Your company has not filed its report with the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) for Form EIA-23L, Annual Report of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves for 2016. Your report was due to EIA by May 1, 2017 and is now considered late.
EIA ID Number: <ID>
Company Name: <NAME1>
The data collected on Form EIA-23L is used to develop national and regional estimates of proved reserves of U.S. crude oil and natural gas. These estimates are vital to the analysis of key domestic energy issues, and facilitate national energy policy decisions. Your company’s response is an essential part of this process.
Response to this survey is mandatory and required pursuant to 15 U.S.C., Sections 764(b), 772(b) and 790a of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974. EIA annually selects a sample of oil and natural gas well operators from each producing area of the United States. Selection to the Survey Year sample is determined by the total or gross (8/8ths) annual operated production rate within the producing area. EIA estimates that the average reporting burden for completing Form EIA-23L is 45 hours. For Form EIA-23L, the information reported will be protected and not disclosed to the public to the extent that it satisfies the criteria for exemption under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. §552, the DOE regulations, 10 C.F.R. §1004.11, implementing the FOIA, and the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. §1905. The annual production of crude oil, lease condensate, and natural gas reported on Form EIA-23L are considered public information. Production (not proved reserves) data may be released in company-identifiable form and will not be protected from disclosure in identifiable form when releasing statistical aggregate information.
Please complete and submit Form EIA-23L as soon as possible using one of the following methods:
If you have questions about how to complete or submit the form, please email or call EIA-23L survey staff at 1-800-879-1470.
Office of Oil, Gas & Coal Supply Statistics
Office of Energy Statistics
File Type | text/rtf |
Author | EJF |
Last Modified By | Grape, Steven |
File Modified | 2016-03-03 |
File Created | 2016-03-03 |