of the ESSA Title I, Part D Neglected or Delinquent Programs
Study Interview Protocol
State Child Welfare Administrator of Instruction
State: |
Date/Time: |
Interviewee(s’) Role(s): (select all that apply)
Introduction – Key points to convey to the respondent:
We are conducting case studies of the ESSA Title I, Part D programs. We are also administering a survey to all State Part D coordinators and a sample of local educational agency (school district) and facility staff to collect data from a wider range of respondents.
The study’s results will be discussed in a final report that will be available publicly. The main purpose of this study is to share your perspectives and experiences with policy-makers as they continue to refine policy and technical assistance on important issues related to Title I, Part D programs. This is not a compliance study; our purpose is solely to provide policymakers and the general public with insight regarding implementation practices of Title I, Part D programs so programs and student outcomes can continue to be improved.
The purpose of this interview is to obtain information about your ESSA Title I, Part D, N or D program (hereafter “Part D”) regarding the implementation and progress of your State’s Part D program including how the program is implemented and how are the students’ needs met.
Officials at the U.S. Department of Education (ED) know that your State is participating in this study and your State will be identified in our public reporting. In addition, staff from ED will see transcripts from our interview, but the transcripts we share will be reviewed and edited to ensure that no personally identifying information is included.
We know that you are very busy, and we appreciate your time. We anticipate that this interview will take approximately 60 minutes.
Your participation in this interview is voluntary. You may discontinue your participation in this interview at any time, and through the course of the interview, if we touch on topics that you believe to be sensitive for any reason, please bring that to our attention so we will not include these comments either in public reporting or in discussions with ED.
Your privacy is important to us and we will protect the confidentiality of the information you provide, to the extent provided by law. The reports prepared for this study will summarize interviews across respondents and will not associate responses with a specific individual. We will not provide information that identifies you to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.
In order for us to have an accurate account of your responses, we would like to record this interview. The recording will then be transcribed and all personally identifying information will be removed from the transcript. Do we have your permission to record this conversation?
Do you have any questions before we begin?
First we would like to get some background information.
A. Agency Characteristics
Please describe your role in the agency’s Part D program. What are your responsibilities?
Please briefly describe the services and programs provided by your agency’s Part D program.
Please describe how and with which facilities/programs/agencies your agency collaborates to provide Part D programming to N or D students.
Have you experienced any barriers to communication, collaboration, or coordination with other systems or agencies working with N or D students?
What strategies are used to try to resolve the challenges?
C. Education Assessments, Strategies, and Services
Now we would like to talk about how the state supports assessments, strategies, and services in the Title I, Part D programs.
Screening and Risk Assessment
Please describe the process of how the children and youth come to your Part D program.
How are neglected children and youth identified as needing the Part D program services?
What are the most frequent educational issues or problems of children and youth who come to the program?
How have these problems and issues been identified? And by whom?
Are any standardized assessments used in identifying educational risks or needs?
General Education Services and Structure
Could you describe the educational services and programs provided by your Title I, Part D program?
Please describe any intensive or highly structured reading instruction included in your funded facilities’ Title I, Part D programming.
Approaches used? Any “name brand” programs (e.g., READ 180 or Corrective Reading)?
Please describe any standardized mathematics instructional approaches included in your facilites’ Title I, Part D programming.
For example, 1) explicit instruction/direct instruction, 2) strategy instruction, including mnemonic and schema-based instruction, 3) technology-based instruction and real-world problem solving, 4) graduated instructional sequence, 4) graduated instructional sequence, 5) peer-mediated instruction, or 6) instructional adaptation of self-monitoring, graphic organizers, and cue cards.
Behavior Management
Please describe your Part D program’s approach to managing student behavior.
How are conduct problems addressed for students who participate in your Part D program?
What behavior management strategies are used in the classroom?
Are any positive behavioral interventions and supports used? If so, please describe these interventions.
Special Education
How does your Part D program support children and youth with learning and other disabilities?
What specific services are provided to youth with learning disabilities?
How are students identified for individualized education programs (IEPs) and how are the IEPs developed?
Has your agency encountered any challenges or barriers to serving these students in residential settings?
English Language Learners
How does your Part D program support children who are English language learners?
What specific services are provided to youth who are English language learners?
Has your program encountered any challenges or barriers to serving these students?
Social Emotional Learning
Could you describe how your Part D program addresses the social and emotional needs of students (e.g., managing emotions, setting and achieving positive goals, feeling and showing empathy)?
Are any specific social and emotional learning programs provided for these students?
Career and Technical Education
Please describe any vocational education, career technical education, or job training services provided as part of your Part D program.
How do students access these services?
What outcomes have you seen for students who participate in the career and technical education services? For example, do they experience increased connections to employment following release from placement? Are their rates of high school and other diplomas earned higher compared to other students who are N or D?
Do you have data to support the changes you have seen?
Transition Planning
We would like to ask you some questions about the services and strategies that your N and D programs implement to support youths’ transitions as they enter custodial settings, and as they transition back into educational and community settings.
How does the agency support transition planning of children and youth who are N or D back into community-based academic settings? (Please describe.)
Please describe the transition services or practices that your Part D programs implement to support youths’ academic/career/behavioral needs as they move into or out of custodial settings.
What are the most promising or effective transition services (beyond transition plans) provided by the (Part D program) sub-grantees/programs?
How do you know these are effective?
How does the State support collaboration and coordination work across agencies (juvenile justice, child welfare, and education systems) on transition planning and services?
Do you have a formal/structured transition planning model or approach that is expected to be followed by all Part D-funded facilities? Please describe.
What does your agency expect of facilities in terms of the development and application of transition plans?
Are there standard requirements regarding components or timing of transition planning?
Where do you see gaps in terms of transition services among the facilities?
Are there state-level interagency working groups or committees who facilitate or oversee/monitor outcomes associated with transition services? Please describe.
D. Instructional Staff Qualifications and Professional Development
What are the general qualifications for instructional staff in your Part D programs?
Do staff need any special qualification or certifications to work with N or D youth? If so, what are they?
How does the agency support a qualified pool of instructors available to teach for Part D programs across the agency?
How does the agency support the professional development of instructional staff in Part D programs?
What efforts are made to ensure that curricula are aligned with required State and school district content standards?
E. Outcome Assessment and Utilization
Please describe any State-level guidelines or legislation that guide the state facilities’ Part D programs’ assessment of educational outcomes.
If no guidelines, Probe
Are programs able to select their own assessments to track educational outcomes?
your opinion, are there benefits and/or challenges related to the
use of different assessments across programs? (e.g., Can data from
these assessments be aggregated at the State level to look at trends
in educational outcomes across programs?)
Does your agency
(and/or facilities) continue to follow students after
they leave
child welfare facilities in order to track long-term educational
outcomes? If yes, please describe the key long-term educational
outcomes and the process for tracking them.
Who is responsible for data collection?
How far out after they have left child welfare facilities are you able to follow students to track these outcomes? (e.g., 90 days?)
Please describe who you coordinate with and any policies or procedures that facilitate tracking long-term outcomes.
Are there educational outcomes (short or longer term) that are not currently tracked, but that you would like to? Why are these outcomes of interest to you?
G. Overall Facilitators, Challenges, and Perceived Benefits
In your opinion, what have been some of the key benefits for children and youth involved in the Part D programming?
Is there anything else that you would like to add regarding the topics we have talked about?
Task Order 25—Evaluation of Title I, Part D: State Child
Welfare Program Administrator (of Instruction)
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |