Authority - DoD Directive 1300.22, Mortuary Affairs Policy

DOD 1300_22_Oct_2015.PDF

Disposition of Remains - Reimbursable Basis Request for Payment of Funeral and/or Internment Expenses

Authority - DoD Directive 1300.22, Mortuary Affairs Policy

OMB: 0704-0030

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Department of Defense
NUMBER 1300.22
October 30, 2015

Mortuary Affairs Policy

References: See Enclosure 1

1. PURPOSE. This directive:
a. Reissues DoD Directive (DoDD) 1300.22E (Reference (a)) to establish policy and assign
responsibilities for DoD mortuary affairs.
b. Cancels the Secretary of the Army designation as the DoD Executive Agent for the
Contingency Fatality Operations portion of Mortuary Affairs, in accordance with the criteria
established for designation of an Executive Agent in DoDD 5101.1 (Reference (b)).
c. Establishes the Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Board (CJMAB) as a permanent standing
DoD board to develop recommendations for DoD mortuary affairs policy, procedures,
mobilization planning, and mortuary services.
d. Provides overarching policy for DoD’s development of tactics, techniques, and
procedures for mortuary affairs, including for joint operations.

2. APPLICABILITY. This directive applies to OSD, the Military Departments (including the
Coast Guard at all times, including when it is a Service in the Department of Homeland Security
by agreement with that Department), the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(CJCS) and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other
organizational entities within the DoD (referred to collectively in this directive as the
“DoD Components”).

3. POLICY. It is DoD policy that:
a. The remains of deceased DoD-affiliated or -covered persons, consistent with applicable
laws and regulations, who die in military operations, training accidents, or other DoD-related
fatality incidents will be recovered, identified, and returned to their families as expeditiously as

DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015
possible while maintaining the dignity, respect, and care of the deceased to the extent possible
and protecting the safety of the living.
b. Mortuary services will be provided on a non-reimbursable or reimbursable basis for
eligible personnel pursuant to sections 1481 to1488 and 1490 of Title 10, United States Code
(U.S.C.) (Reference (c)) and section 5742 of Title 5, U.S.C. (Reference (d)).
c. The transportation of fallen Service members and other DoD-affiliated personnel is
recognized as a very sensitive matter and the movement of the deceased’s remains will be
handled with the reverence, care, priority, and dignity befitting them and the circumstances.
d. The remains of deceased Service members will be continuously escorted by a Service
member of appropriate grade, as determined by the Military Service concerned, or by a special
escort if one is approved by the Military Service concerned, from the preparing mortuary to the
funeral home or other location requested by the person authorized to direct disposition of human
remains (PADD).
e. The preservation of remains will be given the highest priority. Every effort will be made
to preserve the condition of remains, including those recovered from past conflicts and other
designated conflicts.
f. If remains are contaminated with biological, chemical, or radioactive agents, all efforts
will be made to mitigate the contaminant and return the remains through routine mortuary
channels. However, for remains that cannot be decontaminated to a safe transportation level,
protecting the health of Service members and the public must take precedence over the rapid
repatriation of remains.
(1) Temporary interment or temporary storage of those contaminated remains that pose a
threat to public health is the recommended method of disposition until safe handling procedures
and materiels can be identified. Temporary interment should be considered only after exploring
all other courses of action. Authority for temporary interment in a theater outside of the United
States resides with the geographic Combatant Commander (GCC).
(2) DoD directing the cremation of remains is not authorized. The PADD retains the
right to select cremation or burial at sea as a disposition option when these are viable options.
g. Disposition instructions for a deceased Service member, obtained from the PADD during
mortuary affairs processing at a land-based facility, may include burial at sea as an option for
military funeral honors in accordance with individual Military Service regulations.
(1) A ship’s captain may authorize burial at sea without the knowledge or consent of the
deceased’s family only when remains pose a health hazard due to lack of preservation capability
and when transfer to shore is operationally impossible or inadvisable.
(2) Burial at sea should only be conducted after consultation with the Armed Forces
Medical Examiner (AFME) and the military criminal investigative organization that has


DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015
investigative jurisdiction, as appropriate, in accordance with section 1471 of Reference (c) and
DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5505.10 (Reference (e)) unless under the rare circumstance when
mission security must absolutely prohibit communications of all types or communications ability
is nonexistent.
h. Mortuary affairs support and transportation will be provided on a reimbursable basis for
the recovery, identification, and disposition of remains and personal effects of contractor
personnel authorized to accompany the force (CAAF). DoDI 3020.41(Reference (f)) provides
conditions when contractor personnel may accompany U.S. military personnel in austere,
uncertain, or hostile environments.
i. The disposition of non-CAAF contractors (local nationals and third-country nationals)
may be provided on a reimbursable basis for the recovering, identification, and disposition of
remains and personal effects at the request of the Department of State (DOS) and in accordance
with Reference (f), host nation agreements, and applicable contract provisions.
j. Mortuary affairs support and transportation may be provided on a reimbursable basis for
the recovery, identification, and disposition of remains and personal effects of U.S. citizens and
employees of other government agencies who die outside of the United States, upon the specific
request of the DOS or other government agency and in accordance with section 1486 of
Reference (c), section 5741 of Reference (d), and section 1535 of Title 31, U.S.C.
(Reference (g)).
k. Mortuary affairs support and transportation may be provided for civilian remains in the
United States through Defense Support of Civil Authorities assistance, when such assistance is
approved and directed in accordance with DoDD 3025.18 (Reference (h)).
l. The remains of combatant or non-combatant host nation or third country nationals will be
given the same level of dignity and respect afforded U.S. personnel.
(1) Coordination for hand-over to the host nation will reside with the GCC, in
conjunction with the DOS and other federal agencies, through host nation embassies, the
International Committee of the Red Cross, or the International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies as appropriate.
(2) All efforts will be made to return host nation or third country national remains
when feasible.

4. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 2.

5. RELEASABILITY. Cleared for public release. This directive is available on the DoD
Issuances Website at


DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015
6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This directive is effective October 30, 2015.

Robert O. Work
Deputy Secretary of Defense
1. References
2. Responsibilities


DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015



DoD Directive 1300.22E, “Mortuary Affairs Policy,” May 25, 2011 (hereby cancelled)
DoD Directive 5101.1, “DoD Executive Agent,” September 3, 2002, as amended
Title 10, United States Code
Title 5, United States Code
DoD Instruction 5505.10, “Criminal Investigations of Noncombat Deaths,” August 15, 2013
DoD Instruction 3020.41, “Operational Contract Support (OCS),” December 20, 2011
Section 1535 of Title 31, United States Code
DoD Directive 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA),” December 29,
2010, as amended
DoD Directive 5136.01, “Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (ASD(HA)),”
September 30, 2013
Directive-type Memorandum 12-001, “Department of Defense Executive Agent (DoD EA)
for the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System (AFMES) and the National Museum of
Health and Medicine (NMHM),” March 8, 2012, as amended
Title 50, United States Code
DoD Directive 5160.05E, “Roles and Responsibilities Associated with the Chemical and
Biological Defense (CBD) Program (CBDP),” October 9, 2008
DoD Directive 5158.04, “United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM),”
July 27, 2007, as amended
Section 481f of Title 37, United States Code
DoD Instruction 1344.08, “Interment Allowance for Deceased Military Personnel,”
March 11, 2009, as amended
DoD Instruction 1300.18, “Department of Defense (DoD) Personnel Casualty Matters,
Policies, and Procedures,” January 8, 2008, as amended



DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015

(USD(P&R)). The USD(P&R):
a. Establishes DoD mortuary affairs policy and standards.
b. Monitors implementation and compliance of all entities (to include non-governmental)
with this directive.
c. Provides a single focal point for the coordination of all matters related to the Mortuary
Affairs Program.
d. Develops DoD issuances to manage the Mortuary Affairs Program and to codify the
duties and responsibilities of the CJMAB.
e. Develops, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P))
through the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), those mortuary affairs policies
and procedures necessary to support the USD(P) statutory mission of recovering and identifying
remains from past conflicts and other designated conflicts pursuant to section 1501 of Reference
f. Coordinates any requested mortuary affairs support for the disposition of remains and
personal effects of U.S. citizens upon request from the DOS on a reimbursable basis or as
directed by the President of the United States or Secretary of Defense.
g. Appoints the Principal Director, Military Community and Family Policy to serve as the
chair of the CJMAB.
h. Appoints the Director, Casualty and Mortuary Affairs and Military Funeral Honors, to
serve as a voting member on the CJMAB.
i. Maintains the official charter and records for the CJMAB.
j. Provides oversight of the DoD Mortuary Inspection Program.
k. Publishes specifications and standards for DoD and contracted mortuary
service providers.

the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), the ASD(HA):



DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015
a. Develops policies, procedures and standards to govern the management of the Armed
Forces Medical Examiner System (AFMES) in accordance with DoDD 5136.01 (Reference (i)).
b. Provides policy oversight of the AFMES pursuant to Reference (i) and Directive-Type
Memorandum 12-001 (Reference (j)).

3. AFME. Under the authority, direction, and control of the ASD(HA) and pursuant to section
1471 of Reference (c), the AFME:
a. Serves as the DoD subject matter expert in matters pertaining to forensic
medicine disciplines.
b. Serves as the DoD scientific authority for the identification of remains of DoD-affiliated
personnel in current deaths and of other deceased individuals for whom a death certificate has
not been issued when DoD is providing mortuary services in accordance with section 3 of this
directive above the signature. Consistent with section 1509 of Reference (c), serves as the DoD
scientific authority for the identification of remains of DoD-affiliated personnel in deaths from
past conflicts and other designated conflicts.
c. Prescribes forensic medical procedures to support the recovery and identification of
remains from past conflicts and other designated conflicts.
d. Supervises and provides consultative and analytic DNA identification services to
the DoD.
c. Conducts or reviews forensic pathology investigations, which may include autopsy
examinations, of the deaths of active duty Service members or other DoD-affiliated personnel.
f. Serves as a voting member on the CJMAB.

4. USD(P). The USD(P):
a. Coordinates through the DPAA with the USD(P&R) on the development of mortuary
affairs policies and procedures to support the recovery and identification of remains from past
conflicts and other designated conflicts.
b. Provides the funding for the search, recovery, and identification of remains of
unaccounted for persons pursuant to sections 1501 and 1509 of Reference (c).
c. Coordinates with the USD(P&R) on the preparedness and use of DoD mortuary affairs
capabilities for Defense Support of Civil Authorities.
d. Provides an O-6 level representative to serve as a CJMAB member, but only voting on
topics affecting the DPAA mission. This representative must have daily responsibilities



DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015
associated with personnel accounting from past conflicts and other designated conflicts, to
include the scientific and historical aspects of such accounting.
e. Facilitates the functions of the AFMES medical examiner assigned to the DPAA, who:
(1) Exercises scientific identification authority as provided in section 1509 of
Reference (c).
(2) Establishes identification and laboratory policy consistent with the AFMES.
(3) Advises the DPAA Director on forensic science disciplines.

THE U.S. COAST GUARD. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Commandant
of the U.S. Coast Guard:
a. Maintain an organizational capability to provide for mortuary affairs support of individual
Service needs.
b. Provide the funding for:
(1) Search, recovery, identification, preparation, and transportation of remains not covered
under paragraph 4b of this enclosure.
(2) Funeral or memorial services.
(3) Interment or inurnment.
(4) Burial flags and flag cases.
(5) Travel and per diem for escorts.
(6) Travel and per diem for family members to attend interment or memorial services, unit
memorial services, and dignified transfers.
(7) Other related expenses prescribed by policy and statute.
c. Operate and maintain overseas mortuaries in accordance with force demands and needs of
the Military Services and geographic Combatant Commands, ensuring that remains of DoDaffiliated personnel and eligible noncombatants are processed quickly and efficiently.
d. Support the Secretary of the Air Force in conducting the dignified transfer for their
respective Service personnel.



DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015
e. Provide a representative to serve as voting member of the CJMAB. This representative
must be directly responsible for the daily mortuary affairs operations of the Military Department
and have frequent interaction with survivors. Accordingly, the following officials will be
appointed to the CJMAB:
(1) Army – Director, Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Center.
(2) Marine Corps – Branch Head Military Personnel Services Branch.
(3) Navy – Director, Navy Casualty, Navy Personnel Command.
(4) Air Force – Commander, Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations.
(5) Coast Guard – Chief U.S. Coast Guard Casualty Matters.

6. SECRETARY OF THE ARMY. In addition to the responsibilities in section 5 of this
enclosure, the Secretary of the Army:
a. Maintains a mortuary affairs force structure capable of providing general backup support
to the other Military Services when requested. Additionally, maintains theater-level mortuary
affairs missions to include:
(1) Operating mortuary affairs collection points.
(2) Theater mortuary evacuation points.
(3) Theater personal effects depots.
(4) Mortuary affairs contaminated remains mitigation sites.
b. Develops and coordinates mortuary affairs common materiel for use among the DoD
Components. Coordination among the DoD Components may include the formulation of
procedures for use of this materiel.
c. Maintains a permanent personal effects depot in the continental United States (CONUS).
d. Operates, maintains, and funds the Mortuary Affairs Reporting and Tracking System
(MARTS) and administers the MARTS Configuration Control Board (CCB). The MARTS CCB
governs change within this system.
e. As the DoD Executive Agent for the Chemical and Biological Defense Program pursuant
to sections 1522 and 1523 of Title 50, U.S.C. (Reference (k)), researches, analyzes, and develops
mortuary affairs products and guidelines pertaining to effective management of biological,
chemical, and radiological contaminated remains in accordance with DoDD 5160.05E
(Reference (l)).



DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015

7. SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE. In addition to the responsibilities in section 5 of this
enclosure, the Secretary of the Air Force:
a. Operates and maintains a port-of-entry mortuary within CONUS and, as required,
establishes other CONUS port-of-entry mortuaries in support of all the Military Services.
b. Provides procedural guidance for the Dignified Transfer Process.

8. CJCS. The CJCS:
a. Coordinates operational implementation of this directive.
b. Provides for the preparation and review of contingency plans to recover remains of DoDaffiliated or -covered persons.
c. Designates a lead office on the Joint Staff for all mortuary affairs matters within the Joint
Staff and Combatant Commands.
d. Appoints the J-4 Logistic Services Branch Chief to serve as a voting member on the
CJMAB to represent the equities of the Joint Staff and the geographic Combatant Commands.

9. GCCS. GCCs:
a. Gives appropriate authoritative direction and guidance on providing mortuary affairs
support to all assigned and attached forces within their areas of responsibility in accordance with
section 164(c) of Reference (c), this directive, and CJCS guidance.
b. Authorizes temporary interment under the conditions stated in paragraph 3f(1) above the
signature of this directive.

(CDRUSTRANSCOM). The CDRUSTRANSCOM will provide strategic airlift to requesting
components to evacuate remains of deceased DoD affiliated personnel (or others as approved) to
preparing mortuaries in accordance with DoDD 5158.04 (Reference (m)).



DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015

Armed Forces Medical Examiner
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs


contractor personnel authorized to accompany the force
Configuration Control Board
Commander, United States Transportation Command
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Board
continental United States


Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Agency
DoD Directive
DoD Instruction
deoxyribonucleic acid
Department of State


geographic Combatant Commander


Mortuary Affairs Reporting and Tracking System


person authorized to direct disposition of human remains


United States Code
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purposes of this directive.
burial at sea. A formal ceremony for the disposition of remains at sea from a naval vessel or
inurned remains from a naval aircraft.
CAAF. Defined in Reference (f).


DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015

mortuary affairs common materiel. Materiel used to recover, process, contain, and transport
human remains (e.g., human remains transfer cases, human remains pouches) in and from a
combat zone, combat theater of operations, or combat support area. This does not include
materiel used for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear contaminated human remains.
CJMAB. A functional coordinating group consisting of representatives from the USD(P&R), the
Military Services, the CJCS, and the Armed Forces Medical Examiner.
covered persons. Defined in section 1501(c) of Reference (c).
dignified transfer. The process by which the remains of fallen Service members are transferred
from the aircraft to a waiting vehicle and then to the port mortuary. The dignified transfer is not
a ceremony; rather, it is a solemn movement of the transfer case by a carry team of military
personnel from the fallen member’s service. A senior grade officer of the fallen member's
Service presides over each dignified transfer.
DoD-affiliated personnel. Those personnel eligible for benefits pursuant to sections 1481 to
1490 of Reference (c) and section 5742 of Reference (d).
DoD Mortuary Inspection Program. The assessment used to evaluate DoD mortuaries in
accordance with applicable laws, regulations, policy and guidance and industry standards. The
CJMAB selects the inspection team members and civilian consultants. The assessment is
conducted in accordance with the DoD Mortuary Facilities Inspection Standard Operating
Procedures approved by the CJMAB.
forensic pathology investigation. An investigation that entails reviewing the circumstances of a
death, identifying the deceased, performing an autopsy examination, determining the cause of
death and manner of death, and documenting the findings. For the purposes of this issuance, this
term is synonymous with a medicolegal death investigation and medicolegal investigation.
interment. The burying of casketed or cremated human remains.
interment service. A service or ceremony that is sensitive to the deceased’s faith group and at
which the remains are interred.
local national. Defined in Reference (f).
MARTS. Provides tracking and accountability for human remains and personal effects in a
theater of operations through the mortuary affairs collection point, the theater mortuary
evacuation point, theater personal effects depot to the servicing port mortuary or joint personal
effects depot, as appropriate. The system provides the operator the ability to generate mortuary
affairs tracking and shipping documents. MARTS functional requirements are approved by the



DoDD 1300.22, October 30, 2015
memorial service. A service or ceremony that contains elements similar to an interment service,
though the remains of the deceased are not present. May be funded in accordance with section
1482 of Reference (c), section 481f of Title 37, U.S.C. (Reference (n)), and DoDI 1344.08
(Reference (o)) for eligible persons whose remains are deemed unrecoverable by the Military
Service concerned.
mortuary affairs. Provides for the search, recovery, identification, preparation, and disposition of
human remains of persons for whom the Services are responsible by status or executive order.
Mortuary Affairs Program. DoD’s program for the DoD Components (primarily, the Military
Departments) that establishes mortuary affairs policies for past conflicts and other designated
conflicts and current operations to be implemented worldwide. The program provides for the
search, recovery and evacuation of human remains; interment and disinterment of remains; care
and disposition of missing and deceased personnel and the handling of their personal effects; the
identification and forensic pathology investigations of deaths; mortuary services at the local
level; contract and Service mortuaries; and disposition and mortuary benefits processing.
non-CAAF. Defined in Reference (f).
PADD. Defined in DoDI 1300.18 (Reference (p)).
special escort. The by-name person requested by the PADD to accompany the remains of
the deceased.
tentative identification. Nonscientific identification of remains based on visual identification of
the deceased’s effects, to include such items as identification cards, identification tags, and visual
identification as documented on DD Form 565, “Statement of Recognition of Deceased.” This is
not to be confused with positive identification, which is determined by the AFME or other
competent medical authorities.
unit memorial service. A ceremonial command program that honors the service of deceased
Military Service members and offers support to grieving unit survivors.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDoD Directive 1300.22, October 30, 2015
SubjectMortuary Affairs Policy
File Modified2015-10-30
File Created2015-10-30

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