2016 Urgent Assessment of Blood Collection and Use in Pu

Emergency Epidemic Investigation Data Collections - Expedited Reviews

Appendix 2 Blood collection assessment 16FEB2016

Undetermined sources, modes of transmission, risk factors, and health outcomes for Zika virus infection - Puerto Rico, 2016

OMB: 0920-1011

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OMB No. 0920-1011

Exp. Date 03/31/2017

2016 Urgent Assessment of Blood Collection and Use in Puerto Rico in Response to the Zika Virus Outbreak

Section A. General Information

Please provide the contact information for the primary person responsible for completing this section.
First Name:
Last Name:

Name of Institution:

Address of Institution:

Please provide the following information for the facility included in the survey.
Facility Name:
Zip Code:
Facility Identifier (select one):

  • Medicare Provider Number:

  • American Hospital Association (AHA) Number:

  • VA Station Code:

  • FDA Establishment Number (FEI):

Which of the following best describes your institution?

  • A local or regional blood center (non-hospital) that collects blood from donors and supplies blood and components to other institutions, but does not perform transfusion services

  • A hospital-based blood bank and transfusion service that collects blood from donors (may be only autologous or directed) and provides blood and components for transfusion primarily to your own institution

  • A transfusion service that provides blood and components for transfusion, but does not collect blood from donors

  • A local or regional blood center that collects blood from donors and supplies blood, components, and cross matched blood products to participating facilities (e.g., centralized transfusion services). In this category, the service is not limited to reference laboratory work, but includes routine transfusion service work

Section B. Blood Collection, Processing, and Testing

Please provide the contact information for the primary person responsible for completing this section.
First Name:
Last Name:
Name of Institution:
Address of Institution:

  1. Does your institution collect blood from donors? (Even if you collect autologous units only, check “Yes.”)

  • Yes

  • No (if ‘No’, end of section)

  1. In 2015, how many collections were successfully completed by your institution in each of the following categories? (* indicate required fields)


Number of Collection Procedures*

Number of Units

Whole Blood



Allogeneic (non-directed donations)*















Red Blood Cells















Concurrent red cells (from apheresis platelets)



Total Apheresis Red Blood Cells*















Total WBD Red Blood Cells*















Directed single-donor



Single collection



Double collection1



Triple collection1



Total Apheresis Platelets*



Total apheresis platelet units subjected to pathogen reduction technology







Total whole blood-derived individual units subjected to pathogen reduction technology

















Jumbo FFP (>400 mL)



Total Apheresis Plasma*



Total Apheresis plasma units subjected to pathogen reduction technology










Cryoprecipitate reduced






Total WBD Plasma*



Total WBD plasma units subjected to pathogen reduction technology













Total Granulocytes*



1 Count double collections as two units and triple collections as three units

2 Enter the number of individual platelet units prepared from whole blood collections

3 Enter the number of individual cryoprecipitate units prepared from whole blood collections

  1. In 2015, from how many of the following types of donors did your institution successfully collect blood products?

Number of Donors

First-time allogeneic donors

Repeat allogeneic donors (Count multiple donations from a single repeat donor only once)

Directed donors

Autologous donors

Total number of donors

  1. In 2015, how many units of each product were imported, distributed, and outdated by your institution? (* indicate required fields)


Total Units Imported

Total Units Distributed (including imported units)1

Total Units Outdated

Whole Blood for distribution as Whole Blood




Allogeneic (non-directed donations)




















Red Blood Cells




















Concurrent red cells (from

apheresis platelets)




Total Apheresis Red Blood Cells*




















Total WBD Red Blood Cells*




















Directed single-donor




Single collection




Double collection2




Triple collection2




Total Apheresis Platelets*





































Jumbo FFP (>400 mL)




Total Apheresis Plasma*
















Cryoprecipitate reduced








Total WBD Plasma*
























Total Granulocytes*




1 Units returned and distributed more than once should be counted only once

2 Count double collections as two units and triple collections as three units

3 Total number of platelet pools prepared from whole blood collections

4 Total number of cryoprecipitate pools prepared from whole blood collections

  1. What was the average whole dollar amount your institution was reimbursed (by hospital or clinical facility) per unit in 2015 for the following components? (Include discounts in your calculations. If you do not use a particular component, select “Not Applicable”. CPT/HCPCS codes are in in parenthesis.)

    Average Amount Paid Per Unit ($)

    Plasma, single donor, frozen with 8 hours of phlebotomy (P9017)

    • Not applicable

    Plasma, frozen between 8 and 24 hours of phlebotomy (P9059)

    • Not applicable

    Red cells, leuko-reduced (P9016)

    • Not applicable

    Red cells, non-leuko-reduced (P9021)

    • Not applicable

    WBD platelets, each unit, not leuko-reduced, not irradiated (P9019)

    • Not applicable

    Apheresis platelets, leuko-reduced (P9035)

    • Not applicable

    Cryoprecipitate, each unit (P9012)

    • Not applicable

  2. If your facility does not use pathogen reduction technology for apheresis platelet or plasma collections, what is the estimated total cost of implementation (this includes equipment, capital investment, training, etc)? What is the estimated additional cost per each unit type below if your facility adopted pathogen reduction technology?

Section C. Blood Transfusion

Please provide the contact information for the primary person responsible for completing this section.
First Name:
Last Name:
Name of Institution:
Address of Institution:

  1. Does the following information match your institution?
    [show the name, address, facility identifier (AHA?) for the facility assigned to the link]

  • Yes [users will continue with the section]

  • No [users will not be able to continue with the section and will be prompted to contact us]

  1. Is your institution directly involved in the transfusion of blood to patients?

  • Yes

  • No (if ‘No’, end of section)

  1. In 2015, how many units of allogeneic whole blood and red blood cells did your institution transfuse? (Leave the field blank if you do not know the answer).

Total Number of Units Transfused

Total number of Recipients

Total outdated units

Allogeneic Whole Blood

Allogeneic Red Blood Cells (include all blood groups)

Allogeneic Group O Positive RBCs

Allogeneic Group O Negative RBCs

  1. Indicate the disposition of directed and autologous units in 2015.

Total Number of Units Transfused to Intended Recipient

Total Number of Recipients

Outdated Units

Directed Whole Blood Units

Directed RBC Units

Autologous Whole Blood Units

Autologous RBC Units

  1. In 2015, how many units of each of the following components did your institution transfuse and how many units were outdated while on your shelf (include units transfused to pediatric patients)? (* indicates required fields)

(include all blood groups)

Total Number of Units Transfused

Total Number of Units Outdated

WBD Platelets (individual concentrates and pools expressed as individual concentrate equivalents)*

Apheresis Platelet units – Full dose*

Directed Platelets to intended recipients

Total Plasma*

Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)

FFP, pediatric size (≤100 mL)

Plasma, Frozen within 24 hours (PF24)


Jumbo FFP (>400 mL)

Liquid plasma

Directed plasma to intended recipients

Thawed plasma

Plasma, cryoprecipitate reduced

Group AB plasma

Cryoprecipitate (include individual units and pools expressed as unit equivalents)*


  1. Indicate the total number of units transfused to pediatric populations in 2015.

Number of Adult Equivalent Units in Whole or in Part for Pediatric Patients1

Total Number of Pediatric Recipients

Whole Blood




1 This should be a subset of data reported in question 4 and 5 if your hospital transfuses non-pediatric patients.

  1. Indicate how many irradiated, leuko-reduced, and leuko-filtered units for each of the following components your institution transfused in 2015. For pediatrics, use the number of adult equivalent units used in whole or part. For components that are irradiated and leuko-reduced, include these in the count for both columns.

Components Irradiated

Components Leuko-reduced Before or After Storage (not at bedside)

Components Leuko-filtered at the Bedside

  1. Whole Blood

  1. RBCs

  1. Apheresis platelets (single donor platelets)

  1. WBD platelets

Total components (if the number for a-d is ‘unknown’, enter the total number of components for the modification)

  1. Does your institution have a policy to transfuse only leuko-reduced (LR) components?

  • Yes

  • No

9a. In 2015, how many total units of RBCs transfused were…

Number of Units

1 – 35 day(s) old

  • Don’t Know

36 – 42 days old

  • Don’t Know

9b. In 2015, how many total units of WBD platelets transfused were…

Number of Units

1 – 3 day(s) old

  • Don’t Know

4 – 5 days old

  • Don’t Know

9c. In 2015, how many total units of Apheresis platelets transfused were…

Number of Units

1 – 3 day(s) old

  • Don’t Know

4 – 5 days old

  • Don’t Know

  1. In your institution, on average, how many individual platelet units were included in a pooled WBD platelet dose in 2015?

  • < 3

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • 9

  • 10

  • > 10

  • Not applicable

  1. Indicate the number of units that were transfused in inpatient or outpatient settings.

Number of RBC Units

Number of Platelet Units


Don’t Know

All Surgery (including transplant)

Inpatient Medicine (including hematology/oncology)

Emergency Department


  • Pregnant females



Critical Care

Outpatient and non-acute inpatient settings1

1 E.g., outpatient dialysis, rehabilitation, long term care, etc.

  1. Does your institution routinely order plasma transfusions to non-pediatric patients based on:

  • Weight based dosing (e.g., 20mL/kg)

  • A standard number of units regardless of patient weight (e.g., 4 or 6 units)

  • Dosage varies based on perceived level of coagulation factor deficiency or degree of bleeding

  • Number of units ordered is not consistent with any of the above

13a. Does your institution routinely order prophylactic platelet transfusions to non-pediatric patients based on:

  • Weight based dosing (e.g., 20mL/kg)

  • A standard number of units regardless of patient weight (e.g., 4 or 6 units)

  • Dosage varies based on perceived level of thrombocytopenia or degree of bleeding

  • Number of units ordered is not consistent with any of the above

13b. Does your institution routinely order therapeutic platelet transfusions to non-pediatric patients based on:

  • Weight based dosing (e.g., 20mL/kg)

  • A standard number of units regardless of patient weight (e.g., 4 or 6 units)

  • Dosage varies based on perceived level of thrombocytopenia or degree of bleeding

  • Number of units ordered is not consistent with any of the above

  1. What was the average whole dollar amount your institution paid per unit in 2015 for the following components? (Include discounts in your calculations. If you do not use a particular component, select “Not Applicable”. CPT/HCPCS codes are in in parenthesis.)

Average Amount Paid Per Unit ($)

Plasma, single donor, frozen with 8 hours of phlebotomy (P9017)

  • Not applicable

Plasma, frozen between 8 and 24 hours of phlebotomy (P9059)

  • Not applicable

Red cells, leuko-reduced (P9016)

  • Not applicable

Red cells, non-leuko-reduced (P9021)

  • Not applicable

WBD platelets, each unit, not leuko-reduced, not irradiated (P9019)

  • Not applicable

Apheresis platelets, leuko-reduced (P9035)

  • Not applicable

Cryoprecipitate, each unit (P9012)

  • Not applicable

15a. Were any elective surgeries postponed due to blood inventory shortages in 2015?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know
    (if No or Don’t know, skip 15b and 15c)

15b. How many days were elective surgeries postponed?

[Free text, numeric values only] day(s)

  • Don’t know

15c. How many elective surgeries were postponed in 2015?

[Free text, numeric values only] surgeries

  • Don’t know

  1. In 2015, how many days was your institution’s order incomplete for the following components?

Number of days

Whole Blood



Apheresis platelets

WBD platelets

  1. In 2015, how many days were you unable to meet other non-surgical blood requests (e.g., red cells, platelets)?

[Free text, numeric values only] day(s)

  • Don’t know

  1. Does your institution have an established program to treat patients who refuse any or all blood components for religious, cultural, or personal reasons?

  • Yes

  • No

19a. Does your institution have a Transfusion Safety Officer (TSO)?

  • Yes

  • No
    (if No, skip 19b and 19c)

19b. If yes, how many full-time equivalent TSOs? (Consider two part-time employees as a single full-time equivalent)

[Free text, numeric values only] full-time equivalents

19c. Is the TSO employed by your institution or by the blood center?

  • Institution employee

  • Blood center employee

  1. At your institution, how many units of Group O red cells are on your shelf on an average weekday?

[Free text, numeric values only] units

  1. At what number of Group O positive and Group O negative RBC units in uncrossmatched inventory do you consider your inventory to be “critically low”?

[Free text, numeric values only] units

  1. How many Whole Blood/RBC crossmatch procedures were…

Number of Procedures

performed at your institution in 2015 by any method?

electronic crossmatch procedures?

manual serologic crossmatch procedures?

automated serologic crossmatch procedures?

23a. Does your institution type red blood cell antigens using a molecular assay (e.g., genotyping)?

  • Yes

  • No (if No, skip 23b)

23b. How many red blood cell units from donors who were genotyped (e.g., using a molecular assay) were transfused by your institution in 2015?
[Free text, numeric values only] units

  1. How many samples (patient specimens submitted for testing) did your institution receive at the blood bank in 2015?

[Free text, numeric values only] samples

  1. Does your facility have an electronic system for tracking transfusion-related adverse events (e.g., unplanned, unexpected, and undesired occurrences)?

  • Yes

  • No

26a. Did your institution collect data on sample collection errors (e.g., wrong blood in tube) in 2015?

  • Yes

  • No
    (if No, skip 26b)

26b. How many transfusion sample collection errors were reported in 2015?

[free text, numeric values only] errors

  1. How many transfusion-related adverse reactions were reported to the transfusion service in 2015?

[Free text, number values only] reactions

Complete the table below to indicate how many of each type of reaction occurred:

Number of reactions

Life-threatening, required major medical intervention following transfusion (e.g., vasoporessors, blood pressure support, intubation, or transfer to the ICU)

Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)

Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO)

Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction (ABO)

Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction (other antibodies)

Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction

Delayed serologic transfusion reaction

Febrile, non-hemolytic transfusion reaction

Hypotensive transfusion reaction

Post-transfusion purpura

Transfusion-associated dyspnea

Transfusion-associated graft-vs-host disease

Transfusion transmitted bacterial infection

Transfusion transmitted parasitic infection

Transfusion transmitted viral infection

Mild to moderate allergic reaction

Severe allergic reaction

28a. Does your institution perform pre-transfusion bacterial testing on platelets?

  • Yes

  • No (if No, skip 28b and 28c)

28b. Indicate what methods are used by your institution to test for bacterial contamination.

Culture-based testing

Rapid immunoassay (e.g., VERAX)

Other, specify

Not tested

Not applicable

Apheresis platelets

WBD platelets, singly

WBD platelets, pooled

[Specify other methods, free text, alpha numeric values]

28c. How many confirmed positives and false positives were detected by each method in 2015?

Number tested

Number of confirmed positives

Number of false positives

Number of indeterminate results

Not applicable

Culture-based testing

Rapid immunoassay (e.g., VERAX)

Other methods

Survey Glossary

Autologous: Self-directed donations.

Centralized transfusion service: A hospital or blood center that collects blood from donors and supplies blood, components, medical services and/or crossmatched blood products to multiple transfusing facilities.

Collected: Successful whole blood or apheresis collections placed into production (not QNS, or other removals).

Deferrals: The number of donors deferred for specific reasons:

  1. Donors deferred for low hemoglobin do not meet the current FDA blood hemoglobin level requirements for blood donation.

  2. Deferrals for other medical reasons may include the use of medications on the medication deferral list, growth hormone from human pituitary glands, insulin from cows (bovine, or beef, insulin), Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG), unlicensed vaccines, or presenting with physical conditions or symptoms that do not qualify a person to be a blood donor.

  3. High-risk behavior deferrals include deferrals intended to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases including HIV and hepatitis viruses. Examples of questions intended to identify these risks are sexual contact (e.g., men who have sex with men (MSM)) and non-medical injection drug use questions.

  4. Travel deferrals are deferrals for travel to a specific region of the world.

Directed: Allogeneic donations intended for a specific patient.

Donation: The collection of a unit of blood or blood component from a volunteer donor.

Dose/Dosage: a quantity administered at one time, such as a specified volume of platelet concentrates.

First-time allogeneic donor: A donor who is donating for the first time at your center.

Imported: Units not collected by your institution, but obtained by your institution from another institution for distribution to a transfusion facility.

Modify: Procedures applied by a blood center, hospital blood bank, or transfusion service that may affect the quality or quantity of the final product (e.g., irradiation, leukofiltration, or production of aliquots of lesser volume).

Outdated: Units that expire on your shelf.


  1. Plasma, frozen within 24 hours of phlebotomy (PF24): plasma separated from the blood of an individual donor and placed at -18 C or colder within 24 hours of collection from the donor.

  2. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP): Plasma frozen within 8 hours of collection.

  3. Plasma, Jumbo: FFP having a volume greater than 400 mL.

  4. Plasma frozen within 24 hours of phlebotomy and held at room temperature up to 24 hours after phlebotomy (PF24RT24): Plasma held at room temperature for up to 24 hours after collection and then frozen at -18 C or colder.

Recipient: A unique individual patient receiving a transfusion one or more times in a calendar year.

Distributed: units that have fulfilled all processing requirements and have been made available for transfer to customers.

Repeat allogeneic donor: A donor who has previously donated a blood component.

Severe Donor-Related Adverse Events: adverse events occurring in donors attributed to the donation process that include, for example, major allergic reaction, arterial puncture, loss of consciousness of a minute or more, loss of consciousness with injury, nerve irritation, etc.

Transfusion Related Adverse Reactions: An undesirable response or effect in a patient temporally associated with the administration of blood or blood components. For a list of adverse reaction types and case definitions, visit http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/PDFs/Biovigilance/BV-HV-protocol-current.pdf.

Transfusion Service: a facility that performs, or is responsible for the performance of, the storage, selection, and issuance of blood and blood components to intended recipients.

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74 Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1011)

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleEmergency Epidemic Investigations
Last Modified ByZirger, Jeffrey (CDC/OD/OADS)
File Modified2016-02-17
File Created2016-02-17

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