Reduce Sodium - Business

Successful Approaches to Reduce Sodium in School Meals

Appendix B10 Stakeholder In-Depth Interview Observational 8-8-16

Reduce Sodium - Business

OMB: 0584-0619

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Appendix B10.

Community-Based Stakeholder

In-Depth Interview
Observational Instrument

Section 3: Communication Materials1

[Note: Q17 through Q28 will loop until no more unique data are available.]

Instructions: After the in-depth interview with the community-based stakeholder has concluded, ask the interviewee if s/he has had communication regarding sodium in school meals with any of the following types of individuals: (1) food suppliers; (2) school staff (e.g., cafeteria personnel, principals, teachers); (3) parents and/or the public; and/or (4) other community-based stakeholders. If the interviewee notes that s/he has had communication with any of these types of individuals, ask if you may have a copy of any such correspondence. If s/he provides you with hard copies, thank them. If s/he informs you that you may not have copies, ask her/him if you may see them. In the event that you are permitted to see them, but cannot take copies with you, ask for permission to take photographs of these items and complete Q17 through Q28 on site (where applicable). Please ensure that any correspondence that is shared does not include any personal information or opinions of the sender. For detailed instructions on the use of this instrument, please see training manual.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

  1. Communication with Food Suppliers

  • Not Applicable

Q17. Letters, emails, etc. with Food Suppliers

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q18. Other Communication with Food Suppliers

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



  1. Communication with School Staff

  • Not Applicable

Q19. Letters to/from School Staff

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q20. Meetings, Workshops, Webinars, and Other Communication with School Staff

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



  1. Communication with Parents and/or the Public

  • Not Applicable

Q21. Letters to/from Parents and/or the Public

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q22. Documentation of Presentations to Parents and/or the Public

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q23. News Articles for the Public

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q24. Other Communication with Parents and/or the Public

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



  1. Communication with Other Community-Based Stakeholders

  • Not Applicable

Q25. Letters to/from Other Community-Based Stakeholders

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q26. Meeting Agendas and/or Notes

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q27. Other Communication with Other Community-Based Stakeholders

  • Not available

  • Available, but not observed

Number Observed

Brief Description

Photo Number/Copy (Y/N)



Q28. Additional Comments/Observations

1 The section numbers and question numbers were preserved from the School Administrator Observational Instrument.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorAmy Wieczorek, MPH
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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