Form Appendix A and B Appendix A and B Interview Protocol

Cognitive and Psychological Research

Appendix A and B - Interview protocol

Pretesting of CPS UI Non-Filer Supplement

OMB: 1220-0141

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Appendix A: Individual Cognitive Interviewing Protocol

Cognitive Testing of the CPS UI Non-filers Supplement

Cognitive Interview Protocol Guide

  • Hi! Thank you for coming in today.

  • I am …... [This is my colleague ( ) who will be taking notes for us today]

  • Have you participated in any of our studies before?

  • Consent Form/Permission to audiotape

  • Explanation:

    • We are going to be working with some questions from the Current Population Survey, an ongoing survey that provides a continuous flow of information about the characteristics of the American workforce.

    • What we are going to do today is go through a few questions from the survey and get your reactions to them.

    • The purpose of today’s session is to help us find out more about how people respond to these questions. Basically, we’re trying to find out what you think a question is asking and how hard it is to answer. We are not here to evaluate you, we are looking to improve the questions, so there are no wrong answers. All the information you give us will be kept completely confidential, and will be used to improve the survey questions.

  • Any questions before we begin?

  • Permission to record?

Labor Force Questions

Question Number


Response Options

Who Receives Question


Please tell me the names and ages of everyone who lives in your household

Open ended



What is the highest level of school (name/you) (has/have) completed or the highest degree (name/you) (has/have) received?

(31) Less than 1st grade

(32) 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade (For example: BA, AB, BS)

(33) 5th or 6th grade

(34) 7th or 8th grade

(35) 9th grade

(36) 10th grade

(37) 11th grade

(38) 12th grade NO DIPLOMA

(39) HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE- high school DIPLOMA or the equivalent (For example: GED)

(40) Some college but no degree

(41) Associate degree in college - Occupational/vocational program

(42) Associate degree in college -- Academic program

(43) Bachelor's degree

(44) Master's degree (For example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)

(45) Professional School Degree (For example: MD,DDS,DVM,LLB,JD)

(46) Doctorate degree (For example: PhD, EdD)



(Are / Is) (name/you) of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

(1) Yes

(2) No



I am going to read you a list of race categories. You may choose one or more races. For this survey, Hispanic origin is not a race.

Are you: White; Black or African American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; OR Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander?

  1. White

  2. Black or African American

  3. American Indian or Alaska Native

  4. Asian

  5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  6. Other - DO NOT READ



Next, I am going to ask a few questions about work related activities LAST WEEK. By last week, I mean the week beginning on Sunday, ____ and ending on Saturday, ___




LAST WEEK, did you/name do ANY work for pay?

  1. Yes –end /ask questions of other hh members

  2. No, go to PUABS

  3. Don't Know go to PUABS

  4. Refused go to PUABS



LAST WEEK, did you/name have a job either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.

  1. Yes –end /ask questions of other hh members

  2. No, go to LAYOFF

  3. Don't Know, go to LAYOFF

  4. Refused, go to LAYOFF

PUWK = 2, D, R

Anyone who didn’t work last week


LAST WEEK, were you/name on layoff from a job?

  1. Yes, to go RETURN

  2. No, go to LOOKING

  3. Don't Know, go to LOOKING

  4. Refused go to LOOKING


Anyone who didn’t have a job last week


Has your/their employer given you/name a date to return to work?

  1. Yes – end

  2. No go to LASTWORK

  3. Don't Know go to LASTWORK

  4. Refused go to LASTWORK


Anyone on layoff


Have you been doing anything to find work during the last 4 weeks?

  1. Yes go to LKMTH

  2. No go to DWWNT

  3. Don't Know go to DWWNT

  4. Refused go to DWWNT


Anyone who didn’t have a job last week

And not on layoff


What are all the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?

Record what is said all go to LASTWORK


Anyone who said did something to find work last week


Do you/does Name currently want a job, either full or part time

  1. Yes, or maybe, it depends – go to LASTWORK

  2. No - end

  3. Retired – go to LASTWORK

  4. Disabled – go to LASTWORK

  5. Unable to work – go to LASTWORK

  6. Don’t know – go to LASTWORK

  7. Refused – go to LASTWORK


Anyone who said they did not do something to find work last week


When did you/name last work at a job or business?

  1. Within the last 12 months – go to supplement

  2. More than 12 months ago – end

  3. Never worked - end

  4. Don’t know – end

  5. Refused - end

DWWNT = 1, 3, 4 or 5

Anyone who said they want a job, they’re retired, disabled or unable to work

UI-Non Filer Questions

(UI Nonfilers asked of LASTWORK=1 (anyone who did not have a job last week, wants a job, and worked in the last 12 months)

Your cooperation is important because the data collected will be used by the U.S. Department of Labor to learn more about individuals experience with unemployment benefits. Analysis from this survey data will help improve the U.S. unemployment insurance system.

This is the lead in introduction to the supplement.


This month we are asking some additional questions about unemployment insurance benefits. People who have previously worked can apply to receive these benefits, which replace part of their income while they look for a job.



Universe for Q1: HHMEM = 1, AFNOW = 2, PRTAGE = 16+, HRMIS=1,2,3,5,6, OR 7, AND PUMLR=5,6,or 7

>Q1<Are you retired FROM A JOB OR BUSINESS?

    1. Yes – to Q3

    2. No – to Q2

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q2]


Universe for Q2: Q1=2,D or R

>Q2<What best describes your situation at this time? For example, are you disabled, ill, in school, taking care of house or family, or something else?

  1. Disabled

  2. Ill

  3. In school

  4. Taking care of house or family

  5. In retirement

  6. Something else/other

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q3]

[all response options GO TO Q3]


Universe for Q3:[(HRMIS=1,2,3,5,6 or 7) AND (PUDWLK=-1,2,D or R) AND PUMLR=5,6, or 7

>Q3< Have you worked at a job or business at any time during the past 12 months?

  1. Yes – to Q4

  2. No – end survey

===> __

[Don’t know or refused END SURVEY]


Universe for Q4: Q3=1 OR PUDWWK=1 OR PUJHWKO=1 OR PUNLFJH=1 (within the last 12 months) OR (PUMLR=4 AND PULKLWO=1, 2,) OR (PUMLR=4 AND PULKLL1O=1 AND PULKLWO=-2, -3, -1) OR (PUMLR=3)

>Q4<[Fill (Have you/Has name)] applied for unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job?

  1. Yes – to Q5

  2. No – to Q10

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q10]



[Fill (Have you/Has name)] received any unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job?

  1. Yes – to Q6

  2. No – to Q9

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q7]


>Q6< In what month and year did [fill (you/they)] start receiving unemployment benefits?

===> __

[Don’t know or refused]

=== > Go to Q7



Did [Fill (you/name)] receive unemployment benefits last week?

  1. Yes - to Q13

  2. No - to Q8

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q13]


Why didn’t [Fill (you/name)] receive any unemployment benefits last week?

Applied and Waiting

  1. Waiting for approval of application

  2. Application approved, but waiting period not over

Denied Claim / Did Not Qualify

  1. Used up (exhausted) all benefits

  2. Left job voluntarily, quit, or dismissed for conduct or cause

  3. Earnings or hours too low to qualify

  4. Strike/work stoppage

  5. Was self-employed or an independent contractor

  6. Disqualified (fraud, failed to report on time, refused work referral/work offer, incarceration)

  7. Withheld for child support or overpayment

  8. Different pay periods (every two weeks, monthly)

  9. Other (specify) ___________ - to Q8a

===> __ [1 – 10 GO TO Q13]

[11 GO TO Q8a]

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q13]



Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO Q13]


Why [Fill (haven’t you/hasn’t name)] received any unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job?

Applied and Waiting

  1. Waiting for approval of application

  2. Application approved, but waiting period not over

Denied Claim / Did Not Qualify

  1. Used up (exhausted) all benefits

  2. Left job voluntarily, quit, or dismissed for conduct or cause

  3. Earnings or hours too low to qualify

  4. Strike/work stoppage

  5. Was self-employed or an independent contractor

  6. Disqualified (fraud, failed to report on time, refused work referral/work offer, incarceration)

  7. Withheld for child support or overpayment

  8. Different pay periods (every two weeks, monthly)

  9. Other (specify) ___________ - to Q9a

===> __ [1 – 10 GO TO Q13]

[11 GO TO Q9a]

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q13]


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO Q13]


There are a variety of reasons why people might not apply for unemployment benefits. What are the reasons [Fill (you have/name has)] not applied for unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job? MARK ALL THAT APPLY AND PROBE: Was there another reason?

(Note to instrument Author: Please try to fit this in one screen.)

  1. Plan to file soon– to Q13

  2. Voluntarily left last job, retired or was self-employed

Knowledge Reasons

  1. Did not think eligible -- to Q11

  2. Did not know benefits existed

  3. Did not know where or how to apply

  4. Used or exhausted benefits

  5. Last employer didn’t give any information

Job-Related Reasons

  1. Expect to start a new job

  2. Expect to be recalled to work soon

Problems With Application

  1. Started application, did not finish

  2. Application was too confusing, technical or difficult to understand

  3. Tried to get assistance with application but couldn’t get help

  4. Tried to file by phone or internet but application system wasn’t functioning

Attitudinal / Personal Reasons

  1. Too much like charity or welfare

  2. Worried might impact future jobs

  3. Does not need money / Benefits not expected to be large enough or last long enough

  4. Expected application to be rejected

  5. Too much work/hassle to apply or meet requirements

Other Problems

  1. No transportation

  2. No telephone, no computer or internet

  3. Application or assistance is not available in their language

  4. Other (specify) __________ - TO Q10a

N) No more

[IF tally >1 GO TO Q12]

[IF tally =1 GO TO Q13]

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q13]


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO Q5 to probe for more responses]

[Store this response as number 19 and tally it in the number of responses to Q10]

>Q11< - only if you answered 3 in Q10

Why didn’t [Fill (you/name)] believe [Fill (you were/she was/he was)] eligible for unemployment benefits?

  1. Didn’t earn/work enough/worked part time

  2. Didn’t have a recent job

  3. Had voluntarily left/quit last job/retired

  4. Was fired from last job

  5. Was self-employed or an independent contractor

  6. Told not eligible by former employer or office

  7. Received severance pay

  8. Other-Specify _______________

===> __ [1 – 7 GO TO Q10 to probe for more responses]

[8 GO TO Q11a]

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q10 to probe for more responses]


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO Q10 to probe for more responses]

[Store this response as number 25 and tally it in the number of responses to Q10]

>Q12< [if Q10 has more than one response]

Of the reasons you just mentioned, what is the main reason [Fill (you/name)] did not apply for UI benefits?

[Response options should have the reasons entered in Q10 (1 through 21) retaining the same numbers previously used.]

Example: <5> Misinformed by boss or office

<22> Had voluntarily left/quit last job

===> __

[This response must match an entry given in Q10 or Q11]

[GO TO Q13]

[Don’t know or Refused GO TO Q13]


[Fill (Were you/Was name)] a union member or covered by a union contract on [Fill (your/his/her)] last job?

<1> Yes

<2> No

<3> DK / R

===> All go to A1

Now, we also have a few questions about your experience looking for a new job over the last 2 months.

>A1< How many job applications, if any, have you submitted in the last 2 months?

  1. 0 - go to A4

  2. 1 to 10 – go to A2

  3. 11 to 20 – go to A2

  4. 21 or more – go to A2

  5. DK / R – go to A2

>A2< To accept any of the jobs you applied for, would you have to move or relocate?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. DK/R

All go to A3

>A3< How many of those applications submitted in the last 2 months led to an interview?

  1. 0

  2. 1 or 2

  3. 3 to 7

  4. 8 or more

  5. DK / R

All go to A4

>A4<.Have you had any problems finding jobs to apply for?

  1. Yes -- Go to A5

  2. No -- go to B1

  3. DK/R -- go B1

>A5< What is the main problem that you have had in finding jobs to apply for? [Interviewer does not read options out loud] MARK ALL THAT APPLY AND PROBE: Was there another problem?

  1. Too few jobs for what I am trained to do / for my education level

  2. The wages are too low

  3. The benefits associated with the job (pension, health insurance) are not good

  4. The hours of work are too few

  5. The hours of work are not convenient

  6. Jobs do not have flexible enough work schedule

  7. The jobs do not have good promotion potential

  8. Most of the suitable jobs are too far away

  9. My health keeps me from being able to do many jobs

  10. Not searching hard enough

  11. Other, specify

===> __ [Range is 1 through 11 and N for no more. Accept multiple entries. Allow backup to remove an entry. Zero is not an acceptable response]

[If 11 is entered immediately store it for A5 and GO TO A5a, it will return from A5a and it should probe for more responses to A5]

[Tally number of responses entered including stored entries of option 11]

==== > go to B1


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO A5 to probe for more responses]

[Store this response as number 11 and tally it in the number of responses to A5]

>B1< How many job offers, if any, have you received since you last worked?

  1. 0 Go to B5

  2. 1 Go to Criteria for B2

  3. 2 or more Go to Criteria for B2


  1. All respondents in MIS=4 or MIS=8

If MIS= 1-3, 5-7: {just outgoing rotations, 2) people who never applied for UI, 3) people who applied but never got benefits, and 4) people who are no longer receiving benefits }

  1. Nonfiler Q4= No


  1. Nonfiler Q5= No and [Q9 =/= Waiting for approval of application or Q9 =/= Application approved, but waiting period not over]


  1. Nonfiler Q7= No

If criteria matches Go to B2

If criteria does not match Go to B3

>B2< Thinking about the [fill if B1>1 best] job offer that you received, why did you turn that job offer down?

  1. I have not turned down a job offer – go to B5

  2. The wage was too low

  3. The benefits associated with the job (pension, health insurance) were not good

  4. The hours of work were too few

  5. The hours of work were not convenient

  6. It did not offer a flexible enough schedule

  7. The job was not in my usual occupation/use my skills well

  8. The job did not have good promotion potential

  9. The job would have required me to move, relocate to another part of the country

  10. The commute to the job would have been too long

  11. Personal reasons for turning down the job (e.g. ill health, could not arrange child care, not physically able to do the job

  12. Other, specify

[Response options 2-12 go to B3]


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

=== > Go to B3

>B3< How long ago did you receive your [fill if B1>1 best] offer?

    1. Within the last week

    2. Longer than a week ago but less than a month

    3. 1 to 3 months ago

    4. 3 to 6 months ago

    5. 6 or more months ago

    6. DK/R

Go to B4

>B4< If you were offered that job again today, would you accept it or would you still turn it down?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I have not turned down the job offer

  4. DK/R

Go to B5

>B5< If you were offered a job similar to your last job, would you be willing to accept less pay than you received before?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. DK/R


Thanks for your answers so far. Now I want to go talk about some of the questions individually, so we can get your feedback on the questions and understand what you were thinking when you answered them.

To start, I want to ask you generally -

  1. What did you think of the interview questions?

  2. What was your reaction to the questions?

  3. Did any of those questions stand out to you for any reason?

  4. [proxy] Do you think that you were generally able to answer the questions correctly for the other people in your household?

    1. Which ones were most difficult?


At the beginning of the second section, I said “This month we are asking some additional questions about unemployment insurance benefits. People who have previously worked can apply to receive these benefits, which replace part of their income while they look for a job.”

  1. Have you heard of unemployment insurance benefits before?

    1. What do you think they are?

    2. Do you have any personal experience with them?

  2. Have you heard of the term UI benefits?

    1. Are they the same or different?

  3. Did our explanation “replace part of your income while you look for a job” make sense?

    1. Did it match with your understanding of unemployment insurance benefits?

  4. Do you know any of the requirements associated with receiving unemployment insurance benefits?

Q5. One of the questions in this section asked “[Fill (Have you/Has name)] received any unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job?”

  1. What did that question mean to you?

  2. Was it clear what job the question was referring to?

    1. When answering for yourself, what job did you think about?

  3. [proxy] how much do you know about [fill name]’s employment and unemployment situation?

    1. What about their last job, do you know much about why and when it ended?

      1. When did you/they last have that job?

Q6. [if received] The next question asked “In what month and year did [fill (you/they)] start receiving unemployment benefits? “

  1. How easy or difficult was that to answer? Are you sure of your answer?

  2. How did you go about remembering when your benefits started?

  3. [proxy] How did you know when their benefits started? (e.g., share bank accounts, they told me)

Q8. [if received] Another question asked “Why didn’t [Fill (you/name)] receive any unemployment benefits last week?”

  1. [if gave more than one reason] You said the main reason was [fill verbatim], how did you go about deciding which reason was the main one?

    1. Was it easy or difficult to select?

  2. I matched that to our answer choice of [filler response option]. Do feel that’s an accurate representation of your answer?

  3. Do you think there may be other reasons you didn’t receive UI benefits last week?

  4. [proxy] Are you clear on the reasons they didn’t receive UI benefits last week?

Q9 [if received] We also asked about why you “haven’t received any unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job?”

  1. [if gave more than one reason] You said the main reason was [fill verbatim], how did you go about deciding which reason was the main one?

    1. Was it easy or difficult to select?

  2. I matched that to our answer choice of [filler response option]. Do feel that’s an accurate representation of your answer?

  3. Do you think there may be other reasons you didn’t receive UI benefits since your last job?

  4. [proxy] Are you clear on the reasons they didn’t receive UI benefits since your last job?

Q10. [if received] We are especially interested in reasons why people may not apply for unemployment benefits, as we would like to make it as easy as possible for people eligible for these benefits. We asked you for the reasons that [you/fill name] had not applied for unemployment benefits since your last job.

  1. [if gave more than one reason] You said the main reason was [fill verbatim], how did you go about deciding which reason was the main one?

    1. Was it easy or difficult to select?

  2. I matched that to our answer choice of [filler response option]. Do feel that’s an accurate representation of your answer?

  3. [if relevant] Can you tell me about your experience trying to apply for benefits?

  4. How well do you understand the requirements of UI benefits?

    1. Did the requirements dissuade you from applying in any way?

  5. [proxy] How well do you feel you know the reasons [fill name] didn’t apply for benefits?

  6. [proxy] Did [fill name] tell you about their experience trying to apply for benefits?

Q11 [if received]. For people who didn’t apply because they thought they weren’t eligible to receive the unemployment benefits, we asked for the reasons they thought they weren’t eligible.

  1. You said the reason was [fill verbatim], I matched that to our answer choice of [filler response option]. Do feel that’s an accurate representation of your answer?

  2. [probe for specifics as necessary to understand their understanding of eligibility]

  3. [proxy] do you know if [fill name] thinks they’re eligible or not?

Q12 [if received]. I asked you which of the reasons for not applying was the main reason.

  1. How did you decide which of your reasons for not applying was the main one?

  2. Did one really stand out to you more than the others?

  3. [proxy] Do you feel like you have a good sense of their reasons and which are the most important?

Job Searching

After the questions about unemployment insurance benefits, there were some questions about job applications, interviews and offers.

  1. What did you think of these questions?

  2. What was your reaction to the questions?

    1. Did they seem to fit in with the rest of the questions I asked?

  3. Did any of those questions stand out to you for any reason?

  4. [proxy] Do you think that you were generally able to answer the questions correctly for the other people in your household?

    1. Which ones were most difficult?

A1. I asked “How many job applications, if any, have you submitted in the last 2 months?”

  1. How did you go about answering that question?

    1. Probe enough to get estimation strategy

  2. [proxy] How much do you know about the job applications other people in your household submit?

    1. Do you know how many jobs they apply for?

    2. Do they give you regular updates?

A2. I also asked “To accept any of the jobs you applied for, would you have to move or relocate?”

  1. What does this question mean to you?

A3. When I asked you how many of the applications submitted in the last 2 months led to an interview, you were able to answer.

  1. How did you go about answering that question?

    1. Probe enough to get estimation strategy

  2. How much do you know about the interviews other people in your house go on?

A5 (if asked). I asked you to tell me about the main problem you had in finding jobs to apply for.

  1. You said the reason was [fill verbatim], I matched that to our answer choice of [filler response option]. Do feel that’s an accurate representation of your answer?

  2. [proxy] how well do you know the problems other people in your house have finding jobs to apply for?

Job Offers

I then asked some questions about job offers you have received.

  1. What was your reaction to those questions?

  2. Did any of the questions stand out to you in any way?

B2, B3 and B4 [if asked] One of the questions asked you about the best job offer you’ve received.

  1. Was it easy to identify which offer was the ‘best’?

  2. How did you make that decision?

  3. [proxy] Do you think you know about all the job offers other people in your household received?

  4. [proxy, if more than one offer] Do you think they consider their best job offer the same offer that you do?

B5. The last question asked “If you were offered a job similar to your last job, would you be willing to accept less pay than you received before?”

  1. In your own words, what is this question asking?


  1. Now that we’ve talked about the questions we’re considering, what is your reaction?

  2. Do any of the specific questions stand out to you for any reason?

  3. If we asked someone else in your household to answer these questions on your behalf, do you think they’d be able to?

    1. Would they have any concerns?

  4. Any other thoughts as we wrap up?

Appendix B. Online Survey

Sample: MTurk participants who: 1. Are currently unemployed, 2. Lost job through no fault of their own, 3 would like to work, and 4. have held a job in the past 12 months. Eligibility will be based on self report, those who meet the requirements will be sent to the Qualtrics survey.


Thank you for participating in our two-part study, which should take less than 20 minutes. In the first part, you’ll answer a series of questions from a survey for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The questions are from a national government survey designed to collect information about employment and unemployment.

In the second part, you’ll be asked to give your feedback on those questions. This feedback will be used to evaluate the questions. The information you provide will be kept confidential, and used for research purposes only.

This voluntary study is being collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics under OMB No. 1220-0141. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The BLS cannot guarantee the protection of survey responses and advises against the inclusion of sensitive personal information in any response. This survey is being administered by Qualtrics and resides on a server outside of the BLS Domain. Your participation is voluntary, and you have the right to stop at any time.

Labor Force Questions

Question Number


Response Options

Who Receives Question


Please tell me the names and ages of everyone who lives in your household

Open ended



What is the highest level of school (name/you) (has/have) completed or the highest degree (name/you) (has/have) received?

(31) Less than 1st grade

(32) 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade (For example: BA, AB, BS)

(33) 5th or 6th grade

(34) 7th or 8th grade

(35) 9th grade

(36) 10th grade

(37) 11th grade

(38) 12th grade NO DIPLOMA

(39) HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE- high school DIPLOMA or the equivalent (For example: GED)

(40) Some college but no degree

(41) Associate degree in college - Occupational/vocational program

(42) Associate degree in college -- Academic program

(43) Bachelor's degree

(44) Master's degree (For example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)

(45) Professional School Degree (For example: MD,DDS,DVM,LLB,JD)

(46) Doctorate degree (For example: PhD, EdD)



(Are / Is) (name/you) of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

(1) Yes

(2) No



Which of the following best reflects your race?

Are you: White; Black or African American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; OR Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander?

  1. White

  2. Black or African American

  3. American Indian or Alaska Native

  4. Asian

  5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  6. Other - DO NOT READ



Next, I am going to ask a few questions about work related activities LAST WEEK. By last week, I mean the week beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday.




LAST WEEK, did you/name do ANY work for pay?

  1. Yes, go questions about other HH members

  2. No, go to PUABS

  3. Don't Know go to PUABS

  4. Refused go to PUABS



LAST WEEK, did you/name have a job either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.

  1. Yes , go questions about other HH members

  2. No, go to LAYOFF

  3. Don't Know, go to LAYOFF

  4. Refused, go to LAYOFF

PUWK = 2, D, R

Anyone who didn’t work last week


LAST WEEK, were you/name on layoff from a job?

  1. Yes, to go RETURN

  2. No, go to LOOKING

  3. Don't Know, go to LOOKING

  4. Refused go to LOOKING


Anyone who didn’t have a job last week


Has your/their employer given you/name a date to return to work?

  1. Yes – end

  2. No go to LASTWORK

  3. Don't Know go to LASTWORK

  4. Refused go to LASTWORK


Anyone on layoff


Have you been doing anything to find work during the last 4 weeks?

  1. Yes go to LKMTH

  2. No go to DWWNT

  3. Don't Know go to DWWNT

  4. Refused go to DWWNT


Anyone who didn’t have a job last week

And not on layoff


What are all the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?

Record what is said all go to LASTWORK


Anyone who said did something to find work last week


Do you/does Name currently want a job, either full or part time

  1. Yes, or maybe, it depends – go to LASTWORK

  2. No - end

  3. Retired – go to LASTWORK

  4. Disabled – go to LASTWORK

  5. Unable to work – go to LASTWORK

  6. Don’t know – go to LASTWORK

  7. Refused – go to LASTWORK


Anyone who said they did not do something to find work last week


When did you/name last work at a job or business?

  1. Within the last 12 months – go to supplement

  2. More than 12 months ago – end

  3. Never worked - end

  4. Don’t know – end

  5. Refused - end

DWWNT = 1, 3, 4 or 5

Anyone who said they want a job, they’re retired, disabled or unable to work

UI-Non Filer Questions; will follow the same flow as the cognitive interviews

(UI Nonfilers asked of LASTWORK=1 (anyone who did not have a job last week, wants a job, and worked in the last 12 months)

Your cooperation is important because the data collected will be used by the U.S. Department of Labor to learn more about individuals experience with unemployment benefits. Analysis from this survey data will help improve the U.S. unemployment insurance system.

This is the lead in introduction to the supplement.


This month we are asking some additional questions about unemployment insurance benefits. People who have previously worked can apply to receive these benefits, which replace part of their income while they look for a job.



Universe for Q1: HHMEM = 1, AFNOW = 2, PRTAGE = 16+, HRMIS=1,2,3,5,6, OR 7, AND PUMLR=5,6,or 7

>Q1<Are you retired FROM A JOB OR BUSINESS?

  1. Yes – to Q3

  2. No – to Q2

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q2]


Universe for Q2: Q1=2,D or R

>Q2<What best describes your situation at this time? For example, are you disabled, ill, in school, taking care of house or family, or something else?

  1. Disabled

  2. Ill

  3. In school

  4. Taking care of house or family

  5. In retirement

  6. Something else/other

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q3]

[all response options GO TO Q3]


Universe for Q3:[(HRMIS=1,2,3,5,6 or 7) AND (PUDWLK=-1,2,D or R) AND PUMLR=5,6, or 7

>Q3< Have you worked at a job or business at any time during the past 12 months?

  1. Yes – to Q4

  2. No – end survey

===> __

[Don’t know or refused END SURVEY]


Universe for Q4: Q3=1 OR PUDWWK=1 OR PUJHWKO=1 OR PUNLFJH=1 (within the last 12 months) OR (PUMLR=4 AND PULKLWO=1, 2,) OR (PUMLR=4 AND PULKLL1O=1 AND PULKLWO=-2, -3, -1) OR (PUMLR=3)

>Q4<[Fill (Have you/Has name)] applied for unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job?

  1. Yes – to Q5

  2. No – to Q10

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q10]



[Fill (Have you/Has name)] received any unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job?

  1. Yes – to Q6

  2. No – to Q9

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q7]


>Q6< In what month and year did [fill (you/they)] start receiving unemployment benefits?

===> __

[Don’t know or refused]

=== > Go to Q7



Did [Fill (you/name)] receive unemployment benefits last week?

  1. Yes - to Q13

  2. No - to Q8

===> __

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q13]


Why didn’t [Fill (you/name)] receive any unemployment benefits last week?

Applied and Waiting

  1. Waiting for approval of application

  2. Application approved, but waiting period not over

Denied Claim / Did Not Qualify

  1. Used up (exhausted) all benefits

  2. Left job voluntarily, quit, or dismissed for conduct or cause

  3. Earnings or hours too low to qualify

  4. Strike/work stoppage

  5. Was self-employed or an independent contractor

  6. Disqualified (fraud, failed to report on time, refused work referral/work offer, incarceration)

  7. Withheld for child support or overpayment

  8. Different pay periods (every two weeks, monthly)

  9. Other (specify) ___________ - to Q8a

===> __ [1 – 10 GO TO Q13]

[11 GO TO Q8a]

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q13]



Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO Q13]


Why [Fill (haven’t you/hasn’t name)] received any unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job?

Applied and Waiting

  1. Waiting for approval of application

  2. Application approved, but waiting period not over

Denied Claim / Did Not Qualify

  1. Used up (exhausted) all benefits

  2. Left job voluntarily, quit, or dismissed for conduct or cause

  3. Earnings or hours too low to qualify

  4. Strike/work stoppage

  5. Was self-employed or an independent contractor

  6. Disqualified (fraud, failed to report on time, refused work referral/work offer, incarceration)

  7. Withheld for child support or overpayment

  8. Different pay periods (every two weeks, monthly)

  9. Other (specify) ___________ - to Q9a

===> __ [1 – 10 GO TO Q13]

[11 GO TO Q9a]

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q13]


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO Q13]


There are a variety of reasons why people might not apply for unemployment benefits. What are the reasons [Fill (you have/name has)] not applied for unemployment benefits since [Fill (your/her/his)] last job? MARK ALL THAT APPLY AND PROBE: Was there another reason?

(Note to instrument Author: Please try to fit this in one screen.)

  1. Plan to file soon– to Q13

  2. Voluntarily left last job, retired or was self-employed

Knowledge Reasons

  1. Did not think eligible -- to Q11

  2. Did not know benefits existed

  3. Did not know where or how to apply

  4. Used or exhausted benefits

  5. Last employer didn’t give any information

Job-Related Reasons

  1. Expect to start a new job

  2. Expect to be recalled to work soon

Problems With Application

  1. Started application, did not finish

  2. Application was too confusing, technical or difficult to understand

  3. Tried to get assistance with application but couldn’t get help

  4. Tried to file by phone or internet but application system wasn’t functioning

Attitudinal / Personal Reasons

  1. Too much like charity or welfare

  2. Worried might impact future jobs

  3. Does not need money / Benefits not expected to be large enough or last long enough

  4. Expected application to be rejected

  5. Too much work/hassle to apply or meet requirements

Other Problems

  1. No transportation

  2. No telephone, no computer or internet

  3. Application or assistance is not available in their language

  4. Other (specify) __________ - TO Q10a

N) No more

[IF tally >1 GO TO Q12]

[IF tally =1 GO TO Q13]

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q13]


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO Q5 to probe for more responses]

[Store this response as number 19 and tally it in the number of responses to Q10]

>Q11< - only if you answered 3 in Q10

Why didn’t [Fill (you/name)] believe [Fill (you were/she was/he was)] eligible for unemployment benefits?

  1. Didn’t earn/work enough/worked part time

  2. Didn’t have a recent job

  3. Had voluntarily left/quit last job/retired

  4. Was fired from last job

  5. Was self-employed or an independent contractor

  6. Told not eligible by former employer or office

  7. Received severance pay

  8. Other-Specify _______________

===> __ [1 – 7 GO TO Q10 to probe for more responses]

[8 GO TO Q11a]

[Don’t know or refused GO TO Q10 to probe for more responses]


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO Q10 to probe for more responses]

[Store this response as number 25 and tally it in the number of responses to Q10]

>Q12< [if Q10 has more than one response]

Of the reasons you just mentioned, what is the main reason [Fill (you/name)] did not apply for UI benefits?

[Response options should have the reasons entered in Q10 (1 through 21) retaining the same numbers previously used.]

Example: <5> Misinformed by boss or office

<22> Had voluntarily left/quit last job

===> __

[This response must match an entry given in Q10 or Q11]

[GO TO Q13]

[Don’t know or Refused GO TO Q13]


[Fill (Were you/Was name)] a union member or covered by a union contract on [Fill (your/his/her)] last job?

<1> Yes

<2> No

<3> DK / R

===> All go to A1

Now, we also have a few questions about your experience looking for a new job over the last 2 months.

>A1< How many job applications, if any, have you submitted in the last 2 months?

  1. 0 - go to A4

  2. 1 to 10 – go to A2

  3. 11 to 20 – go to A2

  4. 21 or more – go to A2

  5. DK / R – go to A2

>A2< To accept any of the jobs you applied for, would you have to move or relocate?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. DK/R

All go to A3

>A3< How many of those applications submitted in the last 2 months led to an interview?

  1. 0

  2. 1 or 2

  3. 3 to 7

  4. 8 or more

  5. DK / R

All go to A4

>A4<.Have you had any problems finding jobs to apply for?

  1. Yes -- Go to A5

  2. No -- go to B1

  3. DK/R -- go B1

>A5< What is the main problem that you have had in finding jobs to apply for? [Interviewer does not read options out loud] MARK ALL THAT APPLY AND PROBE: Was there another problem?

  1. Too few jobs for what I am trained to do / for my education level

  2. The wages are too low

  3. The benefits associated with the job (pension, health insurance) are not good

  4. The hours of work are too few

  5. The hours of work are not convenient

  6. Jobs do not have flexible enough work schedule

  7. The jobs do not have good promotion potential

  8. Most of the suitable jobs are too far away

  9. My health keeps me from being able to do many jobs

  10. Not searching hard enough

  11. Other, specify

===> __ [Range is 1 through 11 and N for no more. Accept multiple entries. Allow backup to remove an entry. Zero is not an acceptable response]

[If 11 is entered immediately store it for A5 and GO TO A5a, it will return from A5a and it should probe for more responses to A5]

[Tally number of responses entered including stored entries of option 11]

==== > go to B1


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

[GO TO A5 to probe for more responses]

[Store this response as number 11 and tally it in the number of responses to A5]

>B1< How many job offers, if any, have you received since you last worked?

  1. 0 Go to B5

  2. 1 Go to Criteria for B2

  3. 2 or more Go to Criteria for B2


  1. All respondents in MIS=4 or MIS=8

If MIS= 1-3, 5-7: {just outgoing rotations, 2) people who never applied for UI, 3) people who applied but never got benefits, and 4) people who are no longer receiving benefits }

  1. Nonfiler Q4= No


  1. Nonfiler Q5= No and [Q9 =/= Waiting for approval of application or Q9 =/= Application approved, but waiting period not over]


  1. Nonfiler Q7= No

If criteria matches Go to B2

If criteria does not match Go to B3

>B2< Thinking about the [fill if B1>1 best] job offer that you received, why did you turn that job offer down?

  1. I have not turned down a job offer – go to B5

  2. The wage was too low

  3. The benefits associated with the job (pension, health insurance) were not good

  4. The hours of work were too few

  5. The hours of work were not convenient

  6. It did not offer a flexible enough schedule

  7. The job was not in my usual occupation/use my skills well

  8. The job did not have good promotion potential

  9. The job would have required me to move, relocate to another part of the country

  10. The commute to the job would have been too long

  11. Personal reasons for turning down the job (e.g. ill health, could not arrange child care, not physically able to do the job

  12. Other, specify

[Response options 2-12 go to B3]


Other Specify: ________________________________________________

[60 characters maximum]

=== > Go to B3

>B3< How long ago did you receive your [fill if B1>1 best] offer?

  1. Within the last week

  2. Longer than a week ago but less than a month

  3. 1 to 3 months ago

  4. 3 to 6 months ago

  5. 6 or more months ago

  6. DK/R

Go to B4

>B4< If you were offered that job again today, would you accept it or would you still turn it down?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I have not turned down the job offer

  4. DK/R

Go to B5

>B5< If you were offered a job similar to your last job, would you be willing to accept less pay than you received before?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. DK/R


Thank you, now please give us your feedback on the survey questions you just answered.

  1. What topics did the survey questions ask about? (5 open ended lines)

  2. Did any of the individual questions stand out to you for any reason?

    1. Yes – open ended to specify which one, followed by “what was it about this question that stood out to you?”

    2. No

  3. Would you have any concerns answering these questions if asked by a Bureau of Labor Statistics interviewer?

    1. Yes – what concerns would you have? Go to question 4

    2. No – skip to question 7

  1. Using the grid below, mark which specific questions do you have concerns about and whether your concerns related to answering for yourself or answering for other people in your household.

Concerns when:

Question Topic

Answering for myself

Answering for other people in my household




Current employment status

Date of last job

Whether you/they want a job

Whether applied for unemployment insurance benefits

Whether received unemployment insurance benefits

Number of job applications

Number of job interviews

Number of job offers

  1. Were there any other questions that you were concerned about?

    1. Yes, specify

    2. No

  1. What categories best reflects your main concern about answering these questions? (mark all)

    1. I didn’t understand the question

    2. The information is too personal

    3. I didn’t know the answer

    4. I wouldn’t want to share that information with the government

    5. Other, specify

  2. Prior to this survey, had you heard the term Unemployment Insurance Benefits?

    1. Yes – go to 4

    2. No – go to 10

  3. How certain are you that you know what Unemployment Insurance Benefits are?

    1. Very certain

    2. Somewhat certain

    3. Somewhat uncertain

    4. Very uncertain

  4. Which of the following are requirements for receiving Unemployment Insurance Benefits?

    1. Have had a job in the last 12 months

    2. Chose to leave last job (e.g., quit or retired)

    3. Lost job through no fault of their own

    4. Have applied for benefits

    5. Be actively looking for a job

    6. Applied to at least 5 jobs

    7. Received an interview for a new job

    8. Not turned down any job offers

    9. Other, specify

Thank you for your help with this important study!

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorKincaid, Nora - BLS
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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