given administration will nonetheless be
assessed to a more limited extent.
Issue 1: Availability and Use of Instructional Resources
Instructional resources comprise four relevant sub-issues: products, people, time, and facilities.
Although these sub-issues are closely inter-related we present them separately for purposes of
The most obvious component of a school’s “people” resources comprises the individuals who
provide instruction. The composition of the instructional staff thus constitutes an important facet
of this sub-issue. Key aspects of staff composition include the student-to-teacher ratio, the
proportion of science teachers who have an undergraduate or graduate degree in a science
discipline, and the availability of curriculum specialists. In addition, previous research has
demonstrated that teacher assistance in the classroom—as provided by teaching assistants or by
mentors from the scientific community—exerts a positive influence on student science
achievement (e.g., Ediger, 2002; Stamp & O’Brien, 2005).
However, recruiting and retaining qualified science teachers continues to pose a national
challenge. Inexperienced teachers who contemplate leaving the profession characterize negative
school environments as lacking resources, lacking collegial support, and lacking an appreciation
of and an emphasis on the science curriculum (Appleton and Kindt, 1999). Given the extent and
nature of this recruitment and retention dilemma, the teaching environment has become an
important aspect of schools’ “people” resources.
For science education to be effective, schools must furnish students with an adequate supply of
science textbooks. In addition to the general availability of these texts, an “adequate” supply
implies that knowledgeable individuals are responsible for textbook selection and that the texts
are replaced with sufficient frequency to keep them current. This focus on selection and
replacement is particularly salient in light of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science’s criticism that state-adopted science texts too often lack both editorial perspective and
across-grade continuity (Kirk, Matthews, & Kurtts, 2001).
Other traditional resources, and the availability with which they are furnished to all students, also
influence science achievement. Such resources include science-focused publications—like
newspapers, magazines, books, and research journals—as well as arts and crafts materials for
younger students.
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Further, two less traditional resources can be expected to exert an increasing impact on science
education. One resource is online textbooks that allow teachers to develop lessons and construct
tests by selecting only the material relevant to a particular topic. The second is the outreach
programs that universities, professional science and engineering societies, and private industries
offer schools. Examples of such contributions include the University of Rochester’s Summer
Science Academy for high school students (Kisiel, 2006); the Upward Bound Math and Science
programs for low-income urban youth (Rahm, Martel-Remy, & Moore, 2005); the programs
developed by the Engineering Alliance of the American Association of Engineering Societies
(Bellinger, 1998); the electronics industry’s Information about the Electronics Industries
Foundation K–12 Math and Science Program (Bellinger, 1998); and the Siemens [Foundation’s]
Competition in Math, Science and Technology (
The third relevant resource category—time—can be conceptualized in terms of three facets of an
effective science program: importance, opportunity, and responsibility. With respect to
importance, one of the main reasons science teachers cite for their attrition is that schools are
decreasing the time spent on science instruction and increasing the time spent on reading and
mathematics—the subjects that are the primary targets of standardized testing (Dillon, 2006). To
the extent that this reported decrease represents a nationwide trend, it presages a potentially
significant influence on science achievement.
“Opportunity” refers to the degree to which schools provide teachers with the opportunity to
prepare lessons, to review students’ work, or to collaborate with other teachers. For example,
research has demonstrated that when school policies afford science teachers the opportunity to
collaborate with mathematics teachers, the level of student achievement increases in both
disciplines (Xin & Lingling, 2004).
Finally, time as responsibility represents the time that schools expend preparing for and
administering school-, district-, state-, and/or federally-mandated tests, the effects of which are a
topic of continuing debate. Knowledge of the amount of time science teachers devote to the
activities associated with standardized testing can provide additional information on the
relationship between testing and student achievement in science.
The last sub-issue concerning resources concerns the facilities a school offers in support of its
science program—including (1) stationary structures, like fully equipped laboratories and fully
stocked libraries; (2) portable resources, such as computerized laboratory experiments and
demonstrations; and (3) traditional laboratory supplies. Emphasis on this sub-topic reflects the
National Research Council’s conclusion that the level of most students’ laboratory experiences is
far below optimal and that teachers lack training in effective laboratory instruction (America’s
Lab Report, 2005).
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Issue 2: Organization of Science Instruction
We conceptualize this issue as encompassing two sub-issues: curriculum content and
instructional strategies. The underlying theme uniting these sub-issues is the current emphasis on
reforming science education, both to boost science achievement and to stem students’ retreat
from science and engineering careers (cf. Cavanagh, 2006; Lempinen, Shekhtman, & George,
Curriculum Content
In the context of science instruction, “curriculum content” is closely linked to “curriculum
standards,” a topic that occasions considerable debate across education, research, and
government communities. While recognizing the need to enhance science instruction, this
controversy focuses on the appropriate use of standards and of their sequelae, standardized
assessments (Bianchini and Kelly, 2003; Schmidt, Hsing, and McKnight, 2005). Thus, the extent
to which state standards govern the curriculum of teachers’ science classroom—and, conversely,
teachers’ latitude in selecting, creating, or adapting the science curriculum—carries significant
implications for student achievement.
A second feature of curriculum content concerns the sequencing of science courses. Instead of
following the traditional biology-chemistry-physics sequence in high school, some researchers
now suggest that presenting physics first, followed by chemistry and then biology, is a more
appropriate sequence for teaching current biological advances that are grounded in physics and
chemistry (Bybee & Gardner, 2006). Considerable research demonstrating that learning physics
does not require mastering high-level mathematics further bolsters the feasibility of this revised
sequence (Wilt, 2005). Similarly, some educators advocate increasing the physical science
offered to elementary-school students and the earth and space science offered to middle- and
high-school students. Thus, investigating the relation between course sequencing and student
achievement is an important focus for NAEP.
Third, curriculum content encompasses how the science curriculum science is integrated into the
curricula of other subjects. With respect to this concern, educators and state standards
increasingly emphasize that isolating virtually any curriculum is a disservice to both the student
and the subject.1 Consistent with this philosophy, Frykholm and Meyer (2002) highlight the
importance of integrating the science and mathematics curricula, as do Schmidt, Wang, and
McKnight (2005). Moreover, Schmidt et al., base their recommendation on TIMSS data that
showed a relation between science and mathematics achievement in eighth grade. Further,
Gayford (2002) and Lang, Drake, and Olson (2006) argue for integrating social issues, like
global climate change, into the science curriculum, to foster the development of citizens who can
make informed decisions.
Instructional Strategies
Although instructional methods interact strongly with curriculum content, several pedagogical
strategies have proven to be particularly effective in fostering science achievement. One such
The 2009 NAEP Reading BQs, for example, address the extent to which other subjects specifically teach reading.
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strategy is requiring students to build conceptual models, to draw inferences from the particular
to the general, and to substantiate their conclusions. For example, Romberg, Carpenter, and
Dremlock (2005) report that these activities facilitate science learning, from elementary school
through high school. Another effective strategy is providing students with out-of-class learning
experiences, like field trips to museums, participation in school-sponsored science projects, and
visits to or participation in science fairs. Finally, encouraging students to relate their own
experiences to the science material under consideration also enhances learning (Upadhyay,
Instructional strategies are also reflected in how science instruction is targeted to various
subgroups of students. Assigning students within the same grade to different “tracks” potentially
exposes them to diverse material and/or teaching methods. This sub-issue includes such topics as
how early students are assigned to tracks (e.g., in elementary school, in middle school, in high
school); the basis on which tracking is determined (e.g., test scores or grades, expressed interest
in science); the frequency with which previous tracking decisions are re-evaluated (e.g., each
year, each semester); and, in a related vein, the flexibility with which the program facilitates
students’ changing tracks. Because policies like these exert a differential impact on the degree to
which students receive science instruction, they influence students’ potential levels of science
Finally, instructional strategies are linked to student assessment. As noted in the context of
curriculum content, standardized assessments are a consequence of curriculum standards. In the
context of the previous sub-issue, the concern with assessment focuses on the degree to which
standards and standardized testing govern science curricula. In the context of instructional
strategies, however, assessment refers to the full spectrum of methods that classroom teachers
use to monitor their students’ achievement in science.
Educators emphasize that, to be valid, tests must represent the content they profess to measure
(O’Neil, Sireci, & Huff, 2003–2004). To this dictum, Popham, Keller, Moulding, Pellegrino, and
Sandifer (2005) add that, for the sake of fairness, tests should target only the most salient of the
curriculum’s goals. These validity concerns apply to all summative tests—state-developed and
teacher-developed, objective and constructed-response, written and oral, group and individual.
NAEP cannot evaluate the validity of classroom assessments; nonetheless, the prevalence of
various assessment methods can provide information about the relation between classroom
testing and student science achievement.
Issue 3: Teacher Preparation
Because of its profound impact on student achievement, teacher preparation continues to be a
crucial issue for all the subjects that NAEP assesses. With reference to science, Teacher
Preparation reflects three sub-issues: education and training, pedagogical knowledge, and
professional development.
Education and Training
Education and training refer to teachers’ academic preparation, both in their chosen science
discipline and in teaching per se. Research indicates that the most salient prerequisite to teaching
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science effectively is the teacher’s own command of science content (Rice, 2005;
Vlaardingerbroek & Taylor, 2003). In fact, so crucial is science proficiency to teachers’
pedagogical success—even for non-science majors teaching at the elementary-school level—that
educational institutions design specific courses to improve the science literacy of prospective
elementary- and middle-school science teachers (Akerson, Morrison, & McDuffle, 2006;
Haefner, Fredrichsen, & Zembal-Saul, 2006; Potter & Meisels, 2005).
Pedagogical Knowledge
One key aspect of science pedagogy is teachers’ awareness of the science skills students need to
succeed in a global economy (cf. Carter, 2005). The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving
Necessary Skills (SCANS, 1991) identified five requisite “competencies” (resources,
interpersonal skills, information, systems, and technology) that individuals would need for
experiencing full, productive, and satisfying lives by the year 2000. Teachers’ emphasis on
developing these competencies in their students therefore constitutes an important component of
their overall preparedness for teaching science.
Furthermore, the SCANS report (1991) is relevant to the two primary strands of current science
education: scientific inquiry and technological design.2 Teachers’ relative emphasis on these
two strands also reflects their science-teaching philosophy. In a related vein, national and state
science standards stress the criticality of applying hands-on, inquiry-based methods to the
teaching of science, starting in kindergarten.
Professional Development
Science teachers’ participation in professional development programs is an essential component
of their continued classroom effectiveness (cf. Johnson, 2006). Although virtually all aspects of
professional development are relevant to this sub-issue, the conclusions of America’s Lab Report
(National Research Council, 2005) suggest that professional development that focuses on
improving the quality of laboratory instruction is particularly salient in teaching science.
Issue 4: Role of Technology in Instruction
Discussions of advances in education generally pair the noun “technology” with the adjective
“new.” However, given the current ubiquity of technology, this issue is not concerned with
computers, calculators, or other common technological resources used throughout much of the
curriculum. Rather, it addresses qualitative technological shifts that are integrated into science
instruction. In particular, this issue involves the availability and the application of “information
and communication technology” (ICT).
In the context of science education, ICT encompasses an ever-increasing array of online digital
tools through which learners seek information and manipulate data. ICT-enabled environments
facilitate four significant aspects of science learning: (1) increasing the rate of student learning,
Broadly speaking, scientific inquiry refers to empirical research, whereas technology design refers to engineering.
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(2) allowing students to explore experiences and apply science to the real world, (3) fostering
student self-management, and (4) enhancing students’ ability to gather and disseminate data
(Webb, 2005). Learning technologies like ICT have also been promoted as a way to ensure
equity and foster knowledge among students with differing abilities and/or learning styles (Hug,
Krajcik, & Marx, 2005).
Issue 5: Student Engagement with Science
It might be said that, in an ideal educational environment, the purpose of the first four issues—
resources, instruction, teacher preparation, and technology—is to engender students’ engagement
with science. During students’ school years, two types of behavior signal such engagement:
(1) participating in school-sponsored extra-curricular activities and (2) participating in
non-school activities related to science. Relevant activities include watching science-related
media programs; reading science books or articles; visiting museums, zoos, nature centers, and
science camps; and discussing science with friends and family.
Following graduation, selecting a career that involves science or engineering demonstrates
continued engagement. However, students also show continued engagement by keeping
informed about current scientific topics, especially topics with social-policy ramifications
(e.g., global climate change, stem-cell research, nuclear energy, etc.); by continuing to visit
science museums or other sites that celebrate science, technology, and engineering; by reading
science-related material for enjoyment; or by watching media presentations that concern science
and engineering. In short, this issue defines students’ science engagement in terms of activities in
which they currently engage and activities in which they can envision themselves pursuing in
Self-efficacy is a concept which refers to beliefs that individuals hold regarding their capabilities
in specific settings. Self-perceptions about ability partially determine how individuals use the
knowledge and skills that they have to achieve a certain task (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). Selfefficacy beliefs are known to be related to other beliefs about the self, such as self-concept, as
well as motivational constructs (Zimmerman, 2000). Furthermore, evidence suggests that selfefficacy and self-concept are related to and are influential on academic achievement (Pajares,
1996). Pintrich and De Groot (1990) have further suggested that self-efficacy has a unique role
in terms of cognitive engagement—that is, it may increase self-efficacy beliefs that in turn could
lead to more frequent and increased use of cognitive strategies, leading to higher achievement
(Pajares & Schunk, 2001). Those students with high self-efficacy also engage in effective selfregulating strategies more often than those with lower self-efficacy; high self-efficacy also seems
to enhance performance due to increase persistence (Pajares, 1996; Bouffard-Bouchard, Parent,
& Larivee, 1991; Berry, 1987).
Academic achievement, while the product of experiences, abilities and prior achievement, is also
the positively related to self-efficacy and it has been found that self-efficacy moderates the
effects of those other influences on academic achievement. Zimmerman, Bandura, and
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Martinez-Pons (1992) demonstrated that academic self-efficacy mediated the influence of selfefficacy for self-regulated learning on academic achievement (Pajares, 1996). Meta-analysis
indicates that self-efficacy is related to academic outcomes (Multon, Brown & Lent, 1991), with
these effects becoming stronger as students progressed from elementary school to high school to
college (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). The effects were stronger for classroom based indices (such
as grades) and basic skill measures when compared to standardized tests, demonstrating that selfefficacy beliefs are often subject and context specific (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). In regards to
science-related achievement, there is ample evidence that self-efficacy is a powerful construct
that predicts academic performance (Pajares, 1996).
Classroom behaviors
The relationship between student social behavior and academic performance has been shown to
be generally positive. Academic and school-oriented behaviors, such as increased interest in
schoolwork, striving to make good grades, and active attempts at subject mastery have been
consistently linked to positive academic outcomes (Wentzel, 1993). Additionally, several studies
have noted that a relationship exists between students with appropriate classroom behaviors and
academic achievement (Malecki & Elliott, 2002; DiPerna & Elliot, 1999; Feshbach & Feshbach,
1987; Green, Forehand, Beck, & Vosk, 1980; Lambert & Nicholl, 1977). Similarly, social skills
have often emerged as a significant predictor of academic achievement (Malecki & Elliot, 2002).
Wentzel (1993) provided evidence for this claim, noting that social skills and appropriate
classroom behavior are associated with higher levels of academic achievement; whereas problem
behaviors are negatively correlated with academic success. It has been suggested that disruptive
and disinterested students may not strive for or achieve academic success as such behaviors often
lead to negative treatment by the teacher and classmates. Thus, these behaviors impact the
student-teacher relationship, possibly hindering the student’s academic achievement (Wentzel,
Extracurricular activities
Student engagement also has been noted to be related to involvement in extracurricular activities
(Fredricks & Eccles, 2006; The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement,
2007). These activities, including music, fine arts, academic clubs, athletics, and other organized
activities, have been shown to be beneficial to academic growth. Participation in such activities
can provide students with opportunities to learn about teamwork, respect, and responsibility, and
provide a venue for the student to apply these lessons (NCES, 1995). Participation in
extracurricular activities has been associated with academic achievement (NCES, 1995). Several
longitudinal studies have suggested that participation in school sports plays a role in increasing
student grades (Fejgin, 1994; Hanson & Kraus, 1998, 1999; Broh, 2002). Similarly, Marsh’s
(1992) analysis of student participation in extracurricular activities indicated that extracurricular
involvement is associated with improved GPA and higher educational aspirations (Broh, 2002).
The existing literature on homework is optimistic as most studies indicate it can have a positive
impact on academic achievement (McMullen, 2007; Betts 1997; Neilson, 2005). For instance,
using data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988, Aksoy and Link (2000)
found homework had a positive and significant impact on tenth grade math scores (Eren &
Henderson, 2006). Cooper, Robinson, and Patall (2006) analyzed recent articles in education,
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psychology, and sociology and found that increased amounts of homework were related to small
increases in academic achievement (McMullen, 2007). McMullen (2007) reiterated this, finding
that one extra hour of mathematics homework per week improved mathematics achievement.
Additionally, one extra hour of math homework for 7th through 11th graders advanced student
math skills (Eren & Henderson, 2006). The findings listed previously indicate that homework is
one important factor in student achievement.
Learning activities outside school
Students only spend about 20% of their time in school; therefore, how they spend the remaining
80% of their time can have profound effects on their academic achievement (Miller, 2003).
Recent trends indicate that many students attend after-School learning programs. Quality afterschool programs help students develop academic and interpersonal skills (Huang, 2001). Such
programs support student learning activities in an informal environment, and provide a bridge
between home and school (Miller, 2003). Learning programs have been shown to improve
school habits and increase academic achievement in students (Huang, 2001). Schinke, Orlandi,
and Cole (1992) report that students who participated in the educational aspects of the Boys and
Girls Club reported that they enjoyed academic tasks more than those who did not participate in
such a program (Miller, 2003). Evaluations of after-school learning programs have indicated that
participating students were more likely to complete their homework and perform better than their
peers on standardized tests (Huang, Gribbins, Kim, Lee, & Baker, 2001; Johnson, Zorn,
Williams, & Smith, 1999; and Miller, 2003).
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Aksoy, T., & Link, C. R. (2000). A panel analysis of student mathematics achievement in the
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achievement? Economics of Education Review, 19, 261-277.
Akerson, V. L., Morrison, J. A., & McDuffie, A. R. (2006). One course is not enough:
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Part C-5: 2011 Writing Issues Paper
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Writing “Issues Paper”
Educational Testing Service
Written in preparation for New Item Development for the 2011 Paper-and-Pencil
Writing Survey Questionnaires
November 2010
The three previous National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) writing assessments
(administered in 1998, 2002, and 2007) were guided by a framework and specifications adopted
by the National Assessment Governing Board in 1990, and updated with specifications in 1995
(National Assessment Governing Board, 2005). Since then, many developments have occurred in
the field of writing such as state and national K–12 writing standards, the growth of large-scale
direct writing assessments, an emphasis on alignment between high school standards and college
expectations in writing, and advances in information technology pertinent to writing. In
preparation for future writing assessments and in response to these advances, a new NAEP
writing framework was developed by the National Assessment Governing Board (2007a, 2007b)
in the fall of 2007. The purpose of this paper is to identify the issues that serve as the basis for
background questionnaire development for the new writing assessment.
Experts identified five primary issues:
Issue 1: Availability and Use of Instructional Resources
Issue 2: Organization of Writing Instruction
Issue 3: Teacher Preparation
Issue 4: Role of Technology in Writing
Issue 5: Student Engagement with Writing
These issues incorporate input from the National Assessment Governing Board; American
College Testing (ACT), a contractor for the Governing Board’s effort; and the National Center
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for Education Statistics’ (NCES) Background Variable Standing Committee. Issues were also
based on several key reference sources, including a report issued by the College Board from the
National Commission on Writing (2003), a meta-analysis of what works in writing instruction
(Graham and Perin 2007a), and a literature review conducted by Educational Testing Service
(ETS) on the cognitive basis of writing skills (Deane, Odendahl, Quinlan et al. 2007).
NCES further categorized these issues into sub-issues.With the exception of Issue 3: Teacher
Preparation, which is not included in the student questionnaire, all the respondents could
potentially be asked about the issues and sub-issues.
In other issues papers (Reading, Mathematics, and Science), NCES recommended rotating the
issues emphasized in a given NAEP administration to reduce respondent burden. However,
because the writing assessment is scheduled to be administered only every four years, NCES
does not recommend rotating issues for assessments based on the 2011 Writing Framework.
Crosswalk with the Writing Framework
The Writing Framework for the 2011 NAEP Writing Assessment recommends several
background variables, in particular, the importance of variables related to writing on computers.
This issue is examined in more depth in the section “Issue 4: Role of Technology in Writing.”
The Framework also suggests the importance of the number and kinds of opportunities students
have to write. Table 1 presents a crosswalk between issues and sub-issues from the present issues
paper, listed in column 1, and framework topics and specific topics as listed in the Writing
Framework (National Assessment Governing Board, 2007b; Figure 5.2, p. 54), which are listed
in columns 2 and 3. The rightmost column (“Source”) indicates the primary background
questionnaire in which that issue and topic is addressed.
Table 1. Crosswalk Between the Issues Paper (Col. 1) and Framework (Cols. 2 & 3)
Issue (Sub-issue)
Framework Specific Topic
Location and accessibility of
computers (e.g., classrooms, labs,
Existence of and extent to which
writing is a school-wide initiative (e.g.,
writing across the curriculum, literacy
coaching, etc.)
Purposes for writing taught or
1. Availability and Use of
Instructional Resources
Computer Use
Resources and Time
Opportunities to
2: Organization of Writing
Curriculum Content
Opportunities to
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Instructional Strategies
and Curriculum Content
Opportunities to
Frequency with which student is given
a specific time period for writing in
class (not including tests), and
amount of time usually allowed
Instructional Strategies
and Curriculum Content
Opportunities to
Kinds of writing students compose on
the computer outside of school (e.g.,
e-mail, blogs, instant messaging)
Opportunities to
Participation in professional
development related to the teaching
of writing
Opportunities for professional
development in writing
Computer Use
Frequency and purpose of computer
use (e.g., doing homework, writing,
Internet research, computer games)
Purpose and Use of
Computers in Writing
Computer Use
Frequency and way in which
computers are used in instruction
(e.g., to write papers, do Internet
research, use an online encyclopedia)
Purpose and Use of
Computers in Writing
Computer Use
Way in which students are instructed
to use computers for writing (e.g., find
information for writing, generate
ideas, compose their first draft)
Purpose and Use of
Computers in Writing
Computer Use
School expectations or standards for
computer proficiency and/or
technological literacy
Tools, Applications, and
Emerging Technologies
Computer Use
Tools commonly used for composing
and tools used on the 2011 NAEP
Writing assessment (grades 8 and 12)
Opportunities to
Frequency with which student is given
a specific time period for writing in
class (not including tests), and
amount of time usually allowed
Kinds of writing students compose on
the computer outside of school (e.g.,
e-mail, blogs, instant messaging)
How often and how computers are
used in instruction (e.g., to write
papers, do Internet research, use an
online encyclopedia)
Kinds of writing students compose on
the computer outside of school (e.g.,
e-mail, blogs, instant messaging)
3: Teacher Preparation
4: Role of Technology in
Purpose and Use of
Computers in Writing
5: Student Engagement
with Writing
Classroom Behaviors
Opportunities to
Extracurricular Activities
Opportunities to
Computer Use
Learning Activities
Outside School
Opportunities to
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Issue 1: Availability and Use of Instructional Resources
Instructional resources comprise four relevant sub-issues: staff, materials and resources, time,
and facilities. Although these sub-issues are closely interrelated, we present them separately for
purposes of discussion.
The most obvious component of a school’s staff resources comprises the individuals who
provide instruction. Aspects of staff composition include the student-to-teacher ratio, the
proportion of writing teachers who have an undergraduate or graduate degree in a writing
discipline, and the availability of curriculum specialists.
Materials and Resources (Products)
The availability of writing texts may be important, along with other materials that could serve as
models of good writing—newspapers, magazines, books, and literary journals. In addition to
texts, writing rubrics can be considered a resource. One recommendation of the National
Commission on Writing (College Board 2003) to help schools create skillful writers was to
measure results with assessments. This suggests an emphasis on evaluating writing by
highlighting and making explicit the importance of the development and organization of ideas,
and of language facility when assessing student writing. Also important is using good models of
writing, such as rubrics in the classroom and in writing assignments to help students understand
expectations for writing (Graham & Perin 2007b).
Adolescents need to develop strong writing skills to participate fully in a highly technological
society—to be successful at the postsecondary level, to obtain more than menial employment,
and to participate fully as an adult member of the community (Perrin 2001). Because of the
importance of writing, a key recommendation by the National Commission on Writing (College
Board 2003) was to increase the time students spend in and out of school on writing, across the
curriculum. This recommendation follows a finding that most students spend little time writing,
and consequently do not have sufficient time to practice. Trend data on the amount of time
students spend writing could be analyzed to determine the degree to which this recommendation
is being implemented.
Accountability Testing
The amount of time spent on writing could be related to accountability testing. The growth in
accountability testing in writing by itself, or in conjunction with other content areas, could
influence the attention writing receives in the schools, how writing is taught, and what writing
practices are used. Schools might vary in their writing instruction objectives, in the existence of
and extent to which writing is a schoolwide initiative (e.g., writing across the curriculum, literacy
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coaching, etc.), and in the extent to which opportunities for professional development in writing
are encouraged, not just by the language arts faculty but by all teachers.
There is widespread interest in how school writing instruction is influenced by the curriculum
and the accountability policy―for example, knowing the degree to which writing instruction and
assessments are influenced by nationally mandated writing assessments, or by the state
accountability testing writing tasks. More generally, how do certain educational policies (e.g.,
NCLB) affect writing instruction at school, and how influential are state standards or large-scale
writing assessments on instruction (i.e., the extent to which the school is driven by state
assessments)? There is also an issue of the role and extent of test preparation for college entrance
tests in the English or language arts curriculum.
In writing, the use of facilities such as libraries or computer labs provides support to writing
instruction and opportunities to practice and improve writing. There is a general question about
the importance of access to writing facilities or technology (hardware and software) on writing
achievement. Although most students have access to a computer and the Internet at home (92
percent and 90 percent of eighth graders, respectively; U.S. Department of Education, 2009),
there are wide disparities in access associated with race and income. For example, 19 percent of
eighth-grade students who are eligible for a free lunch, 18 percent of American Indian students,
and 16 percent of Hispanic students answered “no” to the question of whether they use the
Internet at home, compared to only 5 percent of the White students who answered that way.
Similar numbers were associated with the question of whether there is a computer available at
home. School-level data have recently suggested that equity issues in computer access have been
reduced, but at the student level, issues of access have not been completely resolved (Applebee
2005). For example, fewer computers with Internet access have been available in schools serving
high proportions of minority students than in schools with low proportions of minority students,
and more White students have reported using a computer for writing compared with Black and
Hispanic students (Applebee 2005). Within schools, location and accessibility of computers (e.g.,
classrooms, labs, and library) may be an equity issue.
Issue 2: Organization of Writing Instruction
The 2011 NAEP Writing assessment measures three communicative purposes common to
academic and professional settings. These are to persuade, to change the readers’ point of view
or affect the reader’s action, to explain, to expand the reader’s understanding, and to convey
experience, real or imagined, to communicate individual and imagined experience to others.
These purposes of writing are recognized in the issues that inform background questionnaire
development for the writing assessment based on the 2011 writing framework. Organization of
writing instruction is conceptualized as encompassing two sub-issues: curriculum content and
instructional strategies, discussed separately.
Curriculum Content
Writing instruction can occur within the context of the language arts or English classroom, where
instruction focuses on developing students’ writing skills. Students are expected to perform a
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wide variety of writing in school, including stories, persuasive essays, logs or journals, research
reports, summaries of readings, and analyses and interpretations. As the Graham and Perin
(2007a) meta-analysis showed, it is important to provide students with pertinent models to
improve their writing ability. It is uncertain how much instructional time is devoted to writing
that explains, persuades, shares feelings, or tells stories, and the frequency with which a specific
audience or kinds of audiences.
However, writing is not limited to the language arts or English classroom. Such a limitation
artificially separates writing from content knowledge. As Hillocks (2002) points out in his
critique of state writing assessments, one of the biggest problems in many assessments is the lack
of a substantive content base for writing assignments, resulting in writing that is formulaic and
shallow. There are various ways to combine writing instruction with content instruction (Graham
and Perrin 2007b; Shanahan 2004), such as with the applied academics and learning community
In applied academics the language arts or English teacher as well as a learning specialist could
use subject matter, such as science, social studies, or mathematics, as the content of writing
instruction. For example, strategies for writing persuasive essays might be taught using text read
in a concurrent social studies class. Alternatively, a content-area teacher could teach writing
skills in the course of teaching subject matter, as encouraged by content-area literacy educators
(e.g., Alvermann and Phelps 2002).
With a learning community approach (Perrin 2001), a content-area teacher and the English or
language arts instructor would align their curricula, giving students assignments that would
connect writing and content instruction. This was illustrated in a study by De La Paz (2005),
when a history teacher taught reasoning strategy using historical documents, and the English
teacher used the same historical documents as models for writing argumentation essays. The
effectiveness of these various formats has not been tested nor has a comparison been made
between the two (Graham and Perin, 2007a).
Recent research in writing emphasizes the extent to which writing genres are socially situated
and context specific (Applebee 2007). For example, Miller (1984) emphasizes genre as social
action, and the Australian genre theorists (Halliday and Martin 1993; Cope and Kalantzis 1993)
provide a systemic linguistics approach. These perspectives challenge the traditional emphasis on
writing as a generic skill, taught primarily in English or language arts and tested through generic
writing tasks detached from particular disciplinary or socially constituted contexts. They suggest
that what counts as effective argument and persuasive evidence shifts in moving from one
context to another, so that what counts as “good writing” is itself socially constructed and
context specific. For example, science writing has many features that English teachers would
ordinarily find objectionable—such as reliance on technical vocabulary, use of the passive voice,
and nominalization (use of verbs and adjectives as nouns)―though these features have evolved
in science writing to serve particular communicative needs (Halliday and Martin 1993).
Two additional forms of writing have received attention in the recent writing literature—ondemand writing and nonacademic writing. On-demand writing asks the student to write about
some topic more or less immediately, with a time limit. This form of writing is commonly
assessed with standardized tests. It is sometimes contrasted to writing based on having the time
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to do research and make revisions based on reviews or audience reactions, prior to composing a
final draft. On-demand writing commonly occurs in business and is therefore a practical kind of
writing. Issues worth exploring related to on-demand writing concern how often students
practice this kind of writing in class, and how much time do teachers typically allow for it. The
other rather new form of writing is nonacademic writing, where the student composes on the
computer outside of school, for example, in e-mails, blogs, and instant messages. There is an
issue with rapid changes in technology about terminology for this kind of writing.
Instructional Strategies
A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of various writing instructional strategies (Graham and Perin
2007a; Appendix) showed that it is advantageous to explicitly and systematically teach students
the processes and strategies involved in writing, including planning, sentence construction,
summarizing, and revising. It is also advantageous for teachers to structure writing by having
students work together in an organized fashion; establishing clear and reachable goals for writing
assignments; providing models of what the end product should look like; and engaging students in
activities that help them acquire, evaluate, and organize ideas for their writing. The meta-analysis
provided evidence for the importance of these and other specific writing strategies, such as inquiry
activities, pre-writing, and instruction in how to write increasingly complex sentences. The
findings were generally consistent with previous meta-analyses (Bangert-Drowns 1993; Goldberg
et al. 2003; Graham 2006, Graham and Harris 2003; Hillocks 1986). There is also some evidence
that integrating some of the specific treatments, such as process writing and strategy instruction,
can be beneficial (Curry 1997; Danoff, Harris, and Graham 1993). These findings suggest that it is
important to determine the extent to which these practices are being implemented.
In summary, important issues are the prevalence of activities such as brainstorming with others,
working in groups to improve writing, organizing a paper before writing, writing more than one
draft, and correcting mistakes. Additional important issues are the emphasis that is placed on
grammar and on process-oriented instruction, and whether there is explicit instruction on writing
strategies. It is important to assess the degree to which these instructional strategies are used in the
Issue 3: Teacher Preparation
Because of its profound impact on student achievement, teacher preparation continues to be a
crucial issue for writing (College Board 2003). Teacher preparation reflects three sub-issues:
education and training, pedagogical knowledge, and professional development.
Education and Training
Education and training refer to teachers’ academic preparation, both in the discipline of writing
and in teaching. Gathering data on the academic preparation of those who teach writing is
particularly challenging because of the variety of academic backgrounds associated with writing
instructors. Expertise in writing can be acquired through academic preparation in many
disciplines—the humanities, social sciences, as well as English and language arts. And teachers
in other disciplines may be responsible for some of the writing instruction as discussed in the
curriculum content sub-issue (within Issue 2).
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Pedagogical Knowledge
Given the importance of the various strategies that were proven effective in enhancing writing
(Graham and Perin, 2007a), pedagogical knowledge is particularly important for teaching
writing. Professional preparation for writing instruction can come in the form of classes and
seminars, and be validated through certification. Some schools may promote or deliberately
make such opportunities for professional development available. Informal professional
development may also be useful. For example, teachers may engage in writing outside of school
such as conducting research and writing to publish, or writing newsletter articles, journals,
novels, and short stories.
Professional Development
The National Commission on Writing (College Board 2003) recommends increasing teacher
professional development for writing. The effectiveness of teacher professional development on
writing achievement was supported by a meta-analysis concerned with which interventions
produced successful writing outcomes (Graham and Perin, 2007a). Providing teachers with
professional development in how to implement the process-writing approach was associated with
improved student writing in grades 4–12. Use of the process-writing approach without
professional development was still effective but with a smaller effect size. The positive impact of
professional development in the process-writing approach supports the work of the National
Writing Project (NWP: Nagin 2003), as five of the six studies in the meta-analysis assessed the
impact of NWP training. Many of the components included in the NWP model, e.g., peers
working together, inquiry, and sentence combining (Nagin 2003), were independently found to
enhance student writing in the meta-analysis. It is important to assess the degree to which
professional development experiences reflect methods that are known to be effective in
enhancing student writing achievement.
There may also be particular issues associated with writing instruction for students with
disabilities (SD) and English language learners (ELL). For example, the National Writing
Project, a federally funded professional development network that serves teachers of writing at
all grade levels, provides several resources for specialized writing instruction for special
Issue 4: Role of Technology in Writing
Technology plays an important role in writing. The emphasis on technology in the writing
process and on writing opportunities throughout the curriculum and beyond reflects the shifts in
information technologies, writing instruction, and accountability (e.g., high-stakes testing, state
standards) that occurred during the tenure of the last NAEP framework. One of the key
recommendations by the National Commission on Writing (College Board 2003) was to apply
technology to the teaching, development, grading, and assessment of writing.
Because of its importance, the role of technology sub-issue “Use of Computers and New
Technologies” is divided into two parts—the purpose and use of computers in writing; and tools,
applications, and emerging technologies. These topics are related, but it is useful to present them
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Use of Computers and New Technologies
Purpose and Use of Computers in Writing
Data can be gathered on practices related to student writing achievement, such as writing
assignments, e-mailing, and Internet searches. While many studies have been conducted on
computer usage—particularly in relation to demographic factors such as race/ethnicity or
socioeconomic status—and many have looked at student writing performance on computers,
information on how students use computers and how computers are integrated into writing (as
well as other subject areas) provides a useful snapshot of the impact informational technologies
have on classroom practices. Almost all students use computers to some degree (DeBell and
Chapman 2006). However, the extent of computer use for specific purposes, such as homework,
Internet searches, games, and writing per se, undoubtedly varies among students and seems
likely to be related to writing achievement, yet surprisingly little is known thus far on the extent
of that relationship.
The frequency of computer use, both within the classroom and through homework assignments,
can be determined by addressing the following:
Do teachers use computers as part of daily instruction?
Do schools have policies on what students are allowed to do on school computers?
Do schools have expectations for computer proficiency and technological literacy?
Writing technology may also vary by the point in the instruction or composition at which it is
introduced. Students may create first drafts on the computer but edit with paper-and-pencil, or
vice versa. There may be a variety of pedagogical strategies for how students are instructed to
write on computers.
Tools, Applications, and Emerging Technologies
There is evidence that writing achievement increases when students use word processing as a
primary tool for writing (Graham and Perin 2007a). Several studies suggest that using word
processing applications can lead to more collaboration with other writers, support the production
of longer compositions, and encourage the use of researched arguments that require inquiry and
investigation (Baker and Kinzer 1998; Goldberg, Russell, and Cook 2003; Graham and Perin
2007a; Grejda and Hannafin 1992, Lunsford and Lunsford, in press). It is not clear which
specific components of word processing applications, such as cut/copy/paste; select all; spell
check; grammar check; or access to a dictionary, encyclopedia, or thesaurus are responsible for
these effects. It may also be useful to examine the degree to which other technologies related to
writing, such as the Internet, graphics, hypertext, multimedia, and web development tools, are
used. Do the schools allow these tools in school or for homework?
There are also emerging various new collaborative writing tools such as wikis (a collaborative
website whose content can be edited by anyone who has access to it). Collaborative writing was
shown to be effective in increasing writing achievement (Graham and Perrin 2007a). However,
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the terrain shifts rapidly with these kinds of technologies, and so this issue has to be addressed at
a fairly abstract level.
There is also an issue with the mode of writing. On the one hand, assessments that require
students to generate responses using paper and pencil severely underestimate the achievement of
fourth and eighth grade students accustomed to writing using a computer. (Russell & Platti,
2002). On the other, students may vary in their keyboarding skills due to differential familiarity
and practice opportunities and poor keyboarding skills may lead to worse performance on a
computer-based writing assessment (Russell, 2006).
Issue 5: Student Engagement with Writing
In an ideal educational environment, the purpose of the first four issues—resources, instruction,
teacher preparation, and technology—is to enhance students’ engagement with writing. During
students’ school years, behavior signaling such engagement includes participating in schoolsponsored extracurricular activities and participating in non-school activities related to writing.
Relevant activities include writing for the school newspaper, and writing articles, fiction, poems,
letters to the editor, newsletters, and so forth.
Following graduation, selecting a career that emphasizes writing demonstrates continued
engagement. This issue defines students’ writing engagement in terms of activities in which they
are currently involved and in which they can envision themselves pursuing in adulthood.
Self-efficacy refers to beliefs about one’s capabilities in specific settings, such as writing. These
beliefs partially determine how individuals use the knowledge and skills they have to achieve a
certain task (Pajares and Schunk 2001). Self-efficacy beliefs relate to self-concept and
motivation (Zimmerman 2000), and they affect academic achievement (Pajares 1996). Selfefficacy in writing affects engagement in writing (Pintrich and De Groot 1990) and leads to more
frequent and increased use of cognitive strategies, leading to higher achievement (Pajares and
Schunk 2001). Self-efficacious students engage in self-regulating strategies, which enhance
performance due to increased persistence (Pajares 1996; Bouffard-Bouchard, Parent, and
Larivee, 1991; Berry 1987).
Academic achievement reflects experiences, abilities, and prior achievement but is also related to
self-efficacy, which moderates the effects of those other influences on academic achievement
(Zimmerman, Bandura, and Martinez-Pons 1992; Pajares 1996). Meta-analysis indicates that
self-efficacy is related to academic outcomes (Multon, Brown, and Lent 1991), and these effects
become stronger as students progressed from elementary school to high school to college
(Pajares and Schunk 2001).
Classroom Behaviors
Academic and school-oriented behaviors, such as increased interest in schoolwork, striving to
make good grades, and active attempts at subject mastery in areas including writing have been
consistently linked to positive academic outcomes including writing (Wentzel 1993).
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Appropriate classroom behaviors are also correlated with academic achievement (Malecki and
Elliott 2002; DiPerna and Elliot 1999; Feshbach and Feshbach 1987; Green, Forehand, Beck, and
Vosk 1980; Lambert and Nicholl 1977). Similarly, social skills predict academic achievement
(Malecki and Elliot 2002). Disruptive and disinterested students may not strive for or achieve
academic success, as such behaviors often lead to negative treatment by the teacher and
classmates. Disruptive behaviors affect the student-teacher relationship, hindering the student’s
academic achievement (Wentzel 1993). (Note: The new writing framework does not emphasize
students' classroom behaviors. Thus this construct is considered low priority at this time.)
Extracurricular Activities
Student engagement also has been noted to be related to involvement in extracurricular activities
(Fredricks and Eccles 2006; The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement
2007). These activities, including music, fine arts, academic clubs, athletics, and other organized
activities, have been shown to be beneficial to academic growth. Participation in such activities
can provide students with opportunities to learn about teamwork, respect, and responsibility, and
provide a venue for the student to apply these lessons (NCES 1995). Participation in
extracurricular activities has been associated with academic achievement (NCES 1995). Several
longitudinal studies have suggested that participation in school sports plays a role in increasing
student grades (Broh 2002; Fejgin 1994; Hanson and Kraus 1998, 1999). Similarly, Marsh’s
(1992) analysis of student participation in extracurricular activities indicated that extracurricular
involvement is associated with improved GPA and higher educational aspirations (Broh 2002).
In general, research suggests that homework has a positive impact on academic achievement
(McMullen 2007; Betts 1997; Neilson 2005). This has been demonstrated with data from the
National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 (Aksoy and Link 2000) for tenth-grade math
scores (Eren and Henderson 2006), and other areas (Cooper, Robinson, and Patall 2006;
McMullen 2007). Feedback has been shown to be one of the most significant activities a teacher
can engage in to improve student achievement (Hattie 1992), particularly when feedback is
timely (Banger-Drowns, Kulik, Kulik, and Morgan 1991).
Learning Activities Outside School
Students only spend about 20 percent of their time in school; therefore, how they spend the
remaining 80 percent of their time can have profound effects on their academic achievement
(Miller 2003). Recent trends indicate that many students attend after-School learning programs.
Quality after-school programs help students develop academic and interpersonal skills (Huang
2001, middle and high school students). Such programs support student learning activities in an
informal environment and provide a bridge between home and school (Miller 2003, elementary
and middle school). Learning programs have been shown to improve school habits and increase
academic achievement in students (Huang 2001). Students who participated in the educational
aspects of the Boys and Girls Club reported that they enjoyed academic tasks more than those
who did not participate in such a program (Miller 2003; Schinke, Orlandi, and Cole 1992,
primary, middle, and secondary school). Evaluations of after-school learning programs have
indicated that participating students were more likely to complete their homework and perform
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better than their peers on standardized tests (Huang, Gribbins, Kim, Lee, and Baker 2001; middle
and high school; Johnson, Zorn, Williams, and Smith 1999, middle and elementary school;
Miller 2003).
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Aksoy, T. and Link, C.R. (2000). A Panel Analysis of Student Mathematics Achievement in the
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Achievement? Economics of Education Review, 19, 261–277.
Alvermann, D.E. and Phelps, S.F. (2002). Content Reading and Literacy: Succeeding in Today’s
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Baker, E.A. and Kinzer, C.K. (1998). Effects of Technology on Process Writing: Are They All
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Banger-Drowns, R. (1993). The Word Processor as an Instructional Tool: A Meta-Analysis of
Word Processing in Writing Instruction. Review of Educational Research, 63, 69–93.
Berry, J.M. (1987, September). A Self-Efficacy Model of Memory Performance. Paper presented
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Betts, J. R. (1997). The Role of Homework in Improving School Quality. Unpublished
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Bouffard-Bouchard. T., Parent, S., and Larivee, S. (1991). Influence of Self-Efficacy on SelfRegulation and Performance Among Junior and Senior High-School Aged Students.
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 14, 153–164.
Broh, B.A. (2002, January). Linking Extracurricular Programming to Academic Achievement:
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Cooper, H., Robinson, J., and Patall, E. (2006). Does Homework Improve Academic
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76, 1–62.
Cope, B. and Kalantzis, M. (Eds.). (1993). The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to
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Danoff, B., Harris, K.R., and Graham, S. (1993). Incorporating Strategy Instruction Within the
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Child Development, 58, 1335–1347.
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Beneficial Outcomes? Concurrent and Longitudinal Relations. Developmental Psychology,
42, 698–713.
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A Meta-Analysis of Studies From 1992–2002. Journal of Technology, Learning, and
Assessment, 2, 1–51. Retrieved January 17, 2008, from
Graham, S. (2006). Strategy Instruction and the Teaching of Writing: A Meta-Analysis. In C.
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187–207). New York: Guilford.
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Graham, S. and Harris, K.R. (2003). Students with Learning Disabilities and the Process of
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Graham (Eds.), Handbook of Learning Disabilities (pp. 323–344). New York: Guilford
Graham, S. and Perin, D. (2007a). A Meta-Analysis of Writing Instruction for Adolescent
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National Assessment Governing Board (2007b, Fall). Writing Specifications for the 2011
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66, 543–578.
Pajares, F. & Schunk, D.H. (2001). Self-Beliefs and School Success: Self-Efficacy, Self-Concept
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Russell, M. (2006). Technology and Assessment: The Tale of Two Interpretations. Charlotte, NC:
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The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement (2007). Using Positive Student
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Wentzel, K.R. (1993). Does Being Good Make the Grade? Social Behavior and Academic
Competence in Middle School. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 357–364.
Zimmerman, B.J. (2000). Self-Efficacy: An Essential Motive to Learn. Contemporary
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Educational Research Journal, 29, 663–676.
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A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of various writing instructional strategies on writing
achievement (Graham and Perin, 2007a) found support for the following strategies:
Teaching planning, revising, and editing strategies (mean weighted effect size = .82; grades 4
- 10). This was especially powerful for struggling writers (mean weighted effect size = 1.02;
grades 4 - 10), but it is also effective with adolescents in general (mean weighted effect size
= .70; grades 4 - 10).
Teaching summarization strategies (mean weighted effect size = .82; grades 5 - 12).
Encouraging collaborative writing activities (working together to plan, draft, revise, and edit
their compositions) (mean weighted effect size = .75; grades 4 – high school).
Teaching goal setting for what students are to accomplish with their writing product (e.g., to
persuade; to address both sides of an argument) (mean weighted effect size = .70; grades 4 8).
Providing instruction in how to write increasingly complex sentences (e.g., combining
simpler sentences into more sophisticated ones) (mean weighted effect size = .50; grades 4 11).
Encouraging inquiry activities in writing (including having a clearly specified goal (e.g.,
describe the actions of people), analysis of concrete and immediate data (e.g.. observe one or
more peers during specific activities), use of specific strategies to conduct the analysis (e.g.,
retrospectively ask the person being observed the reason for their action), and applying what
was learned (e.g., write a story where the insights from the inquiry are incorporated into the
composition) (mean weighted effect size = .32; grades 7 - 12).
Encouraging pre-writing (i.e., activities involving gathering and organizing ideas for a
composition before writing; such as gathering possible information for a paper through
reading or developing a visual representation of an ideas before writing (mean weighted
effect size = .32; grades 4 - 9).
Providing good models for each type of writing that is the focus of instruction (mean
weighted effect size = .25; grades 4 - 12).
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Part C-6: 2018 Social Studies Issues Paper
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Civics, Geography, & U.S. History
“Issues Paper”
Jan M. Alegre & Jonas P. Bertling
Educational Testing Service
Written in preparation for New Item Development for the 2018 Digital Based NAEP Civics,
Geography, and U.S. History Survey Questionnaires
July 2015
Executive Summary
This paper presents an overview of key contextual factors for social studies achievement, thereby
providing a basis for the development of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Social Studies Survey Questionnaires for the 2018 digital based assessments in Civics, Geography, and
U.S. History. Four “issues” (i.e., broad topics) are described in this issues paper. Throughout these
issues, the role of digital technology for learning and instruction is highlighted as an overarching
theme. Issues capture both opportunity-to-learn factors and noncognitive student factors (e.g., social,
motivational, and self-regulatory factors) relevant to social studies achievement. For each issue, key
areas for potential development are highlighted, thus creating a starting point for the definition of
modules and/or clusters of survey questions that can provide a basis for questionnaire scale indices.
Issue 1: Resources for Learning and Instruction
Issue 1 captures the extent to which resources for learning and instruction—people, products, and
time—are available to students, teachers, and schools. Areas for potential new development are the
availability and use of digital based technology resources for engagement in social studies-related
activities inside and outside of school, and an improved quantification of the time available for
learning and instruction.
Issue 2: Organization of Instruction
Issue 2 captures how classroom instruction as well as instructional activities outside of school (e.g.,
history field trips, library visits, and community service activities) are organized, and how technology is
incorporated into instruction. Areas for potential new development include: course content and/or a
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differential emphasis on conceptual and procedural knowledge versus declarative knowledge, whether
there is a development of school-wide curriculum, tracking and ability grouping, use of technology to
explore concepts and deepen understanding, and use of assessments.
Issue 3: Teacher Preparation
Issue 3 captures how well teachers are prepared for teaching social studies, what teachers’
professional development opportunities are and to what extent teachers make use of these
opportunities, and the social and motivational factors that influence their teaching (e.g., self-efficacy,
mindset, intrinsic interest in topics taught). An important area for new development is teachers’
preparedness to use digital technology in their instruction in purposeful ways. Inclusion of questions
that explore the format of professional development programs, the skills taught within these
programs, and the value and applicability of these programs in the classroom could be beneficial as
Issue 4: Student Factors
Issue 4 addresses social, motivational, and self-regulatory student factors capturing engagement with
social studies. Areas for potential new development include capturing more behavioral and attitudinal
facets of engagement (e.g., participation in outside of school activities; social studies-related interest
and motivation; self-related beliefs pertaining to social studies learning and technology-based
activities) given that engagement is a significant predictor of academic achievement. Another
important question to address is how other student factors represented in the 2018 Core
questionnaire might be contextualized for social studies (e.g., self-control) to allow for a distinction
between domain-general and domain-specific factors.
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The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) frameworks, released by the National
Assessment Governing Board (NAGB), describe the content and design of assessments for various
subject areas. These cognitive frameworks, alongside subject-specific issues papers, serve as guidelines
for assessing what students know and can do at grades 4, 8, and 12. Moreover, these frameworks
inform the development of survey questionnaires for the NAEP assessments, adding breadth and depth
to our understanding of student achievement in these specific subject areas.
The current social studies issues paper reviews relevant theory and research to identify key factors
related to student achievement in Social Studies, and Civics, Geography, and U.S. History in particular.
More specifically, this paper identifies constructs1 or modules2 that can be captured in the NAEP Survey
Questionnaires through clusters of questions3 and more robust reporting elements, such as scale
indices4. The NAEP Survey Questionnaires have traditionally been analyzed and reported on the item
level. However, beginning with the 2017 NAEP assessments, a revised approach was established that
aims to measure factors of interest at both the item and indices level (Table 1). Survey questionnaire
item development for the 2018 NAEP Social Studies digital based assessments (DBA) in Civics,
Geography, and U.S. History for Grades 8 and 12 will also implement this revised approach.
Table 1. Changes to NAEP Survey Questionnaire Approach.
Historical Approach
Revised Approach
Single questions
Modules of questions and select
single questions
Single questions
Indices based on multiple questions
and select single questions
The specific purpose of the current issues paper is to guide the development of the 2018 NAEP Social
Studies DBA Survey Questionnaires for Grades 8 and 12 (and subsequent Social Studies questionnaires)
through the identification of relevant issues and sub-issues (i.e., more specific topics related to the
broader issue) that are related to student performance in general social studies curricula and the
specific social studies disciplines (Civics, Geography, and U.S. History). As required by federal legislation,
the contextual information collected in the survey questionnaires must be “directly related to the
Definition: A more defined, but still general, version of the issue. For example, a module for the issue “student
engagement” may be “student engagement with social studies on technological devices”.
Definition: A group of specific questions that capture the important components of the module.
Definition: A cluster of questions that can be aggregated.
Definition: Complex psychological concept, for example, motivation.
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appraisal of academic achievement.” In addition to this reporting requirement, the National Assessment
Governing Board has set the following priorities, in order of importance, for gathering contextual data:
1. Legally required reporting categories (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status (SES),
2. Public policy contextual factors that must be clearly related to academic achievement or to the
fair presentation of achievement results;
3. Subject-specific instructional content and practice factors of interest that are based on previous
Two different sets of contextual variables are outlined in this paper and illustrated in the schematic
model in Figure 1. The first set of contextual variables, noncognitive or student factors, refer to skills,
strategies, attitudes, and behaviors that are distinct from content knowledge and academic skills
(Farrington et al., 2012). Student factors also include cognitive ability; however, we do not aim to
capture cognitive ability with the NAEP survey questionnaires. Instead, our focus lies in noncognitive
variables that can be measured with self-report questionnaires. For the sake of completeness, cognitive
ability is shown in the schematic model provided. The second set of contextual variables, known as
opportunity to learn (OTL) factors, are related to whether students are exposed to opportunities to
acquire relevant knowledge and skills, both in school and outside of school.
Student and OTL factors as shown in Figure 1 may interact, as students differ in how they make use of
the opportunities provided, and learning opportunities may help learners develop skills and shape their
attitudes and views on learning. In this paper, Issues 1 through 3 are considered “opportunity to learn
factors,” and Issue 4 is comprised of “student factors.”
Figure 1. A schematic model of student achievement. 5
This figure was part of a white paper on “Plans for NAEP Core Contextual Variables” prepared for the National
Assessment Governing Board (Bertling, April 2014). More detail about the model and the underlying rationale is
provided in the white paper.
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This issues paper has four specific objectives:
1) Evaluate references and theories in terms of their relevance for the 2018 Social Studies DBA for
Grades 8 and 12. Collate and interpret existing research evidence on important contextual
variables associated with social studies academic performance, especially in technology-rich
environments, including performance predictors, moderators, or mediators on the student level
and aggregate levels such as schools, districts, or states. Given that the specific purpose of the
issues paper is to guide the development of the 2018 NAEP Social Studies DBA Survey
Questionnaires for Grades 8 and 12, the present literature review primarily describes and
elaborates upon research evidence drawn from middle school and high school populations.
2) Identify variables that might also serve as moderators, mediators, and alternative social studiesrelated noncognitive outcomes of schooling. Identify contextual factors that might not relate
directly to student-level outcomes, but serve as important descriptive and/or predictive
variables on aggregate levels (e.g., schools, districts, states).
3) Strengthen focus on important social studies-specific contextual variables while taking into
consideration that these variables may overlap with core contextual variables. Variables that are
relevant to performance across all subjects assessed in NAEP (e.g., general availability of and
familiarity with digital technology, perseverance, desire for learning, or school climate) should
be included as Core items in the 2018 NAEP Social Studies DBA Survey Questionnaires for
Grades 8 and 12.
4) To provide high-level implementation recommendations for each issue and highlight key areas
for new item development, thereby creating a starting point for the definition of modules
and/or clusters of survey questions that can provide a basis for scale indices.
In addition to considering their alignment with the current social studies (Civics, Geography, and U.S.
History) cognitive frameworks, issues and sub-issues were selected based on the following criteria:
a) Factors captured in each issue should have a clear relationship with student achievement. This
criterion directly refers to the NAEP statute. In accordance with this criterion, issues with a
strong research foundation based on several published studies (ideally, meta-analyses) and
established theoretical models are prioritized over issues with less research evidence supporting
a relationship with achievement (i.e., no clear relationship or low correlation with achievement)
or issues with a less established theoretical foundation.
b) Factors captured in each issue should be malleable and actionable in terms of possible
interventions in and outside the classroom.
c) Factors should be amenable for measurement with survey questionnaires. Factors such as social
skills or learning strategies might require other assessment strategies to provide meaningful and
reliable measures.
d) Issues suggested for inclusion in the Social Studies Survey Questionnaires should focus on those
student and OTL factors that are domain-specific, meaning they are specific to social studies
achievement (NAEP Frameworks for Civics, Geography, and U.S. History can be found at
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Four issues with a total of 12 sub-issues that reflect key contextual variables for social studies
achievement are identified in this paper. For each issue, we describe research findings regarding
contextual variables that are common across all social studies disciplines (i.e., social studies-general).
Where appropriate, social studies general discussion is accompanied by a consideration of any subissues or variables that may be specific to Civics, Geography, or U.S. History (i.e., discipline-specific).
New items will be developed for potential inclusion in the 2018 Social Studies Survey Questionnaires for
Grades 8 and 12 using this issues paper as a guideline, and will be tested in cognitive interviews
currently planned for Fall/Winter 2015-2016. After the cognitive interviews have been conducted, the
data will be reviewed to help inform which items should be administered in the 2017 Pilot. The items
will be reviewed once more after the 2017 Pilot to inform which items are administered during in the
2018 Operational assessment. See Appendix A for a high-level overview of the item development
process. See Appendix B for a taxonomy outlining how new items will aim to capture issues and subissues in survey questionnaires across respondent groups.
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The resources available for instruction can affect how a subject is learned and taught in schools
(Greenwald, Hedges, & Laine, 1996; Lee & Barro, 2001; Lee & Zuze, 2011). Resources available to the
student outside of school further shape their opportunities to learn. These “resources” encompass more
than everyday classroom tools, such as services available at the local, district, and state levels. Resources
include people resources (e.g., teachers and counselors), product resources (e.g., libraries or media
centers, textbooks, computers, devices for digital technology-based activities, other technologies), and
time resources (e.g., teachers’ time to prepare lessons, or students’ time to learn and study).
Furthermore, general resources (e.g., school buildings, classroom space, libraries, and technological
equipment in the classroom) can be distinguished from subject-specific resources for social studies
instruction (e.g., programs, eBooks, or time for instruction).
In the 21st century, information and knowledge about any topic is now readily accessible via
technological devices (e.g., computers, tablets, handheld devices, phones) linked to the Internet, which
is quintessentially a networked, virtual universal library. With the growing accessibility of the Internet
and the increased use of electronic communication, technology-based reading, and multimedia
resources, technology not only influences student learning but also has a strong influence on the
teaching environment. Applications that link to the Internet and online instructional tools are now
available as instructional aids. Access to technologies, sufficient technological infrastructure in the
classroom, and training in how to implement them effectively, will determine in part the extent to which
teachers use them for instruction (Common Sense Media, 2013). Three sub-issues are defined in Table 2.
Table 2 - Resources for Learning and Instruction: Sub-issues
Issue 1.1.:
The most straightforward component of a school’s “people” resources includes the
individuals who provide instruction. Thus, the composition of the instructional staff
constitutes a key facet of this sub-issue. Important aspects of staff composition include
student-to-teacher ratio; proportion of social studies teachers who have an
undergraduate degree, graduate degree, or specialization in a particular social studies
discipline (e.g., Civics, Geography, U.S. History); proportion of teachers who have
experience in social studies instruction; number of teachers who have real world
experience in social studies disciplines (e.g., as a historian at a museum, cartographer,
political campaign manager); and availability of curriculum specialists. Other people
resources for students and instructors include tutors and other individuals who can
assist with homework and exam preparation, as well as administrative and technical
staff who can assist with navigating any logistical issues in school or provide
technology-related education and support.
Outside of the school, this sub-issue may refer to parents, family members, tutors, or
other individuals who are not affiliated with a student’s school. These people resources
can provide students with additional opportunities to engage in discussions about social
studies schoolwork or other social studies-related topics (e.g., current events, political
or environmental issues), and acquire assistance with homework or exam preparation.
Issue 1.2.:
Product resources, and the extent to which they are furnished to all students, may
facilitate or hinder the positive impact of the learning environment and in turn can
influence academic achievement. Tangible product resources may include up-to-date
textbooks; computers and other digital technologies; online courses, digitally-based
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platforms, or software programs. These resources may be available in school and
provided by the school during classes, in the library or media center, or in other settings
outside of school. Access to some of the previously mentioned product resources is
contingent upon Internet availability, which has typically been measured as the
percentage of classrooms and computer labs with Internet access, or as the percentage
of public schools with Internet access; indeed, access to digital technology and Internet
connectivity in U. S. schools has increased substantially over the past decade (Ogle et
al., 2002).
However, a review by Barton (2000) concludes that access to technology alone does
not ensure enhanced learning. The impact of technology also depends on the ways in
which it is used to mediate learning in the classroom. Thus, the effectiveness of product
resources may be highly dependent upon the availability of people resources to provide
assistance and advice in using them in the classroom. Zhao and colleagues (2002) use
the term human infrastructure to describe organizational arrangements to support
product resource integration, specifically technology integration, in the classroom.
Human infrastructure may include, but is not limited to, a flexible and responsive
technical staff, knowledgeable and communicative groups of people who can help a
teacher understand and use technologies for his or her own classroom needs, and a
supportive and informed administrative staff. In their research, Zhao et al. (2002) found
that the availability of human infrastructure had a strong mediating effect on the
success of technological innovations in schools.
Issue 1.3.:
The available time for learning and instruction is one of the core components of the
OTL construct. The more instructional time teachers allocate toward a specific subject,
the greater students’ exposure and opportunity to engage with subject content. Several
facets of time resources can be distinguished: the amount of time devoted to social
studies learning and instruction per week at the 8th- and 12th-grade level; the degree
to which schools provide teachers with the opportunity to prepare lessons, review
students’ work, or collaborate with other teachers; the time that schools spend on
preparing for and administering school-, district-, state-, and/or federally-mandated
tests; and the available time for students to complete their social studies homework
and engage in any social studies-related activities and opportunities in school and
outside of school.
While schools have been steadily increasing the time spent on reading and
mathematics (Dillon, 2006), research has consistently found that social studies receives
lower priority in instructional time, particularly at the elementary versus secondary
grade levels (e.g., Fitchett & Heafner, 2010; Leming, Ellington, & Schug, 2006;
VanFossen, 2005). Social studies receives more instructional time in upper elementary
and middle school grades and when the subject is departmentalized and taught by
specialist teachers, while required courses in separate areas of social studies (e.g., U.S.
history; government; world history and geography) tend to be the focus of instruction
at the high school level (Barton, Bednarz, & Levine, 2014).
Grade level curriculum differences (e.g., later grades having more structured contentspecific curriculum compared to more integrated social studies curriculum in earlier
grades) and increasing accountability pressures emphasizing English/language arts,
math, and science are commonly cited predictors of social studies instructional time
(e.g., Pace, 2008, 2011; VanFossen, 2005). This can have important implications for
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student knowledge in social studies (e.g., Bisland, 2012). When school policies afford
teachers the opportunity to collaborate with teachers across disciplines, the level of
student achievement increases in both disciplines (Xin & Lingling, 2004). Knowledge of
the amount of time teachers devote to activities associated with standardized testing
can provide additional information on the relationship between testing and student
achievement in social studies. Research indicates that teachers who report more
frequent social studies content integration in their lesson plans or who report having a
mandated test tend to spend more time on discipline-specific strategies in their
instruction (Fitchett, Heafner, & VanFossen, 2014). With regard to learning outside of
school, the available time for students varies as students might, for instance, need to
fulfill other responsibilities (e.g., take care of a sibling or another family member), or
work part-time (this applies to 12th grade students).
Implementation Recommendation for Issue 1:
Promising areas for future item development include enhancing the measurement of the availability and
use of various resources, including digital technologies, for practicing and learning social studies-related
content and skills inside and outside of the classroom. In addition, items should focus on distinguishing
between different mediums (e.g., primary sources in print versus digital format), and types of
technologies used (e.g., desktop versus tablet). Item development might also discern between the
quantity and quality of various resources, and identifying limited resources that may deter learning (e.g.,
classrooms being overcrowded, teachers having too many teaching hours). Furthermore, including items
that assess time available for learning and instruction could enhance future survey questionnaires.
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Current literature shows that students’ opportunities to learn are influenced in part by how instruction
is organized (Ancess, 2000). Issue 2 consists of three related sub-issues: the content of the social studies
curriculum; the instructional strategies applied by the teacher, including the integration of technological
resources for instruction and students assignments; and the role of assessments in the classroom. These
sub-issues are described in Table 3.
Table 3 - Organization of Instruction: Sub-issues
Issue 2.1:
A school’s social studies curriculum can be understood by examining required social
studies courses at each grade level, elective or specialized social studies courses, and
students’ course histories. From 4th to 8th grade, social studies is usually required for
all students and the curriculum tends to include a systematic study of specific
disciplines (e.g., civics, geography, history) with the most emphasis on history and
geography, though the course is often labeled as general “social studies” (Barton,
Bednarz, & Levine, 2014). From 9th to 12th grade, social studies curriculum is mostly
comprised of separate courses (e.g., U.S. History, U.S. Government) focusing on
specific disciplines, and these courses are either required or elective (Barton,
Bednarz, & Levine, 2014).
Understanding of social studies curricula can be strengthened by examining course
offerings in conjunction with information about achievement grouping and tracking.
Different tracks may offer altogether different courses or they may offer samesubject courses that differ in content and rigor (e.g., remedial courses, Advanced
Placement or International Baccalaureate level courses). For instance, at the high
school level, students who elect to take special courses and programs tend to be
exposed to a more extensive, in-depth curriculum compared to students who take
standard, required courses (Barton, Bednarz, & Levine, 2014). Achievement grouping
and tracking may have a significant impact on academic performance to the extent
that lower-achieving students start their coursework with small but measurable
differences in academic skills compared to higher-achieving students, and these
disparities increase significantly over time (Ansalone & Ming, 2006).
Curriculum content can be examined in terms of whether there is a school-wide
curriculum in place that includes general or integrated social studies, and/or specific
social studies disciplines. If a curriculum exists, it is important to also understand
how that curriculum is developed and periodically updated (i.e., curricular decisionmaking) and its adherence to state/national standards and frameworks.
Understanding how the social studies curriculum functions informs our
understanding of how it is organized, how and when students gain access to specific
courses, and what types of knowledge (e.g., conceptual thinking, declarative
knowledge) are emphasized to students during instruction. For example, research
examining a social studies curriculum developed to address state standards and the
needs of middle school students in heterogeneous (i.e., higher- and lower-achieving
student) classrooms revealed that a curriculum integrating higher level processes
and specific conceptual thinking activities with strong content can yield performance
gains as strong as or stronger than a more direct, declarative knowledge-based
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structure for teaching to standards (Little, Feng, VanTassel-Baska, Rogers, & Avery,
2007). Moreover, this work has found that an integrated and challenging social
studies curriculum designed to respond to the needs of higher-achieving students
can also promote learning gains for students who are lower in achievement. In sum,
the organization and structure of a school’s social studies curricula can have an
important impact on student performance.
Issue 2.2:
Effective instruction comes from teachers’ own rich knowledge of social studies, as
well as the repertoire of instructional strategies and methods through which they
facilitate students’ thinking about and understanding of concepts (Adeyemi, 1992;
Gallavan & Kottler, 2002; Gamoran & Nystrand, 1991). These strategies require
teachers to know how students acquire understanding and why they typically
(mis)understand certain social studies concepts. Important facets of effective
instructional strategies include targeting instruction based on students’ needs and
creating connections to real-world problems, in addition to teaching facts,
processes, or abstract concepts (e.g., Adeyemi, 1992; Ansalone & Ming, 2006;
Bergan, Sladeczek, Stecker & Fuchs, 2000; Box & Little, 2003; Civil, 2002; Gainsburg,
Students’ learning of social studies content and their social studies achievement can
improve when teachers provide tailored instruction based on students’ specific
learning needs (e.g., Bergan, Sladeczek, Stecker & Fuchs, 2000). Teacher feedback
and support are also correlated with students’ achievement motivation in social
studies as well as their academic self-concept (Knight & Waxman, 1990).
Instructional techniques that are responsive to students’ individual learning styles
and skills (e.g., “programmed learning sequences”) are found to be effective in
improving social studies achievement among diverse middle school learners
compared to traditional grouped instruction (Ansalone & Ming, 2006). In addition,
student engagement increases when teachers facilitate learning based on the
various needs of their students (e.g., Beeland, 2002; Jang, Reeve & Deci, 2010). Two
important engagement-promoting aspects of teachers’ instructional styles include
‘autonomy support’ and ‘structure’ (Jang et al., 2010). That is, providing clear
expectations and framing students’ learning activities with explicit guidance helps
students stay on task and persevere.
Research also suggests that teachers can foster student engagement by connecting
their instruction to real-world problems, current events, or data and encouraging
critical reflection (e.g., Adeyemi, 1992; Civil, 2002; Gainsburg, 2008). This
experience-based method of instruction promotes the “habits of mind” of the social
studies disciplines and is important for content learning (Little, Feng, VanTasselBaska, Rogers, & Avery, 2007). Work by Ives and Obenchain (2006) on experiencebased learning in 12th grade U.S. government classrooms reveals that students in
experience-oriented classes demonstrate greater gains higher-order thinking skills
compared to students who receive traditional lecture-based instruction. This finding
is consistent with research on inquiry-based, “authentic pedagogy” in social studies
classrooms; higher levels of this form of instruction are generally associated with
higher student achievement, and students in classes featuring even moderate levels
of authentic pedagogy have significantly higher performance on state-mandated
tests than their school averages (Saye & Social Studies Inquiry Research
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Collaborative, 2013). Furthermore, engagement in group-based, collaborative social
studies instruction and learning is found to benefit students’ learning, academic
achievement, self-concept (Box & Little, 2003; Mattingly & VanSickle, 1991; Vaughn,
Swanson, Roberts, Wanzek, Stillman-Spisak, Solis, & Simmons, 2013; Wanzek,
Vaughn, Kent, Swanson, Roberts, Haynes, Fall, Stillman-Spisak, & Solis, 2014).
Engagement in project-based instruction also has a significant impact on secondary
social studies students’ academic achievement and college and career readiness
(Summers & Dickinson, 2012). Additional instructional strategies that are specific to
Civics, Geography, and U.S. History are described in more detail at the end of this
Digital technologies, such as desktop and laptop computers, tablets, other mobile
devices, software, and Internet tools, are growing in their availability and playing an
increasingly prominent role in facilitating social studies instruction and the
engagement of student learning. When used with teacher guidance, such digital
resources have been shown to benefit academic achievement in social studies
(Gürer & Yildirim, 2014). Newer technologies and electronic modes of information
delivery allow teachers to demonstrate concepts and assess student learning in new
ways through the improved range and accessibility of materials. In addition,
students have access to an array of tools and programs that they can use to explore
concepts and demonstrate their learning. The use of applications such as digital
simulation gaming have the potential to engage students in higher-order, holistic
thinking in social studies and to help them connect isolated events and information
into themes (Devlin-Scherer & Sardone, 2010).
As noted in Issue 1.2, access to emerging digital technologies plays a role in the
extent to which students and teachers use them in learning and instruction, but
access alone does not ensure use. The growing availability of digital technologies for
social studies instruction points to the need for schools to prepare students and
teachers to use them effectively (see Issues 1.2 and 3). Digital technologies have the
potential to enable students to work more independently and cultivate higher-order
thinking skills (Devlin-Scherer & Sardone, 2010). In addition, dynamic software can
help students visualize and understand complex concepts. Simulation software can
help students explore real-world problems, and databases and spreadsheet
programs can help students locate and use real data to analyze real-world issues.
Technology also broadens the learning community and enables students to
communicate with each other about social studies-related topics. Given the wide
availability of Internet connections, many schools can offer students access to social
studies courses offered online that would otherwise be unavailable to them. Taken
together, in order to understand students’ opportunity to learn in terms of their
opportunity to work with technology, it is necessary to measure not only whether
technology is available, but also how it is used (Barton, 2000).
Discipline-Specific Considerations
Civics. Research indicates that students who are provided with curriculum and
educational experiences that specifically help them to develop their civic knowledge,
skills, and dispositions through interactive learning and practice not only acquire a
commitment to civic problem solving, but are also more likely to develop stronger
critical thinking skills, earn better grades, graduate from high school, enroll in
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college, and complete college on time (e.g., Brownell & Swaner, 2010; Northup &
Brown, 2010). Classroom discussion and debate of controversial issues has been
linked to the development of civic concepts, process skills, and the formation of
attitudes (e.g., Hess, 2009). In line with these findings, studies have found that
curricula that feature traditional classroom activities as well as open discussion
classroom climates, interactive teaching, and class activities are significant
predictors of students’ civics content knowledge and skills (Homana & Barber, 2006;
Torney-Purta & Wilkenfeld, 2009; Zhang, Torney-Purta, & Barber, 2012). In terms of
technology use, Yang (2012) has found that the use of digital game-based learning in
the Civics classroom improves 9th grade students’ problem-solving skills as well as
their learning motivation.
Geography. New technologies are providing new opportunities in Geography
instruction. In Geography classrooms, the use of digital maps is found to provide
learning advantages over traditional maps, in part due to constraints of the print
medium (Verdi, Crooks, & White, 2003). Tools such as geographic information
systems (GIS), remote sensing, global positioning systems, geospatial technologies,
and Google Earth can enhance instruction and learning by facilitating geographic
analysis. Research on the use of geospatial technologies, particularly GIS, in
Geography instruction shows that these tools facilitate problem-based and inquirybased learning; provide opportunities for issue-based, student-centered education;
and empower students to become active users of geospatial data and active learners
of geography. Moreover, these technologies are found to enhance students’ spatial
thinking skills and geospatial relational thinking (e.g., Demirci, Karaburun, & Kilar,
2013; Favier & Van der Schee, 2014).
U.S. History. Students’ learning of history benefits from the consultation and
analysis of historical evidence and texts (e.g., primary sources in print and digital
form) and the engagement of multiple methods to conduct in-depth research
(Brophy, 1992). When students interact with primary sources such as historical
narratives, personal letters, or diaries, they are able to make more complex
connections to individuals from the past and have an opportunity to practice
examining sources critically; such analyses can be done in conjunction with the use
of other resources such as films and novels (e.g., examples of counterfactual history)
in order to enhance historical understanding (Roberts, 2011). The use of multimediabased software to supplement textbook and lecture materials has also been found
to have positive effects on middle school U.S. History students’ achievement
(Kingsley & Boone, 2006).
Issue 2.3: Use
of Assessments
Summative assessments are essentially assessments of learning or knowledge that
has already been acquired. By contrast, formative assessments can help teachers
understand what a student knows and can do so that the teacher can plan
instruction more effectively. Scholars have advocated the use of improved
assessments, including formative assessments, in social studies to facilitate students’
critical thinking skills (e.g., Stobaugh, Tassell, Day, & Blankenship, 2011). Formative
assessments can have a particularly positive impact on the achievement of lowperforming students (Treffinger, 2008). Arieli-Attali, Wylie, and Bauer (2012) provide
an example how effective formative assessments can be designed by combining two
components: a locator test that would place student understanding with respect to
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levels of understanding within a set of learning progressions, and incremental tasks
to be used by teachers in class, both to update teachers’ understanding of where
students are in their understanding and to support student learning as they
transition from one level to the next within a progression. Research findings indicate
that teachers gather better quality evidence of student understanding when they
apply effective formative assessments in their classroom (e.g. McGatha, Bush and
Rakes, 2009). Formative assessments can not only provide the teacher with
important diagnostic feedback to guide instruction, but also help students
understand and overcome misconceptions by encouraging the higher-order thinking
skills of questioning and reflective thinking (Chin & Teou, 2009). Research has found
that the use of low-stakes multiple-choice, short answer quizzes, and brief
vocabulary-matching probes as a learning mechanism can help to monitor and boost
students’ academic performance in social studies courses (Espin, Busch, Shin, &
Kruschwitz, 2001; Roediger, Agarwal, McDaniel, & McDermott, 2011).
Research suggests that teachers’ incorporation of student self-assessments, or tasks
used to evaluate one’s performance and identify strengths and weaknesses for the
purpose of improving learning outcomes, into their instructional design is also
beneficial to student achievement. The positive effects of self-assessment on
achievement, particularly when used for formative rather than summative purposes,
is reported across a range of academic subjects (e.g., Andrade & Boulay, 2003; Ross,
et al., 2002a, 2002b). With respect to social studies, Ross and Starling (2008) found
that the use of student self-assessments in a technology-supported learning context
(i.e., grade 9 Geography classes using GIS software) had a positive effect on student
performance across three domains of learning (spatial reasoning, solving authentic
problems, basic geographic knowledge and skill) and student self-efficacy (for more
on self-efficacy, see Issue 4). Similarly, Panadero, Tapia, and Huertas (2012)
examined the use of formative self-assessment tools—specifically, rubrics (consisting
of task criteria, a scale for rating different levels of achievement, and a description of
each qualitative level) and scripts (consisting of structured questions designed to
guide a learner through the process of understanding and completing a task)—and
found that both tools increased secondary school students’ learning in Geography.
Additionally, their results indicated that scripts enhanced students’ self-regulation of
their own learning process.
Implementation Recommendation for Issue 2:
Future item development should focus especially on enhancing the measurement of curriculum content,
instructional strategies, and teacher practices as three important aspects of opportunity to learn.
Questions should focus on digital technology-based resources, and incorporation of traditional resources,
assessments, interactive tools, and multimedia resources into the classroom. Important questions to
address also include how teachers adapt their teaching practices to the rapid technological changes (i.e.,
do they try to incorporate new digital technology), how teachers use technological devices to engage
students with social studies content (i.e., as part of the main lesson or as a supplement), and how
technology-based activities impact the curricula at different grade levels (i.e., are students expected to
read print materials or interact with other resources on a digital device such as a laptop or tablet).
Teachers’ use of formative assessments in instruction is another suggested focus for development.
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Torney-Purta, Richardson, and Barber (2005) identify three characteristics that are important to
effective preparation in teaching social studies: content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge,
and beliefs. Similarly, three sub-issues pertaining to teacher preparation are described in this paper:
content knowledge, subject-specific pedagogical training and professional development, and
noncognitive teacher factors. Teachers who have a sophisticated grasp of social studies, who have
experience teaching social studies to students of diverse backgrounds and learning styles, and who have
access to professional development opportunities are likely to be more adept at providing students with
a strong conceptual understanding than are teachers who lack these advantages. These sub-issues are
described in Table 4.
Table 4 - Teacher Preparation: Sub-issues
Issue 3.1:
Education and
Teachers’ subject-specific undergraduate and graduate coursework is a crucial
indicator of their overall preparation. However, information regarding formal
education and training alone is not sufficient for understanding the extent of
teachers’ preparation. Traditionally, teachers' subject content knowledge has been
assessed based on variables such as courses taken and degrees attained (Hill, Rowan,
& Ball, 2005). In recent years, instruments have also been developed that are
intended to measure teachers' content-specific knowledge and pedagogical content
knowledge (e.g., Hill, Schilling, & Ball, 2004; Hill, Ball & Schilling, 2008). Measures of
teachers’ content-specific knowledge have been associated with student
performance gains (Hill et al., 2005) and better identification and remediation of gaps
in students’ knowledge (e.g., Carpenter, Fennema, Peterson, Chiang, & Loef, 1989).
Thus, understanding teachers’ formal education in addition to their subject-specific
knowledge is important to understanding preparation and subsequent instructional
Content knowledge is inextricable from pedagogical knowledge. That is, teachers’
ability to provide first-rate instruction in social studies is strongly related to their own
subject-matter expertise as well as to their training in how to teach these concepts. A
thorough knowledge of social studies enables teachers to teach dynamically—by
demonstrating different representations of the same concept, encouraging student
questions, and providing alternative explanations. Teachers who lack such grounding
may often rely primarily upon teaching procedures and rote instruction, whereas
teachers with stronger social studies skills are also able to stress more complex,
conceptual understanding.
In addition to teachers’ content knowledge and subject-specific training, gathering
information about teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and training seems equally
important. To provide targeted instruction based on students’ needs, engage
students in classroom discussion, and foster students’ interest in learning course
content, teachers need to be equipped with the necessary pedagogical knowledge.
Undergraduate and graduate coursework in social studies-specific pedagogy is
therefore also important. Social studies is less prioritized among educators in the
United States, with teachers and students viewing social studies as the least
important of the core subject areas (Good et al., 2010; Passe, 2006; Zhao & Hoge,
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2005). For instance, elementary teacher education programs have found that preservice teachers experience less time in social studies-specific instruction during
student teaching compared to other core subject areas (Bolick, Adams, & Willox,
2010; Yon & Passe, 1990). This lack of emphasis and prioritization on student
teaching in social studies can lead to educators feeling less prepared to teach the
Issue 3.2:
Teachers’ participation in pre-service and in-service professional development
activities that focus on social studies is critical to teacher preparation. Professional
development in social studies content knowledge may be especially valuable, though
pedagogically-oriented development opportunities are also important. Professional
development opportunities include courses, workshops, seminars, classroom
observations and critiques (both observing and being observed), conferences,
“camps,” or any other venue in which teachers are expected to hone their subjectmatter or pedagogical skill—both within and outside of the school environment. De
La Paz, Malkus, Monte-Sano, and Montanaro (2011) found effects of professional
development (specifically, participation in a federally funded Teaching American
History project) on teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and on 5th and 11th grade
students’ content knowledge in U.S. History; teachers of successful students had
participated in activities that allowed them to increase their content knowledge and
broaden their approach to teaching with primary documents. Moreover, TorneyPurta et al. (2005) found that U.S. schools where teachers reported participating in
civics-related professional training had students with significantly higher civic
knowledge and skills than students where teachers did not report such training. More
specifically, teachers’ in-service training is associated with students’ mastery of civics
concepts and civics-related process skills (Zhang, Torney-Purta, & Barber, 2012).
To enhance their learning and to assist with curriculum planning, teachers can also
access online instructional materials, websites, and chat rooms devoted to instruction
in their specific subject. Given the growing role of digital technology in social studies
instruction, teachers must be trained in the effective use of computers and emerging
technologies (see Issue 1). Participation in professional development courses that
focus on integrating technology with instruction is one way for teachers to learn how
these tools can enhance learning. Some teachers may not use digital technology
because it is not available; others may avoid it because they lack the knowledge to
incorporate it effectively; and still others may not fully understand the social studiesrelated content that technology allows students to access when analyzing and solving
complex problems. When teachers participate in professional development programs
that emphasize collective meetings with groups of teachers and that provide
opportunities for teachers to review student work and discuss student responses and
behaviors, they can deepen both their content and pedagogical knowledge needed to
effectively engage in the critical tasks of teaching and develop their teaching
practices (e.g., Desimone, Porter, Garet, Yoon & Birman, 2002; Guskey & Yoon, 2009;
Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman & Yoon, 2001).
In addition to professional development, teachers may also need other support staff,
such as specialists and coaches who are highly trained in a particular domain and can
support teaching in the classroom. Traditionally, specialists and coaches have been
viewed as resources primarily for students, but recently these roles have expanded to
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include serving as a mentor for teachers. Accordingly, the literature shows that
support staff are important for teachers’ professional development (Dole, 2004).
Issue 3.3:
Along with teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge, teacher attitudes (e.g., selfefficacy, confidence, growth mindset, and attributions for student learning and
achievement) play an important role in effective teaching and instruction. Teachers
who are interested in the subject they are teaching, have positive attitudes towards
their work, and show high levels of confidence in their ability to be effective in the
classroom are more likely to be successful. For instance, studies show that teachers
who have high teaching self-efficacy are more likely to be open to new ideas and
concepts, try new instructional methods, and persist when things in the classroom do
not go well (Berman, McLaughlin, Bass, Pauly, & Zellman, 1977; Guskey, 1988; Stein &
Wang, 1988). The literature also shows that teacher self-efficacy can in turn influence
students’ achievement, motivation, and self-efficacy (Anderson, Greene, & Loewen,
1988; Midgley, Feldlaufer, & Eccles, 1989; Moore & Esselman, 1992; Ross 1992).
These findings are consistent with work examining social studies teachers’ beliefs,
including their confidence in teaching and goals for students in the classroom (Chin &
Barber, 2010; Dunkin et al., 1998). Other noncognitive factors, such as curiosity,
growth mindset, and attributional beliefs have also been shown to play an important
role in teaching and student learning (e.g., Dweck, Walton, & Cohen, 2014).
Implementation Recommendation for Issue 3:
Future item development should focus especially on adding questions addressing teachers’ preparedness
to integrate digital technology in their social studies instruction in purposeful ways. Additionally,
development may consider differentiating between professional development programs (e.g., contentversus pedagogy-focused professional development programs), including questions about web-based
trainings and teachers’ experiences with professional development programs, and including questions
about noncognitive teacher factors, such as teachers’ confidence to implement various instructional
elements (e.g., content, pedagogical knowledge), mindset, and attributions for student achievement.
Questions about noncognitive teacher factors will clearly focus on teachers views of learning and
instruction in social studies to ensure alignment with the NAEP statute to refrain from measuring
“personal or family beliefs and attitudes.”
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As depicted in the schematic model in the introduction of this paper, noncognitive student factors
constitute an important set of contextual variables relevant to student achievement. In this paper, we
categorize student factors into social, motivational, and self-regulatory facets. Social facets encompass
student engagement with opportunities to learn in school (see Issues 1 and 2) and outside of school
(described in this section). Activities and behaviors signaling engagement with social studies can include
reading history books or news articles for enjoyment; discussing social studies-related readings or
current events with friends and family; engaging in conversations about politics or civics-related issues
with friends and family; field trips outside of school; or participating in other social studies-related
activities beyond strictly school-related tasks. Engagement variables constitute important predictors,
moderators, and mediators of social studies achievement. Motivation also plays a crucial role in
students’ persistence and how much effort they exert in school (Baker & Wigfield, 1999; Becker,
McElvany, & Kortenbruck, 2010; Retelsdorf, Köller, & Möller, 2011; Taboada, Tonks, Wigfield, & Guthrie,
2009). Knowing the level of interest and motivation students exert during a task or test can bring about
improvements to instructional methods, test design, and test interpretation that more accurately gauge
and enhance student’s proficiency (Sabatini & O’Reilly, 2013). Other self-regulatory or self-related
attitudes such as self-efficacy, self-concept, and confidence have been shown to be highly associated
with achievement across many studies (Guthrie & Wigfield, 2000; OECD, 2010). Relevant sub-issues are
described further in Table 5.
Table 5 - Student Factors: Sub-issues
Issue 4.1.:
Social facets
Student engagement in opportunities to learn, specifically how they spend their time
outside of the classroom and outside of school, adds an important complementary
component to studying student engagement in classroom instruction. Several
studies provide evidence that students’ time use patterns in general (i.e., not only
time spent on social studies-related activities) relate to important success variables.
Time use patterns might play a key mediating role between various student
contextual factors (such as SES) and performance variables; that is, they have the
potential to explain important relationships between these variables (e.g.,
Porterfield and Winkler, 2007). While more than 60 countries of the world economy
regularly conduct systematic time use studies among adults and adolescents, time
use has not been measured as part of educational large-scale assessments to date.
However, research provides a strong support for their inclusion. Important activities
and behaviors to capture with regard to students’ time use include extracurricular
activities (e.g., volunteerism, clubs), homework, study time, and other social studiesrelated activities (e.g., Model U.N., debate teams).
Patterns of free-time activities in middle childhood predict adjustment in early
adolescence (McHale, Crouter, & Tucker, 2001). Additionally, Fuligni and Stevenson
(1995) showed in their cross-cultural study that free-time use predicts achievement
(in this case, in math) across several countries. Participation in extracurricular
activities has also been demonstrated to protect against early school drop-out for atrisk students (Mahoney and Cairns, 1997).
Student engagement outside of school is clearly related to involvement in
extracurricular activities and hobbies (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006). These activities,
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including music, fine arts, academic clubs, and athletics, have been shown to be
beneficial to academic growth. Participation in such activities can provide students
with opportunities to learn about teamwork, respect, and responsibility, and provide
a venue for the student to apply these lessons (NCES, 1995). With regards to social
studies, engagement in extracurricular activities can enable students to more
personally engage with history or democratic citizenship (e.g., Morris, 2012).
Participation in extracurricular activities has been associated with academic
achievement (NCES, 1995). Similarly, Marsh’s (1992) analysis of student participation
in extracurricular activities indicated that extracurricular involvement is associated
with improved GPA and higher educational aspirations (Broh, 2002). Furthermore,
adolescents engaged in community civic activities demonstrate higher grades and
motivation, enhanced well-being, and fewer problem behaviors (Ludden, 2011).
Ben-Avie, Haynes, White, Ensign, Steinfeld, & Sartin (2003) have emphasized the
meaningful connection between student engagement and perseverance in their
studies evaluating the work of the Institute for Student Achievement (ISA) for three
years. Perseverance is defined as “students’ persistence in performing strategic
behaviors that increase the likelihood of academic success, regardless of obstacles or
distractions” (p.22). Students’ openness for problem solving (e.g., enjoyment in
solving complex problems, seeking explanations for things), their planning and
organization behaviors (e.g., making to-do lists, keeping notes for subjects; finishing
assignments on time, not doing things at last minute), persistence even on difficult
tasks (e.g., not putting off difficult problems, not giving up easily), and general work
ethics (e.g., preparing for class, working consistently throughout the school year) are
not only among the most predictive noncognitive predictors of GPA (see recent
meta-analysis by Richardson et al., 2012), but also important predictors of success in
higher education and the workforce in general (e.g., Heckman, Stixrud & Urzua,
2006; Lindqvist & Vestman, 2011; Poropat, 2009; Roberts et al., 2007). Student
engagement also contributes to the development of collaboration, another key
competency that is considered important for educational and workforce success
(Nagaoka et al., 2015). Collaboration, or working with others effectively and
respectfully toward a common goal, is commonly practiced through group-based
activities and learning opportunities both in school and outside of school. While
collaboration builds upon a set of skills related to working with others, it also
requires a particular individual mindset that allows for an openness to and valuing of
others’ contributions (Nagaoka et al., 2015). Thus, collaboration not only has the
potential to inform whether effective group-based learning is occurring in class, but
also students’ enjoyment and orientation towards working with others in general.
In addition to extracurricular activities, hobbies, and social studies-specific
undertakings (e.g., community service, civic participation, political activism),
engagement in opportunities outside of school may include the completion of
homework and studying. The existing literature on homework is optimistic, as most
studies indicate it has a positive impact on academic achievement (McMullen, 2007;
Neilson, 2005). Cooper, Robinson, and Patall (2006) analyzed recent articles across
education, psychology, and sociology and found that increased amounts of
homework are related to small increases in academic achievement (McMullen,
2007). Using data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988, Aksoy
and Link (2000) found homework to have a positive and significant impact on 10th
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grade math scores (Eren & Henderson, 2008). Additionally, Betts (1997) used
teacher-reported hours of homework assigned to understand the effect of
homework on math scores and also found significant results. However, some
research also points to a negative relationship between homework and academic
achievement, indicating that there are some limits to the extent to which homework
can be beneficial (Cooper & Valentine, 2001). Research by Galloway and Pope (2007)
indicates that schoolwork, more specifically homework, is a primary source of stress
and worry among high school students, particularly those who spend more time per
night (e.g., more than 3.5 hours) completing it. Thus it is important to note that in
addition to homework quantity, homework quality plays a key part in student
performance. The same study by Galloway and Pope (2007) finds that when high
school students perceive their homework as more useful for their learning and
preparation for tests and projects, they report less stress and worry. This is
consistent with previous research showing that relevant and purposeful schoolwork
is related to increased academic motivation (Committee on Increasing High school
Students’ Engagement and Motivation to Learn, 2003). In addition, the nature of the
assignment itself matters. For instance, Hippler, Alber, and Heward (1998) found
that students performed better on next-day quizzes when they were assigned
structured worksheets (e.g., fill-in-the-blank questions) compared to traditional
homework assignments (e.g., open-ended questions). In an extension of this
research, students who completed structured reading worksheets for social studies
homework performed higher on next-day quizzes and maintained more social
studies content than students assigned standard review questions for homework
(Alber, Nelson, & Brennan, 2002). In sum, these findings indicate that student
engagement in homework and studying is an important factor to consider when
seeking to understand student achievement.
Discipline-Specific Considerations
Civics. Opportunities to develop civic knowledge and skills in high school typically
take the form of volunteering, community service, school government, and service
clubs, which tend to be disproportionately available to wealthier students (Kanter &
Schneider, 2013; National Task force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement,
2012). The research literature suggests that students’ civic engagement is associated
with a number of and individual benefits (e.g., resilience, self-efficacy) (Bradshaw,
Hoelscher, & Richardson, 2007), social benefits (e.g., greater social capital, stronger
community network, voting/electoral engagement) (Black, Stokes, Turnbull & Levy,
2009; Callahan, Muller, & Schiller, 2010; Geske & Ceske, 2013), and academic
benefits (e.g., literacy, analysis, communication, problem-solving, social
competency) (e.g., Edwards, Johnson, & McGillicuddy, 2003). Despite its potential
for positive outcomes, socioeconomic status is a factor that might limit civic
engagement at the school, community, and local level. Thus, civic engagement may
serve as an important predictor of success or outcome in its own right (e.g., the
extent to which civics knowledge is subsequently applied).
Issue 4.2.:
Achievement Motivation. Achievement motivation captures students’ motivation to
achieve positive results in specific classes and in school in general, and is closely
related to a general motive of being a good student and being better than other
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students in class. Meta-analyses have found that achievement motivation is one of
the strongest predictors of success (e.g., Richardson et al., 2012).
A central requirement of effective learning is the motivation to learn—the driving
force behind learning. Deci and Ryan (1985) devised a theory of learning motivation
that differentiates between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and explicitly
acknowledge the central importance of self-conceptions within the motivational
spectrum (Ryan & Deci, 2003). Extrinsically motivated students pursue learning goals
associated with valued consequences located outside the person and deemed
personally important, such as instrumental value, positive feedback or rewards for
good performance. Instrumental motivation captures whether students see social
studies as useful for their real life and their future choices whether or not to study
social studies topics beyond school and/or chose a social studies-oriented career.
In contrast, intrinsically motivated learners are motivated by internal rather than
external incentives. Students might, for example, learn in order to find out more
about a subject domain or to achieve the positive emotional state that learning can
engender (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). Interest and enjoyment are classic examples of
intrinsic motivation (Bøe et al., 2011; Renninger, Hidi, & Krapp, 1992) that represent
a relatively stable evaluative orientation towards certain topics or domains. Intrinsic
motivation is often accompanied by positive feelings (e.g., feelings of involvement or
stimulation) and attribution of personal significance to an object or domain. Subjectspecific intrinsic motivation affects the intensity and continuity of engagement in
learning situations, the selection of learning strategies, and the depth of
understanding achieved, and choice behaviors (Schiefele, 2001).
Using Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS) 2003 eighth
grade mathematics data, Zhu and Leung (2011) investigated the effects of intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation on learning and academic performance. They found that
overall, more than 70% of students had a higher level of extrinsic than intrinsic
motivation. Regression analyses further revealed a significant positive effect of
pleasure-oriented (intrinsic) motivation on mathematical achievement among the
U.S. students (r=.17, p<.001). Data from the 2003 cycle of the Program for
International Student Assessment (PISA) support these findings by indicating that
both the degree and continuity of engagement in learning and the depth of
understanding relates to interest in and enjoyment of particular subjects, or intrinsic
motivation. This effect has been shown to operate largely independently of
students’ general motivation to learn (OECD, 2004). In sum, intrinsic motivation can
be understood as a factor for engagement and constitutes at the same time an
important outcome of increased engagement.
With respect to social studies, Gehlbach (2006) examined the relationship between
achievement motivation goals and several outcomes among 9th and 10th grade world
history students over the course of a school year. Results indicated that increases in
an intrinsic or mastery goal orientation (e.g., a focus on developing competence,
learning new skills, and mastering new concepts or ways of thinking) during the
school year were positively related to academic achievement, specifically in world
history knowledge and social studies grades. In contrast, increases in an extrinsic or
performance goal orientation (e.g., a focus on outperforming others and looking
smart in front of others) were unrelated to social studies achievement. Moreover,
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increases in mastery goal orientation were positively related to interest in world
events, course satisfaction, social perspective taking (i.e., the propensity to try and
discern what others are thinking and feeling), and historical empathy (i.e., the
propensity to place historical events in their proper context and seek out multiple
forms of evidence to form opinions about historical occurrences) (Gehlbach, 2006).
Consistent with these findings, work by Brookhart, Walsh, and Zientarski (2006) has
also examined the dynamics of achievement motivation and effort in middle school
social studies classrooms. These researchers found that mastery goal orientation
predicts achievement even after controlling for students’ prior performance and
their classroom assessment environment, though related work also suggests that
social studies classroom assessments tend to engage both mastery and performance
goal orientations (Brookhart & Durkin, 2003).
Interest and Attitudes. Interest captures whether students value and show interest
in the topics covered in school and generally like specific subjects. Interest and
enjoyment is strongly related to motivation. Research has documented that students
tend to perceive social studies as less interesting and important compared to other
subjects such as English and Mathematics (e.g., Schug, Todd, & Beery, 1984;
Stodolsky, Salk, & Glasessner, 1991; Wolters & Pintrich, 1998). These findings are
notable, as students’ perception of the importance and utility of a class or assigned
task, in concert with their perception of their ability to succeed, can affect
motivation (Pintrich & Schrauben, 1992; Wolters & Pintrich, 1998), effort (Salomon,
1983), and ultimately achievement (Gipps, 1994; Wolters, Yu, & Pintrich, 1996).
Students who have positive attitudes and emotions towards a subject are in a
position to learn that subject better than students who feel anxiety or negative
emotion towards it. For instance, students who are anxious about mathematics tasks
and tests are less likely to be successful and struggle with reaching their true
potential when engaging in related tasks. Research (e.g., Deci & Ryan, 1985; Eccles &
Wigfield, 2002; Renninger, 2000; Renninger, 2009; Renninger, Hidi & Krapp, 1992;
Stipek & MacIver, 1989) provides a clear theoretical rationale for the separation of
affective factors such as interest and enjoyment from motivational and selfregulatory components such as goal orientation and competency self-beliefs.
Issue 4.3.: Selfregulatory
Self-efficacy refers to the beliefs that individuals hold about what they believe they
are capable of accomplishing. These self-perceptions determine how individuals use
the knowledge and skills that they have to achieve a certain task (Pajares & Schunk,
2001). It has been reported that self-efficacy beliefs are correlated with other selfbeliefs, such as self-concept, and other motivational constructs (Zimmerman, 2000).
Evidence has also suggested that self-efficacy and self-concept beliefs are each
related to and influential on academic achievement (Pajares, 1996). Pintrich and De
Groot (1990) suggest that self-efficacy has a special role in cognitive engagement;
that is, it may increase self-efficacy beliefs that in turn could lead to more frequent
and increased use of cognitive learning strategies, leading to higher achievement
(Pajares & Schunk, 2001).
Students with high self-efficacy engage in effective self-regulating strategies more
often than those with lower level beliefs; high self-efficacy also seems to enhance
performance as these beliefs also tend to enhance persistence (Pajares, 1996;
Bouffard- Bouchard, Parent, & Larivee, 1991; Berry, 1987). Self-efficacy beliefs have
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been positively related to academic achievement, moderating the effect of
experiences, abilities, and prior achievement. A meta-analysis by Multon, Brown,
and Lent (1991) indicated that self-efficacy was significantly related to academic
outcomes, with these effects becoming stronger as students progressed from
elementary school to high school to college. The effects were stronger for
classroom-based indices (i.e., grades) and basic skill measures when compared to
standardized tests, demonstrating that self-efficacy beliefs are often subject and
context-specific (Pajares & Schunk, 2001).
As mentioned previously, Brookhart, Walsh, and Zientarski (2006) examined middle
school social studies students’ perceptions of the importance and value of
assessment tasks in the classroom (a variable capturing interest and attitudes
towards social studies), their achievement motivation, and perceived self-efficacy.
They found that perceived self-efficacy was the strongest predictor of classroom
achievement in social studies tests and performance assessments, even after
controlling for students’ prior achievement (as measured by a standardized test) and
their motivation. Similarly, Zimmerman, Bandura, and Martinez-Pons (1992)
examined the causal role of students’ self-efficacy beliefs and academic goals in selfmotivated academic attainment in social studies. They found that students’ selfefficacy and goals at the beginning of the semester predicted their final course
grades in social studies. Moreover, they found that students’ self-efficacy for
academic achievement mediated the influence of self-efficacy for self-regulated
learning on academic achievement in social studies. In other words, students’ beliefs
in their own ability to use self-regulated learning strategies affected their beliefs in
succeeding in social studies, which in turn impacted their class performance.
Similarly, Stevens, Olivarez and Hamman (2006) have studied the relationship
between cognitive, motivational and emotional variables to predict students’
performance in mathematics. Again, results supported the importance of selfefficacy as a strong predictor of performance. Students who feel more confident
with a subject are more likely than others to apply lessons from that subject in the
various contexts that they encounter. Taken together, self-efficacy is not only an
important contextual factor for understanding academic achievement, but also an
important outcome in its own right.
Overall, there is an ample amount of evidence that suggests self-efficacy and selfconcept are powerful constructs that predict both academic beliefs and
performance (Pajares, 1996). Self-concept is also widely accepted as an important
universal aspect of being human and is central to understanding the quality of
human existence (Bandura, 2006; Bruner, 1996; Marsh & Craven, 2006; Pajares,
1996; Pajares & Schunk, 2005). Positive self-beliefs are valued as a desirable
outcome in many disciplines of psychology and are a central aspect of the current
positive psychology movement, which focuses on how individuals can optimize their
life (Diener, 2000; Fredrickson, 2001; Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000).
Research examining the relationship between learning perceptions of high
competency and motivational variables were significantly correlated with a learning
and mastery motivational goal focus, more positive emotions, and greater
enjoyment (Stipek, Salmon, Givvin, Kazemi, Saxe, & MacGyvers, 1998). Additionally,
students who have a strong sense of perceived control over their academic success
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tend to approach tasks differently than students who do not think that they are in
control of their success.
Discipline-Specific Considerations
U.S. History. Scholars have advocated for the importance of historical empathy, or
the propensity for individuals to examine, appreciate, and understand the
perspectives of people in the past within their separate context, in the development
of complex historical thinking and understanding (Davis, Yeager, & Foster, 2001).
Historical empathy may be conceptualized as both cognitive and affective in nature
(Davison, 2010), as it captures an individual’s ability to hold different perspectives
(cognitive perspective taking) and recognize others’ emotional responses or feelings
(emotional perspective taking). Related work has revealed a significant relationship
between social perspective taking and conflict resolution and achievement (i.e.,
social studies grades) among 9th and 10th grade world history students (Gehlbach,
2004). McCully et al. (2002) found that 11th grade history students who handled
multiple sources and alternative perspectives in class were able to temporarily
empathize with different political viewpoints. Similarly, Kohlmeier (2006) found that
9th grade world history students demonstrated increased historical empathy (i.e.,
appreciation of the historical context as both unique and connected to the present;
ability to distinguish among various perspectives of historical figures) over the
course of a semester. In this work, this growth in historical empathy was attributed
to the provision of opportunities to practice it through Socratic classroom
discussions that involved interpretation of historical documents.
Implementation Recommendation for Issue 4:
Future item development should focus on capturing the different aspects of noncognitive student factors
given that they represent important performance predictors, moderators, or mediators of academic
achievement; few existing items capture these sub-issues. Future item development should focus on
capturing social, motivational, and self-regulatory facets such as student engagement in relevant
activities inside and outside of school, student motivation, and specific beliefs or attitudes toward social
studies topics. An important question to consider is how other student factors represented in the 2018
Core questionnaire can be contextualized for social studies (e.g., self-control); this would allow us to
distinguish whether items are domain general or domain specific.62
Selection of what student factors to contextualize will be guided by the issues paper as well as lessons learned
from item development completed in other subjects (e.g., Reading, Mathematics). For select student factors,
contextualized (e.g., perceptions of social studies) and decontextualized (e.g., perceptions of school) items would
be developed for testing in cognitive interviews in order to determine the appropriate version to administer in the
pilot assessment. Similar to what has been done with other subjects, these items would be asked in the Social
Studies section of the questionnaire and not the Core. For example, contextualized and decontextualized versions
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of self-control items were examined in the Reading and Mathematics cognitive interviews. If cognitive interview
data are inconclusive, similar items may also be tested in the pilot to further inform appropriate versions to ask in
the operational assessment (e.g., administration of different versions of an item to equivalent samples).
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Appendix A: Illustration depicting how items will be selected for the 2018 Operational administration.
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Appendix B: Subject-specific taxonomy: Civics, Geography, & U.S. History Survey Questionnaires
Subject-specific taxonomy: Civics, Geography, & U.S. History Survey Questionnaires
Overview of how issues and sub-issues will be addressed in questionnaires for the three respondent groups
Resources for 1.1
Learning and 1.2
of Instruction
People Resources
Product Resources
Time Resources
Curriculum Content
Instructional Strategies
Civics-Specific Strategies
Geography-Specific Strategies
U.S. History-Specific Strategies
Use of Assessments
Education and Training
Formal Background
Content-Specific Knowledge
Pedagogical Knowledge
Professional Development
Pre-Service Professional Development
In-Service Professional Development
Noncognitive Teacher Factors
Teaching Self-Efficacy/Confidence/Mindset/Student Goals
Social Facets
Student Engagement (Outside of School)
Civic Engagement/Participation [Civics-Specific]
Motivational Facets
Achievement Motivation (Performance, Mastery Goals)
Interest and Attitudes/Enjoyment
Self-Regulatory Facets
Historical Empathy/Perspective Taking [History-Specific]
School Administrator
Notes. X = Respondent group will serve as a primary source of information for the specified issue or sub-issue.
(X) = Respondent group will serve as a secondary source of information for the specified issue or sub-issue. During item development, we will explore the feasibility of using
these secondary sources of information to assess the issue or sub-issue.
This taxonomy will be updated throughout item development based on discussions with NCES, the Civics, Geography, and U.S. History Standing Committees, and the National
Assessment Governing Board.
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Part C-7: 2014 TEL Issues Paper
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TEL “Issues Paper”
Educational Testing Service
Written in preparation for New Item Development for the 2014 Digital Based NAEP
Technology and Engineering Literacy Survey Questionnaires
November 2011
The increasing importance of technology and engineering in education prompted the National
Assessment Governing Board to initiate an assessment of technology and engineering literacy
(TEL) as part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Informed by the
expertise of individuals and organizations from technological and engineering backgrounds, the
National Assessment Governing Board developed a new framework for the cognitive assessment
of TEL principles and applications (WestEd, 2010a). While developing the framework, it
became apparent that various definitions of “technology,” “engineering,” and related terms were
being used inconsistently across various domains. Thus, for the purpose of the TEL assessment,
a broad definition was chosen: “Technology and engineering literacy is the capacity to use,
understand, and evaluate technology as well as to understand technological principles and
strategies needed to develop solutions and achieve goals (WestEd, 2010a, p. xi).”
The purpose of this TEL Issues Paper is to review existing research designed to ensure that the
TEL background questionnaire provides context for reporting student performance on the TEL
assessment and expands understanding of technology and engineering literacy in American
TEL is a new assessment with characteristics very different from other NAEP subjects (e.g., TEL
is not consistently defined in policy or practice nor is it taught as a course in the majority of
American schools). Moreover, unlike previous cognitive assessments, the National Assessment
Governing Board created a document to accompany the framework that recommends guidance
for background questionnaire development (WestEd, 2010b). Therefore, an overview of where
the TEL Issues Paper fits in the background item development process is warranted.
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TEL Background Questionnaire Item Development Process
The atypical nature of the TEL process warrants aligning several components that motivate
questionnaire item development. The following list is presented in order of prioritization
importance. Prioritization importance is based on recognizing that burden constraints require
focusing questionnaire item development on topics and items that stand the best chance of
meeting the needs of as many (preferably all) of the component drivers of questionnaire item
development as possible. The four components are as follows:
1. Technology and Engineering Literacy Framework for the 2014 National Assessment of
Education Progress (TEL Framework)
a. Cognitive Item Development: Assessed Constructs
b. Reporting Goals
2. Technology and Engineering Background Variables for the 2014 National Assessment of
Educational Progress (TEL BQ Guidance Document)
3. Background Information Framework for the National Assessment of Educational
Progress (Background Information Framework)
4. TEL Issues Paper
The TEL Framework motivates cognitive item development by identifying target assessment
areas, constructs, and competencies that will be measured on the TEL assessment. Therefore,
questionnaire item development aims to produce items that attempt to reliably and validly
measure contextual factors (e.g., student educational experiences and school resources) that
might explain differences in student performance. The TEL Framework also motivates reporting
goals, which are types of information that will be used or needed by various stakeholders
regarding categories of performance within each assessment area. Therefore, an expansion of the
aforementioned questionnaire item development research objective is to develop items that
provide reportable survey results based on reliable and valid estimates of measures of contextual
factors that might explain differences in student performance (e.g., more proficient students have
access to more instructional or extracurricular content related to engineering design).
In the past, the Background Information Framework has served as a framework document for the
questionnaires (NAGB 2003). However, in a document (2/7/2011) outlining NCES comments to
the TEL Issues Paper, the Technology and Engineering Background Variables for the 2014
National Assessment of Educational Progress document was referred to as the “guidance
document for [TEL] BQ development.” No other subject-specific framework has ever included a
section to guide background questionnaire development, let alone a standalone guidance paper.
The guidance in this new document is not entirely consistent with the Background Information
Framework. For example, the variables presented lack empirical research evidence to support
their inclusion or relationship to academic achievement.1 In addition, there are too many
variables recommended to administer in light of respondent burden constraints (e.g., 10 minutes
for students) prescribed by the Background Information Framework. Nonetheless, the TEL BQ
Guidance Document provides a wide assortment of potential variables of interest that can be
This is explicitly noted as a challenge on page 5 of the TEL BQ Framework:
There is little research relating variables to achievement in any of the three content areas. As a result, the variables selected
correspond to the kinds of learning activities that are typical for a content area (e.g., in Technology and Society whether students
have explored how introduction of a new technology can change a society). These variables should provide a picture of what is
being taught in the schools in the three content areas. This alone is new and valuable information.
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used as a starting point for item development for different TEL-related topics and constructs.
Moreover, the document provides important guidance as to the intent of the Governing Board
with regard to the contextual factors of interest for stakeholders.
The Background Information Framework is the guiding document for NAEP questionnaire item
development, indicating that the questionnaire items should focus on the following:
Student demographic required reporting categories,
Public policy contextual factors that must be clearly related to academic achievement or
to the fair presentation of achievement results, and
Subject-specific instructional content and practice background factors of interest, based
on previous research.
The latter two foci are the impetus for the development of an issues paper for each cognitive
assessment. An issues paper is a review of existing research to identify contextual factors that are
related to student performance in the subject being assessed. The challenge of identifying
empirical research studies for an issues paper on TEL is significantly greater because of the lack
of common and consistent terminology for terms associated with the subject across disciplines.
Moreover, TEL is an emerging area of inquiry with great diversity and includes empirical
research studies across a vast array of disciplines (e.g., education, physics, engineering, health
sciences, mathematics, sociology, etc.). Feedback from the NCES and the TEL standing
committee has been incorporated into this version of the TEL Issues Paper. TEL, as a concept
and subject, is and will be rapidly developing and changing. Therefore, the TEL Issues Paper
should be seen as a living document that can be revised periodically throughout the background
questionnaire item development process.
Technology and engineering literacy are emerging fields of inquiry. Drawing from the latest
research on the topic, the issues identified for this paper can be classified into four categories.
Availability and Use of Instructional Resources
Organization of Instruction
Teacher Preparation
Student Engagement
Although these issues are presented and discussed as separate topics, they are highly
interconnected; both the issues and (where appropriate) sub-issues are presented in the following
Crosswalk with the TEL Framework and TEL BQ Framework
The TEL Framework established three target assessment areas: Technology and Society (T&S),
Design and Systems (D&S), and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The 2014
NAEP TEL Assessment Framework measures three core areas of interest: “Technology and
Society,” “Design and Systems,” and “Information and Communication Technology” (WestEd,
2010a). Technology and Society addresses the effects that technology has on society and on the
natural world. Design and Systems covers the nature of technology, the engineering design
process, and basic principles of dealing with everyday technologies. Information and
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Communication Technology includes computers and software learning tools, networking
systems and protocols, handheld digital devices, and other technologies for accessing, creating,
and communicating information and for facilitating creative expression (WestEd, 2010a). These
assessment areas are recognized in the following issues that help inform the background
questionnaire development for the upcoming TEL assessment.
The TEL BQ Guidance Document (WestEd, 2010b) recommends several background variable
topics for students, schools, and teachers. The TEL BQ Guidance Document has a particular
focus on variables related to the instruction of technology and engineering in school (WestEd,
2010b). This issue is examined in great detail in the TEL Issues Paper (Issue 2: Organization of
Instruction). The TEL BQ Guidance Document also suggests the importance of understanding the
levels of teachers’ and students’ experience with technology and engineering, both in and out of
school. Research covering engagement in technology and engineering and student achievement
is also discussed in the TEL Issues Paper (Issue 4: Student Engagement).
The topics identified in both the TEL BQ Guidance Document and TEL Issues Paper rarely fit
neatly and completely into one target assessment area, but often overlap across two or all three
assessment areas. While an alternative format for information would be separate sections for
each target assessment area, the overlapping of topics would have resulted in unnecessary
repetition. Therefore, the TEL issues paper presents the topics as categories from the literature
review in a format similar to previous issues papers.
Table 1 provides a crosswalk to align the four main issues (and sub-issues) in the TEL Issues
Paper (column 1), the three target assessment areas in the TEL Framework (column 2) and the
topics of interest identified in the TEL BQ Guidance Document (column 3). The crosswalk also
illustrates the relevant survey respondent group (i.e., questionnaire) for each issue and sub-issue
(column 4). In several cases, teachers are the most appropriate respondent group. However, a
teacher questionnaire is not being administered because of the inability to link teachers to
students by way of a specific course. Therefore, in the crosswalk, when teachers are the most
appropriate respondent group, school is listed with an asterisk (i.e., School*) as the relevant
survey respondent group.
Table 1. Crosswalk to Align Issue Paper with Framework and BQ Framework
TEL Issues Paper
Issue (Sub-issue)
1. Availability and
Use of Instructional
Facilities, Equipment,
and Opportunities
Available to Students
Resources teachers
have available for
TEL Framework
TEL BQ Guidance Document
Topic(s) of Interest
Availability of workshop or laboratory designed
to interest students in engineering and/or
technology. (D&S item)
Availability of computers, projectors, and related
equipment in most classrooms or in a shared
computer lab. (ICT item)
Availability of school resources including:
workshop for building things such as
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Challenges to
Providing Instruction
in Technology and
Engineering Content
2. Organization of
Teaching of
Technology and
Engineering Concepts
Instruction in Skill
Development in
Technology and
woodworking; laboratory designed to interest
students in engineering and/or technology; clubs,
competitions, and exhibits; technology textbooks;
technology magazines and books; supplies or
equipment for technology demonstrations; video
conferencing equipment; etc. (D&S item)
T&S; D&S
Availability of classroom resources including:
desktop or laptop computers for student access;
Internet; handheld mobile devices; data collection
sensors or probes; online software; etc. (ICT
Any challenge to providing instruction in
Technology and Engineering Literacy Content
that the schools may be experiencing (e.g.,
shortage of teachers trained in one or more of the
three content areas; lack of equipment; lack of
internet connectivity; lack of technical support).
Frequency of teaching students how computers,
the Internet, and other digital technologies affect
society. (T&S item)
Frequency of teaching students about careers in
technical fields (e.g., engineer, medical
technician, and computer programmer). (D&S
Frequency of teaching students how to design and
build things. (D&S item)
Frequency of teaching students how to use
computers, the Internet, and other digital
technologies for research, writing, mathematics,
and/or science. (ICT item)
Technology and
Engineering Literacy
Curriculum covering the effects that technology
has on society and on the natural world and with
the sorts of ethical questions that arise from those
effects. (T&S item)
Curriculum covering the nature of technology,
the engineering design process by which
technologies are developed, and basic principles
of dealing with everyday technologies, including
maintenance and troubleshooting. (D&S item)
Curriculum covering computers and software
learning tools; networking systems and protocols;
handheld digital devices; and other technologies
for accessing, creating, and communicating
information and for facilitating creative
expression. (ICT item)
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School Requirements
Technology and
Engineering Literacy
Variables from
Technology and
Society Assessment
Whether the school has requirements regarding
technology and engineering literacy
Whether teacher has had his/her students study
how introducing a new technology can change
society. (Teacher item)
Have students compared the effects that two
different technologies have on the environment.
(Student item)
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Variables from
Design and Systems
Assessment Targets
Variables from
Information and
Assessment Targets
3. Teacher
Teachers’ Preparation
for Providing
Technology and
Whether teacher has had his/her students study
how technologies are invented or improved
through a systematic process. (Teacher item)
Have students built and tested a model to see if it
solves a problem. (Student item)
Have teachers used digital tools to gather and
display information. (Teacher item)
Have students evaluated the accuracy of
information in web sources. (Student item)
Type of preparation in teaching Technology and
Society. (T&S item)
Type of preparation in teaching Design and
Systems. (D&S item)
Type of preparation in teaching Information and
Communications Technology. (ICT item)
Level of Confidence
in Teaching
Technology and
Engineering Literacy
Teacher’s level of confidence in teaching content
related to Technology and Society. (T&S item)
Teacher’s level of confidence in teaching content
related to design and building. (D&S item)
Teacher’s level of confidence in teaching content
related to the use of computers, the Internet, or
other digital technologies. (ICT item)
4. Student
Experience Using
Technology out of
How often do students recycle trash or do other
activities to protect the environment outside of
school. (T&S item)
How often do students take something apart to
see how it works outside of school. (D&S item)
Self-concept/Selfefficacy in using
knowledge and skills
to perform technology
and engineering tasks
How often do students use a computer or other
digital technologies for writing, drawing, or
playing games outside of school. (ICT item)
Student’s level of confidence in ability to
describe and compare humans’ interactions with
technology and the environment. (T&S item)
Student’s level of confidence in ability to design,
build, troubleshoot, and fix something. (D&S
Student’s level of confidence in ability to perform
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NAEP Assessment
Specific Items
tasks using technology for information and
communication. (ICT item)
Whether the student has taken a test on a
computer before today.
Column 2 acronyms: T&S: Technology and Society; D&S: Design and Systems; ICT: Information and
Communication Technologies
* School administrators as respondent group because teacher questionnaire is not being administered.
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Issue 1: Availability and Use of Instructional Resources
The importance of resources is highlighted in the TEL BQ Guidance Document (WestEd 2010b)
and the National Science Education Standards (NRC 1996), which posits that “Effective science
teaching depends on the availability and organization of materials, equipment, media, and
technology” (p. 44). This sentiment also holds true for technology and engineering as the
availability of such resources affects how skills in these fields are learned, taught, and used
(NAE 2009, 2010). Even though current measures of technological leadership (i.e., percentage of
gross domestic product invested in R&D, absolute numbers of researchers, labor productivity,
and high-technology production and exports) still favor the United States, a closer look reveals
several interrelated trends indicating that the United States may have difficulty maintaining its
global leadership in technological innovation over the long term (NAE 2005a). These welldocumented trends include: (1) a large and growing imbalance in federal research funding
between the engineering and physical sciences on the one hand and biomedical and life sciences
on the other; (2) increased emphasis on applied R&D in industry and government-funded
research at the expense of fundamental long-term research; and (3) erosion of the engineering
research infrastructure because of inadequate investment over many years. This conclusion
echoes the findings of other recent assessments by the Council on Competitiveness (2001, 2004),
President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (2002, 2004a, 2004b), National
Science Board (2003), National Academies (COSEPUP 2002; NAE 2003, 2004, 2005b; NRC,
2001), and other distinguished bodies (DOE 2003; National Commission on Mathematics and
Science Teaching for the 21st Century 2000). With these findings in mind, availability of school
resources comprises three relevant sub-issues: engineering resources, availability of computers
and Internet access, and human infrastructure.
Engineering Resources
One result of the stagnation of federal investment in engineering research has been the
deterioration of the engineering infrastructure at many K–12 schools. Many schools operate in
old facilities, with outdated laboratory equipment and insufficient technological resources (NAE
Availability of Computers and Internet Access
As pointed out in the TEL BQ Guidance Document, items related to the availability of computers
appear in other background questionnaires, including the school and teacher core background
questionnaires (WestEd 2010b). This reflects the importance of technology literacy involving
computers and the usefulness of knowing the extent of availability and use of such technology
resources in schools (Ogle et al. 2002). In fact, the TEL BQ Guidance Document suggests asking
the following questions of school administrators regarding the availability of technology,
computers, and the Internet: “Availability of computers, projectors, and related equipment in
most classrooms or in a shared computer lab” (WestEd 2010b, p. 12) and “Availability of
classroom resources including: desktop or laptop computers for student access; Internet;
handheld mobile devices; data collection sensors or probes; online software; etc.” (WestEd
2010b, p. 18). Both computer availability and Internet access in K-12 schools are discussed
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Computer Availability
U. S. schools have made great strides in improving access to computer technology as indicated
by the average national student-to-instructional computer ratio and student-to-instructionalmultimedia computer ratio of 5:1 and 10:1, respectively (CEO Forum on Education and
Technology 2000). In 2008, the national student-to-instructional computer ratio was even much
lower, at 3.8:1 (Education Week: Technology Counts 2008).
Internet Access
Internet connectivity in U. S. schools has increased substantially since 1994 (Williams 2000).
Internet availability in public schools is usually presented as the percentage of classrooms and
computer labs with Internet access or as the percentage of public schools with Internet access
(Ogle et al. 2002). Several studies (Kleiner and Farris 2002; Kleiner and Lewis 2003; Parsad and
Jones 2005) have documented a substantial increase in the number of schools and instruction
rooms with Internet connectivity. According to Kleiner and Farris, the percentage of public
schools with Internet access more than doubled from 35 percent in 1994 to 99 percent in 2001.
The number of instruction rooms with Internet access steadily increased from 3 percent in 1994
to 93 percent in 2003 (Kleiner and Farris 2002; Parsad and Jones 2005). However, characteristics
such as school level, size, locale, poverty level, and socioeconomic factors have been found to
impact the availability of Internet access. Specifically, higher percentages of Internet access are
more likely to be found in: high schools compared to elementary schools, schools that are
medium or large in size compared to smaller schools, urban and city schools compared to rural
schools, and lower poverty schools compared to higher poverty schools (Cattagni and Farris
2001; CEO Forum on Education and Technology 2001a, 2001b; National Post Secondary
Education Cooperative 2004; Parsad and Jones 2005).
Availability of Human Infrastructure
More than other school innovations, technology and engineering innovations require institutional
support because the resources and knowledge required for implementing and maintaining
modern computing technology is often beyond an individual teacher’s abilities (Duncan et al.
2007; Zhao et al. 2002). For example, having students exchange e-mails with each other in the
classroom requires computers installed, electric outlets wired or rewired, network connections
established, and student e-mail accounts created. Teachers are not expected to accomplish any of
these tasks without interacting with the administration and a wide range of support personnel
(Zhao et al. 2002).
Zhao et al. (2002) uses the term human infrastructure to describe the organizational arrangement
to support technology integration in the classroom. Zhao et al. (2002) reports that the availability
of human infrastructure has a strong mediating effect on the success of technological innovations
at schools. Human infrastructure includes, but is not limited to, a flexible and responsive
technical staff, knowledgeable and communicative groups of people who can help a teacher
understand and use technologies for his or her own classroom needs, and a supportive and
informed administrative staff. Human infrastructure also includes institutionalized policies and
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procedures related to technology issues, such as hardware and software purchases, professional
development, and student access to computers and the Internet.
Issue 2: Organization of Instruction
Organization of technology and engineering instruction is conceptualized as encompassing three
sub-issues: content standards, curriculum content, and instructional strategies.
Content Standards
Historically, technology and engineering have not received the same level of attention and focus
as the fields of science and math (NAE 2010). On one hand, technology education has a long
history (Herschbach, 2009), a small but dedicated teacher corps (Dugger 2007), and, as of 2000,
a set of standards specifying what students should know and be able to do to be considered
technologically literate (ITEA 2000). In contrast, engineering education has only recently begun
to make its way into the K–12 classrooms, and there are currently no national standards
specifying what students should know and be taught. Both technology and engineering content
standards are discussed separately below.
Content Standards for K–12 Technology Education
Despite a sustained campaign by the International Technology Education Association (ITEA)
and others, technology education is only slowly gaining acceptance. Numerous individuals—
including many educators—confuse it with classes that train students to use computers. Today,
classes in technology education are offered in less than half of the school districts around the
country, and only 12 states require completion of a technology education course by students
graduating high school (Dugger 2007). Furthermore, many preparatory technology education
teacher programs have either closed or reduced their number of graduates (Gray & Daugherty
2004). Consequently, there are far fewer technology education teachers working in U.S. schools
than science or mathematics teachers, and far fewer students are taking technology education
classes than classes in science and mathematics (Gray & Daugherty 2004).
Some of the specific goals of K–12 technology education are described in Standards for
Technological Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology (ITEA 2000). To meet those
standards, K–12 students must develop competencies in five areas: the nature of technology,
technology and society, design, abilities for a technological world, and the designed world. The
first three competencies are self-explanatory and are very similar in nature to the three core areas
of interest that are to be measured in the 2014 TEL assessment (WestEd 2010a). The fourth and
fifth competencies, while appearing different, are also similar to the three TEL assessment areas
(Technology and Society, Design and Systems, and ICT). The fourth competency, “abilities for a
technological world,” requires that students know how to use and maintain everyday
technologies and be able to assess the effects of using different technologies on society and the
environment. The fifth competency, “the designed world,” requires an understanding of
technologies in specific areas, such as medicine, agriculture, and information and
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Content Standards for K–12 Engineering Education
Even though standards have been a major element in education reform in the United States for
more than 20 years, K–12 engineering education is currently being taught without accepted
content standards to define what students should know and be able to do (NAE, 2010). Existing
standards in other subjects (e.g., science and technology education) include connections to
engineering; however, there are no separate, comprehensive, grade-by-grade standards for
engineering in K–12 education. Many feel that the creation of standards for a subject new to
most classrooms can make a statement about the importance of the subject for students, and for
society at large, and could help create an identity for engineering as a separate and important
discipline in the overall curriculum on a par with more established disciplines (NAE 2010). This
was an important goal, for example, of the technology education community when it developed
the Standards for Technological Literacy (ITEA 2000).
The Committee on Standards for K–12 Engineering Education, a group of experts on diverse
subjects working with the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the National Research
Council, conducted a two-year study to assess the potential value and feasibility of developing
and implementing content standards for engineering education at the K–12 level in the United
States (NAE 2010). In working on this project, the committee collected and reviewed
information about standards and documents for precollege engineering education developed by
the United States and by other nations, including Australia, England, Wales, France, Germany,
and South Africa (DeVries 2009). The committee concluded that, although it is theoretically
possible to develop standards for K–12 engineering education, it would be extremely difficult to
ensure their usefulness and effective implementation. This conclusion was supported by several
key findings.
First, there is relatively limited experience with K–12 engineering education in United States’
elementary and secondary schools (NAE 2010). This is perhaps the most serious argument
against developing content standards for K–12 engineering education. Although there has been a
considerable increase in the last 5 to 10 years, the number of K–12 students, teachers, and
schools engaged in engineering education is still extremely small compared to the numbers for
almost every other school subject (NAE 2010).
Second, there are not enough teachers qualified to deliver engineering instruction. For standards
to have a chance of succeeding, there must be teachers willing and able to deliver engineering
instruction (NAE 2010). Although no precise threshold number has been determined, based on
the committee’s experience with the development of standards in other subjects, the committee
concluded that 10 percent would be a reasonable minimum. However, meeting this requirement
would necessitate a teaching force in the K–12 educational system that would be much larger
than the current estimated K–12 engineering teaching force (NCES 2008).
Third, evidence regarding the impact of standards-based educational reforms on student learning
in other subjects, such as mathematics and science, is inconclusive. For example, in a metaanalysis conducted by Harris and Goertz (2008), the authors note that standards that succeed in
changing what is taught may do little to change how classroom instruction is delivered. For this
reason, they conclude that the impact of creating standards is frequently not as decisive as
advocates hope. This has also been found to be true with engineering. According to the most
recent data available, 40 states have adopted or adapted the Standards for Technological Literacy
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(ITEA 2000). Of these, only 12 require students to take at least one technology education course
(Dugger 2007). In addition, it is not clear whether these state standards include the engineering
content of the national technological literacy standards. More importantly, the NAE (2010)
committee could not find reliable data indicating how many states assess student learning in
engineering. Without the pressure of an assessment, particularly an assessment with
consequences tied to student performance, teachers may have little incentive to teach
The final concern is that we may not know enough about the teaching and learning of
engineering at the K–12 level to develop credible standards (NAE 2010). There appears to be a
growing agreement on the central importance of the design process in K–12 engineering
education; a handful of core ideas, such as when specific engineering ideas or concepts should be
introduced and at what level of complexity. In addition, opinions differ on how engineering
concepts connect with one another and with concepts in mathematics and science (NAE 2009).
Indeed, standards that encourage separate treatment of engineering may make it more difficult to
leverage the connections between engineering, science, and mathematics, potentially reducing
the positive effects of engineering on student interest and learning in these domains (NAE 2009,
It was for these reasons that the committee concluded that the development of national standards
for K–12 engineering education is unwise at this time (NAE 2010). Instead, the committee
suggests other approaches to increasing the presence and improving the quality of K–12
engineering education in the United States. (For a full report of the committee’s findings and
recommendations for engineering education see NAE 2010.)
Curriculum Content
Technology and engineering curricula vary greatly in focus, content, and requirements, in part,
because of the lack of content standards that was covered in the previous section. The curricula
span a range of purposes that include encouraging students to pursue careers in engineering,
increasing technological literacy, and improving student performance in science and
mathematics (NAE 2009). A review by Silk and Schunn (2008) of national and international
content standards in both technology and engineering education uncovered that the majority of
empirical research focuses on four concepts: (1) trade-offs, (2) structure-behavior-function, (3)
emergent properties, and (4) multiple variables. Each concept will be briefly discussed. (For a
full review of these concepts see NAE 2009.)
A trade-off is a situation that involves losing one quality or aspect of something in return for
gaining another quality or aspect. It implies a decision to be made with full comprehension of
both the upside and downside of a particular choice. Trade-offs are an important concept in
engineering and technology (Otto and Antonsson 1991). For example, in electrical engineering,
negative feedback is used in amplifiers to trade gain for other desirable properties, such as
improved bandwidth, stability of the gain and/or bias point, noise immunity, and reduction of
nonlinear distortion. In computer science, a trade-off is a tool of the trade. A program can often
run faster if it uses more memory (a space-time tradeoff). For example, by compressing an
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image, you can reduce transmission time/costs at the expense of CPU time to perform the
compression and decompression.
Based on their review of the literature, Silk and Schunn (2008) concluded that because K–12
students are unlikely to have a normative understanding of interactions among variables in a
general sense, they may not easily come to a conceptual understanding of trade-offs.
Nevertheless, some research studies (Acredelo et al. 1984; Zohar 1995) have shown that younger
students may have some kinds of understanding that can be a basis for a more complete grasp of
the trade-off concept.
Structure-behavior-function (SBF) is a framework for representing a system and can be used to
describe both natural and designed systems. SBF relates the components (structures) in a system
to their purpose (function) in the system and the mechanisms that enable them to perform their
functions (behavior). The SBF framework has been used to explain designed physical systems,
such as electrical devices (Goel 1991; Goel and Bhatta 2004), as well as to represent the process
of design as conducted by experienced technology designers (Gero and Kannengiesser 2004).
Emergent Properties
Not all systems are appropriately analyzed in terms of simple causal behaviors or a direct, linear
sequence of events. Therefore, another prominent framework for understanding systems is
emergent properties (Silk and Schunn 2008). Emergent properties focus on the behaviors that
emerge from the dynamic interactions between components within the system. Emergent
behaviors occur when the global, aggregate, or macro level behavior of a system emerges from
the local, simple, or micro level interactions of the individual elements or components within the
system. In these cases, the aggregate level behavior is not just a sum of the individual component
behaviors, but is qualitatively distinct. Emergent properties are a central part of many engineered
systems that are commonly found today, including highways, the Internet, and the U.S. power
grid (Ottino 2004), so understanding about these types of systems is important for engineers and
technicians who intend to work in these fields.
Multiple Variables
The goal of engineering is to design products or processes that result in predictable outcomes
within a given set of resource and other constraints. In almost all real-world products or
processes there are typically a large number and wide range of input variables that can be
manipulated in the design of an effective solution. Knowing which of these variables have a
causal effect on the outcome is thus of central importance in engineering design and is the basis
for the concept of multiple variables (Silk and Schunn 2008).
Instructional Strategies
Based on the reviews of the literature (NAE 2009; Silk & Schunn 2008), three important
principles about effective approaches to curriculum development and classroom practice were
identified: (1) the allocation of sufficient classroom time, (2) student engagement in iterative
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design activities, and; (3) sequencing of instruction that moves from easier- to- learn concepts to
more- difficult- to- learn concepts (NAE 2009).
Sufficient Classroom Time
Core technology and engineering ideas and skills cannot be developed in a single class period.
These ideas and skills must be developed and elaborated through extended investigations that
give students time to engage in the full engineering process of design and redesign. In every
successful intervention reviewed, Silk & Schunn (2008) found that significant learning in
technology and engineering resulted only after students were given sufficient, often extended,
time for activities (NAE 2009).
Iterative, Purposeful Revisions of Designs, Ideas, and Models
Research has shown that iterative, purposeful modeling appears to be central to helping both
engineering and technology students to a more sophisticated understanding of salient ideas or
skills (Gainsburg 2006; NAE 2009). Modeling can take the form of a physical design or a
conceptual, graphical, mathematical, or diagrammatic design. The models help students answer
particular questions based on their analysis of previous designs and, as iterations continue, the
questions become increasingly specific and operationally defined, thus increasingly purposeful.
As models are developed, revised, and refined over time, students begin to understand ideas in
deeper ways (Gainsburg 2006; NersessianN et al. 2003; Nersessian and Patton, in press).
Sequencing Instruction from Easier to More Difficult Ideas
The third important instructional strategy is that knowledge builds on itself. Therefore, a simple
understanding of an idea is likely to precede a more complex understanding, and so on. This
applies to learning concepts and skills in both engineering and technology classes (NAE 2009).
Of course, the learning progressions, types of ideas, and depth of exploration of these ideas must
be adapted for different grade levels (Duschl et al. 2007). Unfortunately at this time, the
literature on teaching core technology and engineering concepts is not sufficient to make specific
recommendations about sequencing instruction (NAE 2009).
Issue 3: Teacher Preparation
Professional Development
Since technology and, specifically, engineering are developing areas of content for K–12
schools, professional training for teachers is still in its infancy. However, in a national sample of
public schools, the National Center for Education Statistics found that about 70 percent of
schools agreed that their teachers were sufficiently trained in the use of technology, and 64
percent agreed that teachers were sufficiently trained to integrate technology into the classroom
(Gray, Thomas, & Lewis 2010). Some resources that support teacher professional development
can be found online. For example, The National Science Digital Library (NSDL),,
funded by the National Science Foundation, provides teachers with science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics resources for educational and research purposes. The resources
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include, for example, video, audio, images, and lesson plans, and allow teachers the opportunity
to collaborate with colleagues through blogging, digital workspaces, and discussion boards.
Although some development resources are online, most of the professional development
activities identified in the literature are in-service rather than pre-service programs that provide
supplemental education based on specific curricula for teachers already working in the classroom
(NAE 2009). One advantage of such professional development is that teachers gain an in-depth
understanding of the purpose of the materials and firsthand experience with some of the
difficulties and successes students might encounter. Education researchers have identified
common characteristics of effective in-service professional development programs for teachers.
In a discussion of in-service programs for K–12 science educators, Mundry (2007) identified the
following requirements:
Clear and challenging goals for student learning;
Adequate time, follow-up, and continuity;
Coherence with local policy, teachers’ goals, and state standards;
Active, research-based learning;
Critical reflection on practice to support a collaborative professional culture; and
Evaluation of teacher and student gains resulting from professional development.
Mundry (2007) notes that professional development sustained over time is more likely to be
coherent, have a clear focus, and support active learning than “one-shot” workshops and other
limited interventions. Opinions differ on the necessary number of hours, but most experts agree
that single experiences are not likely to support teacher competence or confidence (e.g., NCES
Recent research has shown that teachers’ participation in professional development with respect
to engineering has been beneficial in increasing the understanding of engineering-related
concepts for both teachers and students (Duncan, Cox, and Diefes-Dux 2007). A study conducted
by Lyons and Thompson (2006) demonstrated that when elementary and middle school science
and mathematics teachers were paired with engineering professors and graduate students over the
course of three years, the teachers’ students significantly gained in their understanding of
engineering compared with control students whose teachers were not paired with engineering
professors or graduate students. Specifically, the students had a better understanding of the
various engineering fields and the diversity within the discipline and they were able to recognize
the cognitive processes related to engineering.
Teacher Attitudes about Technology and Engineering
Research has found that teacher beliefs and attitudes about technology contribute greatly to their
subsequent incorporation of technology in their classrooms (Duncan et al. 2007; Russell et al.
2003; Zhao 2003). Findings from Project Tomorrow’s 2007 Speak Up Survey, which surveyed
25,544 K–12 teachers from across the country with a focus on attitudes about science education,
revealed that depending on the level of comfort with technology, teachers used different
strategies in their classroom. Specifically, teachers who identified themselves as advanced in
their technological capabilities were more likely to use multimedia and interactive simulations
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when teaching scientific concepts than teachers who considered themselves average or beginner
(Project Tomorrow and PASCO Scientific 2008).
Furthermore, a recent report by the National Education Association (2008) revealed that overall,
teachers consider technology as having a positive impact on their job. The report included
responses from 1,934 K–12 educators across the nation and found that 86 percent of public
school teachers believed that technology increased their efficiency in their job performance, and
88 percent felt that technology improved their overall effectiveness in their job. Moreover and,
perhaps most importantly, 89 percent believed that technology was essential to teaching and
learning (National Education Association 2008). Similar findings from an NCES survey found
that 93 percent of school administrators felt that teachers were interested in using technology in
classroom instruction (Gray et al. 2010).
Given that engineering is not traditionally part of the K–12 curriculum, many teachers are
apprehensive about attempting to teach engineering-related subjects and often hold many
misconceptions and negative attitudes about engineering (Cunningham et al. 2006; Duncan et al.
2007). A large number of teachers have a limited view of engineering and believe that the
primary engineering activities are construction as well as electrical and auto repair (Cunningham
et al. 2006). With some teachers having incomplete knowledge about engineering, it is not
surprising that similar misconceptions are found among students (Duncan et al. 2007).
Issue 4: Student Engagement
One of the claims most often made about K–12 technology and engineering education is that
engagement in these areas improves learning and achievement in science and mathematics. The
idea is that if students are taught science and mathematics concepts and skills while solving
technology, engineering, or engineering-like problems, they will be able to grasp these concepts
and learn these skills more easily and retain them, because technology and engineering can
provide real-world context to what are otherwise very abstract concepts (NAE 2009).
Although the amount of quality research on student engagement is limited, there is evidence that
technology and engineering education can enhance learning and achievement in science and
mathematics. For example, a student impact study conducted by Harcourt Education
Measurement found that elementary, middle, and secondary school students using Internet-based
real-time data and telecollaborative projects showed statistically significant gains in their science
and mathematics learning, measured via pretest and posttest school assessments (Yepes-Baraya
Additionally, there is some evidence suggesting that academically successful students engage in
and use technology in different ways than low achieving students. In a study by Wenglinsky
(2005), student technology use and achievement on the NAEP U.S. history assessment was
examined. In general, students with higher NAEP U.S. history scores reported higher rates of
using word processing programs and using computers for creating charts, tables, and graphs and
completing school projects than students with lower NAEP history scores. Finally, the study
found that students with higher NAEP history scores were more likely to use computers to
communicate through e-mail and Internet chat groups. The author suggests that having e-mail
access gives students more opportunity to discuss readings, homework assignments, and projects
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in various classes (Wenglinsky 2005).
However, it is important to note that such positive effects are not universal, and the research has
not clearly established the causal mechanisms to explain such benefits when they occur (NAE
2009). For example, students who had participated in “Engineering is Elementary,” a program
developed by the Boston Museum of Science that integrates engineering and technology with
science content for elementary students, showed improvement in a posttest measuring science
and engineering knowledge (Lachapelle and Cunningham 2007). Unfortunately, there was no
control group for comparison in this study. In another study, students who had taken the
“Engineering Our Future New Jersey” course, which is offered in 32 elementary, middle, and
high schools in the state, demonstrated significant improvements in scores on both science and
mathematics achievement tests. However, in this study the results were not disaggregated, and no
measure of variance was provided. Thus, it is not known if the gains were uniform or if some
subgroups were more or less impacted (Hotaling et al. 2007).
Likewise, studies examining the potential of K–12 technology and engineering to differentially
affect mathematics and science achievement among girls and underrepresented minorities have
also yielded inconsistent findings. In a study by Cantrel et al. (2006), university faculty were
paired with middle school science teachers to create three units that included engineering designs
using a variety of interactive learning activities in order to engage a wide range of students. The
units included an Internet-based simulation activity, lesson plans, a design project, and a student
assessment. Results of assessments were disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, special education,
and socioeconomic level. Pre-post-assessment data showed that while the achievement gap for
African American and Latin American students narrowed, the achievement gap for girls actually
increased (Cantrel et al. 2006). Similarly, Barnett (2005) reported on a study of inner city, low
SES, predominantly ethnic minority high school students that included a significant population
of English language learners and many students with disabilities. All of these students had
participated in a project that involved designing remotely operated vehicles. Pre-post data
revealed that, overall, students’ understanding of physics had improved. However, the
improvement did not translate to higher scores on a districtwide final exam in physics.
Overall, there is only limited evidence for many of the predicted or claimed benefits for K–12
technology and engineering education. This does not mean that the benefits do not exist, but it
does confirm that relatively few well-designed, carefully executed studies have been conducted
on this subject (NAE 2009).
Student Technology Use Outside of School
Student technology use outside of school is pervasive, with students using computers, cell
phones, and other digital devices for various purposes, such as helping with schoolwork, socially
networking with friends and family, entertaining themselves, and researching. Through their
collection of data from a nationally representative sample of 1,100 students aged 12 to 17, the
Pew Internet and American Life Project (Lenhart, Madden, and Hitlin 2005) found that 87
percent of students go online from home; the predominant activities that students engaged in
online included: sending or reading e-mails, accessing websites for entertainment-related
information, playing games, and reading news and current events stories. Results from NCES
(DeBell and Chapman 2005) found similar findings from their national survey of 29,075 students
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enrolled in nursery school and grades K–12, that students’ online activity mainly included game
playing, e-mailing, and completing homework. Furthermore, the report revealed that household
characteristics also impact whether students are likely to use computers and the Internet, namely
that students are more likely to use computers and the Internet at home, for example, if they are
living with a parent who has graduate schooling or if they have families with high incomes.
Educational and Career Expectations
Whether students show interest in a particular content area may also relate to their subsequent
career choice (e.g., Holland 1997; Lubinski 2000). For instance, Tai et al. (2006) analyzed data
from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988, which included mathematics and
science achievement test scores and tracked the students who had both provided responses
concerning their career expectations as eighth graders and obtained baccalaureate degrees by the
year 2000. The sample included 3,359 students, and results indicated that those who expressed
interest in a science-related career in eighth grade were about three-and-a-half times more likely
to earn science and engineering degrees than students with a nonscience career expectation.
Furthermore, students who were only average mathematics performers but expected to have a
science-related career were about three times more likely to obtain science or engineering
degrees than students who were high mathematical performers without a science-related career
expectation. Thus, it appears that early interest in science can shape students’ pursuit of a
science-related career.
Out-of-school Learning
Exposure to science outside of school is perhaps one avenue to increase students’ interest in this
content area. The importance of students participating in ‘informal learning’ activities is
widespread and support can be found, for example, in the National Science Education Standards
(National Research Council 1996) which states that “many communities have access to science
centers and museums, as well as to the science communities in higher education, national
laboratories, and industry; these can contribute greatly to the understanding of science and
encourage students to further interests outside of school (p. 45).” Informal learning is described
as learning that can be accomplished in any environment, can be unstructured, spontaneous,
voluntary, and motivation is predominantly intrinsic (Eshach 2007). Recently, Education Week
published a special report on the topic of informal science education (April 6, 2011). The articles
showcased various programs that states have adopted to try to engage students outside of the
classroom in science-related activities in order to enhance students’ interest. For example, in
Albuquerque, New Mexico, a science center regularly hosts Family Science Night providing
hands-on experiments for students and their families, and the Minnesota Zoo offers an online
educational game with the intent of teaching students about ecology by simulating Yellowstone
National Park.
The National Research Council (2009) established the Committee on Learning Science in
Informal Environments, tasked with investigating and assessing nonacademic, informal settings
designed for science learning. Composed of 14 experts from various disciplines including
science, psychology, and education, the committee concluded that, individuals do learn science
in nonschool settings. Environments such as museums and zoos, or media including radio,
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television, and the Internet, can encourage interest in science and may influence academic
achievement for students, as well as provide inspiration for adopting science-related careers. The
committee also developed a framework that demonstrates the necessary capabilities that informal
environments should exhibit in order to support science learning, for instance, individuals
should: (1) have an experience that generates excitement and motivation to learn about science;
(2) understand, retain, and apply the knowledge learned; (3) make observations; and explore and
manipulate science-related concepts; (4) comprehend science as a mechanism of knowing; (5)
discover and participate in science activities with others; and (6) view themselves as learners of
Summary of Concepts to Explore for Background Questionnaire Item Development
The purpose of this paper was to examine existing research and identify concepts to consider for
item development for the NAEP TEL background questionnaires. Additional research should be
conducted by the item development team to identify whether these concepts can be measured
accurately and reliably. Existing research, emerging research, and feedback from the Governing
Board, NCES, and appropriate experts will be consulted during the process of item development.
The following is a summary of the concepts identified from the literature review that would best
ensure that the TEL background questionnaires provide context for reporting student
performance on the TEL assessment and expand understanding of technology and engineering
literacy in American education.
Issue 1: Availability and Use of Instructional Resources
o Many schools operate in old facilities and with outdated laboratory equipment.
Computer and Internet Access
o U.S. schools have made great strides in improving access to computer technology,
as indicated by the average national student-to-instructional computer ratio and
student-to-instructional-multimedia computer ratio.
o Internet connectivity in U.S. schools has increased substantially since 1994
(Williams 2000).
Human Infrastructure
o Technology innovations require institutional support because the resources and
knowledge is often beyond an individual teacher’s abilities (Duncan et al. 2007;
Zhao et al. 2002).
o The availability of human infrastructure has a strong mediating effect on the
success of technological innovations at schools (Zhao et al. 2002).
Issue 2: Organization of Instruction
Content Standards
o Content Standards for Technology
Some of the specific goals of K–12 technology education are described in
Standards for Technological Literacy: Content for the Study of
Technology (ITEA 2000).
To meet those standards, K–12 students must develop competencies in five
areas: the nature of technology, technology and society, design, abilities
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for a technological world, and the designed world.
o Content Standards for Engineering
Currently no standards of curriculum content exist for K–12 engineering.
Although it is theoretically possible to develop standards for K–12
engineering education, it would be extremely difficult to ensure their
usefulness and effective implementation.
This conclusion was supported by several key findings.
1. There is relatively limited experience with K–12 engineering
education in U.S. elementary and secondary schools.
2. There are not enough teachers qualified to deliver engineering
3. Evidence regarding the impact of standards-based educational
reforms on student learning in other subjects, such as mathematics
and science, is inconclusive.
4. We may not know enough about the teaching and learning of
engineering at the K–12 level to develop credible standards.
Curriculum Content
o Technology and engineering curricula vary greatly in focus, content, and
requirements because of the lack of content standards.
o A review by Silk and Schunn (2008) of national and international content
standards in both technology and engineering education uncovered that the
majority of empirical research focuses on four concepts:
1. Trade-offs
2. Structure-behavior-function
3. Emergent properties
4. Multiple variables
Instructional Strategies
o Based on the reviews of the literature, three important principles about effective
approaches to curriculum development and classroom practice were identified:
The allocation of sufficient classroom time
Student engagement in iterative design activities
Sequencing of instruction that moves from easier-to-learn concepts to moredifficult-to-learn concepts.
Issue 3: Teacher Preparation
Professional Development
o Most of the professional-development activities identified in the literature are inservice rather than pre-service programs that provide supplemental education
based on specific curricula for teachers already working in the classroom.
o Mundry (2007) notes that professional development sustained over time is more
likely to be coherent, have a clear focus, and support active learning than “oneshot” workshops and other limited interventions.
o Opinions differ on the necessary number of hours, but most experts agree that
single experiences are not likely to support teacher competence or confidence
(e.g., NCES 2001).
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Teacher Attitudes
o Research has found that teacher beliefs and attitudes about technology contribute
greatly to their subsequent incorporation of technology in their classrooms
(Duncan et al. 2007; Russell et al. 2003; Zhao 2003).
o Since engineering is not traditionally part of the K–12 curriculum, many teachers
are apprehensive about attempting to teach engineering-related subjects and
often hold many misconceptions and negative attitudes about engineering
(Cunningham, Lachapelle, and Lindgren-Streicher 2006; Duncan et al. 2007).
Issue 4: Student Engagement
Student Engagement
o The available research suggests that under certain circumstances, technology and
engineering education can boost learning and achievement in science and
mathematics. However, the positive effects are not universal, and research has
not clearly established the causal mechanism(s) to explain such benefits when
they occur.
o Student technology use outside of school is pervasive, with students using
computers, cell phones, and other digital devices for various purposes, such as
helping with schoolwork, socially networking with friends and family,
entertaining themselves, and researching.
o Whether students show interest in particular content areas may also relate to their
subsequent career choices (e.g., Holland 1997; Lubinski 2000).
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Part C-8: 2015 NIES Issues Paper
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NIES “Issues Paper”
Educational Testing Service
Written in preparation for New Item Development for the 2015 Paper-and-Pencil
National Indian Education Study Survey Questionnaires
August 2013
The National Indian Education Study (NIES), is being conducted by the National Center for
Education Statistics on behalf of the Office of Indian Education, in partial fulfillment of Executive
Order 13336, American Indian and Alaska Native Education1. This order [13336] recognizes the
responsibility of the federal government to assist American Indian and Alaska Native students in
meeting the challenging academic standards of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 in a manner
that is consistent with tribal traditions, languages, and cultures.
Section 3 of the Executive Order calls for a research agenda that will
1. compile comprehensive data on the academic achievement and progress of American
Indian or Alaska Native students,
2. identify practices and methods that raise the academic achievement of American Indian
or Alaska Native students, and
3. assess the role of native language and culture on the development of strategies that
improve academic achievement for American Indian or Alaska Native students.
The Executive Order [13336] has been revoked by President Obama in December 2011 (Executive Order 13592:
Improving American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and
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The issues and themes to be addressed in the survey component of the NIES reflect the concerns
identified by Executive Order 13336. They were developed by NCES in consultation with the
Technical Review Panel of American Indian and Alaska Native educators and researchers
assembled to advise the NIES and have been used to report the results of the 2005 NIES.
Issues addressed by the NIES student, teacher, and school administrator questionnaires can be
organized into five broad themes:
1. To what extent are American Indian or Alaska Native culture and language part of
the curricula?
2. How available are school resources for improving American Indian or Alaska Native
student achievement?
3. How assessment information is used by schools with American Indian or Alaska
Native student populations?
4. How are American Indian tribes or Alaska Native groups or villages involved with
the schools?
5. How do American Indian and Alaska Native students, teachers, and schools feel
about education?
The remainder of this NIES Issues Paper is organized around these five themes, and several points
within these themes are addressed specifically.
Theme 1: To what extent are American Indian or Alaska Native culture
and language part of the curricula?
American Indian and Alaska Native students receive schooling in such a variety of settings that
understanding the degree to which culture plays a part in the curricula in various schools at which
they attend is essential. For largely urban schools in areas where American Indian or Alaska Native
students are a minority, the concept of allowing this culture to play a part in developing the
curricula may come as a surprise; however, for those schools located on a reservation or in another
setting where the majority of students are American Indian or Alaska Native, this may seem like an
obvious concept, thus highlighting the need for further understanding of how schools use culture
and language in the development of curricula. In addition, Executive Order 13336 places a special
emphasis on examining the impact and role of native language and culture in the development of
educational strategies to improve academic achievement for American Indian or Alaska Native
students. The extent to and manner in which native cultures and languages are used in the
classroom, the principles that shape instruction, and the tools used to assess American Indian or
Alaska Native students should all be explored.
General emphasis on American Indian or Alaska Native culture in the
While teachers frequently introduce supplementary activities that celebrate the diversity of their
students, the NIES focus is on exploring a deeper integration of an American Indian or Alaska
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Native student’s background in the curriculum. Schools with a high concentration of American
Indian or Alaska Native students may infuse references to American Indian or Alaska Native
culture and history, as well as references to contemporary American Indian or Alaska Native issues
and experiences, throughout their curriculum. Whether or not the school employs this type of broad
curricular emphasis, it is still possible to offer instruction to some or all students on various facets
of native culture and history.
Classroom activities that reference American Indian or Alaska Native culture
Because the achievement estimates derived for the NIES study will focus on reading and
mathematics, these curricular areas have also been selected for detailed probing with regard to the
emphasis on American Indian or Alaska Native culture in the curriculum.
Using students’ American Indian or Alaska Native languages in subject-area
Schools might choose to use the students’ own American Indian or Alaska Native languages in
subject-area instruction for a variety of reasons, such as facilitating subject-area comprehension or
strengthening students’ linguistic heritage.
Preparation for teaching American Indian or Alaska Native students
The number of years teachers have worked at the school where they are currently employed will, in
the case of schools with large American Indian or Alaska Native populations, give some indication
of their experience with native cultures. Other factors may be membership in an American Indian
tribe or Alaska Native group or village and knowledge of relevant tribal/village languages. Specific
preparation for teaching American Indian or Alaska Native students will include college
coursework, workshops and in-services, independent study, and other options. For teachers with
students who require assistance in English-language learning, qualification for teaching ELL or
Bilingual Education is also a factor.
Theme 2: How available are school resources for improving American
Indian or Alaska Native student achievement?
The resources available for instruction affect how students perform and encompass more than
everyday classroom tools. Funding for schools, preparation for teaching American Indian or Alaska
Native students, and the use of formal and informal resources by teachers for continuous learning
all provide for a potential increase in student achievement. Within the context of the NIES survey, a
particular focus is given to how these resources are expended or used in relation to American Indian
or Alaska Native students.
Use of formal and informal resources for continuous learning
The extent to which a teacher continues to use various resources—such as websites, professional
journals and other magazines, workshops, and consultation with local experts including other
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teachers—in order to improve the academic performance of American Indian or Alaska Native
students should also be considered.
School control and funding
The schools that serve American Indian or Alaska Native students may be public or non-public;
regular public, charter public, or alternative; or directly managed by the Bureau of Indian Education
(BIE) or managed through a BIE tribal contract or grant. Funding used to augment the education of
American Indian or Alaska Native students may come to the school from a variety of sources
including formula and discretionary grants under Indian Education; the Impact Aid Program; Title
I, Title II, Title III, Title VII or other bilingual or ESL funds; Johnson-O’Malley grants; and Alaska
Native Education Programs.
Theme 3: How is assessment information used by schools with
American Indian or Alaska Native student populations?
The use of assessment information can give schools a guide to determine how well they are doing
in providing a learning environment for American Indian or Alaska Native students, as well as
helping to increase the ability of educators and administrators to understand the needs of these
Standards and assessments that shape instruction for American Indian or
Alaska Native students
Increasingly, the content of instruction is guided by principles that dictate what students must know
and be able to do. One way for schools to support and encourage culturally-relevant instruction for
American Indian or Alaska Native students, therefore, is to adopt the use of specific American
Indian or Alaska Native content or cultural principles that lay out guidelines for such instruction as
well as assessments developed by American Indian or Alaska Native groups. Various kinds of
assessments are used to evaluate student progress and plan appropriate instruction, and these also
influence the ways in which students experience the curriculum.
Theme 4: How are American Indian tribes or Alaska Native groups or
villages involved with the schools?
The presence in and involvement with schools by American Indian or Alaska Native communities
is important as it can show the degree to which a school is giving attention to the needs of those
students. It can increase the awareness of these cultures by other students (those who are not
American Indian or Alaska Native students), as well as help to provide a greater sense of
community support for American Indian or Alaska Native students.
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American Indian or Alaska Native student presence in schools
As mentioned earlier, the proportion of American Indian or Alaska Native students enrolled in
various types of schools will vary greatly and will have a major impact on the kinds of educational
experiences offered to these students.
American Indian or Alaska Native teacher, staff, and administrator presence
in schools
The percentage of teachers and other staff members at a given school who are American Indian or
Alaska Native is also significant. This can have an impact on the awareness that other teachers have
of American Indian or Alaska Native culture and tradition and influence curricula.
American Indian or Alaska Native community member presence in schools
Particularly in schools with large numbers of American Indian or Alaska Native students, it is of
interest to examine the extent to which members of the American Indian or Alaska Native
community participate in policy-making decisions and a variety of school activities. Knowing the
degree to which these community members are present in the schools is important, whether they are
authorized representatives of a local American Indian tribe or Alaska Native village or group or
simply an interested community members.
Theme 5: How do American Indian and Alaska Native students,
teachers, and schools feel about education?
School climate
School climate will be impacted by various sociocultural problems such as student absenteeism and
tardiness, student health problems, misbehavior, physical conflicts, and drug or alcohol related
problems. Lack of parent involvement may also be a factor. School climate will also be affected by
the extent of staff turnover experienced by the school. Schools with very high teacher or
administrator turnover will experience problems building a coherent educational program for their
American Indian or Alaska Native students’ exposure to traditional cultures
and languages
American Indian and Alaska Native students vary greatly in the extent to which they are raised in
circumstances that preserve their native cultures and languages. In addition, considerable cultural,
linguistic, historical, and social differences exist among the various American Indian tribes and
Alaska Native cultural groups. To understand how students identify with specific American Indian
or Alaska Native cultures and languages, it is necessary to ask that they give self-evaluations of
familiarity with traditions and practices of their tribes or villages. Students’ home environments will
have a strong bearing on cultural identification. Therefore, topics such as whether or not traditional
languages are used in the home and family participation in tribal/village ceremonies, gatherings,
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and other activities should be explored. Students should also be given the opportunity to name the
specific tribal/village groups with which they identify.
American Indian or Alaska Native students’ perceptions regarding school and
learning, family support for education, and engagement with school
A student’s attitude toward school in general, including the perceived relevance of what is being
taught, will have an important bearing on that student’s overall educational experience. Special
attention should be paid to the student’s attitude toward reading in general as well as specific
reading habits. Self-appraisal of academic success will also have an important bearing on a
student’s perceptions about school and learning. Furthermore, the extent to which the student has
thought about and set challenging educational goals may also be an indication of these perceptions.
In addition to providing opportunities to learn about and participate in activities associated with
their cultures (as discussed earlier), the home environment is an important factor in characterizing
the total school experience of individual students. The extent to which family members engage in
conversation with the students regarding their school work or offer help completing school work are
also ways in which the family can support the students directly and encourage their academic
Closely related to student perceptions about school and learning are indicators of the student’s
involvement with school. These indicators include participation in school activities and programs as
well as the type and frequency of interactions with teachers and counselors. While the family is
very important in shaping the student’s response to education, other resources may also exist in the
community. Community members can offer support to students through formal structures or
through informal networks.
Characteristics of Teachers Who Serve American Indian or Alaska Native
Students’ educational experiences depend in large part on their encounters with their individual
teachers. In addition to standard education and certification requirements (which are surveyed by
NAEP), teachers of American Indian or Alaska Native students should be familiar with the
predominant culture or cultures of their students and should have received some specific training
focused on working with these students. They should also avail themselves of specific resources to
improve the academic performance of their American Indian or Alaska Native students on an
ongoing basis.
Outreach to families
Schools sometimes offer health or other social services to families as well as adult education
opportunities. The type and frequency of the communications that the school initiates with families
is another factor to be considered.
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Stancavage, F.B., Mitchell, J.H., Bandeira de Mello, V.P., Gaertner, F.E., Spain, A.K., and Rahal,
M.L., (2006). National Indian Education Study: Part II: The Educational Experiences of
Fourth- and Eighth-Grade American Indian and Alaska Native Students (NCES 2007–454).
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC:
U.S. Government Printing Office.
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File Title | System Clearance Part B |
Author | joconnell |
File Modified | 2015-12-14 |
File Created | 2015-11-22 |