RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program

Application, Reports, and Recordkeeping for the Direct Component and the Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program under the RESTORE Act

1505-0250_05_RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program Application Narrative_Fillable

RESTORE Act Direct Component & Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program

OMB: 1505-0250

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RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program Application Narrative
Department of the Treasury
OMB Approval No. 1505-0250

Directions: Complete this form to apply for Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program funding.
Applicant Name:
Point of Contact (POC) for this Application:

POC Name:
POC Title:
POC Email:
POC Phone:

Funding Opportunity Announcement #:
New/Additional Center(s) of Excellence (complete Section A)
Is this application to fund the establishment of a
new/additional Center(s) of Excellence and/or an existing
Center(s) of Excellence?

Existing Center(s) of Excellence (complete Section B)
Both New/Additional and Existing Center(s) of Excellence
(complete Sections A and B)

1. Selection Process – New/Additional Center(s) of Excellence
Directions: Describe the competitive review process that the applicant used, or will use, to select a new/additional Center(s) of
Excellence, including: a) the qualifications for entities and consortia; b) the criteria for selection and how those criteria have been/will
be applied; c) how priority has been/will be given to entities and consortia that demonstrate the ability to organize the broadest crosssection of participants with interest and expertise in the discipline(s) on which this application is focused, including participation by
minority-serving institutions (see; d) timeframe of selection
process; and e) any other selection factors. As appropriate, provide references to existing state statutory or regulatory requirements.


Public Input – New/Additional Center(s) of Excellence

Directions: Explain the process the applicant has engaged in or will engage in to provide 45-day minimum public review and comment
on its rules and policies, including the competitive selection process, and the consideration of meaningful input from the public,
including broad-based participation from individuals, businesses, Indian tribes, and non-profit organizations. Provide links to public
comments, newspaper articles, transcripts, or minutes of meetings, etc. If these are not available on the Internet, please attach
relevant documents to the application package.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid
OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1505-0250. Comments concerning the time required to
complete this information collection, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information, should be directed to the Department of the Treasury, Office of Gulf
Coast Restoration, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20220.


Selection Process and Public Input
(a) Directions: List existing Center(s) and the corresponding grant number(s) under which it was first established, thereby
incorporating previous responses by reference.

(b) Directions: Provide an explanation of any modifications to the competitive selection process used to select the existing

(c) Directions: Provide an explanation of any modifications to the rules and policies that were approved after consideration
of meaningful input from the public and used to select the existing Center(s).


1. Subaward Management
Directions: Describe how the applicant will manage the subaward(s) to the Center(s), including the applicant’s policies and procedures
for issuing subawards; the process to guard against conflicts of interest; the process for selecting science, technology, or monitoring
projects; and monitoring subrecipient’s performance and compliance.

2. Key Personnel
Directions: Key personnel should include the applicant’s Authorizing Official who is authorized to sign the grant application and award,
the Project Director who is responsible for the project, and the Financial Officer who is responsible for maintaining the accounting and
financial records of the grant. The RESTORE Act Standard Terms and Conditions require the applicant to notify Treasury if there are
any changes in key personnel. Also include the name of the principal investigator/program director for each Center of Excellence.


1. Please provide the name of the
Center(s) of Excellence and the
name and address for each entity
selected to operate the Center(s)
of Excellence as a subrecipient of
the applicant; attach more pages
as needed. Also, provide the
Principal Investigator’s (PI)
contact information.

Name of Center of Excellence:
Name of Subrecipient:
Street address:
Zip code:
DUNS Number:
PI Name:
PI Phone Number:
PI Email Address:


Select the applicable eligible
disciplines that each Center will
be focusing on as part of this grant

Select all that apply

Eligible Discipline



Offshore energy development,
including research and technology
to improve the sustainable and
safe development of energy
resources in the Gulf of Mexico


Sustainable and resilient growth
and economic and commercial
development in the Gulf Coast


Comprehensive observation,
monitoring, and mapping of the
Gulf of Mexico




Coastal and deltaic sustainability,
restoration and protection,
including solutions and technology
that allow citizens to live in a safe
and sustainable manner in a coastal
delta in the Gulf Coast Region
Coastal fisheries and wildlife
ecosystem research and
monitoring in the Gulf Coast


Provide more information on each
Center, including what type of
entity it is and whether it is a

Type of Entity (Institution of higher
education, corporation, etc.)
Is the Center of Excellence a





If yes, list all member organizations and


Select whether there is a
Minority-Serving Institution(s),
and name the entity and type of
MSI if applicable.

Minority-Serving Institution(s)
If yes, name and type of institution(s): (e.g.,
Historically Black College or University or
Hispanic Serving Institution – see definition
of Minority Institution and list of
institutions at


Select whether the Center is
located in the Gulf Coast Region.


Proposed Scope of Work

Is the Center of Excellence located in the Gulf Coast Region, as defined at 31 C.F.R. §
34.2? Explain or attach a map if necessary.


Directions: Provide a detailed scope of work that includes the activities for which funding is requested, including:
Needs, purpose, and objectives of proposed activities, including how they are designed to contribute to the
establishment of the Center(s);
Science, technology, and monitoring activities; and monitoring of the subrecipient;
Relationship between the proposed activities and the eligible discipline(s); and
Specific tasks, milestones, and related timeframes (include the major milestones in the Milestones Report).


Budget Justification (See OMB Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal
Directions: Explain in detail how the proposed budget supports the proposed scope of work. The budget justification should relate
each budget category listed in the SF-424A to the specific tasks discussed in the response to D6. Provide specific justification for ALL
budget categories that apply, including an explanation of the necessity, allowability, reasonableness, and allocability of proposed costs.
Please refer to the relevant Funding Opportunity Announcement for descriptions of the budget categories.



Does the Center(s)’s proposed activities require any federal, tribal, state, or local permits? For potential federal permits needed, see:


If yes, list federal, tribal, state, or local permits required for this project and the status of the permits:

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2016-07-21
File Created2016-03-25

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