CEQ April 2017 CAPI Inst. Req’ts – CE Changes
FRONT Section changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
Remove incentive test changes |
Identify yourself – show ID ^Genintro Introduce survey ^Genintro3 The Household address is ^Rt20hno ^Rt20hnosuf ^Rt20strname ^Rt20unitdes
Read if necessary: I am (your name) from the US Census Bureau. Here is my identification card. We are conducting a Consumer Expenditure Survey for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I have some questions I would like to ask you. Did you receive our letter?
Skip instructions: 1: IF (INTNMBR=1 AND QTYPE=1, 2, or 3) goto RECVDEBT ELSE goto INTROB 2: goto GIVE_LETTER 3: exit block and goto BCOVERAGE.NONTYP |
Identify yourself – show ID ^Genintro Introduce survey ^Genintro3 The Household address is ^Rt20hno ^Rt20hnosuf ^Rt20strname ^Rt20unitdes
Read if necessary: I am (your name) from the US Census Bureau. Here is my identification card. We are conducting a Consumer Expenditure Survey for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I have some questions I would like to ask you. Did you receive our letter?
Skip instructions: 1: goto INTROB 2: goto GIVE_LETTER 3: exit block and goto BCOVERAGE.NONTYP |
Remove incentive test changes |
Allow time to read
Skip instructions: IF (INTNMBR=1 AND QTYPE=1, 2, or 3) goto RECVDEBT ELSE goto INTROB |
Allow time to read
Skip instructions: goto INTROB |
Delete variable |
[Fill1: The letter you received should have included a debit card^Fill5, which is a token of appreciation from the Census Bureau for completing the interview.’ [Fill2: You should have also received a debit card^Fill5 as a token of appreciation from the Census Bureau for completing the interview.] [Fill3: Did anyone living at this address receive the debit card?] [Fill4: Did (READ NAMES) receive a debit card?]
[Display roster for this CU]
Fill1 instructions: If GENINTRO=1, fill Fill1 else leave blank.
Fill2 instructions: If GIVE_LETTER=1, fill Fill2 else leave blank.
Fill3 instructions: If case is NOT a spawned CU, fill Fill3 else leave blank.
Fill4 instructions: If case IS a spawned CU, fill Fill4 else leave blank.
Fill5 instructions: If QTYPE=1 or 3 fill “ and a five-dollar bill” else leave blank.
Display roster fill instructions: If case IS a spawned CU display roster; else leave blank.
Skip instructions: 1, REF: goto INTROB 2, DK: goto NOTRCV40 |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
I’m sorry that you did not receive the debit card. Upon completion of the interview, we will send you another card in the amount of $40 as soon as possible. If you also receive the original card we sent, please destroy it since we will be deactivating it.
Skip instructions: goto RCRDNM40 |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Who would you like the replacement card addressed to?
Skip instructions: 100 characters, DK, REF: goto INTROB |
Delete variable |
CEINTRO Section changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
Remove incentive test changes |
Universe: (BAdmin.ExitInterview <> 1) AND (BAdmin.ReplaceSpawn <> 1) AND (BFront.Start= 1 or 2) AND (BFront.INTROB ne 2-6)
Block instructions: IF (INTNMBR=2 AND PIN_FLAG=1, 2 or 3) goto DEBT40 ELSE goto CEINTRO |
Universe: (BAdmin.ExitInterview <> 1) AND (BAdmin.ReplaceSpawn <> 1) AND (BFront.Start= 1 or 2) AND (BFront.INTROB ne 2-6)
DEBT40 |
Delete variable |
After completing the last interview in ^REF_MONTH, we gave you the PIN for a $40 debit card. Did you have any problems using that card?
Skip instructions: 0-2, 9: IF 0, 1, 2, or 9 is selected with any other answer list option then goto CK_DEBT40 ELSEIF PIN_FLAG=1 goto DEBT20 ELSE goto CE_INTRO 3-8, 10-11: IF 10 is selected goto DEBT40SP ELSEIF PIN_TYPE=1 goto DEBT20 ELSE goto CE_INTRO REF: IF PIN_TYPE=1 goto DEBT20 ELSE goto CE_INTRO |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Skip instructions: IF PIN_TYPE=1 goto DEBT20 ELSE goto CE_INTRO |
Delete variable |
DEBT20 |
Delete variable |
After the last interview in ^REF_MONTH, we sent you a debit card for $20. Did you have any problems using the card?
Skip instructions: 0-2, 9: IF 0, 1, 2, or 9 is selected with any other answer list option then goto CK_DEBT40 ELSEIF 1 or 9 is selected goto NOTRCV20 ELSE goto CE_INTRO 3-8, 10-11: IF 10 is selected goto DEBT20SP ELSE goto CE_INTRO REF: goto CE_INTRO |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Skip instructions: goto CE_INTRO |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
I’m sorry that [fill1: you have not received the card/the original debit card we sent you was misplaced]. We will send you a replacement card in the amount of $20 as soon as possible. If the original card [fill2: arrives/is found], please destroy it since we will be deactivating it.
Fill1 instructions: If DEBT20=1 fill “you have not received the card” If DEBT20=9 fill “the original debit card we sent you was misplaced”
Fill2 instructions: If DEBT20=1 fill “arrives“ If DEBT20=9 fill “is found”
Skip instructions: goto RCRDNM20 |
Delete variable |
Delete variable |
Who would you like the replacement card addressed to?
Skip instructions: 100 characters, DK, REF: goto CEINTRO |
Delete variable |
Remove incentive test changes |
As we start, please understand that we ask the same topics of everybody we talk to. I realize some of these questions may not apply to your household. Most questions that I will be asking refer to a specific time period. During this interview, the time period, unless I state otherwise is for the past three months, that is, from the 1st day of ^REF_MONTH to today. Most of my questions are about expenses your household had or bills you’ve received. You will find it helpful to have your checkbook register, credit card statements, and other records as you answer the questions. ^Debit
Debit fill instructions: If (INTNMBR=2 AND PIN_FLAG=1,2, or 3) fill “Please do not include any purchases made with the debit ^CARDS we have sent you.”
CARDS fill instructions: If INTNMBR=2 and PIN_FLAG=1, fill “cards” else fill “card”
Skip instructions: goto BUSCREEN |
As we start, please understand that we ask the same topics of everybody we talk to. I realize some of these questions may not apply to your household. Most questions that I will be asking refer to a specific time period. During this interview, the time period, unless I state otherwise is for the past three months, that is, from the 1st day of ^REF_MONTH to today. Most of my questions are about expenses your household had or bills you’ve received. You will find it helpful to have your checkbook register, credit card statements, and other records as you answer the questions.
Skip instructions: goto BUSCREEN |
Section 2/2B changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
2/2B |
Add a soft error prompt for values that are significantly above or below the amount entered for the 1st month of the reference period (changes in red) |
What was the total rental payment for ^TWO_MONTH for this unit?
Skip instructions: 0-9999999: IF RENTX2 gt 3000 then goot ERR1_RENTX2 ELSE goto RENTX3 DK, REF: goto RENTX3 |
What was the total rental payment for ^TWO_MONTH for this unit?
Skip instructions: 0-9999999: IF RENTX2 gt 3000 then goot ERR1_RENTX2 ELSE goto RENTX3 ELSEIF RENTX1 ne 0 AND RENTX2 ne 0 AND ((RENTX2 le 0.6 * RENTX1) OR (RENTX2 ge 1.4 * RENTX1)) goto ERR2_RENTX2 DK, REF: goto RENTX3 |
2/2B |
New soft error prompt for RENTX2 values that are not zero but are significantly greater or lesser than RENTX1 when RENTX1 is not 0. |
N/A |
Skip instructions: Suppress: goto RENTX3 All others, go back to RENTX2 |
2/2B |
Add a soft error prompt for values that are significantly above or below the amount entered for the 2ND month of the reference period (changes in red) |
What was the total rental payment for ^LAST_MONTH for this unit?
Skip instructions: 0-9999999: IF RENTX3 gt 3000 then goot ERR1_RENTX3 ELSE goto RTELECT DK, REF: goto RTELECT |
What was the total rental payment for ^LAST_MONTH for this unit?
Skip instructions: 0-9999999: IF RENTX3 gt 3000 then goot ERR1_RENTX3 ELSE goto RTELECT ELSEIF RENTX2 ne 0 AND RENTX3 ne 0 AND ((RENTX3 le 0.6 * RENTX2) OR (RENTX3 ge 1.4 * RENTX2)) goto ERR2_RENTX3 DK, REF: goto RTELECT |
2/2B |
New soft error prompt for RENTX3 values that are not zero but are significantly greater or lesser than RENTX2 when RENTX2 is not 0. |
N/A |
Skip instructions: Suppress: goto RTELECT All others, go back to RENTX3 |
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
2 |
Add response option and output variable for solar panels |
Does this unit have any of the following?
Store instructions: IF precode 1 selected, store 01 in SWIMPOOL IF precode 2 selected, store 02 in OFSTPARK IF precode 3 selected, store 03 in PORCH IF precode 4 selected, store 04 in APTMENT IF precode 5 selected, store 05 in CNTRALAC IF precode 6 selected, store 06 in WINDOWAC IF precode 77 selected, store 07 in DNTKNOW IF RF is entered, store 98 in SWIMPOOL, OFSTPARK, PORCH, APTMENT, CNTRALAC, WINDOWAC, and DNTKNOW IF 0 is entered, store a blank in SWIMPOOL, OFSTPARK, PORCH, APTMENT, CNTRALAC, WINDOWAC, and DNTKNOW
Special instructions: Answer list options 1-6 should be in bold black (Options 0 and 77 should be in regular black)
Skip instructions: IF 0 is selected with other values then goto CK_UNITFEAT ELSEIF 8500.YRBUILT=EMPTY then goto YRBUILT ELSE exit block and goto Section 3. |
Does this unit have any of the following?
Store instructions: IF precode 1 selected, store 01 in SWIMPOOL IF precode 2 selected, store 02 in OFSTPARK IF precode 3 selected, store 03 in PORCH IF precode 4 selected, store 04 in APTMENT IF precode 5 selected, store 05 in CNTRALAC IF precode 6 selected, store 06 in WINDOWAC IF precode 7 selected, store 08 in SOLARPNL IF precode 77 selected, store 07 in DNTKNOW IF RF is entered, store 98 in SWIMPOOL, OFSTPARK, PORCH, APTMENT, CNTRALAC, WINDOWAC, SOLARPNL, and DNTKNOW IF 0 is entered, store a blank in SWIMPOOL, OFSTPARK, PORCH, APTMENT, CNTRALAC, WINDOWAC, SOLARPNL, and DNTKNOW
Special instructions: Answer list options 1-7 should be in bold black (Options 0 and 77 should be in regular black)
Skip instructions: IF 0 is selected with other values then goto CK_UNITFEAT ELSEIF 8500.YRBUILT=EMPTY then goto YRBUILT ELSE exit block and goto Section 3. |
Section 3F changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
Update skip instructions for new REFI question. |
Now I will ask some questions about your ^LOAN_RANK ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM. These questions refer to the ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM you are currently making payments on.
Skip instructions: 1: Goto ORGMRTX 2: Goto S3FG_END |
Now I will ask some questions about your ^LOAN_RANK ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM. These questions refer to the ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM you are currently making payments on.
Skip instructions: 1: Goto REFI 2: Goto S3FG_END |
n/a |
^HaveHas_C ^YOU_YRCU ever refinanced this mortgage?
Skip instructions: goto FRSTPYYR |
3F |
In what year did ^YOU_YRCU make the first payment on this ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM?
Skip instructions: 1900-9999: IF gt 2010 or lt 1970 then goto ERR1_FRSTPYYR ELSE goto FRSTPYMO DK,RF: Goto FRSTPYMO |
In what year did ^YOU_YRCU make the first payment on this ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM ^AFTERREFINANCING? ^FR_REFINANCE_YR
AFTERREFINANCING Fill instructions” if REFI=1 fill “after refinancing” else leave blank
FR_REFINANCE_YR fill instructions: if REFI=1 fill “* Enter year of first payment after the most recent refinancing” else leave blank
Skip instructions: 1900-9999: IF gt 2010 or lt 1970 then goto ERR1_FRSTPYYR ELSE goto FRSTPYMO DK,RF: Goto FRSTPYMO |
3F |
In what month did ^YOU_YRCU make the first payment on this ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM?
Skip instructions: IF FRSTPYYR and FRSTPYMO are gt (current month + 2 and year) then goto CK_FRPSTYMO ELSE MTERM |
In what month did ^YOU_YRCU make the first payment on this ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM ^AFTERREFINANCING? ^FR_REFINANCE_YR
AFTERREFINANCING Fill instructions” if REFI=1 fill “after refinancing” else leave blank
FR_REFINANCE_YR fill instructions: if REFI=1 fill “* Enter year of first payment after the most recent refinancing” else leave blank
Skip instructions: IF FRSTPYYR and FRSTPYMO are gt (current month + 2 and year) then goto CK_FRPSTYMO ELSE goto ORGMRTX |
3F |
What was the amount of the ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM when ^YOU_YRCU first obtained it, not including any interest?
Skip instructions: IF (ORGMRTX ne DK or RF) AND [ (OWNYB = 100 and ORGMRTX lt 5000 or gt 315000) OR (OWNYB = 200 and ORGMRTX lt 3000 or gt 350000) OR (OWNYB = 300 and ORGMRTX lt 3000 or gt 400000) OR (OWNYB = 400 and ORGMRTX lt 1000 or gt 124900) ] then goto ERR1_ORGMRTX ELSE goto FRSTPYYR |
What was the amount of this ^MORTGAGE_LUMPSUM when ^YOU_YRCU obtained it, not including any interest?
Skip instructions: IF (ORGMRTX ne DK or RF) AND [ (OWNYB = 100 and ORGMRTX lt 5000 or gt 315000) OR (OWNYB = 200 and ORGMRTX lt 3000 or gt 350000) OR (OWNYB = 300 and ORGMRTX lt 3000 or gt 400000) OR (OWNYB = 400 and ORGMRTX lt 1000 or gt 124900) ] then goto ERR1_ORGMRTX ELSE goto MTERM |
Section 3I changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
3I |
Skip ground rent for condos, co-ops, timeshares, and unimproved land |
Block instructions:
NOTE: If OWNYB=600, goto VAC_RNTQ If there are active loans on this property, goto MORTSPEC All others goto GRNDRENT |
Block instructions:
NOTE: IF OWNYB=600, goto VAC_RNTQ IF there are active loans on this property, goto MORTSPEC ELSEIF there are no active loans and PROPTYPE=1, goto PAYCONDO ELSEIF there are no active loans and PROPTYPE=2, goto COOPPRG3 ELSEIF there are no active loans and PROPTYPE=3 AND TIMESHAR=1, goto PAYHOASS ELSEIF there are no active loans and PROPTYPE=3 AND OWNYB=400, goto PAYHOASS ELSE goto GRNDRENT |
3I |
Now I’m going to ask about other ownership costs for your ^PROPDESC.
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM paid more than the amount required on any mortgage or lump sum home equity loan for this property?
Skip instructions: 1: goto SPECIALX 2, DK, REF: goto GRNDRENT |
Now I’m going to ask about other ownership costs for your ^PROPDESC.
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, have ^YOU_ANYMEM paid more than the amount required on any mortgage or lump sum home equity loan for this property?
3I |
How much EXTRA did ^YOU_YRCU pay?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999,999: IF le 8 or gt 14,000 then goto ERR1_SPECIALX ELSE goto SPECLXCM DK, RF: goto GRNDRENT |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month - How much EXTRA did ^YOU_YRCU pay?
3I |
Delete variable. |
How much of that amount was paid this month?
Skip instructions: 0-99,999,999: IF SPECLXCM lt 5 or gt 1762 then goto ERR1_SPECLXCM ELSEIF SPECLXCM gt SPECIALX then goto CK_SPECLXCM ELSE goto GRNDRENT DK, REF: goto GRNDRENT |
Delete variable. |
3I |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, ^have_has2 ^YOU_YRCU made any payments for ground or land rent for ^PROPDESC?
Skip instructions: 1: goto GRNDRNTX 2, DK, REF: IF PROPTYPE=1 then goto PAYCONDO IF PROPTYPE=2 then goto COOPRG3 IF PROPTYPE=3 then goto PAYHOASS |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, ^have_has2 ^YOU_YRCU made any payments for ground or land rent for ^PROPDESC?
Skip instructions: 1: goto GRNDRNTX 2, DK, REF: goto PAYHOASS |
3I |
What was the total amount paid?
Skip instructions: 1-99999999: IF GRNDRNTX lt 45 or gt 2465 then goto ERR1_GRNDRNTX ELSE goto GRNDRTCX
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month - What was the total amount paid?
Skip instructions: 1-99999999: IF GRNDRNTX lt 45 or gt 2465 then goto ERR1_GRNDRNTX ELSE goto PAYHOASS
3I |
Delete variable. |
How much of that amount was paid this month?
Skip instructions: 0-99,999,999: IF GRNDRTCX=1-5 or gt 759 then goto ERR1_GRNDRTCX ELSEIF GRNDRTCX gt GRNDRNTX then goto CK_GRNDRTCX ELSEIF PROPTYPE=1 then goto PAYCONDO ELSEIF PROPTYPE=2 then goto COOPRG3 ELSE goto PAYHOASS
Delete variable. |
3I |
Reword question to mention “not including this month” |
Now I’d like to ask you about payments ^YOU_YRCU ^make_makes directly to the cooperative for ^YR_YRCUS share of its costs. Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM made any payments for any of the following things –
Enter all that apply, separate with commas Enter 12 for no payments made
Skip instructions: 12, REF: goto SPCLPAY 1-11, 77: IF 11 selected then goto CORGOTH ELSE goto MGOTHERX |
Now I’d like to ask you about payments ^YOU_YRCU ^make_makes directly to the cooperative for ^YR_YRCUS share of its costs. Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, have ^YOU_ANYMEM made any payments for any of the following things –
Enter all that apply, separate with commas Enter 12 for no payments made
Skip instructions: 12, REF: goto SPCLPAY 1-11, 77: IF 11 selected then goto CORGOTH ELSE goto MGOTHERX |
3I |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have you made ANY regular payments for these services?
Skip instructions: 1, DK, REF: goto MGOTHERX 2: IF PROPTYPE=2 then goto SPCLPAY1 ELSE goto SPCLPAY2 |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, have you made ANY regular payments for these services?
Skip instructions: 1, DK, REF: goto MGOTHPPD 2: IF PROPTYPE=2 then goto SPCLPAY1 ELSE goto SPCLPAY2 |
3I |
N/A |
How often ^dodoes ^YOU_YRCU currently pay for these services?
Skip instructions: 1-6: goto MGOTHPYX 7, DK, REF: goto MGOTHERX |
3I |
N/A |
What is the amount currently paid ^MGOTHPPD?
Fill instructions: If MGOTHPPD=1 fill “once a month” ELSEIF MGOTHPPD=2 fill “every two months” ELSEIF MGOTHPPD=3 fill “every three months” ELSEIF MGOTHPPD=4 fill “every four months” ELSEIF MGOTHPPD=5 fill “every six months” ELSEIF MGOTHPPD=6 fill “once a year”
Skip instructions: IF PROPTYPE=2 then goto SPCLPAY1 ELSE goto SPCLPAY2 |
3I |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, how much ^have_has2 ^YOU_YRCU paid for these services?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999,999: IF OWNYB=100 and MGOTHERX lt 10 or gt 2100 then goto ERR1_MGOTHERX ELSEIF OWNYB=200-400 and MGOTHER lt 5 or gt 2610 then goto ERR1_MGOTHERX ELSE goto MGOTHRCX 0, DK, REF: IF PROPTYPE=2 then goto SPCLPAY1 ELSE goto SPCLPAY2 |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, how much ^have_has2 ^YOU_YRCU paid for these services?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999,999: IF OWNYB=100 and MGOTHERX lt 10 or gt 2100 then goto ERR1_MGOTHERX ELSEIF OWNYB=200-400 and MGOTHER lt 5 or gt 2610 then goto ERR1_MGOTHERX ELSEIF PROPTYPE=2 then goto SPCLPAY1 ELSE goto SPCLPAY2 0, DK, REF: IF PROPTYPE=2 then goto SPCLPAY1 ELSE goto SPCLPAY2 |
3I |
Delete variable |
How much of that amount was paid this month?
Skip instructions: 0-99999999: IF OWNYB=DK or RF and MGOTHRCX=1-5 or gt 11000 then goto ERR1_MGOTHRCX ELSEIF OWNYB=100 and MGOTHRCX=1-5 or gt 870 then goto ERR1_MGOTHRCX ELSEIF OWNYB=200-400 and MGOTHRCX=1-5 or gt 635 then goto ERR1_MGOTHRCX ELSEIF MGOTHRCX gt MGOTHERX then goto CK_MGOTHRCX ELSEIF PROPTYPE=2 then goto SPCLPAY1 ELSE goto SPCLPAY2 DK, REF: IF PROPTYPE=2 then goto SPCLPAY1 ELSE goto SPCLPAY2 |
Delete variable. |
3I |
Reword question to mention “not including this month” |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, what services were provided?
Skip instructions: If 11 is selected then goto COSPOTH ELSE goto SPECLX |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, what services were provided?
Skip instructions: If 11 is selected then goto COSPOTH ELSE goto SPECLX |
3I |
Reword question to mention “not including this month” |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, what services were provided?
Skip instructions: IF 11 is selected then goto HOSPOTH ELSE goto SPECLX |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, what services were provided?
Skip instructions: IF 11 is selected then goto HOSPOTH ELSE goto SPECLX |
3I |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, how much were these special payments?
Skip instructions: 1-99999999: IF SPECLX gt 6600 then goto ERR1_SPECLX ELSE goto SPECLCX DK, RF: goto ASSESSMT |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, how much were these special payments?
Skip instructions: 1-99999999: IF SPECLX gt 6600 then goto ERR1_SPECLX ELSE goto ASSESSMT DK, RF: goto ASSESSMT |
3I |
Delete variable |
How much of that amount was paid this month?
Skip instructions: goto ASSESSMT |
Delete variable. |
3I |
Reword question to mention “not including this month” |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH ^have_has2 ^YOU_YRCU paid any special assessments to a local government for construction or repair of roads, sidewalks, or other things like that?
Skip instructions: 1: goto ASSESSX 2, DK, REF: if OWNYB=100 then goto RNTEQVX ELSEIF OWNYB=300 then goto VAC_OCCQ ELSE goto S3I_END |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month ^have_has2 ^YOU_YRCU paid any special assessments to a local government for construction or repair of roads, sidewalks, or other things like that?
Skip instructions: 1: goto ASSESSX 2, DK, REF: if OWNYB=100 then goto RNTEQVX ELSEIF OWNYB=300 then goto VAC_OCCQ ELSE goto S3I_END |
3I |
What was the total amount paid?
Skip instructions: 1-99999999: IF ASSESSX lt 6 or gt 77,000 then goto ERR1_ASSESSX ELSE goto ASSESSCX DK, REF: IF OWNYB=100 then goto RNTEQVX ELSEIF OWNYB=300 then goto VAC_OCCQ ELSE goto S3I_END |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month - What was the total amount paid?
Skip instructions: 1-99999999: IF ASSESSX lt 6 or gt 77,000 then goto ERR1_ASSESSX ELSEIF OWNYB=100 then goto RNTEQVX ELSEIF OWNYB=300 then goto VAC_OCCQ ELSE goto S3I_END DK, REF: IF OWNYB=100 then goto RNTEQVX ELSEIF OWNYB=300 then goto VAC_OCCQ ELSE goto S3I_END |
3I |
Delete variable. |
How much of that amount was paid this month?
Skip instructions: IF OWNYB=100 then goto RNTEQVX ELSEIF OWNYB=300 then goto VAC_OCCQ ELSE goto S3I_END |
Delete variable. |
3I |
Skip instructions: 1-4, DK, RF: goto VAC_AVAQ 5: goto VAC_ROTH |
Store instructions: IF (VAC_RNTQ=100 and VAC_RNTY=4) OR (VAC_RNTQ ge 91 and VAC_RNTY=1) OR (VAC_RNTQ ge 13 and VAC_RNTY=2) OR (VAC_RNTQ ge 3 and VAC_RNTY=3) store ‘0’ (zero) in VAC_AVAQ
Skip instructions: 1: IF VAC_RNTQ ge 91 AND OWNYB=300 then goto RNTEQV2X ELSEIF VAC_RNTQ ge 91 goto S3I_END ELSE goto VAC_AVAQ 2: IF VAC_RNTQ ge 13 AND OWNYB=300 then goto RNTEQV2X ELSEIF VAC_RNTQ ge 13 goto S3I_END ELSE goto VAC_AVAQ 3: IF VAC_RNTQ ge 3 AND OWNYB=300 then goto RNTEQV2X ELSEIF VAC_RNTQ ge 3 goto S3I_END ELSE goto VAC_AVAQ 4: IF VAC_RNTQ=100 AND OWNYB=300 then goto RNTEQV2X ELSEIF VAC_RNTQ=100 goto S3I_END ELSE goto VAC_AVAQ DK, RF: goto VAC_AVAQ 5: goto VAC_ROTH |
Section 4A changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
4A |
Delete last line of intro text |
Now I am going to ask about utilities including telephone bills. Please refer to any billing statements or other records you have when answering these questions. Please remember to include any bills you receive or pay online or have automatically deducted. Report any bill you have received, even if the bill has not been paid. First, I'll ask you about telephone bills.
Skip instructions: Goto TELEBILL |
Now I am going to ask about utilities including telephone bills. Please refer to any billing statements or other records you have when answering these questions. Please remember to include any bills you receive or pay online or have automatically deducted. Report any bill you have received, even if the bill has not been paid.
Skip instructions: Goto TELEBILL |
4A |
Change “telephone services, including …” to “telephone, internet, cable TV, or satellite TV services” |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM received any bills for telephone services, including cellular and Voice Over IP? Do not include bills for telephones used entirely for business purposes.
Skip instructions: 1: IF any 8500.TELCOMP = 1-20 then goto PREVCOMP ELSE goto TELCOMP 2,DK,RF: Goto S4A_END |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM received any bills for telephone, internet, cable TV, or satellite TV services? Do not include bills for telephones used entirely for business purposes.
Skip instructions: 1: IF any 8500.TELCOMP = 1-20 then goto PREVCOMP ELSE goto TELCOMP 2,DK,RF: Goto S4A_END |
4A |
Update section label to also include internet and cable/satellite TV |
Block instructions: 3. Section Label: Section 4, Part A - Telephone Expenses |
Block instructions: 3. Section Label: Section 4, Part A – Telephone, Internet, and Cable/Satellite TV Expenses |
4A |
Change question wording to a fill in which the first time the question appears the text is different than subsequent times the question appears |
What is the name of the company which provides the service?
Store instructions:
IF PREVCOMP = 888 then "SHOW" the fields in the row
Skip instructions: 1-20: IF BCeintro.BUSCREEN = 2 goto TELCHGX1 ELSE goto TELBSNS 55: Goto TELCOMP 888: Goto TELOTH |
Fill instructions: First time PREVCOMP appears, fill “We will review these expenses by bills you’ve received. What is the name of the first company you received a bill for?” ELSE fill “What is the name of the next company?”
Store instructions:
IF PREVCOMP = 888 then "SHOW" the fields in the row
Skip instructions: 1-20: IF BCeintro.BUSCREEN = 2 goto TELCHGX1 ELSE goto TELBSNS 55: Goto TELCOMP 888: Goto TELOTH |
4A |
Telcom_fill2 instructions: IF PREVCOMP = 55, Fill " Enter company name" ELSE, fill "What is the name of the company which provides the service?"
Special Instructions: IF TELCOMP = 888 then "SHOW" the fields in the row
Skip Instructions: 888: Goto TELOTH All others: IF BCeintro.BUSCREEN = 2 goto TELCHGX1 ELSE goto TELBSNS |
Telcom_fill2 instructions: IF PREVCOMP = 55, Fill " Enter company name" ELSE, if this is the first time TELCOMP appears, fill “We will review these expenses by bills you’ve received. What is the name of the first company you received a bill for?” ELSE fill “What is the name of the next company?”
Special Instructions: IF TELCOMP = 888 then "SHOW" the fields in the row
Skip Instructions: 888: Goto TELOTH All others: IF “Netflix” or “Hulu” entered goto CK_TELCOMP ELSEIF BCeintro.BUSCREEN = 2 goto TELCHGX1 ELSE goto TELBSNS |
4A |
Add hard error message for any entries of “Netflix” or “Hulu” to instruct |
N/A |
Please delete this line.
Skip instructions: Go back to TELCOMP |
4A |
Update skip instructions due to new/revised TELSERV (based off of TELTEMP) now before TYPETEL |
How much were you billed for in ^LAST_MONTH? Do not include any unpaid charges from a previous billing period.
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF entry lt 7 or gt 400 then goto ERR1_TELCHGX3 ELSEIF TELCHGX1 = 0 OR TELCHGX2 = 0 then goto BILPERD ELSE goto TYPETEL 0: Goto BILPERD DK,RF: IF TELCHGX1 = 0 OR TELCHGX2 = 0 then goto BILPERD ELSE goto TYPETEL |
How much were you billed for in ^LAST_MONTH? Do not include any unpaid charges from a previous billing period.
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF entry lt 7 or gt 400 then goto ERR1_TELCHGX3 ELSEIF TELCHGX1 = 0 OR TELCHGX2 = 0 then goto BILPERD ELSE goto TYPETEL 0: Goto BILPERD DK,RF: IF TELCHGX1 = 0 OR TELCHGX2 = 0 then goto BILPERD ELSE goto TYPETEL |
4A |
Update skip instructions due to new/revised TELSERV (based off of TELTEMP) now before TYPETEL |
What is your usual billing period for this service?
Skip instructions: Goto TYPETEL |
What is your usual billing period for this service?
Skip instructions: Goto TELSERV |
TELSERV (modified from TELTEMP) |
N/A |
Which of the following telephone service items were included in the bill(s) –
Store instructions:
IF 1 is NOT selected then set TPHONE = 2 IF 2 is selected then set TINTNET = 1 IF 2 is NOT selected then set TINTNET = 2 IF 3 is selected then set TCABLE = 1 IF 3 is NOT selected then set TCABLE = 2 IF DK or RF is entered then Set TPHONE = 8 set TINTNET = 8 set TCABLE = 8
Special Instructions: Answer list descriptions for 1-3 should be in bold black.
Skip instructions: 1-3: IF 1 selected, goto TYPETEL ELSEIF more than 1 item selected goto TELBLPRS ELSE goto TELOTH DK, RF: goto TELOTH |
4A |
Update skip instructions due to removal of TELTEMP and updated needs on whether to ask breakout questions (only ask if more than one service selected in TELSERV) |
What types of telephone services did the bill include - Read each item on list. Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Store instructions: IF 1 is selected then set TELRESD = 1 IF 2 is selected then set TELCELL = 2 IF DK is selected then set TELRESD = 9 and TELCELL = 9 IF RF is selected then set TELRESD = 8 and TELCELL = 8
Skip instructions: Goto TELTEMP |
What types of telephone services did the bill include - Read each item on list. Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Store instructions: IF 1 is selected then set TELRESD = 1 IF 2 is selected then set TELCELL = 2 IF DK is selected then set TELRESD = 9 and TELCELL = 9 IF RF is selected then set TELRESD = 8 and TELCELL = 8
Skip instructions: IF 2 or 3 selected in TELSERV goto TELBLPRS ELSE goto TELOTH |
4A |
Delete question but retain output variables used with new TELSERV question |
Which of the following telephone service items were included in the bill(s) - ^TELTEMP_FILL Read each item on list. Enter all that apply, separate with commas. 0. None 1. Internet service (including broadband, DSL and dial-up)? 2. Cable or satellite television service? 3. Applications, games, or ringtones? 77. Misc Combined (Unable to specify/ DK)
Store instructions: IF 1 is selected then set TINTNET = 1 IF 1 is NOT selected then set TINTNET = 2 IF 2 is selected then set TCABLE = 1 IF 2 is NOT selected then set TCABLE = 2 IF 3 is selected then set TAPPGAME = 1 IF 3 is NOT selected then set TAPPGAME = 2 IF 77 is selected then set DKPHONE = 1 IF 77 is NOT selected then set DKPHONE = 2 IF RF is entered then set TINTNET = 8 set TCABLE = 8 set TAPPGAME = 8 set DKPHONE = 8
Skip instructions: 0,77: IF 0 only or 77 only then goto TELOTH ELSEIF 0 is selected with another option then goto CK_TELTEMP 1-3: Goto TELBLPRS DK,RF: Goto TELOTH |
Delete variable but keep TINTNET and TCABLE (see TELSERV) |
4A |
Do not include checkbooks
Skip instructions: 1: IF 1 selected in TELTEMP then goto TINTNTX1 ELSEIF 2 selected in TELTEMP then goto TCABLEX1 ELSE goto TAPPGMX1 2: goto TELOTH |
Do not include checkbooks
Store instructions:
IF TELCHGX1=0 and 2 selected in TELSERV, store 0 in TINTNTX1 IF TELCHGX2=0 and 2 selected in TELSERV, store 0 in TINTNTX2 IF TELCHGX3=0 and 2 selected in TELSERV, store 0 in TINTNTX3 IF TELCHGX1=0 and 3 selected in TELSERV, store 0 in TCABLEX1 IF TELCHGX2=0 and 3 selected in TELSERV, store 0 in TCABLEX2 IF TELCHGX3=0 and 3 selected in TELSERV, store 0 in TCABLEX3
Skip instructions: 1: IF 2 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX1 ne 0 then goto TINTNTX1 ELSEIF 2 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX2 ne 0 then goto TINTNTX2 ELSEIF 2 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TINTNTX3 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX1 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX1 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX2 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX2 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH 2: goto TELOTH |
4A |
How much of the ^REF_MONTH charges were for internet access? ^DataPlans_Fill
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TINTNTX1 lt 5 OR gt 60 then goto ERR1_TINTNTX1 ELSEIF TINTNTX1 gt TELCHGX1 then goto CK_TINTNTX1 ELSE goto TINTNTX2 0, DK, RF: goto TINTNTX2 |
How much of the ^TELCHGX1 charges in ^REF_MONTH were for internet access? ^DataPlans_Fill
TELCHGX1 fill instructions: IF TELCHGX1 ne 0, DK, or REF fill TELCHGX1 ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TINTNTX1 lt 5 OR gt 60 then goto ERR1_TINTNTX1 ELSEIF TINTNTX1 gt TELCHGX1 then goto CK_TINTNTX1 ELSEIF TELCHGX2 ne 0 goto TINTNTX2 ELSEIF TELCHGX3 ne 0 goto TINTNTX3 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX1 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX1 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX2 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX2 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH 0, DK, RF: IF TELCHGX2 ne 0 goto TINTNTX2 ELSEIF TELCHGX3 ne 0 goto TINTNTX3 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX1 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX1 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX2 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX2 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH |
4A |
How much of the ^TWO_MONTH charges were for internet access? ^DataPlans_Fill
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TINTNTX2 lt 5 OR gt 60 then goto ERR1_TINTNTX2 ELSEIF TINTNTX2 gt TELCHGX2 then goto CK_TINTNTX2 ELSE goto TINTNTX3 0, DK, RF: goto TINTNTX3 |
How much of the ^TELCHGX2 charges in ^TWO_MONTH were for internet access? ^DataPlans_Fill
TELCHGX2 fill instructions: IF TELCHGX2 ne 0, DK, or REF fill TELCHGX2 ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TINTNTX2 lt 5 OR gt 60 then goto ERR1_TINTNTX2 ELSEIF TINTNTX2 gt TELCHGX2 then goto CK_TINTNTX2 ELSEIF TELCHGX3 ne 0 goto TINTNTX3 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX1 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX1 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX2 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX2 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH 0, DK, RF: IF TELCHGX3 ne 0 goto TINTNTX3 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX1 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX1 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX2 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX2 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH |
4A |
How much of the ^LAST_MONTH charges were for internet access? ^DataPlans_Fill
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TINTNTX3 lt 5 OR gt 60 then goto ERR1_TINTNTX3 ELSEIF TINTNTX3 gt TELCHGX3 then goto CK_TINTNTX3 ELSEIF 2 selected in TELTEMP then goto TCABLEX1 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELTEMP then goto TAPPGMX1 ELSE goto TELOTH 0, DK, RF: IF 2 selected in TELTEMP then goto TCABLEX1 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELTEMP then goto TAPPGMX1 ELSE goto TELOTH |
How much of the ^TELCHGX3 charges in ^LAST_MONTH were for internet access? ^DataPlans_Fill
TELCHGX3 fill instructions: IF TELCHGX3 ne 0, DK, or REF fill TELCHGX3 ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TINTNTX3 lt 5 OR gt 60 then goto ERR1_TINTNTX3 ELSEIF TINTNTX3 gt TELCHGX3 then goto CK_TINTNTX3 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX1 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX1 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX2 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX2 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH 0, DK, RF: IF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX1 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX1 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX2 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX2 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELSERV and TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH |
4A |
How much of the ^REF_MONTH charges were for cable or satellite television service?
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TCABLEX1 lt 5 or gt 90 then goto ERR1_TCABLEX1 ELSEIF TCABLEX1 gt TELCHGX1 then goto CK_TCABLEX1 ELSEIF (TCABLEX1 + TINTNTX1) gt TELCHGX1 then goto CK2_TCABLEX1 ELSE goto TCABLEX2 0, DK, RF: goto TCABLEX2 |
How much of the ^TELCHGX1 charges in ^REF_MONTH were for cable or satellite television service?
TELCHGX1 fill instructions: IF TELCHGX1 ne 0, DK, or REF fill TELCHGX1 ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TCABLEX1 lt 5 or gt 90 then goto ERR1_TCABLEX1 ELSEIF TCABLEX1 gt TELCHGX1 then goto CK_TCABLEX1 ELSEIF (TCABLEX1 + TINTNTX1) gt TELCHGX1 then goto CK2_TCABLEX1 ELSEIF TELCHGX2 ne 0 goto TCABLEX2 ELSEIF TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH 0, DK, RF: IF TELCHGX2 ne 0 goto TCABLEX2 ELSEIF TELCHGX3 ne 0 then goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH |
4A |
How much of the ^TWO_MONTH charges were for cable or satellite television service?
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TCABLEX2 lt 5 or gt 90 then goto ERR1_TCABLEX2 ELSEIF TCABLEX2 gt TELCHGX2 then goto CK_TCABLEX2 ELSEIF (TCABLEX2 + TINTNTX2) gt TELCHGX2 then goto CK2_TCABLEX2 ELSE goto TCABLEX3 0, DK, RF: goto TCABLEX3 |
How much of the ^TELCHGX2 charges in ^TWO_MONTH were for cable or satellite television service?
TELCHGX2 fill instructions: IF TELCHGX2 ne 0, DK, or REF fill TELCHGX2 ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TCABLEX2 lt 5 or gt 90 then goto ERR1_TCABLEX2 ELSEIF TCABLEX2 gt TELCHGX2 then goto CK_TCABLEX2 ELSEIF (TCABLEX2 + TINTNTX2) gt TELCHGX2 then goto CK2_TCABLEX2 ELSE IF TELCHGX3 ne 0 goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH 0, DK, RF: IF TELCHGX3 ne 0 goto TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH |
4A |
How much of the ^LAST_MONTH charges were for cable or satellite television service?
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TCABLEX3 lt 5 or gt 90 then goto ERR1_TCABLEX3 ELSEIF TCABLEX3 gt TELCHGX3 then goto CK_TCABLEX3 ELSEIF (TCABLEX3 + TINTNTX3) gt TELCHGX3 then goto CK2_TCABLEX3 ELSEIF 3 selected in TELTEMP then goto TAPPGMX1 ELSE goto TELOTH 0, DK, RF: IF 3 selected in TELTEMP then goto TAPPGMX1 ELSE goto TELOTH |
How much of the ^TELCHGX3 charges in ^LAST_MONTH were for cable or satellite television service?
TELCHGX3 fill instructions: IF TELCHGX3 ne 0, DK, or REF fill TELCHGX3 ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF TCABLEX3 lt 5 or gt 90 then goto ERR1_TCABLEX3 ELSEIF TCABLEX3 gt TELCHGX3 then goto CK_TCABLEX3 ELSEIF (TCABLEX3 + TINTNTX3) gt TELCHGX3 then goto CK2_TCABLEX3 ELSE goto TELOTH 0, DK, RF: goto TELOTH |
4A |
Delete variable |
How much of the ^REF_MONTH charges were for applications, games, or ringtones?
Delete variable. |
4A |
Delete variable |
How much of the ^TWO_MONTH charges were for applications, games, or ringtones?
Delete variable. |
4A |
Delete variable |
How much of the ^LAST_MONTH charges were for applications, games, or ringtones?
Delete variable. |
4A |
Update question wording as shown |
Did ^YOU_ANYMEM receive any other bills for telephones not used entirely for business purposes?
Skip instructions: 1: IF row number = 20 then goto ERR_MAX ELSEIF any 8500.TELCOMP = 1-20 then goto PREVCOMP, next row of the table ELSE goto TELCOMP, next row of the table 2: IF Answer is changed from a 1 to a 2 then goto CK_TELOTH ELSE goto S4A_END |
Did ^YOU_ANYMEM receive any other bills for telephones, internet, cable TV, or satellite TV services not used entirely for business purposes?
Skip instructions: 1: IF row number = 20 then goto ERR_MAX ELSEIF any 8500.TELCOMP = 1-20 then goto PREVCOMP, next row of the table ELSE goto TELCOMP, next row of the table 2: IF Answer is changed from a 1 to a 2 then goto CK_TELOTH ELSE goto S4A_END |
Section 4B changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
4B |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any pre-paid long distance telephone cards/minutes, not already reported?
Skip instructions: 1: goto FONCARDX 2, DK, REF: goto S4B_END |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any pre-paid long distance telephone cards/minutes, not already reported?
Skip instructions: 1: goto FONCARDX 2, DK, REF: goto INTAWAY |
4B |
What was the total amount paid?
Skip instructions: 1-9,999: IF FONCARDX lt 5 or gt 300 then goto ERR1_FONCARDX ELSE goto FONCRDCX DK, REF: goto FONCRDCX |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month - What was the total amount paid?
Skip instructions: 1-9,999: IF FONCARDX lt 5 or gt 300 then goto ERR1_FONCARDX ELSE goto INTAWAY DK, REF: goto INTAWAY |
4B |
Delete variable. |
How much of the total was paid this month?
Skip instructions: 0-9999: IF FONCRDCX lt 5 or gt 100 then goto ERR1_FONCRDCX ELSEIF FONCRDCX gt FONCARDX then goto CK_FONCRDCX ELSE goto S4B_END DK, RF: goto S4B_END |
Delete variable. |
4B |
n/a |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, have ^YOU_ANYMEM paid for internet or wireless internet access away from home, at places such as cafés, hotels, or airplanes? 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: 1: Goto INTAWYX 2,DK,RF: Goto S4B_END |
n/a |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month - What was the total amount paid?
Skip instructions: Goto S4B_END |
Section 4C changes – Delete entire section
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
4C |
Delete variable |
Now I am going to ask about cable and satellite TV service, satellite radio service, and internet service expenditures.
Skip instructions: Goto UTI_ITEM |
Delete variable |
4C |
Delete variable (FYI – satellite radio will be added to Section 17) |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH have ^YOU_ANYMEM had any expenses for . . . Read each item on list.
Store instructions: Assign INTSERV as follows: If UTI_ITEM = 1 then set INTSERV = 100 If UTI_ITEM = 2 then set INTSERV = 700 If UTI_ITEM = 3 then set INTSERV = 200 If UTI_ITEM = 4 then set INTSERV = 600
Skip instructions: 1-4: IF UTI_ITEM ne Item2Shadow then goto CK_ITEM ELSE goto INTDESC 99: Goto S4C_END 888: IF no more grid lines then goto S4C_END ELSE goto UTI_ITEM - next line of table |
Delete variable |
4C |
Delete variable |
What was the expense for?
Skip instructions: If (INTNMBR=4 AND UTI_ITEM=3 AND INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) goto INTCOMP ELSE goto INTMO |
Delete variable. |
4C |
Delete variable |
What is the name of the company providing the internet service?
Skip instructions: 30 characters, DK, REF: goto INTMO |
Delete variable. |
4C |
Delete variable |
In what month was the expense? Enter 13 for same amount each month of the reference period
Skip instructions: REF_MONTH - CUR_MONTH: IF INTMO is not in then reference period then goto ERR3_INTMO ELSE goto INTCHGX 13,DK,RF: Goto INTCHGX |
Delete variable |
4C |
Delete variable |
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF (UTI_ITEM = 1 and INTCHGX lt 8 or INTCHGX gt 150) OR (UTI_ITEM = 2 and INTCHX lt 5 or INTCHGX gt 500) or (UTI_ITEM = 3 and INTCHGX lt 5 or INTCHGX gt 100) or (UTI_ITEM = 4 and INTCHGX lt 1 or INTCHGX gt 50) then goto ERR1_INTCHGX ELSEIF INTSERV and entry in INTCHGX are equal to any records data on the pre-chart/input file AND (that prechart records INTMO does not equal 13) then goto ERR_DUP ELSE goto INTCMB_S DK,RF: Goto INTCMB_S |
Delete variable |
4C |
Delete variable |
Enter 'C' for combined expenses.
Skip instructions: C: Goto INTCMB EMPTY: Goto INTMORE IF anything other than a 'C' or 'empty' is entered then goto CK_C |
Delete variable |
4C |
Delete variable |
What was ^ITEM_DESC combined with? Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Store instructions: For each item selected in INTCMB, store the appropriate item code in INTSERV1 through INTSERV4. (The first entry in INTCMB should be recoded and stored in INTSERV1, the 2nd entry in INTSERV2, etc.) Recode as follows: If INTCMB = 1, store 100. If INTCMB = 2, store 700 If INTCMB = 3, store 200. If INTCMB = 4, store 600.
Skip instructions: Goto INTMORE |
Delete variable |
4C |
Delete variable |
Did you have any other expenses for ^ITEM_DESC?
Skip instructions: 1: IF row number = 40 then goto ERR_MAX ELSE goto UTI_ITEM, next row of table 2,DK,RF: Goto UTI_ITEM, next row of table |
Delete variable |
Section 4D changes – Rename to 4C
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
4D 4C |
Rename to S4C_INTRO |
Now I am going to ask about utility bills.
Skip instructions: Goto TBLPROPT.Bsection04d.UTC_ITEM |
Now I am going to ask about utility bills.
Skip instructions: Goto TBLPROPT.Bsection04C.UTC_ITEM |
4D 4C |
Rename to section label to Part C and change “Screening and Detailed Questions” to “Utilities, Fuels, and Services” |
Block instructions: 2. Section Label: Section 4, Part D - Screening and Detailed Questions |
Block instructions: 2. Section Label: Section 4, Part C – Utilities, Fuels, and Services |
Section 5 changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
5 |
What work was done?
Skip instructions: IF ITEM= 1, 3, or 5 then goto S5BCMB_S ELSEIF ITEM=2, 4, 6, or 8 then goto TEMPCODE ELSE goto CRMTYPE |
What work was done?
Skip instructions: IF ITEM= 1 or 3 goto S5_INCL ELSEIF ITEM= 5 then goto S5BCMB_S ELSEIF ITEM=2, 4, 6, or 8 then goto TEMPCODE ELSE goto CRMTYPE |
5 |
Skip instructions: goto S5BCMB_S |
Skip instructions: IF ITEM=2,4 goto S5_INCL ELSE goto S5BCMB_S |
5 |
Update skip instructions due to deletion of CONTRACT/addition of new question S5_INCL |
Enter 'C' for a combined expense
Skip instructions: C: Goto S5B_COMB EMPTY: Goto CONTRACT |
Enter 'C' for a combined expense
Skip instructions: C: Goto S5B_COMB EMPTY: Goto S5_INCL |
5 |
What other work was included in this job?
Store instructions: For each item selected in S5B_COMB, store the appropriate item code in CRMCDB1-CRMCDB20. (The first entry in S5B_COMB should be recoded and stored in CRMCDB1, the second entry in CRMCDB2, etc.) Recode as follows: IF S5B_COMB=1, store 100 IF S5B_COMB=2, store 110 IF S5B_COMB=3, store 120 IF S5B_COMB=4, store 130 IF S5B_COMB=5, store 140 IF S5B_COMB=6, store 150 IF S5B_COMB=7, store 160 IF S5B_COMB=8, store 175 IF S5B_COMB=9, store 190 IF S5B_COMB=10, store 200 IF S5B_COMB=11, store 210 IF S5B_COMB=12, store 220 IF S5B_COMB=13, store 235 IF S5B_COMB=14, store 240 IF S5B_COMB=15, store 260 IF S5B_COMB=16, store 270 IF S5B_COMB=17, store 280 IF S5B_COMB=18, store 290 IF S5B_COMB=19, store 300 IF S5B_COMB=77, store 310
Skip instructions: goto CONTRACT |
What other work was included in this job?
Store instructions: For each item selected in S5B_COMB, store the appropriate item code in CRMCDB1-CRMCDB16. (The first entry in S5B_COMB should be recoded and stored in CRMCDB1, the second entry in CRMCDB2, etc.) Recode as follows: IF S5B_COMB=5, store 140 IF S5B_COMB=6, store 150 IF S5B_COMB=7, store 160 IF S5B_COMB=8, store 175 IF S5B_COMB=9, store 190 IF S5B_COMB=10, store 200 IF S5B_COMB=11, store 210 IF S5B_COMB=12, store 220 IF S5B_COMB=13, store 235 IF S5B_COMB=14, store 240 IF S5B_COMB=15, store 260 IF S5B_COMB=16, store 270 IF S5B_COMB=17, store 280 IF S5B_COMB=18, store 290 IF S5B_COMB=19, store 300 IF S5B_COMB=77, store 310
Skip instructions: goto S5_INCL |
5 |
N/A |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, did ^YOU_YRCU -
Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Store instructions: If S5_INCL=1, store 1 in CONTRACT ELSE store 2 in CONTRACT If S5_INCL=2, store 1 in CRMMATER ELSE store 2 in CRMMATER If S5_INCL=3, store 1 in TOOLRENT ELSE store 2 in TOOLRENT
Skip instructions: IF 1 selected goto CONTRCTX ELSEIF 2 selected goto SUPPLYX ELSE goto TOOLX |
5 |
Delete question from instrument path and turn into an output only variable that will have values of either ‘1’ or blank |
Did you do this job yourself or did you pay someone else to do all or part of the work? 1. Self Only 2. Paid or contracted with someone else 3. Both
Skip instructions: 1,DK,RF: Goto CRMMATER 2,3: Goto CNTRCTX3 |
Delete question from instrument path and turn into an output only variable that will have values of either ‘1’ or blank |
5 |
Delete question |
What did you pay in ^REF_MONTH to someone else for this job?
Skip instructions: Goto CNTRCTX2 |
Delete variable |
5 |
Delete question |
What did you pay in ^TWO_MONTH to someone else for this job?
Skip instructions: Goto CNTRCTX1 |
Delete variable |
5 |
Delete question |
What did you pay in ^LAST_MONTH to someone else for this job?
Skip instructions: Goto CNTRCTX0 |
Delete variable |
5 |
Delete question |
How much was paid this month?
Skip instructions: IF (CNTRCTX3 = DK or CNTRCTX2 = DK or CNTRCTX1 = DK or CNTRCTX0 = DK then goto CONTRCTX ELSEIF ITEM = 1-4, 10-12 or 19 then goto MAJ_APPL ELSE goto CRMMATER |
Delete variable |
5 |
Update skip instructions due to new question pattern |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, what is the total amount you paid to someone else for this job?
Skip instructions: IF ITEM = 1-4, 10-12 or 19 then goto MAJ_APPL Else goto CRMMATER |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, what is the total amount you paid to someone else for this job?
Skip instructions: Goto CONT_MO |
5 |
New question to pick up the month or months that the total amount paid during the reference period was made. The months displayed should be those of the reference period (ref month thru current month like other month selection questions) however this month selection question should allow multiple selections (up to all 4 months of the reference period) |
N/A |
In what month or months did you pay someone else for this job? Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Store instructions: Output variables TBD, but perhaps something like CONTMO1 thru CONTMO4 with the values being 01 through 12 (i.e., 01 for January).
Skip instructions: IF ITEM = 1-4, 10-12 or 19 then goto MAJ_APPL ELSEIF S5_INCL=2 goto SUPPLYX ELSEIF S5_INCL=3 goto TOOLRTX ELSE goto REIMBRS |
5 |
Update skip instructions due to deletion of CRMMATER and addition of new S5_INCL question |
Did any of the cost since ^REF_MONTH include the cost of any appliances or equipment? 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: 1: Goto APP_SCR 2,DK,RF: Goto CRMMATER |
Did any of the cost since ^REF_MONTH include the cost of any appliances or equipment? 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: 1: Goto APP_SCR 2,DK,RF: IF S5_INCL=2 goto SUPPLYX ELSEIF S5_INCL=3 goto TOOLRTX ELSE goto REIMBRS |
5 |
Update skip instructions due to only asking for a total cost for all appliances included and due to new S5_INCL question |
Which of the following appliances or equipment were included? Enter up to six, separate with commas. 1. Cooking stove, range, or oven 2. Microwave oven 3. Refrigerator or home freezer 4. Built-in dishwasher 5. Portable dishwasher 6. Garbage disposal 7. Clothes washer or dryer 8. Range hood 9. Smoke alarms and detectors 10. Window air conditioner 11. Portable cooling and heating equipment 12. Lamps, lighting fixtures, or ceiling fans 13. Other major home appliances and equipment
Skip instructions: 1-13; Goto APPL_X1 DK: Goto CRMMATER |
Which of the following appliances or equipment were included? Enter up to six, separate with commas. 1. Cooking stove, range, or oven 2. Microwave oven 3. Refrigerator or home freezer 4. Built-in dishwasher 5. Portable dishwasher 6. Garbage disposal 7. Clothes washer or dryer 8. Range hood 9. Smoke alarms and detectors 10. Window air conditioner 11. Portable cooling and heating equipment 12. Lamps, lighting fixtures, or ceiling fans 13. Other major home appliances and equipment
Skip instructions: 1-13; Goto APPL_X DK: IF S5_INCL=2 goto SUPPLYX ELSEIF S5_INCL=3 goto TOOLRTX ELSE goto REIMBRS |
5 |
New question to pick up the total cost of all appliances included |
N/A |
What was the total cost for [(description)/these appliances or equipment]?
Fill instructions: If one item is selected in APP_SCR, fill item description else fill “these appliances or equipment”
Skip instructions: If S5_INCL=2 goto SUPPLYX ELSEIF S5_INCL=3 goto TOOLRTX ELSE goto REIMBRS |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for ^APPL_X_FILL?
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF there is a second selection in APP_SCR then goto APPL_X2 ELSE goto CRMMATER DK,RF: IF there is a second selection in APP_SCR then goto APPL_X2 ELSE goto CRMMATER |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for ^APPL_X_FILL?
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF there is a third selection in APP_SCRthen goto APPL_X3 ELSE goto CRMMATER DK,RF: IF there is a third selection in APP_SCR then goto APPL_X3 ELSE goto CRMMATER |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for ^APPL_X_FILL?
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF there is a fourth selection in APP_SCR then goto APPL_X4 ELSE goto CRMMATER DK,RF: IF there is a fourth selection in APP_SCR then goto APPL_X4 ELSE goto CRMMATER |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for ^APPL_X_FILL?
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF there is a fifth selection in APP_SCR then goto APPL_X5 ELSE goto CRMMATER DK,RF: IF there is a fifth selection in APP_SCR then goto APPL_X5 ELSE goto CRMMATER |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for ^APPL_X_FILL?
Skip instructions: 1-999999: IF there is a sixth selection in APP_SCR then goto APPL_X6 ELSE goto CRMMATER DK,RF: IF there is a sixth selection in APP_SCR then goto APPL_X6 ELSE goto CRMMATER |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for ^APPL_X_FILL?
Skip instructions: Goto CRMMATER |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM PURCHASED any materials, supplies, tools or equipment for doing this job? 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: 1: Goto SUPPLYX3 2,DK,RF: Goto TOOLRENT |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for all items ^YOU_YRCU purchased for this job in ^REF_MONTH?
Skip instructions: Goto SUPPLYX2 |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for all items ^YOU_YRCU purchased for this job in ^TWO_MONTH?
Skip instructions: Goto SUPPLYX1 |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for all items ^YOU_YRCU purchased for this job in ^LAST_MONTH?
Skip instructions: Goto SUPPLYX0 |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for all items ^YOU_YRCU purchased for this job in ^CUR_MONTH?
Skip instructions: IF SUPPLYX3 = D or SUPPLYX2 = D or SUPPLYX1 = D or SUPPLYX0 = D then goto SUPPLYX ELSE goto TOOLRENT |
Delete question. |
5 |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, what was the total cost of all items ^YOU_YRCU purchased for this job?
Skip instructions: Goto TOOLRENT |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, what was the total cost of all materials, supplies, tools, or equipment ^YOU_YRCU purchased for this job?
Skip instructions: Goto SUPPLYMO |
5 |
New question to pick up the month or months that the total amount paid during the reference period was made. The months displayed should be those of the reference period (ref month thru current month like other month selection questions) however this month selection question should allow multiple selections (up to all 4 months of the reference period) |
N/A |
In what month or months did you make these purchases? Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Store instructions: Output variables TBD, but perhaps something like SUPPLMO1 thru SUPPLMO4 with the values being 01 through 12 (i.e., 01 for January).
Skip instructions: IF S5_INCL=3 goto TOOLRTX ELSE goto REIMBRS |
5 |
Delete question |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM RENTED any tools or equipment for doing this job? 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: 1: Goto TOOLRTX3 2,DK,RF: Goto REIMBRS |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for all items ^YOU_YRCU rented for this job in ^REF_MONTH?
Skip instructions: Goto TOOLRTX2 |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for all items ^YOU_YRCU rented for this job in ^TWO_MONTH?
Skip instructions: Goto TOOLRTX1 |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for all items ^YOU_YRCU rented for this job in ^LAST_MONTH?
Skip instructions: Goto TOOLRTX0 |
Delete question. |
5 |
Delete question |
What was the total cost for all items ^YOU_YRCU rented for this job in ^CUR_MONTH?
Skip instructions: IF (TOOLRTX3 = D or TOOLRTX2 = D or TOOLRTX1 = D or TOOLRTX0 = D ) then goto TOOLRTX ELSE goto REIMBRS |
Delete question. |
5 |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, what was the total cost for all items ^YOU_YRCU rented for this job?
Skip instructions: Goto REIMBRS |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, what was the total cost for all tools or equipment ^YOU_YRCUW rented for this job?
Skip instructions: Goto TOOL_MO |
5 |
New question to pick up the month or months that the total amount paid during the reference period was made. The months displayed should be those of the reference period (ref month thru current month like other month selection questions) however this month selection question should allow multiple selections (up to all 4 months of the reference period) |
N/A |
In what month or months did you rent these items? Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Store instructions: Output variables TBD, but perhaps something like TOOLMO1 thru TOOLMO4 with the values being 01 through 12 (i.e., 01 for January).
Skip instructions: goto REIMBRS |
5 |
Update skip instructions to skip S5BCMB_S for items 1-4 |
What was the total cost of these materials and supplies?
Skip instructions: 1-999,999: IF lt 8 or gt 3865 then goto ERR1_ADVMATX ELSE goto S5ACMB_S DK, REF: goto S5ACMB_S |
What was the total cost of these materials and supplies?
Skip instructions: 1-999,999: IF lt 8 or gt 3865 then goto ERR1_ADVMATX ELSEIF JOBCODE=1-4 goto MATNSPEC ELSE goto S5ACMB_S DK, REF: IF JOBCODE=1-4 goto MATNSPEC ELSE goto S5ACMB_S |
5 |
Remove items 1-4 from list |
What other work will be included in this job?
Store instructions: For each item selected in S5A_COMB, store the appropriate item code in CRMCDA1-CRMCDA20. (The first entry in S5A_COMB should be recoded and stored in CRMCDA1, the second entry in CRMCDA2, etc.) Recode as follows: IF S5A_COMB=1, store 100 IF S5A_COMB=2, store 110 IF S5A_COMB=3, store 120 IF S5A_COMB=4, store 130 IF S5A_COMB=5, store 140 IF S5A_COMB=6, store 150 IF S5A_COMB=7, store 160 IF S5A_COMB=8, store 175 IF S5A_COMB=9, store 190 IF S5A_COMB=10, store 200 IF S5A_COMB=11, store 210 IF S5A_COMB=12, store 220 IF S5A_COMB=13, store 235 IF S5A_COMB=14, store 240 IF S5A_COMB=15, store 260 IF S5A_COMB=16, store 270 IF S5A_COMB=17, store 280 IF S5A_COMB=18, store 290 IF S5A_COMB=19, store 300 IF S5A_COMB=77, store 310
Skip instructions: goto MATNSPEC |
What other work will be included in this job?
Store instructions: For each item selected in S5A_COMB, store the appropriate item code in CRMCDA1-CRMCDA16. (The first entry in S5A_COMB should be recoded and stored in CRMCDA1, the second entry in CRMCDA2, etc.) Recode as follows: IF S5A_COMB=5, store 140 IF S5A_COMB=6, store 150 IF S5A_COMB=7, store 160 IF S5A_COMB=8, store 175 IF S5A_COMB=9, store 190 IF S5A_COMB=10, store 200 IF S5A_COMB=11, store 210 IF S5A_COMB=12, store 220 IF S5A_COMB=13, store 235 IF S5A_COMB=14, store 240 IF S5A_COMB=15, store 260 IF S5A_COMB=16, store 270 IF S5A_COMB=17, store 280 IF S5A_COMB=18, store 290 IF S5A_COMB=19, store 300 IF S5A_COMB=77, store 310
Skip instructions: goto MATNSPEC |
Section 6B changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
6B |
Remove July 2016 outlet test changes
Were there any additional charges for installation or set-up?
Skip instructions: 1: goto INSTLLEX 2, DK, REF: If (ITEM=21 AND INTNMBR=4 AND INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) goto TVSTORE ELSE goto MORE |
Were there any additional charges for installation or set-up?
Skip instructions: 1: goto INSTLLEX 2, DK, REF: goto MORE |
6B |
Remove July 2016 outlet test changes
How much?
Skip instructions: 1-99999: If INSTLLEX lt 40 or gt 1000 then goto ERR1_INSTLLEX ELSE If (ITEM=21 AND INTNMBR=4 AND INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) goto TVSTORE ELSE goto MORE DK, REF: If (ITEM=21 AND INTNMBR=4 AND INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) goto TVSTORE ELSE goto MORE |
How much?
Skip instructions: 1-99999: If INSTLLEX lt 40 or gt 1000 then goto ERR1_INSTLLEX ELSE goto MORE DK, REF: goto MORE |
6B |
Delete variable |
Where did you purchase this television?
Store instructions: If ENTRY ends with “.com”, “.Com”, “.cOm”, “.coM”, “.COm", “.CoM”, “.cOM”, or “.COM”, then set TVPURCH=1
Skip instructions: 30 characters: if ENTRY ends with “.com”, “.Com”, “.cOm”, “.coM”, “.COm", “.CoM”, “.cOM”, or “.COM”, then goto MORE ELSE goto TVPURCH DK, REF: goto MORE |
Delete variable |
6B |
Delete variable |
Was this purchased online or in-person?
Skip instructions: 1, DK, REF: goto MORE 2: goto TVPURLOC |
Delete variable |
6B |
Delete variable
Where is [fill: TVSTORE] located?
TVSTORE fill instructions: Fill entry from TVSTORE
Skip instructions: 200 characters, DK, REF: goto MORE |
Delete variable |
Section 8B changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
8B |
Reword question to mention “not including this month” (changes in red) |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM rented or leased any furniture?
Skip instructions: 1: goto FURNRNTX 2, DK, REF: goto REPFURN |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, have ^YOU_ANYMEM rented or leased any furniture?
Skip instructions: 1: goto FURNRNTX 2, DK, REF: goto REPFURN |
8B |
What was the total expense?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999: IF FURNRNTX lt 5 or gt 1340 then goto ERR1_FURNRNTX ELSE goto FRNRNTCX DK, RF: goto FRNRNTCX |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month – what was the total expense?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999: IF FURNRNTX lt 5 or gt 1340 then goto ERR1_FURNRNTX ELSE goto REPFURN DK, RF: goto REPFURN |
8B |
Delete variable |
How much of the total amount was spent this month?
Skip instructions: goto REPFURN |
Delete variable. |
8B |
Reword question to mention “not including this month” (changes in red) |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEME had any expenses for repairing, refinishing or reupholstering furniture, including the cost for fabric?
Skip instructions: 1: goto REPFURNX 2, DK, REF: goto S8B_END |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, have ^YOU_ANYMEME had any expenses for repairing, refinishing or reupholstering furniture, including the cost for fabric?
Skip instructions: 1: goto REPFURNX 2, DK, REF: goto S8B_END |
8B |
What was the total expense?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999: IF FURNRNTX lt 5 or gt 1340 then goto ERR1_FURNRNTX ELSE goto FRNRNTCX DK, RF: goto FRNRNTCX |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month - What was the total expense?
Skip instructions: 1-999,999: IF REPFURNX lt 5 or gt 1900 then goto ERR1_REPFURNX ELSE goto S8B_END DK, RF: goto S8B_END |
8B |
Delete variable |
How much of the total amount was spent this month?
Skip instructions: 0-999,999: IF REPFRNCX gt REPFRNX then goto CK_REPFRNCX ELSE goto S8B_END DK, RF: goto S8B_END |
Delete variable. |
Section 9A changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
9A |
Add store instructions for setting AGESEX for layettes |
SCREEN 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any of the following items either for members of your household or for someone outside your household? Read each item on list.
SCREEN 2 ---------------------------------------- Have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any -- Read each item on list.
Store instructions: Set CLOTHYA as follows: If CLA_ITEM = 1, store 100 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 2, store 110 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 3, store 120 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 4, store 130 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 5, store 145 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 6, store 150 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 7, store 170 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 8, store 180 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 9, store 200 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 10, store 210 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 11, store 220 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 12, store 230 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 13, store 240 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 14, store 250 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 15, store 260 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 16, store 280 in CLOTHYA If CLA_ITEM = 17, store 310 in CLOTHYA If CLA_ITEM = 18, store 330 in CLOTHYA If CLA_ITEM = 19, store 370 in CLOTHYA If CLA_ITEM = 20, store 380 in CLOTHYA
Skip instructions: 1-20: IF ITEM ne Item2Shadow then goto CK_ITEM ELSE goto DESCRIPTION 95: Goto next row 99: Goto S9A_END 888: IF no more rows then goto S9A_END ELSE goto ITEM - next row of the table |
SCREEN 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any of the following items either for members of your household or for someone outside your household? Read each item on list.
SCREEN 2 ---------------------------------------- Have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any -- Read each item on list.
Store instructions:
If CLA_ITEM = 1, store 100 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 2, store 110 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 3, store 120 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 4, store 130 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 5, store 145 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 6, store 150 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 7, store 170 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 8, store 180 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 9, store 200 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 10, store 210 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 11, store 220 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 12, store 230 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 13, store 240 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 14, store 250 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 15, store 260 in CLOTHYA. If CLA_ITEM = 16, store 280 in CLOTHYA If CLA_ITEM = 17, store 310 in CLOTHYA If CLA_ITEM = 18, store 330 in CLOTHYA If CLA_ITEM = 19, store 370 in CLOTHYA If CLA_ITEM = 20, store 380 in CLOTHYA
Skip instructions: 1-20: IF ITEM ne Item2Shadow then goto CK_ITEM ELSE goto DESCRIPTION 95: Goto next row 99: Goto S9A_END 888: IF no more rows then goto S9A_END ELSE goto ITEM - next row of the table |
9A |
Was this (were these) purchased for someone inside or outside of your household?
Skip instructions: 1: if CLA_ITEM=1-18 then goto FORWHOM ELSE goto CLOTHMOA 2, 3: if CLA_ITEM=1-18 then goto FOROUTCU ELSE goto CLOTHMOA DK, RF: goto CLOTHMOA |
Was this (were these) purchased for someone inside or outside of your household?
Skip instructions: IF CLA_ITEM = 1-17 then goto AGESEX ELSE goto CLOTHMOA |
9A |
Delete question |
For whom was it purchased?
Skip instructions: IF more than 1 person selected then goto CLONAME ELSE goto CLOTHMOA |
Delete question. |
9A |
Delete/replace with AGESEX |
For whom was this purchased?
Skip instructions: 40-44, 77: goto CLONAME RF: goto CLOTHMOA |
Delete variable/replace with AGESEX |
9A |
AGESEX (new variable) |
New/renamed variable to replace FOROUTCU |
N/A |
Was this (Were these) purchased for …
Store instructions: Set AGESEXn Store AGESEX in AGESEX1 – AGESEX6 as follows: IF entry of 1, store 01 IF entry of 2, store 02 IF entry of 3, store 03 IF entry of 4, store 04 IF entry of 5, store 05 IF entry of 77, store 77 in AGESEX1 IF entry of REF, store 98 in AGESEX1
Skip instructions: goto CLOTHMOA |
9A |
Delete question |
Skip instructions: goto CLOTHMOA |
Delete question |
9A |
Remove July 2016 outlet test changes |
Skip instructions: C: goto COMBCODE EMPTY: If (INTNMBR=4 AND (CLA_ITEM=110 or 120) AND (INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) goto CLASTORE ELSE goto MORE |
Skip instructions: C: goto COMBCODE EMPTY: goto MORE |
9A |
Remove July 2016 outlet test changes |
What other clothing is ^CLODESCA combined with?
Skip instructions: If (INTNMBR=4 AND (CLA_ITEM=110 or 120) AND (INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) goto CLASTORE ELSE goto MORE |
What other clothing is ^CLODESCA combined with?
Skip instructions: goto MORE |
Section 10 changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
10 |
Add fill to question wording for amount picked up in PAYEXPX (changes in red) |
Does the payment include any charges other than the lease amount such as auto insurance or maintenance?
Skip instructions: 1: goto EXTRAEXP 2, DK, REF: goto ANYEMPLY |
Does the ^PAYEXPX_FILL payment include any charges other than the lease amount such as auto insurance or maintenance?
Fill instructions: Fill amount entered in PAYEXPX. If DK or REF entered in PAYEXPX, leave blank.
Skip instructions: 1: goto EXTRAEXP 2, DK, REF: goto ANYEMPLY |
Section 11 changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
11 |
Is it fueled by - Read each item on list.
Special instructions: Answer list options 1-3 should be in bold black. (Answer list option 4 should be regular black)
Skip instructions: 1-3,DK,RF: IF BCeintro.BUSCREEN = 2 goto VEHNEWU ELSE goto VEHBSNS 4: Goto FUELOTH |
Is it fueled by - Read each item on list.
Special instructions: Answer list options 1-5 should be in bold black. (Answer list option 6 should be regular black)
Skip instructions: 1-5,DK,RF: IF BCeintro.BUSCREEN = 2 goto VEHNEWU ELSE goto VEHBSNS 6: Goto FUELOTH |
Section 12C changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
12C |
Update skip instructions for for new VOPELEC question |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month -- What has been ^YR_YRCUS AVERAGE MONTHLY expense for gasoline and other fuels for all vehicles?
Skip instructions: 0,RF: Goto VOPOIL 1-9999: Goto VOPDIES DK: Goto VOPDIES |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month -- What has been ^YR_YRCUS AVERAGE MONTHLY expense for gasoline and other fuels for all vehicles?
Skip instructions: 0,RF: IF there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=3 or 4 goto VOPELEC ELSE goto Goto VOPOIL 1-9999: Goto VOPDIES DK: Goto VOPDIES |
12C |
Was any of this expense for diesel fuel?
Skip instructions: 1: goto VOPDIESX 2, DK, RF If BCEINTRO.BUSCREEN=2 AND (INTNMBR=4 AND INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) goto GASLOC ELSEIF BCEINTRO.BUSCREEN=2 goto VOPOIL ELSE goto VOPBSNS |
Was any of this expense for diesel fuel?
Skip instructions: 1: goto VOPDIESX 2, DK, RF: IF there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=5 goto VOPETH ELSEIF (there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=3 or 4 AND BUSCREEN=2) goto VOPELEC ELSEIF BCEINTRO.BUSCREEN=2 goto VOPOIL ELSE goto VOPBSNS |
12C |
How much?
How much?
Skip instructions: 1-9999: IF (VOPDIESX lt 5 or gt 400) then goto ERR1_VOPDIESX ELSEIF (VOPDIESX gt VOPGASX) then goto CK_VOPDIESX IF there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=5 goto VOPETH ELSEIF (there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=3 or 4 AND BUSCREEN=2) goto VOPELEC ELSEIF BCEINTRO.BUSCREEN=2 then goto VOPOIL ELSE goto VOPBSNS DK, RF: IF there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=5 goto VOPETH ELSEIF (there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=3 or 4 AND BUSCREEN=2) goto VOPELEC ELSEIF BCEINTRO.BUSCREEN=2 then goto VOPOIL ELSE goto VOPBSNS |
12C |
New question asked if the household has any vehicles with FUELTYPE=5 |
N/A |
Was any of this expense for the purchase of E85? 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: 1: goto VOPETHX 2, DK, REF: IF (there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=3 or 4 AND BUSCREEN=2) goto VOPELEC ELSEIF BUSCREEN = 2 goto VOPOIL ELSE goto VOPBSNS |
12C |
New question asked if the response to new question VOPETH is yes |
n/a |
How much?
Skip instructions: IF (there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=3 or 4 AND BUSCREEN=2) goto VOPELEC ELSEIF BUSCREEN = 2 goto VOPOIL ELSE goto VOPBSNS |
12C |
Was any of the AVERAGE MONTHLY cost counted as a business expense?
Skip instructions: 1: goto VOPBSPER 2, DK, REF: IF (INTNMBR=4 AND INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) goto GASLOC ELSE goto VOPOIL |
Was any of the AVERAGE MONTHLY cost counted as a business expense?
Skip instructions: 1: goto VOPBSPER 2, DK, REF: IF (there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=3 or 4 AND BUSCREEN=2) goto VOPELEC ELSE goto VOPOIL |
12C |
What percentage of the AVERAGE MONTHLY COST was counted as a business expense?
Skip instructions: 1-99, DK, RF: IF (INTNMBR=4 AND INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) goto GASLOC ELSE goto VOPOIL 100: goto ERR2_VOPBSPER |
What percentage of the AVERAGE MONTHLY COST was counted as a business expense?
Skip instructions: 1-99, DK, RF: IF (there is an inventoried vehicle or a vehicle picked up in the current interview with FUELTYPE=3 or 4 AND BUSCREEN=2) goto VOPELEC ELSE goto VOPOIL 100: goto ERR2_VOPBSPER |
12C |
New question on whether CU paid for any electric vehicle charging if CU has any vehicles (inventoried or picked up in the current interview) with FUELTYPE=3 or 4 |
N/A |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month – Have ^YOU_ANYMEM paid for electric vehicle charging away from home?
Special instructions: If VOPGASX is 1-9999 or DK then bold black the first line "Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month --" Else gray out the line.
Skip instructions: 1: goto VOPELECX 2, DK, REF: goto VOPOIL |
12C |
New question asked if response to VOPELEC is yes |
N/A |
How much?
Skip instructions: IF BUSCREEN = 2 goto VOPOIL ELSE goto VOPELBS |
12C |
New follow-up question if response to VOPELEC is yes and BUSCREEN does not equal 2 |
N/A |
Was any of this amount counted as a business expense?
Skip instructions: 1: Goto VOPELBPR 2,DK,RF: Goto VOPOIL |
12C |
New question asked if response to VOPELBS is yes |
N/A |
What percentage of [fill: VOPELECX] was counted as a business expense?
Skip instructions: 1-99,DK,RF: Goto VOPOIL 100: Goto ERR2_VOPELPR |
12C |
Delete variable |
From ^REF_MONTH through ^LAST_MONTH, where did ^YOU_YRCU ^Qtypefill purchase gas?
Qtypefill instructions: If QTYPE2=1, fill “last” If QTYPE2=2, fill “most frequently”
Skip instructions: 200 characters, DK, REF: goto VOPOIL |
Delete variable |
12C |
Update special instructions due to new VOPELEC question(s) coming in between VOPGASX and VOPOIL |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month -- Have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any oil for operating vehicles?
Special instructions: If VOPGASX is 1-9999 or DK then bold black the first line "Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month --" Else gray out the line.
Skip instructions: 1: Goto VOPOILX 2,DK,RF: Goto VOPFLUID |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month -- Have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any oil for operating vehicles?
Special instructions: If [VOPGASX is 1-9999 or DK] OR [VOPELEC=2, DK, or REF] then bold black the first line "Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month --" Else gray out the line.
Skip instructions: 1: Goto VOPOILX 2,DK,RF: Goto VOPFLUID |
Section 13 changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
(Current) Section 13 |
Sections 13A, 13B |
Move/re-number the ‘Insurance other than Health’ section to Section 15 (including global prechart, products file, and help file) |
Section 13 – Insurance Other than Health S13 – Non-Health Insurance |
Section 15 – Insurance Other than Health S15 – Non-Health Insurance |
Previously section 13A now section 15A changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
Previously section 13A now section 15A |
Remove instruction for long term care (moved to health insurance) |
Store Instructions: Prefill with Type of insurance: IF POLICYYB = 100 then prefill 'Life/disability' IF POLICYYB = 110 then prefill 'Long term care' IF POLICYYB = 200 then prefill 'Auto/vehicle' IF POLICYYB = 300 then prefill 'Homeowners' ' IF POLICYYB = 400 then prefill 'Renters' ' IF POLICYYB = 500 then prefill 'Other' |
Store Instructions: Prefill with Type of insurance: IF POLICYYB = 100 then prefill 'Life/disability' IF POLICYYB = 200 then prefill 'Auto/vehicle' IF POLICYYB = 300 then prefill 'Homeowners' ' IF POLICYYB = 400 then prefill 'Renters' ' IF POLICYYB = 500 then prefill 'Other' |
Previously section 13A now section 15A |
Remove instruction for long term care (moved to health insurance) |
Do ^YOU_ANYMEM still have or make payments for the ^PLCYSTIL insurance policy from ^8500INSCOMP?
PLCYSTIL Fill instructions: IF 8500.POLICYYB = 110, fill "long term care" IF 8500.POLICYYB = 100, fill "life or disability" IF 8500.POLICYYB = 200, fill "auto" IF 8500.POLICYYB = 300, fill "homeowners'" IF 8500.POLICYYB = 400, fill "renters'" IF 8500.POLICYYB = 500, fill "other type of non-health"
Skip Instructions: IF 8500.PREMYOU = 2 then goto S13A_END ELSE goto INSEX3A |
Do ^YOU_ANYMEM still have or make payments for the ^PLCYSTIL insurance policy from ^8500INSCOMP?
PLCYSTIL Fill instructions: IF 8500.POLICYYB = 100, fill "life or disability" IF 8500.POLICYYB = 200, fill "auto" IF 8500.POLICYYB = 300, fill "homeowners'" IF 8500.POLICYYB = 400, fill "renters'" IF 8500.POLICYYB = 500, fill "other type of non-health"
Skip Instructions: IF 8500.PREMYOU = 2 then goto S13A_END ELSE goto INSEX3A |
Previously section 13A now section 15A |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH have you had any expenses for this policy?
Skip instructions: 1: goto INSEX3AX 2, DK, RF: goto S13A_END |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, have you had any expenses for this policy?
Skip instructions: 1: IF 8500.INSRPMPD=1-9 then goto INSLSTTM ELSE goto INSRPMPA 2, DK, RF: goto S13A_END |
Previously section 13A now section 15A |
New variable to confirm previous frequency for premium payments |
N/A |
Last time, I recorded that payments are made ^INS_PERIODICITY. Is this still correct?
Fill instructions: (same fill pattern as for PERIODICITY in the health insurance inventory section) IF 8500.INSRPMPD=1 fill “once a week” ELSEIF 8500.INSRPMPD=2, fill “once every 2 weeks” ELSEIF 8500.INSRPMPD=3, fill “twice a month” ELSEIF 8500.INSRPMPD=4, fill “once a month” ELSEIF 8500.INSRPMPD=5, fill “every 2 months” ELSEIF 8500.INSRPMPD=6, fill “every 3 months” ELSEIF 8500.INSRPMPD=7, fill “every 4 months” ELSEIF 8500.INSRPMPD=8, fill “every 6 months” ELSEIF 8500.INSRPMPD=9, fill “once a year”
Skip instructions: 1: goto INSREGXA 2, DK, REF: goto INSRPMPA |
Previously section 13A now section 15A |
New variable to pick up frequency for premium payments |
N/A |
How often are payments made ^INSanypd_fill?
Fill instructions: IF 8500.PAYDEDPR=1 fill “including payroll deductions” ELSE leave blank.
Skip instructions: 1-9: goto INSREGXA 10, DK, RF: goto INSEX3AX |
Previously section 13A now section 15A |
New variable to pick up rate payment amount |
N/A |
What is the amount currently paid ^INS_PERIODICITY2?
Fill instructions: IF (INSLSTTM=1 and 8500.INSRPMPD=1) OR INSRPMPA=1, fill “once a week” ELSEIF (INSLSTTM=1 and 8500.INSRPMPD=2) OR INSRPMPA=2, fill “once every 2 weeks” ELSEIF (INSLSTTM=1 and 8500.INSRPMPD=3) OR INSRPMPA=3, fill “twice a month” ELSEIF (INSLSTTM=1 and 8500.INSRPMPD=4) OR INSRPMPA=4, fill “once a month” ELSEIF (INSLSTTM=1 and 8500.INSRPMPD=5) OR INSRPMPA=5, fill “every 2 months” ELSEIF (INSLSTTM=1 and 8500.INSRPMPD=6) OR INSRPMPA=6, fill “every 3 months” ELSEIF (INSLSTTM=1 and 8500.INSRPMPD=7) OR INSRPMPA=7, fill “every 4 months” ELSEIF (INSLSTTM=1 and 8500.INSRPMPD=8) OR INSRPMPA=8, fill “every 6 months” ELSEIF (INSLSTTM=1 and 8500.INSRPMPD=1) OR INSRPMPA=1, fill “once a year”
Skip instructions: goto S13A_END |
Previously section 13A now section 15A |
How much was paid?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999: IF (8500.POLICYYB=110 and INSEX3AX gt 628) OR (8500.POLICYYB=100 and INSEX3AX gt 628) OR (8500.POLICYYB=200 and INSEX3AX gt 1050) OR (8500.POLICYYB=300 and INSEX3AX gt 1000) OR (8500.POLICYYB=400 and INSEX3AX gt 300) OR (8500.POLICYYB=500 and INSEX3AX gt 825) then goto ERR1_INSEX3AX ELSE goto INSEXXA DK, RF: goto S13A_END |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, how much was paid?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999: IF (8500.POLICYYB=100 and INSEX3AX gt 750) OR (8500.POLICYYB=200 and INSEX3AX gt 1100) OR (8500.POLICYYB=300 and INSEX3AX gt 1000) OR (8500.POLICYYB=400 and INSEX3AX gt 340) OR (8500.POLICYYB=500 and INSEX3AX gt 936) then goto ERR1_INSEX3AX ELSE goto S13A_END DK, RF: goto S13A_END |
Previously section 13A now section 15A |
How much was paid this month?
Skip instructions: 0-99,999: IF (8500.POLICYYB=110 and INSEXXA gt 300) OR (8500.POLICYYB=100 and INSEXXA gt 300) OR (8500.POLICYYB=200 and INSEXXA gt 670) OR (8500.POLICYYB=300 and INSEXXA gt 688) OR (8500.POLICYYB=400 and INSEXXA gt 186) OR (8500.POLICYYB=500 and INSEXXA gt 600) then goto ERR1_INSEXXA ELSEIF INSEXXA gt INSEX3AX then goto CK_INSEXXA ELSE goto S13A_END DK, RF: goto S13A_END |
Delete variable. |
Previously section 13B now section 15B changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
Previously section 13B now section 15B |
INB_ITEM_FILL Instructions: IF INTNMBR = 1, fill "Do ^YOU_ANYMEM have any or pay for any -" ELSE fill "Since the first of ^REF_MONTH have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased or begun paying for any"
Store Instructions: 1. Set up POLICYYB as follows: If ITEM = 1, store 110 in POLICYYB If ITEM = 2, store 100 in POLICYYB If ITEM = 3, store 300 in POLICYYB If ITEM = 4, store 400 in POLICYYB If ITEM = 5, store 200 in POLICYYB If ITEM = 6, store 500 in POLICYYB
Special Instructions: 2. Pre-fill the PREFIL and INSDESC fields (Gray the PREFIL field) If ITEM = 1, prefill "Long term care" If ITEM = 2, prefill "Life" If ITEM = 3, prefill "Homeowners'" If ITEM = 4, prefill "Renters" If ITEM = 5, prefill "Automobile" If ITEM = 6, prefill "Other non-health insurance"
Skip Instructions: 1-6: IF ITEM ne Item2Shadow then goto CK_ITEM ELSE goto INSCOMP 99: Goto S13B_END 888: IF no more rows in the table then goto S13B_END ELSE goto ITEM - next row of the table |
INB_ITEM_FILL Instructions: IF INTNMBR = 1 or new CU, fill "Do ^YOU_ANYMEM have any or pay for any -" ELSE fill "Since the first of ^REF_MONTH have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased or begun paying for any"
Store Instructions: 1. Set up POLICYYB as follows: If ITEM = 1, store 100 in POLICYYB If ITEM = 2, store 300 in POLICYYB If ITEM = 3, store 400 in POLICYYB If ITEM = 4, store 200 in POLICYYB If ITEM = 5, store 500 in POLICYYB
Special Instructions: 2. Pre-fill the PREFIL and INSDESC fields (Gray the PREFIL field) If ITEM = 1, prefill "Life" If ITEM = 2, prefill "Homeowners'" If ITEM = 3, prefill "Renters" If ITEM = 4, prefill "Automobile" If ITEM = 5, prefill "Other non-health insurance"
Skip Instructions: 1-5: IF ITEM ne Item2Shadow then goto CK_ITEM ELSE goto INSCOMP 99: Goto S13B_END 888: IF no more rows in the table then goto S13B_END ELSE goto ITEM - next row of the table |
Previously section 13B now section 15B |
Update ITEM number in skip instructions (due to deleting/moving long term care insurance) |
Briefly describe the policy.
Skip Instructions: IF ITEM = 3 then goto INSPROP ELSE goto PREMYOU |
Briefly describe the policy.
Skip Instructions: IF ITEM = 2 then goto INSPROP ELSE goto PREMYOU |
Previously section 13B now section 15B |
Are any premiums paid through payroll deductions?
Skip instructions: goto INSEXPBX |
Are any premiums paid through payroll deductions?
Skip instructions: goto INSRPMPD |
Previously section 13B now section 15B |
N/A |
How often are payments made ^paydeduct
Fill instructions: IF PAYDEDPR = 1 then fill “including payroll deductions?” ELSE fill “?”
Skip instructions: 1-9: goto INSRPMXB 10: goto INSEXPBX |
Previously section 13B now section 15B |
N/A |
What is the amount currently paid ^insrpmpd ^paydeduct
iNSRPMPD fill instructions: IF INSRPMPD=1 fill “once a week” ELSEIF INSRPMPD=2 fill ”once every 2 weeks” ELSEIF INSRPMPD=3 fill ”twice a month” ELSEIF INSRPMPD=4 fill ”once a month” ELSEIF INSRPMPD=5 fill ”once every 2 months” ELSEIF INSRPMPD=6 fill ”once every 3 months” ELSEIF INSRPMPD=7 fill ”once every 4 months” ELSEIF INSRPMPD=8 fill ”once every 6 months” ELSEIF INSRPMPD=8 fill ”once a year”
Paydeduct fill instructions: IF PAYDEDPR = 1 then fill “including payroll deductions?” ELSE fill “?”
Skip instructions: goto C |
Previously section 13B now section 15B |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, what was ^YR_YRCUS total expense for this insurance policy?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999: IF (ITEM=1 and INSEXPBX gt 750) OR (ITEM=2 and INSEXPBX gt 750) OR (ITEM=3 and INSEXPBX gt 1000) OR (ITEM=4 and INSEXPBX gt 340) OR (ITEM=5 and INSEXPBX gt 1100) OR (ITEM=6 and INSEXPBX gt 936) then goto ERR1_INSEXPBX ELSE goto INSEXXB 0, DK, RF: goto C |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month, what was ^YR_YRCUS total expense for this insurance policy?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999: : IF (ITEM=1 and INSEXPBX gt 750) OR (ITEM=2 and INSEXPBX gt 1000) OR (ITEM=3 and INSEXPBX gt 340) OR (ITEM=4 and INSEXPBX gt 1100) OR (ITEM=5 and INSEXPBX gt 936) then goto ERR1_INSEXPBX ELSE goto C DK, RF: goto C |
Previously section 13B now section 15B |
Delete variable. |
How much was paid this month?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999: IF (ITEM=1 and INSEXXB gt 300) OR (ITEM=2 and INSEXXB gt 300) OR (ITEM=3 and INSEXXB =1-8 or gt 677) OR (ITEM=4 and INSEXXB =1-5 or gt 267) OR (ITEM=5 and INSEXXB =1-17 or gt 663) OR (ITEM=6 and INSEXXB =1-5 or gt 799) then goto ERR1_INSEXXB ELSEIF INSEXXB gt INSEXPBX then goto CK_INSEXXB ELSE goto C 0, DK, RF: goto C |
Delete variable. |
Previously section 13B now section 15B |
S13CMB |
Delete/move long term care and make other associated updates |
What other type of policy is the ^CombCode_Fill combined with?
CombCode_Fill Instructions: If ITEM = 1, fill " long term care insurance" If ITEM = 2, fill "life or disability insurance" If ITEM = 3, fill "homeowners' insurance" If ITEM = 4, fill "renters' insurance" If ITEM = 5, fill "vehicle insurance" If ITEM = 6, fill "other type of non-health insurance"
Store Instructions: For each item selected in COMBCODE, store the appropriate item code in INSCMB1- INSCMB7. (The first entry in S13CMB should be recoded and stored in INSCMB1, the 2nd entry in INSCMB, etc.) Recode as follows: If COMBCODE = 1, store 110 If COMBCODE = 2, store 100 If COMBCODE = 3, store 300 If COMBCODE = 4, store 400 If COMBCODE = 5, store 200 If COMBCODE = 6, store 500 If COMBCODE = 77, store 900.
Skip Instructions: IF 3 is selected then goto COMBPROP ELSE goto MORE |
What other type of policy is the ^CombCode_Fill combined with?
CombCode_Fill Instructions: If ITEM = 1, fill "life or disability insurance" If ITEM = 2, fill "homeowners' insurance" If ITEM = 3, fill "renters' insurance" If ITEM = 4, fill "vehicle insurance" If ITEM = 5, fill "other type of non-health insurance"
Store Instructions: For each item selected in COMBCODE, store the appropriate item code in INSCMB1- INSCMB6. (The first entry in S13CMB should be recoded and stored in INSCMB1, the 2nd entry in INSCMB, etc.) Recode as follows: If COMBCODE = 1, store 100 If COMBCODE = 2, store 300 If COMBCODE = 3, store 400 If COMBCODE = 4, store 200 If COMBCODE = 5, store 500 If COMBCODE = 77, store 900.
Skip Instructions: IF 2 is selected then goto COMBPROP ELSE goto MORE |
Previously section 13B now section 15B |
Update EX_MORE_FILL instructions to include new CU with INTNMBR=1 wording |
EX_MORE_FILL Instructions: IF INTNMBR = 1 fill: "Do ^You_Anymem have any or make payments for any other ^inbdescription policy?” ELSE fill: "Did ^you_Anymem purchase or begin paying for any other ^inbdescription policy?”
Skip Instructions: 1: IF Row number = 100 then goto ERR_MAX ELSE goto ITEM, next row of the table 2,DK,RF: IF Row number = 100 then goto S13B_END ELSE goto ITEM, next row of the table |
EX_MORE_FILL Instructions: IF INTNMBR = 1 or new CU fill: "Do ^You_Anymem have any or make payments for any other ^inbdescription policy?” ELSE fill: "Did ^you_Anymem purchase or begin paying for any other ^inbdescription policy?”
Skip Instructions: 1: IF Row number = 100 then goto ERR_MAX ELSE goto ITEM, next row of the table 2,DK,RF: IF Row number = 100 then goto S13B_END ELSE goto ITEM, next row of the table |
Section 14 changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
(Current) Section 14/ New section 13 |
Sections 14A, 14B, 14C |
Move/re-number the ‘Health Insurance’ section to Section 13 (including global prechart, products file, and help file) |
Section 14 – Health Insurance S14 – Health Insurance |
Section 13 – Health Insurance S13 – Health Insurance |
New Health Insurance Section Intro
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Detail/Description |
201704 Wording/Specification |
New section intro language |
The next questions are about health insurance. Include health insurance obtained through employment or purchased directly as well as government programs like Medicare and Medicaid that provide Medical care or help pay medical bills. Skip instructions: IF there are any inventory records goto the appropriate inventory block:
ELSE goto screener block for new policies/coverage (detailed section) |
New Health Insurance Section Inventory Part(s)
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Detail/Description (Inventory) |
201704 Wording/Specification (Inventory) |
Medicare inventory block |
Goto first person with an inventory record of 8500. MEDICARE=1 |
Question asking whether inventoried person still has Medicare
[fill: Is ^Name/Are you] still enrolled in Medicare?
Skip instructions: 1: goto MCCHOICA 2, DK, REF: goto MDCRSTLL for next person with 8500.MEDICARE=1 ELSEIF there are no more members with 8500.MEDICARE=1 goto end of Medicare inventory block |
Question on whether inventoried person has/still has a Medicare Advantage plan |
[fill: Medicare Advantage is the new name for Medicare Plus Choice plans.] [fill: Are you/Is ^NAME] ^still enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan? * Enter ‘YES’ if the member changed to a different Medicare Advantage plan.
Fill instructions: If 8500.MCCHOICE=1 leave blank else fill “Medicare Advantage is the new name for Medicare Plus Choice plans.”] If 8500.MCCHOICE=1 fill “still” else leave blank If 8500.MCCHOICE=1 fill “* Enter ‘YES’ if the member changed to a different Medicare Advantage plan.”
Skip instructions: 1: goto MCPREMA 2, DK, REF: goto MCCHMOPLA |
Question on whether inventoried person has/still has a Medicare HMO plan |
[fill: Are you/Is ^NAME] ^still under a Medicare managed care arrangement, such as an HMO, that is, a Health Maintenance Organization? (With an HMO, you must generally receive care from HMO doctors, otherwise the expense is not covered unless you were referred by the HMO or there was a medical emergency.) * Enter ‘YES’ if the member changed to a different Medicare HMO plan.
Fill instructions: If 8500. MCHMOPLN =1 fill “still” else leave blank If 8500. MCHMOPLN =1 fill “* Enter ‘YES’ if the member changed to a different Medicare HMO plan.”
Question on whether inventoried person pays/still pays a premium for Medicare Advantage/Medicare HMO plan
Besides [fill: your/NAME’s] Medicare Part B payment, [fill: are you/is NAME] ^still paying a premium for [fill: your/his/her] [fill: Medicare Advantage/Medicare HMO] plan?
Fill instructions: If 8500.MCPREM=1 fill “still” else leave blank If MCCHOICA=1 fill “Medicare Advantage” else fill “Medicare HMO”
Skip instructions: 1: goto MCPRPTCA 2, DK, REF: goto MCPARTDA |
Question to pick up premium amount
What is [fill: your/NAME’s] monthly premium for [fill: your/his/her] [fill: Medicare Advantage/Medicare HMO] plan?
Fill instructions: If MCCHOICA=1 fill “Medicare Advantage” else fill “Medicare HMO”
Skip instructions: goto MCPARTDA |
Question on whether inventoried person has/still has Medicare Part D
[fill: Are you/Is ^NAME] ^still enrolled in Medicare Part D, also known as the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan? * Enter ‘YES’ if the member changed to a different Medicare Part D plan.
Fill instructions: If 8500.MCPARTD=1 fill “still” else leave blank
Skip instructions: 1: goto MCPRPTDA 2, DK, REF: goto MDCRSTLL for the next person with 8500.MEDICARE=1 ELSE goto end of Medicare inventory block |
Question to pick up premium for Medicare Part D
What is [fill: your/NAME’s] monthly premium for [fill: your/his/her] Medicare Part D prescription drug plan?
Skip instructions: goto MDCRSTLL for the next person with 8500.MEDICARE=1 ELSE goto end of Medicare inventory block |
End of inventory block for Medicare |
Skip instructions: IF there are 8500.MEDICAID=1 OR 8500.CHIP=1 OR 8500.IHS=1 goto Medicaid/CHIP/IHS inventory block ELSE If there are any inventory records of single service plans or private plans goto their inventory block ELSE if there are any inventory records of military health care goto its inventory block ELSE goto screener block for new coverage |
Medicaid/CHIP/IHS inventory block |
Skip instructions: IF 8500.MEDICAID=1 goto MDCDSTLL ELSEIF 8500.CHIP=1 goto CHIPSTLL ELSEIF 8500.IHS=1 goto IHSSTLL ELSE goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Question on whether household still has Medicaid |
Are/Is ^YOU_YRCU still covered by Medicaid^MDCDSTfill?
Skip instructions: 1: goto MEDPREMA 2, DK, REF: IF 8500.CHIP=1 goto CHIPSTLL ELSEIF 8500.IHS=1 goto IHSSTLL ELSE goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Question on whether household pays/still pays a premium for Medicaid (apparently some states charge small fees for Medicaid) |
[fill: A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pays each month for healthcare coverage.] Do ^YOU_ANYMEM ^still pay a premium for your Medicaid plan?
Fill instructions: If 8500.MEDPREM=1 leave blank else fill “A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pays each month for healthcare coverage.” If 8500.MEDPREM=1 fill “still” else leave blank
Skip instructions: 1: goto MDCDPRXA 2, DK, REF: IF 8500.CHIP=1 goto CHIPSTLL ELSEIF 8500.IHS=1 goto IHSSTLL ELSE goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Question to pick up monthly premium if household is charged a fee for their Medicaid |
What is the monthly premium for this Medicaid plan?
Skip instructions: IF 8500.CHIP=1 goto CHIPSTLL ELSEIF 8500.IHS=1 goto IHSSTLL ELSE goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Are/Is ^YOU_YRCU still covered by the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)^ST_CHIP?
Skip instructions: 1: goto CHIPRMA 2, DK, REF: IF 8500.IHS=1 goto IHSSTLL ELSE goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Question on whether household pays/still pays a premium for CHIP coverage
[fill: A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pays each month for healthcare coverage.] Do ^YOU_ANYMEM ^still pay a premium for your CHIP^ST_CHIP plan?
Fill instructions: If 8500. STRFPRM1=1 leave blank else fill “A health insurance premiums is the amount you or a family member pays each month for healthcare coverage.” If 8500. STRFPRM1=1 fill “still” else leave blank
Skip instructions: 1: goto MDCDPRMA 2, DK, REF: IF 8500.IHS=1 goto IHSSTLL ELSE goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Question to pick up premium for CHIP |
What is the monthly premium for this CHIP^ST_CHIP plan?
Skip instructions: IF 8500.IHS=1 goto IHSSTLL ELSE goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Question on whether household is still covered by IHS |
Are/Is ^YOU_YRCU still covered by the Indian Health Service (IHS)?
Skip instructions: goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
End of Medicaid, CHIP, and IHS block |
Skip instructions: IF there are any inventory records of single service plans or private plans goto their inventory block ELSEIF there are any inventory records of military health care goto the military inventory block ELSE goto screener block for new coverage |
Single service/private insurance inventory block |
Skip instructions: Goto HHISTILL for first policy on inventory |
Same as in current 14A |
^DoDoes_C ^YOU_YRCU still have your [fill:^SSTYPE2/^PLNMGD] policy from ^8500HINSCMP?
Skip instructions: IF 8500.HHIPRYOU=2 goto end of single service/private insurance inventory block ELSE goto HHIANYPD |
Same as in current 14A |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM made any payments on this policy ^HHIANYPD_FILL?
Fill instructions: If 8500.HHIPRDED=1, fill “including payroll deductions” ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: IF 8500.HHIRPMPD=1-9 then goto HHILSTTM ELSE goto HHIRPMPA |
Same as in current 14A |
Last time, I recorded that payments are made ^PERIODICITY. Is this still correct?
Skip instructions: 1: goto HHIREGXA 2, DK, REF: goto HHIRPMPA |
Same as in current 14A |
How often are payments made ^HHIANYPD_FILL?
Skip instructions: 1-9: goto HHIREGXA 10, DK, REF: goto HHIPDAMT |
Same as in current 14A |
What is the amount currently paid ^PERIODICITY2?
Skip instructions: Goto end of single service/private insurance inventory block |
Same as in current 14A |
How much was paid since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month?
Skip instructions: Goto end of single service/private insurance inventory block |
End of single service/private insurance inventory block |
Goto next policy on inventory ELSEIF there are no more policies on inventory:
Military inventory block |
Skip instructions: IF 8500.MILOTHR=1 goto MILOTSTL ELSEIF 8500.VACHAMP=1 goto MILVASTL ELSEIF 8500.TRICARE goto TRICRSTL ELSE goto end of military inventory block |
Question asking whether household is still covered by other type of military health care specified in MILSPCOT |
Are/Is ^YOU_YRCU still covered by [fill: MILSPCOT]?
Skip instructions: ELSEIF 8500.VACHAMP=1 goto MILVASTL ELSEIF 8500.TRICARE goto TRICRSTL ELSE goto end of military inventory block |
Question on whether household is still covered by VA, CHAMPVA, or both |
Are/Is ^YOU_YRCU still covered by [fill: VA/CHAMP-VA/VA or CHAMPVA]?
Skip instructions: ELSEIF 8500.TRICARE goto TRICRSTL ELSE goto end of military inventory block |
Question on whether household is still covered by Tricare |
Are/Is ^YOU_YRCU still covered by fill: Tricare?
Skip instructions: 1: goto TRIANYPD 2, DK, REF: goto end of military inventory block |
Question on whether household has made any payments for Tricare (similar to current HHIANYPD in 14A) |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM made any payments for Tricare including any payroll deductions?
Skip instructions: IF 8500.TRIRPMPD=1-9 then goto TRILSTTM ELSE goto TRIRPMPA |
Question on whether payment periodicity is still the same as last recorded (similar to current HHILSTTM in 14A) |
Last time, I recorded that payments are made ^PERIODICITY. Is this still correct?
Skip instructions: 1: goto TRIREGXA 2, DK, REF: goto TRIRPMPA |
Question on what is the current payment periodicity (same as current HHIRPMPA) |
How often are payments made including any payroll deductions?
Skip instructions: 1-9: goto TRIREGXA 10, DK, REF: goto TRIPDAMT |
Question on amount paid per periodicity (similar to current HHIREGXA) |
What is the amount currently paid ^PERIODICITY2?
Skip instructions: goto end of military inventory block |
Question on amount paid in reference period (since ‘other’, DK, or REF selected in periodicity) – same as current HHIPDAMT |
How much was paid since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including this month?
Skip instructions: goto end of military inventory block |
End of military inventory block |
Skip instructions: Go to beginning of detailed part (screening) |
New Health Insurance Section Detailed Part(s) - Screening
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Detail/Description (Detailed) |
201704 Wording/Specification (Detailed Part) |
New screener question for the beginning of this screener section.
If yes/DK/REF, go to HIKIND.
If No, goto the Medicare probe if someone in HH is of Medicare age and there are no inventory records for Medicare. Otherwise, goto Medicaid probe if there are no inventory records for any type of health insurance coverage. Otherwise, go to end of this detailed block (i.e., end of section). |
Fill instructions: If there are any existing inventory records, fill “Other than the health care coverage we have already reviewed, are ^YOU_ANYMEM covered by any additional kinds of health insurance or health care plans? Include policies paid for someone outside your household.” ELSE fill “Are ^YOU_ANYMEM covered by any kind of health insurance or some other kind of health care plan? Include policies paid for someone outside your household.”
Skip instructions: 1, DK, REF: goto HIKIND 2: IF (AGE ge 65 for at least 1 HH member AND there are no inventory records for Medicare) goto MCAREPRB ELSEIF there are no inventory records for health insurance of any type goto MCAIDPRB ELSE goto end of screener block |
New select all that apply screener questions that will determine which types of health insurance to ask about.
Note that #3 (Medicare supplemental insurance) cannot be selected without #2 (Medicare) unless there is an inventory record for at least one HH member for Medicare.
If Medicare (#2) is not selected and there aren’t any inventory records for any HH members for Medicare and there is at least one HH member of Medicare age (65 or older), then the next question will be the Medicare probe.
If the rules for the Medicare probe do not apply and no options are selected in 1-8 (i.e., either 9 is selected or DK/REF entered) and there are no inventory records of any type of health insurance coverage, then the instrument will next goto the Medicaid probe.
If the rules for the Medicare or Medicaid probes do not apply and there are selections made in 1-8 that do not include #8 (single service plan), then goto single service probe next.
Otherwise, goto end of screener block |
What ^other kind of health insurance or health care coverage ^DoDoes ^YOU_YRCU have or pay for? INCLUDE those that pay for only one type of service (nursing home care, vision care, or dental care). EXCLUDE private plans that only provide extra cash while hospitalized.
Fill instructions:
Skip instructions: DK, REF: IF (AGE ge 65 for at least 1 HH member AND there are no inventory records for Medicare) goto MCAREPRB ELSEIF there are no inventory records of any kind goto MCAIDPRB ELSE goto end of screener block
1-8: IF (3 selected without 2 AND there are no inventory records for Medicare) goto ERROR CHECK ELSEIF (AGE ge 65 for at least 1 HH member AND HIKIND ne 2 AND there are no inventory records for Medicare) goto MCAREPRB ELSEIF (8 not selected AND there are no inventory records for single service plans) goto SINCOV ELSE goto end of screener block
9: if HIKIND=1-8 goto ERR_HIKIND ELSEIF (AGE ge 65 for at least 1 HH member AND HIKIND ne 2 AND there are no inventory records for Medicare) goto MCAREPRB ELSEIF there are no inventory records of any kind goto MCAIDPRB ELSE goto end of screener block |
New screener question for Medicare asked if all of the following are true:
[fill:Are you/Is anyone in this household] covered by Medicare?
Skip instructions: IF (HIKIND=9, DK, or REF) AND there are no inventory records of any type goto MCAIDPRB ELSEIF HIKIND ne 8 AND there are no inventory records for single service plans, goto SINCOV ELSE goto end of screener block |
New screener probe question asked if there are no inventory records for Medicaid and one of the following is true:
There is a program called Medicaid that pays for health care for persons in need. In this state it is also called ^MDCDSTfill. [fill:Are you/Is anyone in this household] covered by Medicaid?
Skip instructions: IF there are no inventory records for single service plans goto SINCOV ELSE goto end of screener block |
New screener probe question if there are no inventory single service records and |
[fill: Do you/Does anyone in your household] have or pay for a separate insurance plan that pays for only one type of service such as dental, vision, or long-term care?
Skip instructions: Goto end of screener block |
End of screener block |
IF 2 selected in HIKIND OR MCAREPRB=1 goto Medicare block ELSEIF 4, 5, OR 7 selected in HIKIND OR MCAIDPRB=1 goto Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block ELSEIF 8 selected in HIKIND OR SINCOV=1 then goto single service block ELSEIF 1 OR 3 selected in HIKIND goto private insurance block ELSEIF 6 selected in HIKIND goto military health care block ELSE goto end of section |
New Health Insurance Section Detailed Part(s) - Medicare
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Detail/Description (Detailed Part) |
201704 Wording/Specification (Detailed Part) |
New question to pick up each person in the household covered by Medicare. First questions in a member-level grid similar to that for school meals. |
Who ^else is enrolled in Medicare?
Fill instructions: If there exists a Medicare inventory record for at least one HH member fill “else” else leave blank Do not list HH members for which there already exists a Medicare inventory record
Skip instructions: goto MCCHOICE for first person selected |
New question on whether the person covered by Medicare has a Medicare Advantage plan (also known as Part C – see here on Wikipedia) |
Medicare Advantage is the new name for Medicare Plus Choice plans. [fill: Are you/Is [fill: NAME]] enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan?
Skip instructions: 1: goto MCPREM 2, DK, REF: goto MCHMOPLN |
New question on whether the person covered by Medicare has a Medicare HMO plan (also Part C like “Medicare Advantage” – see here on Medicare website) |
[fill: Are you/Is [fill: NAME]] under a Medicare managed care arrangement, such as an HMO, that is, a Health Maintenance Organization? (With an HMO, you must generally receive care from HMO doctors, otherwise the expense is not covered unless you were referred by the HMO or there was a medical emergency.)
Skip instructions: 1: goto MCPREM 2, DK, REF: goto MCPARTD |
New question on whether they pay an additional premium for their Medicare Advantage/HMO (Part C) coverage. They may/may not depending on the plan. |
Besides [fill: your/NAME’s] Medicare Part B payment, [fill: are you/is NAME] paying a premium for [fill: your/his/her] [fill: Medicare Advantage/Medicare HMO] plan?
Skip instructions: 1: goto MCPRPTCX 2, DK, RF: goto MCPARTD |
New question to pick up monthly premium if MCPREM=1 |
What is [fill: your/NAME’s] monthly premium for [fill: your/his/her][fill: Medicare Advantage or Medicare HMO] plan?
Skip instructions: goto MCPARTD |
New question on whether person with Medicare has Part D
[fill: Are you/Is NAME] enrolled in Medicare Part D, also known as the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan?
Skip instructions: 1: goto MCPRPTDX 2, DK, RF: goto MCCHOICE for the next person with Medicare ELSE goto end of Medicare block |
New question to pick up monthly Part D premium
What is [fill: your/NAME’s] monthly premium for [fill: your/his/her] Medicare Part D prescription drug plan?
Skip instructions: goto MCCHOICEfor the next person with Medicare ELSE goto end of Medicare block |
End of Medicare block |
Skip instructions: ELSEIF 4, 5, OR 7 selected in HIKIND OR MCAIDPRB=1 goto Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block ELSEIF 8 selected in HIKIND OR SINCOV=1 then goto single service block ELSEIF 1 OR 3 selected in HIKIND goto private insurance block ELSEIF 6 selected in HIKIND goto military health care block ELSE goto end of section |
New Health Insurance Section Detailed Part(s) – Medicaid, CHIP, IHS
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Detail/Description (Detailed Part) |
201704 Wording/Specification (Detailed Part) |
Beginning of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
IF 4 selected in HIKIND or MCAIDPRB=1 goto MEDICAID ELSEIF 5 selected in HIKIND goto CHIP ELSEIF 7 selected in HIKIND goto IHS |
New household level question on whether HH is covered by Medicaid
(uses current MDCDSTfill) |
Earlier I recorded that ^YOU_YRCU is covered by Medicaid^MDCDSTfill. Is that correct?
Skip instructions: 1: goto MDCDCOV 2, DK, REF: IF 5 selected in HIKIND goto CHIP ELSEIF 7 selected in HIKIND goto IHS ELSE goto end of Medicare/CHIP/IHS block |
Follow-up question to pick up number of household members covered by Medicaid. (Can skip and set automatically if MEDICAID=1 and CU size =1) |
How many members of your household are covered by Medicaid^MDCDSTfill?
Skip instructions: goto MXCHNG |
New question asking whether Medicaid coverage was picked up through an exchange (question from NHIS) |
Was [fill: your/your household’s] Medicaid obtained through Healthcare.gov or the [fill: Health Insurance Marketplace/Health Insurance Marketplace, such as [fill: state name]?
Skip instructions: goto MEDPREM |
Question on whether there is a monthly charge for HH’s Medicaid coverage (some states charge a small fee/premium) |
A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pays each month for healthcare coverage. Do [fill: you/you or anyone in your household] pay a premium for your Medicaid^MDCDSTfill plan?
Skip instructions: 1: goto MDCDPRMX 2, DK, REF: IF 5 selected in HIKIND goto CHIP ELSEIF 7 selected in HIKIND goto IHS ELSE goto end of Medicare/CHIP/IHS block |
Question to pick up monthly premium amount. |
What is the monthly premium for this Medicaid^MDCDSTfill plan?
Skip instructions: IF 5 selected in HIKIND goto CHIP ELSEIF 7 selected in HIKIND goto IHS ELSE goto end of Medicare/CHIP/IHS block |
New HH-level question on whether HH is covered by CHIP |
Earlier I recorded that [fill: you/your household] [fill: are/is] covered by the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)^ST_CHIP. Is that correct?
Skip instructions: 1: goto CHIPCOV 2, DK, REF: IF 7 selected in HIKIND goto IHS ELSE goto end of Medicare/CHIP/IHS block |
Question to pick up number of HH members covered by CHIP |
How many members of your household are covered by CHIP^ST_CHIP?
Skip instructions: goto CHXCHNG |
Same question as MXCHNG except it’s for CHIP. |
Was [fill: your/your household’s] CHIP plan obtained through Healthcare.gov or the [fill: Health Insurance Marketplace/Health Insurance Marketplace, such as [fill: state name]?
Skip instructions: goto STRFPRM1 |
Same question as MXCHNG except it’s for CHIP. |
A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pays each month for healthcare coverage. Do [fill: you/you or anyone in your household] pay a premium for CHIP^ST_CHIP?
Skip instructions: 1: goto CHIPPRMX 2, DK, REF: IF 7 selected in HIKIND goto IHS ELSE goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Same question as MXCHNG except it’s for CHIP. |
What is the monthly premium for CHIP^ST_CHIP?
Skip instructions: IF 7 selected in HIKIND goto IHS ELSE goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Question on whether HH is covered by IHS |
Earlier I recorded that [fill: you/your household] [fill: are/is] covered by the Indian Health Service (IHS). Is that correct?
Skip instructions: 1: goto IHSCOV 2, DK, REF: goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
Question on how many HH members covered by IHS (This can be skipped and set automatically if CU size =1 |
How many members of your household are covered by IHS?
Skip instructions: Goto end of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
End of Medicaid/CHIP/IHS block |
IF 8 selected in HIKIND OR SINCOV=1 then goto single service block ELSEIF 1 OR 3 selected in HIKIND goto private insurance block ELSEIF 6 selected in HIKIND goto military health care block ELSE goto end of section |
New Health Insurance Section Detailed Part(s) – Single service plans
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Detail/Description (Detailed Part) |
201704 Wording/Specification (Detailed Part) |
New first question in row for picking up single service policies.
Note that first fill will only appear the first time the question/screen appears.
Also, in the second sentence, “first” will be filled on the first showing/first row, and then “next” will be filled on subsequent showings/rows. |
[fill: You mentioned that [you have/your household has] a single-service plan – that is, an insurance plan that provides one specific type of coverage.] Let’s talk about your [fill: first/next] single-service plan.
Fill instructions: On first instance fill “You mentioned that [you have/your household has] a single-service plan – that is, an insurance plan that provides one specific type of coverage.” else leave blank.
Skip instructions: 1: goto SSTYPE2 99: goto end of single service plan block 888: IF no more grid lines then goto end of single service plan block ELSE goto SSTYPE – next line of grid |
New question to pick up type of single service plan. Long-term care moved to this section since this section will now come up first (and because it’s often thought of as a medical related plan) |
What type of service or care does your single service plan pay for?
Skip instructions: 1-4, DK, REF: goto FHICCI6 5: goto SSOTHER |
New specify field if ‘other’ selected in SSTYPE2 |
Skip instructions: goto HINSCMP |
What is the name of the insurance company for this plan? Enter name of insurance company, not the insurance agent
Skip instructions: goto SSCOVQ |
SSCOVQ (same as HHICOVQ) |
How many household members are/were covered by this policy?
Skip instructions: goto SSGROUP |
Was the policy obtained on an individual or group basis?
Skip instructions: goto SSPRYOU |
^DoDoes_C ^You_YRCU pay ANY portion of the premiums for this policy?
Skip instructions: 1, DK, REF: goto SSPRDED 2: goto SSPROUT |
Who pays the policy premiums?
Skip instructions: goto SSMORE |
Are any premiums paid through payroll deductions?
Skip instructions: goto SSRPMPD |
How often are payments made for ^HINSCMPfill ^INCLDEDC?
Skip instructions: 1-9: goto SSRPMXB 10, DK, REF: goto SSRGXB |
What is the amount currently paid ^PERIODICITY?
Skip instructions: Goto end of SSMORE |
What was the total expense paid for this policy since ^REF_MONTH not including this month?
Skip instructions: goto SSMORE |
New “any more” question for end of row/picking up policy |
^DoDoes_C ^YOU_YRCU have any other single-service plans – that is, any other insurance plans that provide one specific type of coverage?
Skip instructions: 1: goto SSTYPE2 for next plan 2, DK, REF: goto end of single service block |
End of single service block |
IF 1 OR 3 selected in HIKIND goto private insurance block ELSEIF 6 selected in HIKIND goto military health care block ELSE go to end of section |
New Health Insurance Section Detailed Part(s) – Single service plans
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Detail/Description (Detailed Part) |
201704 Wording/Specification (Detailed Part) |
New first question in row for picking up single service policies.
Note that first paragraph fill will only appear the first time the question/screen appears.
Also, in the second paragraph, “first” will be filled on the first showing/first row, and then “next” will be filled on subsequent showings/rows. |
[fill: The next questions are about private health insurance plans [fill: /including Medicare Supplemental Insurance]. These plans can be obtained through work, purchased directly, or through a state or local government program or community program.] Let’s talk about your [fill: first/next] private health insurance plan.
Fill instructions: First instance fill “The next questions are about private health insurance [fill: /including Medicare Supplemental Insurance].” else leave blank
Skip instructions: 1: goto HINSCMP 99: goto BLOCK END 888: IF no more grid lines then goto BLOCK END ELSE goto SSTYPE – next line of grid |
What is the name of the insurance company for this plan? Enter name of insurance company, not the insurance agent
Skip instructions: if HHIKIND=3 goto MEDIGAP ELSE goto HHICOVQ |
New question only asked if 3 (Medicare Supplemental Insurance) is selected in HIKIND |
Is this a Medicare Supplemental Insurance plan?
Skip instructions: goto HHICOVQ |
Same as current |
How many household members are/were covered by this policy?
Skip instructions: goto PLNMGD
(Note: check to see if a check can be added vs the number of people enrolled in Medicare if this is a Medi-Gap plan) |
New question (kind of replaces HIICODE) |
If this policy an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization), an IPA (Individual Practice Association), a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization), or fee-for-service?
Skip instructions: 1: goto HHIGROUP 2, DK, REF: goto HSAHRA |
New question on whether there is an HSA associated with the policy |
With this plan, is there a special account or fund that can be used to pay for medical expenses? The accounts are sometimes referred to as Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs), Personal Care accounts, Personal Medical funds, or Choice funds, and are different from Flexible Spending Accounts.
Skip instructions: goto FSA |
New question on whether the HH has an FSA |
Do ^YOU_ANYMEM have a Flexible Spending Account for health expenses? These accounts are offered by some employers to allow employees to set aside pre-tax dollars of their own money for their use throughout the year to reimburse themselves for their out-of-pocket expenses for health care. With this type of account, any money remaining in the account at the end of the year, following a short grace period, is lost to the employee.
Skip instructions: goto HHIGROUP |
Same as current |
Was the policy obtained on an individual or group basis?
Skip instructions: 1, 3, DK, REF: goto PORTAL 2: goto HHIPRYOU |
Same as current |
Was the policy obtained through ^ST_PORTAL Healthcare.gov?
Skip instructions: 1: goto PORTPLAN 2, DK, REF: goto HHIPRYOU |
Same as current |
Is this policy a platinum, gold, silver, bronze, or catastrophic plan?
Skip instructions: goto HHIPRYOU |
Same as current |
^DoDoes_C ^You_YRCU pay ANY portion of the premiums for this policy?
Skip instructions: 1, DK, REF: goto HHIPRDED 2: goto HHIPROUT |
Same as current |
Who pays the policy premiums?
Skip instructions: If PORTAL=1 goto PREMSUBS ELSE goto MORE |
Same as current |
Are any premiums paid through payroll deductions?
Skip instructions: goto HHIRPMXB |
Same as current except reworded to part A pattern |
How often are payments made for ^HINSCMPfill ^INCLDEDC?
Skip instructions: 1-9: goto HHIRPMXB 10, DK, REF: goto HHIIRGXB |
Same as current except reworded to part A pattern and new HSA fill |
What is the amount currently paid ^PERIODICITY? [fill: Do not include deposits into an HSA or other accounts used to pay for medical expenses.]
HSA fill instructions: if HSAHRA=1 fill “Do not include…” else leave blank.
Skip instructions: IF PORTAL=1 goto PREMSUBS ELSE Goto HHIMORE |
Same as current |
What was the total expense paid for this policy since ^REF_MONTH not including this month?
Skip instructions: if PORTAL=1 goto PREMSUBS ELSE goto HHIMORE |
Same as current |
Is the cost of the premium subsidized based on ^YR_YRCUS income?
Skip instructions: 1: goto HHISUBPD 2, DK, REF: goto HHIMORE |
Same as current |
Is the subsidy paid directly to the health insurance company?
Skip instructions: goto MORE |
Same as current |
^DoDoes_C ^YOU_YRCU have any other private health insurance plans?
Skip instructions: 1: goto FHICCI6 for next plan 2, DK, REF: goto end of private insurance block |
End of private insurance block |
IF 6 selected in HIKIND goto military health care block ELSE goto end of section |
New Health Insurance Section Detailed Part(s) – Military health care block
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Detail/Description (Detailed Part) |
201704 Wording/Specification (Detailed Part) |
New household level question on whether HH is covered by military health care
Earlier I recorded that ^YOU_YRCU are covered by military health care. Is that correct?
Skip instructions: 1: goto MILSPC 2, DK, REF: goto goto end of military detail block |
New question on what types of military health care apply to the household.
If there are inventory records for military health care, fill the word “other”
If there are inventory records for a type of military health care, do not show the type in the list. |
What ^other types of military health care [fill: are you/is your household] covered by?
Fill instructions: If there are inventory records for military health care, fill “other” else leave blank If 8500.TRICARE=1 then do not show Tricare (#1) If 8500.VACHAMP=1 then do not show VA (#2) or CHAMP-VA (#3) If 8500.MILOTHR=1 then do not show other military coverage (specify) (#4)
Store instructions: If 1 selected, store 1 in TRICARE If 2 or 3 selected, store 1 in VACHAMP If 4 selected, store 1 in MILOTHR
Skip instructions: 1-4: IF 4 selected goto MILSPCOT ELSEIF 2 or 3 selected goto MILVACOV ELSE goto MILMAN DK, REF: goto end of military detail block |
Specify field if ‘other’ selected as type |
Other military coverage – specify: Skip instructions: goto MILOTCOV |
Question to pick up number of HH members covered by the ‘other – specify’ type. (Note that this can be skipped and set automatically if CU size =1) |
How many members of your household are covered by [fill: MILSPCOT]?
Skip instructions: IF MILSPC= 2 or 3 goto MILVACOV ELSEIF MILSPC=1 goto MILMAN ELSE goto end of military detail block |
Question to pick up number of HH members covered by the VA or CHAMPVA type. (Note that this can be skipped and set automatically if CU size =1) |
How many members of your household are covered by [Fill: VA/CHAMP-VA/VA or CHAMP-VA]?
Skip instructions: IF MILSPC=1 goto MILMAN ELSE goto end of military detail block |
Question to select type of Tricare coverage for the HH. (Main reason for this is that TFL does not have a premium.) |
Is your TRICARE plan – TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Extra, TRICARE Standard, or TRICARE for Life?
Skip instructions: 1-3, DK, REF: goto TRIRPMXB 4: goto BLOCK END 5: goto MILMANOT |
Question to pick up ‘other – specify’ for Tricare |
Other type of TRICARE coverage – specify:
Skip instructions: goto TRIRPMXB |
Same as current except reworded to part A pattern
How often are payments made for ^Tricare_type including payroll deductions?
Fill instructions: For Tricare_type, fill type of Tricare entered in MILMAN. If MILMAN=5, fill entry in MILMANOT.
Skip instructions: 1-9: goto TRIRPMXB 10, DK, REF: goto TRIIRGXB |
Same as current except reworded to part A pattern
What is the amount currently paid ^PERIODICITY?
Skip instructions: Goto End of military block/end of section |
Same as current 14B question except fill for Tricare type added.
What was the total expense paid for [fill: Tricare type] since ^REF_MONTH not including this month?
Fill instructions: For Tricare_type, fill type of Tricare entered in MILMAN. If MILMAN=5, fill entry in MILMANOT.
Skip instructions: goto End of military block/end of section |
Section 15 changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
(Current) Section 15 |
Section 15A, 15B |
Move/re-number the ‘Medical and Health Expenditures’ section to Section 14 (including global prechart, products file, and help file) |
Section 15 – Medical and Health Expenditures S15 – Medical |
Section 14 – Medical and Health Expenditures S14 - Medical |
Section 15A changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
(Current) Section 15A (future 14A) |
Update skip instructions due to new follow-up question for ‘services by medical professionals other than physicians’ |
Describe the care/service/item.
Skip instructions: IF ITEM = 14 or 15 then goto MEDPPRNT ELSE goto MEDPGFTC |
Describe the care/service/item.
Skip instructions: IF ITEM=5 goto MEDPNOUT ELSEIF ITEM = 14 or 15 then goto MEDPPRNT ELSE goto MEDPGFTC |
(Current) Section 15A (future 14A) |
New follow-up question for ‘services by medical professionals other than physicians’ |
N/A |
Was this service provided inside or outside the home?
Skip instructions: goto MEDPGFTC |
Section 15B changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
(Current) Section 15B (future 14B) |
Change last sentence/paragraph to a fill based on whether household reports having an FSA or HSA in the health insurance section |
Now I am going to ask some questions about your reimbursements.
By reimbursements I mean any money received for any members of your household from an insurance company, medical care provider or non-household member for medical expenses which you previously paid or will pay.
Do not include reimbursements from any consumer-driven health plans such as Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA), Health Savings Accounts (HSA), High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP), or Medical Savings Accounts (MSA).
Skip instructions: Goto ITEM |
Now I am going to ask some questions about your reimbursements.
By reimbursements I mean any money received for any members of your household from an insurance company, medical care provider or non-household member for medical expenses which you previously paid or will pay.
Fill instructions: If there exists a policy record with HSAHRA=1 or FSA=1 or an inventory policy record with 8500.HSAHRA=1 or 8500.FSA=1, fill “Do not include reimbursements from any consumer-driven health plans such as Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA), Health Savings Accounts (HSA), High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP), or Medical Savings Accounts (MSA).” ELSE leave blank.
Skip instructions: Goto ITEM |
(Current) Section 15B (future 14B) |
Update skip instructions due to new follow-up question for ‘services by medical professionals other than physicians’ |
Describe the care/service/item.
Skip instructions: IF ITEM = 14 or 15 then goto MEDRPRNT ELSE goto MEDRGFTC |
Describe the care/service/item.
Skip instructions: IF ITEM=5 goto MEDRNOUT ELSEIF ITEM = 14 or 15 then goto MEDRPRNT ELSE goto MEDRGFTC |
(Current) Section 15A (future 14A) |
New follow-up question for ‘services by medical professionals other than physicians’ |
N/A |
Was this service provided inside or outside the home?
Skip instructions: goto MEDRGFTC |
Section 17 changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
17 |
SCREEN 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Since the first of ^REF_MONTH have ^YOU_ANYMEM had any membership costs or other expenses related to any of the following? Do not include contributions to or membership in religious, professional, business, or other tax deductible organizations.
SCREEN 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any of the following items for your household or for someone outside your household?
SCREEN 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Have you purchased any –
Report blank tapes, CDs, and DVDs in Section 6B under item code 11
Store instructions: Assign a code to S17CODEA: IF ITEM = 1, store 800 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 2, store 830 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 3, store 610 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 4, store 950 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 5, store 810 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 6, store 820 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 7, store 840 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 8, store 930 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 9, store 600 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 10, store 500 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 11, store 510 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 12, store 160 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 13, store 150 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 14, store 200 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 15, store 210 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 16, store 300 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 17, store 310 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 18, store 320 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 19, store 330 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 20, store 340 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 21, store 350 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 22, store 360 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 23, store 370 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 24, store 380 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 25, store 400 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 26, store 410 in S17CODEA
Special instructions:
IF ITEM = 1, pre-fill "Golf courses/country clubs" IF ITEM = 2, pre-fill "Health/fitness/recreation clubs" IF ITEM = 3, pre-fill "Fees for sports participation" IF ITEM = 4, pre-fill "Vacation clubs" IF ITEM = 5, pre-fill "Civic/service/fraternal/social org" IF ITEM = 6, pre-fill "Credit Card membership fees" IF ITEM = 7, pre-fill "Shopping club/discount memberships" IF ITEM = 8, pre-fill "Dating services" IF ITEM = 9, pre-fill "Tickets to sports events" IF ITEM = 10, pre-fill "Tickets to live entertainment" IF ITEM = 11, pre-fill "Tickets to movies/parks/museums" IF ITEM = 12, pre-fill "Single copies newspapers/magazines" IF ITEM = 13, pre-fill "Subscriptions newspapers/magazines" IF ITEM = 14, pre-fill "Books from book club" IF ITEM = 15, pre-fill "Books/digital books" IF ITEM = 16, pre-fill "Film/disposable cameras" IF ITEM = 17, pre-fill "Photo printing/processing" IF ITEM = 18, pre-fill "Purchased music" IF ITEM = 19, pre-fill "Subscriptions music service" IF ITEM = 20, pre-fill "Purchased video files/discs" IF ITEM = 21, pre-fill "Rented video files/discs" IF ITEM = 22, pre-fill "Streaming video subscriptions" IF ITEM = 23, pre-fill "Purchased video games" IF ITEM = 24, pre-fill "Rented video games" IF ITEM = 25, pre-fill "Apps/games/ringtones mobile device" IF ITEM = 26, pre-fill "Online games/internet entertainment"
For Screen 2, display Answer list options 9-15, 95, 888 For Screen 3, display Answer list options 16-26, 99, 888
Skip instructions: 1-26: IF ITEM ne Item2Shadow then goto CK_ITEM ELSE goto DESCRIPTION 95: Goto next row 99: Goto S17A_END 888: IF no more grid lines goto S17A_END ELSE goto ITEM - next line of grid |
SCREEN 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Since the first of ^REF_MONTH have ^YOU_ANYMEM had any membership costs or other expenses related to any of the following? Do not include contributions to or membership in religious, professional, business, or other tax deductible organizations.
SCREEN 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased any of the following items for your household or for someone outside your household?
SCREEN 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Have you purchased any –
Report blank tapes, CDs, and DVDs in Section 6B under item code 11
Store instructions: Assign a code to S17CODEA: IF ITEM = 1, store 800 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 2, store 830 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 3, store 610 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 4, store 950 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 5, store 810 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 6, store 820 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 7, store 840 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 8, store 930 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 9, store 600 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 10, store 500 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 11, store 520 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 12, store 530 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 13, store 160 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 14, store 150 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 15, store 210 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 16, store 310 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 17, store 300 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 18, store 320 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 19, store 700 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 20, store 330 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 21, store 340 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 22, store 355 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 23, store 370 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 24, store 380 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 25, store 400 in S17CODEA IF ITEM = 26, store 410 in S17CODEA
Special instructions:
IF ITEM = 1, pre-fill "Golf courses/country clubs" IF ITEM = 2, pre-fill "Health/fitness/recreation clubs" IF ITEM = 3, pre-fill "Fees for sports participation" IF ITEM = 4, pre-fill "Vacation clubs" IF ITEM = 5, pre-fill "Civic/service/fraternal/social org" IF ITEM = 6, pre-fill "Credit Card membership fees" IF ITEM = 7, pre-fill "Shopping club/discount memberships" IF ITEM = 8, pre-fill "Dating services" IF ITEM = 9, pre-fill "Tickets to sports events" IF ITEM = 10, pre-fill "Tickets to live entertainment" IF ITEM = 11, pre-fill "Movie tickets" IF ITEM = 12, pre-fill "Tickets to parks/museums" IF ITEM = 13, pre-fill "Single copies newspapers/magazines" IF ITEM = 14, pre-fill "Subscriptions newspapers/magazines" IF ITEM = 15, pre-fill "Books/digital books" IF ITEM = 16, pre-fill "Photo printing/processing " IF ITEM = 17, pre-fill "Film/disposable cameras " IF ITEM = 18, pre-fill "Purchased music" IF ITEM = 19, pre-fill "Sirius/XM Radio" IF ITEM = 20, pre-fill "Subscriptions music service" IF ITEM = 21, pre-fill "Purchased video files/discs" IF ITEM = 22, pre-fill "Rented/streaming video" IF ITEM = 23, pre-fill "Purchased video games" IF ITEM = 24, pre-fill "Rented video games" IF ITEM = 25, pre-fill "Apps/games/ringtones mobile device" IF ITEM = 26, pre-fill "Online games/internet entertainment"
For Screen 2, display Answer list options 9-15, 95, 888 For Screen 3, display Answer list options 16-28, 99, 888
Skip instructions: 1-28: IF ITEM ne Item2Shadow then goto CK_ITEM ELSE goto DESCRIPTION 95: Goto next row 99: Goto S17A_END 888: IF no more grid lines goto S17A_END ELSE goto ITEM - next line of grid |
17 |
In what month did you have this expense? ^S17_TmpFillinstr
S17_TmpFillinstr fill instructions: IF SUB_ITEM = 1-2, 8, 14, 19, 21-22, 24, pre-fill " * Enter 13 for same amount each month of the reference period" ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: REF_MONTH – CUR_MONTH: Goto SUBEXPX 13: IF ITEM = 3-7, 9-13, 15-18, 20, 23, 25, or 26 then goto CK_MONTH ELSE goto SUBEXPX DK, RF: go to SUBEXPX |
In what month did you have this expense? ^S17_TmpFillinstr
S17_TmpFillinstr fill instructions: IF SUB_ITEM = 1-2, 8, 15, 19-20, 22, 24, pre-fill " * Enter 13 for same amount each month of the reference period" ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: REF_MONTH – CUR_MONTH: Goto SUBEXPX 13: IF ITEM = 3-7, 9-14, 16-18, 21, 23, 25, or 26 then goto CK_MONTH ELSE goto SUBEXPX DK, RF: go to SUBEXPX |
17 |
^SUBEXPX_fill ^SHIPHANDL ^Ticketservfee
SUBEXPX fill instructions: IF MONTH = 1-12, DK, or RF, fill "What was the total amount of this expense?" ELSE fill "What is ^YR_YRCUS monthly expense?"
SHIPHANDL fill instructions: IF ITEM = 9-10, 12-15, 17-18, 20, 23, fill "(Include shipping and handling fees.)"
Ticketservfee fill instructions: IF ITEM = 9-11, fill " * Include ticket/admission service fees and surcharges."
Skip instructions: If (ITEM = 1 or 2 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 1060) OR (ITEM = 3 and AMOUNT lt 6 or gt 750) OR (ITEM = 4 and AMOUNT lt 800 or gt 10,000) OR (ITEM = 5 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 300) OR (ITEM = 6 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 300) OR (ITEM = 7 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 300) OR (ITEM = 8 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 1200) OR (ITEM = 9 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 2500) OR (ITEM = 10 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 720) OR (ITEM = 11 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 320) OR (ITEM = 12 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 250) OR (ITEM = 13 and AMOUNT lt 7 or gt 145) OR (ITEM = 14 and AMOUNT lt 7 or gt 145) OR (ITEM = 15 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 300) OR (ITEM = 16 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 100) OR (ITEM = 17 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 150) OR (ITEM = 18 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 250) OR (ITEM = 19 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 100) OR (ITEM = 20 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 209) OR (ITEM = 21 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 150) OR (ITEM = 22 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 100) OR (ITEM = 23 and AMOUNT lt 8 or gt 200) OR (ITEM = 24 and AMOUNT lt 8 or gt 390) OR (ITEM = 25 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 30) OR (ITEM = 26 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 50) then goto ERR1_AMOUNT ELSEIF ITEMCODEOUT and the entry in AMOUNT for this record are equal to any records data on the pre-chart/Input then goto ERR_DUP ELSEIF ITEM = 18, 20, 21, 22, or 25, goto S17ACM_S ELSEIF INTNMBR=4 AND (INTPER=201607, 201608, or 201609) AND ITEM=11, goto TICSTORE ELSE goto S17AOTHR |
^SUBEXPX_fill ^SHIPHANDL ^Ticketservfee
SUBEXPX fill instructions: IF MONTH = 1-12, DK, or RF, fill "What was the total amount of this expense?" ELSE fill "What is ^YR_YRCUS monthly expense?"
SHIPHANDL fill instructions: IF ITEM = 9-10, 13-16, 18, 21, 23, fill "(Include shipping and handling fees.)"
Ticketservfee fill instructions: IF ITEM = 9-12, fill " * Include ticket/admission service fees and surcharges."
Skip instructions: If (ITEM = 1 or 2 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 1060) OR (ITEM = 3 and AMOUNT lt 6 or gt 750) OR (ITEM = 4 and AMOUNT lt 800 or gt 10,000) OR (ITEM = 5 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 300) OR (ITEM = 6 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 300) OR (ITEM = 7 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 300) OR (ITEM = 8 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 1200) OR (ITEM = 9 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 2500) OR (ITEM = 10 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 720) OR (ITEM = 11 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 100) OR (ITEM = 12 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 320) OR (ITEM = 13 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 250) OR (ITEM = 14 and AMOUNT lt 7 or gt 145) OR (ITEM = 15 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 300) OR (ITEM = 16 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 150) OR (ITEM = 17 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 100) OR (ITEM = 18 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 250) OR (ITEM = 19 and AMOUNT lt 5 or gt 500) OR (ITEM = 20 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 100) OR (ITEM = 21 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 209) OR (ITEM = 22 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 150) OR (ITEM = 23 and AMOUNT lt 8 or gt 200) OR (ITEM = 24 and AMOUNT lt 8 or gt 390) OR (ITEM = 25 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 30) OR (ITEM = 26 and AMOUNT lt 1 or gt 50) then goto ERR1_AMOUNT ELSEIF ITEMCODEOUT and the entry in AMOUNT for this record are equal to any records data on the pre-chart/Input then goto ERR_DUP ELSEIF ITEM = 18, 21, 22, or 25, goto S17ACM_S ELSE goto S17AOTHR |
17 |
What other expense is the ^S17ACMB_fill combined with?
S17ACMB_fill instructions: IF ITEM = 18, fill "music files or discs" IF ITEM = 20, fill "videos or discs" IF ITEM = 21, fill "rented videos or discs" IF ITEM = 22, fill "streaming video subscription" IF ITEM = 25, fill "apps, games, or ringtones"
Store instructions: For each item selected in COMBCODE, store the appropriate item code in S17CODE1- S17CODE5. (The first entry in COMBCODE should be recoded and stored in S17CODE1, the 2nd entry in S17CODE2, etc.) Recode as follows: IF 18, store 320 in S17CODE1 IF 20, store 340 in S17CODE2 IF 21, store 350 in S17CODE3 IF 22, store 360 in S17CODE4 IF 25, store 400 in S17CODE5
Skip instructions: Goto S17AOTHR |
What other expense is the ^S17ACMB_fill combined with?
S17ACMB_fill instructions: IF ITEM = 18, fill "music files or discs" IF ITEM = 21, fill "videos or discs" IF ITEM = 22, fill "streaming or rented videos" IF ITEM = 25, fill "apps, games, or ringtones"
Store instructions: For each item selected in COMBCODE, store the appropriate item code in S17CODE1- S17CODE5. (The first entry in COMBCODE should be recoded and stored in S17CODE1, the 2nd entry in S17CODE2, etc.) Recode as follows: IF 18, store 320 in S17CODE1 IF 21, store 340 in S17CODE2 IF 22, store 355 in S17CODE3 IF 25, store 400 in S17CODE5
Skip instructions: Goto S17AOTHR |
17 |
Delete variable |
Where did you purchase these tickets?
Store instructions: If ENTRY ends with “.com”, “.Com”, “.cOm”, “.coM”, “.COm", “.CoM”, “.cOM”, or “.COM”, then set TICPURCH=1
Skip instructions: 30 characters: if ENTRY ends with “.com”, “.Com”, “.cOm”, “.coM”, “.COm", “.CoM”, “.cOM”, or “.COM”, then goto MORE ELSE goto TICPURCH DK, REF: goto MORE |
Delete variable |
17 |
Delete variable |
Was this purchased online or in-person?
Skip instructions: 1, DK, REF: goto MORE 2: goto TICLOC |
Delete variable |
17 |
Delete variable |
Where is [fill: TICSTORE] located?
TICSTORE fill instructions: Fill entry from TICSTORE
Skip instructions: 200 characters, DK, REF: goto MORE |
Delete variable |
17 |
Did you ^PURCHASE_PAY any other ^S17AOTHR?
PURCHASE_PAY fill instructions: IF ITEM = 9-18, 20, 23, or 25, fill "purchase" IF ITEM = 21, 24, fill "pay for renting" ELSE fill "pay for"
S17AOTHR fill instructions: IF ITEM = 1, pre-fill "golf courses or country clubs" IF ITEM = 2, pre-fill "health clubs, fitness centers, swimming pools, weight loss centers, or other sports or recreational organizations" IF ITEM = 3, pre-fill "fees for participating in sports" IF ITEM = 4, pre-fill "vacation clubs" IF ITEM = 5, pre-fill "civic, service, fraternal, or other social organizations" IF ITEM = 6, pre-fill "credit card membership fees" IF ITEM = 7, pre-fill "shopping club membership fees or discount memberships" IF ITEM = 8, pre-fill "direct or online dating services" IF ITEM = 9, pre-fill "single or season tickets to spectator sports events" IF ITEM = 10, pre-fill "single or season tickets to plays, operas or concerts" IF ITEM = 11, pre-fill "tickets to movies, parks, or museums" IF ITEM = 12, pre-fill "single copies of newspapers, magazines, or periodicals, including digital" IF ITEM = 13, pre-fill "subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, or periodicals, including digital" IF ITEM = 14, pre-fill "books purchased through a book club" IF ITEM = 15, pre-fill "books or digital books not purchased through a book club" IF ITEM = 16, pre-fill "photographic film or disposable cameras" IF ITEM = 17, pre-fill "photo printing or processing" IF ITEM = 18, pre-fill "music files or discs" IF ITEM = 19, pre-fill "subscription music services" IF ITEM = 20, pre-fill "video files or discs" IF ITEM = 21, pre-fill "video files or discs" IF ITEM = 22, pre-fill "streaming video subscriptions" IF ITEM = 23, pre-fill "video games" IF ITEM = 24, pre-fill "video games" IF ITEM = 25, pre-fill "apps, games, or ringtones for a mobile device" IF ITEM = 26, pre-fill "online games or other internet entertainment "
Skip instructions: 1: IF ROW number = 40 then goto ERR_MAX ELSE goto ITEM, next line of grid 2,DK,RF: Goto ITEM, next line of grid |
Did you ^PURCHASE_PAY any other ^S17AOTHR?
PURCHASE_PAY fill instructions: IF ITEM = 9-14, 17-18, 21, 23, or 25, fill "purchase" IF ITEM = 24, fill "pay for renting" ELSE fill "pay for"
S17AOTHR fill instructions: IF ITEM = 1, pre-fill "golf courses or country clubs" IF ITEM = 2, pre-fill "health clubs, fitness centers, swimming pools, weight loss centers, or other sports or recreational organizations" IF ITEM = 3, pre-fill "fees for participating in sports" IF ITEM = 4, pre-fill "vacation clubs" IF ITEM = 5, pre-fill "civic, service, fraternal, or other social organizations" IF ITEM = 6, pre-fill "credit card membership fees" IF ITEM = 7, pre-fill "shopping club membership fees or discount memberships" IF ITEM = 8, pre-fill "direct or online dating services" IF ITEM = 9, pre-fill "single or season tickets to spectator sports events" IF ITEM = 10, pre-fill "single or season tickets to plays, operas or concerts" IF ITEM = 11, pre-fill "movie tickets" IF ITEM = 12, pre-fill "tickets to parks or museums" IF ITEM = 13, pre-fill "single copies of newspapers, magazines, or periodicals, including digital" IF ITEM = 14, pre-fill "subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, or periodicals, including digital" IF ITEM = 15, pre-fill "books, digital books, or book subscriptions" IF ITEM = 16, pre-fill "photo printing or processing" IF ITEM = 17, pre-fill "photographic film or disposable cameras" IF ITEM = 18, pre-fill "music files or discs" IF ITEM = 19, pre-fill “Siriux/XM radio” IF ITEM = 20, pre-fill "subscription music services" IF ITEM = 21, pre-fill "video files or discs" IF ITEM = 22, pre-fill "video streaming or rentals" IF ITEM = 23, pre-fill "video games" IF ITEM = 24, pre-fill "video games" IF ITEM = 25, pre-fill "apps, games, or ringtones for a mobile device" IF ITEM = 26, pre-fill "online games or other internet entertainment "
Skip instructions: 1: IF ROW number = 40 then goto ERR_MAX ELSE goto ITEM, next line of grid 2,DK,RF: Goto ITEM, next line of grid |
Section 20A changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
20A |
Add “Do not include e-cigarettes.” to the question wording |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased cigarettes?
Skip instrucitons: 1: Goto CIGARETX 2,DK,RF: Goto OTHTOBAC |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased cigarettes? Do not include e-cigarettes.
Skip instrucitons: 1: Goto CIGARETX 2,DK,RF: Goto OTHTOBAC |
20A |
Add “vaping products” to the question wording |
Have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased other tobacco products such as cigars, pipe tobacco, or chewing tobacco?
Skip instructions: 1: Goto OTHTBACX 2,DK,RF: Goto ALC_HOMX |
Have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased other tobacco products such as cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, or vaping products?
Skip instructions: 1: Goto OTHTBACX 2,DK,RF: Goto ALC_HOMX |
Section 20B changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
20B |
Reword “taxis or limousine service” to “taxis, limousine service, or car rides booked through an app” |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including ^CUR_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM had expenses for taxis or limousine service? Do not include expenses entirely reimbursed for business purposes or expenses incurred on a trip.
Skip instructions: 1: goto TXLIMX 2, DK, RF: goto MASSTRAN |
Since the first of ^REF_MONTH not including ^CUR_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM had expenses for taxis, limousine service, or car rides booked through an app? Do not include expenses entirely reimbursed for business purposes or expenses incurred on a trip.
Skip instructions: 1: goto TXLIMX 2, DK, RF: goto MASSTRAN |
20B |
Do ^YOU_ANYMEM use mass transportation services such as a bus, subway, mini-bus or train? Include all commuter services. Do not include expenses covered by employer-provided transit subsidies.
Skip instructions: 1: Goto TRANWRKX 2,DK,RF: Goto S20B_END |
Do ^YOU_ANYMEM pay out-of-pocket for public transportation services such as bus, subway, train, or passenger ferry?
Skip instructions: 1: Goto TRANSIT 2,DK,RF: Goto S20B_END |
20B |
Delete question |
What is the usual MONTHLY cost to use mass transit to go to -Work?
Skip instructions 1-9999: IF entry gt 245 then goto ERR1_TRANWRKX ELSE goto TRANSUB 0,DK,RF: Goto TRANSCHX |
Delete variable |
20B |
New question on which CU members (with ages equal to or greater than 5) use mass transit. This question set-up is similar to that for school meals – set up a follow-up grid asking the transit questions (TRANAMTX, TRANPD, TRANDAYX, AMTRAK, AMTRAKX, TRANSUB, TRANSUBX) for each member selected in TRANSIT |
N/A |
What are the names of all household members who use mass transit?
Special instructions: List CU members with AGE ge 5.
Skip instructions: 1-30: goto TRANAMTX for first person selected DK, REF: goto S20B_END |
20B |
New question asked for each member selected in TRANSIT |
N/A |
What is ^NAME’s usual out-of-pocket cost?
Skip instructions: 1-9999: goto TRANPD 0, DK, REF: goto TRANSUB |
20B |
New question asked for each member selected in TRANSIT |
N/A |
Skip instructions: 1: goto TRANDAYX 2-3, DK, REF: goto AMTRAK |
20B |
New question asked for each member selected in TRANSIT – if the frequency reported in TRANPD is daily (1) |
n/a |
How many days per week usually?
Skip instructions: 1-7, DK, REF: goto AMTRAK |
20B |
New question asked for each member selected in TRANSIT |
N/A |
Is any of the ^TRANAMTX ^TRANPD for Amtrak?
TRANAMTX fill instructions: IF TRANAMTX= DK or REF fill “amount” ELSE FILL entry in TRANAMTX
TRANPD fill instructions: IF TRANPD=1, fill “per day” ELSEIF TRANPD=2, fill “per week” ELSEIF TRANPD=3, fill “per month” ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: 1: goto AMTRAKX 2, DK, REF: Goto TRANSUB |
20B |
New question asked for each member selected in TRANSIT – if response to AMTRAK is yes |
n/a |
How much?
TRANPD fill instructions: IF TRANPD=1, fill “per day” ELSEIF TRANPD=2, fill “per week” ELSEIF TRANPD=3, fill “per month” ELSE leave blank
Skip instructions: Goto TRANSUB |
20B |
Did you receive a transit subsidy?
Skip instructions: 1: goto TRANSUBX 2, DK, REF: goto TRANSCHX |
Did ^NAME receive a transit subsidy?
Skip instructions: 1: goto TRANSUBX 2, DK, REF: If no more persons goto S20B_END else goto TRANAMTX for the next person |
20B |
What is the usual monthly amount?
Skip instructions: goto TRANSCHX |
What is the usual monthly amount?
Skip instructions: If no more persons goto S20B_END else goto TRANAMTX for the next person |
20B |
Delete question |
What is the usual MONTHLY cost to use mass transit to go to – School?
Skip instructions: goto TRANOTHX |
Delete variable. |
20B |
Delete question |
What is the usual MONTHLY cost to use mass transit to go to – Other places?
Skip instructions: goto S20B_END |
Delete variable. |
Section 21A changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
21A |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD A best reflects ^YourNames total wages and salaries for ALL JOBS during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto GROSPAYX |
Could you tell me which range on CARD A best reflects ^YourNames total wages and salaries for ALL JOBS during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto GROSPAYX |
21A |
Remove zero from range of allowable values (changes in red) |
What was the amount? (Report net income after operating expenses. Include earning as a tenant farmer or sharecropper.)
Breakeven = 1
Skip instructions: -999,999,999-999,999,999: IF SEMPFRMX lt 1 or gt 200000 then goto ERR1_SEMPFRMX ELSE goto SOCSRRET DK, REF: goto SEMPFRMB |
What was the amount? (Report net income after operating expenses. Include earning as a tenant farmer or sharecropper.)
Breakeven = 1
Skip instructions: -999,999,999 thru -1 and 1-999,999,999: IF SEMPFRMX=0 goto CK_SEMPFRMX ELSEIF SEMPFRMX lt 1 or gt 200000 then goto ERR1_SEMPFRMX ELSE goto SOCSRRET DK, REF: goto SEMPFRMB |
21A |
New hard error message if zero is entered on SEMPFRMX. |
N/A |
Skip instructions: go back to SEMPFRMX |
21A |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD A best reflects ^YourNames income or loss from self-employment during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto SOCSRRET |
Could you tell me which range on CARD A best reflects ^YourNames income or loss from self-employment during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto SOCSRRET |
21A |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the amount ^YouName received in Supplemental Security income during the past 12 months?
Skip instructions: goto INDRETAC |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the amount ^YouName received in Supplemental Security income during the past 12 months?
Skip instructions: goto INDRETAC |
Section 21B changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
21B |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the amount ^YOU_ANYMEM received in interest or dividends during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto NETRENT |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the amount ^YOU_ANYMEM received in interest or dividends during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto NETRENT |
21B |
Remove zero from range of allowable values (changes in red) |
What was the amount?
If net income was a loss, precede amount with a ‘-‘ Breakeven = 1
Skip instructions: -999999999-999999999: IF (NETRENTX lt -150,000 or gt 48,000) or (NETRENTX=0) then goto ERR1_NETRENTX ELSE goto ROYEST DK, REF: goto NETRENTB |
What was the amount?
If net income was a loss, precede amount with a ‘-‘ Breakeven = 1
Skip instructions: -999999999-999999999: IF NETRENTX=0 then goto CK_NETRENTX ELSEIF (NETRENTX lt -150,000 or gt 48,000) then goto ERR1_NETRENTX ELSE goto ROYEST DK, REF: goto NETRENTB |
21B |
New hard error message if zero is entered on NETRENTX. |
N/A |
Skip instructions: go back to NETRENTX |
21B |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total net rental income or loss during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto ROYEST |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total net rental income or loss during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto ROYEST |
21B |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in royalty income or income from estates and trusts during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto RETSURV |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in royalty income or income from estates and trusts during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto RETSURV |
21B |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in retirement, survivor, or disability pensions during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto OTHREG |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in retirement, survivor, or disability pensions during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto OTHREG |
21B |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in Veteran’s Administration (VA) payments, unemployment compensation, child support, or alimony during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto LUMPSUM |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in Veteran’s Administration (VA) payments, unemployment compensation, child support, or alimony during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto LUMPSUM |
21B |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total lump sum payments during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto OTHERINC |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total lump sum payments during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto OTHERINC |
21B |
Update skip instructions due to deletion of EITC (changes in red) |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS – Did ^YOU_ANYMEM receive any other money income, including money received from cash scholarship and fellowships, stipends not based on working, or from the care of foster children, not already reported?
Skip instructions: 1: goto OTHRINCX 2, DK, REF: goto EITC |
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS – Did ^YOU_ANYMEM receive any other money income, including money received from cash scholarship and fellowships, stipends not based on working, or from the care of foster children, not already reported?
Skip instructions: 1: goto OTHRINCX 2, DK, REF: goto MISCTAX |
21B |
Update skip instructions due to deletion of EITC (changes in red) |
What was the total amount received ^ByAll?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999,999: IF OTHRINCX lt 100 or gt 23404 then goto ERR1_OTHRINCX ELSE goto EITC DK, REF: goto OTHRINCB |
What was the total amount received ^ByAll?
Skip instructions: 1-99,999,999: IF OTHRINCX lt 100 or gt 23404 then goto ERR1_OTHRINCX ELSE goto MISCTAX DK, REF: goto OTHRINCB |
21B |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of other money income received during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto EITC |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of other money income received during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto EITC |
21B |
Delete question |
The Earned Income Tax Credit is a benefit for certain people who work and have low to moderate wages. A tax credit means more money in your pocket. It reduces the amount of tax you owe and may also give you a refund. During the past 12 months, did ^YOU_ANYMEM claim an Earned Income Tax Credit on your federal income tax return?
Skip instructions: goto MISCTAX |
Delete question. |
21B |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 (changes in red) |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of income from cash assistance from state or local government welfare programs during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto MEALSPAY |
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of income from cash assistance from state or local government welfare programs during the PAST 12 MONTHS?
Skip instructions: goto MEALSPAY |
Section 22 changes
CEQ Section |
CEQ CAPI Variable |
Change Detail |
201607 Wording/Specification |
201704 Wording/Specification |
22 |
Update skip instructions due to new screener question (IRA) |
The next few questions are about financial assets, credit, and loans. We know people aren't used to discussing their debt and financial assets, but we use this information to get a picture of how spending relates to changes in debt and savings. Be assured that, like all other information you have provided, these answers will be kept strictly confidential.
Skip instructions: goto IRAX |
The next few questions are about financial assets, credit, and loans. We know people aren't used to discussing their debt and financial assets, but we use this information to get a picture of how spending relates to changes in debt and savings. Be assured that, like all other information you have provided, these answers will be kept strictly confidential.
Skip instructions: goto IRA |
22 |
New screener questions for retirement accounts |
N/A |
Do ^YOU_ANYMEM have any retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, Thrift Savings Plans?
Skip instructions: 1: goto IRAX 2, DK, REF: goto DEFBENRP |
22 |
Change minimum value from 0 to 1 (since there’s now a screener question) |
As of TODAY -- What is the total value of all retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, Thrift Savings Plans that ^YOU_YRCU ^own_owns?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: goto IRAYRX DK, REF: goto IRAB |
As of TODAY -- What is the total value of all retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, Thrift Savings Plans that ^YOU_YRCU ^own_owns?
Skip instructions: 1-999999999999: goto IRAYRX DK, REF: goto IRAB |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of all retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and Thrift Savings Plans?
Skip instructions: 1-6: goto IRAYRX DK, REF: goto DEFBENRP |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of all retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and Thrift Savings Plans?
Skip instructions: 1-6: goto IRAYRX DK, REF: goto DEFBENRP |
22 |
Update skip instructions due to new follow-up question if IRAYRX=0 |
What was the total value of all retirement accounts ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: goto DEFBENRP DK, REF: goto IRAYRB |
What was the total value of all retirement accounts ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0: goto IRAYR 1-999999999999: goto DEFBENRP DK, REF: goto IRAYRB |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of all retirement accounts ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto DEFBENRP |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of all retirement accounts ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto DEFBENRP |
22 |
New follow-up question if IRAYRX=0 |
N/A |
Did ^YOU_ANYMEM have any retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, Thrift Savings Plans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto DEFBENRP |
22 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of all directly-held stocks, bonds, and mutual funds ^Retirement?
Skip instructions: 1-6: goto STOCKYRX DK, REF: goto LIQUIDX |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of all directly-held stocks, bonds, and mutual funds ^Retirement?
Skip instructions: 1-6: goto STOCKYRX DK, REF: goto LIQUID |
22 |
Updated skip instructions due to new LIQUID screener AND new follow-up question if STOCKYRX=0 |
What was the total value of all directly-held stocks, bonds, and mutual funds ^Retirement ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: Goto LIQUIDX DK, REF: goto STOCKYRB |
What was the total value of all directly-held stocks, bonds, and mutual funds ^Retirement ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0: Goto STOCKYR 1-999999999999: Goto LIQUID DK, REF: goto STOCKYRB |
22 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of all directly-held stocks, bonds, and mutual funds ^Retirement ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto LIQUIDX |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of all directly-held stocks, bonds, and mutual funds ^Retirement ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto LIQUID |
22 |
New follow-up question if STOCKYRX=0 |
N/A |
Did ^YOU_ANYMEM have any directly-held stocks, bonds, or mutual funds ^Retirement ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto LIQUID |
22 |
New screener questions for banking accounts |
N/A |
Do ^YOU_ANYMEM have any checking, savings, money market accounts, or certificates of deposit or CDs?
Skip instructions: 1: goto LIQUIDX 2, DK, REF: goto WHOLIF |
22 |
Change minimum value from 0 to 1 (since there’s now a screener question) |
As of TODAY -- What is the total value of all checking, savings, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit or CDs ^YOU_YRCU ^have_has2?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: Goto LIQUIDYRX DK, REF: goto LIQUIDB |
As of TODAY -- What is the total value of all checking, savings, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit or CDs ^YOU_YRCU ^have_has2?
Skip instructions: 1-999999999999: Goto LIQUIDYRX DK, REF: goto LIQUIDB |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total value of checking, savings, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit or CDs?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto LIQUDYRX DK, RF: Goto WHOLIF |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total value of checking, savings, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit or CDs?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto LIQUDYRX DK, RF: Goto WHOLIF |
22 |
Updated skip instructions due to new follow-up question if LIQUDYRX=0 |
What was the total value of all checking, savings, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit or CDs ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: Goto WHOLIF DK, REF: goto LIQUDYRB |
What was the total value of all checking, savings, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit or CDs ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0: goto LIQUDYR 1-999999999999: Goto WHOLIF DK, REF: goto LIQUDYRB |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total value of checking, savings, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit or CDs ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto WHOLIF |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total value of checking, savings, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit or CDs ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto WHOLIF |
22 |
New follow-up question if LIQUDYRX=0 |
n/a |
Did ^YOU_ANYMEM have any checking, savings money market accounts, or certificates of deposit or CDs ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto WHOLIF |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total surrender value of these policies?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto WHLFYRX DK,RF: Goto OTHAST |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total surrender value of these policies?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto WHLFYRX DK,RF: Goto OTHAST |
22 |
Updated skip instructions due to new follow-up question if WHLFYRX=0 |
What was the total surrender value of these policies ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: Goto OTHAST DK, REF: goto WHLFYRB |
What was the total surrender value of these policies ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0: goto WHLFYR 1-999999999999: Goto OTHAST DK, REF: goto WHLFYRB |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total surrender value of these policies ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto OTHAST |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total surrender value of these policies ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto OTHAST |
22 |
New follow-up question if WHLFYRX=0 |
N/A |
Did ^YOU_YRCU own any whole life insurance or other life insurance policies that can be surrendered for cash or borrowed against prior to the death of the person insured ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto OTHAST |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of these other financial assets?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto OTHSTYRX DK, RF: Goto CREDIT |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of these other financial assets?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto OTHSTYRX DK, RF: Goto CREDIT |
22 |
Updated skip instructions due to new follow-up question if OTHSTYRX=0 |
What was the total value of these other financial assets ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: Goto CREDIT DK,RF: Goto OTHSTYRB |
What was the total value of these other financial assets ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0: goto OTHSTYR 1-999999999999: Goto CREDIT DK,RF: Goto OTHSTYRB |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of these other financial assets ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto CREDIT |
Could you tell me which range on CARD D best reflects the total value of these other financial assets ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto CREDIT |
22 |
New follow-up question if OTHSTYRX=0 |
N/A |
Did ^YOU_YRCU have any other financial assets, such as annuities, trusts, and royalties ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto CREDIT |
22 |
Reword question as shown |
As of TODAY -- ^DoDoes_C ^YOU_YRCU have a balance on any major credit cards including store cards and gas cards?
Skip instructions: 1: Goto CREDITX 2,DK,RF: Goto STUDNT |
^DoDoes_C ^YOU_YRCU have any credit cards including store cards and gas cards?
Skip instructions: 1: Goto CREDITX 2,DK,RF: Goto STUDNT |
22 |
What is the total amount owed on all cards?
Skip instructions: 1-999999999999: Goto CREDTYRX DK, RF: Goto CREDITB |
What is the total amount owed on all cards as of TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: Goto CREDTYRX DK, RF: Goto CREDITB |
22 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all major credit cards including store cards and gas cards?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto CREDTYRX DK,RF: Goto CREDFINX |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all credit cards including store cards and gas cards?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto CREDTYRX DK,RF: Goto CREDFINX |
22 |
Updated skip instructions due to new follow-up question if CREDTYRX=0 |
What was the total amount owed on all cards ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: Goto CREDFINX DK, RF: Goto CREDYRB |
What was the total amount owed on all cards ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0: goto CREDYR 1-999999999999: Goto CREDFINX DK, RF: Goto CREDYRB |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all major credit cards including store cards and gas cards ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto CREDFINX |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all major credit cards including store cards and gas cards ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto CREDFINX |
22 |
New follow-up question if CREDYRX=0 |
N/A |
Did ^YOU_YRCU have any credit cards including store cards and gas cards ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto CREDFINX |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all student loans?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto STDNTYRX DK, RF: Goto STUDFINX |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all student loans?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto STDNTYRX DK, RF: Goto STUDFINX |
22 |
Updated skip instructions due to new follow-up question if STDNTYRX=0 |
What was the total amount owed on all student loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: Goto STUDFINX DK, RF: Goto STDNTYRB |
What was the total amount owed on all student loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0: goto STDNTYR 1-999999999999: Goto STUDFINX DK, RF: Goto STDNTYRB |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all student loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto STUDFINX |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all student loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto STUDFINX |
22 |
New follow-up question if STDNTYRX=0 |
N/A |
Did ^YOU_YRCU have any student loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: goto STUDFINX |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all other loans?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto OTHLNYRX DK,RF: Goto OTHFINX |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all other loans?
Skip instructions: 1-6: Goto OTHLNYRX DK,RF: Goto OTHFINX |
22 |
Updated skip instructions due to new follow-up question if OTHLNYRX=0 |
What was the total amount owed on all other loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0-999999999999: Goto OTHFINX DK,RF: Goto OTHLNYRB |
What was the total amount owed on all other loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: 0: goto OTHLNYR 1-999999999999: Goto OTHFINX DK,RF: Goto OTHLNYRB |
22 |
Change beginning value from $0 to $1 |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all other loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto OTHFINX |
Could you tell me which range on CARD E best reflects the total amount owed on all other loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto OTHFINX |
22 |
New follow-up question if OTHLNYRX=0 |
N/A |
Did ^YOU_YRCU have any other debt such as medical loans or personal loans ONE YEAR AGO TODAY?
Skip instructions: Goto OTHFINX |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | brattland_j |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |