
30 day FRN.pdf

Impact of Housing and Services Interventions for Homeless Families ("Family Options Study Long-Term Tracking")


OMB: 2528-0259

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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 38 / Tuesday, February 28, 2017 / Notices

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and Urban Development, 451 7th Street
SW., Washington, DC 20410; email
Anna Guido at [email protected]
or telephone 202–402–5535. Persons
with hearing or speech impairments
may access this number through TTY by
calling the toll-free Federal Relay
Service at (800) 877–8339. This is not a
toll-free number. Copies of available
documents submitted to OMB may be
obtained from Ms. Guido.
submit the proposed information
collection package to OMB for review,
as required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as
A. Overview of Information Collection
Title of Information Collection: 2017
American Housing Survey.
OMB Control Number: 2528–0017.
Description of the need for the
information and proposed use: The
purpose of the American Housing
Survey (AHS) is to supply the public
with detailed and timely information
about housing quality, housing costs,
and neighborhood assets, in support of
effective housing policy, programs, and
markets. Title 12, United States Code,
Sections 1701Z–1, 1701Z–2(g), and
1710Z–10a mandates the collection of
this information.
Like the previous surveys, the 2017
AHS will collect ‘‘core’’ data on
subjects, such as the amount and types
of changes in the housing inventory, the
physical condition of the housing
inventory, the characteristics of the
occupants, housing costs for owners and
renters, the persons eligible for and
beneficiaries of assisted housing,
remodeling and repair frequency,
reasons for moving, the number and
characteristics of vacancies, and
characteristics of resident’s
In addition to the ‘‘core’’ data, HUD
plans to collect ‘‘topical’’ data on
disaster and emergency preparedness,
how people commute to work and
commuting costs, the causes and effects
of evictions, and recent delinquent
payments and notices for mortgage, rent,
or utility bills.
The AHS national longitudinal
sample consists of approximately 90,800
housing units, and includes oversample
from the 15 largest metropolitan areas,
approximately 5,200 HUD-assisted
housing units, and approximately 6,000
‘‘bridge sample’’ housing units. The
bridge sample will allow for estimation
of longitudinal changes between 2013,
2015, when the AHS introduced a new
sample, and 2017. The bridge sample
will also facilitate analyses of the
impact of survey design changes on

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2017 AHS estimates. In addition to the
national longitudinal sample, HUD
plans to conduct 10 metropolitan area
samples, each with approximately 3,000
housing units (for a total of
approximately 30,000 metropolitan area
housing units).
To help reduce respondent burden on
households in the longitudinal sample,
the 2017 AHS will make use of
dependent interviewing techniques,
which will decrease the number of
questions asked.
Policy analysts, program managers,
budget analysts, and Congressional staff
use AHS data to advise executive and
legislative branches about housing
conditions and the suitability of public
policy initiatives. Academic researchers
and private organizations also use AHS
data in efforts of specific interest and
concern to their respective
HUD needs the AHS data for two
important uses.
1. With the data, policy analysts can
monitor the interaction among housing
needs, demand and supply, as well as
changes in housing conditions and
costs, to aid in the development of
housing policies and the design of
housing programs appropriate for
different target groups, such as first-time
home buyers and the elderly.
2. With the data, HUD can evaluate,
monitor, and design HUD programs to
improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Members of affected public:
Estimated number of respondents:
Estimated time per response: 1.16.
Frequency of response: One time
every two years.
Estimated total annual burden Hours:
Estimated total annual cost: The only
cost to respondents is their time. The
total estimated cost is $63,600,000.
Respondent’s obligation: Voluntary.
Legal Authority: Title 13 U.S.C.
Section 9(a), and Title 12, U.S.C.,
Section 1701z-1 et seq.
B. Solicitation of Public Comment
This notice solicits comments from
members of the public and affected
parties concerning the collection of
information described in Section A on
the following:
(1) Whether the proposed collection
of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) The accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information;

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(3) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including the use
of appropriate automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology, e.g., permitting electronic
submission of responses. HUD
encourages interested parties to submit
comment in response to these questions.
C. Authority
Section 3507 of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35.
Dated: February 23, 2017.
Anna P. Guido,
Department reports Management Officer,
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2017–03874 Filed 2–27–17; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. FR–5997–N–11]

30-Day Notice of Proposed Information
Collection: Family Options Study:
Long-Term Tracking
Office of Community Planning
and Development, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.

HUD is seeking approval from
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for the information collection
described below. In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is
requesting comment from all interested
parties on the proposed collection of
information. The purpose of this notice
is to allow for 30 days of public
DATES: Comments Due Date: March 30,
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
this proposal. Comments should refer to
the proposal by name and/or OMB
Control Number and should be sent to:
HUD Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Washington,
DC 20503; fax: 202–395–5806, Email:
OIRA [email protected].
Anna P. Guido, Reports Management
Officer, QMAC, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 7th Street
SW., Washington, DC 20410; email
Anna P. Guido at
[email protected] or telephone
202–402–5535. This is not a toll-free
number. Person with hearing or speech




Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 38 / Tuesday, February 28, 2017 / Notices
impairments may access this number
through TTY by calling the toll-free
Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.
Copies of available documents
submitted to OMB may be obtained
from Ms. Guido.
notice informs the public that HUD is
seeking approval from OMB for the
information collection described in
Section A.
The Federal Register notice that
solicited public comment on the
information collection for a period of 60
days was published on September 26,
2016 at 81 FR 66076.
A. Overview of Information Collection
Title of Information Collection:
Family Options Study: Long-Term
OMB Approval Number: 2528–0259.


Total number of
respondents *

Instrument A—Participant Contact Update Form.
Instrument B1/B2—Consent to
Participate—Adult Respondent/Family Options Study Information Release Form.
Instrument C–72-month Tracking Survey.
Total Burden Hours and

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hours per
(in minutes)

Total annual

Total annual

hourly wage

Total annual

.08 hours (5 minutes).
.17 hours (10 minutes).















.25 hours (15 minutes).











This notice is soliciting comments
from members of the public and affected
parties concerning the collection of
information described in Section A on
the following:
(1) Whether the proposed collection
of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) The accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information;
(3) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond; including through
the use of appropriate automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
HUD encourages interested parties to
submit comment in response to these

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study; the last outreach to families took
place between March 2014 and March
2015. Both the design and the scale of
the study provides a strong basis for
conclusions about the relative impacts
of the interventions over time; both the
short-term (20 month) and long-term
(37-month) impacts from this study
yielded powerful evidence regarding the
impact of a non-time-limited housing
subsidy. It is possible, though, that some
effects of the various interventions
might take longer to emerge, particularly
for child well-being. Therefore, HUD
wishes to maintain contact with the
sample of families in order to observe
the longer-term effects of the
interventions in a limited set of
measures, and to assess the feasibility of
an additional round of data collection in
the future.


B. Solicitation of Public Comment

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Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Form Number: None.
Description of the need for the
information and proposed use: The
purpose of this proposed information
collection is to continue tracking the
families that enrolled in the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development’s (HUD) Family Options
Study between September 2010 and
January 2012. The Family Options
Study is a multi-site experiment
designed to test the impacts of different
housing and services interventions on
homeless families in five key domains:
housing stability, family preservation,
adult well-being, child well-being, and
self-sufficiency. Families who enrolled
in the Family Options Study were
actively tracked for a minimum of three
years after their enrollment into the

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C. Authority
Section 3507 of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35.
Dated: February 22, 2017.
Anna P. Guido,
Department Reports Management Officer,
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2017–03871 Filed 2–27–17; 8:45 am]

Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R8–FHC–2017–N014; FXFR13340

Trinity River Adaptive Management
Working Group; Public Meeting,
Teleconference, and Web-Based
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice.

We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, announce a public


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meeting of the Trinity River Adaptive
Management Working Group (TAMWG).
The TAMWG is a Federal advisory
committee that affords stakeholders the
opportunity to give policy, management,
and technical input concerning Trinity
River (California) restoration efforts to
the Trinity Management Council (TMC).
The TMC interprets and recommends
policy, coordinates and reviews
management actions, and provides
organizational budget oversight.
Public meeting, Teleconference,
and Web-based meeting: The TAMWG
will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Pacific time on Monday, March 20,
2017, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pacific
time on Tuesday, March 21, 2017.
Submitting Information: If you wish to
submit written information or questions
for the TAMWG to consider during the
meeting, you must contact Joseph Polos
later than March 15, 2017.


Meeting: The meeting will
be held at the Trinity River Restoration
Program Office, 1313 South Main Street,
Weaverville, CA 96093.




File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2017-02-27
File Created2017-02-27

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