Form Approved
OMB Control No. 1290-XXXX
Expiration Date X/XX/2020
Cascades Job Corps College and Career Academy Research Study
Baseline Information Form
Dear Participant,
Welcome! This form gathers information about you and your family. Your answers to these questions will not affect your chances of getting into the Cascades Job Corps College and Career Academy. The information will be used for research purposes only and will be kept private to the extent allowed by law.
Thank you very much for helping us with this important study.
Notes for OMB Review: Text in italics is instructions for
participants. Yellow text boxes indicate sources for questions.
Study participants will not see these yellow boxes. They will be
visible only to instrument reviewers.
The main item sources are: The Baseline Information Form for
the National Guard Youth Challenge Job Challenge Evaluation,
conducted by Mathematica Policy Research for the Department of
Labor (DOL) (OMB No. 1291-0008). The Baseline Information Form for
the Ready to Work (RTW) Evaluation, conducted by Abt Associates for
DOL (OMB No. 1205-0507). The Baseline Survey for the
National Evaluation of Youth Corps, developed by Abt Associates for
CNCS (OMB No. 3045-0119). The Baseline Contact Form and
Baseline Survey for the Successful Transitions to Adulthood
Research Study (STARS), conducted by Abt Associates for the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (OMB No. 0970-0383).
The Intake Form for the
Evaluation and System Design for Career Pathways Programs: 2nd
Generation of HPOG (HPOG Next Gen Design), conducted by Abt
Associates for HHS (OMB No. 0970-0462).
The Baseline Data Sheet for the
National Impact Study of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe
Programs, conducted by MDRC (1291-0008)).
New questions are identified as
such. An asterisk (*) denotes the set of
questions that we anticipate will be auto-filled into the
Participant Data System from data collected in the Job Corps
Management Information System (MIS). For that reason, the burden
estimate in Statement A assumes that participants will not fill out
these 12 questions as part of the Baseline Information Form.
Source: Unless otherwise noted, all questions in Section A (“Your
Contact Information”) come from the National Guard Youth
Challenge Job Challenge Baseline Information Form.
Please provide your:
A1. Name:
A2. Nickname: _______________________________
0 None
A3. Date of birth: | | | / | | | / | | | | |
A4. Social Security Number:
| | | | - | | | - | | | | |
A5. Cell phone number:
(| | | |)-| | | |-| | | | |
Source for A6: Adapted from the RTW Baseline Information Form.
A6. May we send automated text messages to your cell phone?
The research team will need to contact you in about 18 months to complete another survey. We will stay in touch every few months between now and then to make sure we have your most recent contact information. If you agree to be contacted by text message, please keep in mind that your cell phone carrier may charge you a fee to receive or send text messages. Whether or not you get charged a fee depends on your plan.
1 Yes
0 No
[If A6= ‘Yes’ ask A6a, else go to A7]
Source for A6a: New question.
A6a. Do you have a “smart phone” (a phone with internet and email access)?
1 Yes
0 No
97 I don’t know
A7. What is the email address you use most often? ____________________________
Source for A8: Adapted from the RTW Baseline Information Form.
A8. May we contact you through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social networks?
1 Yes
0 No
[If A8= ‘Yes’ ask A8a, else go to B1]
Source for A8a: Adapted from the National Guard Youth Challenge Job
Challenge Baseline Information Form.
A8a. What is your username for each network?
1 Facebook:
2 Twitter:
3 Instagram:
4 Other (Specify): ____________________
We want to be sure we can reach you when it is time to complete the 18 month follow-up survey, so we will stay in touch every few months between now and then to make sure we have your most recent contact information. In case we have trouble reaching you, we ask you to give us contact information for people who will always know where you are and how to reach you. We will NOT discuss or share any of your personal information or survey answers with anyone you list as a contact. Your personal information and answers are private.
Source for B1, B2: Adapted from the RTW Baseline Information Form.
B1. Please provide contact information for your mother or female guardian.
Please answer this question for your female guardian (for example, your grandmother), if your mother was not the main person who you grew up with. If your mother or female guardian is no longer living or not a part of your life, please provide contact information for your father or a male guardian.
Cell Phone: (| | | |)-| | | |-| | | | |
Home Phone: (| | | |)-| | | |-| | | | |
Email Address:
B2. Please provide contact information for one of your grandmothers, or another older relative that you are especially close to.
Please list a family member that you think is likely to still be alive and at this address in 18 months.
Cell Phone: (| | | |)-| | | |-| | | | |
Home Phone: (| | | |)-| | | |-| | | | |
Email Address:
Source for B3: Adapted from the STARS Baseline Contact Form.
B3. Please provide the name and contact information for another trusted friend or family member.
Please list someone who will always know where you are and how to reach you in the future.
Cell/Mobile: (| | | |)-| | | |-| | | | |
Home: (| | | |)-| | | |-| | | | |
Email Address:
Source for C1: RTW Baseline Information Form.
C1. Are you male or female?
1 Male
2 Female
Source for C2: Adapted from the RTW Baseline Information Form. Question was modified to make it readable at the 8th grade level.
*C2. Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for C3: National Guard Youth Challenge Job Challenge
Baseline Information Form.
*C3. What is your race?
1 White
2 Black or African American
3 Asian
4 Hawaiian Native of other Pacific Islander
5 American Indian or Alaskan
Source for C4: National Guard Youth Challenge Job Challenge
Baseline Information Form.
*C4. Are you married?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for C5: Adapted from the National Evaluation of Youth Corps
Baseline Survey. Question was modified to make them readable at the
8th grade level.
*C5. How many dependent children do you have?
Enter 0 for no children.
_____________ # of children
Source for C6: STARS Baseline Contact Form.
*C6. Where were you born?
___________________ ________________ ________________
City State Country
Source for C7: Adapted from RTW Baseline Information Form.
C7. Did you speak a language other than English at home when you were growing up?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for C8, C9: Adapted from the National Evaluation of Youth
Corps Baseline Survey. Questions were modified to make them readable
at the 8th grade level.
C8. What is the highest level of education your mother/female guardian completed?
Please answer this question for your female guardian (for example, your grandmother), if your mother was not the main person who you grew up with.
1 Did not complete high school (no diploma or GED)
2 High school graduate
4 Technical/trade school
5 Some college classes, but no degree
6 Associate’s degree (AA)
7 Bachelor’s degree or higher
97 I don’t know
0 No mother/female guardian
C9. What is the highest level of education your father/male guardian completed?
1 Did not complete high school (no diploma or GED)
2 High school graduate
4 Technical/trade school
5 Some college classes, but no degree
6 Associate’s degree (AA)
7 Bachelor’s degree or higher
97 I don’t know
0 No father/male guardian
Source for C10, C11: Adapted from the STARS Evaluation Baseline Survey. Question was modified to make it readable at the 8th grade level.
C10. Is your mother (or female guardian) currently working at a job for pay?
This does not include odd jobs, illegal or “off-the-books” work, or work where she does not get paid.
1 Yes
0 No
97 I don’t know
C11. Is your father (or male guardian) currently working at a job for pay?
This does not include odd jobs, illegal or “off-the-books” work, or work where he does not get paid.
1 Yes
0 No
97 I don’t know
Source for C12, C13: Adapted from the RTW Baseline Information
C12. Are you (or your family if you live with them) currently receiving food stamps (also called Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program, or SNAP)?
1 Yes
0 No
97 I don’t know
C13. Have you or your family ever received welfare or cash assistance (also called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF)?
1 Yes
0 No
97 I don’t know
Source for C14, C15: Adapted from the National Guard Youth
Challenge Job Challenge Baseline Information Form.
C14. Have you ever been arrested?
1 Yes
0 No
*C15. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for C16: Adapted from the National Guard Youth Challenge Job Challenge Baseline Information Form. Question was modified to make it readable at the 8th grade level.
C16. Which of the following best describes where you lived just before you applied to Job Corps?
1 Living with your family (for example, a parent or grandparent)
2 Own/rent apartment, room, house
3 Permanently living at someone’s apartment, room, or house
4 Temporarily staying at someone’s apartment, room, or house
5 Staying with foster guardian/in foster system
6 In a halfway house/transitional house
7 In a residential treatment center
8 Homeless
9 Living in a college dormitory/on-campus housing
10 Living in military housing/barracks
Source for D1: Adapted from the National Evaluation of Youth Corps Baseline Survey. Question was modified to make it readable at the 8th grade level.
D1. How have you been spending most of your time in the last 12 months?
1 Working full-time (35 or more hours per week)
2 Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
3 Going to high school
4 Going to technical/trade school
5 Working on a GED/Alternative school
6 Going to college
7 Looking for a job
8 Taking care of my children / parent / siblings at home
9 Serving in the military / reserves
99 Other (Specify:)________________________________
Source for D2: Adapted from RTW Baseline Information Form.
*D2. Are you currently employed?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for D3: Adapted from the National Evaluation of Youth Corps
Baseline Survey. Question was modified to make it readable at the
8th grade level.
*D3. Have you ever been employed full-time (where you worked 35+ hours per week)?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for D4: Adapted from RTW Baseline Information Form.
*D4. How much do you earn per hour at your current or most recent job?
Enter 0 if you have never worked for pay.
________ dollars per hour
Source for D5: Adapted from the National Impact Study of the
National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Programs Baseline Data Sheet.
*D5. Do you have a high school diploma, a GED, or a high school equivalent?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for D6: Adapted from National Guard Youth Challenge Job
Challenge Baseline Information Form.
*D6. What is the last grade you completed in school?
1 6th or below
2 7th
3 8th
4 9th
5 10th
6 11th
7 12th
8 Some college or vocational school, no degree
9 Vocational degree or higher
Source for D7: New Question.
*D7. How many months have you been out of school?
Enter 0 if you are currently enrolled in school.
________ # of Months
Source for D8: Adapted from the National Guard Youth Challenge Job
Challenge Baseline Information Form.
D8. Have you ever had an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a “504 plan”?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for D9: National Guard Youth Challenge Job Challenge Baseline Information Form.
D9. Were you ever suspended from school?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for D10: STARS Evaluation Baseline Survey.
D10. Have you ever repeated a grade or been held back?
1 Yes
0 No
Source for E1: Adapted from the Baseline Data Sheet for the National Impact Study of the National Guard Youth Challenge Programs.
E1. Who suggested Job Corps to you?
1 I decided myself
2 A relative
3 A school counselor or truant officer
4 A judge/someone from the justice system
99 Someone else (specify): ______________________
Source for E2: Adapted from the National Evaluation of Youth Corps Baseline Survey.
E2. What are the two most important reasons you decided to apply to Job Corps?
1 I want to get my GED/ high school diploma
2 I want to join the military
3 I want to go to college/get more training
4 I want to get my life on track
5 I want to get a job
99 Other (specify): ______________________
Source for E3: Adapted from RTW Baseline Information Form. Question modified to make it readable at the 8th grade level.
E3. What is the highest level of school you expect to complete at some point in your life?
If you are not sure, please pick your best guess.
1 I do not plan to complete high school (no diploma or GED)
2 High school graduate
4 Technical/trade school
5 Some college classes, but no degree
6 Associate’s degree (AA)
7 Bachelor’s degree or higher
97 I don’t know
Source for E4: New question.
E4. How much are you interested in a career in…
Not at all (1) |
Somewhat (2) |
Extremely (3) |
Source for E5: Self-efficacy scale adapted from the Intake Form for
the Evaluation and System Design for Career Pathways Programs: 2nd
Generation of HPOG (HPOG Next Gen Design). Question modified to make
it readable at the 8th grade level.
E5. In general, some people have an easier or harder time with problems or difficulties. How true do you think are the following statements?
Not at all true (1) |
Somewhat true (2) |
Mostly true (3) |
Entirely true (4) |
Source for E6: Future orientation scale adapted from the Baseline
Data Sheet for the National Impact Study of the National Guard Youth
Challenge Programs.
E6. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of these statements?
Strongly Disagree (1) |
(2) |
Mostly Disagree (3) |
Mostly Agree (4) |
(5) |
Strongly Agree (6) |
Source for E7: Reaction to challenge scale taken from: Connell,
James, Jean Baldwin Grossman and Nancy Resch, The Urban Corps
Assessment Package (URCAP) Manual, Philadelphia PA:
Public/Private Ventures Technical Report September 1995. Eric no.
E7. When something bad happens to me in the real world (like having problems in class or at work)…
Not at all true (1) |
Not very true (2) |
Sort of true (3) |
Very true (4) |
Source for E8: National Guard Youth Challenge Job Challenge Baseline Information Form.
E8. How would you rate your overall health?
1 Very good
2 Good
3 Fair
4 Poor
5 Very poor
Abt Associates IRB Approval No. XXXX
Public Burden Statement. Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reading instructions, and completing and reviewing the requested information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the [Contact Name; Contact Address] (Paperwork Reduction Project Control No. 1290-xxxx).
Abt Associates ▌pg.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Tanya de Sousa |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |