MIS data entry, participants

H-1B Technical Skills Training and Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge Grants

Attach L_H-1B Data Elements for Performance and Evaluation.xlsx

MIS data entry, participants

OMB: 1205-0507

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H-1B Evaluation Data Elements
H-1B Performance Report Element

Sheet 1: H-1B Evaluation Data Elements


Special Note: All information contained within this section must be collected from the individual
at the time of participation in the program and ONLY THE DATA HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOW should be updated.
Edit Check Logic Data Element Number (D_E_NUM) Error Message

101 First Name AN 9

incorrect value
102 Middle Name

103 Last Name DT 8

104 Street IN 1

105 Apt Number IN 1

106 City IN 1

107 State IN 1

108 Zip Code IN 1

109 Cell/Mobile Number IN 1

110 Home Phone Number IN 1

111 Work Phone Number IN 1

112 Home E-mail Address

113 Work E-mail Address IN 1

115 Are you currently enrolled in school or in another training program? (Do not include this training program to which you are applying)

1 = Currently enrolled in high school or GED program
2 = Currently enrolled in vocational, technical, or trade school
3 = Currently enrolled in 2 or 4 year college
4 = Currently enrolled in another job training program
0 = Not currently enrolled in school or any other training program

116 Have you ever attended any of the following education and training programs either in the U.S. or elsewhere?

1 = Adult basic education (these programs usually teach reading and math)
2 = English as a Second Language (ESL)
3 = Job training at a vocational, technical or trade school
4 = College courses that did not lead to a degree you already listed in question #6

117 Are you receiving services funded by any other government agencies?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank if 0 or 2, skip to question 119

118 If you receive services funded by other agencies, name the services and/or the providers

119 What is your current marital status?

1 = Married
2 = Widowed
3 = Divorced/Separated
4 = Never Married

120 Do you speak a language other than English at home?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

121 Home ownership

1 = Own the place where you live
2 = Rent your own place or contribute to rent at a friend or family’s place
3 = Live rent free

122 How many children (18 years or younger) currently live in your household?

0 = No children living in household OR NUMBER

123 How many children (18 years or younger) of yours are currently living elsewhere?

0 = No children living elsewhere OR NUMBER If 0, then go to what is your US citizenship status (Q 126)

124 What is the age (in years) of the youngest child currently living in your household?

125 What is the age (in years) of the youngest child currently living elsewhere?

126 What is your U.S. citizenship status?

1 = U.S. Citizen
2 = Legal Resident

127 Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

128 Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

129 Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

130 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

131 Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

132 Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

133 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank


134 Finding quality child care that I can afford limits my ability to work

1 = Very much
2 = A little
3 = Not at all
0 = No children in household

135 Problems with transportation (car, public transit) limit by ability to work

1 = Very much
2 = A little
3 = Not at all
0 = No children in household

136 I will take any job even if the pay is low

1 = Strongly agree
2 = Agree
3 = Disagree
4 = Strongly Disagree

137 I only want the kind of job that I trained for

1 = Strongly agree
2 = Agree
3 = Disagree
4 = Strongly Disagree

138 How much must a job pay per hour for it to make sense for you to take it? (Please enter the lowest hourly amount you are willing to accept)

$$ per hour or 99 if Don't know


139 Does your household receive Section 8 or Public Housing Assistance?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

140 Are you currently receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Familities?)

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

141 Are you currently receiving SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program)? (It used to be called the Food Stamp Program.)

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

142 Are you currently receiving unemployment insurance?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

143 What is your weekly unemployment insurance benefit?

$$ amount

144 Are you a separated veteran?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank


145 May we send a text message to your cell phone?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

146 May we contact you through Facebook?

1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Blank

147 What is your Facebook username?

Enter text

Please provide contact information of 3 close friends or relatives we can contact in case you move and we cannot easily locate you for the follow-up interview in 18 months. All information will be held private to the extent permitted by law and will only be used to locate you if we have trouble contacting you directly.

148 First Name 1

149 Middle Name 1

150 Last Name 1

151 Street 1

152 Apt Number 1

153 City 1

154 State 1

155 Zip Code 1

156 Cell/Mobile Number 1

157 Home Phone Number 1

158 Work Phone Number 1

159 Home E-mail Address 1

160 Work E-mail Address 1

161 First Name 2

162 Middle Name 2

163 Last Name 2

164 Street 2

165 Apt Number 2

166 City 2

167 State 2

168 Zip Code 2

169 Cell/Mobile Number 2

170 Home Phone Number 2

171 Work Phone Number 2

172 Home E-mail Address 2

173 Work E-mail Address 2

174 First Name 3

175 Middle Name 3

176 Last Name 3

177 Street 3

178 Apt Number 3

179 City 3

180 State 3

181 Zip Code 3

182 Cell/Mobile Number 3

183 Home Phone Number 3

184 Work Phone Number 3

185 Home E-mail Address 3

186 Work E-mail Address 3

Sheet 2: H-1B Performance Report Element

Data Element Number Data Element Name Data Definition and Instruction Code Value Field Type / Length Optional (Y/N/Conditional) OMB Comments DOL/ETA Comments

101 Social Security Number Record the social security number assigned to the individual. At a minimum, this number for a person must be the same for every period of participation in the H-1B Grant programs. "Non-participant" records, including those identified and referred through other WIA programs that may or may not receive a participant service should also be recorded.
Record 999999999 if the individual does not wish to disclose his/her social security number
999999999 = Individual did not disclose
IN 9 No

102 Selective Service Status Record 1 if the individual is registered for Selective Service.
Record 2 if the individual is not registered for Selective Service.
Record 9 if the individual does not self-identify Selective Service registration.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Participant did not disclose
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 Yes

103 Date of Birth Record the individual's date of birth.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 No

104 Gender Record 1 if the individual indicates that he is male.
Record 2 if the individual indicates that she is female.
Record 9 if the individual does not self-identify gender.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Male
2 = Female
9 = Individual did not self-identify
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

105 Individual with a Disability Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she has any "disability," as defined in Section 3(2)(a) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102). Under that definition, a "disability" is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities. (For definitions and examples of "physical or mental impairment" and "major life activities," see paragraphs (1) and (2) of the definition of the term "disability" in 29 CFR 37.4, the definition section of the WIA non-discrimination regulations.).
Record 0 if the participant indicates that he/she does not have a disability that meets the definition above.
Record 9 if the individual does not wish to disclose his/her disability status
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a participant.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Individual did not disclose
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No Comments: This seems challenging for grantees to reliably enter without more guidance. Will this be used for evaluations? (I noticed there are other disability-related questions in the evaluation section.) This definition is the same definition as collected by WIASRD OMB Control No: 1205-0420 and is consistent with other similar ETA program reporting guidance. ETA will provide grantees with a Reporting Handbook that includes additional reporting guidance that will address any uncertainties.
106 Ethnicity Hispanic/ Latino Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture in origin, regardless of race.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the individual does not self-identify his/her ethnicity.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Individual did not self-identify his/her ethnicity
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

107 American Indian or Alaska Native Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and South America (including Central America), and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Individual did not self-identify his/her race
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

108 Asian Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent (e.g., India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan). This area includes, for example, Cambodia, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Individual did not self-identify his/her race
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

109 Black or African American Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Individual did not self-identify his/her race
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

110 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Individual did not self-identify his/her race
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

111 White Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Individual did not self-identify his/her race
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

112 More Than One Race Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having more than one origin or race.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Individual did not self-identify his/her race
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No Comments: Why was this eliminated? In alignment with WIASRD data collection this was deemed not necessary since multiple options can be selected above. Therefore, this data element would be redundant and duplicative.
113 Eligible Veteran Status Record 1: If the individual is a person who served in the active U.S. military, naval, or air service for a period of less than or equal to 180 days, and who was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable.
Record 2: If the individual served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days and was discharged or released with other than dishonorable discharge; or was discharged or released because of a service connected disability; or as a member of a reserve component under an order to active duty pursuant to section 167 (a), (d), or (g), 673 (a) of Title 10, U.S.C., served on active duty during a period of war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge was authorized and was discharged or released from such duty with other than a dishonorable discharge.
Record 3: If the individual is a person who is;
(a) the spouse of any person who died on active duty or of a service-connected disability;
(b) the spouse of any member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty who at the time of application under this part, is listed, pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 101 and the regulations issued under, by the Secretary concerned, in one or more of the following categories and has been so listed for more than 90 days:
(i) missing in action;
(ii) captured in the line of duty by a hostile force; or
(iii) forcibly detained or interned in the line of duty by a foreign government or power; or
(c) the spouse of any person who has a total disability permanent in nature resulting from a service-connected disability or the spouse of a veteran who died while a disability so evaluated was in existence.
Record 0: If the individual does not meet any one of the conditions described above.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes, <= 180 days
2 = Yes, Eligible Veteran
3 = Yes, Other Eligible Person
0 = No
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

114 Highest School Grade Completed Use the appropriate code to record the highest school grade completed by the individual.

Record 87 if the individual completes the 12th grade and attained a high school diploma.
Record 88 if the individual completes the 12th grade and attained a GED or equivalent.
Record 89 if the individual with a disability receives a certificate of attendance/completion.
Record 90 if the individual attained other post-secondary degree or certification.
Record 91 if the individual attained an associates diploma or degree (AA/AS).

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.

0 = No school grades completed

1 - 12 = Number of elementary/secondary school grades completed
13 - 15 = Number of college, or full-time technical or vocational school years completed
16 = Bachelor's degree or equivalent
17 = Education beyond the Bachelor's degree
87 = Attained High School Diploma
88 = Attained GED or Equivalent
89 = Attained Certificate of Attendance/Completion
90 = Attained Other Post-Secondary Degree or Certification
91 = Attained Associates Diploma or Degree

Blank = individual is not a participant
IN 2 No

200 Employment Status at Participation Record 1 if the participant is a person who either (a) did any work at all as a paid employee, (b) did any work at all in his or her own business, profession, or farm, (c) worked as unpaid worker in an enterprise operated by a member of the family, or (d) is one who was not working, but has a job or business from which he or she was temporarily absent because of illness, bad weather, vacation, labor-management dispute, or personal reasons, whether or not paid by the employer for time-off, and whether or not seeking another job, or e) is an incumbent worker who needs training to secure full-time employment, advance in their careers, or retain their occupation.
Record 2 if the participant is a person who, although employed, either (a) has received a notice of termination of employment or the employer has issued a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) or other notice that the facility or enterprise will close, or (b) is a transitioning service member.
Record 0 if the individual does not meet any one of the conditions described above.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Employed
2 = Employed, but Received Notice of Termination of Employment or Military Separation
0 = Not Employed
Blank = not a program participant
IN 1 No Comments: Just to clarify, a person is only considered employed if they were employed on the day of enrollment, correct? This is a little confusing because the description is in the past tense. Correct. A participants employment status is considered at the time of enrollment/intake assessment.
201 Incumbent Worker Record 1 if the participant is employed worker who needs industry-related training to (a) secure full-time employment, (b) retain their current position in the same field, or (c) advance in their career or along their current career pathway.
Record 0 if the individual does not meet any of the conditions described above.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
Blank = not a program participant
IN 1 No

202 Underemployed Worker Record 1 if the participant is a person who, though employed, has not yet connected with a job that provides responsibility and pay commensurate with their previous experience and educational qualifications or is working part-time as they are seeking full-time employment.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet any of the conditions described above.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
Blank = not a program participant
IN 1 No

203 Dislocated Worker Record 1 if the participant received services financially assisted under WIA section 133(b)(2)(A)
Record 0 if the participant did not receive services under the condition described above
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
Blank = not a program participant
IN 1 No

204 Long-term Unemployed Record 1 if the individual is without a job for 27 weeks or more and wants and is available to work.
Record 2 if the individual is without a job and meets the other conditions established in the SGA for unemployed, long-term unemployed individuals:
• Lost their job during the recent recession (commencing January 1, 2008 forward), and have exhausted unemployment benefits
Record 0 if the individual does not meet any of the conditions described above.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = Yes; Without job for 27 weeks or more
2 = Yes; Meets other conditions
0 = No
Blank = not a program participant
IN 1 No

205 Date of Separation Record the individual's date of separation from employment. This date is the last day of employment at the most recent, applicable job.
Leave "blank" if there is no separation (e.g., incumbent worker) or the individual is not a participation, or this data element does not apply to the individual.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 No



301 Date of Program Participation Record the date on which the individual begins receiving his/her first service funded by the program following a determination of eligibility to participate in the program.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 No

302 Date of Exit Record the date on which the last service funded by the program or a partner program is received by the participant. Once a participant has not received any services funded by the program or a partner program for 90 consecutive calendar days and has no gap in service and is not scheduled for future services, the date of exit is applied retroactively to the last day on which the individual received a service funded by the program or a partner program.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 No

303 Other Reasons for Exit (at time of exit or during 3-quarter measurement period following the quarter of exit) Record 1 if the participant is residing in an institution or facility providing 24-hour support such as a prison or hospital and is expected to remain in that institution for at least 90 days.
Record 2 if the participant is receiving medical treatment that precludes entry into unsubsidized employment or continued participation in the program. Does not include temporary conditions expected to last for less than 90 days.
Record 3 if the participant was found to be deceased or no longer living.
Record 4 if the participant is providing care for a family member with a health/medical condition that precludes entry into unsubsidized employment or continued participation in the program. Does not include temporary conditions expected to last for less than 90 days.
Record 5 if the participant is a member of the National Guard or other reserve military unit and is called to active duty for at least 90 days.
Record 6 if the youth participant is in the foster care system or any other mandated residential program and has moved from the area as part of such a program or system (exclusion for youth participants only).
Record 98 if the participant retired from employment.
Record 99 if the participant either disclosed an invalid social security number (SSN) or chose not to disclose a SSN.
Record 0 if the participant exited for a reason other than one of the conditions described above.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Additional Note: Exit Reason "98 = Retirement" has been added for program management purposes only and individuals who exit the program based on this reason will not be excluded from calculation of the performance measures. Rather, these individuals will be included
in the performance measure calculations.
1 Institutionalized
2 Health/Medical
3 Deceased
4 Family Care
5 Reserve Forces Called to Active Duty
6 Relocated to Mandated Residential Program
98 Retirement
99 Not a Valid SSN
0 = Other
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 2 No

304 Date of Program Completion Record the date on which the last education/job training activity funded by the program or a partner program is received by the participant who has completed their program.

Note: A participant may enroll in several discrete education/job training activities that apply towards the completion of their course of study. A participant is considered to have COMPLETED when they have earned all the formal award units needed towards the degree, certificate, or certification that was the goal of their enrollment or has met other program-specific definition of successful completion.

Once a participant has completed their program of study, they may continue to receive certain services funded by the grant program or a partner program for 90 consecutive calendar days, as described in the SOW, before they are considered to have EXITED the program.

The date of completion may be applied retroactively to the last day on which the individual received an education/job training activity/service funded by the program or a partner program.

Leave "blank" if the participant has not yet completed the program, or if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual has not completed or is not a participant
DT 8 No


400 Date Entered/Began Receiving Education/Job Training Activities #1 Record the date on which the participant's first education or job training activities began.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 No

401 Occupational Skills Training Code #1 Enter the 8 digit O*Net 4.0 (or later versions) code that best describes the training occupation for which the participant received first training services.

Record 00000000 or leave "blank" if occupational code is not available or not known.

Additional Notes: If all 8 digits of the occupational skills code are not collected, record as many digits as are available. If the individual receives multiple training services, use the occupational skills training code for the most recent training.
00000000 IN 8 No

402 Type of Training Service #1 - Primary Use the appropriate code to indicate the primary type of training being provided to the participant.

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = On the Job Training
2 = Classroom Occupational Training
3 = Contextualized Learning
4 = Distance Learning
5 = Customized Learning
6 = Incumbent Worker Training
7 = Other Occupational Skills Training
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

403 Type of Training Service #1 - Secondary Use the appropriate code to indicate the secondary type of training being provided to the participant, if applicable.

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available or if this data element does not apply.
1 = On the Job Training
2 = Classroom Occupational Training
3 = Contextualized Learning
4 = Distance Learning
5 = Customized Learning
6 = Incumbent Worker Training
7 = Other Occupational Skills Training
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

404 Type of Training Service #1 - Tertiary Use the appropriate code to indicate the tertiary type of training being provided to the participant, if applicable.

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available or if this data element does not apply.
1 = On the Job Training
2 = Classroom Occupational Training
3 = Contextualized Learning
4 = Distance Learning
5 = Customized Learning
6 = Incumbent Worker Training
7 = Other Occupational Skills Training
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

405 Date Completed, or Withdrew from, Training #1 Record the date when the participant completed training or withdrew permanently from their first training service.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 No

406 Training Completed #1 Record 1 if the participant completed approved training program
Record 0 if the individual did not complete training (withdrew)
Leave "blank" if the individual did not receive training services, or if the participant has not yet completed training, or if the individual is not a participant.
1 = Yes
0 = No (withdrew)
Blank = did not yet complete or did not receive training services, or not a program participant
IN 1 No

410 Date Entered/Began Receiving Education/Job Training Activities #2 Record the date on which the participant's second education or job training activities began.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 Yes

411 Occupational Skills Training Code #2 Enter the 8 digit O*Net 4.0 (or later versions) code that best describes the training occupation for which the participant received during second training services.

Record 00000000 or leave "blank" if occupational code is not available or not known.

Additional Notes: If all 8 digits of the occupational skills code are not collected, record as many digits as are available. If the individual receives multiple training services, use the occupational skills training code for the most recent training.
00000000 IN 8 Yes

412 Type of Training Service #2 - Primary Use the appropriate code to indicate the primary type of training being provided to the participant during their second training service.

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = On the Job Training
2 = Classroom Occupational Training
3 = Contextualized Learning
4 = Distance Learning
5 = Customized Learning
6 = Incumbent Worker Training
7 = Other Occupational Skills Training
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 Yes

413 Type of Training Service #2 - Secondary Use the appropriate code to indicate the secondary type of training being provided to the participant during their second training service, if applicable.

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available or if this data element does not apply.
1 = On the Job Training
2 = Classroom Occupational Training
3 = Contextualized Learning
4 = Distance Learning
5 = Customized Learning
6 = Incumbent Worker Training
7 = Other Occupational Skills Training
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 Yes

414 Type of Training Service #2 - Tertiary Use the appropriate code to indicate the tertiary type of training being provided to the participant during their second training service, if applicable.

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available or if this data element does not apply.
1 = On the Job Training
2 = Classroom Occupational Training
3 = Contextualized Learning
4 = Distance Learning
5 = Customized Learning
6 = Incumbent Worker Training
7 = Other Occupational Skills Training
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 Yes

415 Date Completed, or Withdrew from, Training #2 Record the date when the participant completed training or withdrew permanently from their second training service.
Leave "blank" if the participant is not enrolled in a second Education/Job Training Activity or the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 Yes

416 Training Completed #2 Record 1 if the participant completed approved training
Record 0 if the individual did not complete training (withdrew)
Leave "blank" if the individual did not receive training services, or if the participant has not yet completed training, or if the individual is not a participant.
1 = Yes
0 = No (withdrew)
Blank = did not yet complete or did not receive training services, or not a program participant
IN 1 Yes

420 Date Entered/Began Receiving Education/Job Training Activities #3 Record the date on which the participant's third education or job training activities began.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 Yes

421 Occupational Skills Training Code #3 Enter the 8 digit O*Net 4.0 (or later versions) code that best describes the training occupation for which the participant received third training services.

Record 00000000 or leave "blank" if occupational code is not available or not known.

Additional Notes: If all 8 digits of the occupational skills code are not collected, record as many digits as are available. If the individual receives multiple training services, use the occupational skills training code for the most recent training.
00000000 IN 8 Yes

422 Type of Training Service #3 - Primary Use the appropriate code to indicate the primary type of training being provided to the participant during their third training service.

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
1 = On the Job Training
2 = Classroom Occupational Training
3 = Contextualized Learning
4 = Distance Learning
5 = Customized Learning
6 = Incumbent Worker Training
7 = Other Occupational Skills Training
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 Yes

423 Type of Training Service #3 - Secondary Use the appropriate code to indicate the secondary type of training being provided to the participant during their third training service, if applicable.

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available or if this data element does not apply.
1 = On the Job Training
2 = Classroom Occupational Training
3 = Contextualized Learning
4 = Distance Learning
5 = Customized Learning
6 = Incumbent Worker Training
7 = Other Occupational Skills Training
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 Yes

424 Type of Training Service #3 - Tertiary Use the appropriate code to indicate the tertiary type of training being provided to the participant during their third training service, if applicable.

Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available or if this data element does not apply.
1 = On the Job Training
2 = Classroom Occupational Training
3 = Contextualized Learning
4 = Distance Learning
5 = Customized Learning
6 = Incumbent Worker Training
7 = Other Occupational Skills Training
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 Yes

425 Training Completed #3 Record 1 if the participant completed third approved training
Record 0 if the individual did not complete training (withdrew)
Leave "blank" if the individual did not receive training services, or if the participant has not yet completed training, or if the individual is not a participant.
1 = Yes
0 = No (withdrew)
Blank = did not yet complete or did not receive training services, or not a program participant
IN 1 Yes

426 Date Completed, or Withdrew from, Training #3 Record the date when the participant completed training or withdrew permanently from their third training. If multiple training services were received, record the most recent date on which the individual completed training.
Leave "blank" if the individual is not a program participant and the data is not available.
Blank = Individual is not a participant
DT 8 Yes



501 Employed in 1st Quarter After Program Completion Record 1 if the participant was employed in the first quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Record 0 if the participant was not employed in the first quarter after the quarter of program completion
Record 3 if information on the participant's employment status in the first quarter after the quarter of program completion is not yet available
Leave "blank" if the individual has not completed the program or is not a program participant
1 = Yes
0 = No
3 = Information not yet available
Blank = individual has not yet completed or is not a program participant
IN 1 No

502 Occupational Code (if available) Record the 8-digit occupational code that best describes the individual's employment using the O*Net Version 4.0 (or later versions) classification system. This information can be based on any job held after exit from the program.

Leave "blank" if occupational code is not available or if the individual is not a program participant.

Additional Notes: This information can be based on any job held after completion and only applies to adults, dislocated workers and older youth who entered employment in the quarter after the completion quarter. If all 8 digits of the occupational skills code are not collected, record as many digits as are available. If the individual had multiple jobs, use the occupational code for the most recent job held.
00000000 AN 8 No

503 Entered Training-Related Employment Record 1 if the employment in which the individual entered uses a substantial portion of the skills taught in the training received by the individual. This information can be based on any job held after completion and only applies to adults, dislocated workers and older youth who entered employment in the quarter after the completion quarter.
Record 0 if the employment in which the individual entered does not use a substantial portion of the skills taught in the training received by the individual.
Record 9 if not known.
Leave "blank" if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
Blank = does not apply to individual
IN 1 No

504 Retained Current Position Record 1 if the participant is an incumbent worker that has retained their current position in the quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Record 0 if the participant was employed at the start of participation but did not retain their current position in the quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Leave "blank" if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1 = Yes
0 = No
Blank = does not apply to individual


505 Advanced into a New Position with Current or New Employer in the 1st Quarter after Completion
Record 1 if the participant is an incumbent worker that has advanced into a new position requiring a higher skill level either with their current employer or a new employer, as a result of grant funded activities in the first quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Record 0 if the individual was employed at the start of participation but did not advance into a new position as a result of the grant funded activities.
Record 3 if information on the participant's employment status in the first quarter after the quarter of program completion is not yet available.
Leave "blank" if the individual has not completed the program, is not an incumbent worker, or is not a program participant.
1 = Yes
0 = No
3 = Information not yet available
Blank = does not apply to individual
IN 1 Conditional

511 Employed in 2nd Quarter After Program Completion Record 1 if the participant was employed in the second quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Record 0 if the participant was not employed in the second quarter after the quarter of program completion
Record 3 if information on the participant's employment status in the second quarter after the quarter of program completion is not yet available
Leave "blank" if the individual has not completed the program or is not a program participant
1 = Yes
0 = No
3 = Information not yet available
Blank = individual has not yet exited or is not a program participant
IN 1 No

514 Retained Current Position in the 2nd Quarter after Program Completion Record 1 if the participant is an incumbent worker that has retained their current position in the second quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Record 0 if the participant was employed at the start of participation but did not retain their current position in the second quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Leave "blank" if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1 = Yes
0 = No
Blank = does not apply to individual


515 Advanced into a New Position with Current Employer or New Employer in the 2nd Quarter after Program Completion
Record 1 if the participant is an incumbent worker that has advanced into a new position requiring a higher skill level either with their current employer or a new employer, as a result of grant funded activities in the second quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Record 0 if the individual was employed at the start of participation but did not advance into a new position as a result of the grant funded activities.
Record 3 if information on the participant's employment status in the second quarter after the quarter of program completion is not yet available.
Leave "blank" if the individual has not completed the program or is not a program participant.
1 = Yes
0 = No
3 = Information not yet available
Blank = does not apply to individual
IN 1 Conditional

521 Employed in 3rd Quarter After Program Completion Record 1 if the participant was employed in the third quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Record 0 if the participant was not employed in the third quarter after the quarter of program completion
Record 3 if information on the participant's employment status in the third quarter after the quarter of program completion is not yet available
Leave "blank" if the individual has not completed the program or is not a program participant
1 = Yes
0 = No
3 = Information not yet available
Blank = individual has not yet completed or is not a program participant
IN 1 No

524 Retained Current Position in the 3rd Quarter After Program Completion Record 1 if the participant is an incumbent worker that has retained their current position in the third quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Record 0 if the participant was employed at the start of participation but did not retain their current position in the second quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Leave "blank" if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1 = Yes
0 = No
Blank = does not apply to individual


525 Advanced into a New Position with Current or New Employer in the 3rd Quarter after Program Completion
Record 1 if the participant is an incumbent worker that has advanced into a new position requiring a higher skill level either with their current employer or a new employer, as a result of grant funded activities, in the third quarter after the quarter of program completion.
Record 0 if the individual was employed at the start of participation but did not advance into a new position as a result of the grant funded activities.
Record 3 if information on the participant's employment status in the second quarter after the quarter of program completion is not yet available.
Leave "blank" if the individual has not completed the program or is not a program participant.
1 = Yes
0 = No
3 = Information not yet available
Blank = individual has not yet completed or is not a program participant
IN 1 Conditional


601 Type of Recognized Credential #1 Use the appropriate code to record the type of recognized educational or occupational certificate/credential/diploma/degree attained by the individual who received training services.
Record 0 if the individual received training services, but did not attain a recognized credential.
Leave "blank" if the data element does not apply to the individual.
Credentials must be attained either during participation or by the end of the third quarter after the quarter of exit from services (other than follow-up services).
1 = High School Diploma/GED
2 = AA or AS Diploma/Degree
3 = BA or BS Diploma/Degree
4 = Occupational Skills Licensure
5 = Occupational Skills Certificate/Credential
6 = Other Recognized Educational or Occupational Skills Certificate/Credential
7 = Other Recognized Diploma, Degree, or Certificate
0 = No recognized credential
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 No

602 Date Attained Recognized Credential #1 Record the date on which the individual attained a recognized credential.
Leave "blank" if the individual did not attain a recognized credential, or if this data element does not apply.
Blank = Individual did not attain a recognized credential or this data element does not apply
DT 8 No

611 Type of Recognized Credential #2 Use the appropriate code to record the second type of recognized educational or occupational certificate/credential/diploma/degree attained by the individual who received training services.
Record 0 if the individual received training services, but did not attain a second recognized credential.
Leave "blank" if the data element does not apply to the individual.
Credentials must be attained either during participation or by the end of the third quarter after the quarter of exit from services (other than follow-up services).
1 = High School Diploma/GED
2 = AA or AS Diploma/Degree
3 = BA or BS Diploma/Degree
4 = Occupational Skills Licensure
5 = Occupational Skills Certificate/Credential
6 = Other Recognized Educational or Occupational Skills Certificate/Credential
7 = Other Recognized Diploma, Degree, or Certificate
0 = No recognized credential
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 Yes

612 Date Attained Recognized Credential #2 Record the date on which the individual attained a second recognized credential.
Leave "blank" if the individual did not attain a recognized credential, or if this data element does not apply.
Blank = Individual did not attain a recognized credential or this data element does not apply
DT 8 Yes

621 Type of Recognized Credential #3 Use the appropriate code to record the third type of recognized educational or occupational certificate/credential/diploma/degree attained by the individual who received training services.
Record 0 if the individual received training services, but did not attain a second recognized credential.
Leave "blank" if the data element does not apply to the individual.
Credentials must be attained either during participation or by the end of the third quarter after the quarter of exit from services (other than follow-up services).
1 = High School Diploma/GED
2 = AA or AS Diploma/Degree
3 = BA or BS Diploma/Degree
4 = Occupational Skills Licensure
5 = Occupational Skills Certificate/Credential
6 = Other Recognized Educational or Occupational Skills Certificate/Credential
7 = Other Recognized Diploma, Degree, or Certificate
0 = No recognized credential
Blank = Individual is not a participant
IN 1 Yes

622 Date Attained Recognized Credential #3 Record the date on which the individual attained a third recognized credential.
Leave "blank" if the individual did not attain a recognized credential, or if this data element does not apply.
Blank = Individual did not attain a recognized credential or this data element does not apply
DT 8 Yes

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