Focus Groups Report


Economic Value of Puerto Rico's Coral Reef Ecosystems for Recreation/Tourism Uses

Focus Groups Report

OMB: 0648-0713

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We received approval to conduct two focus groups of eight persons for each group for both residents of Puerto
Rico and visitors to Puerto Rico who have used Puerto Rico’s coral reefs for recreation (OMB Control Number
0648-0660, Expiration:02/29/2016).
The objectives of the focus groups were as follows:
1. Identify reef attributes people care about when they do recreation activities on Puerto Rico’s coral reefs.
2. Identify levels of conditions of each attribute that would affect their economic value for coral reef use.
3. Check to see if Illustration and Scientific Bullets describing reef attribute conditions were consistent (i.e.
tell the same story).
4. Identify and reef attributes not in the current list of attributes and their levels, if they affect their
economic values.
5. For what attributes not in the illustrations are visual aids needed.
6. Maximum willingness to pay for different reef attributes’ conditions. This to provide a starting point for
designing the dollar bids for the pre-test choice questions.
7. Check to see if payment vehicle for willingness to pay might include some biases or result in scenario
A set of focus group materials was developed by NOAA, EPA and the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez.
These are included here:
1. Focus Group Task/Script
2. Definition of coral reef ecosystems and conditions (CORAL REEF DEFINITIONS and CONDITIONS
3. Reef Activities List
4. Attributes important to different recreation activities on the reefs. Table focus group members fill-out.
5. Attribute levels and if willingness to pay changes with attribute levels. Table focus group members fillout.
6. Illustrations of coral reef conditions (Low, Medium and High). See Appendix D.
7. Willingness to Pay Card.
8. Demographics Card.

Focus Group Results
The University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez recruited focus group members and conducted the focus group
interviews under the guidance of Dr. Miguel del Pozo, Project Leader under contract to NOAA’s Office of
National Marine Sanctuary. Dr. Vernon R. (Bob) Leeworthy is the overall Project Leader and attended the first
resident focus group as an observer.
The original plan was for four focus groups; two for residents and two for visitors with each consisting of eight
members. However, it proved difficult to assemble focus groups, especially visitors during the low season
despite incentives. For residents, two groups of 6 for a total of 12 people participated. For visitors, instead of
groups, seven one-on-ones were conducted. Dinner was provided for each participant in a “comfortable and
appealing setting”. Focus group sessions lasted 2 hours for each session and all tasks were completed.

Task 1: Identify reef attributes people care about when they do recreation activities on Puerto Rico’s coral
Both residents and visitors thought we should consider surfing, wind surfing, kite boarding and paddle boarding as reef using
activities. Focus group members mentioned issues of clean water that healthy for swimming as an additional important attribute and
that depth of coral reefs was important. They thought that sponges and soft corals could be combined for diversity and abundance.

Task 2: Identify levels of conditions of each attribute that would affect their economic values for coral reef use.
Both residents and visitors thought the levels of each attribute were good and moving from low to medium conditions and medium to
high conditions would change their economic values. There was on possible exception and that was soft corals and sponges. Several
focus group members thought that more soft corals and sponges would increase their economic values even though the scientific
information provided suggests that they are predominant where water quality conditions are of lower condition and hard corals are
significantly reduced or eliminated.
Task 3: Illustrations and Scientific Bullets - Are they consistent (i.e. tell the same story)?
Both resident and visitors agreed that the illustrations and scientific bullets were giving a consistent story on the relative condition of
reef attributes. Some wanted to see more soft corals and sponges in the low condition illustration. This is being done.
Task 4: Reef Attributes not included in illustrations – Do we need some visual aids for these attributes?
Both residents and visitors wanted us to add depth of the reefs and water cleanliness (healthy for swimming or not healthy for
swimming and no visual aids were needed for these attributes.
Both residents and visitors wanted some photos in the introduction of hard corals (stony corals), soft corals and sponges, fish and
invertebrates, and mega fauna (large animals/predators) that one might see on a Puerto Rican coral reef.
Both residents and visitors thought we needed an additional visual aid for the issue of crowding. They thought that it did not have to
include number of boats on the water or number of people in the water, but should just have different number of people such as on a
beach in Puerto Rico. Some even said it didn’t necessarily have to be a beach in Puerto Rico. We took a picture of a Puerto Rican
beach a Photo-shopped in different numbers of people to the three different levels of crowding that have affected people’s satisfaction
ratings in other studies.
Residents and visitors did not think a visual aid was needed for water clarity/visibility, the bullet descriptions were sufficient.
Task 5: Bid Amounts for Willingness to Pay for different reef conditions
Residents and visitors understood the task after the explanation was provided that it wasn’t natural to reveal their maximum
willingness to pay, but we needed them to help us design the survey by providing their maximum willingness to pay. Results were
surprising. We expected that visitors would have higher willingness to pay than residents as visitors have significantly higher
incomes. With the small sample sizes (7 visitors and 12 residents), there wasn’t a statistical difference between visitor’s and resident’s
willingness to pay. There wasn’t a clear relationship between any socioeconomic/demographic factor and willingness to pay. In the
pre-test, we therefore will use the same range of bids to help design the final bids for the choice questions.
Residents (N=12): Moving from low to medium attribute conditions ranged from $0 to $500 with a mean of $172.92, a median of 50.
Actual numbers (0, 0, 20, 25, 30, 50, 50, 200, 300, 400, 500, 500). Moving from medium to high attribute conditions ranged from $0
to $1,000 with a mean of $328.75 and a median of $92.50. Actual numbers (1, 10, 20, 40, 40, 85, 100, 250, 600, 800, 1000, 1000).
Visitors (N=7): Moving from low to medium attribute conditions ranged from $20 to $240 with a mean of $86.43 and median of $70.
Actual numbers (20, 25, 50, 70, 100, 100, 240). Moving from medium to high attribute conditions ranged from $40 to $240 with a
mean of $115.71 and a median of $100. Actual numbers (40, 80, 100, 100, 100, 150, 240).
Residents were more skeptical about the territorial government’s ability to effectively use the funds obtained to manage the coral
reefs. They preferred a federal agency or a private non-profit. They didn’t like the use of direct user fees and generally accepted our
payment vehicle as general increases in the price of goods and services. We added in some questions in the pre-test to further explore
the possibility of vehicle payment bias.
Task 6: Background Questions about themselves.

Even though most of the residents answered the question on “RACE”, the group discussion was more negative. Puerto Rican
residents have an ethnic identity, but not a racial one. Some wanted us to add categories such as: “mixed race” and “Afro-Caribbean”.
Black Puerto Ricans may not identify themselves as “Afro-Americans” and prefer “Afro-Caribbean”. The problem with us changing
categories is the requirement that we adhere to the Census categories in the OMB Guidelines for “Race”.

Task 1: Identify reef attributes people care about when they do recreation activities on Puerto Rico’s coral

Start out with a definition of coral reef ecosystems. (Handout) Brief discussion answering questions about definition.


Handout list of attributes and activities. Attributes are rows and activities columns. Ask focus group members to check
which attributes are important to them for which activities.

After they have completed.

Ask about any attributes not on the list that are important to them. Discuss.


Ask about attributes on the list that they don’t think are important. Discuss.

Task 2: Identify levels of conditions of each attribute that would affect their economic values for coral reef use.

Start out with all attributes at Low conditions, all attributes at Medium conditions, and all attributes at High Conditions
(Handout with Low, Medium and High conditions for each attribute).
Explain that the conditions were derived from EPA-NOAA research on Puerto Rico’s coral reefs.


Have them check columns indicating if their values for reefs would change if each attribute condition changed from Low to
Medium and from Medium to High.


For those attributes where moving from Low to Medium conditions would not change their values, discuss what levels
conditions would have to reach to change their values.


For those attributes where moving from Medium to High conditions would not change their values, discuss what level
conditions would have to reach to change their values.

Task 3: Illustrations and Scientific Bullets - Are they consistent (i.e. tell the same story)?
(Handout illustrations and scientific bullets of each reef condition).

Do the illustrations capture the conditions specified in the illustrations for each condition level (Low, Medium and High)?


Do the illustrations show significant differences across the Low, Medium and High conditions?


Do the illustrations show improvements in reef conditions moving from Low to Medium and Medium to High condition?

Task 4: Reef Attributes not included in illustrations – Do we need some visual aids for these attributes?

Water clarity/visibility
Number of other users on the reefs

Task 5: Bid Amounts for Willingness to Pay for different reef conditions

First provide handout with payment vehicle (i.e., how reef users will pay for reef protection and restoration). Discuss and
answer any questions.


Determine Maximum amount they would be willing to pay per year to move from Low to Medium conditions on all of
Puerto Rico’s coral reefs?
If all conditions could be maintained or increased from the Low condition to the Medium condition,

What would be the maximum your household would be willing to pay per year and still maintain your current level of reef
use? $ ___________.
If all conditions could be maintained or increased from the Low condition to the High condition,
What would be the maximum your household would be willing to pay per year and still maintain you current level of reef
use? $ ____________.

Discuss the idea of willingness to pay improving reef conditions. What do they think are reasonable amounts? Open
discussion. If they think the government can’t be trusted to spend the money on protecting and/or restoring coral reefs,
discuss how they think it should work. Should the money go into a trust fund that a non-governmental organization manages
to protect and restore the reefs?

Task 6: Background Questions about themselves.
Activity on the Reefs

How many days have you used Puerto Rico’s coral reefs during the last 12 months for your recreation activities? _______
(Number of days)


Handout Blue Card with Water-based Activities. Referring to the Blue Card, could you write down all the numbers for
activities you do on Puerto Rico’s coral reefs?


Hand out the Demographics Card. Ask if they would write down the letter on the Green Card that best describes them.
Age, Race, Education Level, Employment Status, Household Income

End. Thank them and handout any gifts or payment for attending.


Coral reefs are colonies of connected skeletons of millions of small animals called corals.
Coral reef ecosystems include the coral reefs, neighboring areas of sea bottom, ocean waters,
sponges, algae, seagrasses and mangroves.

Coral reef ecosystems provide a place to live for many ocean species including, fish, sea turtles,
conchs, lobsters, sponges, urchins, and marine mammals like dolphins and manatees.


Most coral reef ecosystems in Puerto Rico are in water less than 60 feet deep.


Research by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has measured the abundance and diversity (number of
different species) of stony corals, soft corals, sponges, fish, macroinvertebrates (conch, spiny
lobster, and urchins) on Puerto Rico’s coral reefs.


Measures of abundance and diversity were measured on how much was there per square meter of
coral reef area.


For abundance, the following measures were taken:


Stony corals: Percent (%) of hard-bottom covered per square meter and percent of the coral
tissue is alive.
Soft corals and Sponges: Square centimeters per square meter of reef area.
Fish: Number per square meter.

Fish were classified into fish people eat (consumptive) and fish that people just view
(Tropical/Ornamental fish). A few fish that normally would be classified as consumptive were not
counted as consumptive because of ciguatera poisoning. Fish were also classified as Sport/Trophy
fish (ladyfish, permit, bonefish, tarpon, barracuda, jacks). Some of these may be known to have
ciguatera poisoning but are still fun to catch.
 Consumptive fish: Puerto Rico has only a couple of species with limits on length to be legal for
keeping (Yellowtail snapper, White Grunt, silk snapper, and black snapper). Some are
permanently closed (Nassau grouper and Goliath Grouper). Still others have closed seasons
(silk, vermillion, black and blackfin snappers Oct. – Dec.; mutton and lane snappers AprilMay; Red Hind Dec. –Feb.). We present the number of consumptive fish that meet legal size
for keeping per square meter of reef area.
 Tropical/Ornamental fish: Number of fish per square meter.
 Sport/Trophy fish: Opportunity to catch or see trophy fish on the entire reef not the number
per square meter.
Macroinvertebrates (conchs, spiny lobsters, and urchins): The number per square meter. For conchs,
the maximum number observed was 33 per square meter, while for spiny lobster, the maximum

observed was 7 per square meter. Urchins tend to be observed in much higher numbers. For Longspined urchins, the maximum observed was 81 per square meter, while for smaller species of urchins
as many as 375 per square meter have been observed. Seasonal closure of Queen Conch July – Sept.

Urchins are known to increase the health of reefs for stony corals.


Stony corals are dominant in the most healthy reefs.


Soft Corals and Sponges tend to dominate in reef areas where the water quality is relatively poor. So
scientists find that soft corals and sponges are more able than stony corals to thrive in relatively poor
water quality and move into places where stony corals have died.


Soft Corals and Sponges are often very colorful, serve as important habitat for fish, and help improve
water quality by filtering nutrients that can reduce algal growth that can smother reefs and improve
water clarity/visibility.


Most of the coral reef ecosystems in Puerto Rico are currently in a fair to poor or low condition.
Overfishing, water pollution, careless anchoring, and sediments from runoff from development and
agricultural areas have been the most important factors damaging the coral reef ecosystems.

Coral Reef Attributes Importance to Recreation Activities
Reef Attributes
Corals and Sponges
Stony coral cover (percent of hardbottom)
Number of different species of stony
Soft coral cover (percent of hardbottom)
Number of different species of soft
Sponges (percent of bottom covered)
Number of different kinds of sponges
Fish and Wildlife
Abundance of fish to eat
Number of different species of fish to
Abundance of fish to see (tropicals)
Number of different species of fish to
Trophy/sport fish (lady fish, permit,
bonefish, tarpon, snook, jacks)
Number of species of
Abundance of macroinvertebrates
(conch, lobster, urchins)
Opportunity to see large wildlife
(sharks, rays, turtles, manatees,
Water clarity/visibility
Number of other reef users




Boat Ride

Windsurfing, Kite


If current management practices continue in the future (Status Quo), in 10 to 20 years scientists
expect that all but a few areas that are receiving special protection will be in a poor or Low condition
with respect to the corals, sponges, fish, and water clarity/visibility. If rules and regulations are not
enforced even the specially protected areas will be in poor or Low condition.


If management is changed to improve reef conditions, it will require both public and private
investments to protect and restore the coral reef ecosystems, which would include enforcement of
rules and regulations.


There is an estimated cost to your household per year that would be required to achieve each


The cost per year is based on the costs that will be paid by businesses and households to pay for
investments that protect and restore the coral reef ecosystems like improved sewage treatment,
filtering and cleaning urban run-off, erosion control from agricultural areas and development
projects, installation of mooring buoys to protect reefs from anchor damage, reef restoration
activities, and enforcement of rules and regulations.


The costs per year would be paid by all residents and visitors to Puerto Rico through increased prices
of goods and services. This might also include increases in local sales taxes to cover government costs
to pay for protection and restoration.
1. If all conditions could be maintained or increased from the Low to Medium condition.
What would be the maximum your household would be willing to pay per year and still maintain your
current level of reef use? $_____________
2. If all conditions could be maintained or increased from the Low condition to the High condition,

How Coral Reef Attributes Levels Change Economic Values
Reef Attributes
Corals and Sponges

Would Change Value
(Check one in each row)

Reef Conditions




5 to 20%

Over 20 to 100%


60 to 90%

Over 90 to 100%


Up to 4

5 to 17

14 to 25%

4 to 14%

Less than 4%

Up to 4

Up to 3


7 to 15%

2 to 7%

Less than 2%

Up to 4

Up to 3


Fish and Wildlife




Abundance of fish to eat

3/sq meter,
none legal
Up to 2
1 to 3

10/sq meter,
50% legal size

100 or more/sq
meter, 75 to
100% legal size
Up to 15
20 to 100

Number of different species of fish to see
Trophy/sport fish (lady fish, permit, bonefish, tarpon,
snook, jacks)
Number of different species of macroinvertebrates
Abundance of macroinvertebrates (conch, lobster,


Up to 4


Opportunity to see large wildlife (sharks, rays, turtles,
manatees, dolphins)


Conch: 0,
Lobster: 0,
Urchin:1 to 2





Water clarity/visibility

Less than 10
21 or more

10 to 50 ft.

Greater than 50
0 to 10

Stony coral cover (percent of hard-bottom)
Percent of live tissue of stony corals
Number of difference species of stony corals
Soft coral cover (percent of hard bottom)
Number of different species of soft corals
Sponges (percent of bottom covered)
Number of different kinds of sponges

Number of difference species of fish to eat
Abundance of fish to see (tropicals)

Number of other reef users

3 to 6
4 to 10

11 to 20

Low to Medium

Medium to High

Low to Medium

Medium to High

Low to Medium

Medium to High

5 to 10
Opportunity to
catch and see
2 or more
Conch: 3,
Lobster: 1,
Urchin: 8 to 37
Opportunity to


What is your age?
16 – 24
25 – 34
35 – 44

d. 45 - 54
e. 55 - 64
f. 65 or older

What race do you consider yourself?

Select as many as apply
a. White
b. Black or African American
c. American Indian or Alaskan Native
d. Asian
e. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

Select one answer only
a. 8th grade or less
b. 9th to 11th grade
c. 12th grade. High School Graduate or equivalent (GED)
d. 13 to 15 years (some college or vocational training)
e. College Graduate
f. Graduate School, Law School, Medical School
What is your employment status?
Select all that apply
Unemployed e. Student
b. Employed full-time
f. Homemaker
c. Employed Part-time
g. None of the above (specify)
d. Retired
What is your household income before taxes?
Select one answer only
Under $5,000
e. $20,000 to $24,999
$150,000 +
$5,000 to $9,999
f. $25,000 to $29,999
$10,000 to $14,999
g. $30,000 to $39,999
$15,000 to $19,999
h. $40,000 to $49,999

i. $50,000 to $59,999 m.
j. $60,000 to $74,999
k. $75,000 to $99,999
L. $100,000 to $149,999

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2014-11-10
File Created2014-11-10

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