Peace Corps Millennial Online Survey
Age |
Total Completes |
Other/No Answer |
15-17 |
250 |
188 (75%)
38 (15%)
12 (5%)
12 (5%) |
18-22 |
375 |
277 (74%)
60 (16%)
19 (5%)
19 (5%) |
23-26 |
375 |
282 (75%)
52 (14%)
22 (6%)
19 (5%) |
Total |
1000 |
747 |
150 |
53 |
50 |
Age |
Total Completes |
Hispanic |
15-17 |
250 |
55 (22%)
18-22 |
375 |
82 (22%)
23-26 |
375 |
75 (20%)
Total |
1000 |
212 |
Age |
Total Completes |
Male |
Female |
15-17 |
250 |
125 (50%) |
125 (50%) |
18-22 |
375 |
187 (50%) |
188 (50%) |
23-26 |
375 |
187 (50%) |
188 (50%) |
Total |
1000 |
500 |
500 |
Section A: Screening Criteria
S1. What is your age?
Type in a number
(terminate if under 15 or over 26; otherwise continue. range = 1-99)
S2. What is your gender?
Please select one
S3. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin?
Please select one.
Prefer not to answer
S4. Which of the following best describes your ethnicity?
select all that apply
Native American/Pacific Islander
Black/African American
S5. Do you have any dependents? By dependents, we mean children, family members, or loved ones that rely on you for financial support, or for day-to-day support (due to disability, etc.).
S6. Have you participated in any volunteer activities in the past 6 months? This may include volunteer
work that you did with your school, neighborhood, religious group, civic organization, etc. where you were not paid but feel that the activity benefitted others.
Don’t know/Not sure
S7. In an average month, how many hours would you say you spend participating in volunteer activities?
This may include volunteer work that you did with your school, neighborhood, religious group, civic organization, etc. where you were not paid but feel that the activity benefitted others.
Would you say that you spend…
Less than 1 hour
2-5 hours
6-10 hours
11-20 hours
21-30 hours
31-40 hours
More than 40 hours
Section B: Attitude/Lifestyle Segmentation
Q1. I’d now like to get your opinion on a variety of lifestyle issues. For each statement, please tell me how much you agree or disagree with it. Using a scale from 1 to 6 where 6 means that you completely agree and 1 means you completely disagree, how would you rate the following?
Please select one for each statement
6 -- Completely Agree
5 – Strongly Agree
4 – Slightly Agree
3 – Slightly Disagree
2 – Strongly Disagree
1 -- Completely Disagree
A college education is very important for success in today’s world
Having close friendships is important to my happiness
I keep my emotions balanced.
I am disorganized and not detail oriented
I am often concerned about my family’s level of debt
I consider myself a very competitive person
I consider myself a very responsible person
I don’t like to take chances
I’m uncertain about what will happen in the future
I feel confident that I know how to adequately deal with most emergencies
I have a good sense of humor
I have made changes in my life based on what I believe will help me stay healthy
I have somewhat old-fashioned tastes and habits
I lead a very active life
I like my life to be predictable from day-to-day
I like to be the center of attention
I like to spend time with my family
I love going out and meeting other people
I make a special effort to volunteer in my community
I prefer to spend a quiet evening at home rather than going out with my friends
I see myself as extraverted and enthusiastic
I see myself as sympathetic and warm
I tend to be conservative in my attitude and lifestyle
I usually feel pretty sure my life will work out the way I want it to
I very seldom make detailed plans
I want to be loved and supported by others
I want to be recognized and appreciated by others
I want to enrich myself
I want to have a life similar to people around me
I want to have a life that is stimulated by new interests
I want to have a stable life
I want to have amusement and enjoy life
I want to have an affluent life
I want to help people in trouble or less fortunate than myself
I want to make an effort to achieve something in my life
I work very hard most of the time
I worry a lot about myself or a family member becoming a victim of a crime
It’s important to me that any volunteering I do has a real impact
I’m a thrill seeker
I’m a very independent person
I’m always trying to better myself
I’m more successful than most people I know
I’m very liberal in my thinking
My family’s happiness is my main priority
My friends often consider me to be the “leader”
Religion is an important part of my life
I am pretty set in my ways.
I am flexible and go with the flow
I am accepting of different ideas
I consider myself a good problem solver
I like to gather information before making a decision
I am worried about the economy and job opportunities
I feel that inequality is the most pressing issue facing the world today
Q2. About how much time you spend on the following activities in an average day?
0 Minutes
1-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-60 minutes
61-90 minutes
91-120 minutes
More than 2 hours, but less than 4 hours
More than 4 hours
Listening to AM, FM or satellite radio
Listening to streaming music or media (e.g., podcasts, Spotify and/or Pandora)
Playing video games
Reading books, either on paper or in a digital format
Reading printed newspapers or magazines that are online or in a digital format
Using email or text messaging
Making voice calls (on the phone, or using software like Skype or Facetime)
Posting on and/or checking Facebook
Using Twitter
Using photo-sharing social media: Instagram and Snapchat
Using video-sharing social media: YouTube, Vine, and/or Keek
Using apps on my phone
Watching streaming media (Hulu, Netflix, etc.)
Surfing the internet on a phone, (excluding social media, email, or reading online newspapers or magazines)
Surfing the internet on a tablet, (excluding social media, email, or reading online newspapers or magazines)
Surfing the internet on a desktop or laptop computer, (excluding social media, email, or reading online newspapers or magazines)
Watching DVDs, BlueRay or over-the-air or cable TV
Other Activities; (time permitting)
Spending time with friends
Spending time with family/relatives
Praying or attending religious services
Working at a paying job
Exercise or sports
Attending school
Pursue creative hobbies (write or journal, arts and crafts, play music, sing, or dance, cook or bake, etc.)
Section C: Peace Corps Awareness and Familiarity (3 minutes)
Q3. Listed below are several volunteer organizations. How familiar are you with each of them?
(Select one response across for each organization listed).
Not aware of it at all |
Only heard of it but not at all familiar with it. |
I am somewhat familiar with it and what they do |
I am very familiar with it and what they do. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
ASK Q4-Q7 OF ALL RESPONDENTS AWARE OF PEACE CORPS (Top 3 Box—those who answered 2, 3 or 4) IN Q3c.
Q4. Based on what you know about the Peace Corps, how favorable or unfavorable is your overall opinion of the Peace Corps in general?
Very favorable
Somewhat favorable
Neither favorable nor unfavorable
Somewhat unfavorable
Very unfavorable
Q5. Based on your understanding of what the Peace Corps does, how likely would you be to consider volunteering?
6 – Definitely would consider
5 – Very likely to consider
4 – Somewhat likely to consider
3 – Somewhat unlikely to consider
2 – Very unlikely to consider
1 – Definitely would not consider
Q6. Based on what you know about the Peace Corps, which of the following is true or false about the organization?
Don’t Know
The time commitment is two years
The Peace Corps is affiliated with the US government
The Peace Corps is a division of the military
Peace Corps is a disaster relief organization
Peace Corps volunteers do not have access to technology (e.g., Internet or cell phones)
Peace Corps volunteers are only placed in very remote, rural areas
Peace Corps volunteers all live together
Peace Corps volunteers have access to in-country Peace Corps staff for medical and other support services
Peace Corps provides language and skills training
Peace Corps volunteers are frequently subjected to violence and sexual assault
Peace Corps volunteers have a great deal of input to shape the work they are doing
Peace Corps volunteers have their living expenses covered
Q7. Based on what you know about the Peace Corps, which of the following types of work does the Peace Corps do? (Select all that apply. Randomize list.)
Most positions primarily require manual labor
Distributes medicine
Intervenes to prevent in-country conflict
Promotes gender equality
Advises on business economic development
Promotes environmental awareness and conservation
Works in HIV/AIDS prevention
Teaches computer skills and how to adapt new technologies
Works in refugees camps to provide relief
Works with foreign governments to influence policy
Works as part of American embassies abroad
Section D: Perception of Peace Corps as Part of Life Cycle (2 minutes)
Q8. Besides altruism and helping others, which ONE of the below statements best describes the reason that you think most people join the Peace Corps? (Randomize list.)
It’s a way to change your life or routine by doing something new or different.
It’s a central part of an overall plan for their lives
It’s an adventure—a way to see the world
It provides hands-on experience in a career field
It’s a chance to learn about other cultures
Section E: Themes and Incentives for Joining/Not Joining the Peace Corps (3 minutes)
[From Qualitative. Can be used as drivers of propensity to join.]
Q9. The Peace Corps sends Americans to host countries that have invited them to help develop sustainable solutions to address challenges in education, health, economic development, agriculture, environment and youth development.
If you were to consider joining the Peace Corps, below is a list of reasons that might influence your decision. Using a scale from 1 to 5 where 5 means that it will definitely influence you and 1 means it will definitely not influence you, how would you rate the following?
Please select one for each statement
5 – Definitely will influence
4 – Probably will influence
3 – Might or might not influence
2 – Probably will not influence
1 – Definitely will not influence
Help with student loans
Sense of adventure
Learn a new language
A life-changing experience
Make a difference in a community
Become part of a global community
Develop leadership skills
Represent the United States abroad
Strengthen your career
Become part of an active global alumni network
Get training to build your resume
Improve the lives of others
Choose the country to volunteer in
Choose what type of work you do
Serve due to limited job opportunities in the United States
Using your skills and talents for a good cause
Challenging yourself in a unique environment
Graduate school program specifically for Peace Corps volunteers
Q10. Based on what you know about the Peace Corps, how favorable or unfavorable is your overall opinion of the Peace Corps in general?
Very favorable
Somewhat favorable
Neither favorable nor unfavorable
Somewhat unfavorable
Very unfavorable
Q11. Based on your understanding of what the Peace Corps does, how likely would you be to consider volunteering?
6 – Definitely would consider
5 – Very likely to consider
4 – Somewhat likely to consider
3 – Somewhat unlikely to consider
2 – Very unlikely to consider
1 – Definitely would not consider
Q12. Follow-up question: We suggest respondents rank their top 5 influences; for anything that
they rate as top 2 box on the scale, we show those items and have them rank them.
Please rank the following items in terms of how likely they would be to influence you to consider joining the Peace Corps. That is, put a “1” next to the item/statement that would most influence you, a “2” next the item/statement that would influence you second, and so on until you have ranked your top 5 items.
Rank order your top 5 items
Q13. Below is a different kind of list and a different task. Below are some reasons that might discourage someone from joining the Peace Corps. Again use a scale from 1 to 5. Using a scale from 1 to 5 where 5 means that it would definitely prevent you and 1 means it would definitely not prevent you, how would you rate the following? (Can be used as drivers.)
A commitment of 2 years
Concerns about safety
Serving in a very remote location
Reports of crimes committed against Peace Corps volunteers
No salary beyond living expenses
Being away from family and friends for 2 years
Serving in a politically unstable country
Lack of access to technology
Concerns about living conditions
Pursuing graduate or professional school
Consequences of delaying entry into the work force
Having family responsibilities
Concerns about getting a job after Peace Corps service
Need to pay back student loans
5 – Definitely will prevent
4 – Probably will prevent
3 – Might or might not prevent
2 – Probably will not prevent
1 – Definitely will not prevent
Q14. Follow-up question: We suggest respondents rank their top 5 barriers; for anything that
they rate as top 2 box on the scale, we show those items and have them rank them.
Please rank the following items in terms of how likely they would be to prevent you from considering joining the Peace Corps. That is, put a “1” next to the item/statement that would most prevent you, a “2” next the item/statement that would prevent you second, and so on until you have ranked your top 5 items.
Rank order your top 5 items
Section 6: Demographics
Transition screen: And finally, we have a few questions for classification purposes only. Please be assured that your responses to these, as well as to all the other questions, are completely confidential.
ask q15 of all respondents
Q15. Are you currently a full or part-time student?
please select one (Final answer categories to be agreed upon)
ask Q16 if currently a student at Q15
Q16. What kind of school are you currently attending?
Grade School
High school
Vocational school
2 year college
4 year college/university
Graduate school
Professional (medical school, law school, etc.)
Pursuing doctorate
Prefer not to answer
Ask Q17 If less than graduate school at Q16
Q 17 Do you plan to complete a four year college degree?
Prefer not to answer
Don’t know/Not sure
ask Q18 if not currently a student AT Q15
Q18. What was the last level of school you completed?
Grade School
High school
Vocational school
2 year college
4 year college/university
Graduate school
Professional (medical school, law school, etc.)
Pursuing doctorate
Prefer not to answer
ASK Q19 If less than four year college at Q18
Q 19 Do you plan to complete a four year college degree?
Prefer not to answer
Don’t know/Not sure
Q20. What is your current employment status?
Employed part-time
Employed full-time
Temporarily unemployed
Retired or disabled and not employed
Full-time student
Full-time homemaker
Prefer not to answer
Q21. What is your current marital status?
Married/living with a partner
Single/never married
Prefer not to answer
Q22. Have you ever been a Peace Corps volunteer?
Prefer not to answer
Don’t know/Not sure
Q23. Have any of your relatives ever been a Peace Corps volunteer?
Prefer not to answer
Don’t know/Not sure
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Stephen Connors |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |