FNS 74 B QC New Investment Plan Progress Report

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Regulations, Part 275 - Quality Control

FNS-74B Jan 2017

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Regulations, Part 275 - Quality Control

OMB: 0584-0303

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Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

QC New Investment Plan Progress Report
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control
number for this information collection is [Insert OMB control number]. The time required to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing
data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
SECTION I: State Agency Information
State Agency
Liability Year
Required QC-Related New Investment Amount:

Report Number
Fiscal Year(s) of New Investment Implementation Period:

SECTION II: New Investment Activity Status
Progress/Status of Activity 1:

a. Progress to date

b. Milestones met in error reduction targets

Anticipated vs. actual cost analysis

d. Was this activity included in the SF-425 (FNS-778/778A) FPRS submissions over the last six months?


If so, which submissions (Quarter, FY)?

Progress/Status of Activity 2:
a. Progress to date
b. Milestones met in error reduction targets

Anticipated vs. actual cost analysis

d. Was this activity included in the SF-425 (FNS-778/778A) FPRS submissions over the last six months?


If so, which submissions (Quarter, FY)?

Progress/Status of Activity 3:
a. Progress to date
b. Milestones met in error reduction targets

Anticipated vs. actual cost analysis

d. Was this activity included in the SF-425 (FNS-778/778A) FPRS submissions over the last six months?


If so, which submissions (Quarter, FY)?

FORM FNS-74B (12-16) Previous Editions Obsolete


Electronic Form Version Designed in Adobe 10.0 Version

Overall Activities Summary:
Please provide a general assessment on the plan’s startup, implementation, challenges faced, and/or impact on
reducing the leading causes of errors attributed to the high error rate for the Federal Fiscal Year in which the new
investment was required.

SECTION III: Schedule of Upcoming Report Submission(s) and Contacts
Schedule of Upcoming Progress Reports
Please indicate any changes in the number of anticipated reports. Also, fill in when the next report is due and if it is a
final report.
Next Report Number
Due Date
Is the next report the final report?
May 10
November 10
Are there any changes in the number of anticipated reports? Explain.

Updated List of Contacts Responsible for QC-Related New Investment Activities
If no changes, leave blank. “Person responsible for preparing this report” must be filled in for the first report submission
and updated as needed in the following reports.
Person responsible for preparing this report:
Phone Number and E-mail
Financial officer providing status reports to FNS regional office:

Phone Number and E-mail

Technical accountant with primary responsibility for preparing status reports:
Phone Number and E-mail
Program Manager responsible for directing QC New Investment activities:
Phone Number and E-mail
Is information in Column 19 of the SF-425(FNS-778/778A) (refer to 7 CFR 277.11-Financial Reporting Requirements)
prepared by someone other than the persons listed above? If so, please provide the person’s name, title, phone number
and E-mail address.
Phone Number and E-mail
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FNS Form 74B - QC-Related New Investment Plan Progress Report Template
FNS form 74B is designed to allow for flexibility and should be used as an example of the specific information FNS is
requiring for the QC-Related new investment plan progress reports, rather than specifying the method to be used in
explaining the plan's status.
Due Dates:
Reports are due biannually on May 10 and November 10 of each year. The first report's due date will be provided by
FNS. For the first report, States should reflect thestatus of their activities in the months since the plan's approval and for
all subsequent reports States should reflect the status of each activity over the months since the previous report. The
May 10th report will include activities performed during the October-March time period and the November 10th report will
cover activities during the April-September time period.
The progress report requests basic information on the status of the activities that were outlined in the State's plan.
Section I identifies the liability year-related information and the submitted report number;
Section II requests detail about the progress/status of each activity being implemented as well as the financial
details associated with each activity, and requests an overall summary to date of the State's plan implementation;
Section III tracks when the next progress report is due, if there are any changes to the number of anticipated
reports, and provides space for updates on who in the State Agency is responsible for submitting the reports and
implementing the plan.
The number of progress reports required for each QC-Related new investment plan will vary by State depending on the
timeline and specific activities outlined in their submitted plan. In the event a State finds it requires more or less reports
during implementation, the reporting schedule can be adjusted.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleFNS-74B
SubjectQC New Investment Plan Progress Report
AuthorWilkinson, Tiffany - FNS
File Modified2017-01-03
File Created2016-12-23

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