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National Marine Fisheries Service
Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office
Application for Vessel Replacement
or Confirmation of Permit History
You can use this application to request a vessel replacement or a confirmation of permit history (CPH).
Each of these actions is defined below. Please read this carefully and check the action(s) for which you are
applying. You may apply for more than one action on this application.
Which of the following actions are being requested?
Vessel replacement. (Section A) This is a replacement of one vessel or CPH with another
vessel and the transfer of fishing histories and limited access permit eligibility from the old
vessel or CPH to the new vessel. Please read the vessel replacement information on page 2
of the instructions prior to completing Section A. You must submit an Initial Vessel
Application for the replacement vessel.
Confirmation of Permit History (CPH). (Section B) A CPH is required when a vessel that has
been issued a limited access permit has sunk, been destroyed, or has been sold to another
person without its permit history. Possession of a CPH will allow the applicant to maintain
landings history of the permit without owning a vessel.
Your complete application should include the following:
For vessel replacement please
1. Complete pages 1, 3 (General Information), and 4 (Section A ‐ Replacement) of this application
2. Submit an Initial Vessel Permit Application for the replacement vessel (new vessel).
3. Submit the following supporting documentation for both* the vessel being replaced (old vessel)
and the replacement vessel (new vessel):
Vessel specification documentation (See Section D‐Item 1)
Vessel/History ownership verification (See Section D‐Items 2 or 3 as applicable) or proof of
vessel destruction (See Section D‐Item 4)
* Note: If the baseline for the old vessel has already been established and verified, you will not need to
submit additional verification. You will need to submit information about the replacement vessel.
For a Confirmation of Permit History please
1. Complete pages 1, 3 (General Information), and 5 (Section B) of this application
2. Submit the following supporting documentation:
bill of sale or purchase and sales agreement (See Section D‐Item 3) or proof of vessel
destruction (See Section D‐Item 4)
Please contact the Limited Access Permit Program at (978) 282‐8483 if you have any questions.
Revised 9/1/15 ‐ OMB # 0648‐0202 Expires 7/31/2016
Supplemental Information for Vessel Replacements
Unless otherwise stated, the word “permit” means a limited access or moratorium permit.
Vessel Baseline Specifications
For all vessels with limited access permits (except lobster, Northeast Multispecies Handgear, and/or LAGC
scallop), the vessel length and engine horsepower may be increased either through an upgrade or a
replacement. A 10% increase in length overall and a 20% increase in engine horsepower are allowed.
Note: If your vessel has only a lobster permit, Northeast Multispecies Handgear permit, and/or LAGC
scallop permit, there are no baseline restrictions on the replacement vessel; however, if you have one of
those permits and another limited access permit, the replacement vessel is subject to the above
A limited access permit cannot be “split” from another limited access permit. Generally, this means if
two or more limited access permits are on one boat they may not be divided and put on two boats.
Please call 978‐282‐8438 for additional explanation if you have any questions about this restriction.
To determine whether your new vessel may be issued a limited access permit, the length and horsepower
of the new vessel is compared to the vessel baseline. A vessel baseline is the vessel’s length overall and
engine horsepower as of:
The date the vessel which was initially issued an Atlantic herring, a multispecies, or
a scallop permit applied for that permit; or
March 22, 1999, for the following limited access permits: Black sea bass; Longfin
squid/butterfish; Illex squid; scup; summer flounder; and Maine mahogany quahog;
The effective date of the first limited access permit issued for subsequent limited
access fisheries (e.g., monkfish, tilefish, etc.).
If you have both a limited access multispecies or limited access scallop permit and any one of the following
permits: Atlantic herring, black sea bass, Longfin squid, Illex squid, scup, summer flounder, monkfish,
tilefish, or Maine mahogany quahog, you may have multiple baselines. The statement of accuracy, on
pages 3 and 4 of this package, is needed to verify the vessels’ specifications.
Scallop Trawl Net Authorization (Replacements Only)
Scallop vessels holding a permit authorization to fish for scallops with trawl nets can be replaced, and the
scallop trawl net authorization passed to the replacement vessel. However, the replacement vessel must
meet the same limitations on fishing for scallops with scallop dredges that the vessel it is replacing met. If
the limitations are not met then the replacement vessel may have to relinquish the scallop trawl net
authorization. These limitations include NOT having fished for scallops with a scallop dredge after
December 31, 1987; NOT having fished for scallops with a scallop dredge on no more than 10 trips from
January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1994; and having an engine with no greater than 450 horsepower.
OMB # 0648‐0202 Expires 7/31/2016
General Information ‐ This page must be completed by all applicants
Please include all required verifying documents with your application. We will not be able to complete the
processing of your application without the necessary information (see Section D for acceptable documents).
Federal Permit Number:____________________ Vessel Name:________________________________
(For Replacements: old vessel; for Confirmation of Permit History: sold or sunken vessel)
Coast Guard (CG) Documentation or State Registration Number: ______________________________
Current owner of vessel or permit history:_________________________________________________
Owner’s Address:______________________________________________________________________
Owner’s Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________
►Vessel Ownership Requirements: The qualifying vessel or CPH must be under the identical ownership as
the replacement vessel. (See Section C for explanation of requirements)
►Supporting document required: You must supply proof that you own the vessel (See Section D, Item 2) or
that you own the fishing history and limited access permit eligibility of that vessel (See Section D, Item 3).
All vessels, except lobster, Northeast multispecies Handgear, and LAGC scallop, must submit
documentation verifying length overall and engine horsepower (See Section D, Item 1):
Statement of Accuracy: Please mark the appropriate box for the baseline (old) vessel:
The information I am submitting in order to establish my vessel’s baseline accurately represents the
vessel specifications as of March 22, 1999 (and/or as of the date of my first application for a limited
access permit).
Information previously submitted in order to establish the 1994 (or 1996 hook gear) baseline for my
vessel’s multispecies or scallop moratorium permit also represents the vessel specifications as of
March 22, 1999 (and/or as the date of my first application for a limited access permit).
I am the owner or legally authorized agent of the owner of the vessel named above. I affirm, subject to the
penalties provided in 18 USC 1001, that all the information that I have given in obtaining this permit is true
and correct. NOTE: Submission of fraudulent or inaccurate information could result in enforcement action,
up to and including fines, permit sanctions, or the revocation of limited access permits.
Printed Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
Signature of vessel owner or authorized agent:_____________________________________________
Revised 9/1/15 ‐ OMB # 0648‐0202 Expires 7/31/2016
Section A ‐ Replacement Vessel
Applicants requesting a vessel replacement must complete this section.
Vessel Name (for new or replacement vessel):__________________________________________
Federal Permit Number (if issued): ___________________________________________________
Coast Guard (CG) Documentation or State Registration Number: ___________________________
►CG documented vessels: You must submit a copy of the CG documentation. (See Section D, Item 1).
►State registered vessel: You must submit a copy of the state registration. (See Section D, Item 1).
All vessels, except lobster, Northeast multispecies Handgear, and LAGC scallop, must submit
documentation verifying length overall and engine horsepower (See Section D, Item 1):
Statement of Accuracy ‐ Please mark the appropriate box for the replacement vessel:
The information I am submitting in order to establish my vessel’s length and horsepower
specifications accurately represent the vessel specifications as of today’s date.
Information previously submitted to NOAA Fisheries for the replacement vessel accurately
represents the vessel’s specifications as of today’s date.
Please mark the limited access permit histories that you are transferring. You may only select the limited
access permits for which the vessel being replaced is currently qualified. Please keep in mind that all
limited access permits must be transferred together and cannot be separated (See the definition of splitting
on page 2).
NE Multispecies
Scallop (Full/Part Time or Occasional)
Black Sea Bass
Longfin squid/Butterfish
Summer Flounder
Illex squid
Maine Mahogany Quahog
Red Crab
Atlantic Herring
Atlantic Mackerel
LAGC Scallop
NE Multispecies Handgear A
Scallop Categories 7, 8, or 9 (authorized to use trawl nets). By checking this box you are also
indicating that you have read the supplemental vessel replacement information regarding
scallop trawl net authorizations on page 2 of the application.
NOTE: All active permits including open access on old vessel will be canceled upon issuance of permits to
new vessel. For further information please call us at 978‐282‐8438.
Section B ‐ Confirmation of Permit History
Applicants requesting a Confirmation of Permit History (CPH) must complete this section.
Indicate the permits requiring issuance of a Confirmation of Permit History. The following are the only
fisheries for which CPH certificates are required or available. You may only apply for those permits for
which the vessel is currently qualified:
NE Multispecies
Scallop (Full/Part Time or Occasional)
Black Sea Bass
Longfin squid/Butterfish
Summer Flounder
Illex squid
Maine Mahogany Quahog
Red Crab
Atlantic Herring
Atlantic Mackerel
LAGC Scallop
NE Multispecies Handgear A
Please check all that apply:
Vessel sold, but I have retained the permit history in the Bill of Sale (Supporting documentation
required. See Section D, Item 3)
Vessel destroyed (Supporting documentation required. See Section D, Item 4)
Section C ‐ Vessel Ownership Requirements
Explanation of requirements ‐ The qualifying vessel or CPH must be under the identical ownership as the
replacement vessel. We will not accept applications if one vessel or CPH is under the ownership of one
individual, while the other vessel is owned by a corporation (even if the corporation is under the sole
ownership and control of the same individual). Both are separate legal entities.
Example: John Smith to John Smith is acceptable
John Smith to Smith LLC is not acceptable
Section D ‐ Supporting Documentation Required
The following are acceptable forms of verification. You are only required to submit one of the acceptable
forms of documentation for any category.
1. Vessel specification documentation (Please note: All documentation must be dated and include the
name and documentation number of the vessel)
For all vessels, you must verify total engine horsepower by providing one of the following:
Marine survey documentation showing the name and location of the marine surveyor;
Mechanic certification on the mechanic’s letterhead; or
Engine manufacturer specification and proof that the engine is installed on your vessel.
Revised 9/1/15 ‐ OMB # 0648‐0202 Expires 7/31/2016
Section D ‐ continued
For Coast Guard documented vessels, you must provide a copy of the CG documentation. By
submitting this documentation, you confirm that the vessel length overall is correct as indicated on
the CG documentation. If it is not, please submit additional documentation to confirm the length
overall of the vessel.
For State registered vessels, you must verify length overall by providing one of the following:
Marine survey documentation showing the name and location of the marine surveyor indicating
length overall; or
US Bureau of Shipping document.
2. Vessel ownership documentation
To verify the ownership of a vessel, please provide a copy of one of the following:
Current Coast Guard documentation; or
Current State registration.
3. Vessel permit history ownership
To verify you have retained the permit history of a vessel you no longer own, please provide one
of the following:
A bill of sale or document stating that the permit history has been retained by you (the seller) and
signed by you and the buyer; or
A copy of the Confirmation of Permit History.
4. Vessel destruction
To verify the vessel is destroyed or is no longer seaworthy, please provide one of the following:
Coast Guard accident report;
Insurance adjustor’s report; or
Verification from certified marine surveyor that vessel is no longer seaworthy.
Please submit completed applications to:
NMFS Permit Office
55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
or fax your application to us at (978) 281‐9161
Don’t Forget.
Please include all of the required verifying documents with your application.
Remember to sign and date page 3.
We will not be able complete the processing of your application without the necessary information (see
Section D for acceptable forms).
For further information please call us at 978‐282‐8438 or 978‐282‐8483
Request for a replacement or history retention: This application allows the respondent to request a
replacement of one vessel by another or retain a vessel’s history, and is meant to aid in the administration
and enforcement of the regulations that relate to these programs. This form will save the respondent time
and effort in that all the requirements relating to the interrelated actions are included on one form. These
requirements have been adopted as part of the effort reduction programs under the Fishery Management
Plans (FMPs) that govern the fisheries involved, and are consistent with the conservation goals of the FMPs.
The information provided on this application will allow industry members to replace older vessels with new
vessels or retain histories, in a manner consistent with the effort reduction requirements of the FMPs.
The information requested on this form is not confidential and will be available to the general public.
BURDEN STATEMENT: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average
three hours per response for vessel replacements, and 30 minutes for confirmation of permit history.
These estimated response times include the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or suggestions for reducing this burden to
National Marine Fisheries Service, Sustainable Fisheries Division, 55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to nor shall a person be
subject to penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control
Special information regarding Open Access History
Note that open access permit history and open access fishing history are presumed to follow along when
limited access permit eligibilities move into and out of CPH or move to a new vessel through vessel
replacement. If you inform us that you intend to separate your open access fishing history from your
limited access fishing history and permits, we will keep your statement on file. However, we have no
formal process to track such statements of intent and we cannot provide any assurance that the open
access history separated from your limited access history may be used to qualify for a future limited access
program. Such open access histories may or may not be acceptable to determine future eligibility because
eligibility determinations for management programs can be made only after final regulations and details
are implemented, which would establish the eligibility criteria and review process for those management
actions. For these same reasons, NOAA Fisheries Service staff cannot provide advice about the likelihood
that a vessel will or will not qualify for a future limited access program.
Please contact us at (978) 282‐8483 if you have any questions about this application.
Revised 9/1/2015
OMB # 0648‐0202 Expires 7/31/2016
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - RUPH 2015_0648-0202 final v2 |
Author | Ted.Hawes |
File Modified | 2015-10-07 |
File Created | 2015-10-07 |