To: Stephanie Tatham, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA); Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
From: Nancy Geyelin Margie, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE); Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Date: March 18, 2016
Subject: Non-Substantive change request for revisions to MIHOPE family follow-up survey (Information Collection 0970-0402)
In the approved information collection request for the MIHOPE follow-up data collection (OMB Control No: 0970-0402), we described a plan to tailor each annual survey and submit the tailored surveys to OMB as a nonsubstantive change. These changes are primarily to ensure that the surveys are age-appropriate.
The final survey to use when the children are 2½ years old was reviewed and approved in July 2015. OMB approved that the tailored surveys to be used with families when the children are 3½ years old and 4½ years old would be submitted to OMB as nonsubstantive changes prior to the start of data collection for each of those groups. All burden related to these surveys was included in section A.12 and was described in associated Federal Register Notices.
At this time, we are submitting the follow-up survey that will be administered when children in the sample are 3½ years old. As noted, these changes are primarily to ensure that the survey is age-appropriate. Burden estimates will not change. Revisions include:
We would like to change the set of items that are being used to capture parental support for children’s cognitive development.
We would like to add a short set of items to capture some domains of school readiness.
We would like to add an item about child care to gather information about the type of program, including preschool, the child is attending.
Where relevant, we would like to change the time period referenced.
We would like to add a follow-up item about the number of times the respondent has given birth.
We would like to modify the item about emergency room visits, so that we collect the total number of emergency room visits.
These revisions will not increase the burden estimate for the survey (30 minutes, as indicated in the Supporting Statements A and B and Federal Register Notice). We found that the 2½ year old survey questions took less than 30 minutes to administer, therefore adding the questions we propose to add below will not increase administration time over the previously approved 30 minutes.
The details about these requested changes are specified below and are indicated as track changes in Attachment 1. (A clean version of the updated instrument is included as Attachment 2.)
Changing the measure of support for children’s cognitive development
On the MIHOPE survey administered to families of 2½ year olds, we included six items that capture parental support for cognitive development (Source: Parents as Teachers evaluation; Wagner et al., 2002). The items on the 2½ year old survey were appropriate for that age group, but better measures are available for older children.
For that reason, we would like to replace these six items with a set of four items from the School Readiness Survey of the 2007 National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) on the MIHOPE survey administered to families of 3½ year olds. The NHES school readiness survey was administered over the phone to a nationally representative sample of parents of children between the ages of 3 and 6 years who were not yet enrolled in kindergarten. In addition to gathering information on the school readiness of children in the United States, the survey also collected information on the activities that families engage in with children at home. We would like to add four of these items to the MIHOPE follow-up survey, to capture the frequency with which family members read to the child, the amount of time spent on reading, the frequency with which families engage in reading-related activities with their children, and whether family members engage in other activities to support children’s cognitive development. These items provide more specific information on the types of early literacy activities in which parents engage their children than the six items currently included on the MIHOPE survey.
We would like to replace the six items with the following four items:
Now we’d like to ask you about (CHILD)’s activities with family members.
How many times have you or someone in your family read to (CHILD) in the past week? Would you say...
Not at all, .............................................................. 1
Once or twice, ...................................................... 2
3 or more times, or ...............................................3
Every day? ........................................................... 4
(If previous response is not ‘Not at all’)
About how many minutes (on each of those days/each day) did you or someone in your family read to (him/her)?
When you or someone in your family reads to (CHILD), how often do you …
Usually (1)/Sometimes (2)/Never (3)
a. Stop reading and ask (CHILD) to tell you what is in a picture? Would you say usually, sometimes, or never? 1 2 3
b. Stop reading and point out letters? 1 2 3
c. Ask (CHILD) to read with you? 1 2 3
d. Talk about the story and what happened when the book is done? 1 2 3
In the past week, has anyone in your family done the following things with (CHILD)?
(1 = YES, 2 = NO)
a. Told (him/her) a story? 1 2
b. Taught (him/her) letters, words, or numbers? 1 2
c. Taught (CHILD) songs or music? 1 2
d. Did arts and crafts, for example, coloring, painting, pasting, or using clay? 1 2
e. Played sports, active games, or exercised together? 1 2
f. Played board games or did puzzles with (CHILD)? 1 2
Adding a measure of aspects of child development
We propose adding a set of nine items from the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) 2016 to capture domains of children’s development. The items we would like to include cover many dimensions of child development: early literacy, early math skills, fine motor skills, language development, and executive functioning. These items can be used with children as young as three years old, so they are an appropriate addition to this round of the MIHOPE surveys.
The item text we would like to add:
These next questions are about things that different children do at different ages. These things may or may not be true for (CHILD).
About how many letters of the alphabet can (CHILD) recognize?
All of the them, ……………………...........1
Most of them, ..........................................2
Some of them, or.....................................3
None of them?......................................... 4
How high can (CHILD) count?
Not at all, ................................................. 1
Up to five, ................................................ 2
Up to ten,................................................. 3
Up to 20, ……........................................... 4
Up to 50, or............................................... 5
Up to 100 or more? .................................6
Can (CHILD) write (his/her) first name, even if some of the letters aren’t quite right or are
All of the time..............................................1
Most of the time..........................................2
Some of the time, or………………………....3
None of the time………………………………4
When (CHILD) holds a pencil, does (he/she) use fingers to hold it, or does (he/she) grip it in
(his/her) fist?
USES FINGERS ........................................1
GRIPS IN FIST, or......................................2
CANNOT HOLD A PENCIL........................3
Compared to other children (his/her) age, how often is (CHILD) able to sit still?
All of the time............................................1
Most of the time........................................2
Some of the time ..................................... 3
None of the time .......................................4
How often can (CHILD) explain things he or she has seen so that you get a very good idea of what happened?
All of the time..............................................1
Most of the time......................................... .2
Some of the time, or................................... 3
None of the time..........................................4
How often is (CHILD) easily distracted?
All of the time..............................................1
Most of the time......................................... .2
Some of the time, or................................... 3
None of the time..........................................4
How often does (CHILD) keep working at something until (he/she) is finished?
All of the time..............................................1
Most of the time......................................... .2
Some of the time, or................................... 3
None of the time..........................................4
When he or she is paying attention, how often can (CHILD) follow instructions to complete a simple task?
All of the time..............................................1
Most of the time......................................... .2
Some of the time, or................................... 3
None of the time..........................................4
Adding a child care item
We would like to add an item to the child care section of the survey to determine what type of program the child is attending, if he or she is in center-based care. The item text, below, is modified from a question included in the ECLS-B Preschool Parent Interview.
Would you call {it/the center/the program}…
A day care center or child care center.................................................................1
A nursery school .................................................................................................2
A preschool .........................................................................................................3
A pre-kindergarten...............................................................................................4
A Head Start, or...................................................................................................5
Something else? ..................................................................................................6
Changing the time period referenced
Two of the items on the survey reference the period since the child was 15 months old, which was appropriate for the survey administration that occurred when the child was 2½ years old. Since this survey administration will occur when the child is 3½ years old, and to people who already answered these questions when their child was 15 months old, we would like to modify the items as indicated here.
Has [CHILD] made any emergency room visits since (he/she) was 15 months oldin the past year?
NO 0
If R is bio mom, completed 15 month2½ year old survey:
Since [CHILD] was [15 months old]In the past year, have you given birth to another baby?
If R is bio mom, completed 15 month survey but did not complete 2½ year old survey:
Since [CHILD] was [15 months old], have you given birth to another baby?
If R is bio mom, did not complete 15 month survey nor 2½ year old survey:
Since [CHILD] was born, have you given birth to another baby?
NO 0
Adding an item about number of births
We would like to add a follow-up item that gathers information about the number of times the respondent has given birth, if she indicates that she has given birth in the time period referenced.
The item text we would like to add:
How many times have you given birth?
| | | TIMES
Modifying the item about emergency room visits
We would like to modify the item about emergency room visits, so that we collect the total number of emergency room visits. On the 2½ year old survey, we asked if the child made any emergency room visits, and if so, how many of those were because of an accident or injury. We would like to instead ask the total number of emergency room visits the child made (we will continue to ask how many of these were because of an accident or injury).
Has How many [CHILD] made any emergency room visits has [CHILD] made in the past year?
| | | VISITS
NO 0
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Amy Lowenstein |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-24 |