Att 5A_Annual Report Instrument

Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant

Att 5A_Annual Report Instrument

Att 5A_Annual Report Instrument

OMB: 0920-0106

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Block Grant Management
Information System
User Training Manual
(Annual Reports)
Version 4.3

Copyright 2013

BGMIS User Training Manual


Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
Overall Learning Objectives ........................................................................................... 1
The BGMIS Training Manual ......................................................................................... 1
BGMIS Purpose .............................................................................................................. 1
BGMIS Users .................................................................................................................. 2
Permission/Access types ................................................................................................. 2
BGMIS Help ................................................................................................................... 2
System Requirements...................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 1: The Basics ....................................................................................................... 3
Learning Objectives ........................................................................................................ 3
Log in to BGMIS Training Exercise ............................................................................... 3
BGMIS Subsystems ........................................................................................................ 5
The Work Plan Subsystem .......................................................................................... 5
The Success Stories Subsystem .................................................................................. 5
The Annual Report Subsystem ................................................................................... 5
The Compliance Review Subsystem .......................................................................... 6
Bulletins .......................................................................................................................... 6
BGMIS FAQs ................................................................................................................. 6
Logging off BGMIS ........................................................................................................ 6
Chapter 2: Before you begin ............................................................................................ 7
Chapter 3: Creating an annual report ............................................................................ 8
Learning Objectives ........................................................................................................ 8
Create an annual report ................................................................................................... 9
Edit an annual report ..................................................................................................... 11
Delete an annual report ................................................................................................. 12
Annual Report Status .................................................................................................... 14
The Annual Report Summary Page .............................................................................. 14
The Annual Report Navigation Pane ........................................................................ 14
The Report Status tab ................................................................................................ 14
The Outcome Status tab ............................................................................................ 15
The Other Tasks Section ............................................................................................... 15
Generate reports ........................................................................................................ 16
Verify this annual report ........................................................................................... 16
Verify then submit this annual report to CDC .......................................................... 16
Chapter 4: Entering outcome information ................................................................... 17
Learning Objectives ...................................................................................................... 17
Verify Block Grant Coordinator practice exercise ....................................................... 18
Complete HO outcome information.............................................................................. 20



BGMIS User Training Manual

Complete IO outcome information ............................................................................... 23
Complete activity outcome information ....................................................................... 27
Complete and verify all outcome information .............................................................. 31
Chapter 5: Verifying and submitting your annual report .......................................... 34
Learning Objectives ...................................................................................................... 34
Verify annual report practice exercise .......................................................................... 34
Chapter 6: Reports ......................................................................................................... 37
Learning Objectives ...................................................................................................... 37
Run reports practice exercise ........................................................................................ 38
Run an annual report ................................................................................................. 38
Run the Impact Objective Summary report .............................................................. 39


BGMIS User Training Manual


Overall Learning Objectives
The overall learning objectives for the BGMIS training manual are:

Identify the purpose and benefits of BGMIS


Log in to BGMIS


Identify the components of BGMIS


Identify the purpose and benefits of an annual report


Create an annual report


Identify the components of an annual report


Add outcome information to your annual report


Submit your annual report to CDC


Run reports

The BGMIS Training Manual
This training manual contains six chapters that will be reviewed and used during the
training session. Each chapter focuses on a specific section or topic and provides
requirements, explanations, instructions, and exercises.
Please feel free to make additional copies of the manual and share with your colleagues.

BGMIS Purpose
BGMIS was developed to accomplish the following goals:

To organize your work plan.


To create your work plan and submit it to CDC.


To create success stories.


To review success stories.


To create annual reports.


To enter outcome information for your annual report.



Abstract Plus Training Manual

BGMIS users consist of:

PHHS Block Grant Coordinators


State Program Managers


Other PHHS Block Grant Personnel


CDC Users

Permission/Access types
The following table describes the permissions or access types in BGMIS:


Control Center

Has the ability to create new work plans, submit, and
delete work plans. This access type is recommended
only for Grant Coordinators.

Edit Budget

Has the ability to edit top level information, i.e. cover
page, total budget, and statutory information. This
access type is recommended only for Grant Coordinators
and/or Financial Manager.

Edit Program

Has the ability to enter program information, national
health objective, state health objective, and impact

The BGMIS Help is always available by clicking the Help link at the top right corner of
each page. The Help consists of very useful information and step-by-step procedures to
assist you in completing your tasks.

System Requirements
BGMIS works best on a Windows platform with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (or
later), JavaScript enabled, screen resolutions of 1024x768 (or greater) and 256 colors (or

Pop-up blockers should be turned off for this site to function properly.


BGMIS User Training Manual

The Basics

Chapter 1: The Basics
The first step in using BGMIS is to access the system and log in using the login
information assigned to you.

Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this chapter, you will know how to:

Log in to BGMIS using your user ID and password.
Log out of BGMIS.

Log in to BGMIS Training Exercise
The Login module has been enhanced to conform to the new CDC Password Policy. The
fields on the Login page have not changed; however, additional password requirements
have been implemented on the Login page.
When creating a password, the following rules apply:

Passwords are case sensitive.


Passwords must contain at least 8 characters


Passwords must be created using 3 of the following 4 criteria:


o Uppercase letters.
o Lowercase letters.
o Numbers.
o Punctuation symbols. Punctuation symbols allowed are @, #, $, |, {, }, ^
Passwords may not contain your User ID or any part of your name

After 5 unsuccessful attempts to log in, your account will be temporarily locked for 15
minutes. You may try to log in again after 15 minutes. If you have forgotten your
password, send an email to [email protected] and a new temporary password will be sent
to you.
For security reasons, a period of 60 or more minutes of inactivity requires that you log in
The rules are also included in the Login page below the User Name and Password fields.


The Basics

BGMIS User Training Manual

1. Type into the address field in your browser. The system
displays the BGMIS Log In page.


BGMIS User Training Manual

The Basics

2. Enter your user ID in the User ID field and your password in the Password field.
3. Click Log In. The system displays the BGMIS Home page.



If logging into BGMIS for the very first time or logging in for the first time
after your password was reset, the system displays a page that allows you to
change your assigned password to a password of your choice.
Unless you need screen reader, ensure that the Enable screen reader
compatibility mode check box is not selected.

BGMIS Subsystems
The system currently has four active subsystems – Work Plan, Success Stories, Annual
Reports and Compliance Review..

The Work Plan Subsystem
The Work Plan subsystem allows you to enter work plan information, i.e. program
information, FTEs, health objectives, etc. After adding your work plan information, you
can verify it, and then submit it to CDC.

The Success Stories Subsystem
The Success Stories subsystem allows you to add success stories related to achievements
in your program and also review success stories that other grantees have submitted to

The Annual Report Subsystem
The Annual Report subsystem allows you to create an annual report, enter outcome
information for your program in order to report progress regarding your health objectives,
impact objectives, and activities, and submit the annual report to CDC.


The Basics

BGMIS User Training Manual

The Compliance Review Subsystem
The Compliance Review module allows you to View the Compliance Review schedule
details for your location and view the scheduled dates for other grantees. You can also
download and upload Compliance Review-related documents and view the
Recommendations letter after the completion of the Compliance Review visit.

The Bulletins section displays downloadable announcements that have been posted for
your information.

The BGMIS FAQs link opens a PDF document containing frequently asked questions
about BGMIS.

Logging off BGMIS
You can log off BGMIS by clicking the Log Out link at the top right side of the page.

If you are updating a page it is important that you save your data before logging
out of BGMIS.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Before you begin

Chapter 2: Before you begin
Before you create your annual report, it is strongly recommended that you observe the
following “Dos and Don’ts” of creating an annual report.

Thoroughly review your work plan before creating an annual report.


Ensure that your objectives are written correctly in the work plan using the
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Bound) format.


Run reports after creating your work plan to ensure that your outcomes are
displaying correctly in the annual report.


Update your work plan after creating your annual report.

If your objectives are not well written in your work plan, you might encounter some
issues with the way the outcomes in the annual report will be displayed. If you create
your annual report and then go back to make changes to your work plan after creating the
annual report, the system will allows you to reconcile your Annual Report changes with
your Work Plan changes.
If you have just reviewed your work plan and you want to make changes to the objectives
in your work plan before creating your annual report:
1. Print the Impact Objective Summary report.
2. Review the report.
3. Create a new version of the approved work plan.
4. Make the necessary changes to your SMART objectives.
5. Submit the work plan for approval.
6. Once approved, create the annual report.
If you have already created an annual report without reviewing your work plan and you
want to make changes to the objectives in your work plan:
1. Export the existing annual report to Word by running the Annual Report report.
2. Delete the annual report.
3. Make the necessary changes to your SMART objectives.
4. Submit the work plan for approval.
5. Once approved, create the annual report.
Refer to the Annual Report Summary section in the BGMIS Help for the step-by-step
instructions for completing the tasks listed above.

Creating an annual report

BGMIS User Training Manual

Chapter 3: Creating an annual report
The Annual Report module in BGMIS allows you to create an annual report for your
program. This module contains features that allow you to tell CDC how your program
fared by answering the following questions:

Did you start the program?


Did you partially meet your goals?


Did you meet your goals?


Did you exceed your goals?


Did you encounter any challenges?


How did/will you tackle the challenges encountered?

When you create an annual report, the system copies over the necessary information from
your approved work plan and allows you to create an annual report based on the
approved work plan. You can then complete the annual report by entering outcome
information for each health objective (HO), impact objective (IO), and activity in each
program. After completing outcome information, you can submit your annual report to

Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this chapter, you will:

know the issues that may prevent you from creating an annual report.


know how to create an annual report.


know how to navigate the annual report using the navigation pane.

The system will not create a new annual report if:

an approved work plan does not exist for the year you want to report on.


an approved work plan does exist, however; you have not submitted the prior
Advisory Committee meeting minutes.


there is a discrepancy between the allocation table and your budget.

If any of these conditions exist, the system displays an error message. You must resolve
all issues before the system will allow you to create an annual report.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Creating an annual report

Create an annual report
1. On the BGMIS main page, click the Annual Reports module.
Result: The system displays the Annual Report Main page.

2. On the Annual Report Main page, click the Annual Report List link.
Result: The system displays the Select Annual Report page.


Creating an annual report

BGMIS User Training Manual

There will be no existing annual reports from which to select if you
have not created one in the past.

3. Click the Create New button.
Result: The system displays the Create New Annual Report page. This page allows
you to confirm that you want to create a new annual report.

4. Click OK.
Result: The system creates the annual report and gives it a status of In Progress. The
system copies over the necessary information from your approved work plan.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Creating an annual report

5. Click OK.
Result: The system displays the Annual Report Summary page.

Edit an annual report

Click the Annual Report List link on the Annual Report Main page to access the
Annual Report List page.
Result: The system displays a list of existing annual reports, in this case, just one.


Creating an annual report

BGMIS User Training Manual

Under the Select column, select the check box on the same row as the annual report
and click OK.
Result: The system displays the selected annual report.

3. Edit the annual report as necessary.

Delete an annual report
Only an annual report with a status of In Progress can be deleted.

1. Click the Annual Report List link on the Annual Report Main page to access the
Annual Report List page.
Result: The system displays a list of existing annual reports, in this case, just one.


BGMIS User Training Manual


Creating an annual report

Under the Select column, select the check box on the same row as the annual report
and click Delete.
Result: The system displays the Delete this Annual Report confirmation message.

3. Enter DELETE in the Confirmation textbox and click OK.
Result: The system deletes the annual report.


Creating an annual report

BGMIS User Training Manual

Annual Report Status
Your annual report can have one of the following statuses:

In Progress - Your annual report is being developed and has not yet been
submitted to CDC.


Submitted to CDC - Your annual report has been submitted to CDC.


Under CDC Review - Your submitted annual report is being reviewed by CDC.


Reviewed by CDC - Your annual report has been reviewed by CDC.

The Annual Report Summary Page
The Annual Report Summary page is divided into three main sections: the navigation
pane, the Annual Report summary section, and the other tasks section.

The Annual Report Navigation Pane
The annual report navigation pane allows you to navigate through all the sections of your
annual report and also gives you a visual representation of the status of the sections in
your annual report by using different colors for the various statuses.

The legend above the navigation pane explains the colors used in the annual report. The
top part of the legend explains the report status while the lower part explains the outcome

The Report Status tab
The Report Status tab is displayed by default when your annual report has a status of In
Progress. This tab displays the annual report summary at a glance by giving you a count
of completed and incomplete sections. For a newly created annual report, the Completed
column will always be 0 (zero), indicating that no section has been completed. As you
complete the sections in the annual report, the numbers are updated accordingly.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Creating an annual report

The Outcome Status tab
The Outcome Status tab is displayed by default when your annual report has a status
other than In Progress. This tab displays a chart that is updated as you complete the
outcome information for different sections in the annual report. The legend explaining the
colors in the chart is displayed to the right of the chart. For a newly created annual report,
all programs will have 100% red status, indicating information has not been entered for
any program. As you complete the sections the numbers are updated.

The Other Tasks Section
The other tasks section directly below the annual report summary section allows you to
perform other tasks related to the annual report.


Creating an annual report

BGMIS User Training Manual

After you have completed and submitted your annual report to CDC,
this section also displays the view annual report submission/review
comments link which you can click to view comments for the annual

Generate reports
Click this link to select and run the following available reports: Annual Report, IO and
Activity Outcome Status by Program, and IO and Activity Outcome Status by HO.

Verify this annual report
Click this link to run a check on the annual report outcomes. The system displays a page
that lists the items in your annual report and indicates if the item passed or failed. All
items in your annual report must pass and display a status of "OK" before you can submit
your annual report to CDC.

Verify then submit this annual report to CDC
Click this link to run a check on the annual report outcomes and then submit your annual
report to CDC if it passes validation. All items in your annual report must pass and
display a status of "OK" before you can submit your annual report to CDC.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Entering outcome information

Chapter 4: Entering outcome information
After reviewing your work plan and creating an annual report for your program, you can
then begin to enter outcome information. The system copies over the necessary
information from your approved work plan and allows you to enter outcome information
for each program.

Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this chapter, you will be able to:

Verify the Block Grant Coordinator information for your program


Complete health objective (HO) outcome information


Complete impact objective (IO) outcome information


Complete activity outcome information


Entering outcome information

BGMIS User Training Manual

Verify Block Grant Coordinator practice exercise

The data provided in the practice exercise are sample data. Please populate the
fields with your own state data.
Required fields on a page are marked with an asterisk (*).
Text in bold red font indicates that you have not yet completed the required
information for the section.

1. Click the Cover Page option in the Annual Report navigation pane.
Result: The system displays the cover page information in the right display pane.

2. Click the Edit link.
Result: The system displays the Edit Cover Page page.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Entering outcome information

If any information is incorrect, be sure to send a request to CDC to change it
for you.

3. Review the information displayed on the page. If the information is correct, select
The Yes option in the “Is the above Grantee contact information correct?” field. If the
information is incorrectselect No.
Result: The system changes the C next to the Cover Page option on the navigation
pane from yellow to green, indicating that the section is completed.

You must select Yes or No in the “Is the above Grantee contact information
correct?” field in order to be able to submit the Annual Report upon completion.


Entering outcome information

BGMIS User Training Manual

Complete HO outcome information

The data provided in the practice exercise are sample data. Please populate the
fields with your own state data.
Required fields on a page are marked with an asterisk (*).
Text in bold red font indicates that you have not yet completed the required
information for the section.

1. From the Annual Report navigation pane, click the program for which you want to
add outcome information.
Result: The system expands the program to display the program components, i.e.
HO, ES, IO, and activity and also displays the program summary in the right display
pane, including completion status.

The system displays information in three main sections. The upper section displays
the completion status, the middle section displays some HO information transferred
from the work plan, and the lower section allows you to enter outcome information
for the selected HO.

2. From the annual report navigation pane, click the HO option for the selected program.
Result: The system displays information for the selected HO in the right display


BGMIS User Training Manual

Entering outcome information


Entering outcome information

BGMIS User Training Manual

3. Click the Edit link.
Result: The system displays the Edit State Health Objective Outcome page.

4. Complete the fields on this page as follows:
State Health Objective Status = Exceeded.
State Health Objective Outcome = Between 8/2008 and 09/2009 reduced by 8% the
number of coronary heart disease and stroke deaths in Georgia.
Barriers/Challenges to Success = None.
Strategies to Overcome Barriers/Challenges = N/A
5. Click OK.
Result: The system displays the summary information in the right display pane,
including the newly added information.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Entering outcome information

The system displays the status is in black font, indicating that the HO was exceeded
as described in the Outcome Status Legend at the top of the page.

Complete IO outcome information

The data provided in the practice exercise are sample data. Please populate the
fields with your own state data.
Required fields on a page are marked with an asterisk (*).
Text in bold red font indicates that you have not yet completed the required
information for the section.

1. From the Annual Report navigation pane, click the IO under the Essential Service
(ES) option for which you want to add outcome information.
Result: The system displays the IO summary in the right display pane.


Entering outcome information

BGMIS User Training Manual

The system displays information in two main sections. The upper section displays
the Impact/Process Objective information transferred from the work plan, and the
lower section allows you to enter outcome information for the selected IO. The Not
Entered text in bold red font indicates that you have not yet entered outcome
information for the IO.

2. Click the Edit link.
Result: The system displays the Edit Impact/Process Objective Outcome page.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Entering outcome information

3. Complete the fields on this page as follows:
State Health Objective Status = Partially Met
Actual Result = 14
Barriers/Challenges to Success = Lack of participation
Strategies to Overcome Barriers/Challenges = Educate more people
4. Click Preview New SMART Outcome.
Result: The system updates the SMART outcome displayed in the green area with
the newly added information.
For example, if the objective from work plan =
Between 10/2009 and 09/2009, The Stroke and Heart Attack Prevention Program
(SHAPP) will evaluate 18 health districts in Georgia. Between 10/2009 and 09/2009.
Then the new SMART outcome will be =


Entering outcome information

BGMIS User Training Manual

The Stroke and Heart Attack Prevention Program (SHAPP) evaluated 14 health
districts in Georgia
5. Click OK.
Result: The system displays the summary information in the right display pane,
including the newly added information.


The status is in blue font, indicating that the IO was partially met as described
in the Outcome Status Legend at the top of the page.


If you selected Not Started in the Status field, the system populates the Actual
Result field with N/A.


In order to achieve an accurate SMART outcome, you can edit your actual
result and click the Preview SMART Outcome button as many times as

6. In the Annual Report navigation pane, click the HO link and click the Outcome Status
Result: The system displays the updated chart.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Entering outcome information


The status is in blue font, indicating that the IO was partially met as described
in the Outcome Status Legend at the top of the page.


If you selected Not Started in the Status field, the system populates the Actual
Result field with N/A.


In order to achieve an accurate SMART outcome, you can edit your actual
result and click the Preview SMART Outcome button as many times as

Complete activity outcome information

The data provided in the practice exercise are sample data. Please populate the
fields with your own state data.
Required fields on a page are marked with an asterisk (*).
Text in bold red font indicates that you have not yet completed the required
information for the section.


Entering outcome information

BGMIS User Training Manual

1. From the Annual Report navigation pane, click the activity under the IO option for
which you want to add outcome information.
Result: The system displays the summary information for the activity in the right
display pane.

The system displays information in two main sections. The upper section displays
the activity information transferred from the work plan, and the lower section allows
you to enter outcome information for the selected activity.

2. Click the Edit link.
Result: The system displays the Edit Activity Outcome page.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Entering outcome information

3. Complete the fields on this page as follows:
Status = Completed
Actual Result = Between 10/1/2008 to 9/30/2009, conducted BRFSS activities
specifically to include cardiovascular health, heart attack, stroke and hypertension
management modules.
Barriers/Challenges to Success = None
Strategies to Overcome Barriers/Challenges = N/A
4. Click OK.
Result: The system displays the activity summary in the right display pane, including
the newly added information.


Entering outcome information

BGMIS User Training Manual


The status of the activity is in green font, indicating that the activity was
completed as described in the Outcome Status Legend at the top of the page.


After completing the activity outcome information, the system changes the
circles next to the a in the Annual Report navigation pane from yellow to green
to indicate that the activity has been completed.

5. In the Annual Result navigation pane, click the Program link for the current program
and click the Outcome Status tab.
Result: The system displays the updated chart.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Entering outcome information

Complete and verify all outcome information
1. Complete the following procedures for each program in the annual report navigation
Complete HO outcome information
Complete IO outcome information
Complete activity outcome information
Result: After completing the last activity, all the circles next to each option in the
navigation pane change from yellow to green to indicate that the option has been


Entering outcome information

BGMIS User Training Manual



2. Click the main Programs option and click the Report Status tab.
Result: The system displays the report status.

The Incomplete section now displays a 0 (zero) indicating that all the outcome
information for the programs in the annual report has been completed.

3. Click the Outcome Status tab.
Result: The system displays the chart.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Entering outcome information

The chart reflects all the information in the annual report. You are now ready to
submit your annual report to CDC.


Verifying and submitting your annual report

BGMIS User Training Manual

Chapter 5: Verifying and submitting your annual
After verifying Block Grant Coordinator information and entering all necessary outcome
information, you are now ready to verify your annual report and submit it to CDC.

Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this chapter, you will be able to:

Verify your annual report


Submit your annual report to CDC

Verify annual report practice exercise

The data provided in the practice exercise are sample data. Please populate the
fields with your own state data.
Required fields on a page are marked with an asterisk (*).
Before beginning this exercise, make sure that you have at least two documents
in Word or PDF format saved on your computer to upload to the system.

1. Click the verify then submit annual report to CDC link to check that all outcomes
have been entered. The verify then submit annual report to CDC link is always
available at the top right side of the page
Result: The system displays a page that lists the items in your annual report and
indicates if the item passed or failed.


BGMIS User Training Manual

Verifying and submitting your annual report

All items in your annual report must pass and display a status of
"OK" before you can submit your annual report to CDC. If any of
the items fail, correct any errors and then verify the annual report

2. Click the Submit button.
Result: The system displays the Submit Verified Annual Report to CDC page.

3. Complete the fields as follows:
Enter Comments to CDC Reviewer text box = This annual report is complete.
Confirmation = SUBMIT
4. Click OK.
Result: The system displays a confirmation page.

After submitting your annual report to CDC, the system:

changes the status of the annual report to “Submitted”
sends you a copy of the confirmation E-mail sent to the CDC reviewer.

When CDC reviews your annual report, the system changes the status of your
annual report to “Reviewed by CDC.”


Verifying and submitting your annual report

BGMIS User Training Manual

5. Click OK.
Result: The system displays the annual report summary information on the Outcome
Status tab.

After submitting your annual report to CDC, the system:

changes the status of the annual report to “Submitted”
sends you a copy of the confirmation E-mail sent to the CDC reviewer.

When CDC reviews your annual report, the system changes the status of your
annual report to “Reviewed by CDC.”


BGMIS User Training Manual


Chapter 6: Reports
BGMIS allows you to run three types of reports: standard reports, program reports, and
annual reports. A standard report pulls data from all the programs in the work plan, a
program report generates a report for a specific program in the work plan, and an annual
report pulls data from the annual report.
The following standard reports are available in BGMIS:


Work Plan Report: Generates the complete Block Grant Work Plan, including
the Executive Summary, Statutory, Budget and Program/HO information, and
Program/HO Profiles. Sections of the report can be printed by selecting a range of
page numbers to print.
Budget Report: Generates the Executive Summary, Statutory, and Budget
sections of the Block Grant Work Plan.
Program/HO Report: Lists the Programs and HOs in the Work Plan with budget
and FTE figures. The report (with additional fields) can be exported to Excel.
Profile Report: Generates all of the Program/HO Profiles for the Work Plan
Impact Objective Summary Report: Prints the Impact Objective Description
and the Impact Objective Outcome Template for the Annual Report.

The following annual reports are available in BGMIS:
• Annual Report: Prints the entire Block Grant Annual Report, including the
Executive Summary, the Program Titles and Strategies, the HO National and
State Objectives and progress on the Impact Objectives and Activities.
• IO and Activity Outcome Status by Program: Prints the Impact/Process
Objectives and Activity Outcome totals by Outcome Status by Program.
• IO and Activity Outcome Status by HO: Prints the Impact/Process Objectives
and Activity Outcome totals by Outcome Status by HO within Program.

Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this chapter, you will be able to:

Run the Impact Objective Summary report


Run the annual reports


Save a report in PDF or Microsoft Word format



BGMIS User Training Manual

Run reports practice exercise
Run an annual report

On the Annual Report Summary page, click the generate reports link in the other
tasks section.
Result: The system displays the program summary in the right display pane.

2. Select the report you want to run from the Report drop-down list and click OK.
Result: The system generates the selected report.

3. Click the link for the desired format, Word or PDF.
Result: The system displays a download pop-up window.


BGMIS User Training Manual


4. Click Open to view the report or Save to download the report to your computer.

Repeat the same steps as indicated above for generating other annual reports.

Run the Impact Objective Summary report
1. Click the BGMIS Home tab, access the Work Plan module, and access the Work Plan
Result: The system displays the Select Work Plan page.



BGMIS User Training Manual

2. Select the work plan for which you want to run the report and click OK.
Result: The system displays the Work Plan summary page.

3. Click the generate reports link in the other tasks section.
Result: The system displays the Reports page.

4. Select Impact Objective Summary Report from the Report drop-down list and click
Result: The system generates the selected report.


BGMIS User Training Manual


5. Click the link for the desired format, Word or PDF.
Result: The system displays a download pop-up window.

6. Click Open to view the report or Save to download the report to your computer.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - BGMIS Training Manual Annual Report 4_3_3.doc
File Modified2013-01-09
File Created2013-01-08

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