4279-14 Unconditional Guarantee

Guaranteed Loanmaking and Servicing Regulations


Guaranteed Loanmaking and Servicing Regulations- State, Local, and Tribal Governments

OMB: 0570-0069

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Form RD 4279-14





RBS Loan #

RBS Loan Name



Guarantor’s SSN or Tax ID #



Note Amount


Guarantor unconditionally guarantees payment to Lender of


% of all amounts owing under the

Note including any costs due under the Note when Lender makes written demand upon Guarantor. Lender is not required to seek payment from any other source before demanding payment from Guarantor. This Guarantee remains in effect until the Note is paid in full. Subject to the guarantee limit above, all individuals and entities signing as guarantor are jointly and severally liable.

  1. NOTE

The ''Note'' is the promissory note dated in the principal amount of Dollars, from Borrower to

Guarantor Initial:

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Lender, including any assumptions, renewals, substitutions, or replacements of the note. The term "Note," also includes any notes issued under the multi-note system and any assumptions, renewals, substitutions, or replacements of the notes.


''Collateral'' means any property taken as security for payment of the Note or any guarantee of the Note, whether tangible or intangible, including life insurance policies, inventory, and contract rights.

''Guarantor'' also includes single and multiple Guarantors who sign this Guarantee. ''Loan'' means the loan evidenced by the Note.

''Loan Documents'' means the documents related to the Loan signed by Borrower, Guarantor, or any other guarantor, or anyone who pledges Collateral.

''RBS'' means Rural Business-Cooperative Service, an Agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development.


With RBS prior written consent, Lender may take any of the following actions at any time, without notice to the Guarantor, without Guarantor's consent and without making demand upon Guarantor.

    1. Modify the terms of the Note or any other Loan Document except to increase the amounts due under the Note;

    2. Refrain from taking any action on the Note, the collateral, or any guarantee;

    3. Compromise or settle with the Borrower or any guarantor of the Note;

    4. Release any Borrower or any guarantor of the Note;

    5. Substitute or release any of the Collateral, whether or not Lender receives anything in return;

    6. Foreclose upon or otherwise obtain and dispose of any Collateral at public or private sale, with or without advertisement;

    7. Bid or buy at any sale of Collateral by Lender or any other lien holder, at any price Lender chooses; and

    8. Exercise any rights it has, including those in the Note and other Loan Documents.

These actions will not release or reduce the obligations of Guarantor or create any rights or claims against Lender.

Guarantor Initial:



When RBS is the holder, the Note and this Guarantee will be construed and enforced under Federal law, including RBS regulations. Lender or RBS may use state or local procedures for filing papers, recording documents, giving notice, foreclosing liens, and other purposes. By using such procedures, RBS does not waive any federal immunity from state or local control, penalty, tax, or liability. As to this Guarantee, Guarantor may not claim or assert any local or state law against RBS to deny any obligation, defeat any claim of RBS, or preempt federal law.

  1. RIGHTS, NOTICES, AND DEFENSES THAT GUARANTOR WAIVES To the extent permitted by law,

    1. Guarantor waives all rights to:

      1. Require presentment, protest, or demand upon Borrower;

      2. Redeem any Collateral before or after Lender disposes of it;

      3. Have any disposition of Collateral advertised; and

      4. Require a valuation of Collateral before or after Lender disposes of it.

    1. Guarantor waives any notice of:

      1. Any default under the Note;

      2. Presentment, dishonor, protest, or demand;

      3. Execution of the Note;

      4. Any action or inaction on the Note or Collateral, such as disbursements, payment, nonpayment, acceleration, intent to accelerate, assignment, collection activity, and incurring enforcement expenses;

      5. Any change in the financial condition or business operations of Borrower or any guarantor;

      6. Any changes in the terms of the Note or other Loan Documents, except increases in the amounts due under the Note; and

      7. The time or place of any sale of other disposition of Collateral.

    1. Guarantor waives defenses based upon any claim that:

      1. Lender failed to obtain any guarantee;

      2. Lender failed to obtain, perfect, or maintain a security interest in any property offered or taken as Collateral;

      3. Lender or others improperly valued or inspected the Collateral;

      4. The Collateral changed in value, or was neglected, lost, destroyed or underinsured;

      5. Lender impaired the Collateral;

Guarantor Initial:


      1. Lender made errors or omissions in Loan Documents or administration of the Loan;

      2. The financial condition of Borrower or any guarantor was overstated or has adversely changed;

      3. Lender did not seek payment from the Borrower, any other guarantors, or any

Collateral before demanding payment from Guarantor;

      1. Lender impaired Guarantor's suretyship rights;

      2. Lender modified the Note terms, other than to increase amounts due under the Note. If Lender modifies the Note to increase the amounts due under the Note without Guarantor's consent, Guarantor will not be liable for the increased amounts and related interest and expenses, but remains liable for all other


      1. Borrower has avoided liability on the Note; or

      2. Lender has taken an action allowed under the Note, this Guarantee, or other Loan Documents.


Guarantor will preserve the Collateral pledged by Guarantor to secure this Guarantee. Lender has no duty to preserve or dispose of any Collateral.


Under this Guarantee, Guarantor includes heirs and successors, and Lender includes its successors and assigns.


    1. ENFORCEMENT EXPENSES. Guarantor promises to pay all expenses Lender

incurs to enforce this Guarantee, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and costs.

    1. RBS NOT A CO-GUARANTOR. Guarantor's liability will continue even if

RBS pays Lender. RBS is not a co-guarantor with Guarantor. Guarantor has no right of contribution from RBS.

    1. SUBROGATION RIGHTS. Guarantor has no subrogation rights as to the Note or the Collateral until the Note is paid in full.

    1. JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY. All individuals and entities signing as Guarantor are jointly and severally liable.

    1. DOCUMENT SIGNING. Guarantor must sign all documents necessary at any time to comply with the Loan Documents and to enable Lender to acquire, perfect, or maintain Lender's liens on Collateral.

Guarantor Initial:


    1. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Guarantor must give Lender financial statements or other information requested by the Lender. Failure by the Guarantor to submit the requested information can result in the Lender taking appropriate action consistent with applicable State law.

    1. LENDER'S RIGHTS CUMULATIVE, NOT WAIVED. Lender may exercise any of its rights separately or together, as many times as it chooses. Lender may delay or forgo enforcing any of its rights without losing or impairing any of them.

    1. ORAL STATEMENTS NOT BINDING. Guarantor may not use an oral statement to contradict or alter the written terms of the Note or this Guarantee, or to raise a defense to this Guarantee.

    2. SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Guarantee is found to be unenforceable, all other parts will remain in effect.

    3. CONSIDERATION. The consideration for this Guarantee is the Loan or any accommodation by Lender as to the Loan.



Guarantor acknowledges that Guarantor has read and understands the significance of all terms of the Note and this Guarantee, including all waivers.

Guarantor Initial:



Guarantor acknowledges and agrees that any loss claim paid by the Agency on the Note shall be a Federal Debt owed by Guarantor up to the amount in paragraph 1. Guarantor agrees to immediately reimburse RBS for the loss claim. RBS may use all remedies available to it, including those under the Debt Collection Improvement Act, to recover the Federal Debt from the Guarantor. RBS's right to collect from the Guarantor is independent of the Lender's rights to collect under the Note and will not be affected by any release by the Lender. Any RBS collection under this paragraph does not need to be shared with the Lender.


By signing below, each individual or entity becomes obligated as Guarantor under this Guarantee.


Form RD 4279-14 (Rev. xx-xx)

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorGriffin, Brenda - RD, Washington, DC
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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