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pdfSocial Security
User’s Guide
April 23, 2010
Table of Contents
General Information ........................................................................................................ - 1 1.1
Information for Company/Individuals Obtaining Access to CBSV ...................- 1 -
Consent Form (SSA-89) .....................................................................................- 2 -
CBSV Availability ..............................................................................................- 3 -
Registration ..................................................................................................................... - 4 2.1
Pre-Registration ..................................................................................................- 4 -
Registering for a User ID and Password .............................................................- 4 2.2.1
CBSV Online and Batch User Registration ............................................ - 5 -
CBSV Web Service User Registration ................................................... - 5 -
Registering ..........................................................................................................- 6 -
Your BSO Password .........................................................................................- 14 -
Password Selection Instructions .......................................................................- 14 -
Changing Your Password .................................................................................- 14 -
If You Forget Your Password ...........................................................................- 14 -
Activation Code ................................................................................................- 15 -
Activate Access to CBSV .................................................................................- 16 -
Re-Requesting Activation Code .......................................................................- 20 -
Remove Access to CBSV .................................................................................- 20 2.11.1 How the Employer Removes Employee Access to CBSV ................... - 20 -
Updating Your Contact Information .................................................................- 21 -
CBSV Web Service....................................................................................................... - 23 -
CBSV Online Verification Service ............................................................................... - 24 4.1
Logging In to BSO ............................................................................................- 25 -
Accessing the Request Online SSN Verification Service .................................- 27 -
Entering Data on the Request Online SSN Verification Service ......................- 28 -
Consent Based SSN Verification Results .........................................................- 31 4.4.1
Results ................................................................................................... - 31 -
Potential Misuse Alert Page ..............................................................................- 32 -
Logging Out of CBSV ......................................................................................- 32 -
Batch File Process: Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification ...................... - 33 -
Requestor Identification (RID) .........................................................................- 33 -
Preparing a Batch File for Submission to CBSV ..............................................- 34 5.2.1
Batch File Format ................................................................................. - 34 -
Logging In to BSO ............................................................................................- 36 -
Accessing the Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification Service .....- 36 -
Reduce the Number of Errors in Your CBSV File ...........................................- 37 -
Submitting Your File for Verification ..............................................................- 38 -
Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification - Problem: File Not
Received ............................................................................................................- 40 -
Consent Based SSN Verification Status and Retrieval .....................................- 41 -
Consent Based SSN Verification Status and Retrieval Results ........................- 42 -
Return File Format ............................................................................................- 43 -
Consent Based SSN Verification Results .........................................................- 44 -
Logging Out of CBSV ......................................................................................- 44 -
Instructions for Numbers That Do Not Verify.............................................................. - 45 -
Security ......................................................................................................................... - 46 -
Accounting .................................................................................................................... - 47 8.1
Quarterly Statements and End of Year Settlement ...........................................- 47 -
CBSV Compliance Review Audit ................................................................................ - 48 -
Getting CBSV Help and Support .................................................................................. - 49 10.1
Help Link ..........................................................................................................- 49 -
Contacting SSA.................................................................................................- 49 10.2.1 Questions on Finance and Agreements ................................................. - 49 10.2.2 General Questions ................................................................................. - 49 -
Appendix ................................................................................................................................... - 47 -
Social Security Administration
CBSV User’s Guide
1.0 General Information
The purpose of the Consent Based SSN Verification System (CBSV) is to allow private
businesses and government entities to verify that the name and SSN obtained from a
customer matches or does not match the data in SSA’s records. The information is matched
against SSA’s Master File of Social Security Numbers (SSNs), using Social Security number,
name, date of birth and gender code (if available). The system has name and date of birth
tolerances. CBSV is one of the services offered by the Social Security Administration on its
Business Services Online (BSO) Web Page;
NOTE: CBSV is designed to provide you with only a “yes” or “no” verification of whether
the SSN verified with SSA’s records. CBSV does not verify employment eligibility, nor does it
interface with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) verification system, and it will
not satisfy DHS’s I-9 requirements.
With CBSV, you may verify:
One name and SSN at a time using the CBSV Web Service, and receive immediate
results. (See Section 3)
Up to 10 names and SSNs at a time, online, and receive immediate results. There is
no limit to the number of times the CBSV Verification Web Page may be used within
a session or within a day. (See Section 4)
Up to 5,000 names and SSNs per batch, overnight, with results usually available
within one to two business days. (See Section 5)
More detailed information about CBSV may be found at
including a sample User Agreement and User Guide.
1.1 Information for Company/Individuals Obtaining Access to
SSA will verify SSNs solely for the purpose(s) specified on the individual consent
forms associated with the verification requests. Your company may use the verified
SSN only for the purposes specified by the individual signing the consent form (Form
SSA-89, Authorization for SSA to Release SSN Verification). Exceeding the scope of
the consent could violate state or Federal law and subject the requesting party to legal
SSA will provide SSN verification information only about individuals from whom
your company has obtained valid consent forms (Form SSA-89 [See Appendix]).
Notify SSA if your employee leaves your company or if you choose to revoke any or
all of your employees’ authorization to use CBSV.
Your company must protect the confidentiality of consent forms (and the information
contained on them) and protect the associated record of SSN verification.
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CBSV User’s Guide
SSA reserves the right to unilaterally suspend access to CBSV services if SSA
concludes that your company has failed to properly obtain consent or otherwise failed
to follow the terms of the agreements associated with this service.
IMPORTANT: Your Company must be in physical possession of the signed consent forms
(Form SSA-89) prior to requesting SSN verifications through the CBSV service.
1.2 Consent Form (SSA-89)
As a condition for using the CBSV service, the Requesting Party Company is required to
secure from each Number Holder a signed Consent Form (Form SSA-89) which authorizes
them to perform the CBSV SSN verification (See Appendix).
The Requesting Party Company, who has signed an agreement with SSA, is required to retain
the original paper copies of the Consent Form (Form SSA-89) or the electronic image of the
form for a period of seven (7) years for auditing purposes. SSA’s requirements for the
different media/electronic devices and storage considerations are as follows:
Paper – Ensure that the consent forms are stored in a locked fireproof storage cabinet,
and ensure that only authorized personnel have access to these files.
Electronic – Ensure that the consent forms are password protected, and confirm that
only authorized personnel have access to these files. Ensure that passwords issued to
personnel who no longer work for the company or no longer work in the capacity to
have access to the files are voided. Ensure that consent forms converted to electronic
media have been destroyed. Ensure that disaster recovery procedures are in place and
are being followed.
Removable Electronic Media – Ensure that all data has been encrypted, and ensure
that such removable electronic media is stored in a locked, fireproof storage
receptacle. Ensure that only authorized users have access to this media. Ensure that
the paper consent forms have been properly destroyed after being stored
Social Security Administration
CBSV User’s Guide
1.3 CBSV Availability
CBSV Hours of Operation
CBSV normally operates during the following hours and may be available at other times as
Monday – Friday
5:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Eastern Time
5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time
8:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Eastern Time
CBSV Hours of Support
CBSV customer support is available at 1-888-772-2970 during the following hours:
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time
NOTE: CBSV is not available when SSA is in the process of implementing changes to their
system. Whenever possible, advance notice of such occasions will be announced on the BSO
website. Also, during website down times, informational messages are displayed when a user
attempts to access the system.
IMPORTANT: CBSV services will not be available if your company does not have a
positive cash balance.
IMPORTANT: SSA mission-related work has priority over CBSV requests. Therefore, SSA
does not guarantee that CBSV will be available to the Requesting Party within a specified
time frame. SSA’s posting of verification request results may be delayed while SSA performs
mission-related work, or while SSA performs systems maintenance.
Social Security Administration
CBSV User’s Guide
2.0 Registration
Accessing the CBSV system as an Authorized User involves several steps.
1. The designated Responsible Company Official authorizes their employee to use
CBSV by submitting Form SSA-88 (Pre-Approval Form for CBSV) (See Appendix).
2. The employee goes to the BSO Welcome Page at to be
assigned a User ID and select a password.
3. SSA authenticates the employee as an Authorized User and mails a “positive
confirmation” letter, with a unique activation code, to the designated company official
who provides this code to the authorized employee.
4. The authorized employee/user will be able to log into the BSO system with their User
ID and password, enter the unique activation code and have access to the CBSV
system. The only time the activation is used is when finalizing registration.
NOTE: If you do not receive your activation code 2-3 weeks after SSA has processed your
contract, the designated Responsible Company Official should call SSA at (1-888-772-2970).
See the Activation Code section for more information.
2.1 Pre-Registration
The Requesting Party must submit to SSA a form SSA-88 (Pre-Approval Form for CBSV)
(See Appendix). The Requesting Party must provide the information below when they
authorize an employee to use the CBSV:
Company Name
Company Address
Company EIN (Employer Identification Number)
Name of Employee Authorized to Use CBSV
Telephone Number of Employee Authorized to Use CBSV
Email Address of Employee Authorized to Use CBSV
Name of Company Manager or Authorized Representative
Signature of Company Manager or Authorized Representative
Title of Company Manager or Authorized Representative
Current Date
Telephone of Company Manager or Authorized Representative and
E-mail Address of Company Manager or Authorized Representative
2.2 Registering for a User ID and Password
Authorized employees who will be using CBSV Online and Batch services register for their
own User ID and password.
Social Security Administration
CBSV User’s Guide
A Manager or Authorized Representative registers for a User ID and password on behalf of
the Requesting Party’s Web Service.
IMPORTANT: If you are registered to use CBSV you will not be allowed to use any other
BSO service.
2.2.1 CBSV Online and Batch User Registration
The Authorized Employee must provide the following information when registering for a
User ID and password. This information will also allow SSA to confirm your identity before
issuing a User ID and serves as contact information.
Company Name
First Name
Middle Name (optional)
Last Name
U.S. Social Security Number
Permanent Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Fax (optional)
E-mail Address
Answers to 5 Authentication Questions
Self-Created Password
2.2.2 CBSV Web Service User Registration
IMPORTANT: The Authorized Employee does not register for a Web Service User ID and
Password. A Manager or Authorized Representative of the Requesting Party will register on
behalf of that Company.
The Manager or Authorized Representative must provide his/her information when
registering for a Web Service User ID and password. This information will also allow SSA
to confirm their identity before issuing a User ID and serves as contact information.
First Name
Middle Name (optional)
Last Name
Date of Birth
U.S. Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Permanent Address
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CBSV User’s Guide
Zip Code
Phone Number
Fax (optional)
E-mail Address
Answers to 5 Authentication Questions
Self-Created Password
2.3 Registering
When you have all of the documentation needed to register, follow the steps below to register
for your User ID and to create a password:
1. Access Social Security’s Business Services Online (BSO) website at
NOTE: Do not use your browser’s Back, Forward, or Refresh buttons while completing
the registration form as this could clear the form.
2. Scroll half way down the Web Page until you see the Register button. Select the Register
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CBSV User’s Guide
Select the
Register Button
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CBSV User’s Guide
3. The system displays the User Registration Attestation Web Page. Please read and select
the I Accept button at the bottom of the page.
Select the I
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CBSV User’s Guide
4. The system displays the Create a Login Account – Step 1 Web Page. Complete the entire
page and select the Next button at the bottom of the page.
Select the Next
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CBSV User’s Guide
5. The system displays the Create a Login Account – Step 2 Web Page. Complete the entire
page and select the Next button at the bottom of the page.
Select the Next
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6. The system displays the Create a Login Account – Step 3 Web Page. Please read the
entire page and select the I Accept button at the bottom of the peach box. Then select the
Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Select the I
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Select the
Submit Button
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7. The system displays the Create a Login Account – Step 4 Web Page. Your User ID is now
assigned. Please read the entire page and select the Print a confirmation Receipt link to
print the User ID. Then select the Next button at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: Make a note of your User ID since you will need it to log into BSO. Do not share
it with anyone.
Select the Print
a confirmation
Receipt Link.
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8. The system displays the Request Access to BSO Services – Select Service Suites Web
Page. You have successfully completed a log in account. You do not need to select
services; CBSV will be selected for you by the Operations staff when your Form SSA-88
is faxed in to SSA. Select the Log Out button at the top left corner of the page.
Select the Log
Out Button
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2.4 Your BSO Password
At the time of registration, you must enter a unique password of your choice. Your password
must contain a combination of eight (8) letters and numbers (e.g., 9580859A or shoe2828).
Passwords are NOT case sensitive. No special characters are allowed. Secure your password
and do not share it with anyone. Your User ID and password are required to log into BSO.
Please refer to section 2.3 for detailed instructions on how to register and create a User ID
and password.
2.5 Password Selection Instructions
• Your password must be eight (8) characters long and must be a combination
of letters and numbers. Do not use special characters.
• There must be at least one letter and at least one number in your password.
• Passwords are NOT case sensitive.
2.6 Changing Your Password
It is mandatory to change your CBSV password at least once every designated interval to
prevent your password from expiring. If your password expires, you will need to choose a
new password.
• Passwords for the Online and Batch SSN verification methods expire after 90 days. If
your password expires, you will be prompted to change it the next time you log in to
• The manager or authorized representative who registered for a user ID and Password
on behalf of the requesting party’s Web Service must change the BSO password every
365 days to prevent the BSO password from expiring. You Will Not be prompted to
change your password when using the CBSV Web Service.
2.7 If You Forget Your Password
If you forgot your password, you can request a new one. There are two methods to request a
new password - by answering three random questions out of five Authentication questions
you previously answered during registration or at log in, or by mail. If you request a new
password by mail, a temporary password will be sent to you in the mail. You will not be able
to use BSO until you receive your temporary password.
Option 1: To replace a forgotten password by answering Authentication questions:
You must provide your User ID to access the Forgot Your Password link,
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Select the Forgot your Password link under the Password field on the Log In page.
This will open the Forgot Password page.
Answer the three randomly chosen questions that you had previously answered.
Answers are not case sensitive but must match your previous answers.
Enter your new password and re-enter to confirm it. Your password must contain any
combination of eight letters and numbers (e.g. 9580859A or frog2828). Special
characters are not allowed and passwords are not case sensitive.
Select the Submit New Password button. This will display a message indicating that your
password has been successfully changed. You may now select the Log In button and log in to
BSO with your User ID and your newly changed password.
Option 2: To request a new password by mail:
You must provide your User ID to access the Forgot Your Password link.
Select the Forgot Your Password link under the Password field on the Log In page.
This will open the Forgot Password page.
Select the Request Password by Mail button at the bottom of the screen. This will
open the Request Password by Mail page.
Enter your first name, last name, Social Security Number, and date of birth.
Select the Request Temporary Password button. This will display a message
indicating that your password has been reissued successfully. Social Security will
send you a temporary password in the mail, usually within two weeks.
After you request a new password, your old password will no longer work. When you receive
your temporary password, you may log in to BSO and will be prompted to change your
password. Your password must contain any combination of eight letters and numbers (e.g.
9580859A or frog2828). Special characters are not allowed and passwords are not case
2.8 Activation Code
The activation code is an alphanumeric code sent by SSA to the designated Responsible
Company Official (either the Company Manager or the Authorized Representative who
signed Form SSA-88). The notice to the Responsible Company Official instructs them to
provide the Authorized Employee with the activation code. Authorized Employees will not
be able to access CBSV until the activation code is entered. The activation code is an added
layer of security to ensure that the individual attempting to access the system is in fact who
they are presenting to be: an authorized employee. The employee must enter the activation
code on the Activate Access to BSO Services Web Page to gain access to CBSV.
NOTE: If you do not receive your activation code 2-3 weeks after SSA has processed your
contract, the designated Responsible Company Official should call SSA at (1-888-772-2970).
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2.9 Activate Access to CBSV
The designated Responsible Company Official provides the activation code to the authorized
employee. The employee will then:
1. Open the BSO Welcome Web Page:
2. Select the Log In button on the BSO Welcome Web Page.
Select the Log In Button
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3. The system displays the Log In to Online Services Web Page. Enter User ID and
4. Select the I Accept button to indicate that you have read the user certification
statement and agree to its contents.
5. Select the Log In button at the bottom of the page.
Enter User ID
Select the Log In Button
Select the I Accept
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6. The system displays the BSO Main Menu Web Page. Select the Enter Activation
Code(s) link.
Select the Enter
Activation Code(s) Link
7. The system displays the Enter Activation Code(s) Web Page. Enter the Activation
8. Select the Activate Service(s) button.
Enter Activation
Select the Activate
Service(s) Button
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9. The system displays the Enter Activation Code(s)-Confirmation Web Page indicating
that SSA has approved your request and you may begin using CBSV immediately.
10. Select the Go to the Main Menu button.
Select the Go to the
Main Menu button
11. The system displays the BSO Main Menu Web Page. Select the CBSV: Consent
Based Social Security Number Verification Service link to start using CBSV.
Select the CBSV: Consent Based
Social Security Number Verification
Service Link
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2.10 Re-Requesting Activation Code
Activation codes expire 60 days from the date they are issued. If your activation code
expires, you will need to re-request one.
If you do not receive your activation code 2-3 weeks after SSA has processed your contract,
the designated Responsible Company Official should call SSA at (1-888-772-2970).
NOTE: Once an activation code has been re-requested, the original activation code is deactivated and is no longer valid.
2.11 Remove Access to CBSV
Access to CBSV may be removed by the Responsible Company Official only.
How the Employer Removes Employee Access to CBSV
If a company wishes to cancel an employee’s access to CBSV the designated
Responsible Company Official should contact SSA at 1-888-772-2970 to cancel
CBSV access.
If an employee wishes to cancel their access to CBSV they should inform their
designated Responsible Company Official and have them contact SSA at 1-888-7722970 to cancel CBSV access on their behalf.
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2.12 Updating Your Contact Information
Log in to BSO using the BSO Welcome page: From the left
menu of most pages, select the View/Edit Account Information link to access the View/Edit
Account Information Web Page.
Select the View/Edit
Account Info Link
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On the View/Edit Account Information Web Page:
• To change any of the Personal and Contact information displayed in the top half of
the page, select the Edit Personal Information button.
• To change any of the Security Questions and Answers displayed in the bottom half of
the page, select the Edit Security Questions button
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3.0 CBSV Web Service
The CBSV Web Service is designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction
over the Internet. Companies may create their own, unique interface with CBSV. If you are a
developer who works for a company that accesses CBSV through a Web Service, it is
recommended that you refer to the Interface Specification for CBSV Web Service document,
located at
The Web Service Description Language (WSDL) for CBSV is documented in the Interface
Specification for CBSV Web Service document.
If you are an employee of a company that accesses CBSV through a Web Service, your
company will provide you with instructions on how to use your company’s interface.
The Web Services Description Language is an XML-based language that provides a model
for describing Web services. WSDL is often used in combination with SOAP and XML
Schema to provide Web services over the Internet. A client program connecting to a Web
service can read the WSDL to determine the functions that are available on the server.
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4.0 CBSV Online Verification Service
CBSV allows you to request verification of up to 10 names and SSNs at a time, online, and
receive immediate results. There is no limit to the number of times the CBSV Verification
web page may be used within a session or within a day.
The CBSV Online Verification service requires you to have:
Internet access; and,
A Web browser, such as Internet Explorer or FireFox for Windows OS or Safari for
Mac OS. Your browser version must allow ‘cookies’ (files store temporarily on your
computer) and have 128-bit encryption.
NOTE: In order to use BSO, your browser version must be set to accept cookies and support
128-bit encryption. This is the default setting for most browsers. If you received a request to
store a file on your computer, select “Yes.” BSO cookies will be deleted when you close
your browser.
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4.1 Logging In to BSO
1. Open the BSO Welcome Web Page:
2. Select the Log In button on the BSO Welcome Web Page.
Select the Log
In Button
3. This will open the Log In to BSO Web Page containing an attestation statement.
4. Enter your User ID and password.
5. Select the I Accept button to indicate that you have read the user certification statement
and agree to its contents.
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Enter User ID
Select the Log In Button
Select the I Accept
6. Select the Log In button from the Log In to BSO Web Page. This will open the BSO
Main Menu Web Page. The BSO Main Menu Web Page is your point of entry for CBSV.
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4.2 Accessing the Request Online SSN Verification Service
1. From the BSO Main Menu Web Page, select the Consent Based Social Security
Number Verification Services link.
2. The system displays the CBSV Main Menu page.
3. From the CBSV Main Menu page, select the Request Online SSN Verification link.
Select the Request Online SSN
Verification Link
4. The system displays the Consent Based SSN Verification Web Page.
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4.3 Entering Data on the Request Online SSN Verification Service
The Consent Based SSN Verification Web Page contains data entry fields in a table format.
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Following is a list of the data entry fields and the criteria to follow when entering data in
these fields:
SSN (999999999)
• The SSN field is mandatory.
• The SSN must be nine (9) numerical characters only.
Alphabetic characters, hyphens, slashes or any other special characters are not
• Spaces are not allowed.
First Name
• The First Name field is mandatory.
• The First Name must be between one (1) and 10 characters in length.
• If the First Name is longer than 10 characters, enter the first 10 characters of the First
• Enter the First Name using alphabetic characters only.
Numbers, hyphens, slashes or any other characters are not allowed.
• Spaces are allowed.
Middle Name
• The Middle Name field is optional.
• If entered, the Middle Name must be between one (1) and seven (7) characters in
length. If the Middle Name is longer than seven (7) characters, enter the first seven
(7) characters of the Middle Name.
• Enter the Middle Name using alphabetic characters only.
Numbers, hyphens, slashes or any other characters are not allowed.
• Spaces are allowed.
Last Name
• The Last Name field is mandatory.
The Last Name must be between one (1) and 13 characters in length.
• If the Last Name is longer than 13 characters, enter the first 13 characters of the Last
• Enter the Last Name using alphabetic characters only.
• Numbers, hyphens, slashes or any other characters are not allowed.
• Spaces are allowed.
• The Suffix field is optional.
• If entered, the Suffix must be Jr, Sr, or a Roman Numeral I through X.
• Numbers, hyphens, slashes or any other characters are not allowed.
Date of Birth (DOB)
• The DOB field is optional.
• If entered, the DOB must contain eight (8) digits.
• Enter the Number Holder's DOB using the format MMDDYYYY where:
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o MM is the month; enter a value of 01 through 12
o DD is the day; enter a value of 01 through 31
o YYYY is the 4 digit year.
Use numeric characters only.
Letters, hyphens, slashes, or any other characters are not allowed.
Spaces are not allowed.
The DOB cannot be before 1800 or after the current date.
Gender (F/M)
• The Gender field is optional.
o F = Female
o M = Male
The First, Middle and Last Name fields provide links to the help guide for entering complex
names. To access the CBSV Help Web Page, you must be logged into CBSV. The Help
button is in the upper left-hand corner of each CBSV Web Page and opens in a new browser
Once you have entered the data you wish to verify, select the Submit button on the Consent
Based SSN Verification Web Page.
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4.4 Consent Based SSN Verification Results
Data verified via the Consent Based SSN Verification Web Page is displayed on the
Consent Based SSN Verification Results Web Page in a table format.
NOTE: For Security reasons, the first five (5) digits of the Social Security Number (SSN)
will be masked for all results returned (regardless of whether or not the SSN “verified”).
4.4.1 Results
The possible results are:
“Yes” Response Means Verified
• The information submitted for verification matches Social Security Administration’s
• A “Yes” in the Results column = a verified SSN.
“No” Response Means Verification Failed
• The information submitted for verification does not match Social Security
Administration’s records
• A “No” Results column = a failed SSN verification.
“Deceased” (Per SSA Records)
• The name and SSN combination submitted for verification matches Social Security
Administration’s SSA’s records, but our records indicate that the Number Holder is
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NOTE: If the Verification Code is not equal to “Yes”, please refer to the Section 6.0,
Instructions for Numbers that Do Not Verify section of the CBSV User’s Guide.
4.5 Potential Misuse Alert Page
If the CBSV system’s review of the input data determines that identical SSN or identical
First and Last names were entered more than five times, the system may display a Potential
Misuse Alert page. First and last names are considered a single data element for the purpose
of this edit.
The system may display the following alert to the user:
“Consent Based SSN Verification
!!! Potential Misuse Alert!!!
You have entered either identical Social Security Numbers or identical First and Last Names
multiple times. To deter potential misuse or fraud, we cannot process your request. Please
check the information to verify that the information you submitted matches your records
before resubmitting your data.”
NOTE: You will be allowed up to five attempts to correctly enter a name and SSN
combination into the CBSV application. The Company will be charged for each request.
4.6 Logging Out of CBSV
To log out of CBSV:
• Select the Logout link at the top or bottom of any CBSV Web Page.
• The BSO Logout Web Page will display.
• Select “Yes” to exit and return to the BSO Welcome Web Page.
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5.0 Batch File Process: Submit a File for Consent Based SSN
CBSV allows you to request Name and SSN verifications through overnight batch (electronic
file) submissions. You will use the Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification page.
The batch file process requires you to have:
Internet access; and
A Web browser, such as Internet Explorer or FireFox for Windows OS or Safari for
Mac OS. Your browser version must allow ‘cookies’ (files store temporarily on your
computer) and have 128-bit encryption.
NOTE: In order to use BSO, your browser version must be set to accept cookies and support
128-bit encryption. This is the default setting for most browsers. If you received a request to
store a file on your computer, select “Yes.” BSO cookies will be deleted when you close
your browser.
5.1 Requestor Identification (RID)
All CBSV Subscriber Companies are assigned a Requestor Identification (RID). When your
company submits batch files for Consent Based SSN Verification, your company’s RID must
be included in the appropriate space in the file.
NOTE: A RID is needed only when you submit batch files. The RID is not needed for Online
or Web Service SSN verifications.
SSA recommends that you record the RID that is assigned to your company in the space
below, for future reference.
RID: ____________
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5.2 Preparing a Batch File for Submission to CBSV
Before you may submit a batch file, you must prepare the file. To ensure your electronic file
submission processes successfully, the file must be a text file in the following format:
NOTE: Do not use field delimiters (i.e., do not place a comma or any other character after
any field).
NOTE: If a field marked "May not be left blank." does not contain an entry, the entire file
will be rejected.
NOTE: In order to sort the return file to your specifications, we recommend using the User
Control Data field to create a unique identifier for each record. This unique identifier would
be placed in positions 90-103 in your submission file and returned to you in positions 84-97
in the return file.
5.2.1 Batch File Format
• Must include all 9 digits
including lead zeros.
• Must insert "TPV".
CODE 213
• Must insert "213".
• Do not use hyphens,
apostrophes, spaces, periods,
suffixes (Jr) or prefixes (Dr).
• May not be left blank.
• May not be left blank.
• May not be left blank.
• Must contain at least one
• May not be left blank.
• Do not use hyphens,
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apostrophes, spaces, periods,
suffixes (Jr) or prefixes (Dr).
• Must contain at least one
• May not be left blank.
• Do not use hyphens,
apostrophes, spaces, periods,
suffixes (Jr) or prefixes (Dr).
• Optional
• If unknown, leave blank.
• Optional
• Must contain one of the
o M=Male or
o F=Female
• Optional
Free form text for company.
SSA use only
• Enter your company’s assigned
RID code. (See section 5.1)
• Must insert "000".
• May not be left blank.
• May not be left blank.
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5.3 Logging In to BSO
Once your file is prepared, you will log in to BSO so you can access the Submit a File for
Consent Based SSN Verification service. To log in to BSO, follow these steps (for more
information regarding logging in to BSO, see Section 4.1, Logging in to BSO):
1. Open the BSO Welcome Web Page:
2. Select the Log In button on the BSO Welcome Web Page. This will open the Log In
to BSO Web Page containing an important user attestation statement.
3. Enter your User ID and password.
4. Select the I Accept button to indicate that you have read the user certification
statement and agree to its contents.
5. Select the Log In button from the Log In to BSO Web Page. This will open the BSO
Main Menu Web Page. The BSO Main Menu Web Page is your point of entry for
NOTE: If you forgot your password, please refer to ‘Your BSO Password’ section of this
User’s Guide under the REGISTRATION section.
5.4 Accessing the Submit a File for Consent Based SSN
Verification Service
1. From the BSO Main Menu Web Page, select the Consent Based SSN Verification
Services link.
2. The system displays the CBSV Main Menu page.
3. From the CBSV Main Menu page, select the Submit an Electronic File for SSN
Verification link.
4. The system displays the Submit a File For Consent Based SSN Verification – Before
You Start Web Page.
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5.5 Reduce the Number of Errors in Your CBSV File
The Submit a File For Consent Based SSN Verification – Before You Start Web Page offers
suggestions to reduce the number of errors in a submission and reduce the transmission time.
The page contains the following information:
Review your file for correct formatting to ensure that file is error-free. A properly
formatted file will not be rejected. See Section 5.2, Preparing a Batch File for Submission to
CBSV, for the correct file format. All files are scanned for format errors (surface errors). A
file will fail validation if at least one (1) record in the file did not have the correct length of
130 characters or any record in the file contains format errors.
1. Excel Users
To ensure that your electronic file submission processes successfully, the file
must NOT be in a *.xls format. If you are using Excel, you must save the file in
the appropriate format. To properly save an Excel file for processing:
1. Select Save As from the File Menu.
2. In the Save As dialog box, select the drop-down box Save as type.
3. Select Formatted text (Space delimited) (*.prn).
4. Insert your filename and click Save.
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2. Once you have saved your file, check your file against the submission file format.
Please ensure that the record is 130 characters and all fields are properly placed in
their respective positions.
3. Zip your file if you have over 500 name and SSNs verification requests or you have a
slow connection. The transmission time required will be substantially reduced if the
file is zipped (compressed). WinZip and PKZip are examples of acceptable
compression packages.
5.6 Submitting Your File for Verification
1. When the file is ready to upload, select the Continue button on the Submit a File For
Consent Based SSN Verification – Before You Start Web Page.
2. The Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification – Submit Your File Web Page
allows you to either manually enter a file name and path, or browse your system and
select a file for upload. Upon selecting the Submit button on this page, an animated
dialog box will display confirming that the file submission is in progress when
JavaScript is enabled, as shown below.
NOTE: File submission processing times depend on many factors. SSA allows up to four (4)
hours for a single file submission. If your connection is lost during file submission, you will
have to submit the file again.
NOTE: Do not exit CBSV or log out until you receive your confirmation number.
3. Once your file is successfully uploaded, the system displays the Submit a File for
Consent Based SSN Verification – Confirmation Web Page.
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4. The Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification - Confirmation Web Page
provides feedback to the user confirming receipt of the Names/SSN file as well as
displaying the Confirmation Number and other submission related information.
5. The Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification - Confirmation Web Page
contains the following information:
• Confirmation number, a 16, 17, or 18 position alphanumeric number, assigned by
SSA, that you will need to retrieve the results of your submission. Make a note of this
number; you need it to check the status of your file.
• Date of submission
• Your file name (For information only, not to be used for tracking the status of your
• File size
• What you should do next
• What to expect
A JavaScript dialog box also displays recommending that you save or print the page. The
pop-up below should display after the Confirmation page displays.
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6. Once a file is successfully submitted and you have noted the associated confirmation
number, you can process more files by selecting the Submit Another File button;
this returns you to the Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification – Submit
Your File Web Page.
5.7 Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification - Problem:
File Not Received
The Submit a File for Consent Based SSN Verification - Problem: File Not Received Web
Page alerts you to the presence of an error which prevented receipt of the Name/SSN file.
Possible reasons include a zero-byte file, a file without a proper extension, or no file being
IMPORTANT: Encrypted batch files cannot be uploaded to the CBSV service. Do not
encrypt files or protect them with a password.
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5.8 Consent Based SSN Verification Status and Retrieval
The Consent Based SSN Verification Status and Retrieval Web Page allows you to request
the status of files that have been submitted for batch processing.
IMPORTANT: 30 Day Availability: You can download SSN verification results for 30
days from the day they become available. The “Available Through” field will provide a date
denoting availability. The (-) symbol in this field indicates that the files are beyond the 30
days when they could have been downloaded. You can download available files an unlimited
number of times.
When you select one of the Submit buttons (Submit1, Submit 2, or Submit 3), CBSV
searches for files that were submitted within the last two years with the search criteria you
enter (Confirmation Number, Range Date or All Submissions - which retrieves up to the last
100 submissions), and displays the appropriate Status and Retrieval Results Web Page.
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5.9 Consent Based SSN Verification Status and Retrieval Results
The Consent Based SSN Verification Status and Retrieval Results Web Page is dynamically
created and displayed based on the option you select. This Web Page is displayed when you
select one of the Submit buttons on the CBSV Status and Retrieval Web Page and CBSV
does not find any format edit errors.
The Retrieve File column within the Consent Based SSN Verification Status and Retrieval
Results table indicates whether the file can be downloaded.
If you select a Download link, the Consent Based SSN Verification Status and Retrieval
Results Web Page remains displayed and the file download begins.
If the file is in process or was not processed due to an edit check or unzip failure, the
following columns will contain a hyphen: Records Submitted, Failed Verification,
Deceased, Verified, Retrieve File, and Available Through.
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5.10 Return File Format
The returned text file is formatted as defined in the following table:
For security reasons, the first five
(5) positions will be masked with
an "X."
Data identical to input provided by
the requester.
Data identical to input provided by
the requester.
Data identical to input provided by
the requester.
Data identical to input provided by
the requester.
Data identical to input provided by
the requester.
16, 17, or 18 position number
assigned to your file.
‘blank’ = Verified
Data identical to input provided by
the requester.
Data identical to input provided by
the requester.
Data identical to input provided by
the requester.
Y = Death information is present
N = Verification failed
N = Death information is not
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110 -160
Blank = Death information not
SSA use only
5.11 Consent Based SSN Verification Results
The following verification codes are returned in the downloaded file:
“blank” Response Means Verified
• The information submitted for verification matches Social Security Administration’s
• A “blank” in the Verification Code column = a verified SSN.
“N” Response Means Verification Failed
• The information submitted for verification does not match Social Security
Administration’s records
• An “N” in the Verification Code column = a failed SSN verification.
“Y” (For Deceased Per SSA Records)
• The name and SSN combination submitted for verification matches Social Security
Administration’s records, but our records indicate that the Number Holder is
• A “Y” in the Death Indicator column = Death information is present.
NOTE: If the Verification Code is not equal to “blank”, or if SSA’s records indicate that the
Number Holder is deceased, please refer to the Section 6.0, Instructions for Numbers that Do
Not Verify section of the CBSV User’s Guide.
5.12 Logging Out of CBSV
To log out of CBSV:
• Select the Logout link at the top or bottom of any CBSV Web Page.
• The BSO Logout Web Page will display.
• Select Yes to exit and return to the BSO Welcome Web Page.
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6.0 Instructions for Numbers That Do Not Verify
Each Social Security Number (SSN) submitted will be returned to you with a Verification
Code that the submission either agrees or does not agree with SSA’s records. If SSA’s
response is that the submission does not match our records then take the following
1. Review the data submitted to SSA against the data contained in your records. If it
does not match, resubmit the corrected data to SSA for verification. The cost for the
resubmission will be borne by you, the Requesting Party.
2. If the data in your records matches the data submitted to SSA, then re-contact the
SSN holder and ask to see his/her Social Security Card and/or verify the information
provided to you to assure that the SSN and name were correctly shown on your
request. If the number holder corrects the original data, then you should submit the
corrected data to SSA for verification. The cost for resubmission will be borne by
you, the Requesting Party.
3. If you cannot resolve the “no match” data discrepancy, then you will refer the SSN
holder to the Social Security Field Office that services where he/she resides to
determine the nature of the problem. The servicing SSA Field Office can be located
by visiting Select the “Find a Social Security Office” link
and follow the instructions.
NOTE: If the Social Security Administration's records are wrong, only the Number Holder
can request that the record be corrected.
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7.0 Security
CBSV and all applications within the BSO Suite of Services use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
communications protocol and 128-bit line encryption to protect your privacy. These
technologies mitigate the possibility of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data being
intercepted by unauthorized parties and ensure the security of data transmitted over the
These security features do not apply to Internet E-mail. SSA recommends that you not
include private information, such as your SSN, password and User ID in Internet
E-mail communications.
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8.0 Accounting
The Requesting Party must provide SSA with advance payment for the full annual cost of the
estimated number of verifications it expects to submit for SSA’s entire fiscal year (October
1st – September 30th). Payment for SSN verification transaction fees will be submitted with
a signed Form SSA-1235 (Agreement Covering Reimbursable Services). The Requesting
Party will then “draw down” deposited funds as it submits verification requests. Services
will be provided only if sufficient funds are on deposit in the Requesting Party’s credit
account. If any file submitted does not conform to the requirements of the User
Agreement or the User’s Guide, the Requesting Party is still liable for the full record
processing cost for that file.
NOTE: SSN results will not be released until the Requesting Party’s account is restored to a
positive cash balance commensurate with the total amount owed for services used. You will
be unable to use the service if there are no funds available in your account. If the Requesting
Party’s account has been blocked due to insufficient funds the Company will be notified by
SSA through E-mail to contact SSA’s Office of Financial Policy and Operations. Until the
account balance is resolved, your company will not be able to access any of the CBSV
8.1 Quarterly Statements and End of Year Settlement
The quarterly statements will be sent during the months of January, April, July and October.
These statements will summarize all account activity for the previous quarter including
account decrements as the CBSV service is utilized. SSA will reconcile the account at the
end of the fiscal year and any funds not utilized in the fiscal year will be refunded to the
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9.0 CBSV Compliance Review Audit
Please refer to your company’s CBSV User Agreement for information about the
requirements of the CBSV Compliance Review Audit.
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10.0 Getting CBSV Help and Support
10.1 Help Link
Each CBSV Web Page contains a CBSV Help button located in the upper left hand corner.
This button will open a new browser window providing access to the CBSV Help Web Page.
You must be logged into CBSV to access the Help button.
10.2 Contacting SSA
CBSV Hours of Support
CBSV customer support is available during the following hours:
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time
You may either E-mail us or speak with a representative on the telephone.
Please send E-mails to: [email protected]
Please make your message as specific as possible, and include:
• The question or problem
• Web Page details (e.g., title, URL, etc.)
• Any error message messages received
• A telephone number where we may contact you
• Any other relevant information
Or if you wish to speak with a representative please telephone 888-772-2970.
Questions on Finance and Agreements
Questions about finances, account balances and the User Agreement may also be sent to:
[email protected]
Or if you wish to speak with a representative please telephone 866-395-8801.
General Questions
Please send general questions on CBSV to: [email protected].
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Form SSA-89
Form Approved
OMB #0960-0760
Social Security Administration
Authorization for the Social Security Administration (SSA)
To Release
Social Security Number (SSN) Verification
Printed Name ____________________Date of Birth______________SSN ___________
I am conducting the following business transaction
[Identify a specific purpose. Example—seeking a mortgage from the Company– “identity
verification” or “identity proof or confirmation” is not acceptable.].
with the following company (“the Company”):
Company Name
I authorize the Social Security Administration to verify my name and SSN to the Company and/or the
Company’s Agent, if applicable, for the purpose I identified.
The name and address of the Company’s Agent is:
I am the individual to whom the Social Security number was issued or that person’s legal guardian. I
declare and affirm under the penalty of perjury that the information contained herein is true and
correct. I acknowledge that if I make any representation that I know is false to obtain information
from Social Security records, I could be found guilty of a misdemeanor and fined up to $5,000.
This consent is valid only for 90 days from the date signed, unless indicated otherwise by the
individual named above. If you wish to change this timeframe, fill in the following:
This consent is valid for _______ days from the date signed. _______ (Please initial.)
Signature __________________________________ Date Signed ___________________
Contact information of individual signing authorization:
Address ______________________________________________
City/State/Zip ______________________________________________
Phone Number ______________________________________________
Form SSA-89 (8/15/2008)
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement - This information collection meets the requirements
of 44 U.S.C. § 3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You
do not need to answer these questions unless we display a valid Office of Management and
Budget control number. We estimate that it will take about 3 minutes to complete the form.
You may send comments on our time estimate above to: SSA, 6401 Security Blvd.,
Baltimore, MD 21235-6401. Send to this address only comments relating to our time estimate,
not the completed form.
………………………………………………TEAR OFF ………………………………
The Company and/or its Agent have entered into an agreement with SSA that, among other
things, includes restrictions on the further use and disclosure of SSA’s verification of your SSN.
To view a copy of the entire model agreement, visit
Form SSA-88
Form Approved
OMB #0960-0760
Pre-Approval Form For
Consent Based Social Security Number Verification (CBSV)
Name of the Company
Company Address (P.O. Box alone is not acceptable)
Address Line 1 __________________________________________________
Address Line 2 __________________________________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________________________________
EIN (Employer Identification Number)
(Provide primary EIN if your company uses more than one.)
List the names of all employees unless your company will access CBSV solely through a web service
platform. For the web service platform, provide corresponding information of the Responsible
Company Official as the employee authorized to use CBSV.
Name of Employee(s) Authorized to Use CBSV:
Telephone Number of Employee(s) Authorized to Use CBSV:
(include area code)
Email Address of Employee(s) Authorized to Use CBSV:
Name of Company Manager or Authorized Representative (print or type)
Signature of Company Manager or Authorized Representative
Telephone Number (include area code)
Email Address
See SSA’s CBSV User Guide for information regarding the extent and nature of employee’s
authority to use CBSV.
Notify us if your authorized employee leaves your company or if you choose to revoke any or all of
your employee's authorization to use SSA's Business Services Online (BSO).
Privacy Act Notice
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is allowed to collect the information on this form under Sections
205 and 1106 of the Social Security Act and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a). We need this
information to register your company and your authorized employee(s) to use our system for verifying
Social Security Numbers and to contact you, if necessary. Giving us this information is voluntary.
However, without the information we will not be able to provide this service to your company. SSA may
also use the information we collect on this form for such purposes authorized by law, including to ensure the
appropriate use of the service.
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
This information collection meets the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. 3507, as amended by section 2 of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You are not required to answer these questions unless we display a valid
Office of Management and Budget control number. We estimate that it will take you about 5 minutes to
complete this form. You may send comments on our time estimate above to: SSA, 6401 Security Blvd.,
Baltimore, MD 21235-6401. Send only comments relating to our time estimate to this address, not the
completed form.
Form SSA-88 (8/15/2008)
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | 637332 |
File Modified | 2010-10-14 |
File Created | 2010-10-14 |