Complete Interview - Private Sector

Revealing Opportunities for Local-Level Stakeholder Engagement and Social Science Inquiry in Landscape Conservation Design

LCD Case Study Interview Guides & Scripts_9-21-16_revised

Complete Interview - Private Sector

OMB: 1018-0170

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Revealing Opportunities for Local-Level Stakeholder Engagement and Social Science Inquiry in Landscape Conservation Design

OMB Control Number 1018-XXXX

OMB Approval Expiration Date: (to be added)

(Oral Informed Consent Form for LCD Process Leaders and Partners)

Date/Time: _______________________________________ Location: ___________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Interview Background & Oral Consent Script

Introduction: I am graduate student research assistant in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University. I am asking you to participate in an interview to help us understand more about the processes of developing and implementing Landscape Conservation Designs (LCD). This interview will last one hour.

Purpose: The purpose of this interview is to gain insight into the LCD development process and to help us understand the role local stakeholders (e.g., local communities, interest groups, end users of LCD products, etc.) and social data (related to local stakeholders’ values, preferences, behaviors, and knowledge) plays in LCD development.

Information derived from this study will help LCC partners in their efforts to design LCDs with the greatest potential to inform conservation planning and management.

Taking part is voluntary: Participation in this study is completely voluntary. You are free to decline to participate, to end participation at any time for any reason, or to refuse to answer any individual question.

Payment for participation: There will be no monetary compensation for participation.

Risks and discomforts: Questions raised during this interview will address your opinions related to the design and administration of LCDs. Candid disclosure of this information may not be encouraged within your community, agency, or organization. Feel free to answer questions only as you feel is appropriate and comfortable.

Digital Recording: This interview will be digitally recorded so we can accurately transcribe responses to interview questions. Upon completion of interview transcriptions, audio-recordings of this interview will be destroyed.

Privacy/Confidentiality: Information derived from this interview is confidential. All notes and audio-recordings from this interview will be locked in a secure filing cabinet. No names will be attached to any written descriptions of or commentary by interview subjects.

Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Statement: Per the Paperwork Reduction Act, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for the interview questions associated with this information collection is 1018-XXXX.

If you have questions: If you have any questions about this research project or comments about the interview process, you can contact the project’s Principal Investigator. I can provide his email or telephone number if you desire. You can also reach me by telephone or email (I can provide this information) if you have follow-up questions.

Consent Questions:

  • Do you agree to be interviewed? Yes No

  • Do you have any other questions before we begin? Yes No

  • Are you willing to have this interview recorded? Yes No

LCD Process Leader Interview Guide

  1. What are the main objectives of this LCD?

    1. How and by whom were these objectives determined?

  2. What are the products or tools this LCD effort seeks to develop, and how were these products/tools decided on?

    1. How and by whom do you anticipate this LCD’s products and tools will be used?

  3. Is there an implementation strategy intended to promote use of this LCD’s products/tools and/or development of management plans that support this LCD’s conservation priorities?

    1. If Yes: Can you tell me about this implementation strategy?

    2. If Yes: Who is responsible for working with the end-users to help them apply/use this LCD’s tools and products?

    3. If No: How will intended end-users know about the availability of this LCD’s tools and products?

    4. If No: In the absence of an implementation strategy, how do you envision the conservation goals of this LCD being met?

  4. Are some of this LCD’s conservation priorities more achievable than others?

    1. If Yes: Which ones are more or less achievable and why?

  5. Were there opportunities for those involved in LCD development to learn about each other’s conservation or natural resource management priorities?

    1. If Yes: What were these opportunities and how well did they facilitate learning?

  6. What role can local stakeholders, such as local communities, interest groups, end-users of LCD products, etc. play in the LCD process?

    1. When (meaning at what stage) should local stakeholders be involved in the LCD process?

    2. What types of local stakeholders would be most helpful to informing the development of LCDs?

  7. Were local stakeholders or their representatives involved in the development of this LCD?

    1. If Yes: What types of local stakeholders or representatives were involved?

    2. If Yes: At what stage of the LCD development process were they involved?

    3. If Yes: How were they involved (i.e., through what mechanism)?

    4. If Yes: What role do/did these stakeholders play in decision-making?

    5. If Yes or No: What were/are/might be the most valuable insights local stakeholders (could) contribute to decision-making during the development of this LCD?

  8. Were any types of social data (related to local stakeholders’ values, interest, beliefs, behavior, or knowledge, for example) considered during this LCD’s development?

    1. If Yes: What data were considered and how (meaning through what mechanisms) were these data gathered?

    2. If Yes: At what stage of the LCD process were these data taken into consideration, and how did they influence LCD development?

    3. If Yes: Did it become apparent that additional social data would have been useful during this LCD’s development process?

      1. If Yes: When did it become apparent, and what additional social data would have been useful?

    4. If No: Was there any data related to local communities or social values that might have been useful during this LCD’s development?

      1. If Yes: What types of data, and when during the LCD process would they have been useful?

  9. What are/might be the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating local stakeholders or social data relevant to these stakeholders during the LCD decision-making processes?

  10. To the extent of your knowledge, were all stakeholders relevant to the conservation process involved in or represented during this LCD decision-making process?

    1. If No: What stakeholders would it have been useful to include?

  11. In your opinion, was there/has there been sufficient communication with local stakeholders and LCD product end-users during the development of this LCD? Why or why not?

  12. What are/ might be the barriers to involving local stakeholders or locally relevant data in the LCD decision-process, and how might these barriers be overcome?

  13. Has/might inclusion of local stakeholders or consideration of locally relevant data impact(ed) the likelihood this LCD’s tools/products will be used to inform resource planning or management?

  14. Do you have any recommendations for how LCDs might be developed such that they have the greatest capacity to influence conservation planning or management processes?

  15. Is there anything else you would like to share about what promotes or hinders the success of large landscape conservation efforts, such as those guided by LCD?

LCD Partner Interview Guide

  1. How did your organization/agency/group, or how did you, get involved in the development of this LCD?

  2. What are the main objectives of this LCD?

    1. How and by whom were these objectives determined?

  3. What are the products or tools this LCD effort seeks to develop, and how were these products/tools decided on?

    1. How and by whom do you anticipate these LCD products and tools will be used?

    2. During the development of this LCD, did the conservation partners consider how and by whom the LCD’s end-products and tools would be used?

  4. Are some of this LCD’s conservation priorities more achievable than others?

    1. If Yes: Which ones are more or less achievable and why?

  5. Were all stakeholders relevant to this conservation process involved in or represented during LCD decision-making?

  6. Were there opportunities for those involved in LCD development to learn about each other’s conservation or natural resource management priorities?

    1. If Yes: What were these opportunities and how well did they facilitate learning?

    1. If Yes or No: Can you describe how the conservation partners balance(d) diverse interests during decision-making processes?

  1. What role can local stakeholders, such as local communities, interest groups, end-users of LCD products, etc. play in the LCD process?

    1. When (meaning at what stage) should local stakeholders be involved in the LCD process?

    2. What types of local stakeholders would be most helpful to informing the development of LCDs?

  2. Were local stakeholders or their representatives involved in the development of this LCD?

    1. If Yes: What types of local stakeholders or representatives were involved?

    2. If Yes: At what stage of the LCD development process were they involved?

    3. If Yes: How were they involved (i.e., through what mechanism)?

    4. If Yes: What role do/did these stakeholders play in decision-making?

    5. If Yes or No: What were/are/might be the most valuable insights local stakeholders (could) contribute to decision-making during the development of this LCD?

    6. If No: Can you describe any conversations or thoughts this LCD’s development group had about including local stakeholders in the LCD development process?

  3. Were any types of social data (related to local stakeholders’ values, interest, beliefs, behavior, or knowledge, for example) considered during this LCD’s development?

    1. If Yes: What types of data were used and how (meaning through what mechanisms) were these data gathered?

    2. If Yes: At what stage of the LCD process were these data taken into consideration, and how did they influence LCD development?

    3. If Yes: Did it become apparent that additional social data would have been useful?

      1. If Yes: When did it become apparent, and what additional social data would have been useful?

    4. If No: Was there any data related to local communities or social values that might have been useful during this LCD’s development?

      1. If Yes: What types of data, and when during the LCD process would they have been useful?

  4. What are/might be the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating local stakeholders or social data relevant to these stakeholders during LCD decision-making processes?

  5. Has/might inclusion of local stakeholders or consideration of locally relevant data impact(ed) the likelihood this LCD’s tools/products will be used to inform resource planning or management?

  6. What are/might be the barriers to involving local stakeholders or locally relevant data in the LCD decision-process, and how might these barriers be overcome?

  7. What were the assumptions (related to how the LCD was developed or how it would be used) you noticed were/are being made during the LCD development process?

  8. Do you have any recommendations for how future LCDs might be developed such that they have the greatest likelihood of informing socially supported management plans?

Revealing Opportunities for Local-Level Stakeholder Engagement and Social Science Inquiry in Landscape Conservation Design

OMB Control Number 1018-XXXX

OMB Approval Expiration Date: (to be added)

(Oral Informed Consent Form for LCD Product End-Users)

Date/Time: _______________________________________ Location: ___________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Interview Background & Oral Consent Script

Introduction: I am graduate student research assistant in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University. I am asking you to participate in an interview to help us understand your natural resource planning and management priorities and what types of information you consider when making resource planning and management decisions. This interview will last up to one hour.

Purpose: The purpose of this interview is to gain insight into (1) what types of tools and recommendations help inform your planning and management decisions, and (2) your interest in participating in natural resource conservation and management processes related to large landscapes.

Information derived from this study will help those involved in developing large-landscape conservation goals and recommendations represent the interests of local resource planners and administrator during decision-making processes.

Taking part is voluntary: Participation in this study is completely voluntary. You are free to decline to participate, to end participation at any time for any reason, or to refuse to answer any individual question.

Payment for participation: There will be no monetary compensation for participation.

Risks and discomforts: Questions raised during this interview will address your opinions and decisions related to natural resource conservation, planning, and management. Candid disclosure of this information may not be encouraged within your community, agency, or organization. Feel free to answer questions only as you feel is appropriate and comfortable.

Digital Recording: This interview will be digitally recorded so we can accurately transcribe responses to interview questions. Upon completion of interview transcriptions, audio-recordings of this interview will be destroyed.

Privacy/Confidentiality: Information derived from this interview is confidential. All notes and audio-recordings from this interview will be locked in a secure filing cabinet. No names will be attached to any written descriptions of or commentary by interview subjects.

Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Statement: Per the Paperwork Reduction Act, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for the interview questions associated with this information collection is 1018-XXXX.

If you have questions: If you have any questions about this research project or comments about the interview process, you can contact the project’s Principal Investigator. I can provide his email or telephone number if you desire. You can also reach me by telephone or email (I can provide this information) if you have follow-up questions.

Consent Questions:

  • Do you agree to be interviewed? Yes No

  • Do you have any other questions before we begin? Yes No

  • Are you willing to have this interview recorded? Yes No

LCD Product End-Users Interview Guide

  1. What types of resources do you, or does your organization/agency/group manage?

  2. What types of data are most important to you or your organization/agency/group when developing management plans, and where (meaning from what source) does this data tend to come from?

  3. From whom (i.e. what agency, organization, group, or individual) do you or does your organization/agency/group trust to receive planning and management advice?

  4. Do you or does your organization/agency/group prefer to be involved in the development of conservation tools and recommendations that inform your planning or management processes?

    1. If Yes: If so, how?

    2. If Yes: How does your or your organization/agency/group’s ability to participate in conservation tool or recommendation development influence the likelihood you’ll use them?

  5. Is incorporating landscape-level (or any sort of cross-boundary) thinking into your planning and management practices a priority for you or your organization/agency/group? (Why or why not?)

  6. Are you aware of the XXX Landscape Conservation Design (LCD) effort to facilitate conservation across the XXX region?

    1. If Yes: Are you aware this initiative is developing conservation tools you or your organization/agency/group could use to inform your planning and management practices?

      1. If Yes: What types of conservation tools developed by the XXX LCD might be or have been most useful?

      2. If Yes: How might you or your organization/agency/group used these tools?

    2. If No: Would you or your organization/agency/group be interested in learning about the LCD’s conservation tools intended to help support resource conservation across the XXX region? Why or why not?

If Yes or No: Do or might you foresee any challenges in making the LCD’s conservation tools relevant to local-level planning or management needs?

  1. (If Yes to Question 6): Were you or your organization/agency/group at any point involved in the development of the XXX LCD?

    1. If Yes: How were you or they involved?

    2. If Yes: To the extent of your knowledge, how did your or your organization/agency/group’s involvement influence the LCD’s development?

    3. If No: Would you or your organization/agency/group have liked to be involved? Why or why not?

    4. If Yes or No: How might LCD partners improve their engagement with folks who do or might use their conservation tools?

  2. (If Yes to Question 6): To the extent of your knowledge, where any organizations, agencies, or groups you view as representing your or your organization/agency/group’s interests involved in developing the XXX LCD?

    1. If Yes: Who were these representatives and how were they involved?

    2. If Yes: How did these representatives communicate with your organization during LCD decision-making processes?

    3. If Yes: Did this representative help incorporate your or your organization/agency/group’s interests or insights in LCD decision processes? If so, how?

    4. If No: Would you have liked to have a representative present during the development of the XXX LCD? For what purpose(s)?

  3. How has or might having your or your organization/agency/group involved in LCD development influence(d) the likelihood you’d use the LCD’s conservation tools or recommendation in your planning or management process?

  4. Are there local resource managers, interest groups, or stakeholders you feel would be particularly important to involve in the development of the LCD or its conservation tools?

    1. If Yes: Who are these people and why should they be included in LCD development?


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCatherine Doyle-Capitman
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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