PR- ____ ____ - ____
Case-Control Study Questionnaire for the Investigation of
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) in Relation to Arboviral Infections
Study ID Number PR- ____ ____ - ____ □ Case □ Control
The ID number begins with the 2 digit case number (for example PR01) followed by an “A” for the case patient, a “B” for the first control, and a “C” for the second control. For example, the second control subject matched for case number 8 would be labeled “PR-08-C.”
Interviewer: _______________________________ Date of Interview: __ __ /__ __ /______ MM DD YYYY
Neuro Symptom Onset Date for Case __ __ /__ __ /______ MM DD YYYY
Insert onset date into questions 10 and 11.
This questionnaire was conducted on: □ Directly with case or control □ Indirectly
If indirectly, with whom?:_______________
Background and Demographics
1. Current Address: _____________________________________________/_________________________________
(Street) (Municipality)
2. Onset Address: _________________________________/__________________/__________________/___________
(for cases only if different from above; where cases spent most nights in the 2 months prior to neuro onset)
3. GPS Coordinates (onset for cases; current for controls): __ __. __ __ __ __ __ S, __ __ __. __ __ __ __ __ E
4. Sex: □ Male □ Female
5. a) Ethnicity: □ Hispanic or Latino □ Not Hispanic or Latino □ Decline to answer
b) Race (may select more than one): □ American Indian or Alaska Native □ Asian □ Black or African-American □ Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander □ White □ Decline to answer
6. Age when case developed first neuro symptoms (or equivalent date for controls): ______ years
7. What is your occupation? ________________________________________________
8. What form of health insurance do you have? □ Reforma/SSS □ Private □ Veteran’s □ Other □ None
Medical History
8. Have you ever been told by a clinician that you have any of the following medical conditions?
□ Diabetes □ High blood pressure □ Heart disease □ High cholesterol
□ Stroke □ Kidney disease □ Liver disease □ Rheumatologic disease
□ Asthma □ Cancer □ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
□ Surgery (within 2 months of date of symptom onset) □ Other neurologic illness:__________________________
9. Do you take any medication (e.g., prednisone) or have any condition that might impact your ability to fight infections (e.g., immunological disorder):
□ Yes □ No If yes, please list: ______________________________________________
10. a). In the 2 months prior to __ __ /__ __ / 2016 (neuro onset date for case), have YOU been sick at all?
□ Yes □ No □ Unknown
b.) If so, when did you first feel sick? __ __ /__ __ /_____
c.) If so, what symptoms did you have (check all that apply)?
□ Fevers □ Chills □ Nausea or Vomiting □ Diarrhea □ Muscle pains □ Joint pains □ Skin rash □ Abnormally red eyes
□ Headache □ Pain behind eyes □ Stiff neck □ Confusion
□ Abdominal pain □ Coughing □ Runny nose □ Sore throat □ Calf pain
d.) If so, did you see a doctor or go to the hospital for this illness?
□ Yes □ No □ Unknown
Which doctor? ________________________ Which hospital? _____________________________
e.) If so, did they draw any blood for testing? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
f.) If so, was any other bodily fluids tested? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
If yes, which? □ Urine □ Saliva □ Other_______________
11. a.) In the 2 months prior to __ __ /__ __ / 2016 (neuro onset date for case), has anyone in your
MM DD YYYY HOUSEHOLD been sick at all?
□ Yes □ No □ Unknown
b.) If so, when did the first household member become sick? __ __ /__ __ /_____
c.) If so, what symptoms did this household member have (check all that apply)?
□ Fevers □ Chills □ Nausea or Vomiting □ Diarrhea □ Muscle pains □ Joint pains □ Skin rash □ Abnormally red eyes
□ Headache □ Pain behind eyes □ Stiff neck □ Confusion
□ Abdominal pain □ Coughing □ Runny nose □ Sore throat □ Calf pain
12. I would like to ask you some questions about vaccination. Do you have a vaccination record available?
□ Yes and shown to interviewer □ Yes but not shown □ Information provided verbally
13. Which vaccinations have you received and when?
a.) In the last 2 months, did you receive the influenza vaccine? □ Yes □ No
If yes, when? ______________________________
b) Which other vaccinations have you received?
i.) MMR __ __/__ __/______ Additional doses: ____________________
ii.) Polio __ __/__ __/______ ____________________
iii.) Yellow fever __ __/__ __/______ ____________________
iv.) BCG __ __/__ __/______ ____________________
v.) DTaP __ __/__ __/______ ____________________
vi.) HIB __ __/__ __/______ ____________________
vii.) Pneumococcal __ __/__ __/______ ____________________
viii.) Meningitis __ __/__ __/______ ____________________
ix.) Hep B __ __/__ __/______ ____________________
x.) Zoster/Shingles __ __/__ __/______ ____________________
x.) Other vaccines (e.g. rabies, Japanese encephalitis, etc.):
Which? ________________________________ __ __/__ __/______
Behavior and Environmental Exposures
For the remaining questions, I will ask about practices and behaviors over the past two months. Please think back over the past 2 months when answering to them.
14. What pets or other animals (e.g., farm animals) have lived in your house or on your property (check all that apply)?
□ Dogs □ Cats □ Mice/rats □ Pet birds □ Reptiles/amphibians
□ Goats □ Sheep □ Cows □ Chickens □ Pigs
□ Other __________________________________________
15. How often have you gotten your drinking water from the tap?
□ Almost always (>75%) □ Often (25-75%) □ Rarely (<25%) □ Never (0%)
If ever, was the water boiled or treated? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
16. How often have you gotten your drinking water from a well or river/stream/pond?
□ Almost always (>75%) □ Often (25–75%) □ Rarely (<25%) □ Never (0%)
If ever, was the water boiled or treated? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
17. How often do you walk around barefoot outside?
□ Almost always (>75%) □ Often (25–75%) □ Rarely (<25%) □ Never (0%)
18. Have you swam or waded in a freshwater river, stream, or pond?
□ Daily □ Weekly □ Monthly □ Rarely (<once per month) □ Never
19. How much time do you spend outdoors each day?
□ <1 hour □ 1–4 hours □ 5–8 hours □ >8 hours
20. Do you recall being bitten by a mosquito? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
21. Do you normally wear insect repellant when outside?
□ Almost always (>75%) □ Often (25–75%) □ Rarely (<25%) □ Never (0%)
22. Do you leave the windows open at your house?
□ Yes, during the day □ Yes, at night □ Yes, all times □ Windows are not left open at this
23. How many of your windows or doors have intact screens?
□ All of them □ Some of them □ None of them
24. Does your home use any of the following for air conditioning?
□ Central air conditioning □ Local air conditioning (1–2 room) □ None
25. How often do you have sources of standing water around the outside of your house (e.g. buckets, water storage/cistern, septic tank, pond)?
□ Daily □ 2–3 times/week □ Once/week □ Every other week □ Never
26. Have you slaughtered animals and/or handled any dead animals?
□ Yes □ No □ Unknown
If yes, which? ________________________
27. Have you eaten or drunk any of the following foods at least once per week (check all that apply)?
□ Beef □ Lamb □ Chicken □ Fish □ Shellfish
□ Milk □ Cheese □ Yogurt □ Fresh salad /uncooked greens
28. Did you eat any of the following foods raw or undercooked (check all that apply)?
□ Beef □ Lamb □ Chicken □ Shellfish □ Fish (including ceviche)
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Emergency Epidemic Investigations |
Author | lmp2 |
Last Modified By | Zirger, Jeffrey (CDC/OD/OADS) |
File Modified | 2016-03-17 |
File Created | 2016-02-23 |