Study of the Turnaround Schoool Leaders Program

Study of the Turnaround School Leaders Program (TSLP)

1875-NEW TSLP OMB Package_Appendix C_Survey Instrument (Training Partner)

Study of the Turnaround Schoool Leaders Program

OMB: 1875-0283

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Contract Number: ED-PEP-11-O-0088/TO28

Task Order 28

Implementation Study of the
Turnaround School Leaders Program

Study Instruments

Survey Instrument

Appendix C. Training Partner Survey

September 28, 2016

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Education

Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development

Policy and Program Studies Service

Prepared by:


1600 Research Boulevard

Rockville, MD 20850-3129

(301) 251-1500


Policy Studies Associates

1718 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 400

Washington, DC 20009

(202) 939-9780



The Implementation of the Turnaround School Leaders Program study (TSLP) is examining how grantees recruit, develop, support, and retain leaders for turnaround schools. This study is being conducted by Westat and its partner, Policy Studies Associates, for the United States (U.S.) Department of Education, Policy and Program Studies Service.

This survey is part of the study. Your responses are critical to drawing lessons about the implementation of the Turnaround School Leaders Program.

The survey includes four sections:

  1. The roles project partners play in implementing projects and achieving project goals.

  2. How grantees are adapting to challenges in implementing their projects.

  3. How projects recruit, select, place, develop, and support leadership candidates

  4. How grantees are measuring the success of their TSLP projects.

Responses to this data collection will be used only for research purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific individual. We will not provide information that identifies you to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.

Participation in this study is required under the conditions of the Turnaround School Leadership grant program (34 CFR 75.591). According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is: XXXX-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.

  1. Partner Roles

I-1. Which of the following roles does your organization play in the project?

Project function


Not involved

Participate in discussions about this function

Assist other partners with primary responsibility

Share responsibility for this function equally with other partners

Primarily responsible for function with help from others

Solely responsible for this function

Conceptualizing the overall project

Identifying turnaround leadership skills or competencies

Recruiting leaders or aspiring leaders

Developing selection criteria for accepting applicants

Making the decision to select an applicant into the turnaround leader training

Developing training content

Delivering training

Providing coaching or mentoring to project participants

Developing criteria for assessing participant performance

Evaluating participant performance

Deciding who will be graduated from the training

Providing ongoing support for placed leaders

Deciding how to measure the success of the TSLP project

Evaluating the overall success of the TSLP project

I-2. Is there a memorandum of understanding (MOU) or other written agreement documenting the roles and responsibilities of each partner organization?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Other ___________________________________

I-3. What were your two biggest successes in making your partnership work?

Text box for open-ended response

I-4. What were your two biggest challenges in making your partnership work?

Text box for open-ended response

  1. Project Changes and Sustainability

II-1. Has your TSLP project changed in any of the following areas since you received the grant?

  1. Recruitment of current or potential leaders

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

If yes, how important were the following?

Potential reason

Not a factor

Contributing factor

Main factor

a.1 Developed better methods

a.2 Change in state or district policies or priorities

a.3 Changes in capacity or commitment of other partners

a.4 Input from program participants

a.5 Financial constraints

a.6 Change in the demand for turnaround leaders (e.g., more or fewer vacancies than expected)

a.7 Other (please describe) _____________________

  1. Methods of selecting project participants

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

If yes, how important were the following?

Potential reason

Not a factor

Contributing factor

Main factor

b.1 Developed better methods

b.2 Change in state or district policies or priorities

b.3 Changes in capacity or commitment of other partners

b.4 Input from program participants

b.5 Financial constraints

b.6 Change in the demand for turnaround leaders (e.g., more or fewer vacancies than expected)

b.7 Other (please describe) _____________________

  1. Content of turnaround leadership professional development

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

If yes, how important were the following?

Potential reason

Not a factor

Contributing factor

Main factor

c.1 Developed better methods

c.2 Change in state or district policies or priorities

c.3 Changes in capacity or commitment of other partners

c.4 Input from program participants

c.5 Financial constraints

c.6 Change in the demand for turnaround leaders (e.g., more or fewer vacancies than expected)

c.7 Other (please describe) _____________________

  1. Mentoring or coaching provided to current or potential leaders

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

If yes, how important were the following?

Potential reason

Not a factor

Contributing factor

Main factor

d.1 Developed better methods

d.2 Change in state or district policies or priorities

d.3 Changes in capacity or commitment of other partners

d.4 Input from program participants

d.5 Financial constraints

d.6 Change in the demand for turnaround leaders (e.g., more or fewer vacancies than expected)

d.7 Other (please describe) ____________________

  1. Incentives for current or potential leaders to participate

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

If yes, how important were the following?

Potential reason

Not a factor

Contributing factor

Main factor

e.1 Developed better methods

e.2 Change in state or district policies or priorities

e.3 Changes in capacity or commitment of other partners

e.4 Input from program participants

e.5 Financial constraints

e.6 Change in the demand for turnaround leaders (e.g., more or fewer vacancies than expected)

e.7 Other (please describe) ____________________

  1. Change in the population of schools being served

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

If yes, how important were the following?

Potential reason

Not a factor

Contributing factor

Main factor

f.1 Developed better methods

f.2 Change in state or district policies or priorities

f.3 Changes in capacity or commitment of other partners

f.4 Input from program participants

f.5 Financial constraints

f.6 Change in the demand for turnaround leaders (e.g., more or fewer vacancies than expected)

f.7 Other (please describe) _____________________

  1. Changing professional development or support providers

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

If yes, how important were the following?

Potential reason

Not a factor

Contributing factor

Main factor

g.1 Developed better methods

g.2 Change in state or district policies or priorities

g.3 Changes in capacity or commitment of other partners

g.4 Input from program participants

g.5 Financial constraints

g.6 Change in the demand for turnaround leaders (e.g., more or fewer vacancies than expected)

g.7 Other (please describe) _____________________

h. Use the text box below to describe any other major changes not covered above and the reasons the changes were made.

Text box for open-ended response

II-2. Do you expect that your organization will continue to work with the partner districts on preparing turnaround school leaders after the TSLP grant expires?

  • Yes

  • No (skip to question III-1)

II-3. Do you expect the partners to continue to work together in any of the following ways? (Please check all that apply)

  • To identify or recruit potential turnaround leaders

  • To provide input on the training/preparation needs of turnaround school leaders

  • To select or place leaders for turnaround schools

  • To provide training or development opportunities specifically targeted to turnaround school leaders

  • To provide coaching or mentoring support to turnaround school leaders

  • To help districts assess the training/development needs or performance of turnaround school leaders

  • Other (Please describe) _________________________________________________

  1. Recruitment, Selection, Development, Placement, Evaluation, Support, and Retention

III-1. Does your organization do any of the following to identify potential candidates for turnaround school leadership before they become school leaders or apply to participate in your TSLP project?

  • Seek referrals from peers or existing school leaders

  • Collect and analyze information on prior performance of existing staff

  • Develop or review skills inventories

  • Obtain lists of those currently in teacher leader roles or other positions along the leadership pipeline

  • Use historical data patterns to identify the initial career paths of successful school leaders

  • Use historical data patterns to identify where successful turnaround leaders were recruited in the past

  • Other __________________________________________________________

III-2. About how much training time does your project allocate to each of the following topics when preparing TSLP participants?


Much less than most other topics

Somewhat less than most other topics

About the same as most other topics

Somewhat more than most other topics

Much more than most other topics

  1. Developing/communicating a school vision or strategy

  1. Developing a positive school culture

  1. Teacher recruitment, selection, retention

  1. Monitoring/evaluating instruction

  1. Selecting instructional models or curricula

  1. Culturally relevant/responsive pedagogy

  1. Use of data for instructional and project decisions

  1. Parent communication/engagement

  1. Community engagement/partnership

  1. Communication/interpersonal skills

  1. Student behavior/engagement

  1. Resource allocation and budgeting

  1. Technology use

  1. Other______________________________

  1. Other___________________________

III-3. Does your organization provide participants with a mentor or coach during the TSLP training?

  • Yes

  • No (skip to III-5)

III-4. About how often do mentors or coaches:


Not expected


Twice a month


Several times per year

Once per year

  1. Maintain regular contact with the participants?

  1. Provide social/emotional support?

  1. Suggest resources, strategies, or techniques to improve performance?

  1. Observe the leaders performing leadership activities (e.g., conducting staff meetings, parent meetings, teacher evaluations)?

  1. Advise/assist participants with work assignments?

  1. Model appropriate leadership behavior?

  1. Provide input into a summative evaluation of the participants’ performance?

III-5. How often are the following learning practices/instructional strategies used as part of the coursework in your TSLP project’s leadership training?


Not used

Used once

Used 2 or 3 times

Used 4 times or more

  1. Field-based projects in which aspiring turnaround leaders apply ideas in the field

  1. Analysis and discussion of field-based problems or problem-based- learning approaches

  1. Action research or inquiry projects

  1. Analysis and discussion of case studies

  1. A portfolio demonstrating aspiring turnaround leaders’ learning and accomplishments

III-6. Does the coursework in your TSLP project’s leadership training include a capstone or culminating project?

  1. Required

  2. Optional

  3. Not included

  4. Other (Specify_________________________)

III-7. To evaluate participants, does your organization use: (Select NA in the appropriate column if your project has no participants to whom the column applies.)

For participants who are currently school leaders

For participants who are not currently school leaders

Yes No NA

Yes No NA

  1. Course grades?

  1. Observation of practice by mentor, supervisor, or project staff?

  1. Self-assessment?

  1. Review of artifacts such as school improvement plans, budgets, or meeting agendas?

  1. Student surveys?

  1. Staff surveys?

  1. Parent surveys?

  1. Student achievement growth?

  1. Other student outcomes?

  1. Other ______________________________

III-8. What roles does your organization play in deciding where turnaround leaders who complete the TSLP training are placed? (Check all that apply)

  • Not involved in the placement decision <Skip to question III-11>

  • Screen or assess qualifications for leading a turnaround school

  • Participate in deliberations about candidate fit

  • Recommend hiring or placement

  • Make final hiring/placement decision (subject to district governing board or committee approval)

III-9. When are aspiring turnaround leaders (those not currently leading a SIG, SIG-eligible, or turnaround school) matched with a leadership position in a turnaround school?

  • Not applicable; our project includes only leaders who currently lead turnaround schools <Skip to question III-11>

  • Before they apply to the project (e.g., applicant or sponsor designates school of placement)

  • At the time they apply to or are accepted into the turnaround leader training

  • During their training

  • After the completion of their training

  • Other (Please describe in text box below.)

III-10. In general, how important is each of the following when making placement decisions?

Not important

Somewhat important


Very important

  1. Prior experience in the potential placement school

  1. Prior experience in a similar school

  1. Performance during the development project

  1. Prior experience in the placement district

  1. Experience/expertise with specific school improvement/turnaround strategies

  1. Other forms of leadership experience

  1. Other ___________________________

  1. Other ___________________________

Evaluation of Turnaround Leaders

III-11. To evaluate participants, does your organization use: (Select NA in the appropriate column if your project has no participants to whom the column applies.)

For participants who are currently school leaders

For participants who are not currently school leaders

Yes No NA

Yes No NA

  1. Course grades?

  1. Observation of practice by mentor, supervisor, or project staff?

  1. Self-assessment?

  1. Review of artifacts such as school improvement plans, budgets, or meeting agendas?

  1. Student surveys?

  1. Staff surveys?

  1. Parent surveys?

  1. Student achievement growth?

  1. Other student outcomes?

  1. Other ______________________________

Ongoing Support for Leaders

III-12. After completion of the turnaround leader training, does your organization provide any of the following supports to participants placed as turnaround leaders?



  1. Periodic group meetings or seminars with other turnaround leaders

  1. Assistance with work products like school improvement plans, budgets

  1. Assistance with individual professional development planning

  1. Individual mentoring or coaching

<If respondent selects “Yes” to III-12d, present questions III-13 and III-14; if respondent selects “No” to III-12d, skip to question IV-1>.

III-13. How long after completing the turnaround leader training is the mentor or coach available to work with the placed or aspiring leaders?

  • Less than 1 year

  • 1 year

  • 2 years

  • More than 2 years

  • As long as the leader remains in a turnaround school

III-14. About how often do mentors or coaches:


Not expected


Twice a month


Several times per year

Once per year

  1. Maintain regular contact with the participants?

  1. Provide social/emotional support?

  1. Suggest resources, strategies, or techniques to improve performance?

  1. Observe the leaders performing leadership activities (e.g., conducting staff meetings, parent meetings, teacher evaluations)?

  1. Advise/assist participants with work assignments?

  1. Model appropriate leadership behavior?

  1. Provide input into a summative evaluation of the participants’ performance?

  1. Measuring the Success of Your Project

IV-1. In addition to your project’s GPRA Indicators, is your organization using any locally-developed metrics to measure the project’s performance?

  • Yes

  • No (Skip to the end of the survey)

IV-2. Which of the following are included in your locally developed metrics?



  1. Percentage of participants receiving license, certification, endorsement, or degree

  1. Performance of leaders on competency assessments or performance evaluation instruments designed for the project

  1. Performance of placed leaders as evaluated by state/district school administrator evaluation process (i.e., ratings of performance or effectiveness)

  1. Participants’ perceptions of the project

  1. Supervisors’ perceptions of participants

  1. School climate/culture in leaders’ schools

  1. Achievement gaps in leaders’ schools

  1. Retention of participants remaining as a leader of a high-need or SIG school after training or placement

  1. Other _______________________________________________

  1. Other ________________________________________________

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorIvy Morgan
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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