Reduce Sodium - SLT

Successful Approaches to Reduce Sodium in School Meals

Appendix B8 School Administrator In-Depth Interview Observational Instrument 8-8-16

Reduce Sodium - SLT

OMB: 0584-0619

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Appendix B8.

School Administrator

In-Depth Interview
Observational Instrument

Section 1: Posters/Signage

[Note: Q5 through Q13C will loop until all sodium posters/signage are recorded or until three sodium posters/signage are recorded, whichever comes first.]

Instructions: After the in-depth interview with the school administrator is complete, request to visit the cafeteria (if applicable), library (if applicable), and any other common areas that display nutrition-related signage. This section is to be completed while in each of the areas. Use a separate Section A form for each of the areas. Please look around the cafeteria and note how many posters/signs contain information regarding sodium content and/or nutrition content in general. Count the total number of posters/signage related to sodium and/or general nutrition. Then, count the total number of posters/signs related only to sodium. Complete Q5 through Q13C for sodium-related posters/signs only. If more than three sodium-related posters/signs are present, please choose three representative examples. Please ensure that any correspondence that is shared does not include any personal information or opinions of the sender. For detailed instructions on the use of this instrument, please see training manual.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 36 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

  1. Cafeteria Environment

  • Not Applicable




Q1. School Level

Elementary Middle High

Other (specify grade levels): ___

Q2. Presence of Signage

Yes No

If no, skip remaining questions (Q3 through Q13C) in Section 1 (posters/signage)

Q3. Total Number of Sodium/Nutrition Posters/Signs in Cafeteria _____________

Q4. Total Number of Sodium Posters/Signs in Cafeteria


If 0, skip remaining questions (Q5 through Q13C) in Section 1 (posters/signage)

Q5. Sodium Poster/Signage:

Q5A. Brief Description: ________________________________________________________________________

Q6. Location

Dining area Service line Cashier On the cafeteria table(s) Other____________________

Q7. Poster Size

Small Medium Large


8 ½” x 11” - size of a sheet of standard printer paper


17” x 22” - size of two sheets of standard printer paper


26” x 33” - size of three sheets of standard printer paper

Q8. Condition

Poor Fair Excellent


Many tears; presence of stains, marks, or other damage; looks old (major discoloration, dated 2010 or earlier, includes references to the Food Pyramid.)


Few tears, minor discoloration


No tears; no stains, marks, or other damage; looks new (no discoloration, dated 2011 or later, references My Plate, Let’s Move, etc.)

Q9. Visibility

Not at all Somewhat Mostly to Extremely

Not at all

Items are secluded and isolated and are completely obstructed by other posters, bulletin board items, or other objects.


Items are secluded and isolated with objects partially blocking the view.

Mostly to Extremely

Items are spotted easily with no items blocking the view.

Q9A. Placement





Located between the ceiling and the upper third of the wall/object.


Located in the middle third of the wall/object.


Located between the floor to lower third of the wall/object.

Q10. Photograph/Copy (Y/N) ___________ [if yes, repeat loop (Q5–Q9A) or go to section 2; if no, go to Q11]

[Note: Q11–Q13C will be completed while on-site only if photographs are not allowed and/or copies are not provided; if photographs taken or copies provided, complete Q11–Q13C after interview ends]

Q11. Age Appropriate

Yes No

Describes how well the design and content of the poster or sign fits the viewing audience. May include literacy level, illustrations, etc.

Q12. Colorful

Yes No

Having three or more distinct, vibrant colors present. Having three or more neutral shades does not qualify as colorful (e.g., a combination of dark brown, tan, and a hint of hunter green would not be rated as colorful).

Q13. Content

Text Pictures Both

Q13A. Content: Framing

Positive Negative

Positive framing promotes a healthy behavior such as encouraging students to consume less salt by choosing a healthier option. Negative framing warns of the consequences of engaging in an unhealthy behavior such as consuming too much sodium.

Q13B. Content: Provides Instruction

Yes No

Some posters and signage may include call to action steps, or tips for the viewer.

Q13C. Content: Uses Celebrities

Yes No Describe: _________________________________________________________________________________

Posters and signage may use famous people or characters to attract attention to the item and to provide role models.

Section 2: Other Sodium-Related Items

[Note: Q14 through Q16 will loop until no more unique data are available.]

Instructions: While in the cafeteria, if time permits, walk around the cafeteria and look for other items relating to sodium. These include recipes/menus, salt/other condiments, and any other sodium-related observations. For detailed instructions on the use of this instrument, please see training manual.

  1. Cafeteria Environment

  • Not Applicable

Q14. Recipes/Menus

Not observed in cafeteria

Number Observed

Brief Description of Each

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q15. Accessibility of Added Sodium

Not observed in cafeteria

Number Observed

Brief Description of Each

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)




Q15A. Salt is readily available to students: Yes No

Q15B. Other condiments are available: Yes: Describe: _______________________ No

Q15C. Location of salt shakers/packets: Dining area Service line Cashier On the table Other: Describe: _______________________

Q16. Other (Any other sodium-related content not captured)

Not observed in cafeteria

Number Observed

Brief Description of Each

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Section 3: Communication Materials

[Note: Q17 through Q28 will loop until no more unique data are available.]

Instructions: After the in-depth interview with the school administrator has concluded, ask the interviewee if s/he has had communication regarding sodium in school meals with any of the following types of individuals: (1) food suppliers; (2) other school staff (e.g., cafeteria personnel, principals, teachers, School Food Authorities [SFAs], etc.); (3) parents and/or the public; and/or (4) other community-based stakeholders. If the interviewee notes that s/he has had communication with any of these types of individuals, ask if you may have a copy of any such correspondence. If s/he provides you with hard copies, thank them. If s/he informs you that you may not have copies, ask her/him if you may see them. In the event that you are permitted to see them, but cannot take copies with you, ask for permission to take photographs of these items and complete Q17 through Q28 on site (where applicable). Please ensure that any correspondence that is shared does not include any personal information or opinions of the sender. For detailed instructions on the use of this instrument, please see training manual.

  1. Communication with Food Suppliers

  • Not Applicable

Q17. Letters, emails, etc. with Food Suppliers

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q18. Other Communication with Food Suppliers

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



  1. Communication with Staff

  • Not Applicable

Q19. Letters to/from Staff

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q20. Meetings, Workshops, Webinars, and Other Communication with Staff

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



  1. Communication with Parents and/or the Public

  • Not Applicable

Q21. Letters to/from Parents and/or the Public

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q22. Documentation of Presentations to Parents and/or the Public

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q23. News Articles for the Public

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q24. Other Communication with Parents and/or the Public

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



  1. Communication with Community-Based Stakeholders

  • Not Applicable

Q25. Letters to/from Community-Based Stakeholders

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q26. Meeting Agendas and/or Notes

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q27. Other Communication with Community-Based Stakeholders

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q28. Additional Comments/Observations

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorAmy Wieczorek, MPH
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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