Defense Security Service

National Security and Critical Technology Assessments of the US Industrial Base


Defense Security Service

OMB: 0694-0119

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Cover Page
Table of Contents
General Instructions
Reporting Level

Sheet 1: Cover Page

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OMB Control Number: 0694-0119
Expiration Date:
Critical Facilities Survey

The U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE), in coordination with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), Defense Security Service (DSS) is conducting a survey and assessment of organizations responsible for the research, design, engineering, development, manufacture, test, and integration of defense and high-technology products, components, and related services. The resulting data will provide a baseline understanding of the structure and interdependencies of organizations that participate in DOD acquisition programs and their associated supply chains. This survey will cover all operations at respondents' locations, including but not limited to the DSS-cleared areas. This effort will also assist DSS in its mission to provide security oversight and education on behalf of the DOD and other U.S. Government departments and agencies.
A response to this survey is required by law (50 U.S.C. App. Sec. 2155). Failure to respond can result in a maximum fine of $10,000, imprisonment of up to one year, or both. Information furnished herewith is deemed confidential and will not be published or disclosed except in accordance with Section 705 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C App. Sec. 2155). Section 705 prohibits the publication or disclosure of this information unless the President determines that its withholding is contrary to the national defense. Information will not be shared with any non-government entity, other than in aggregate form. The information will be protected pursuant to the appropriate exemptions from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), should it be the subject of a FOIA request.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information to BIS Information Collection Officer, Room 6883, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (OMB Control No. 0694-0119), Washington, D.C. 20503.

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 2: Table of Contents

Previous Page

Next Page
I General Instructions
II Definitions
III Reporting Level / Multiple Facility Instructions
1 Location and Organization Information
2 Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures, and Joint Ventures
3 Products and Services Important Note:
The drop-down menus in several later sections are based on your responses in Section 3.

In order for all menus to work properly, you must complete these sections in order.
4 U.S. Government Support
5 Critical Suppliers
6 Employment
7 Sales
8 Customers
9 Security Procedures
10 Classified Contract Information
11 Research and Development
12 Financial Information
13 Organizational Challenges and Outreach Information
14 Certification

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 3: General Instructions

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Table of Contents

Next Page

A. Your organization is required to complete this survey using an Excel template, which can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau website: For your convenience, a PDF version of the survey is available to aid your internal data collection. DO NOT submit the PDF version of your organization’s response to BIS.
B. This survey has been distributed on a CAGE/facility basis, but should be completed at the location level. A location includes but is not limited to the DSS cleared area. A major goal of this assessment is to benchmark the operations, practices, and interdependencies of locations that contain DSS cleared facilities. For the purpose of this survey, a location is a single contiguous site. Locations may--and often will--contain multiple facilities.
C. Respond to every question. Surveys that are not fully completed will be returned for completion. Use the comment boxes to provide any information to supplement responses provided in the survey form. Make sure to record a complete answer in the cell provided, even if the cell does not appear to expand to fit all the information.

DO NOT COPY AND PASTE RESPONSES WITHIN THIS SURVEY. Survey inputs should be completed manually, by typing in responses or by use of a drop-down menu. The use of copy and paste can corrupt the survey template. If your survey response is corrupted as a result of copy and paste responses, a new survey will be sent to you for immediate completion.
D. Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.
E. Estimates are often acceptable (and in some sections encouraged), but in sections that do not explicitly allow estimates you must contact BIS survey support staff before including estimates.
F. Questions related to this Excel survey should be directed to:

[email protected]. (E-mail is the preferred method of contact).

You may also speak with a member of BIS survey support staff by calling (202) 482-7808.
G. After completing, reviewing, and certifying the Excel survey, submit the survey via our Census Bureau web portal:
Do not submit the survey via email.
H. For questions related to the overall scope of this Defense Industrial Base assessment, contact:

Brad Botwin, Director, Industrial Studies
Office of Technology Evaluation, Room 1093
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230

To contact Mr. Botwin, please call (202) 482-7808.

DO NOT submit completed surveys to Mr. Botwin's postal or personal e-mail address; all surveys must be submitted electronically via our Census Bureau web portal:

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 4: Definitions

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Table of Contents

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Section II: Definitions

Term Definition
Applied Research Systematic study to gain knowledge or understanding necessary to determine the means by which a recognized and specific need may be met. This activity includes work leading to the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods, including design, development, and improvement of prototypes and new processes.
Authorizing Official Executive officer of the organization or business unit or other individual who has the authority to execute this survey on behalf of the organization.
Basic Research Systematic, scientific study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts.
Classified Contract Any contract that requires access to classified U.S. Government information. Not to be confused with a contract whose existence may be classified, i.e. a Special Access Program.
Cleared Facility/Cleared CAGE A facility possessing a facility clearance (FCL) under the National Industrial Security Program (NISP).
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code identifies companies doing or wishing to do business with the U.S. Federal Government. The code is used to support mechanized government systems and provides a standardized method of identifying a given facility at a specific location. Find CAGE codes at
Commercially Sensitive Information (CSI) Privileged or proprietary information which, if compromised through alteration, corruption, loss, misuse, or unauthorized disclosure, could cause serious harm to the information's owners.
Customer An entity to which an organization directly delivers the product or service that the facility produces. A customer may be another company or another facility owned by the same parent organization. The customer may be the end user for the item but often will be an intermediate link in the supply chain, adding additional value before transferring the item to yet another customer.
Cyber Security The body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access.
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) A nine-digit numbering system that uniquely identifies an individual business. Find DUNS numbers at
Facility For the purpose of this survey, a facility is an area within an organization defined by a single CAGE code. An organization's physical location may contain multiple facilities.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Employees Employees who work for 40 hours in a normal work week. Convert part-time employees into "full time equivalents" by taking their work hours as a fraction of 40 hours.
Location For the purpose of this survey, a location is a single contiguous site. Locations may--and often will--contain multiple facilities. Additionally, all off-site activities associated with a location should be reported as part of that location. For instance, employees who work at a client site should be considered as part of their employing location.
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes identify the category of product(s) or service(s) provided by an organization. Find NAICS codes at
Product/Process Development Conceptualization and development of a product prior to the production of the product for customers.
Service An intangible product (contrasted to a good, which is a tangible product). Services typically cannot be stored or transported, are instantly perishable, and come into existence at the time they are bought and consumed.
Single Source An organization that is designated as the only accepted source for the supply of parts, components, materials, or services, even though other sources with equivalent technical know-how and production capability may exist.
Sole Source An organization that is the only source for the supply of parts, components, materials, or services. No alternative U.S. or non-U.S. based suppliers exist other than the current supplier.
Supplier An entity from which your organization obtains inputs. A supplier may be another firm with which you have a contractual relationship, or it may be another facility owned by the same parent organization. The inputs may be goods or services.
United States The "United States" or "U.S." includes the 50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, the island of Guam, the Trust Territories, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 5: Reporting Level

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Table of Contents

Next Page
Section III: Reporting Level

This survey is intended to cover all operations at a single location, including but not limited to the DSS cleared area. Your answers to this survey should address all operations at this location. Contact survey support staff with any questions.
A. Does your organization have more than one DSS-cleared facility (CAGE)?

If yes, contact survey support staff immediately to ensure consistent reporting.

B. Identify all CAGE codes covered by this location's response:

DSS Cleared CAGE(s) at location
All Other CAGEs at location, if applicable


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 6: 1a

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Table of Contents

Next Page
Section 1a: Location Information

A. Provide the following information for your location (see definitions).
Location Name
Organization Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Is this the only location your organization currently operates?

B. Does your organization have a parent company?
If Yes, provide the following information on your parent organization(s):

Parent Organization 1 Parent Organization 2
Organization Name

Street Address




Postal Code/Zip Code

Primary CAGE Code

C. Is your organization publicly traded or privately held?
If your organization is publicly traded, identify its stock ticker symbol.
D. Are any of the areas in your location that are authorized to store classified information or to perform on a classified contract
shared and/or operated by another organization? If yes, provide the information below.

Other Organization Name Purpose of Shared Area

E. Point of Contact regarding this survey:
Name Title Phone Number E-mail Address State


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 7: 1b

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Next Page
Section 1b: Location Information (Cont.)

A. Select the option that most closely describes your location's primary business, and indicate any "Additional Business Lines" that are applicable below.
Academic institution
Holding company
Inspection and quality control
Information technology (software, hardware, installation)
Integration (product, systems integration)
Maintenance/aftermarket/repair/refurbishing services
Manufacturing (including assembly)
Manufacturing systems development and management
Material finishing (machining, coating, plating, heat treating, etc.)
Material preparation (casting, forming, molding, forging, etc.)
Product and design engineering (tooling, new processes, etc.)
Professional services (legal, accounting, consulting, etc.)
Raw materials provider
Research and development
Other (specify here)
B. Please provide the following identification codes, as applicable, for your location.

*Find your location's North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes at
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Code(s)
NAICS (6-digit) Code(s)*

Find DUNS numbers at:
Find NAICS codes at:

C. Does your organization qualify as any of the following types of business?
If Yes, indicate which types:

A small business enterprise (as defined by the Small Business Administration)

8(a) Firm (as defined by the Small Business Administration)

A historically underutilized business zone (HUBZone)

A minority-owned business

A woman-owned business

A veteran-owned or service-disabled veteran owned business

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 8: 2

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Table of Contents Next Page
Section 2: Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures, and Joint Ventures

A. Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures
How many mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures has your organization been involved in over the past 10 years?

Identify your organization's ten most recent mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures, if applicable.
Organization Name Type of Activity Country Year Primary Objective Explain










B. Joint Ventures
How many joint ventures does your organization currently participate in?

Identify your organization's current joint venture relationships, including public/private R&D partnerships, if applicable. Be sure to provide a description of the joint venture's purpose (e.g. patent licensing, co-production, product integration, after-market support, etc.):
Organization/Entity Name Country Year Initiated Primary Purpose of Relationship Explain
















BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 9: 3a

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Next Page
Section 3: Products and Services

In Section 3 you will be asked to identify the products and services your location manufactures, distributes, researches, and/or provides. For the purpose of this survey, products and services have been divided into 25 general categories, as detailed below.

Identify each general category in which your location has capabilities. In the next five pages you will select the individual type of products or services within these categories in which your location participates.

The list below contains links that can move you to a particular product and/or service segment. After completing this page you may skip to the sections with the products/services that pertain to your location, but be sure to review all segments to ensure you do not omit any required information.
Part Product and Service Category Participation
A Raw Materials (Ores, Alloys, Chemicals, etc.)
B Electronics (Circuits, Processors, Diodes, etc.)
C Manufacturing Equipment and Processes (Machinery, Lathes, etc.)
D Lasers
E Directed Energy
F Optics (Optics, Coatings, Lenses, etc.)
G Acoustic Sensors (Sonar, other acoustic sensors, etc.)
H Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (Gyroscopes, Accelerometers, GPS, etc.)
I Radars
J Signature Control (Materials, Chemicals, and Processes for Signature Control)
K Aeronautic Systems (Aircraft, Airframes, Structural Components, etc.)
L Space Systems (Launch Vehicles, Satellites, Rocket Motors, Survivability Systems, etc.)
M Marine Systems (Ships, Landing Vessels, Submarines, etc.)
N Ground Vehicle Systems (Vehicles, Tanks, Unmanned Ground Systems, etc.)
O Armaments, Explosives, and Survivability (Munitions, Armor, Missiles, Launchers, etc.)
P Energy Systems & Energetics (Engines, Catapults, Batteries, Propellants, etc.)
Q Nuclear (Reactors, Design, Protection, Detection, Storage, etc.)
R Biological (Biological research, Biological Agent Detection/Destruction/Readiness, etc.)
S Chemical (Chemical research, Chemical Agent Detection/Destruction/Readiness, etc.)
T Emerging Technology (Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology, Quantum Systems, Cognitive Neuroscience, etc.)
U Agricultural (Agricultural Machinery and Technology)
V Medical (MRI machinery, X-Radiation Machinery, Disease Research, Medicinal Distribution Technology, etc.)
W Command, Control, Communication, and Computer (C4)
X Software
Y Services and Other Products (Services and products not included above)

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 10: 3b

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Section 3b: Product and Service List

For each area in which your location provides a product or service (including R&D), indicate the type of participation, whether your location performs R&D, and provide a description of the products or services. Then, identify the expected end usage of your product/service, and whether the product/service is subject to U.S. export control regulations. Finally, state whether the product/service has supported a classified contract within the past three years. While many specific product/service areas are listed, not every possible product and service has been included. If the product or service your location provides is not listed, use the "other" listing within the relevant category.

Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.

A: Raw Materials

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 A1 - Ores

A2 - Rare earth minerals

A3 - Alloys

A4 - Chemicals

A5 - Fiber-based materials

A6 - Other raw materials

B: Electronics

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 B1 - Integrated circuits

B2 - Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs)

B3 - Radiation hardened integrated circuits

B4 - Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)

B5 - Programmable memory

B6 - Optical filters

B7 - Micro-sensors

B8 - Vacuum tubes

B9 - Capacitors

B10 - Microprocessors

B11 - Microcontrollers

B12 - Digital signal processors

B13 - Diodes

B14 - Wafers (any molecular composition)

B15 - Circuit boards

B16 - Flexible circuit boards

B17 - Other electronic products

C: Manufacturing Equipment and Processes

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 C1 - Additive manufacturing (3D printing)

C2 - Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines

C3 - Lathes, grinding machines, planers, shapers

C4 - Die press lines

C5 - Robot work cells

C6 - Bearings

C7 - Transmission equipment (gears, pulleys, sprockets, belts, torque converters, etc.)

C8 - Welding, soldering, and brazing equipment

C9 - Other manufacturing equipment


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 11: 3c

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Section 3c: Product and Service List

For each area in which your location provides a product or service (including R&D), indicate the type of participation, whether your location performs R&D, and provide a description of the products or services. Then, identify the expected end usage of your product/service, and whether the product/service is subject to U.S. export control regulations. Finally, state whether the product/service has supported a classified contract within the past three years. While many specific product/service areas are listed, not every possible product and service has been included. If the product or service your location provides is not listed, use the "other" listing within the relevant category.

Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.

D: Lasers

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 D1 - Gas lasers

D2 - Solid state lasers

D3 - Chemical lasers

D4 - Excimer lasers

D5 - Fiber lasers

D6 - Photonic crystal lasers

D7 - Semiconductor lasers

D8 - Dye lasers

D9 - Free electron lasers

D10 - Bio lasers

D11 - Other laser products

E: Directed Energy

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 E1 - Directed electromagnetic radiation (not lasers)

E2 - Directed particles with mass

E3 - Directed sound

E4 - Other directed energy products

F: Optics

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 F1 - Optics

F2 - Fiber optics

F3 - Polarization

F4 - Reflective coatings

F5 - Refractive coatings

F6 - Lenses

F7 - Other optics products

G: Acoustic Sensors

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 G1 - Active sonar

G2 - Passive sonar

G3 - Sonobouys

G4 - Commercial off-the-shelf sonar equipment

G5 - Other acoustic sensor products

H: Positioning, Navigation, and Timing

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 H1 - Inertial measuring units

H2 - Gyroscopes

H3 - Global Positioning Systems

H4 - Atomic clocks

H5 - Accelerometers

H6 - Other positioning, navigation, or timing products

I: Radars

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 I1 - Mechanically steered radars

I2 - Electronically steered radars

I3 - Phase adaptive radars

I4 - Pulse radars

I5 - Continuous wave radars

I6 - Other radar products

J: Signature Control

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 J1 - Compounds or materials engineered to reduce or eliminate a signature

J2 - Chemical compositions of signature control compounds

J3 - Processes used to apply signature control compounds

J4 - Other signature control products


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 12: 3d

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Section 3d: Product and Service List

For each area in which your location provides a product or service (including R&D), indicate the type of participation, whether your location performs R&D, and provide a description of the products or services. Then, identify the expected end usage of your product/service, and whether the product/service is subject to U.S. export control regulations. Finally, state whether the product/service has supported a classified contract within the past three years. While many specific product/service areas are listed, not every possible product and service has been included. If the product or service your location provides is not listed, use the "other" listing within the relevant category.

Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.

K: Aeronautic Systems

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 K1 - Fixed wing combat aircraft

K2 - Other fixed wing aircraft, including cargo and transport

K3 - Rotary wing aircraft (including helicopters)

K4 - Unmanned aerial vehicles and drones

K5 - Airframes and structural components (including rotor blades, landing gear, hydraulics, etc.)

K6 - Other aeronautic system products

L: Space Systems

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 L1 - Space launch vehicles

L2 - Satellites and satellite buses

L3 - Space survivability systems and equipment

L4 - Solid rocket motors and related equipment

L5 - Liquid rocket motors and related equipment

L6 - Other space system products

M: Marine Systems

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 M1 - Combat ships and landing vessels

M2 - Transport vessels

M3 - Cargo and tanker vessels

M4 - Submarines

M5 - Other marine system products

N: Ground Vehicle Systems

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 N1 - Light armored vehicles & designs

N2 - Medium tactical vehicles & designs

N3 - M1 Abrams variations of heavy tanks & designs

N4 - Transport vehicles & designs

N5 - Wheeled or tracked vehicles not specified above

N6 - Unmanned ground systems

N7 - Other ground system products

O: Armaments, Explosives, and Survivability

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 O1 - Conventional small arms (5.56mm to .50 cal)

O2 - Automatic and semi-automatic weapons

O3 - Mortar rounds

O4 - Artillery rounds

O5 - Rockets (endo and exoatmospheric)

O6 - Missiles

O7 - Hypervelocity weapons

O8 - Launchers (missile, torpedo, rocket, etc.)

O9 - Underwater explosives (mines, torpedos, etc.)

O10 - Fire control systems and components

O11 - Body armor

O12 - Other armor

O13 - Other armaments, explosives, or survivability products


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 13: 3e

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Section 3e: Product and Service List

For each area in which your location provides a product or service (including R&D), indicate the type of participation, whether your location performs R&D, and provide a description of the products or services. Then, identify the expected end usage of your product/service, and whether the product/service is subject to U.S. export control regulations. Finally, state whether the product/service has supported a classified contract within the past three years. While many specific product/service areas are listed, not every possible product and service has been included. If the product or service your location provides is not listed, use the "other" listing within the relevant category.

Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.

P: Energy Systems & Energetics

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 P1 - Gas turbine engines

P2 - Rocket engines

P3 - Generators

P4 - Combustion engines

P5 - Turbo fan engines

P6 - Catapults

P7 - Batteries

P8 - Propellants

P9 - Other energy systems products

Q: Nuclear

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 Q1 - Nuclear reactors

Q2 - Nuclear weapon design and capabilities

Q3 - Nuclear weapon destruction and demilitarization technology

Q4 - Protective clothing

Q5 - Radiation detective devices (e.g. Geiger counters)

Q6 - Radioactive material storage

Q7 - Nuclear disaster response equipment

Q8 - Other nuclear products

R: Biological

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 R1 - DNA research

R2 - RNA research

R3 - Biological or physiological research

R4 - Biological weapons destruction and demilitarization technology

R5 - Biological agent detection equipment

R6 - Biological disaster response equipment

R7 - Other biological products

S: Chemical

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 S1 - Chemical research

S2 - Chemical weapons destruction and demilitarization technology

S3 - Chemical agent detection equipment

S4 - Chemical disaster response equipment

S5 - Other chemical products

T: Emerging Technology

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 T1 - Nanotechnology

T2 - Synthetic biology

T3 - Energetic materials

T4 - Quantum systems

T5 - Computational modeling of human behavior

T6 - Cognitive neuroscience

T7 - Other emerging technology products

U: Agricultural

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 U1 - Soil cultivation machinery

U2 - Planting machinery

U3 - Irrigation machinery

U4 - Produce sorters

U5 - Harvesting technology

U6 - Other agricultural products

V: Medical

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 V1 - Electron microscopes

V2 - Sonograms

V3 - Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) machines

V4 - X-radiation machines

V5 - Medicine distribution technology

V6 - Disease and vector research

V7 - Other medical products


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 14: 3f

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Section 3f: Product and Service List

For each area in which your location provides a product or service (including R&D), indicate the type of participation, whether your location performs R&D, and provide a description of the products or services. Then, identify the expected end usage of your product/service, and whether the product/service is subject to U.S. export control regulations. Finally, state whether the product/service has supported a classified contract within the past three years. While many specific product/service areas are listed, not every possible product and service has been included. If the product or service your location provides is not listed, use the "other" listing within the relevant category.

Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.

W: Command, Control, Communication, and Computer (C4)

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 W1 - Common data links

W2 - Monitors

W3 - Printers

W4 - Telecommunication devices (phones, cell phones, radios, radio mounts)

W5 - Commercial off-the-shelf equipment used for C4

W6 - Computers and CPUs

W7 - Antennas

W8 - Beyond the line of sight C2

W9 - Line of sight C2

W10 - Other C4 products and IT equipment

X: Software

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 X1 - Computer aided design (CAD) software

X2 - Modeling and simulation software

X3 - Artificial intelligence software

X4 - Swarm software

X5 - Microelectronic design software

X6 - System development kits (SDK)

X7 - Software algorithms

X8 - Correlation software

X9 - Database

X10 - Computer language software

X11 - Operating systems

X12 - Finance and accounting software

X13 - Other software products

Y: Services and Other Products

Participation Type Conduct R&D? Product/Service Description Primary
End Use
Export Controlled? Associated with a Classified Program (DD-254 Contract)?
0 Y1 - Analytic services

Y2 - Canine training

Y3 - Construction

Y4 - Consulting services

Y5 - Delivery and freight services

Y6 - Education and training services

Y7 - Engineering

Y8 - Financial and banking services

Y9 - General contracting

Y10 - Graphic arts, video, digital production

Y11 - Information technology services

Y12 - Internet service provision

Y13 - Janitorial services

Y14 - Legal services

Y15 - Logistical services

Y16 - Marketing services

Y17 - Medical services

Y18 - Professional services

Y19 - Property management

Y20 - Security and protection services

Y21 - Staffing services

Y22 - Telecommunication services

Y23 - Translation services

Y24 - Transportation services

Y25 - Other services

Y26 - Products not listed


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 15: 3g

Previous Page Table of Contents

Next Page
Section 3g: Primary Product/Service
Select your location's primary product or service, based on total sales.
Is your location's viability dependent on this product or service?

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 16: 4a

Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page
Section 4a: Support of U.S. Government (USG) Agencies

Indicate all USG departments and agencies your location has supported, directly or indirectly, in the past three years. Estimate the percentage of your location's total sales that supported each agency over the past three years. Percentages will only sum to 100% if all of your location's sales are to USG agencies.
A. Agency Name Type of Support Estimated Percent of Your Location's Total Sales Attributable to USG Agency
U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Marine Corps

DOD Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

DOD Missile Defense Agency (MDA)

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

U.S. Intelligence Community (such as CIA, NGA, NRO, NSA, DNI, etc.)

Department of Energy (DOE)

Department of State

Other Agency (Select from list)

Other Agency (Select from list)

Other Agency (Select from list)

Other Agency (Select from list)

Other Agency (Select from list)

Other Agency (Select from list)

Other Agency (Select from list)

Other Agency (Select from list)

Other Agency (Select from list)

Other Agency (Select from list)

Unlisted Agency (Write-in)

Unlisted Agency (Write-in)

Unlisted Agency (Write-in)

B. Does your facility engage in Diminishing Manufacturing Sources & Materials Shortages (DMSMS) or obsolescence activities?
DMSMS: the loss or impending loss of manufacturers or suppliers of items that may cause material shortages which endanger a weapon system's or equipment's development, production, or post-production support capability.
If yes, who is the point of contact for DMSMS/obsolescence at your location?

Name Title Phone Email

If yes, estimate how much (in thousands of dollars) your location spent in each of the last three years on finding, managing, and/or resolving DMSMS/obsolescence problems on DOD systems or projects, including parts, components, materials, and software:
Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12 DMSMS
comments/ explanations:


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 17: 4b

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Table of Contents

Next Page
Section 4b: Participation in USG Programs

A. Estimate the total number of USG programs your location has directly or indirectly supported in the past three years (including those not listed below):

B. From the list of select U.S. Government programs provided below, identify each program your location has directly or indirectly supported in the past three years. Then, select the top five product/services your location provides for each program supported.
The product/service drop-down list is based on your responses to Section 3. If your product or service does not appear in the drop-down, ensure that you have indicated in Section 3 that your location provides the product or service.

If you participate in a USG program that is not listed below, you may enter it manually at the bottom of this page (entries 211-230). In these cases, identify the relevant agency in the 'U.S. Government Agency' column and then identify the program name in the 'Program Name' column. If you would like to list more programs than space allows, contact survey support staff at [email protected] for instructions.
If your location does not support any of the listed U.S. Government programs, indicate this in the box to the right:

Note: For your convenience, you may utilize the built-in filters to isolate particular U.S. Government agencies or programs from the list (press the down facing arrow in the top right corner of the relevant column below).
USG Program Identification
Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.
U.S. Government Agency Program Name Participation Product/Service List Area (from Survey Section 3b-3f) Supporting USG Programs
1 2 3 4 5
1 Air Force Advanced Extremely High Frequency Satellite (AEHF)

2 Air Force Advanced Pilot Trainer (APT)

3 Air Force AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM)

4 Air Force Air and Space Operations Center-Weapon System Increment 10.2 (AOC-WS Inc 10.2)

5 Air Force Air Force Integrated Personnel and Pay System (AF IPPS)

6 Air Force Air Force Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Fuze Modernization (ICBM Fuze Mod)

7 Air Force Airborne Warning and Control System Block 40/45 Upgrade (AWACS Blk 40/45 Upgrade)

8 Air Force B-2 Defensive Management System Modernization (B-2 DMS Mod)

9 Air Force B-2 Extremely High Frequency SATCOM and Computer Increment 1 (B-2 EHF Inc 1)

10 Air Force B61 Mod 12 Life Extension Program Tailkit Assembly (B61 Mod 12 LEP TKA)

11 Air Force Base Information Transport Infrastructure Wired (BITI Wired)

12 Air Force Business Systems Modernization - Energy (BSM-E)

13 Air Force C-130J Hercules Transport Aircraft (C-130J)

14 Air Force C-27J (C-27J)

15 Air Force C-5 Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program (C-5 RERP)

16 Air Force Combat Identification/Identification Friend or Foe (CID/IFF)

17 Air Force Combat Rescue Helicopter (CRH)

18 Air Force Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management System-Increment 1 (DEAMS Inc 1)

19 Air Force Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments Increment 2A (DCAPES Inc 2A)

20 Air Force Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments Increment 2B (DCAPES Inc 2B)

21 Air Force Enhanced Polar System (EPS)

22 Air Force Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)

23 Air Force F-15 Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System (F-15 EPAWSS)

24 Air Force F-22 Increment 3.2B Modernization (F-22 Inc 3.2B Mod)

25 Air Force Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight - Terminals (FAB-T)

26 Air Force Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

27 Air Force Global Positioning System III (GPS III)

28 Air Force Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD)

29 Air Force Hard Target Munition (HTM)

30 Air Force HC/MC-130 Recapitalization Aircraft (HC/MC-130 Recap)

31 Air Force Integrated Strategic Planning and Analysis Network Increment 4 (ISPAN Inc 4)

32 Air Force Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

33 Air Force Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

34 Air Force Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) Mission System Increment 2 (JMS Inc 2)

35 Air Force KC-46A Tanker Modernization (KC-46A)

36 Air Force Long Range Stand Off Weapon (LRSO)

37 Air Force Military Global Positioning System (GPS) User Equipment (MGUE Inc 1)

38 Air Force Military Global Positioning System (GPS) User Equipment Increment 2 (MGUE Inc 2)

39 Air Force Mission Planning System Increment 4 (MPS Inc 4)

40 Air Force MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Aircraft System (MQ-9 Reaper)

41 Air Force Next Generation Long Range Strike (NGLRS) (NGLRS)

42 Air Force Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX)

43 Air Force North Atlantic Treaty Organization Alliance Ground Surveillance (NATO AGS)

44 Air Force Nuclear Detonation Detection System (NDS)

45 Air Force Presidential Aircraft Recapitalization (PAR)

46 Air Force Protected Satellite Communication Services (PSCS)

47 Air Force RQ-4A/B Global Hawk Unmanned Aircraft System (RQ-4A/B Global Hawk)

48 Air Force Small Diameter Bomb Increment II (SDB II)

49 Air Force Space Based Infrared System Follow-On (SBIRS Follow-On)

50 Air Force Space Based Infrared System High (SBIRS High)

51 Air Force Space Fence Ground-Based Radar System Increment 1 (Space Fence Inc 1)

52 Air Force Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar (3DELRR)

53 Air Force Weather Satellite Follow-on (WSF)

54 Air Force Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS)

55 Army AH-64E Apache New Build (AH-64E New Build)

56 Army AH-64E Apache Remanufacture (AH-64E Remanufacture)

57 Army Airborne & Maritime/Fixed Station Joint Tactical Radio System (AMF JTRS)

58 Army Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV)

59 Army Biometrics Enabling Capability Increment 1 (BEC Inc 1)

60 Army CH-47F Improved Cargo Helicopter (CH-47F)

61 Army Common Infrared Countermeasure (CIRCM)

62 Army Distributed Common Ground System - Army Increment 2 (DCGS-A Inc 2)

63 Army Distributed Common Ground System-Army Increment 1 (DCGS-A Inc 1)

64 Army Excalibur Precision 155mm Projectiles (Excalibur)

65 Army Global Combat Support System - Army Increment 2 (GCSS-A Inc 2)

66 Army Global Combat Support System - Army Increment 1 (GCSS-A Inc 1)

67 Army Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System/Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System Alternative Warhead (GMLRS/GMLRS AW)

68 Army Improved Turbine Engine Program (ITEP)

69 Army Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 - Intercept (IFPC Inc 2 - I)

70 Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD)

71 Army Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army Increment 1 (IPPS-A Inc 1)

72 Army Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army Increment 2 (IPPS-A Inc 2)

73 Army Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM)

74 Army Joint Personnel Identification Version 2 (JPI V2)

75 Army Joint Tactical Networks (JTN)

76 Army Joint Tactical Radio System Handheld, Manpack, and Small Form Fit Radios (JTRS HMS)

77 Army Logistics Modernization Program Increment 2 (LMP Inc 2)

78 Army Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF)

79 Army Mid-Tier Networking Vehicular Radio (MNVR)

80 Army MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft System (MQ-1C Gray Eagle)


82 Army Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft (NSRWA)

83 Army Paladin Integrated Management (PIM)

84 Army Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (PAC-3 MSE)

85 Army Patriot/Medium Extended Air Defense System Combined Aggregate Program (Patriot/MEADS CAP)

86 Army RQ-7B Shadow Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System (RQ-7B Shadow)

87 Army Tactical Mission Command (TMC)

88 Army UH-60M Black Hawk Helicopter (UH-60M Black Hawk)

89 Army Warfighter Information Network-Tactical Increment 2 (WIN-T Inc 2)

90 Army Warfighter Information Network-Tactical Increment 3 (WIN-T Inc 3)

91 DOD Advanced Anticonvulsant Systems (CBDP-MEDSYS - AAS)

92 DOD Analytical Laboratory System (CBDP-GUARD - ALS)

93 DOD Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (CBDP-MEDSYS - AVA)

94 DOD Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS)

95 DOD Ballistic Missile Technical Collection (BMTC)

96 DOD Bioscavenger I (CBDP-MEDSYS - pBSCAV)

97 DOD Bioscavenger Increment II (CBDP-MEDSYS - BSCAV II)


99 DOD Chemical and Biological Protective Shelter (CBPS) (CBDP-CP - CBPS)

100 DOD Chemical Biological Defense Small Project Acquisition (CBDP-GUARD - CSPA)

101 DOD Chemical Demilitarization-Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives (Chem Demil-ACWA)

102 DOD Collectively Protected Field Hospital (CBDP-CP - CPFH)

103 DOD Defense Agencies Initiative Increment 2 (DAI Inc 2)

104 DOD Department of Defense Healthcare Management System Modernization (DHMSM)

105 DOD F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft (F-35)

106 DOD Global Combat Support System - Joint Increment 8 (GCSS-J Inc 8)

107 DOD Global Combat Support System - Joint Increment 7 (GCSS-J Inc 7)

108 DOD Human Remains Decontamination System (CBDP-DECON - HRDS)

109 DOD Improved Nerve Agent Identification and Diagnositc System (CBDP-MEDSYS - INATS)

110 DOD Installation Protection Program (CBDP-GUARD - IPP)

111 DOD integrated Electronic Health Record Increment 1 (iEHR Inc 1)

112 DOD Joint Aerial Layer Network (JALN)

113 DOD Joint Biological Agent Identification and Diagnostic System (CBDP-MEDSYS - JBAIDS)

114 DOD Joint Biological Point Detection System (JBPDS) (CBDP-BD - JBPDS)

115 DOD Joint Biological Standoff Detection System Increment 1 (CBDP-BD - JBSDS Inc 1)

116 DOD Joint Biological Standoff Detection System Increment 2 (CBDP-BD - JBSDS Inc 2)

117 DOD Joint Biological Tactical Detection System Increment 1 (CBDP-BD - JBTDS Inc 1)

118 DOD Joint Chemical Agent Detector Increment 2 (CBDP-CA - JCAD Inc 2)

119 DOD Joint Chemical Agent Detector M4/M4E1 (CBDP-CA - JCAD M4/M4E1)

120 DOD Joint Chemical, Biological and Radiological Agent Water Monitor (CBDP-CA - JCBRAWM)

121 DOD Joint Command and Control Capability Area (Joint C2)

122 DOD Joint Effects Model (CBDP-IS - JEM)

123 DOD Joint Expenditionary Collective Protection (CBDP-CP - JECP)

124 DOD Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)

125 DOD Joint Material Decontamination System (CBDP-DECON - JMDS)

126 DOD Joint Operations Effects Federation (CBDP-IS - JOEF)

127 DOD Joint Protective Aircrew Ensemble (CBDP-IP - JPACE )

128 DOD Joint Service Aircrew Mask Apache (CBDP-IP - JSAM Apache)

129 DOD Joint Service Aircrew Mask Fixed Wing (CBDP-IP - JSAM FW)

130 DOD Joint Service Aircrew Mask Rotary Wing (CBDP-IP - JSAM RW)

131 DOD Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM) (CBDP-IP - JSGPM)

132 DOD Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology - AFS/IFS (CBDP-IP - JSLIST AFS/IFS)

133 DOD Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology - JB2GU FR (CBDP-IP - JSLIST JB2GU FR)

134 DOD Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology - JB2GU nFR (CBDP-IP - JSLIST JB2GUnFR)

135 DOD Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology - JC3 (CBDP-IP - JSLIST JC3)

136 DOD Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology - SUITS (CBDP-IP - JSLIST SUITS)

137 DOD Joint Service Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector (CBDP-CA - JSLSCAD)

138 DOD Joint Service NBC Reconnaissance System (CBDP-CA - JNBCRS)

139 DOD Joint Service Personnel Decon System (CBDP-DECON - JSPDS)

140 DOD Joint Service Transportable Decon System (CBDP-DECON - JSTDS - SS)

141 DOD Joint Warning and Reporting Network (CBDP-IS - JWARN)

142 DOD Key Management Infrastructure Increment 2 (KMI Inc 2)

143 DOD M93/M93A1/M93A1P1 Fox NBC Reconnaissance Vehicle (CBDP-CA - FOX)

144 DOD Medical Radiation Countermeasures (CBDP-MEDSYS - MRADC)

145 DOD Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (CBDP-CA - NBCRV)

146 DOD Plague Vaccine (CBDP-MEDSYS - Plague )

147 DOD Product Director, Test Equipment, Stragety and Support (CBDP-CA - PD-TESS)

148 DOD Public Key Infrastructure Increment 2 (PKI Inc 2)

149 DOD Recombinant Botulinum Vaccine (CBDP-MEDSYS - rBV A/B)

150 DOD Shipboard Collective Protection System Backfit (CBDP-CP - CPS BKFT)

151 DOD Smallpox Vaccine System (CBDP-MEDSYS - Smallpox)

152 DOD Teleport Generation 3 (Teleport Gen 3)

153 DOD Theater Medical Information Program-Joint Increment 2 (TMIP-J Inc 2)

154 DOD Unified Command Suite (CBDP-GUARD - UCS)

155 DOE B61 Mod 12 Life Extension Program (B61-12 LEP)

156 DOE W76 Mod 1 Life Extension Program (W76-1 LEP)

157 DOE W78/88 Mod 1 Life Extension Program (W78/88-1 LEP)

158 DOE W88 Alteration 370 (W88 ALT 370)

159 Navy AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AGM-88E AARGM)

160 Navy AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder (AIM-9X Blk II)

161 Navy Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR)

162 Navy Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV)

163 Navy Amphibious Ship Replacement (LX(R))

164 Navy CH-53K Heavy Lift Replacement Helicopter (CH-53K)

165 Navy Common Aviation Command and Control System Increment 1 (CAC2S Inc 1)

166 Navy Consolidated Afloat Network Enterprise Services (CANES)

167 Navy Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC)

168 Navy CVN 78 Gerald R. Ford Class Nuclear Aircraft Carrier (CVN 78)

169 Navy DDG 1000 Zumwalt Class Destroyer (DDG 1000)

170 Navy DDG 51 Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG 51)

171 Navy Dept of the Navy-Large Aircraft-Infrared Counter Measures (DoN-LAIRCM)

172 Navy Distributed Common Ground System-Navy Increment 1 (DCGS-N Inc 1)

173 Navy Distributed Common Ground System-Navy Increment 2 (DCGS-N Inc 2)

174 Navy E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Aircraft (E-2D AHE)

175 Navy EA-18G Growler Aircraft (EA-18G)

176 Navy Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps Logistics Chain Management Increment 1 (GCSS-MC LCM Inc 1)

177 Navy Global Command and Control System-Maritime Increment 2 (GCCS-M Inc 2)

178 Navy Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR)

179 Navy H-1 Upgrades (4BW/4BN) (H-1 Upgrades)

180 Navy Integrated Defensive Electronic Countermeasures (IDECM)

181 Navy Joint and Allied Threat Awareness System (JATAS)

182 Navy Joint Precision Approach and Landing System Increment 1A (JPALS Inc 1A)

183 Navy Joint Standoff Weapon - Baseline Variant and Unitary Warhead Variant (JSOW)

184 Navy KC-130J Transport Aircraft (KC-130J)

185 Navy LHA 6 America Class Amphibious Assault Ship (LHA 6)

186 Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)

187 Navy Littoral Combat Ship Mission Modules (LCS MM)

188 Navy LPD 17 San Antonio Class Amphibious Transport Dock (LPD 17)

189 Navy MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopter (MH-60R)

190 Navy Mobile Landing Platform (MLP)

191 Navy Mobile User Objective System (MUOS)

192 Navy MQ-4C Triton Unmanned Aircraft System (MQ-4C Triton)

193 Navy MQ-8 Fire Scout Unmanned Aircraft System (MQ-8 Fire Scout)

194 Navy Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS)

195 Navy Navy Multiband Terminal (NMT)

196 Navy Next Generation Enterprise Network Increment 1 (NGEN Inc 1)

197 Navy Next Generation Jammer (NGJ)

198 Navy Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare (OASuW)

199 Navy Ohio Class Submarine Replacement (Ohio Replacement)

200 Navy P-8A Poseidon Multi-Mission Maritime Aircraft (P-8A)

201 Navy Remote Minehunting System (RMS)

202 Navy Ship to Shore Connector Amphibious Craft (SSC)

203 Navy SSN 774 Virginia Class Submarine (SSN 774)

204 Navy Standard Missile-6 (SM-6)

205 Navy Tactical Tomahawk RGM-109E/UGM-109E Missile (TACTOM)

206 Navy T-AO(X) Fleet Replenishment Oiler (T-AO(X))

207 Navy Trident II (D-5) Sea-Launched Ballistic Missile UGM 133A (Trident II Missile)

208 Navy Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance & Strike (UCLASS)

209 Navy V-22 Osprey Joint Services Advanced Vertical Lift Aircraft (V-22)

210 Navy VH-92A Presidential Helicopter (VH-92A)

Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.
211 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

212 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

213 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

214 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

215 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

216 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

217 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

218 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

219 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

220 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

221 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

222 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

223 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

224 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

225 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

226 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

227 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

228 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

229 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

230 (Identify Agency) (Write-In Program Here)

Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 18: 5

Previous Page

Table of Contents

Next Page

Section 5: Suppliers

For each type of input provided to your location by a key supplier:
- First, in column 1, select the general category of the input supplied (Raw Materials, Electronics, Manufacturing Equipment, etc.). Then, select in column 2 the specific type of input and provide a description of the input in column 3.
- Next, in columns 4-6, provide supplier information, and select in column 7 the primary product/service area (earlier specified in Section 3) in which your location uses the input.
- Finally, indicate in columns 8-13 whether the supplier/input is critical for any reason.

Note: Provision of supplier information is mandatory. Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act, all data contained in this survey response remains business confidential and is exampt from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Input Details - Inputs to Your Products/Services Supplier Information - Your Supplier Input Utilization Criticality

1: General Category Provided
By Supplier
2: Input Area Provided
By Supplier
3: Input Description 4: Supplier Name 5: Supplier State
(if applicable)
6: Supplier
7: Primary Product/Service at Your Location in Which the Input is Utilized 8: Supports Multiple USG Programs 9: Single/Sole Supplier (see definitions) 10: Contributes Significantly to End Value 11: Long Lead Time 12: Obsolete Part 13: Other Critical Measure
(if applicable)

ProductCats Groups group Agroup Bgroup Cgroup Dgroup Egroup Fgroup Ggroup Hgroup Igroup Jgroup Kgroup Lgroup Mgroup Ngroup Ogroup Pgroup Qgroup Rgroup Sgroup Tgroup Ugroup Vgroup Wgroup Xgroup Ygroup
Example P: Energy Systems & Energetics P4 - Combustion engines Truck engines Sara's Engine Works Alabama United States N1 - Light armored vehicles & designs Yes Neither Yes No No



A: Raw Materials Agroup
A1 - Ores B1 - Integrated circuits C1 - Additive manufacturing (3D printing) D1 - Gas lasers E1 - Directed electromagnetic radiation (not lasers) F1 - Optics G1 - Active sonar H1 - Inertial measuring units I1 - Mechanically steered radars J1 - Compounds or materials engineered to reduce or eliminate a signature K1 - Fixed wing combat aircraft L1 - Space launch vehicles M1 - Combat ships and landing vessels N1 - Light armored vehicles & designs O1 - Conventional small arms (5.56mm to .50 cal) P1 - Gas turbine engines Q1 - Nuclear reactors R1 - DNA research S1 - Chemical research T1 - Nanotechnology U1 - Soil cultivation machinery V1 - Electron microscopes W1 - Common data links X1 - Computer aided design (CAD) software Y1 - Analytic services


B: Electronics Bgroup
A2 - Rare earth minerals B2 - Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) C2 - Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines D2 - Solid state lasers E2 - Directed particles with mass F2 - Fiber optics G2 - Passive sonar H2 - Gyroscopes I2 - Electronically steered radars J2 - Chemical compositions of signature control compounds K2 - Other fixed wing aircraft, including cargo and transport L2 - Satellites and satellite buses M2 - Transport vessels N2 - Medium tactical vehicles & designs O2 - Automatic and semi-automatic weapons P2 - Rocket engines Q2 - Nuclear weapon design and capabilities R2 - RNA research S2 - Chemical weapons destruction and demilitarization technology T2 - Synthetic biology U2 - Planting machinery V2 - Sonograms W2 - Monitors X2 - Modeling and simulation software Y2 - Canine training services


C: Manufacturing Equipment and Processes Cgroup
A3 - Alloys B3 - Radiation hardened integrated circuits C3 - Lathes, grinding machines, planers, shapers D3 - Chemical lasers E3 - Directed sound F3 - Polarization G3 - Sonobouys H3 - Global Positioning Systems I3 - Phase adaptive radars J3 - Processes used to apply signature control compounds K3 - Rotary wing aircraft (including helicopters) L3 - Space survivability systems and equipment M3 - Cargo and tanker vessels N3 - M1 Abrams variations of heavy tanks & designs O3 - Mortar rounds P3 - Generators Q3 - Nuclear weapon destruction and demilitarization technology R3 - Biological or physiological research S3 - Chemical agent detection equipment T3 - Energetic materials U3 - Irrigation machinery V3 - Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) machines W3 - Printers X3 - Artificial intelligence software Y3 - Construction


D: Lasers Dgroup
A4 - Chemicals B4 - Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) C4 - Die press lines D4 - Excimer lasers E4 - Other directed energy products F4 - Reflective coatings G4 - Commercial off-the-shelf equipment used for sonar H4 - Atomic clocks I4 - Pulse radars J4 - Other signature control products K4 - Unmanned aerial vehicles and drones L4 - Solid rocket motors and related equipment M4 - Submarines N4 - Transport vehicles & designs O4 - Artillery rounds P4 - Combustion engines Q4 - Protective clothing R4 - Biological weapons destruction and demilitarization technology S4 - Chemical disaster response equipment T4 - Quantum systems U4 - Produce sorters V4 - X-radiation machines W4 - Telecommunication devices (phones, cell phones, radios, radio mounts) X4 - Swarm software Y4 - Consulting services


E: Directed Energy Egroup
A5 - Fiber-based materials B5 - Programmable memory C5 - Robot work cells D5 - Fiber lasers
F5 - Refractive coatings G5 - Other sensor products H5 - Accelerometers I5 - Continuous wave radars
K5 - Airframes and structural components (including rotor blades, landing gear, hydraulics, etc.) L5 - Liquid rocket motors and related equipment M5 - Other marine systems N5 - Wheeled or tracked vehicles not specified above O5 - Rockets (endo and exoatmospheric) P5 - Turbo fan engines Q5 - Radiation detective devices (e.g. Geiger counters) R5 - Biological agent detection equipment S5 - Other chemical products T5 - Computational modeling of human behavior U5 - Harvesting technology V5 - Medicine distribution technology W5 - Commercial off-the-shelf equipment used for C4 X5 - Microelectronic design software Y5 - Delivery and freight services


F: Optics Fgroup
A6 - Other raw materials B6 - Optical filters C6 - Bearings D6 - Photonic crystal lasers
F6 - Lenses
H6 - Other positioning, navigation, or timing products I6 - Other radar products
K6 - Other aeronautic products L6 - Other space system products
N6 - Unmanned ground systems O6 - Missiles P6 - Catapults Q6 - Radioactive material storage R6 - Biological disaster response equipment
T6 - Cognitive neuroscience U6 - Other agricultural products V6 - Disease and vector research W6 - Computers and CPUs X6 - System development kits (SDK) Y6 - Education and training services


G: Acoustic Sensors Ggroup

B7 - Micro-sensors C7 - Transmission equipment (gears, pulleys, sprockets, belts, torque converters, etc.) D7 - Semiconductor lasers
F7 - Other optics products

N7 - Other ground system products O7 - Hypervelocity weapons P7 - Batteries Q7 - Nuclear disaster response equipment R7 - Other biological products
T7 - Other emerging technology
V7 - Other medical products W7 - Antennas X7 - Software algorithms Y7 - Engineering services


H: Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Hgroup

B8 - Vacuum tubes C8 - Welding, soldering, and brazing equipment D8 - Dye lasers

O8 - Launchers (missile, torpedo, rocket, etc.) P8 - Propellants Q8 - Other nuclear products

W8 - Beyond the line of sight C2 X8 - Correlation software Y8 - Financial and banking services


I: Radars Igroup

B9 - Capacitors C9 - Other manufacturing equipment D9 - Free electron lasers

O9 - Underwater explosives (mines, torpedos, etc.) P9 - Other energy systems products

W9 - Line of sight C2 X9 - Database Y9 - General contracting


J: Signature Control Jgroup

B10 - Microprocessors
D10 - Bio lasers

O10 - Fire control systems and components

W10 - Other C4 products X10 - Computer language software Y10 - Graphic arts, video, digital production services


K: Aeronautic Systems Kgroup

B11 - Microcontrollers
D11 - Other laser products

O11 - Body armor

X11 - Operating systems Y11 - Information technology services


L: Space Systems Lgroup

B12 - Digital signal processors

O12 - Other armor

X12 - Finance and accounting software Y12 - Internet service provision


M: Marine Systems Mgroup

B13 - Diodes

O13 - Other armaments, explosives, or survivability products

X13 - Other software products Y13 - Janitorial services


N: Ground Systems Ngroup

B14 - Wafers (any molecular composition)

Y14 - Legal services


O: Armaments and Survivability Ogroup

B15 - Circuit boards

Y15 - Logistical services


P: Energy Systems & Energetics Pgroup

B16 - Flexible circuit boards

Y16 - Marketing services


Q: Nuclear Qgroup

B17 - Other electronic products

Y17 - Medical services


R: Biological Rgroup

Y18 - Professional Services


S: Chemical Sgroup

Y19 - Property management services


T: Emerging Technology Tgroup

Y20 - Security and protection services


U: Agricultural Ugroup

Y21 - Staffing services


V: Medical Vgroup

Y22 - Telecommunication services


W: Command, Control, Communication, and Computer Wgroup

Y23 - Translation services


X: Software Xgroup

Y24 - Transportation services


Y: Services and Other Products Ygroup

Y25 - Other services

Y26 - Products not listed

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 6: Employment

Record the total number of full time equivalent (FTE) employees and contractors employed by this location for the past three years.

This may include employees who work off-site but report to this location.

2013 2014 2015
FTE Employees

FTE Contractors

B. How many non-U.S. citizens work at your location?

If yes, identify the number of each type of non-U.S. citizen worker currently employed at your location.

H-1B H-2B F-1 Green Card Other
FTE Employees

FTE Contractors

List each country (other than the U.S.) from which your location has non-U.S. citizen workers (employees or contractors), and identify the number of each type of visa or green card holder associated with each country.
Country H-1B H-2B F-1 Green Card Other

C. Provide the number of FTE employees and contractors employed by this location that hold active security clearances at the following levels: Top Secret Secret Confidential

D. Does your location have difficulty hiring and/or retaining any parts of its workforce?
If yes, identify which occupations and explain your selection.

Occupation Difficulty Explanation
Engineers, Scientists, and R&D Staff

Information Technology Professionals

Production Line Workers

Testing Operators and Quality Control Technicians

Other (specify here)


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 7: Sales

Provide your location's total sales information for the past three years to U.S. and non-U.S. customers. If location level data is not available, contact survey support staff at [email protected] before entering higher level data.

In Part B, indicate your location's total sales for defense-related purposes (including commercial and government sales).
In Part C, indicate your location's total sales from classified contracts.
In Part D, indicate your location's total sales to all governments.

Note: "U.S." means U.S. domestic sales; "Non-U.S." means export sales from U.S. locations.

Source of Sales Data:

Reporting Schedule:

Record in $ Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input $12

Data Confirmation

U.S. Non-U.S.
U.S. Non-U.S.
U.S. Non-U.S.
Total Listed 2015 Sales
A. Total Sales, all Customers (in $)

Lines B-D need not sum to 100%. Estimates are acceptable. Ensure you complete lines B-D for all years with sales.
Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.

Total Defense-Related Sales (as a % of A)

Total Sales from Classified Contracts (as a % of A)

Total Sales from all Government Contracts (as a % of A)

* Furnish full year estimates for 2015 if data is unavailable.


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 8: Top Customers

Identify your location's top U.S. and non-U.S. direct customers by sales for the past three years. A direct customer is the immediate entity to which you sell your products/services. Customers can include other business units/divisions within your parent organization. Indicate the type of customer and their location.
Location's Top U.S.-Based Customers

Estimated total number of U.S.-based customers in past three years:

Customer Name Type of Customer Customer City Customer State










Location's Top Non-U.S.-Based Customers

Estimated total number of non-U.S.-based customers in past three years:

Customer Name Type of Customer Customer City Customer Country











BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 9a: Physical and Cyber Security Procedures

A. In the event of a suspected/confirmed security incident at your location, do you know what authorities to contact?

Indicate which organizations your location would notify in response to a suspected/confirmed security incident by briefly describing the type of incident(s) for which you would contact the organization.

Defense Security Service (DSS)
Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP)

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)

Defense-Related Investigative Services (e.g. DCIS, NCIS, etc.)
National Security Agency (NSA)

Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Department of Energy (DOE)
Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
State & Local Authorities

Department of Justice (DOJ)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
None at All

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Other (specify here)

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Other (specify here)

B. State the number of security incidents your location has recorded in each year: Year Physical Incidents Cyber




C. Indicate which of the following security measures are in place at this location:

Physical Security
Cyber Security

After hours inspections of cleared areas

Account Monitoring and Control
Inventory of Authorized/Unauthorized Software

CCTV monitoring

Application Software Security
Limitation/Control of Network Ports and Services

Control of facility points of entry

Boundary Defense
Maintenance, Monitoring, & Analysis of Audit Logs

Intrusion alarms

Continuous Vulnerability Assessment
Malware Defenses

Perimeter barriers around facility

Controlled Access Based on Need to Know
Penetration Tests and Red Team Exercises

Personnel physical access cards

Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges
Secure Configurations on Hardware

Physical separation of cleared areas

Data Protection
Secure Configurations of Network Devices

Security guards

Data Recovery Capability
Secure Network Engineering

Other (specify here)

Incident Response and Management
Security Skills Assessments and Training

Other (specify here)

Inventory of Authorized/Unauthorized Devices
Wireless Access Control

Other (specify here)

Other (specify here)
Other (specify here)

D. Is this location familiar with the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Cyber Security Framework? (

Does this location employ any of the NIST Cyber Security Framework's recommended controls?

Provide any explanations of the controls your location has in place or feedback you may have on potential improvements, clarifications, or other changes:


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 9b: Physical and Cyber Security Procedures (Cont.)

A. Is this location a possessing (has access to on-site classified information) or non-possessing (employees only access classified information off-site) facility?

ALL LOCATIONS (possessing and non-possessing) should complete this section, based on their on-site systems.

Estimate your location's spending on physical and cyber security, in thousands of dollars.

Note: Location level data is strongly preferred. If you do not keep this information at a location level, provide data at the next highest level available.

Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

Source of Security Expenditure Data:

Reporting Schedule:

2013 2014 2015*
Data Confirmation
1 Physical Security

Total 2015 Security Expenditures
2 Cyber Security

* Furnish full year estimates for 2015.

B. Provide the following information on remote network access:

1 Are employees and/or contractors able to access this facility's internal networks remotely?


2 Are any other organizations/companies able to access this facility's internal networks remotely?


C. Provide the following information on data storage and sharing:

1 Does your location or parent organization operate its own data center in the U.S.?
If yes, how many?

2 Does your location or parent organization operate its own data center outside the U.S.?
If yes, how many?

3 Does your location use a U.S.-based cloud service or external data storage provider?

4 Does your location use a non-U.S.-based cloud service or external data storage provider?

5 Estimate the percentage of your location's Commercially Sensitive Information that is stored with cloud services or external data storage providers:

6 Does your location share Commercially Sensitive Information with non-U.S. organizations in order to support business operations?
This might include the sharing of customer information, proprietary designs, R&D information, production data, etc.

If yes, identify both the types of CSI shared and the countries of the organizations it is shared with:

D. Provide the following information on cyber threats (to all systems, both classified and unclassified):

1 Is your location able to detect the theft of, or unauthorized access to, Commercially Sensitive Information by cyber means?

If yes, has your location investigated the source of any such theft or unauthorized access in the past three years?


2 Is your location able to detect an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)?
If yes, estimate how many APTs your location has encountered in the past three years:

3 Identify any impacts or actions resulting from malicious cyber activity at your location in the past three years:

Impacts Experienced Actions Undertaken

IT downtime
Revised approach to international partnerships

Costs from damage assessment/remediation
Significant change in R&D strategy

Loss of sales/Business interruption
Exit from foreign markets or market segments

Exfiltration of Commercially Sensitive Information
Exit from product or business line

Damage to IT infrastructure
Major new investment in cyber security

Damage to company production capabilities or systems
Other (specify here)

Theft of software and/or source code
Other (specify here)


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 10: Classified Contract Information

Provide the following information on your classified contracts:
Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.
A. Number of classified prime contracts awarded to this location in the past three years
Number of classified subcontracts awarded to this location in the past three years
Number of classified subcontracts this location awarded to contractors in the past three years
Number of classified foreign contracts awarded to this location in the past three years
B. How many contracts with active DD-254s does this location manage/administer:

C. Identify the top ten contracts with active DD-254s your location manages, in descending order of total contract award dollars.
Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form. If any of the requested information is classified, enter "Classified" in the corresponding field.

Contract ID Number CAGE Associated
with Contract
USG Customer USG Program Product/Service 1 Product/Service 2 Product/Service 3











BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 11: Research & Development

A. Does your location conduct research and development (R&D)?
If no, proceed to Section 12.

In Question B, record your location's total R&D dollar expenditures and type of R&D expenditure for the previous three years.
In Question C, identify your location's R&D funding sources, by percent of total R&D dollars sourced.

Note: Location level data is strongly preferred. If you do not keep this information at a location level, provide data at the next highest level available.

Source of R&D data:

Reporting Schedule:


Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

2013 2014 2015*
1 Total R&D Expenditures

Data Confirmation
2 Basic Research (as a percent of B1)

Total 2015 R&D Expenditures
3 Applied Research (as a percent of B1)

4 Product/Process Development (as a percent of B1)

5 Total of 2 - 4 (must equal 100%) 0% 0% 0%


Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

2013 2014 2015*

1 Total R&D Funding Sources

2 Internal/Self-Funded/IRAD (as a percent of C1)

3 Total Federal Government (as a percent of C1)

4 Total State and Local Government (as a percent of C1)

5 Universities - Public and Private (as a percent of C1)

6 U.S. Industry, Venture Capital, Non-Profit (as a percent of C1)

7 Non-U.S. Investors (as a percent of C1)

8 Other (specify here)

9 Total of 2 - 8 (must equal 100%) 0% 0% 0%

* Furnish full year estimates for 2015 if data is unavailable.


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 12: Financials

Provide the following financial line items for your location for the last three years below.

Note: Location level data is strongly preferred. If you do not keep this information at a location level, provide data at the next highest level available.

Source of Income Statement Items:

Reporting Schedule:

Income Statement (Select Line Items) Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12
2013 2014 2015*
A. Net Sales (and other revenue)

Data Confirmation
B. Cost of Goods Sold

2015 Net Sales
C. Total Operating Income (Loss)

D. Earnings Before Interest and Taxes

E. Net Income

Source of Balance Sheet Items:

Reporting Schedule:

Balance Sheet (Select Line Items) Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12
2013 2014 2015*
A. Cash

B. Inventories

C. Total Current Assets

D. Total Assets

E. Total Current Liabilities

F. Total Liabilities

G. Retained Earnings

H. Total Owner's Equity

* Furnish full year estimates for 2015 if data is unavailable.

Note: Total Assets must equal Total Liabilities plus Total Owner's Equity


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 13: Challenges and Outreach

A. Identify the issues that have impacted your location in the past three years.
In column A, select YES/NO from the dropdown menu.
In column B, rank your top five issues (one being the most important) by selecting numbers one through five, using each rank exactly once.
In column C, provide an explanation for the relevant issues.
Type of Issue A B C
-Yes/No- Rank Top 5 Explanation of Issue:
Aging equipment, facilities, or infrastructure

Aging workforce

Counterfeit parts

Cyber security

Domestic competition

Environmental regulations/remediation

Export controls/ITAR & EAR

Foreign competition

Government acquisition process

Government purchasing volatility

Government regulatory burden


Input availability

Intellectual property/patent infringement

Labor availability/costs


Pension costs

Proximity to customers

Proximity to suppliers


Quality of inputs

R&D costs

Reduction in USG demand


Worker/skills retention

Other (specify here)

B. There are many federal and state government programs and services available to assist your organization to better compete in the global marketplace. If your organization would like more information regarding these government programs, select the specific areas of interest below. The Commerce Department will follow-up with your organization regarding your selections.
Continuous Improvement/
Lean Manufacturing

Market Expansion/Business Growth
Cyber Security
Product Design
Design for Assembly
Design for Manufacturability
Quality Management and Control
Energy and Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contracts
Export Assistance
Supply Chain Optimization
Export Licensing (ITAR/EAR)
Technology Acceleration
Government Procurement Guidelines
Vendor/Material Sourcing

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 14: Certification


The undersigned certifies that the information herein supplied in response to this questionnaire is complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge. It is a criminal offense to willfully make a false statement or representation to any department or agency of the United States Government as to any matter within its jurisdiction (18 U.S.C.A. 1001 (1984 & SUPP. 1197))

Once this survey is complete, first save it to your computer, and then submit the document via the Census Bureau portal linked here:

Verification Metrics

Location Name

Organization Name

Sales/Net Sales No Net Sales

Organization's Internet Address

Revenue per Employee No Employees

Name of Authorizing Official

Income Progression Income Reasonable

Title of Authorizing Official

Cash/Current Assets Cash/Current Assets Reasonable

E-mail Address

Current/Total Assets Current/Total Assets Reasonable

Phone Number and Extension

Current/Total Liabilities Current/Total Liabilities Reasonable

Date Certified

R&D Sources R&D Funding = R&D Expenditure

In the box below, provide any additional comments or any other information you wish to include regarding this survey assessment.

Cyber, Physical Expenditures No physical or cyber security expenditures listed


How many hours did it take to complete this survey?

Completion Estimate 0%

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act


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