Attachment H - Crosswalk
Between Workplace Health in America Survey Items and Workplace
Wellness Programs Survey Items
Topic Area
Workplace Health in America Item
RAND Workplace Wellness Programs Survey Item
Health Insurance
HI1. Does your organization currently offer personal health
insurance for your full-time employees?
HI2. Does your organization offer personal health insurance for
your part-time employees?
A1. Does your company/organization offer health insurance benefits
to any of your active employees?
Combined with HI1.a to reduce items by 1
Health Promotion Program Presence
HP1. Thinking about this worksite location, did your organization
offer any type of health promotion/wellness program for employees
in the past 12 months?
A2. Are any of you active employees currently offered
any of the following health and wellness programs, including
those offered by your company/organization directly, by your
health plan(s), or by a third party (e.g., union). Health risk
assessment, lifestyle or risk factor management, clinical
screening, disease management
HP2. How long has your health promotion/wellness program been in
A3. When did your company/organization start offering its wellness
program (including those offered by your company/organization
directly, by your health plan(s), or by a third party (e.g.,
KP5. What type of incentives did you use in the past 12 months at
this worksite location?
a. Premium discounts;
b. copay differences;
c. coinsurance differences;
d. cash rewards;
e. add money to flexible spending
f. additional paid time off;
g. gifts;
h. prizes;
i. other
A7. Which of the following monetary incentives are offered to your
employees to encourage participation in at least one on the
wellness programs?
Merchandise or gift cards;
discounted gym or health club
membership; cash payment or bonus;
lower employee contribution to
health plan premium;
higher employee contribution to
health plan premium if no participation;
lower cost sharing requirements for
services covered by health plan;
higher cost sharing requirement for
services covered by health plan if no participation; lower health
reimbursement account (HRA) or health savings account (HSA) if no
higher HRA or HAS contribution
Deleted 2 response choices.
HRA1.d. Did employees receive an incentive if they met certain
target health goals specified in the HRA? (Y/N)
D1. Are any of the monetary incentives associated with achieving
specific health standards, such as meeting
a weight loss target or stopping nicotine use?
(Check all that apply)
Yes, the
incentive is provided for achieving a specific health standard on
a Health Risk Assessment/Appraisal
Yes, the
incentive is provided for achieving a specific health standard as
part of a lifestyle or risk factor management program
Yes, the
incentive is provided through a means other than a Health
Risk Assessment/Appraisal or lifestyle or risk factor management
Health Risk Assessment
HRA1. In the past 12 months, were employees at this worksite
location offered a health risk assessment or HRA?
B1. Are any of your active employees currently offered
health risk assessment(s)/appraisal(s)?
HRA1.b. Approximately what percentage of employees completed the
HRA? (Please feel free to provide an estimate, even if you are not
sure of the true percentage.)
Don’t know
B2. What proportion of eligible employees participated in at
least one health risk assessment/appraisal in
the last 12 months? If no data are available for the last
12 months, please use data for the previous program year.
(Write in the
participation rate.)
HRA1.c. Did employees receive an incentive for completing the HRA?
B3. Are monetary incentives used to
encourage employee participation in health
risk assessment(s)/appraisal(s)?
Please note that incentives may include bonuses or penalties. For
the incentives or penalties associated with achieving certain
health outcomes that are reported in health
risk assessment(s)/appraisal(s), relevant questions will be asked
in other sections in this survey.
(Check one.)
Yes, participation incentives are offered by
one or more health plans
Yes, participation incentives are offered by
your company/organization only
Yes, participation incentives are offered by
both health plan(s) and your company/organization
Lifestyle Management/health promotion
In the past 12 months, did you offer any programs
address physical activity/fitness/sedentary behavior for your
In the past 12 months, did you offer any programs
address nutrition/healthy eating for your employees?
In the past 12 months, did you offer any programs
address obesity/weight management for your employees?
In the past 12 months, did you offer any programs
help employees stop using tobacco products?
In the past 12 months, did you offer any programs
address excessive alcohol use and/or drug abuse?
In the past 12 months, did you offer any programs
address stress management for your employees?
During the past 12 months, were any
disease or risk management information or programs related to the
following topics made available to your employees? (please include
programs provided by the employer, health plan or third party
DM1.6. Diabetes or pre-diabetes
DM1.10. High blood cholesterol
C2. Which of the following lifestyle or risk factor
management programs are offered to your employees? Note
the difference between weight/obesity management and fitness
program; the former focuses on weight loss and is available to
overweight/obese individuals; while the latter is for all types of
employees to improve physical fitness. (check all that apply)
Alcohol and/or drug abuse counseling
Blood sugar management
Cholesterol/lipid management
Fitness program
Healthy eating program
Health education classes
Smoking cessation program
Stress management program
Weight/obesity management
Other 1, please specify:
Other 2, please specify:
HPR1.1.c. Thinking about all physical activity/fitness/sedentary
behavior programs that have been offered or sponsored here in the
past 12 months, approximately what percentage of employees from
this worksite location participate?
HPR4.1.c. Thinking about all tobacco
use programs that have been offered or sponsored here in the past
12 months, approximately what percentage of employees from this
worksite location participate?
HPR3.1.c. Thinking about all
obesity/weight management programs that have been offered or
sponsored here in the past 12 months, approximately what
percentage of employees from this worksite location participate?
(Please feel free to provide an
estimate, even if you are not sure of the true percentage.)
than 75%
C3. What proportion of eligible employees participated in
the following lifestyle or risk factor management programs
in the last 12 months or the most recent program year?
Fitness program __%
Smoking cessation program __%
Weight obesity management __%
In the past 12 months, were any of the following screenings
made available to your employees?
HS1.1. Blood pressure
HS1.2. Blood cholesterol
HS1.3. Diabetes or pre-diabetes
HS1.4. Obesity
HS1.5. Breast cancer using
HS1.6. Colorectal cancer using a
colonoscopy or a kit to measure blood in the stool
HS1.7. Cervical cancer using a PAP test or test for human
papillomavirus (HPV)
F2. Which of the following clinical screening(s)
are offered to your employees at the workplace?
Weight/Body Mass Index (BMI)
Fat Percentage
Physical Exam
Other, please specify:
Combined 2 response choices into 1, streamlining question
HS2.c. Think about all of the health screenings offered to
employees at this worksite. Would you estimate the usual employee
participation as:
than 75%
F3.What proportion of eligible employees participated in at
least one clinical screening offered at the workplace
in the last 12 months?
Disease Management
During the past 12 months, were any disease or risk management
information or programs related to the following topics made
available to your employees? (please include programs provided by
the employer, health plan or third party vendor)
DM1.2. Asthma
DM1.3. Back injury or other
musculoskeletal injury
DM1.4. Cardiovascular disease
DM1.5. Cancer or cancer survivorship
DM1.6. Diabetes or pre-diabetes
DM1.7. Depression
G2. Which of the following conditions are included in the
disease management programs offered to your
Artery Disease
Back Pain
Not Disease-specific
Other, please specify:
Deleted 3 health conditions and 1 response choice from question
DM2.b. Think about all of the disease management programs
offered to employees at this worksite. Would you estimate the
usual level of employee participation as:
than 75%
G3. What proportion of eligible employees participated in at
least one disease management program in the
last 12 months?
Program evaluation and costs
HP7.h.1. How much is available in dollars, annually, to spend
on employee health promotion/wellness at this worksite location?
[Note: it is fine to include salaries of employees who have
responsibility for employee health as part of his/her job
Less than $1000
$50,001 to 100,000
Over $500,000
H2. How much does you company/organization invest internally
in the wellness program every year?
Note: These include the salaries of program staff,
equipment and facility costs, costs of employee time, overhead
administrative costs, and other materials and supplies. Estimates
are acceptable.
Retained but combined with HP7.h.1.a
Thinking about your health promotion/wellness program at this
worksite location overall, would you say it…
HP7.f. Uses data to evaluate program success?
H1.Does your company/organization, or your health plans, or a
third party routinely evaluate your wellness program
Deleted prior related question HP7.e.2-HP7.e.6
B1. Thinking across all types of employee health
promotion/wellness programs, please rate the following on the
extent to which each has been a barrier or challenge to this
worksite in offering these programs?
B1.1. Lack of employee interest
B1.4. Cost (e.g. lack of funds)
B1.13. Lack of senior management
B1.15. Changes in the regulatory
environment (e.g. HIPAA, ADA, etc.)
B1.16. Legal concerns
H5. Which of the following barriers reduces the ability of your
wellness program to improve health behaviors and health outcomes
of your employees?
Lack of financial resources
Lack of staff resources
Lack of employee awareness
Lack of management support
Lack of business case for wellness programs
Federal regulatory restrictions
State regulatory restrictions
Regulatory uncertainty
Other 1, please specify: ____________________
Other 2, please specify:
Deleted 5 response choices
Other benefits
HS3. During the past 12 months, were flu shots made available
to your employees?
onsite and offsite
J1. Do any of your active employees currently
have access to on-site vaccinations
such as flu shots, including those offered by your
company/organization directly, or by your health plan(s), or by a
third party (e.g., union)? These
programs may be administered by a third party administrator or a
program vendor.
Employer background
Considering ALL (full and part-time) employees at this worksite
location, what percentage… WD2. Are female?
K1. What percent of your full-time active employees are women?
Considering ALL (full and part-time) employees at this worksite
location, what percentage… WD1.3 Are age 50-69? WD1.4 Are
age 70 or older?
K2. What percent of your full-time active employees are 50
years or older?
Combined with WD1.2-WD1.4
OC2. How many part-time and full-time employees are based at
this worksite location? (Please feel free to provide an estimate,
even if you are not sure of the exact number.)
(___________ enter total number
full and part-time employees here)
K4. What is the total number of full-time and/or part-time
employees in your company/organization, or the U.S. branches/sites
your reported data for, respectively?
Moved to screener