Survey of Grantees of Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) and Comparable Non-SEES Programs

Survey of Grantees of Science, Engineering,and Education for Sustainability (SEES) and Comparable Non-SEES Programs

SEES Project Survey Instrument

Survey of Grantees of Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) and Comparable Non-SEES Programs

OMB: 3145-0242

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SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015

The following survey is designed to gather information on the Science, Engineering, and Education
for Sustainability (SEES) portfolio of programs. You have been selected to respond to this survey
because of your current or previous work with a project funded under the SEES initiative, or
because of your current or previous work with a project funded from an NSF program similar to the
SEES portfolio of programs. The information you provide in this survey will be used to inform the
evaluation of SEES.
Your responses to the survey will be kept confidential. Data will be reported in aggregate, and
individuals will not be identified. Results from the survey will only be used for the purposes of this
Your participation in this evaluation study is completely voluntary. You may skip any question that
is asked and you may withdraw from the survey at any time by clicking the 'Exit this survey' button
at the top of each page. Please note: your answers will not be saved if you exit the survey.
The results will help NSF assess the success of SEES in terms of developing new knowledge and
concepts that advance the over-arching goals of developing a sustainable human future, facilitating
new and productive connections between researchers in a range of disciplines, and developing a
workforce capable of meeting sustainability challenges. In particular, this survey will help the
evaluation team better understand how SEES and comparable non-SEES projects compare in terms
of their project-level characteristics, team compositions, public outreach, research outputs, and
contributions to the development of a science and engineering workforce.
The survey is being conducted by Manhattan Strategy Group (MSG), an independent research firm
under contract to NSF.
We will treat the information that you supply in a manner that carefully protects your privacy, in
accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, and other applicable statutes. We will
NOT present results in any way that would permit them to be identified with you or any other
specific individual. No personally identifiable information--such as name, project title, collaborator
names, collaborator information, or employment history--will be disclosed to anyone outside the
evaluation team.
If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to email the Project Manager, Ying


Zhang, Ph.D., at [email protected] or on 301-828-1326.


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015

In this survey, we ask questions about your 'NSF-funded project' or 'project.' By 'NSFfunded project' or 'project' we mean the NSF project named in your survey invitation
email. It might be helpful to keep this invitation email handy as you complete the survey,
especially if you have, or have had, multiple NSF-funded projects in the past.


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
NSF Project Background

In this section, we are interested in knowing more about the federal funding you rely on to conduct
your research. By federal funding, we mean funding from any federal department or agency,
including funding from Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs).
1. About what percent of your overall research funding has come from NSF?

2. About what percent of your overall research funding has come from other federal funding sources
outside of NSF?

3. Thinking about your current NSF-funded project (i.e., the project referred to in your survey invitation
email), about what percent of this project is funded by NSF?


4. Would you have been able to carry out your project as planned if you were not awarded NSF funding?
Yes, there were other programs or Directorates within NSF that could have funded my project as planned.
Yes, there were other agencies or funding bodies outside NSF that could have funded my project as planned.
Maybe, other programs or Directorates within NSF could have funded my project, but parts of the project plan would have
Maybe, other agencies or funding bodies outside NSF could have funded my project, but parts of the project plan would have
No, there were no other programs or Directorates within NSF , nor were there any other agencies or funding bodies outside
NSF, that could have funded my project as planned.
No, there were no other programs or Directorates within NSF , nor were there any other agencies or funding bodies outside NSF,
that could have funded my project as planned—even if parts of the project plan were changed.


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
NSF Project Impact

In this section, we are interested in learning more about how your NSF-funded project has helped to
advance sustainability issues in the science, engineering, and/or education fields. Remember: by
'NSF-funded project' or 'project' we mean the NSF project named in your survey invitation email.
5. Please indicate the number of times your project details or project findings were…
Submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal
Published in a peer-reviewed academic journal
Submitted for presentation at an academic conference
Presented at an academic conference
Discussed by organizations or professional groups affiliated with
your research field (e.g. national associations).

6. Please indicate the number of times your project details or project findings were...
Featured in print or electronic media (e.g. news website, blog,
tweet, print journal)
Presented at a non-academic conference or public event (e.g. as
an invited speaker or panelist, at an industry conference).
Featured in a non peer-reviewed journal, book, or report
Used in an undergraduate course that you teach
Used in an undergraduate course that others teach
Used in a graduate-level course that you teach
Used in a graduate-level course that others teach


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
NSF SEES Project Impact

7. Have you received any special recognition as a result of your NSF-funded project?
If Yes, please explain

8. Have your project findings contributed to sustainability research, education, and/or practice?
If Yes, please explain

9. Have your project findings informed public policy addressing sustainability issues?
If Yes, please explain


10. Have your project findings led to environmentally sustainable practices?
If Yes, please explain


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015

In this section, we are interested in knowing more about the importance of interdisciplinary
research in your own work as well as in your workplace. Please indicate the extent to which you
agree or disagree with each of the following statements:
11. My institution places a high value on interdisciplinary research.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree

12. I utilize professionals from other disciplines for their particular expertise when conducting my own
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree

13. I consistently give feedback to professionals from other disciplines on their research.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015

14. My colleagues from other disciplines believe that they could not do their jobs as well without the
assistance of individuals from my discipline.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree

15. Incorporating the views held by my colleagues from other disciplines improves my ability to carry out
research in my own discipline.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree

16. Formal procedures/mechanisms exist within my institution for facilitating interdisciplinary research.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015

17. Working with colleagues from other disciplines leads to outcomes or findings that we could not achieve
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree

18. My colleagues and I talk about ways to involve individuals from other disciplines in our research.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Current Employment

In this section, we are interested in knowing more about your current and former employment, as
well as your future career plans and goals. Answer the following questions for your current primary
employer—that is, the employer you currently work the most hours for each week—and then work
backwards through your previous primary employers over the past 10 years, if applicable.
19. What is your current job title? If you have more than one job, report the one for which you work the
most hours each week.

20. Which one of the following best describes your principal employer? Are you...
Self-Employed or a business owner in a non-incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Self-employed or a business owner in an incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Employee in a for-profit company or organization
Employee in a non-profit organization, including tax-exempt or charitable organization
Employee in a private for-profit college/university
Employee in a private non-profit college/university
Employee in a local government (e.g., city, county, school district)
Employee in a state government (including public state colleges/ universities)
Employee in the U.S. military service, active duty or Commissioned Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
Employee in the U.S. government (e.g., civilian employee)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Current Employment

21. Is the educational institution where you work a...
Two-year college, community college, or technical institute
Four-year college or university, other than a medical school
Medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)
University-affiliated research institute


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Current Employment

22. What type of academic position(s) do you currently hold at this institution? Select all that apply
President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)
Dean (any level), department head, or department chair
Research faculty, scientist, associate, or fellow
Teaching faculty
Adjunct faculty
Postdoc (e.g., postdoctoral fellow or associate)
Research assistant
Teaching assistant

23. What is your faculty rank?
Not applicable: no ranks designated at this institution
Not applicable: no ranks designated for my position
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Other (please specify)


24. What is your tenure status?
Not applicable: no tenure system at this institution
Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
On tenure track but not tenured
Not on tenure track


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Current Employment

25. During a typical week, what kind of work are you doing at this job? Please rank the following activities,
with "1" being the activity you spend the most hours working on during a typical week.
Undergraduate teaching


Graduate teaching


Doctoral advising


Postdoctoral advising


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Departmental administration


University administration





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Current Employment

26. During a typical week, what kind of work are you doing at this job? Please rank the following activities,
with "1" being the activity you spend the most hours working on during a typical week.
Accounting, finance, contracts


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Development – using knowledge gained from research for the production of materials, devices


Design of equipment, processes, structures, models


Human resources – including recruiting, personnel development, training


Managing or supervising people or projects





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Current Employment

27. Have you changed primary employers in the past 10 years? If you have changed positions with the
same employer (e.g., you received a promotion), answer 'yes' and enter the details of this previous
position. If you have taken temporary positions or taken temporary leave but remained with your current
primary employer answer ‘no’ below.


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Current Employment

28. Were you a full-time student before you started working with this employer?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Current Employment

29. What degree were you studying for?
Doctorate (Ph.D.)
Masters (M.A. or M.Sc.)
Bachelors (B.A. or B.Sc)
Associate or other 2-year degree
Other (please specify)

30. What year did you complete this degree?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 1

31. What was your former job title?

32. Which one of the following best describes your previous principal employer? Were you...
Self-Employed or a business owner in a non-incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Self-employed or a business owner in an incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Employee in a for-profit company or organization
Employee in a non-profit organization, including tax-exempt or charitable organization
Employee in a private for-profit college/university
Employee in a private non-profit college/university
Employee in a local government (e.g., city, county, school district)
Employee in a state government (including public state colleges/ universities)
Employee in the U.S. military service, active duty or Commissioned Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
Employee in the U.S. government (e.g., civilian employee)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 1

33. Was the educational institution where you worked a...
Two-year college, community college, or technical institute
Four-year college or university, other than a medical school
Medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)
University-affiliated research institute


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 1

34. What type of academic position(s) did you hold at this institution? Select all that apply
President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)
Dean (any level), department head, or department chair
Research faculty, scientist, associate, or fellow
Teaching faculty
Adjunct faculty
Postdoc (e.g., postdoctoral fellow or associate)
Research assistant
Teaching assistant

35. What was your faculty rank?
Not applicable: no ranks designated at this institution
Not applicable: no ranks designated for my position
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Other (please specify)


36. What was your tenure status?
Not applicable: no tenure system at this institution
Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
On tenure track but not tenured
Not on tenure track


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 1

37. During a typical week, what kind of work were you doing at this job? Please rank the following
activities, with "1" being the activity you spent the most hours working on during a typical week.
Undergraduate teaching


Graduate teaching


Doctoral advising


Postdoctoral advising


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Departmental administration


University administration





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 1

38. During a typical week, what kind of work were you doing at this job? Please rank the following
activities, with "1" being the activity you spent the most hours working on during a typical week.
Accounting, finance, contracts


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Development – using knowledge gained from research for the production of materials, devices


Design of equipment, processes, structures, models


Human resources – including recruiting, personnel development, training


Managing or supervising people or projects





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 1

39. What year did you leave this employer?

40. Have you held any other full-time positions in the past 10 years? If you have held a different full-time
position with the same employer (e.g., you received a promotion), answer 'yes' and enter the details of this
previous position.


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 1

41. Were you a full-time student before you started working with this previous employer?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 1

42. What degree were you studying for?
Doctorate (Ph.D.)
Masters (M.A. or M.Sc.)
Bachelors (B.A. or B.Sc)
Associate or other 2-year degree
Other (please specify)

43. What year did you complete this degree?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 2

44. What was your former job title?

45. Which one of the following best describes your previous principal employer? Were you...
Self-Employed or a business owner in a non-incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Self-employed or a business owner in an incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Employee in a for-profit company or organization
Employee in a non-profit organization, including tax-exempt or charitable organization
Employee in a private for-profit college/university
Employee in a private non-profit college/university
Employee in a local government (e.g., city, county, school district)
Employee in a state government (including public state colleges/ universities)
Employee in the U.S. military service, active duty or Commissioned Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
Employee in the U.S. government (e.g., civilian employee)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 2

46. Was the educational institution where you worked a...
Two-year college, community college, or technical institute
Four-year college or university, other than a medical school
Medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)
University-affiliated research institute


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 2

47. What type of academic position(s) did you hold at this institution? Select all that apply
President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)
Dean (any level), department head, or department chair
Research faculty, scientist, associate, or fellow
Teaching faculty
Adjunct faculty
Postdoc (e.g., postdoctoral fellow or associate)
Research assistant
Teaching assistant

48. What was your faculty rank?
Not applicable: no ranks designated at this institution
Not applicable: no ranks designated for my position
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Other (please specify)


49. What was your tenure status?
Not applicable: no tenure system at this institution
Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
On tenure track but not tenured
Not on tenure track


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 2

50. During a typical week, what kind of work were you doing at this job? Please rank the following
activities, with "1" being the activity you spent the most hours working on during a typical week.
Undergraduate teaching


Graduate teaching


Doctoral advising


Postdoctoral advising


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Departmental administration


University administration





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 2

51. During a typical week, what kind of work were you doing at this job? Please rank the following
activities, with "1" being the activity you spent the most hours working on during a typical week.
Accounting, finance, contracts


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Development – using knowledge gained from research for the production of materials, devices


Design of equipment, processes, structures, models


Human resources – including recruiting, personnel development, training


Managing or supervising people or projects





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 2

52. What year did you leave this employer?

53. Have you held any other full-time positions in the past 10 years? If you have held a different full-time
position with the same employer (e.g., you received a promotion), answer 'yes' and enter the details of this
previous position.


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 2

54. Were you a full-time student before you started working with this previous employer?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 2

55. What degree were you studying for?
Doctorate (Ph.D.)
Masters (M.A. or M.Sc.)
Bachelors (B.A. or B.Sc)
Associate or other 2-year degree
Other (please specify)

56. What year did you complete this degree?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 3

57. What was your former job title?

58. Which one of the following best describes your previous principal employer? Were you...
Self-Employed or a business owner in a non-incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Self-employed or a business owner in an incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Employee in a for-profit company or organization
Employee in a non-profit organization, including tax-exempt or charitable organization
Employee in a private for-profit college/university
Employee in a private non-profit college/university
Employee in a local government (e.g., city, county, school district)
Employee in a state government (including public state colleges/ universities)
Employee in the U.S. military service, active duty or Commissioned Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
Employee in the U.S. government (e.g., civilian employee)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 3

59. Was the educational institution where you worked a...
Two-year college, community college, or technical institute
Four-year college or university, other than a medical school
Medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)
University-affiliated research institute


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 3

60. What type of academic position(s) did you hold at this institution? Select all that apply
President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)
Dean (any level), department head, or department chair
Research faculty, scientist, associate, or fellow
Teaching faculty
Adjunct faculty
Postdoc (e.g., postdoctoral fellow or associate)
Research assistant
Teaching assistant

61. What was your faculty rank?
Not applicable: no ranks designated at this institution
Not applicable: no ranks designated for my position
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Other (please specify)


62. What was your tenure status?
Not applicable: no tenure system at this institution
Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
On tenure track but not tenured
Not on tenure track


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 3

63. During a typical week, what kind of work were you doing at this job? Please rank the following
activities, with "1" being the activity you spent the most hours working on during a typical week.
Undergraduate teaching


Graduate teaching


Doctoral advising


Postdoctoral advising


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Departmental administration


University administration





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 3

64. During a typical week, what kind of work were you doing at this job? Please rank the following
activities, with "1" being the activity you spent the most hours working on during a typical week.
Accounting, finance, contracts


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Development – using knowledge gained from research for the production of materials, devices


Design of equipment, processes, structures, models


Human resources – including recruiting, personnel development, training


Managing or supervising people or projects





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 3

65. What year did you leave this employer?

66. Have you held any other full-time positions in the past 10 years? If you have held a different full-time
position with the same employer (e.g., you received a promotion), answer 'yes' and enter the details of this
previous position.


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 3

67. Were you a full-time student before you started working with this previous employer?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 3

68. What degree were you studying for?
Doctorate (Ph.D.)
Masters (M.A. or M.Sc.)
Bachelors (B.A. or B.Sc)
Associate or other 2-year degree
Other (please specify)

69. What year did you complete this degree?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 4

70. What was your former job title?

71. Which one of the following best describes your previous principal employer? Were you...
Self-Employed or a business owner in a non-incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Self-employed or a business owner in an incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
Employee in a for-profit company or organization
Employee in a non-profit organization, including tax-exempt or charitable organization
Employee in a private for-profit college/university
Employee in a private non-profit college/university
Employee in a local government (e.g., city, county, school district)
Employee in a state government (including public state colleges/ universities)
Employee in the U.S. military service, active duty or Commissioned Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
Employee in the U.S. government (e.g., civilian employee)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 4

72. Was the educational institution where you work a...
Two-year college, community college, or technical institute
Four-year college or university, other than a medical school
Medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)
University-affiliated research institute


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 4

73. What type of academic position(s) did you hold at this institution? Select all that apply
President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)
Dean (any level), department head, or department chair
Research faculty, scientist, associate, or fellow
Teaching faculty
Adjunct faculty
Postdoc (e.g., postdoctoral fellow or associate)
Research assistant
Teaching assistant

74. What was your faculty rank?
Not applicable: no ranks designated at this institution
Not applicable: no ranks designated for my position
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Other (please specify)


75. What was your tenure status?
Not applicable: no tenure system at this institution
Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
On tenure track but not tenured
Not on tenure track


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 4

76. During a typical week, what kind of work were you doing at this job? Please rank the following
activities, with "1" being the activity you spent the most hours working on during a typical week.
Undergraduate teaching


Graduate teaching


Doctoral advising


Postdoctoral advising


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Departmental administration


University administration





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 4

77. During a typical week, what kind of work were you doing at this job? Please rank the following
activities, with "1" being the activity you spent the most hours working on during a typical week.
Accounting, finance, contracts


Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake


Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need


Development – using knowledge gained from research for the production of materials, devices


Design of equipment, processes, structures, models


Human resources – including recruiting, personnel development, training


Managing or supervising people or projects





SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Previous Employment 4

78. What year did you leave this employer?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Future Career Goals

In this section, we would like to know more about your future career goals. We would also like to
know how your current NSF-funded project might help you reach these goals.
79. What is your future career plan or goal? In 10 years, would you like...
A tenure-track position at a university
Another research-related position at a university
A position in university/departmental administration (e.g. Dean, Provost, or President)
Another teaching position (e.g. secondary or primary education)
Consultancy work in the private sector
Consultancy work in the public sector
A research position at a for-profit business or organization
A research position at a non-profit
Employment in public-sector/government
Employment in a non-governmental organization (NGO)
Other (please specify)

80. Has your NSF-funded project helped you meet this plan or goal?
If Yes, please explain


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Future Career Goals

81. In what research field or discipline do you conduct research related to environmental sustainability? If
you conduct research in more than one field or discipline, please list the field or discipline you conduct the
most environmentally-related research.

82. How likely are you to remain in this environmentally-related research field or discipline in the next 10
Very likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very unlikely
Not sure


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Future Career Goals

83. Why are you unlikely to remain in this field or discipline in the next 10 years?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Future Career Goals

84. In the next 10 years, how likely are you to continue in your other research discipline or disciplines that
are not related to environmental sustainability?
Very likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very unlikely
Not sure
Not applicable


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Future Career Goals

85. Why are you unlikely to continue in this research discipline or disciplines in the next 10 years?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Future Career Goals

Remember: by 'NSF-funded project' or 'project' we mean the NSF project named in your survey
invitation email.
86. In what ways, if at all, has your NSF-funded project work affected your plans forfuture research?

87. In what ways, if at all, has your NSF-funded project work affected your plans forfuture education or


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
The Future of Environmental Sustainability Research

In this section, we would like to know more about your thoughts on the future of environmental
research and environmental sustainability research. In particular, we would like to know how your
NSF-funded project might have contributed to the development of a scientific workforce capable of
addressing future needs in the environmental sustainability field. Remember: by 'NSF-funded
project' or 'project' we mean the NSF project named in your survey invitation email.
88. What knowledge or skills do you think researchers will need in order to address environmental issues in
the future?

89. Has your NSF-funded project helped to develop such knowledge or skills among your project staff?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
The Future of Environmental Sustainability Research

90. Has your project helped to engage researchers from other fields to address environmental issues?
If Yes, please explain

91. Has your project helped to attract young researchers or students to your research field to study
environmental issues?
If Yes, please explain


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Network Analysis

In the following sections, we are interested in knowing more about the network(s) of individuals that
you regularly collaborate with on a professional basis.
92. Did your NSF-funded project allow you to collaborate with people from different disciplines in ways that
you had not done before being funded by NSF?


93. What were the disciplinary background(s) of the individuals you typically collaborated with before you
were awarded your NSF-funded project? Select all that apply.
Business Management/Administration
Computer & Information Sciences
Agricultural Sciences/Natural Resources
Biological/Biomedical Sciences
Health Sciences
Atmospheric Science & Meteorology
Geological & Earth Sciences
Ocean/Marine Sciences
Social Sciences
Other (please specify)

94. Did you add any new collaborators as part of your NSF-funded project?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Network Analysis

95. What are the disciplinary background(s) of these new collaborators? Select all that apply.
Business Management/Administration
Computer & Information Sciences
Agricultural Sciences/Natural Resources
Biological/Biomedical Sciences
Health Sciences
Atmospheric Science & Meteorology
Geological & Earth Sciences
Ocean/Marine Sciences
Social Sciences
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Network Analysis

96. Did your connections with senior personnel on your NSF-funded project, i.e., (co) principal
investigator(s) and/or faculty associate (faculty member), allow you to make connections with new


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Network Analysis

97. What are the disciplinary background(s) of these new collaborators? Select all that apply.
Business Management/Administration
Computer & Information Sciences
Agricultural Sciences/Natural Resources
Biological/Biomedical Sciences
Health Sciences
Atmospheric Science & Meteorology
Geological & Earth Sciences
Ocean/Marine Sciences
Social Sciences
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborators

In this section, we would like to know some background details about your most important
research collaborators since the year 2000. Researchers often have fellow collaborators--both
inside and outside the academy--that they turn to when doing their research. For example, they
might write grants, conduct research projects, co-author publications, share expertise or conduct
analysis with fellow colleagues.You may comment on up to five (5) collaborators. It might be helpful
to write down the names of your collaborators before you begin this section.
98. Since the year 2000, how many of your research collaborators would you consider to be your most
important research collaborators?


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (One collaborator)

99. Who is your most important collaborator? You may use your collaborator's first and last name, or create
an alias.
Most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (One collaborator)

100. What is the gender of your most important collaborator?

101. What is the approximate age of your most important collaborator?
80 and older

102. In what country does your most important collaborator reside?

103. What PhD does your most important collaborator hold?

104. Does your most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


105. Does your most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

106. What year did you first begin collaborating with your most important collaborator?

107. What research activities do you engage in with your most important collaborator? Select all that apply.
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


108. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your most important collaborator
been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (One collaborator)

In this section, we are interested in understanding how you interact with your most important
109. On average, how often do you have any kind of contact with your most important collaborator (e.g. in
person, by phone, over email)?

Several times a

Once a week

Once a month

Several times a Less than once a

Most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (Two collaborators)

110. Who are your two (2) most important collaborators? You may use your collaborator's first and last
names, or create an alias. It might be helpful to write down the names of your collaborators.
Most important
Second most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (Two collaborators)

111. What is the gender of your most important collaborator?

112. What is the approximate age of your most important collaborator?
80 and older

113. In what country does your most important collaborator reside?

114. What PhD does your most important collaborator hold?

115. Does your most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering)


116. Does your most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences)

117. What year did you first begin collaborating with your most important collaborator?

118. What research activities do you engage in with your most important collaborator? Select all that apply.
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


119. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your most important collaborator
been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Second Most Important Collaborator (Two collaborators)

120. What is the gender of your second most important collaborator?

121. What is the approximate age of your second most important collaborator?
80 and older

122. In what country does your second most important collaborator reside?

123. What PhD does your second most important collaborator hold?

124. Does your second most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


125. Does your second most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

126. What year did you first begin collaborating with your second most important collaborator?

127. What research activities do you engage in with your second most important collaborator? Select all
that apply.
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


128. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your second most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Two collaborators)

In this section, we are interested in understanding how you interact with your most important
collaborators and how, in turn, your most important collaborators interact with each other.
129. On average, how often do you have any kind of contact with your most important collaborators (e.g. in
person, by phone, over email)?

Several times a

Once a week

Once a month

Several times a Less than once a

Most important
Second most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Two collaborators)

130. Based on your own impressions, does your most important collaborator have any kind of contact with
your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not applicable' if
you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Second most important collaborator
Yes, my most important
collaborator has contact
with my...
No, my most important
collaborator does not
have contact with my...


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (Three collaborators)

131. Who are your three (3) most important collaborators? You may use your collaborator's first and last
names, or create an alias. It might be helpful to write down the names of your collaborators.
Most important
Second most important
Third most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (Three collaborators)

132. What is the gender of your most important collaborator?

133. What is the approximate age of your most important collaborator?
80 and older

134. In what country does your most important collaborator reside?

135. What PhD does your most important collaborator hold?

136. Does your most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


137. Does your most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

138. What year did you first begin collaborating with your most important collaborator?

139. What research activities do you engage in with your most important collaborator? Select all that apply.
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


140. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your most important collaborator
been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Second Most Important Collaborator (Three collaborators)

141. What is the gender of your second most important collaborator?

142. What is the approximate age of your second most important collaborator?
80 and older

143. In what country does your second most important collaborator reside?

144. What PhD does your second most important collaborator hold?

145. Does your second most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


146. Does your second most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

147. What year did you first begin collaborating with your second most important collaborator?

148. What research activities do you engage in with your second most important collaborator? Select all
that apply.
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


149. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your second most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Third Most Important Collaborator (Three collaborators)

150. What is the gender of your third most important collaborator?

151. What is the approximate age of your third most important collaborator?
80 and older

152. In what country does your third most important collaborator reside?

153. What PhD does your third most important collaborator hold?

154. Does your third most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


155. Does your third most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

156. What year did you first begin collaborating with your third most important collaborator?

157. What research activities do you engage in with your third most important collaborator? Select all that
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


158. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your third most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Three collaborators)

In this section, we are interested in understanding how you interact with your most important
collaborators and how, in turn, your most important collaborators interact with each other.
159. On average, how often do you have any kind of contact with your most important collaborators (e.g. in
person, by phone, over email)?

Several times a

Once a week

Once a month

Several times a Less than once a

Most important
Second most important
Third most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Three collaborators)

160. Based on your own impressions, does your most important collaborator have any kind of contact with
your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not applicable' if
you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Second most important collaborator

Third most important collaborator

Yes, my most important
collaborator has contact
with my...
No, my most important
collaborator does not
have contact with my...

161. Based on your own impressions, does your second most important collaborator have any kind of
contact with your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not
applicable' if you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Most important collaborator

Third most important collaborator

Yes, my second most
important collaborator
has contact with my...
No, my second most
important collaborator
does not have contact
with my...


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Three collaborators)

162. Based on your own impressions, does your third most important collaborator have any kind of
contact with your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not
applicable' if you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a fourth most important
Most important collaborator

Second most important collaborator

Yes, my third most
important collaborator
has contact with my...
No, my third most
important collaborator
does not have contact
with my...


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (Four collaborators)

163. Who are your four (4) most important collaborators? You may use your collaborator's first and last
names, or create an alias. It might be helpful to write down the names of your collaborators.
Most important
Second most important
Third most important
Fourth most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (Four collaborators)

164. What is the gender of your most important collaborator?

165. What is the approximate age of your most important collaborator?
80 and older

166. In what country does your most important collaborator reside?

167. What PhD does your most important collaborator hold?

168. Does your most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


169. Does your most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

170. What year did you first begin collaborating with your most important collaborator?

171. What research activities do you engage in with your most important collaborator? Select all that apply.
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


172. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your most important collaborator
been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Second Most Important Collaborator (Four collaborators)

173. What is the gender of your second most important collaborator?

174. What is the approximate age of your second most important collaborator?
80 and older

175. In what country does your second most important collaborator reside?

176. What PhD does your second most important collaborator hold?

177. Does your second most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


178. Does your second most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

179. What year did you first begin collaborating with your second most important collaborator?

180. What research activities do you engage in with your second most important collaborator? Select all
that apply.
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


181. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your second most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Third Most Important Collaborator (Four collaborators)

182. What is the gender of your third most important collaborator?

183. What is the approximate age of your third most important collaborator?
80 and older

184. In what country does your third most important collaborator reside?

185. What PhD does your third most important collaborator hold?

186. Does your third most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


187. Does your third most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

188. What year did you first begin collaborating with your third most important collaborator?

189. What research activities do you engage in with your third most important collaborator? Select all that
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


190. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your third most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Fourth Most Important Collaborator (Four collaborators)

191. What is the gender of your fourth most important collaborator?

192. What is the approximate age of your fourth most important collaborator?
80 and older

193. In what country does your fourth most important collaborator reside?

194. What PhD does your fourth most important collaborator hold?

195. Does your fourth most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


196. Does your fourth most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

197. What year did you first begin collaborating with your fourth most important collaborator?

198. What research activities do you engage in with your fourth most important collaborator? Select all that
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


199. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your fourth most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Four collaborators)

In this section, we are interested in understanding how you interact with your most important
collaborators and how, in turn, your most important collaborators interact with each other.
200. On average, how often do you have any kind of contact with your most important collaborators (e.g. in
person, by phone, over email)?

Several times a

Once a week

Once a month

Several times a Less than once a

Most important
Second most important
Third most important
Fourth most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Four collaborators)

201. Based on your own impressions, does your most important collaborator have any kind of contact with
your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not applicable' if
you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Second most important

Third most important collaborator Fourth most important collaborator

Yes, my most important
collaborator has contact
with my...
No, my most important
collaborator does not
have contact with my...

202. Based on your own impressions, does your second most important collaborator have any kind of
contact with your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not
applicable' if you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Most important collaborator

Third most important collaborator Fourth most important collaborator

Yes, my second most
important collaborator
has contact with my...
No, my second most
important collaborator
does not have contact
with my...


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Four collaborators)

203. Based on your own impressions, does your third most important collaborator have any kind of
contact with your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not
applicable' if you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a fourth most important
Most important collaborator

Second most important

Fourth most important collaborator

Yes, my third most
important collaborator
has contact with my...
No, my third most
important collaborator
does not have contact
with my...

204. Based on your own impressions, does your fourth most important collaborator have any kind of
contact with your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not
applicable' if you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Most important collaborator

Second most important

Third most important collaborator

Yes, my fourth most
important collaborator
has contact with my...
No, my fourth most
important collaborator
does not have contact
with my...


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (Five collaborators)

205. Who are your five (5) most important collaborators? You may use your collaborator's first and last
names, or create an alias. It might be helpful to write down the names of your collaborators.
Most important
Second most important
Third most important
Fourth most important
Fifth most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Most Important Collaborator (Five collaborators)

206. What is the gender of your most important collaborator?

207. What is the approximate age of your most important collaborator?
80 and older

208. In what country does your most important collaborator reside?

209. What PhD does your most important collaborator hold?

210. Does your most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


211. Does your most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

212. What year did you first begin collaborating with your most important collaborator?

213. What research activities do you engage in with your most important collaborator? Select all that apply.
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


214. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your most important collaborator
been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Second Most Important Collaborator (Five collaborators)

215. What is the gender of your second most important collaborator?

216. What is the approximate age of your second most important collaborator?
80 and older

217. In what country does your second most important collaborator reside?

218. What PhD does your second most important collaborator hold?

219. Does your second most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


220. Does your second most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

221. What year did you first begin collaborating with your second most important collaborator?

222. What research activities do you engage in with your second most important collaborator? Select all
that apply.
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


223. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your second most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Third Most Important Collaborator (Five collaborators)

224. What is the gender of your third most important collaborator?

225. What is the approximate age of your third most important collaborator?
80 and older

226. In what country does your third most important collaborator reside?

227. What PhD does your third most important collaborator hold?

228. Does your third most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


229. Does your third most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

230. What year did you first begin collaborating with your third most important collaborator?

231. What research activities do you engage in with your third most important collaborator? Select all that
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


232. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your third most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Fourth Most Important Collaborator (Five collaborators)

233. What is the gender of your fourth most important collaborator?

234. What is the approximate age of your fourth most important collaborator?
80 and older

235. In what country does your fourth most important collaborator reside?

236. What PhD does your fourth most important collaborator hold?

237. Does your fourth most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


238. Does your fourth most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

239. What year did you first begin collaborating with your fourth most important collaborator?

240. What research activities do you engage in with your fourth most important collaborator? Select all that
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


241. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your fourth most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Fifth Most Important Collaborator (Five collaborators)

242. What is the gender of your fifth most important collaborator?

243. What is the approximate age of your fifth most important collaborator?
80 and older

244. In what country does your fifth most important collaborator reside?

245. What PhD does your fifth most important collaborator hold?

246. Does your fifth most important collaborator work in a university?
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the university and the department or subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"University of Kentucky, Department of Engineering")


247. Does your fifth most important collaborator work in an institution or organization other than a
Yes, and this is their primary place of employment
Yes, but this is not their primary place of employment
If Yes, please provide the name of the institution or organization and the subdivision that your collaborator is affiliated with (e.g.,
"National Science Foundation, Directorate for Geosciences")

248. What year did you first begin collaborating with your fifth most important collaborator?

249. What research activities do you engage in with your fifth most important collaborator? Select all that
Collaborate on research project design
Write grants
Collect data
Analyze data
Write publications
Share expertise
Other (please specify)


250. Which agencies, foundations, or other funding bodies have you and your fifth most important
collaborator been awarded research funding? Select all that apply.
National Science Foundation
United States Department of Energy national laboratories
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
Other Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)
Other (please specify)


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Five collaborators)

In this section, we are interested in understanding how you interact with your most important
collaborators and how, in turn, your most important collaborators interact with each other.
251. On average, how often do you have any kind of contact with your most important collaborators (e.g. in
person, by phone, over email)?

Several times a

Once a week

Once a month

Several times a Less than once a

Most important
Second most important
Third most important
Fourth most important
Fifth most important


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Five collaborators)

252. Based on your own impressions, does your most important collaborator have any kind of contact with
your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not applicable' if
you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Second most important

Third most important

Fourth most important

Fifth most important

Yes, my most important
collaborator has contact
with my...
No, my most important
collaborator does not
have contact with my...

253. Based on your own impressions, does your second most important collaborator have any kind of
contact with your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not
applicable' if you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Most important

Third most important

Fourth most important

Fifth most important

Yes, my second most
important collaborator
has contact with my...
No, my second most
important collaborator
does not have contact
with my...


SEES PI Survey 11 September 2015
Collaborator Relationships (Five collaborators)

254. Based on your own impressions, does your third most important collaborator have any kind of
contact with your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not
applicable' if you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a fourth most important
Most important

Second most important

Fourth most important

Fifth most important

Yes, my third most
important collaborator
has contact with my...
No, my third most
important collaborator
does not have contact
with my...

255. Based on your own impressions, does your fourth most important collaborator have any kind of
contact with your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not
applicable' if you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Most important

Second most important

Third most important

Fifth most important

Yes, my fourth most
important collaborator
has contact with my...
No, my fourth most
important collaborator
does not have contact
with my...

256. Based on your own impressions, does your fifth most important collaborator have any kind of
contact with your other most important collaborators (e.g., in person, by phone, over email)? Select 'Not
applicable' if you listed less than five collaborators (e.g., you did not list a third most important collaborator).
Most important

Second most important

Third most important

Fourth most important

Yes, my fifth most
important collaborator
has contact with my...
No, my fifth most
important collaborator
does not have contact
with my...



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2016-03-09
File Created2015-09-24

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