U.S. Rocket Propulsion Industry

National Security and Critical Technology Assessments of the US Industrial Base


U.S. Rocket Propulsion Industry

OMB: 0694-0119

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Cover Page
Table of Contents
General Instructions

Sheet 1: Cover Page

OMB Control Number: ####-####
Expiration Date: 12/31/2017
Propulsion Survey

The U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE), in coordination with the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) co-chaired Joint Army, Navy, NASA, Air Force Interagency Propulsion Committee (JANNAF) is conducting a survey and assessment of organizations responsible for the research, design, engineering, development, manufacture, testing, and integration of rocket propulsion-related products, components, and services. The principal goal of this assessment is to gain an understanding of the intricate supply chain network supporting the development, production, and sustainment of products and services across both the U.S. Government and commercial propulsion-related sectors. With the data collected in this survey, U.S. Government agencies will be better informed and able to develop targeted planning, acquisition, and investment strategies to ensure industry's ability to support critical defense and civil missions and programs.
A response to this survey is required by law (50 U.S.C. App. Sec. 2155). Failure to respond can result in a maximum fine of $10,000, imprisonment of up to one year, or both. Information furnished herewith is deemed confidential and will not be published or disclosed except in accordance with Section 705 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C App. Sec. 2155). Section 705 prohibits the publication or disclosure of this information unless the President determines that its withholding is contrary to the national defense. Information will not be shared with any non-government entity, other than in aggregate form. The information will be protected pursuant to the appropriate exemptions from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), should it be the subject of a FOIA request.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 14 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information to BIS Information Collection Officer, Room 6883, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (OMB Control No. ####-####), Washington, D.C. 20503.
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 2: Table of Contents

Previous Page

Next Page
I General Instructions
II Definitions
1 Organizational Information
2 Facilities
3 Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures, and Joint Ventures
4 Products and Services
5 Support of U.S. Government

Important Note:
The drop-down menus in several later sections are based on your responses in Section 4 (4a & 4b).

In order for all menus to work properly, you must complete these sections in order.
6 Critical Suppliers

7 Propulsion-related Inventory

8 Employment

9 Sales

10 Top Customers

11 Research and Development

12 Financial Information

13 Standards/Certifications

14 Additive Manufacturing (A.M.)/3-D Printing
15 Capital Expenditures/Capacity
16 U.S. Government Contracts
17 Obstacles Affecting Long-Term Viability
18 Cyber Security
19 Test & Evaluation/Outreach Information
20 Certification

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 3: General Instructions

Previous Page

Table of Contents

Next Page
A. Your organization is required to complete this survey using an Excel template, which can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau website: https://respond.census.gov/propulsion/download. For your convenience, a PDF version of the survey is available to aid your internal data collection. DO NOT submit the PDF version of your organization’s response to U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS).
B. This survey has been distributed on an corporate/whole organization and business unit/division basis and should be completed at the requested level. Each survey section should be completed consistently at the same reporting level.
If reporting at an individual business unit/division level, call (202) 482-XXXX to confirm.
C. Respond to every question. Surveys that are not fully completed will be returned for completion. Use the comment boxes to provide any information to supplement responses provided in the survey form. Make sure to record a complete answer in the cell provided, even if the cell does not appear to expand to fit all the information.

DO NOT COPY AND PASTE RESPONSES WITHIN THIS SURVEY. Survey inputs must be entered by typing in responses or by using a drop-down menu. The use of copy and paste can corrupt the survey template. If your survey response is corrupted as a result of copy and paste responses, a new survey can be downloaded from the Census Bureau Survey Portal for immediate completion.
D. Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form.
E. Estimates are often acceptable, but in sections that do not explicitly allow estimates you must contact BIS survey support staff before including estimates.
F. Questions related to this Excel survey should be directed to: (E-mail is the preferred method of contact).
[email protected]
You may also speak with a member of BIS survey support staff by calling (202) 482-XXXX.
G. After completing, reviewing, and certifying the Excel survey, submit the survey via our Census Bureau Survey Portal:
Do not submit the survey via email.
H. For questions related to the overall scope of this Defense Industrial Base assessment, contact:

Brad Botwin, Director, Industrial Studies
Office of Technology Evaluation, Room 1093
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230

To contact Mr. Botwin, email [email protected].

DO NOT submit completed surveys to Mr. Botwin's postal or personal e-mail address; all surveys must be submitted electronically via our Census Bureau web portal:

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 4: Definitions

Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page

Section II: Definitions

See definitions below. Extended definitions are available here: LINK.

Term Definition

Applied Research Systematic study to gain knowledge or understanding necessary to determine the means by which a recognized and specific need may be met. This activity includes work leading to the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods, including design, development, and improvement of prototypes and new processes.

Authorizing Official Executive officer of the organization or business unit or other individual who has the authority to execute this survey on behalf of the organization.

Basic Research Systematic, scientific study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts.

Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code Numbering system that identifies companies doing or wishing to do business with the U.S. Federal Government. The code is used to support mechanized government systems and provides a standardized method of identifying a given facility at a specific location. Find CAGE codes at https://cage.dla.mil/search/.

Commercially Sensitive Information (CSI) Privileged or proprietary information which, if compromised through alternation, corruption, loss, misuse, or unauthorized disclosure, could cause serious harm to the organization owning it. This includes customer/client information, financial information and records, human resources information, intellectual property information, internal communications, manufacturing and production line information, patent and trademark information, research and development information, regulatory/compliance information, and supplier/supply chain information.

Counterfeit For the purpose of this survey, a counterfeit is a part, material, or other product that is not genuine because it 1) is an unauthorized copy; 2) does not conform to original design, model, and/or performance standards; 3) is not produced by the original manufacturer or is produced by unauthorized contractors; 4) is off-specification, defective, or used product sold as "new" or working; or 5) has incorrect or false markings and/or documentation.

Customer An entity to which an organization directly delivers the product or service that the facility produces. A customer may be another company or another facility owned by the same parent organization. The customer may be the end user for the item but often will be an intermediate link in the supply chain, adding additional value before transferring the item to yet another customer.

Cyber Security The body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access.

Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) A nine-digit numbering system that uniquely identifies an individual business. Find DUNS numbers at http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform.

Electric Propulsion Propulsion Industrial Base Segment including: electric propulsion systems with unique applications with low thrusts, low accelerations, and trajectories exclusively in space, high specific impulse, long operating times, and generally a relatively massive power supply system, organized into three basic types, electro thermal rocket propulsion (resembles the chemical rocket units), electrostatic or ion propulsion engine, and the electromagnetic or magneto plasma engine. Includes TRL 6 and above.

Facility A building or the minimum complex of buildings or parts of buildings in which a company operates to serve a particular function, producing revenue, and incurring costs for the company. A facility may produce an item of tangible or intangible property or may perform a service. It may encompass a floor or group of floors within a building, a single building, or a group of buildings or structures. Often, a facility is a group of related locations at which company employees work, together constituting a profit-and-loss center for the company, and it may be identified by a unique DUNS number.

Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Employees Employees who work for 40 hours in a normal work week. Convert part-time employees into "full time equivalents" by taking their work hours as a fraction of 40 hours.

Large Liquid Propulsion Propulsion Industrial Base Segment including: larger chemical liquid propulsion systems and all engines with turbopumps (not including structural tanks, but including the features of the main propulsion system that reside in the tanks, as well as booster stages, upper stages, in-space transit stages, propellant, and pressurant). Includes TRL 6 and above.

Large Solid Rocket Motor Propulsion Industrial Base Segment including: solid rocket motors that are typically characterized by large diameter (e.g. 40” and larger) requiring more than one mix to cast a single motor and relatively limited production rate. Includes TRL 6 and above.

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code Numbering system that identifies the category of product(s) or service(s) provided by an organization. Find NAICS codes at http://www.census.gov/epcd/www/naics.html

Product/Process Development Conceptualization and development of a product prior to the production of the product for customers.

Program Technology Transfer Activity Agency and program initiatives to manage technology throughout the agency, program, and/or outside organizations. For example, the NSA Technology Transfer Program (TTP) transfers NSA-developed technology to industry, academia, and other research organizations, benefitting the economy and the Agency mission. The program has an extensive portfolio of patented technologies across multiple technology areas. Find more information about NASA's program here: https://www.nsa.gov/what-we-do/research/technology-transfer/ Another example includes the DHS S&T Technology Transfer Program Office, which serves as the centralized office to manage technology transfer throughout DHS and the DHS laboratory network. Technologies developed and evaluated within the department can have tremendous potential for commercial applications throughout the nation, enhance the competitiveness of individual small businesses, as well as expand areas of exploration and cooperation for all non-federal partners. Find more information about DHS' program here: https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/technology-transfer-program

Propulsion-related Any activity/component/subsystem/test/product/service that contributes to U.S. Government or Commercial propulsion systems (including the propulsion of a launch vehicle, missile, and in-space spacecraft propulsion).

Research & Development (R&D) All efforts of scientific study and experimentation, theoretical work, and original investigation undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge or understanding of the underlying foundations of phenomena and observable facts, including the creative and systematic application of knowledge with specific practical aim or objective or the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods. Comprises such efforts at all levels (basic, applied, design, etc.), including the design, development, and improvement of prototypes and new processes to meet specific requirements.

Science and Technology (S&T) Propulsion Industrial Base Segment including: all S&T research & development activities at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of TRL 5 and below (including engineering services).

Service An intangible product (contrasted to a good, which is a tangible product). Services typically cannot be stored or transported, are instantly perishable, and come into existence at the time they are bought and consumed.

Single Source An organization that is designated as the only accepted source for the supply of parts, components, materials, or services, even though other sources with equivalent technical know-how and production capability may exist.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Contracts The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive program that encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) that has the potential for commercialization. Through a competitive awards-based program, SBIR enables small businesses to explore their technological potential and provides the incentive to profit from its commercialization. By including qualified small businesses in the nation's R&D arena, high-tech innovation is stimulated and the United States gains entrepreneurial spirit as it meets its specific research and development needs. Find more information about SBIR here: https://www.sbir.gov/about/about-sbir

Small Liquid Propulsion Propulsion Industrial Base Segment including: small chemical liquid propulsion systems, pressure-fed engines, and spacecraft propulsion (including the entire propulsion system, to include pressurant and propellant tanks, flow-control components, dedicated sensors, and engines). Includes TRL 6 and above.

Small Solid Rocket Motor Propulsion Industrial Base Segment including: solid rocket motors typically characterized by small diameter (e.g. 40” and smaller) allowing casting of multiple motors from a single mix and relatively limited production rate). Includes TRL 6 and above.

Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Contracts Small Business Technology Transfer expands funding opportunities in the federal innovation research and development (R&D) arena. Central to the program is expansion of the public/private sector partnership to include the joint venture opportunities for small businesses and nonprofit research institutions. The unique feature of the STTR program is the requirement for the small business to formally collaborate with a research institution in Phase I and Phase II. STTR's most important role is to bridge the gap between performance of basic science and commercialization of resulting innovations. Find more information about STTR here: https://www.sbir.gov/about/about-sttr#three

Sole Source An organization that is the only source for the supply of parts, components, materials, or services. No alternative U.S. or non-U.S. based suppliers exist other than the current supplier.

STEM STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Supplier An entity from which your organization obtains inputs. A supplier may be another organization with which you have a contractual relationship, or it may be another facility owned by the same parent organization. The inputs may be goods or services.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Technology Readiness Levels estimate the maturity of technology of a program during the acquisition process. TRL 1, for example, indicates the transition from scientific research to applied research and TRL 9 indicates a fully integrated product with operational hardware/software systems. Full descriptions of each TRL are located here: https://esto.nasa.gov/files/trl_definitions.pdf

Test and Evaluation (T&E) Propulsion Industrial Base Segment including: government and non-governmental test facilities and test capabilities applied to specific engine/motor components, engine/motor subsystems, and the entire stage (engines, propellant tanks, avionics, etc.). Covering test and evaluation of activities TRL 6 and above.

United States The "United States" or "U.S." includes the 50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, the island of Guam, the Trust Territories, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Utilization Rate The percent of an organization's potential output that is actually being used in current production, where potential output is based on a 7 day-a-week, 3x8-hour shift production schedule. Note: 100% utilization rate equals no downtime with full employment.

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 5: 1a

Previous Page
Table of Contents Next Page
Section 1a: Organization Information

This survey has been distributed on an Corporate/Whole Organization basis or a Business Unit/division basis and should be completed at the requested level. The entire survey document should be completed consistently at the same level (Corporate/Whole Organization or Business Unit/Division). In the box to the right, confirm whether this survey represents a response for your Corporate/Whole Organization or an individual Business Unit/Division. <Corporate - Whole Organization, Business Unit -Division>
A. Provide the following information for your organization (at the level of reporting). If not applicable, please write "N/A"
Organization Name
Business Unit Name (if applicable)
Street Address
State <State List>
Zip Code #
Phone Number
Primary Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Code (associated with the response level) #
Primary CAGE Code (associated with the response level) #
Is your organization publicly traded or privately held? <Public/Private>
If your organization is publicly traded, identify its stock ticker symbol. #
Is this the only location your organization currently operates? <Yes/No>
B. Does your organization have a parent company? <Yes/No> If Yes, provide the following information for your parent organization(s):

Parent Organization 1 Parent Organization 2
Organization Name

Street Address


State/Province <State List> <State List>
Postal Code/Zip Code

Country <Country Drop Down List> <Country Drop Down List>
Phone Number # #
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Code(s) # #
Primary CAGE Code (If not applicable, write N/A) # #
Is your parent organization(s) publicly traded or privately held? <Public/Private> <Public/Private>
If your organization is publicly traded, identify its stock ticker symbol. # #
C. Organization headquartered in: <Country Drop Down List>
U.S. subsidiary of a non-U.S. parent company: <Yes/No>
Business unit or division of a U.S. parent company or organization: <Yes/No>
Percent of business equity owned by a foreign entity: %
Country: <Country Drop Down List>
D. Does your organization qualify as any of the following business types? <Yes/No> If Yes, indicate which types:
A small business enterprise (as defined by the Small Business Administration) <Yes, No>
An 8(a) Firm (as defined by the Small Business Administration) For information on SBA's small business size standards http://www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/contracting/contracting-officials/eligibility-size-standards
A historically underutilized business zone (HUBZone)
A minority-owned business
A woman-owned business
A veteran-owned or service-disabled veteran owned business
E. Point of Contact regarding this survey:
Name Title Phone Number E-mail Address State

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 6: 1b

Previous Page

Table of Contents Next Page
Section 1b: Organization Information (Cont.)
A. Provide the following propulsion-related identification codes for your organization, as applicable. If your organization has additional codes to report, ensure that the primary codes are entered in the boxes provided and include the additional codes in the comments box at the bottom of this Section.
Business Identification Information
Propulsion-related PSC Codes*
Propulsion-related NAICS (6-digit) Code(s)**
* Product and Service (PSC) Code(s) are federal supply codes are used by the United States government to describe the products, services, and research and development purchased by the government. Find your organization's PSC Code(s) at:
https://www.fpds.gov/wiki/index.php/PSC%2C_NAICS_and_more .

** North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes identify the category or product(s) or service(s) provided by your company. Find NAICS codes at:
http://www.census.gov/epcd/www/naics.html .

CAGE Code(s) ***
Propulsion-related HTS (10-digit) code(s)****
***Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code identifies companies doing or wishing to do business with the U.S. Federal Government. The code is used to support mechanized government systems and provides a standardized method of identifying a given facility at a specific location. Find CAGE codes at: https://cage.dla.mil/search/ .

**** Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes (10-digit) can be found at "HTS Online Resource Tool" located under "Research Tools" at: http://www.ustic.gov/index.htm .

B. For all categories that best describe your organization's business type, select the level of focus based on 2016 revenue contribution. Next, indicate if your organization's participation in each business type is in a propulsion-related capacity and explain. Part B must be completed before Section 1C, Part A.
Business Types Level of Focus Propulsion-related? Explain:
Academic Institution <Primary, Additional, None> <Propulsion-related, Not propulsion-related, Both> Write-in:
Holding company




Prototype manufacturer

Research & development

Service provider

Testing facility

Other (specify)

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 7: 1c

Previous Page

Table of Contents

Next Page

Section 1c: Organization Information (Cont.)

A. For each of your organization's Propulsion-related Business Lines (left column), and from the listed propulsion industrial base business categories (heading), select from the relevant drop-down menus your organization's primary involvement in each Business Line/Category (the drop-down consists of your organization's Business Type inputs in Section 1b, Part B). Part A of this Section must be completed before Part B.
*NOTE: See Definitions tab for definitions of each propulsion industrial base business category.

Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category

Propulsion-related Business Line Large Liquid Propulsion Small Liquid Propulsion Large Solid Rocket Motor Small Solid Rocket Motor Science & Technology Test and Evaluation Electric Propulsion Other
Drop Down Options
Composite materials

Academic Institution
Composite materials processing

Electrical systems

Holding company
Engineering services

Fabrication, (sub)system assembly

Instrumentation, sensors, transducers


Prototype Manufacturer
Interconnects, fasteners, standards, seals

Research & development
Launch services

Service provider
Liquid propellant material

Testing facility

Other (specify)
Maintenance/aftermarket/repair/refurbishing services

Material preparation (casting, forming, molding, forging, additive manufacturing, etc.)

Material processing/finishing (machining, coating, plating, heat treating, etc.)

Mechanical controls

Ordnance/Ignition components or systems


Raw material provider

Research and development

Solid rocket propellant material

System integration

Test equipment

Testing services

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 8: 2

Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page

Section 2: Facilities

A. Indicate the total number of facilities (see Definitions tab) that are a part of your organization in the box to the right.
Note: If your organization declared the survey response to be a Business Unit/Division-level response in Section 1a, then this section should contain Business Unit/Division-level data.

Of the total number of facilities provided above, indicate the total number of propulsion-related facilities and/or locations that are a part of your organization in the box to the right. If zero, proceed to Section B.

Identify all of your organization's U.S. and non-U.S. facilities with propulsion-related operations by Facility Name. Provide the LOCATION of the facility (City/State/Country), its OPERATIONS (primary business line and the percent of propulsion-related operations at the listed facility). Next, specify OUTLOOK (select the primary anticipated change and explain).

Internal/Owned Facilities

Propulsion-related Facility Name Location Operations Outlook

City State/Province Country Facility Primary Business Line
(select from dropdown)
Percent of Propulsion-related Facility Operations Do you anticipate any significant changes in the operations at this facility over the next five years? Primary Anticipated Change Explain


<Tab 1b, Part A - Selected>
<Yes, No, Unsure> Write-in: Write-in:










Indicate the total number of external facilities (any locations/areas of use that are maintained by any other entity other than your organization) used by your organization in the box to the right.

B. Indicate the total number of propulsion-related external facilities and/or locations used by your organization in the box to the right (including use of government and non-government external labs and testing facilities). If zero, proceed to Section 3.

Identify all of your organization's propulsion-related use of external facilities that your organization utilizes by facility name. Provide the LOCATION of the facility (City/State/Country), its OPERATIONS (primary business line and the facility type). Next, specify FACILITY OWNERSHIP (name of the entity owning the facility and explain).

External Facilities

Propulsion-related External Facility Name Location Operations Facility Ownership (U.S. Government and/or Company) Information

City State/Province Country Facility Business Line Utilized
(select from dropdown)
Facility Type Owner/Entity Name Explain


<Tab 1b, Part A - ALL> <Government Lab, Non-government Lab, Government Test and Evaluation Facility, Non-government Test and Evaluation Facility, Launch Provider, Launch Services, Other>











BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 9: 3

Previous Page

Table of Contents

Next Page

Section 3: Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures, and Joint Ventures

A. Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures

From 2013-2016, indicate the number of mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures (both U.S.-based, and non-U.S. based) in which your organization has been involved.

Identify your organization's ten most recent mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures, if applicable.

Organization Name Primary
Type of Activity Country Year Propulsion-related? Primary Objective Explain

1 Write-in: # <Merger, Acquisition, Divesture> <Country Drop Down> <Year Drop Down> <Propulsion-related, Not propulsion-related, Both> <Primary Objective Drop Down> Write-in:
<Primary Objective Dropdown>

Access to government contracts

Access to intellectual property

Bankruptcy restructuring

Broaden customer base

Develop new capabilities

Overcome market entry barrier/Geopolitical concerns


R&D access/coordination

Reduce costs
B. Joint Ventures
From 2013-2016, indicate the total number of joint ventures in which your organization participated.

Vertical integration
Identify your organization's current joint venture relationships, including public/private R&D partnerships, if applicable.
Other objective (Explain)
Organization/Entity Name Primary
Country Year Initiated Primary Purpose of Relationship Explain

1 Write-in: # <Country Drop Down> <Year Drop Down> <Primary Purpose Drop Down> Write-in:
<Primary Purpose Dropdown>

Access to financial resources

Access to suppliers

Access to technological resources

Broaden customer base

Creation of new technologies

Improved access to foreign markets

Improved access to U.S. markets

Product improvements

Reduced costs

Reduced lead times
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act
Risk sharing

Other objective (Explain)

Sheet 10: 4a

Previous Page Table of Contents
Next Page
Section 4a: Products and Services

Identify each general propulsion-related product and service category in which your organization participates by selecting "Yes." In Section 4b, select the individual type of products or services within these categories in which your organization participates by providing further detail.

The list below contains links to a particular product and/or service segment. After completing this page, proceed to the corresponding sections with the products/services that pertain to your organization, but be sure to review all segments to ensure completion.
Indicate all general categories associated with your organization's propulsion-related products and services.

Part Product and Service Category Participation

A Electrical, Ignition, and Control

B Manufactured Components

C Production Techniques

D Propellants and Other Materials

E Systems and Services

F Other

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 11: 4b

Previous Page

Table of Contents

Next Page

Section 4b: Products and Services

For each Propulsion-related Product and Service Category in which your organization provides a product or service (including R&D, Test and Evaluation, etc.), indicate the following: type of participation (product/service); whether your organization performs R&D; if your organization uses Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing for R&D; if your product is associated with a business type; if your organization uses Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing for the product category; and provide a description of the products and/or services. Then, indicate the primary propulsion industrial base business category associated, the primary propulsion-related business line, the primary end-use, and if the product/service type is export controlled.
Note that our definition of ‘services’ include R&D, Test and Evaluation, etc.

While many specific product/service areas are listed, not every possible product and service has been included. If there is a product/service type that is not listed in any of the sections below, please write-in your answers using the “Other” lines under each relevant category. You may also use “Part F, Other” to indicate any other product/service types that have not been already been included.

A. Electrical, Ignition, and Control

Product and Service Category
Participation Type Conduct R&D? Use of Additive Manufacturing/3.D. Printing for R&D? Business Type Use of Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing Describe Product/Service Primary
Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
Primary Propulsion-related Business Line Primary End-Use Export Controlled?
Primary Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
A1 Actuators <Product/Service/Both> <Yes/No/Not Applicable> If yes: <Yes/No/Not Applicable> <Prepopulated Business Types> If manufacturer, prototyper, or both: <Yes, all/Yes, some/No/Not Applicable>
<1c, Part A limited> <1c, Part A limited>
<Yes, No, Unknown>
Large Liquid Propulsion
A2 Arm fire device/Armed or safe

Small Liquid Propulsion
A3 Avionics (sub)systems and components

Large Solid Rocket Motor
A4 Batteries

Small Solid Rocket Motor
A5 Electrical systems and components

Science & Technology
A6 Fuses

Test and Evaluation
A7 Harnesses

Electric Propulsion
A8 Igniter material

A9 Igniter system and components

A10 Mechanical controls

Primary End-Use
A11 Ordnance systems and components

A12 Power electronics

Government Defense
A13 Pyrotechnics, cartridge and propellant actuated devices

Government Non-defense
A14 Sensors

Commercial Defense
A15 Transducers

Commercial Non-defense
A16 Other (specify)

A17 Other (specify)

A18 Other (specify)

B. Manufactured Components

Product and Service Category
Participation Type Conduct R&D? Use of Additive Manufacturing/3.D. Printing for R&D? Participation Category Use of Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing Describe Product/Service Primary
Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
Primary Propulsion-related Business Line Primary End-Use Export Controlled?

B1 Bearings

B2 Bellows

B3 Casings

B4 Curvics

B5 Dampers

B6 Ducts, tubing, and hoses

B7 Fairings and skirts

B8 Fasteners, gaskets, o-rings, seals

B9 Nozzles

B10 Pressure vessels/motor cases

B11 Regulators

B12 Rotating machinery components

B13 Springs

B14 Spun metal domes

B15 Strut

B16 Thrust chamber

B17 Turbopump

B18 Valves

B19 Other (specify)

B20 Other (specify)

B21 Other (specify)

C. Production Techniques

Product and Service Category
Participation Type Conduct R&D? Use of Additive Manufacturing/3.D. Printing for R&D? Participation Category Use of Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing Describe Product/Service Primary
Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
Primary Propulsion-related Business Line Primary End-Use Export Controlled?

C1 Additive manufacturing

C2 Brazing

C3 Casting

C4 Coating

C5 Fabrication

C6 Flow forming

C7 Forging

C8 Forming

C9 Heat treating

C10 Large machining

C11 Metal jointing

C12 Molding

C13 Plating

C14 Precision machining

C15 Sheet metal fabrication

C16 Small machining

C17 Turbopump machining

C18 Other (specify)

C19 Other (specify)

C20 Other (specify)

D. Propellants and Other Materials

Product and Service Category
Participation Type Conduct R&D? Use of Additive Manufacturing/3.D. Printing for R&D? Participation Category Use of Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing Describe Product/Service Primary
Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
Primary Propulsion-related Business Line Primary End-Use Export Controlled?

D1 Adhesives and resins

D2 Coatings

D3 Composite materials

D4 Fuels (including RP-1 and RP-2)

D5 HC polymer

D6 Insulation

D7 Liquid propellant and/or materials

D8 PBI-NBR rubber

D9 Oxidizer

D10 Polymer

D11 Pressurant

D12 Raw materials (including Additive Manufacturing Stock)

D13 Rayon

D14 Solid rocket liner material

D15 Solid rocket propellant material

D16 Weld wire

D17 Other (specify)

D18 Other (specify)

D19 Other (specify)

E. Systems and Services

Product and Service Category
Participation Type Conduct R&D? Use of Additive Manufacturing/3.D. Printing for R&D? Participation Category Use of Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing Describe Product/Service Primary
Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
Primary Propulsion-related Business Line Primary End-Use Export Controlled?

E1 Component testing

E2 Composite materials testing

E3 Engine/motor system testing

E4 Engineering services

E5 Fabricated assemblies

E6 Launch services

E7 Machine parts and tooling

E8 Materials testing

E9 System and/or subsystem assembly

E10 System and or subsystem integration

E11 Test equipment

E12 Test services

E13 Test stand design

E14 Other (specify)

E15 Other (specify)

E16 Other (specify)

F. Other

Product and Service Category
Participation Type Conduct R&D? Use of Additive Manufacturing/3.D. Printing for R&D? Participation Category Use of Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing Describe Product/Service Primary
Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
Primary Propulsion-related Business Line Primary End-Use Export Controlled?

F1 Maintenance/aftermarket/repair/refurbishing

F2 Cleaning agents

F3 Propellant tanks

F4 Other (specify)

F5 Other (specify)

F6 Other (specify)

F7 Other (specify)

F8 Other (specify)


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Business Types

Academic Institution


Holding company




Prototype manufacturer

Research & development

Service provider

Testing facility

Other (specify)

Sheet 12: 5a

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Table of Contents
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Section 5a: Support of U.S. Government (USG) - Agencies

Indicate all USG departments and agencies your organization has supported, directly or indirectly, from 2013-2016 (including all affiliated laboratories). Indicate the type of support (Prime Contractor, Sub-Contractor, Both, or Other). Next, indicate if the type of support is propulsion-related, non-propulsion-related, both, or not applicable.

A. Agency Name Propulsion-related? Primary Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
Primary Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
U.S. Air Force (USAF) <Yes - Propulsion-related, Yes - non-propulsion-related, Both, Not applicable>

Large Liquid Propulsion
U.S. Army

Small Liquid Propulsion
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Large Solid Rocket Motor
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Small Solid Rocket Motor
U.S. Department of State

Science & Technology
U.S. DOD Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Test and Evaluation
U.S. DOD Missile Defense Agency (MDA)

Electric Propulsion
U.S. Intelligence Community (such as CIA, NGA, NRO, NSA, DNI, etc.)

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Other Agency
U.S. Navy

DOD Other
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (U.S. Department of Commerce)

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Other Agency <Select from list>

U.S. Department of Commerce (excluding NOAA)
Other Agency <Select from list>

U.S. Department of Transportation
Other Agency <Select from list>

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Unlisted Agency (Write-in)

Unlisted Agency (Write-in)

Unlisted Agency (Write-in)


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 13: 5b

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Section 5b: Support of U.S. Government (USG) - Engines and Motors (including Thrusters)
Indicate the total number of unique engines and motors (including thrusters) your organization has supported from 2013-2016. If zero, proceed to Section 5c.

For the products and service categories in which your organization participates, record any support your organization has provided from 2013-2016 for each of the following engines and motors. For any unlisted engines and motors (including thrusters), indicate the name in the appropriate category using Other (specify). If your organization supports engines and motors (including thrusters) that do not fall into the defined categories (e.g. hybrid, electric, etc.), use the Other category.

Indicate the number of products/service categories in which your organization provides (categories from Section 4b), the primary product/service category associated (by 2016 revenue contribution), the secondary product/service category associated (by 2016 revenue contribution), and if your organization provides R&D. Explain.
A. Engine/Motor Name Total Number of Products/Service Categories Associated Primary Product/Service Associated Secondary Product/Service Associated R&D Support Explain
Small Solids
Black Brant - Black Brant V (third stage) # <Tab 4b> <Tab 4b> <Yes/No/Not Applicable> Write-in:
NASA Oriole rocket motor (second stage)

NASA Peregrine Army Motor

SLS Attitude Control Motor

SLS Booster Separation Motor

SLS Jetison Motor

SLS Launch Abort

STAR 48BV Solid Rocket Motors

Trident D5 - Fairing Eject Motors

Trident D5 - Launcher System Motors

Trident D5 - Post Boost Motors

Trident D5 - Third Stage Eject Motors

Trident D5 - Vector Control Motors

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Small Liquids
ARCA Executor

SpaceX Kestrel (upper stage small engine)

SpaceX SuperDraco

SpaceX Draco thrusters

Virgin Galactic NewtonFour

Virgin Galactic NewtonThree

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Large Solids
Aerojet Rocketdyne AJ-60A*

Orbital ATK Castor 30 (A, B, and/or XL)

Orbital ATK GEM 63XL

Orbital ATK GEM 60

Orbital ATK SLS Booster

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Large Liquids
Aerojet Rocketdyne AJ26 (first stage engines used in Antares until end of 2016)

Aerojet Rocketdyne AR-1 Booster

Blue Origin BE-3

Blue Origin BE-4

IHI Aerospace BT-4


SpaceX Merlin 1D

SpaceX Merlin 1D Vacuum (MVacD)

SpaceX Merlin 2 concept

SpaceX Raptor

Energomash RD-151

Energomash RD-180

Energomash RD-181

Energomash RD-191

Energomash RD-193

Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10 (A, B, and/or C)

Aerojet Rocketdyne RS-25

Aerojet Rocketdyne RS-68 (including A)

Vulcan XR-8H21 (TBC)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Hybrid, Electric, Other (write-in)

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 14: 5c

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Table of Contents Next Page
Section 5c: Support of U.S. Government (USG) - USG Programs and Commercial Systems

A. Based on the product and service categories in which your organization participated, indicate the total number of propulsion-related programs/systems your organization supported from 2013-2016.

For each program/system in which your organization supports (including rocket families and stages), select the primary propulsion industrial base business category, the secondary propulsion industrial base business category (if applicable), the type of support, the primary engine/motor/booster (if applicable, prepopulated from Section 5b), the primary product/service associated, the secondary product/service associated, if your organization conducts related R&D, and explain.
B. Program/System Primary Product/Service
Secondary Product/Service Associated Primary Engine/Motor
(if applicable)
R&D Support Explain
Antares (expendable launch system developed by OATK to launch Cygnus spacecraft). <All Products/Services selected previously> <All Products/Services selected previously> <Engine List specific to this program, and N/A> <Yes/No> Write-in:
Antares Bi-Propellant Third Stage (BTS) (includes three IHI BT-4 engines from Japan)

Atlas V

Centaur (2 RL 10s) - second stage of the Atlas launch vehicle

Common Core Booster (used in Atlas V first stage powered by one RD-180 engine - used on 50+ flights of Atlas V).

Black Brant

Blue Origin New Glenn

Blue Origin New Shepard

CST-100 Starliner (use Atlas V, but compatible with Delta IV and Falcon 9, and likely Vulcan) (part of Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) Program)

Delta IV Heavy

Delta IV

Delta IV Common Booster Core (Uses RS-68s)

Delta Cryogenic Second Stage (DCSS)


Space Launch System (SLS) Exploration Upper Stage (EUS) - 4 RL 10 engines

Space Launch System (SLS) Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (ICPS)

Space Launch System (SLS) Orion MPCV


Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM)

AGM-114 Hellfire

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) uses Atlas V and Delta IV boosters - merged to create ULA. Is expected to use Falcon 9 F9 FT.

Evolved Seasparrow Missile (ESSM) Blk 1

Evolved Seasparrow Missile (ESSM) Blk 2


SpaceX Dragon

SpaceX Dragon V2/Dragon 2

SpaceX Falcon 9

SpaceX Falcon 9 Full Thrust (uses Merlin 1D engines & Merlin 1D Vacuum)

SpaceX Falcon 9 Heavy (Booster)

SpaceX ITS Launch Vehicle (future 2 stage rocket powered by 42 raptor rocket engines, First stage ITS Booster)





M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (M270 MLRS)

MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATacMS)

Minuteman III

Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3)

Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3) MSE


RAM Blk 2

RIM-174 Standard Extended Range Active Missile (ERAM) aka Standard Missile 6 (SM-6)

Sidewinder or AIM 9X

Standard Missile 3 (SM-3)

Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) Block IIA

Standard Missile-2 (SM-2)

Star 48BV

Star 48 Upper Stage (using Star 48BV solid rocket motor)

Tactical Tomahawk

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)


Trident D5

Program/System Write-in

Program/System Write-in

Program/System Write-in

Program/System Write-in

Program/System Write-in

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 15: 6

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Next Page
Section 6: Propulsion-related Suppliers
A. Indicate the number of suppliers from which your organization has purchased propulsion-related products/services (excluding propellants, fuels, oxidizers, and pressurants) from 2013-2016.

Identify your organization's top 20 key critical propulsion-related suppliers (excluding propellants, fuels, oxidizers, and pressurants). Only identify suppliers that support products/services mentioned earlier in the survey (in Section 4).

If a supplier provides products more than one product/service area, complete the supplier information on two (or more) separate rows and alter the product/services area (and related information) accordingly.
Input Type Input Description Product/Service that the input is utilized in: Supplier Name Supplier City Supplier State
(if applicable)
Supplier Country Single/Sole Supplier? Primary Propulsion Industrial Base Business Categories Primary Engine/Motor
(if applicable)
Primary Program/System
(if applicable)
1 <Product/Service List> Write-in: <Selected previously Product/Service List> Write-in: Write-in: <State List> <Country List> <Single Source, Sole Source> <Previously Selected PIB Categories> <Previously Selected Engine/Motor List + NA> <Previously Selected USG Program List + NA>



















Suppliers (Propellants, Fuels, Oxidizers, Pressurants)
B. Indicate the number of suppliers from which your organization has purchased propellants, fuels, oxidizers, pressurants from 2013-2016. If zero, proceed to Section 7.

Identify your organization's top 20 key critical propulsion-related propellants, fuels, oxidizers, and/or pressurants suppliers from 2013-2016. Only identify suppliers that support engines/motors and/or programs/systems mentioned earlier in the survey (in Section 5).

If your organization purchases more than one product per supplier, list each product on a separate row.
Propellant, Fuel, Oxidizer, Pressurant Type Product Name/Spec Annual Quantity Used (2013-2016 average) Supplier Name Supplier City Supplier State
(if applicable)
Supplier Country Single/Sole Supplier? Transportation Method Primary Engine/Motor
(if applicable)
Primary Program/System
(if applicable)
1 <Liquid Propellant, Solid Propellant, Fuel, Oxidizer, Pressurant> Write-in: Write-in: Write-in: Write-in: <State List> <Country List> <Single Source, Sole Source> <Drop down> <Previously Selected Engine/Motor List> <Previously Selected System/Program List>



















BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 16: 7

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Next Page
Section 7: Propulsion-related Supply Chain
A. From 2013-2016, has your organization experienced any supply chain disruptions which impacted your organization’s ability to provide adequate propulsion-related products and services? <Yes/No/Not Applicable>
If yes, for the top five disruptions of critical propulsion-related inputs by magnitude of impact, indicate the input and supplier associated with the disruption event, the length of the disruption (in days), the source of the disruption (by country), the primary reason for the disruption, the primary resolution outcome, the secondary resolution outcome, and explain.

Input Supplier Length of disruption (days) Source of Disruption (Country) Primary reason for the disruption Primary Resolution Explain
1 <write-ins from suppliers tab> <write-ins associated with that input type from suppliers tab> # <Country List> <Natural disaster, Customs Issues, Ports Issues, Trade Dispute, Duties, Supplier Financial Distress, Transportation Issues, Inadequate Logistics Support, Other> <Captive Capability, Stockpiling, Long Term Vendor Contracts, Identified Another Supplier, Legal Recourse, Waited Until Disruption Passed, Substituted Input, Designed-out Input, Other, None> Write-in:




B. From 2013-2016, has your organization experienced any negative impacts from importing propellants/fuels/oxidizers/pressurants? <Yes/No/Not Applicable>

If yes, for the top five impacts of imported critical propulsion-related propellants/fuels/oxidizers/pressurants by magnitude of impact, indicate the input type, input name, and supplier associated with the impact. Then, select the source of the impact (by country), and explain the impact and resolution. Examples of impacts include pricing, timely delivery, quality, etc.

Propellant, Fuel, Oxidizer, Pressurant Type Product Name/Spec Supplier Name Direct Country Source Primary Original Source Country
(if known)
1 <Liquid Propellant, Solid Propellant, Fuel, Oxidizer, Pressurant> <Write-ins from Tab 6> <Write-ins from Tab 6> <Country List> Write-in: Write-in:




C. From 2013-2016, did your organization have and adhere to any inventory and/or supply chain management practices for your propulsion-related products and services? <Yes/No/Not Applicable>
Select the supply chain management practices, methodologies, and systems that your organization utilized from 2013-2016 for propulsion-related products and services. For those that your organization did not utilize from 2013-2016, indicate if your organization is in process of establishing or pursuing each one. Explain.
Type Use Type Use Type Use Type Use
1 Advanced planning system (APS) <Yes – Currently, Yes-In process/pursuing, No, Not Applicable, Unsure> 9 Electronic data interchange (EDI) <Yes – Currently, Yes-In process/pursuing, No, Not Applicable, Unsure> 17 Materials requirements planning (MRP) <Yes – Currently, Yes-In process/pursuing, No, Not Applicable, Unsure> 25 Third party logistics (3PL) <Yes – Currently, Yes-In process/pursuing, No, Not Applicable, Unsure>
2 Bar coding
10 Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
18 Network centric manufacturing
26 Use of external consultants
3 Close partnership with customers
11 E-procurement
19 Outsourcing
27 Vendor managed inventory (VMI)
4 Close partnership with suppliers
12 Few suppliers
20 Plan strategically
28 Vertical integration
5 Customer relationships management (CRM)
13 Hold safety stock/stockpiling
21 Radio frequency identification (RFID)

29 Warehouse management system (WMS)
6 Decision support/expert system
14 Just in time (JIT)
22 Subcontracting

30 Theory of constraints (TOC)
7 E-business
15 Manufacturing resources planning (MRPII)
23 Supplier relationships management (SRM)

31 Use of full-time supply chain manager
8 E-commerce
16 Many suppliers
24 Supply chain benchmarking

32 Other (specify)

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 17: 8

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Next Page

Section 8: Employment

A. Record your organization's total full year Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees and contractors by year for your U.S.-based operations, distinguishing between workers that are U.S. citizens and workers that are not U.S. citizens. Then, record your organization's total full year Full Time Equivalent (FTE) propulsion-related employees and contractors by year for your U.S.-based operations, distinguishing between workers that are U.S. citizens and workers that are not U.S. citizens.

Then, estimate the percentage of your organization's total propulsion-related FTE Employees/Contractors for each category and year, distinguishing between workers that are U.S. citizens and workers that are not U.S. citizens.

NOTE: If your organization declared the survey response to be a Business Unit/Division-level response in Section 1a, then this section should contain Business Unit/Division-level data.

U.S.-based Operations 2013 2014 2015 2016

U.S. Citizens Non-U.S. Citizens U.S. Citizens Non-U.S. Citizens U.S. Citizens Non-U.S. Citizens U.S. Citizens Non-U.S. Citizens

Total FTE Employees/Contractors (A) # # # # # # # #

Total Propulsion-related FTE Employees/Contractors (B) # # # # # # # #

a Engineers (as a % of B) % % % % % % % %

b Information Technology Professionals (as a % of B) % % % % % % % %

c Production Line Workers (as a % of B) % % % % % % % %

d Scientists (as a % of B) % % % % % % % %

e Testing Operators, Quality Control, & Support Technicians (as a % of B) % % % % % % % %

f Other (specify)
% % % % % % % %

h Other (specify)
% % % % % % % %

i Other (specify)
% % % % % % % %

Total of a-i need not equal 100% SUM SUM SUM SUM SUM SUM SUM SUM

Estimate your organization's estimated turnover rate per year for your organization's US-based operations: 2013 2014 2015 2016

Total (U.S. and Non-U.S. citizens) Total (U.S. and Non-U.S. citizens) Total (U.S. and Non-U.S. citizens) Total (U.S. and Non-U.S. citizens)

j Overall % % % %

k Propulsion-related % % % %


B. Record your organization's total FTE propulsion-related STEM employees/contractors at the end of 2016.

Record by age category and degree category the number of FTE STEM-degreed and non-STEM-degreed propulsion-related employees and contractors (both workers that are U.S. citizens and workers that are not U.S. citizens) at the end of 2016.

Age Range Current STEM-degreed Propulsion-related Employees/Contractors Current STEM-related non-degreed Propulsion-related Employees/Contractors

BA/BS Masters/Professional Ph.D. Associates and Below

Total (U.S. and Non-U.S. citizens) Total (U.S. and Non-U.S. citizens) Total (U.S. and Non-U.S. citizens) Total (U.S. and Non-U.S. citizens)

1 Under 25

2 26-35

3 36-45

4 46-55

5 56-64

6 65+

C. Does your organization have difficulty hiring and/or retaining any part of its propulsion-related workforce?


List top three factors that your organization experiences when having difficulty hiring and/or retaining propulsion-related employees, the primary employee category, and explain.

Hiring/Retaining Issue Hiring/Retaining Type Primary Employee Category Explain
<Issue Drop Down List> & <Hiring/Retaining List>
1 <Hiring/Retaining Issue List> <Hiring/Retaining/Both/No Difficulty> <Section 8, Part A limited> Write-in:
Inability to hire foreign nationals due to export control laws

Lack of ability to train or apprentice applicants

Lack of applicants with relevant degrees

Lack of applicants with requisite security clearances

Lack of applicants with requisite skill sets
For each propulsion-related occupation category, select the type of difficulty your organization has hiring and/or retaining staff. Next, indicate the number of unfilled vacancies for each category at the end of 2016, the average length of time the positions have been unfilled, the primary issue leading to the unfilled vacancies, the primary engine/motor affected (if applicable), and explain.
Lack of promotion potential for applicants
Propulsion-related Occupation Category Difficulty Number of Unfilled Vacancies Average Length of Time the Current Positions Have Gone Unfilled Primary Issue for the Unfilled Vacancies Primary Engine/Motor Affected Explain
Lack of experienced applicants
a Engineers <Hiring/Retaining/
Both/No Difficulty>
# Write-in: (in weeks) <Issue Drop Down List> <Pre-selected Engine/Motor List> Write-in:
Location/relocation issues
b Information Technology Professionals

Environmental or safety risk concerns for applicants
c Production Line Workers

Unable to provide competitive compensation due to federal contracts
d Scientists

Unable to provide competitive compensation for commercial work
e Testing Operators, Quality Control, & Support Technicians

Unsure/Lack of response to vacancy announcements
f Other (specify)

Other (specify)
h Other (specify)

i Other (specify)

D. 2016 Non-U.S. Citizen FTEs: <Prepopulate AutoFill>

Identify the number of each type of non-U.S. citizen worker currently employed at your organization.

H-1B H-2B F-1
Student Visa
Green Card L: Intracompany Transferee Other

FTE Employees

FTE Contractors

List each country (other than the U.S.) from which your organization has non-U.S. citizen workers (employees or contractors), and identify the number of each type of visa or green card holder associated with each country. Next, identify the primary propulsion-related occupation area in which the majority of employees/contractors from each country work, and select the primary industrial base business category most associated with that work.

Country H-1B H-2B F-1
Student Visa
Green Card L: Intracompany Transferee Other Primary Propulsion-related Occupation Area Primary Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category


<Prepopulated> <Prepopulated> <Prepopulated>












BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 18: 9

Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page
Section 9: Sales
Provide your organization's total sales information from 2013-2016 to U.S. and non-U.S. customers.

In Part B, indicate your organization's total propulsion-related sales (including commercial and government sales).
In Part C, indicate your organization's total NASA-related sales (including commercial and government sales).
In Part D, indicate your organization's total defense-related sales (including commercial and government sales, including a foreign military).

Note: "U.S." means U.S. domestic sales; "Non-U.S." means export sales from U.S. locations.

Source of Sales Data:

Reporting Schedule:

Record in $ Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input $12


U.S. Non-U.S.
U.S. Non-U.S.
U.S. Non-U.S.
U.S. Non-U.S.
A. Total sales, all customers (in $)

Lines B-D need not sum to 100%. Estimates are acceptable. Ensure you complete lines B-D for all years with sales.
Total propulsion-related sales (as a % of A)

Total NASA-related sales (as a % of A)

Total defense-related sales (as a % of A)

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 19: 10

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Next Page
Section 10: Top Customers
Estimate the total number of both all and propulsion-related U.S.-based direct customers your organization had from 2013-2016 and the total number of propulsion-related direct U.S.-based customers from 2013-2016. Next, identify your organization's top ten propulsion-related U.S.-based direct customers from 2013-2016 in descending order by revenue.

*A direct customer is the immediate entity to which you sell your propulsion-related products/services. Customers can include internal customers (i.e. other business units/divisions within your parent organization).
A. Top U.S.-Based Customers
Estimate the total number of direct U.S.-based customers from 2013-2016:

Estimate the total number of direct propulsion-related U.S.-based customers from 2013-2016:
Direct U.S. Propulsion-related
Customer Name
DUNS Number Type of Customer Customer City Customer State Primary Product/Service Provided Type of Support Primary Engine/Motor Primary Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
(if known, if applicable)
1 Write in:
<U.S. Government Defense, U.S. Government Non-Defense, Commercial Defense, Commercial Non-defense, Other> Write in: <List of States> <Product/Service List> <Manufactured Product, Distributed Product, Service, Research and Development, Other> <Previously selected Engine Motor List> <Previously selected PIB categories>









Next estimate the total number of all non-U.S.-based direct customers your organization had from 2013-2016 and the total number of propulsion-related non-U.S.-based customers from 2013-2016. Next, identify your organization's top ten propulsion-related non-U.S.-based direct customers from 2013-2016 as defined by revenue.
B. Top Non-U.S.-Based Customers
Estimate the total number of direct non-U.S.-based customers from 2013-2016:

Estimate the total number of propulsion-related non-U.S.-based customers from 2013-2016:
Direct non-U.S. Propulsion-related
Customer Name
DUNS Number Type of Customer Customer City Customer Country Primary Product/Service Provided Type of Support Primary Engine/Motor Primary Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category
(if known, if applicable)
1 Write in:
<U.S. Government Defense, U.S. Government Non-Defense, Commercial Defense, Commercial Non-defense, Other> Write in: <List of Countries except United States> <Product/Service List> <Manufactured Product, Distributed Product, Service, Research and Development, Other> <Previously selected Engine Motor List> <Previously selected PIB categories>









BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 20: 11a

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Section 11a: Research & Development

A. Does your organization conduct research and development (R&D)? Note: This section is not limited to contract R&D - include all R&D as reported in your organization's income statement in Section 12. If no, proceed to Section 12. <Yes/No>
In Part B, record your organization's total R&D dollar expenditures and type of R&D expenditures from 2013-2016. Also estimate if R&D expenditures will increase or decrease in 2017.
In Part C, identify your organization's R&D funding amount for each year from 2013-2016. Then, list the percent of total R&D dollars by funding source from 2013-2016. Also estimate if R&D funding will increase or decrease in 2017.
Source of R&D data:

Reporting Schedule:


Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12 Estimate

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 Total R&D Expenditures $$ $$ $$ $$ <Increase/Decrease/No Change>

2 Basic Research (as a % of B1) % % % %
3 Applied Research (as a % of B1) % % % %
4 Product/Process Development (as a % of B1) % % % %
5 Total of 2 - 4 (must equal 100%) 0% 0% 0% 0%

6 Total Propulsion-related R&D Expenditures $$ $$ $$ $$

7 NASA-related R&D (as a % of B6) % % % %
8 DOD-related R&D (as a % of B6) % % % %
9 Other USG-related R&D (as a % of B6) % % % %
10 Non-USG-related R&D (as a % of B6) % % % %

11 Total of 7 - 10 (must equal 100%)

0% 0% 0% 0%

Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12 Estimate in the next five years

2013 2014 2015 2016 Increase/Decrease
1 Total R&D Funding Sources $$ $$ $$ $$
2 Internal/Self-Funded/IRAD (as a % of C1) % % % %
3 Total U.S. Government (USG) (as a % of C1) % % % %

4 NASA (as a % of C3) % % % %
5 DOD (as a % of C3) % % % %

6 Other USG (as a % of C3)

7 Total State and Local Government (as a % of C1) % % % %
8 Universities - Public and Private (as a % of C1) % % % %
9 U.S. Industry, Venture Capital, Non-Profit (as a % of C1) % % % %
10 Non-U.S. Non-government Investors (as a % of C1) % % % %
11 Non-U.S. Governments (as a % of C1)

12 Other (specify)
% % % %
13 Total of 2 - 3, 7 - 12 (must equal 100%) 0% 0% 0% 0%

14 Total R&D expenditures reimbursed by the U.S. Government $ $ $ $

15 Propulsion-related (as a % of C14) % % % %
16 DOD-related (as a % of C14) % % % %
17 NASA-related (as a % of C14) % % % %
D. Does your organization utilize the R&D Tax Credit? <Yes – Federal R&D tax credit only; Yes – State R&D tax credit only; Yes – Both Federal and State R&D tax credits; No; Unsure>

If yes, what percentage of this credit applies to your propulsion-related R&D? %
E. Identify the total number of prizes awarded to your organization from 2013-2016. If zero, proceed to Section 11b. #
Identify your organization's top five prize funding from 2013-2016. Select the year prize was awarded, the dollar amount, the organization from which the prize originated (sponsor/underwriter), the funding source category (section C, lines 2-10) and explain.

Funding Prize Title Dollar Amount Awarded Funding Source Category Sponsor/Underwriter
1 <2013, 2014, 2015, 2016> Write-in: $$ (2-10 above) Write-in:




BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 21: 11b

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Section 11b: Research & Development (cont.)

A. Identify the propulsion-related R&D Application Areas in which your organization performed R&D from 2013-2016 by indicating the number of R&D projects your organization participated in from 2013-2016. Then, indicate the average Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of your R&D activities (https://esto.nasa.gov/files/trl_definitions.pdf). Next, indicate the average DOD Science and Technology (S&T) Activity Level (if applicable), and specify if the research performed in each application area utilizes additive manufacturing. Next, estimate the percentage of total R&D for each category selected, and indicate the source of funding (including the funding agency and funding vehicle, if applicable). Then, indicate the primary propulsion industrial base business category associated with the R&D application area, and explain.

Propulsion-related R&D Application Areas Participation
(# of projects)
TRL Level
DOD S&T Activity Level
Use of Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing Primary
Funding Source
Funding Agency
(if applicable)
Funding Vehicle
(if applicable)
Primary Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category Explain

1 Analytical modeling # <TRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9, Not Applicable> <Basic Research 6.1, Applied Research 6.2, Advanced Technology Development 6.3, Demonstration and Validation 6.4, Engineering and Manufacturing Development 6.5, RDT&E Management and Support 6.6, Operational System Development 6.7, Developmental Test and Evaluation, Operational Test and Evaluation, Not Applicable> <Yes, No, Not Applicable> <From R&D Expenditures with any value over zero, Tab 11a> If Federal is the source: <Agency List, Other, and Not Applicable> If Federal is the source: <DPA Title III, DOD S&T Funding, Other Transactional Authority (OTA), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), SBIR, STTR, Space Act Agreements, Other, Not Applicable> <Pre-selected Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category> Write in:

2 Boosters

3 Casings

4 Combustion Chambers

5 Electric propulsion/rockets

6 Environmentally friendly propellant/fuel

7 Fuel oils

8 Gas turbines

9 High-temperature materials

10 Hybrid rockets

11 Hydropropulsion

12 Hypersonic

13 Inert propellants

14 In-space propulsion

15 Large liquid rockets

16 Large solid rockets

17 Laser Electric Propulsion

18 Laser Thermal Rockets

19 Liquid propellant and fuels

20 Missiles - liquids

21 Missiles - solids

22 Nozzles

23 Nuclear thermal/nuclear fusion propulsion

24 Propellant tanks

25 Retropropulsion

26 Satellite tethers

27 Sensors

28 Small liquid rockets

29 Small solid rockets

30 Solid propellant and fuels

31 Storable oxidizers

32 Supersonic retropropulsion

33 Thermal rockets

34 Thrusters

35 Other (specify here)

36 Other (specify here)

37 Other (specify here)


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act


Sheet 22: 11c

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Section 11c: Research & Development (cont.)
A. Has your organization received any propulsion-related federal research and development (R&D) funding from 2013-2016? If no, proceed to Section 12. <Yes/No>
B. Does defense-related R&D shape the development of your commercial propulsion-related product lines? <Yes, No, Unsure, Not Applicable>
Does NASA-related R&D shape the development of your commercial propulsion-related product lines? <Yes, No, Unsure, Not Applicable>
Estimate the degree of compatibility between your propulsion-related R&D and your non-propulsion-related R&D? %
Estimate the degree of compatibility between your NASA-related R&D and your DOD-related R&D? %

Yes/No Type of Change Degree of Change
Indicate whether your organization's R&D funding has been impacted by changes in U.S. Government propulsion-related spending from 2013-2016, the type of change, and the degree of change. <Yes/No> <Increased/Decreased/No Change> <Significantly, Moderately, Little, Not Impacted, Not Sure, Not Applicable>
If your organization's R&D funding decreased as a result of changes in U.S. Government propulsion-related spending, indicate the action your organization has taken from 2013-2016 (or plans to take from 2017-2021) to mitigate the negative impact. Then select the source of the funding decrease is either NASA-related and/or DOD-related. Explain.
Results Action NASA-related? DOD-related? Explain
1 Co-license(d) with other organizations <Taken, Plan to Take, No, Not Applicable> <Yes/No> <Yes/No> Write-in:
2 Decrease(d) R&D activities

3 Delay(ed) investment

4 Eliminate(d) R&D activities

5 Outsource(d) R&D activities to non-U.S.-based locations

6 Outsource(d) R&D activities to other U.S.-based locations

7 Partner(ed) with non-U.S. government entities

8 Partner(ed) with private sector companies

9 Partner(ed) with universities

10 Substitute(d) with other type(s) of R&D funding

11 Other (specify)

D. Indicate the number of propulsion-related Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts your organization received from 2013-2016. If zero, proceed to Part E. #
For each agency, indicate the number of SBIR and/or STTR contracts your organization received from 2013-2016 for each phase, the primary propulsion industrial base business category associated with the awards, and explain.

Phase I Phase II Phase III
Propulsion-related contracts Number
of Contracts
Primary PIB Business Category Number
of Contracts
Primary PIB Business Category Number
of Contracts
Primary PIB Business Category Explain
STTR U.S. Department of Defense # <PIB> # <PIB> # <PIB> Write-In:
U.S. Department of Energy

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Science Foundation

SBIR U.S. Department of Agriculture

U.S. Department of Commerce - National Institute of Standards and Technology

U.S. Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

U.S. Department of Defense

U.S. Department of Education

U.S. Department of Energy

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Department of Transportation

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Science Foundation

E. Indicate the number of propulsion-related Program Technology Transfer activities in which your organization has participated from 2013-2016: #
Note: Program Technology Transfer is defined as the movement of knowledge or technology developed by a federal laboratory to private organizations into the commercial marketplace (including patent dissemination, licensing of intellectual property, and R&D collaborative relationships including Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs).
If greater than zero, explain any propulsion-related Program Technology Transfer Activities in which your organization engaged in from 2013-2016. If there are more than two, include information for your organization's top two activities.

Agency Title Explain
Program Technology Transfer Activity <Agency Drop down> Write-in: Write-in:

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 23: 12

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Section 12: Financial Information

Report line items from your organization's financial statements for years 2013-2016.

Note: If your organization declared the survey response to be a Business Unit/Division-level response in Section 1a, then this section should contain Business Unit/Division-level data.
<Business Type>
Source of Financial Line Items:

Sole Proprietorship
Reporting Schedule:

Business Type:

Cash Flow Statement (Select Line Items) Record in $ Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12
S Corporation
2013 2014 2015 2016
Limited Liability Company
A Depreciation and Amortization

B Stock Based Compensation

C Change in Working Capital

D Cash Flow From Operations

E Capital Expenditures

F Dividends Paid

Income Statement (Select Line Items) Record in $ Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

2013 2014 2015 2016

A Net Sales (and other revenue)

B Cost of Goods Sold

C Selling, General & Administrative Expense

D Research & Development

E Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (Operating Income/Loss)

F Interest Expense

G Net Income

Balance Sheet (Select Line Items) Record in $ Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

2013 2014 2015 2016

A Cash and Cash Equivalents

B Inventory - Raw materials

C Inventory - In process

D Inventory - Completed goods

E Accounts Receivable

F Goodwill and Intangibles

G Total Current Assets

H Total Assets

I Accounts Payable

J Total Current Liabilities

K Total Liabilities

L Retained Earnings

M Total Owner's Equity*

*Total Owner's Equity (line O in the Balance Sheet) should equal Total Assets (line H) less Total Liabilities (line J)

Use the space provided to qualify with narrative any anomalies, transactions, or non-recurring events reflected in your financial statement line items, e.g. reporting restatement, merger and acquisition, Chapter 11, SEC investigation, etc.


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 24: 13

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Section 13: Standards/Certifications
A. Identify the certifications and/or standards that your organization maintained at the end of 2016, or that your organization is working to obtain below.

Type of Standard/Certification Maintained/Pursuing
Type of Standard/Certification Maintained/Pursuing
Type of Standard/Certification Maintained/Pursuing
1 AMS (specify)
<Had in 2016, In Process/Pursuing, No, Not Applicable> 16 ISO 9001 <Had in 2016, In Process/Pursuing, No, Not Applicable> 31 Qualified Bidders List <Had in 2016, In Process/Pursuing, No, Not Applicable>
2 ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 17 ISO 10012-1 32 Qualified Products List
3 ANSI/ESD S20.20 18 ISO 14000 33 Qualified Manufacturer List
4 ANSI/ISO/IEC 17025
19 ISO 14001
34 Other (specify)

5 AS9003
20 ISO TS16948
35 Other (specify)

6 AS9003a
21 Independent/Internal certifications from customers
36 Other (specify)

7 AS9100
22 J-STD-001DS
37 Other (specify)

8 AS9100D
23 MIL-Q-9858
38 Other (specify)

9 AS9120
24 MIL-STD-45662 A
39 Other (specify)

10 Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
25 NADCAP (specify)

40 Other (specify)

11 DoD 5000
26 NASA STD 5012

41 Other (specify)

12 DMEA Trusted
27 NASA STD 5019
42 Other (specify)

13 FAA Certified
28 NASA STD 6016
43 Other (specify)

14 ISO 28000
29 NASA STD 6016A
44 Other (specify)

15 ISO 9000
30 NCLS (specify)

45 Other (specify)

B. Has your organization had any issues in obtaining any of the above certifications or meeting any of the above standards? If yes, identify the top three, select the primary and secondary issues, and explain. <Yes, No, Not Applicable>
C. Record the number of times your organization had to requalify from 2013-2016 for propulsion-related purposes? If zero, proceed to Part C. #
Record the number of suppliers your organization had to requalify from 2013-2016? #
Explain your organization's requalifications below, indicating the type of requalification needed, the name of the qualification, and explanation of the requalification, the primary reason the requalification(s) occurred, and the primary challenge with the process. Then, estimate the number of times that requalification of the listed Requalification Type" occurred from 2013-2016, the amount the requalification(s)cost on average (estimate is acceptable), and the average length of time the requalification(s) took to complete on average. Then, select the primary impact on your organization's requalification experienced as a result of the requalification(s) (if any). If Other is selected for any of the five requalification types, explain.

Type Requalification Type Explain Primary reason the requalification(s) occurred Primary Challenge Estimate the number of times your organization had to requalify from
Estimated requalification cost
(if multiple, provide the average)
Estimated length of time the requalification process takes in weeks (on average) Primary Organizational Impact
1 <Internal/Organization, Supplier, Other> Write-in: Write-in: <Moved Operations, Obsolescence, Other, TBD> <Cost, Limited Visibility into Technical Engineering, Inadequate Guidance, Unclear Requirements, Long Lead Time, Other, None> # # # <Increase costs of associated products/services, increase lead time of associated products/services, discontinuation of products/services that require qualification, Purchase products Other, None>




D. Does your organization have any suggestions to improve the requalification process for your organization and/or suppliers? <Yes/No>
If yes, document your organization's top three types of requalifications in which you have suggestions to improve and explain.

Type Requalification Types Recommendation Type Explain
1 <Internal/Organization, Supplier, Other> Write-in: <Process Improvement, Cost Reductions, Paperwork/Documentation, Audits, Other> Write-in:


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 25: 14

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Section 14: Additive Manufacturing (A.M.)/3-D Printing
A. Indicate your organization's involvement in A.M./3-D printing technology? If no, proceed to Section 15a. <Yes-propulsion-related, Yes-not propulsion-related, Yes-Both, No>
B. Select how your organization utilized A.M./3-D printing technologies in its operations from 2013-2016 for each application area. Next, rank by frequency the selected application areas from 1 – 5, with 1 being used the most and 5 being used the least. Explain.

Application Area Propulsion-related? Rank Top 1-5 Explain
1 Direct Manufacturing <Yes-propulsion-related, Yes-not propulsion-related, Yes-Both, No> <1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Other, N/A> Write-in:
2 Prototyping

3 Research and Development

4 Tooling/Machining

5 Integration into systems and/or subsystems

6 3D/AM Design (as a product/service)

7 3D/AM Design (to outsource)

8 Other (specify)

9 Other (specify)

10 Other (specify)

C. Indicate all A.M./3-D printing processes adopted by your organization from 2013-2016 by selecting the primary purpose for that process and the primary type of A.M./3-D processes utilized. Next, indicate the primary propulsion-related product with which the additive manufacturing process is associated and indicate the primary program/system associated (if applicable). Next, select the primary engine/motor associated with the primary product (if applicable), and explain.

Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing Process Type Propulsion-related? Primary Application Area Primary Product
Primary Product
Primary Program/System
(if applicable)
Primary Engine/Motor
(if applicable)
Primary Benefit
1 3-D Welding <Yes-propulsion-related, Yes-not propulsion-related, Yes-Both, No> <Types selected above and None> <Product List> <Drop-down> <Drop-down + N/A> <Previously selected Engine/Motor List + N/A> <Customized Parts, Cost-effectiveness, Mobile printing capability, low volume production, Increased Innovation Opportunities, Overcoming Previous Engineering Limitations, Lightweight products, More Accurate/Uniform Parts, Other>
2 Binder Jetting

3 Continuous Liquid Interface Production

4 Directed Energy Deposition

5 Machining/finishing A.M./3-D Products

6 Material Extrusion

7 Material Jetting

8 Powder Bed Fusion

9 Sheet Lamination

10 VAT Photopolymerization

11 Other (specify)

12 Other (specify)

13 Other (specify)

D. Estimate the dollars invested into propulsion-related A.M./3-D (including equipment, facilities, specialists, etc.) in your organization from 2013 - 2016.

Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

2013 2014 2015 2016
Estimated dollars invested

Is your organization looking to invest in A.M./3-D technology and/or capabilities in the next five years? <Yes-propulsion-related, Yes-not propulsion-related, Yes-Both, No, Not Sure>
If yes, select the primary application area and primary process type for the top three areas and explain.

Primary Application Area Primary Additive Manufacturing/3-D Printing Process Type Explain
1 <Prepopulated> <Prepopulated>


If no or not sure, explain:
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 26: 15a

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Section 15a: Capital Expenditures/Capacity

Record your organization's capital expenditures corresponding to the select categories below for 2013-2016.

Note: Ensure your Source of Capital Expenditure Data is consistent with your response in Section 1a. For example, if you have declared this to be a Business Unit/Division-level response, this section should contain Business Unit/Division-level data.

A. Source of Capital Expenditure Data:

Capital Expenditure Reporting Schedule:

Capital Expenditure Category Record in $ Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

2013 2014 2015 2016

a. Total Capital Expenditures $ $ $ $

1 Machinery, Equipment, & Vehicles [as a % of a] % % % %

2 IT, Computers, Software [as a % of a] % % % %

3 Land, Buildings, & Leasehold Improvements [as a % of a] % % % %

4 Other (specify)

% % % %

5 Other (specify)

% % % %

(Lines 1 through 5 must sum to 100%) #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

6 Propulsion-related capital expenditures [as a % of a] % % % %

B. From 2013-2016, were your organization's overall and propulsion-related capital expenditures adversely impacted by reductions in U.S. Government spending? And/or does your organization anticipate them to be in 2017?
2013-2016 2017

Overall <Yes, No, Not Applicable> <Yes, No, Not Applicable>

Propulsion-related <Yes, No, Not Applicable> <Yes, No, Not Applicable>


C. Indicate your organization's utilization rates. "Utilization" is the fraction of an organization's potential output that is actually being used in current production, where potential output is based on a 7 day-a-week, 3x8-hour shift production schedule. Note: 100% utilization rate equals no downtime with full employment.

Overall Propulsion-related?

1 Record your organization's utilization rate in 2016: % %

Estimate the number of weeks it would take to raise your organization's propulsion-related utilization rate to 100% in light of a surge in demand. # #


2 Identify the general constraints your organization would face in meeting a surge in demand for propulsion-related products. Provide a brief description of each constraint.

Type of Constraint Propulsion-related? Explain

Capital: Equipment, Facilities, Infrastructure <Yes - Propulsion-related, Yes-Not Propulsion-related, Both, No - No Constraints> Write-in:

Funding: Access to Adequate Funding

Inventory: Availability of Input Materials

Quality Control: Evaluation/Testing/Validation

Workforce: Labor Availability, Costs

Other (specify)

D. From 2013-2016, has your organization owned or leased any machinery or tooling specifically for USG propulsion-related products/services? <Yes, No, Not Applicable>

Record your organization's top 10 most key critical machinery and tooling (including additive manufacturing machines) used for USG propulsion-related products and services. For each machine/tool, list the name, the use/purpose of each item; whether the item was purchased, leased, or government furnished equipment (GFE), or combination thereof; the System/Program Application (if applicable), and the current status of the machine/tool (e.g. idle, mothballed, in-use, re-tooled/re-built for non-USG products/services, etc.). Explain.

Machine/Tool Use/Purpose Level of Ownership System/Program Use Current Status Explain
Level of Ownership
1 Write-in: Write-in: <Drop Down> <Prepopulated + NA> <Drop Down> Write-in:






Current Status




Re-tooled/rebuilt for
Non-USG products/services
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 27: 15b

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Section 15b: Capital Expenditures/Capacity

A. For each type of cost-sharing arrangement, select the type of participation in which your organization participated from 2013-2016 and your organization's anticipated participation from 2017-2021. Next, indicate your organization's primary purpose, and explain.
Primary Purpose
Propulsion-related Cost Sharing
Arrangement Type
Participation (2013-2016) Anticipated Participation (2017) Primary Purpose Explain
Reduce Risk
1 U.S. Government-sponsored <Yes, No, Not Applicable> <Yes, No, Not Applicable> <Primary Purpose> Write-in:
Reduce capital investment needed per participant
2 University-sponsored

Utilize different talent and skill sets
3 Inter-agency cooperation

Tax benefits
4 Public private partnerships

5 Partnership with subcontractor

6 Partnership with subsidiary

7 Partnership with downstream suppliers

8 Other (specify)

9 Other (specify)

10 Other (specify)

B. Have any factors deterred your organization from participating in propulsion-related cost-sharing arrangements? If none, select "No" and explain. For each deterring factor type, select yes if applicable. <Yes/No>

Deterring Factor Type
Primary Propulsion-related Cost Sharing
Arrangement Type

1 Legal Costs <Yes, No> <Prepopulated from 15b, A> Write-in:

2 Legal Time/Burden

3 Regulatory Burden

4 Financial Concerns

5 Intellectual Property Concerns

6 Contract Vehicle

7 Logistics/Operations

8 Export Control Adherence

9 Other (specify)

10 Other (specify)

11 Other (specify)


C. Are the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation (DFAR) adequate for establishing beneficial cost-sharing contracts? <Yes/No/Unsure>



BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 28: 16

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Next Page

Section 16: U.S. Government (USG) Contract Information

Provide the following information on your organization's USG contracts:

A. Provide the number of propulsion-related U.S. Government (USG) contracts and subcontracts your organization has received from 2013-2016. If zero, proceed to Part E (below).

Number of propulsion-related prime contracts awarded to this organization from 2013-2016: #

Number of propulsion-related subcontracts awarded to this organization from 2013-2016: #

B. Identify the top ten USG contracts in which your organization participates, in descending order of total contract award dollars.
Include Contract ID Number, the primary DUNs associated with the organization associated with that contract, the type of support (Prime/Sub-contract/Other), Contract Type, Program/System Supported (or N/A), the primary propulsion industrial base business category, the two primary related products/services your organization provides for that contract, and a brief explanation.

Do not disclose any classified information in this survey form. If any of the requested information is classified, enter "Classified" in the corresponding field.

Contract ID Number Contract Type Primary Program/System Primary Propulsion Industrial Base Business Category Product/Service 1 Product/Service 2
<Contract Types Dropdown>
1 # <Contract List> <Prepopulated> <PIB Business Categories List> <Prepopulated> <Prepopulated>
Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA)

Best Value

Fixed Price


Cost Reimbursement

Time and Materials


Not Applicable


C. Are any contract vehicles inhibiting your organization’s ability to provide propulsion-related products and/or services to the federal government? <Yes/No/Not Applicable>

If yes, identify the top three contract types by selecting the Contract Type from the dropdown menu and provide an explanation for each type.

Contract Type Explain

1 (Prepopulated list of contract types)

2 (Prepopulated list of contract types)

3 (Prepopulated list of contract types)

D. Have recent efforts to reform federal acquisition helped or hindered your propulsion-related business lines? <Helped, Hindered, Neither, Not Applicable>


E. 1 Does your organization consider itself dependent on the U.S. Government for its continued viability? <Yes/No/Not Applicable/Unsure>


2 Indicate the total number of rated orders (DO or DX) your organization received from 2013-2016 from a U.S. Government agency and/or affiliated contractor. A rated order means a prime contract, a subcontract, or a purchase order in support of an approved program issued in accordance with the provisions of the Defense Priorities and Allocation System (DPAS) regulations (15 CFR part 700).

Overall Propulsion-related

DO # #

DX # #


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 29: 17a

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Section 17a: Obstacles Affecting Long-Term Viability
A. Identify the issues impacting your organization's propulsion-related operations negatively. Then, rank the top five issues from both columns (1 = Most Important; 5 = Least Important) by writing in numbers 1-5 next to only the leading five issues. Each number should be recorded only once. Lastly, provide an explanation of each your top issues.
Issue Impact Rank (Top 1-5) Explain Issue Impact Rank (Top 1-5) Explain
Access to USG R&D Funding <Yes - Negative, No, Not Applicable>

Physical Security Breaches <Yes - Negative, No, Not Applicable>

Aging Equipment, Facilities, or Infrastructure

Program/System Cancellation

Availability of Capital

Proximity to Customers

Barriers to Entry in the Commercial Space Market

Proximity to Suppliers

Buy American Act Waivers

QA/QC requirements (costs, lead time, standard implementation, etc.)

Counterfeit Parts

Quality of Inputs

Cyber Security Breaches

Reduction in U.S. Government Demand

Difficulty Presenting New, Innovative Products to the U.S. Government


DMSMS Design-out/Substitution

Research and Development Costs

Environmental Regulations/ Remediation


Export Controls/ITAR Regulations

Skills Retention

Government Acquisition Process

Software Assurance

Government Purchasing Volatility


Government Regulatory Burden

Testing (internal)


Testing (procured) - Commercial Site

High Fixed Costs

Testing (procured) - US Government Site

Import Restrictions/Tariffs

Transportation of End-product

Inability to Adopt New Production Methods

Transportation of Supplies

Labor Availability

U.S. Material Availability

Labor Costs

U.S. Patent Infringement by U.S. Actors

Labor Skills

U.S. Patent Infringement by Non-U.S. Actors

Material Price Volatility

U.S. Supplier Reliability

Non-U.S. Material Availability

U.S.-based Competition

Non-U.S. Subsidies

Variability in U.S. Government Demand

Non-U.S. Supplier Reliability

Other (specify)

Non-U.S.-based Competition

Other (specify)

Pension Costs

Other (specify)

B. Are the current propulsion-related North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes an adequate representation of your organization's products and/or services? <Yes/No/Unsure>
Explain how the NAICS codes could be adjusted to more accurately represent your organization's propulsion-related products/services.

C. How many patents does your organization have registered with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)? #

How many of your organization's total patents registered with USPTO are propulsion-related? If zero, proceed to Section D below. #

Has your organization encountered any instances of patent infringement on your propulsion-related intellectual property? <Yes/No>

If yes, were you able to identify the source of the infringement? <Yes/No>

If yes, were you able to resolve the issue to your satisfaction? <Yes/No>

If any instances of patent infringement occurred, list the top three by impact. List the organization that infringed (or allegedly infringed) on the patent, the location of that organization, the product/service from your organization that was affected, the primary program/system that product/service supported (if applicable), and explain.

Organization Location (Country) Product/Service affected Program/System Supported Explain
1 Write-in: <Country Drop Down> <Prepopulated Drop Down> <Prepopulated Drop Down> Write-in:


D. Has your organization resisted or refrained from pursuing joint ventures in order to prevent other companies from utilizing your intellectual property? <Yes-Propulsion-related, Yes-Not Propulsion-related, Yes-Both, No, Not Applicable>
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 30: 17b

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Section 17b: Obstacles Affecting Long-Term Viability
A. Does your organization sell any products or services that are export controlled?

<Yes-ITAR, Yes-EAR, Yes-Both/No>
Does your organization export any products or services that are export controlled?

<Yes-ITAR, Yes-EAR, Yes-Both/No>
If yes, has your organization lost export sales opportunities of propulsion-related products or services to non-U.S. competitors because of U.S. export controls (ITAR, EAR) from 2013-2016? <Yes-ITAR, Yes-EAR, Yes-Both/No/Unsure/Not Applicable>
If yes, identify the top three countries with which your organization would like to do propulsion-related business but cannot due to export controls. Identify the primary product/service affected, how that product/service is export controlled to the country listed, and explain.

Country Primary
Export Control Regulation
1 <Country Drop Down> <Prepopulated Product/Service Category> <ITAR, EAR, Both> Write-in:
2 <Country Drop Down>

3 <Country Drop Down>

How would your organization characterize the impact of the Export Control Reform (ECR) Initiative on your organization as it relates to propulsion-related technology? Find information on export control reform here: http://2016.export.gov/ecr/index.asp < Favorable/Unfavorable/No Effect/Unsure>
B. To the best of your knowledge, have U.S. export control regulations (ITAR, EAR) had any of the following negative impacts on the propulsion-related aspects of your organization? Yes/No. If "Yes," explain in the box provided.

Identify, as applicable, the following negative impacts posed by export control of your organizations propulsion-related products/services. Then, rank the top five issues (1 = Most Important; 5 = Least Important) by writing in numbers 1-5 next to only the leading five issues. Each number should be recorded only once. Then, select the primary export-related regulation affecting the ranked impacts/outcomes. Last, provide an explanation of each your top issues.
Impacts/Outcomes Rank (Top 1-5) Primary
Export Control Regulation
Discontinue(d) regulated products and/or services <1, 2, 3, 4, 5> <ITAR, EAR, Both> Write-in:
Avoid(ed) exporting products/services

Engage(d) in cost-sharing and/or pursue co-licensing of intellectual property

Incentivize(d) non-U.S. competitors to "design-out" U.S. propulsion-related export controlled products

Incentivize(d) non-U.S. competitors to provide "ITAR FREE" substitute propulsion-related products

Locate(d)/relocate(d) production facilities outside the United States

Locate(d)/relocate(d) R&D facilities outside the United States

Modify(ied) the composition of products/services to avoid export regulations

Reduce(d)/eliminate(d) investment in propulsion-related products/services

Reduce(d)/eliminate(d) investment in propulsion-related R&D

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

C. Does your facility engage in Diminishing Manufacturing Sources & Materials Shortages (DMSMS)* or obsolescence activities? If no, skip to the Part D(below). <Yes/No>
Who is the point of contact for DMSMS/obsolescence at your location?
Name (Last, First, Middle) Title Phone E-mail
Write-in: Write-in: Write-in: Write-in:
Estimate how much (in thousands of dollars) your location spent in each of the last four years on finding, managing, and/or resolving DMSMS/obsolescence problems on DOD systems or projects, including parts, components, materials, and software:
Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

2013 2014 2015 2016
1 DMSMS/Obsolescence Expenditures $$ $$ $$ $$

D. Is your organization familiar with the Air Force's current proposal to release excess stockpiled Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) motors to the commercial market from their stockpile of nearly 900 excess ICBMs? <Yes/No>
Does your organization perceive that the release of an undetermined number of surplus rocket motors from ICBM solid rocket motors as damaging to the U.S. commercial propulsion industrial base either by stifling innovation or deterring future investments? <Yes-Stifling innovation, Yes-deterring future investment, Yes-Both/No/Unsure>
Record your organization's anticipated harm/benefit from the release of surplus ICMBs as either direct, indirect, both, none, or unknown. Explain.

Type Explain

Harm <Direct, Indirect, Both, None, Unknown>

Benefit <Yes/No/Unsure>
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 31: 18

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Section 18: Cyber Security

A. Estimate your organization's spending on physical and cyber security, in thousands of dollars, for each year 2013-2016. Then, state the number of physical and cyber security incidents your organization has recorded in each year from 2013-2016.

Note: If your organization declared the survey response to be a Business Unit/Division-level response in Section 1a, then this section should contain Business Unit/Division-level data.

Source of Security Expenditure Data:

Reporting Schedule:

Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

2013 2014 2015 2016
If your organization is unable to determine physical security expenditures due to leasing space that includes security measures, check here:
<----- Dropdown

1 Physical Security Expenditures $$ $$ $$ $$
Internal IT Department

2 Cyber Security Expenditures $$ $$ $$ $$

Internal IT department and external U.S. service provider

Internal IT Department and external non-U.S. service provider

3 Physical Security Incidents # # # #
<Yes/No/Not Applicable>
Only U.S. external service provider

4 Cyber Security Incidents # # # #

Only non-U.S. external service provider

From 2013 to 2016, have cyber incidents across the marketplace caused your organization to increase its information security budget? Yes/No
Not Applicable


B. 1 Is your organization aware of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.204-7009, Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Third-Party Contractor Reported Cyber Incident Information?


2 Who is responsible for administering your organization's internal computer network(s)? Dropdown

3 Who is responsible for administering your organization's external computer network(s)? Dropdown

C. Provide the following information on your organization's Commercially Sensitive Information (CSI)*:

1 Is the computer or computer network that houses your organization's CSI connected to the Internet, either directly or via an intermediary network or server?

*CSI includes customer/client information, financial information and records, human resources information, intellectual property information, internal communications, manufacturing and production line information, patent and trademark information, research and development information, regulatory/compliance information, and supplier/supply chain information.

2 Does your organization have defined, structured methods for actively protecting CSI? Yes/No


3 Estimate the percentage of your organization's CSI that is stored with: External Cloud Service Providers %

External Data Storage Providers %

Does your organization either restrict or prohibit your external cloud service or external data storage provider(s) from storing CSI outside of the U.S.? External Cloud Service Providers <Restrict/Prohibit/No/Unknown>

External Data Storage Providers <Restrict/Prohibit/No/Unknown>

4 Does your organization have the following cloud-based security protocols?

Advanced authentication (biometrics, smartphone tokens etc.) <Yes/No>
End-point protection <Yes/No>
Identity and access management <Yes/No>

Real-time monitoring/analytics <Yes/No>
Threat intelligence <Yes/No> Other <Yes/No>


5 Does your organization have the below defined, structured methods for actively protecting the following types of CSI? <Yes/No/Not Applicable> Explain

Customer/client information

Financial information and records

Human resources information/employee data

Information subject to export control regulations (EAR and/or ITAR)

Intellectual property related information

Internal communications including negotiation points, merger and acquisition plans, and/or corporate strategy

Manufacturing and production line information

Patent and trademark information

Regulatory/compliance Information

Research and development (R&D) related information

Supply chain and sourcing information

Event Dropdown

Other (specify)

User idle time and lost productivity because of downtime or systems performance delays

Using the drop-down lists and free-text entries below, indicate the type(s) and severity of any cybersecurity events that have occurred at this organization from 2013-2016.

Event Impact Level Frequency Explain (incident and follow-up)
Disruption to normal operations because of system availability problems

1 (Choose from Drop-Down) Severe/Moderate/Low/None # Write in

2 (Choose from Drop-Down) Severe/Moderate/Low/None

Damage or theft of IT assets and infrastructure

3 (Choose from Drop-Down) Severe/Moderate/Low/None

Incurred cost of damage assessment and remediation

4 (Choose from Drop-Down) Severe/Moderate/Low/None

Business interruption

5 (Choose from Drop-Down) Severe/Moderate/Low/None

Exfiltration of CSI data

6 Other Cybersecurity Event (Specify) Severe/Moderate/Low/None

Theft of personnel information

7 Other Cybersecurity Event (Specify) Severe/Moderate/Low/None

Damage to software and/or source code

8 Other Cybersecurity Event (Specify) Severe/Moderate/Low/None

Theft of software and/or source code

Note: The FBI encourages recipients to report information concerning suspicious or criminal activity to their local FBI field office or the FBI's 24/7 Cyber Watch (CyWatch). Field office contacts can be identified at http://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field. CyWatch can be contacted by phone at 855-292-3937 or e-mail at [email protected]. When available, each report submitted should include the date, time, location, type of activity, number of people, and type of equipment used for the activity, the name of the submitting company or organization, and a designated point of contact.
Damage to company production capabilities or systems


Destruction of information asset

Reputation loss, market share, and brand damages

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act
Ransomware Attack



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Section 19: Test & Evaluation/Outreach Information
A. Indicate if your organization had any testing needs either in 2016, and/or anticipated from 2017-2020. If no or not applicable, proceed to Part D. <Yes - 2016, Yes - 2017-2021, Yes - Both, No, Not Applicable>
Indicate your organization's engine and/or motor testing needs in 2016, and future plan(s) for performing testing. Section A must be completed before Section B.

Approach to Rocket Propulsion Testing Use in 2016 Anticipated
Future Use

Lease(d) facilities

<Yes, No, Not Applicable> <Yes, No, Not Applicable>

Use(d) facilities owned by your company

Use(d) facilities owned by other industry entities (other companies, universities, etc.)

Use(d) NASA facilities

Use(d) non-government facilities

Use(d) other government facilities

Other (specify)

B. Select your rocket propulsion test needs both at the end of 2016, and anticipated from 2017-2021.

Type of Test Capability in 2016 Procured in 2016 Capability Begin/Increase
in 2017-2021
Procured Testing Needed 2017-2021 Primary Approach to Testing Primary Fuel Type Primary Oxidizer Type
Ambient Stage <Yes, No> <Yes, No> <Yes, No> <Yes, No> <Prepopulated> Write-in: Write-in:
Altitude Stage (100K+ Lb Thrust)

Altitude Stage (50K-100K Lb Thrust)

Altitude Stage (< 50K Lb Thrust)

Ambient Engine (100K+ Lb Thrust)

Ambient Engine (50K-100K+ Lb Thrust)

Ambient Engine (25K-50K Lb Thrust)

Ambient Engine (0-25K+ Lb Thrust)

Altitude Engine (50K-100K Lb Thrust)

Altitude Engine (25K-50K Lb Thrust)

Altitude Engine (0-25K Lb Thrust)

Altitude Engine (100K+ Lb Thrust)

Thermal Vacuum (Engine or Stage)

Component (e.g. Preburner, etc.) (specify)

Component (e.g. Preburner, etc.) (specify)

Component (e.g. Preburner, etc.) (specify)

Altitude Hypergolic

Ambient Hypergolic

Ambient Solid

Ambient Hybrid

Altitude Hybrid

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Indicate if your organization plans to invest in new or improved facilities that your organization will own and/or lease? <Yes - Own, Yes - Lease, Yes - Both, No>

D. Indicate if your organization utilized NASA test facilities from 2013-2016. <Yes, No>

If yes, provide information on your three most recent test experiences

Date Place Type of Test Explain Primary Test Factor Secondary Test Factor Best Aspect of Testing Area(s) requiring improvement
Write-in: Write-in: <Part B above> Write-in:

Write-in: Write-in:

Indicate if your organization plans to utilize NASA test facilities from 2017-2021. <Yes, No>

If your organization does not plan to utilize NASA rocket propulsion test facilities from 2017-2021, select the top three limiting factors affecting your decision and explain.
Test Factor Explain
<List from above> Write-in:
<List from above>
<List from above>
D. Select your organization's perception of NASA testing services for each test factor by capability level. Explain.
Test Factor Capability Level Explain
Ability to support virtual presence for test planning, execution, and other requirements <High, Medium, Low> Write-in:
Ability to stop testing if necessary and obtain a refund for unperformed services
Access to test project management information (cost to date, schedule status…)

Ability to tailor facility, instrumentation, and special test equipment to meet requirements

Access to a wide range of ancillary services such as laboratories and machine shops

Compliance with government regulations (Environmental, Safety, etc.…)

Clear and effective communications

Close proximity to your company operations

Cost of Testing

Cycle time of test processes

Ease of administrative and business processes

High reliability of capability

Quality and accuracy of collected test data

Quality of post testing data and summary packages

Reliable information security

Support from test personnel

Responsive to changing requirements and objectives during testing

Test facility capability matches or exceeds requirements

Ease of personnel visit access to NASA facilities

Timeliness for test entry

Importance of customer being able to control safety and quality in testing activities

E. Outreach
There are many federal and state government programs and services available to assist your organization to better compete in the global marketplace. If your organization would like information regarding these government programs, select the specific areas of interest below.
The U.S. Department of Commerce will follow-up with your organization regarding your selections.
Continuous Improvement/
Lean Manufacturing
<Yes/No> Export Assistance <Yes/No> Prototyping Yes/No Technology Acceleration <Yes/No>
Export Licensing (ITAR/EAR)
Quality Management and Control
Vendor/Material Sourcing
Design for Assembly
Government Procurement Guidelines
Research and Development (R&D) Assistance and Partnership
Other (specify)

Design for Manufacturability
Market Expansion/Business Growth
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contracts
Other (specify)

Energy and Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing
Product Design
Supply Chain Optimization
Other (specify)


BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

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Section 20: Certification
The undersigned certifies that the information herein supplied in response to this questionnaire is complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge. It is a criminal offense to willfully make a false statement or representation to any department or agency of the United States Government as to any matter within its jurisdiction (18 U.S.C.A. 1001 (1984 & SUPP. 1197)).

Once this survey is complete, save a copy and submit it via the Census portal: https://respond.census.gov/propulsion. Be sure to retain a copy for your records and to facilitate any necessary edits or clarifications.
Organization Name
Organization's Internet Address
Name of Authorizing Official
Title of Authorizing Official
E-mail Address
Phone Number and Extension
Date Certified
In the box below, provide any additional comments or any other information you wish to include regarding this survey assessment.

How many hours did it take to complete this survey?

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act
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