30-Day FR Notice


Consumer Product Conformity Assessment Body Registration Form

30-Day FR Notice

OMB: 3041-0143

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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 176 / Monday, September 12, 2016 / Notices
• Environmental Justice; and
• Cumulative Impacts.
NMFS will rigorously explore and
objectively evaluate a full range of
reasonable alternatives in the EIS,
including the Proposed Action
(implementation of the co-managers’
submitted HGMPs) and a no-action
alternative (continuation of the hatchery
programs with no 4(d) determination).
Other alternatives may include a
decreased production alternative and a
no-production alternative. For all
potentially significant impacts, the EIS
will identify measures to avoid,
minimize, and mitigate the impacts,
where feasible, to a level below
Request for Comments
NMFS provides this notice to: (1)
Advise other agencies and the public of
its plans to analyze effects related to the
action, and (2) obtain suggestions and
information that may be useful to the
scope of issues and the full range of
alternatives to include in the EIS.
NMFS invites comment from all
interested parties to ensure that the full
range of issues related to the eight
salmon and steelhead HGMPs is
identified. Comments should be as
specific as possible.
Written comments concerning the
Proposed Action and the environmental
review should be directed to NMFS as
described above (see ADDRESSES). All
comments and materials received,
including names and addresses, will
become part of the administrative record
and may be released to the public.

sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

The environmental review of the eight
salmon and steelhead HGMPs in the
Puyallup-White River Basin of
Washington State will be conducted in
accordance with requirements of the
NEPA of 1969 as amended (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.), NEPA Regulations (40 CFR
parts 1500–1508), other appropriate
Federal laws and regulations, and
policies and procedures of NMFS for
compliance with those regulations. This
notice is being furnished in accordance
with 40 CFR 1501.7 to obtain
suggestions and information from other
agencies and the public on the scope of
issues and alternatives to be addressed
in the EIS.
Dated: September 6, 2016.
Angela Somma,
Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office
of Protected Resources, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2016–21779 Filed 9–9–16; 8:45 am]

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[Docket No. CPSC–2009–0088]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request—Third
Party Conformity Assessment Body
Registration Form
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice.

In accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act (‘‘PRA’’) of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 35), the Consumer
Product Safety Commission
(‘‘Commission’’ or ‘‘CPSC’’) announces
that the Commission has submitted to
the Office of Management and Budget
(‘‘OMB’’) a request for extension of
approval of a collection of information
under the requirements pertaining to a
third party conformity assessment body
registration form, approved previously
under OMB Control No. 3041–0143. In
the Federal Register of June 30, 2016
(81 FR 42669), the CPSC published a
notice to announce the agency’s
intention to seek extension of approval
of the collection of information. The
Commission received one comment that
was out of scope. Therefore, by
publication of this notice, the
Commission announces that CPSC has
submitted to the OMB a request for
extension of approval of that collection
of information, without change.
DATES: Written comments on this
request for extension of approval of
information collection requirements
should be submitted by October 12,
ADDRESSES: Submit comments about
this request by email: OIRA_
[email protected] or fax: 202–
395–6881. Comments by mail should be
sent to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk
Officer for the CPSC, Office of
Management and Budget, Room 10235,
725 17th Street NW., Washington, DC
20503. In addition, written comments
that are sent to OMB also should be
submitted electronically at: http://
www.regulations.gov, under Docket No.
Robert H. Squibb, Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East West
Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814; (301)
504–7815, or by email to: rsquibb@
seeks to renew the following currently
approved collection of information:

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Title: Third Party Conformity
Assessment Body Registration Form.
OMB Number: 3041–0143.
Type of Review: Renewal of
Frequency of Response: On occasion.
Affected Public: Third party
conformity assessment bodies seeking
acceptance of accreditation or
continuing accreditation.
General Description of Collection
The Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act of 2008 (‘‘CPSIA’’)
requires third party testing be
conducted by a third party conformity
assessment body for any children’s
product subject to a children’s product
safety rule, before importing for
consumption or warehousing or
distributing in commerce. The CPSIA
allows accreditation of third party
conformity assessment bodies to be
conducted, either by the Commission, or
by an independent accreditation
organization designated by the
Commission, and furthermore, requires
that the Commission maintain on its
Web site an up-to-date list of entities
that have been accredited to assess
conformity with children’s product
safety rules. With the exception of
firewalled third party conformity
assessment bodies, the Commission has
chosen to accept the accreditation of
third party conformity assessment
bodies that meet accreditation
requirements of an independent
accreditation organization.
To assess a third party conformity
assessment body’s qualifications for
acceptance by CPSC, information
related to location, accreditation, and
ownership must be collected from third
party conformity assessment bodies.
The CPSC uses an online collection
form, CPSC Form 223, to gather
information from third party conformity
assessment bodies voluntarily seeking
acceptance by CPSC. The information
collected relates to location,
accreditation, and ownership. The
Commission staff uses this information
to assess:
• A third party conformity
assessment body’s status as either an
independent third party conformity
assessment body, a government-owned
or government-controlled conformity
assessment body, or a firewalled
conformity assessment body;
• Qualifications for acceptance by
CPSC to test for compliance to specified
children’s product safety rules; and
• Eligibility for acceptance on the
CPSC Web site.
Part 1112 requires the collection of
information in CPSC Form 223:




Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 176 / Monday, September 12, 2016 / Notices

• Upon initial application by the
third party conformity assessment body
for acceptance by CPSC;

• Whenever there is a change to
accreditation or ownership information;
• At least every 2 years as part of a
regular audit process.

Burden Estimates
The CPSC estimates the burden of the
collection of information in CPSC Form
223 is as follows:

Number of

sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES


of responses

Total annual

Hours per

Total hours

Initial Registration ................................................................
Re-Registration ....................................................................
Changes in Information ........................................................






Total ..............................................................................






These estimates are based on the
following information:
• From March 23, 2015 to March 23,
2016, 39 new third party conformity
assessment bodies have registered with
the CPSC; 36 registered during the
previous 12 months. Therefore, we
estimate the number of third party
conformity assessment bodies who
would register initially each year for the
next 3 years would be 40.
• Under 16 CFR part 1112, third party
conformity assessment bodies are
required to resubmit CPSC Form 223
every 2 years. Because all third party
conformity assessment bodies have not
submitted their first CPSC Form 223s at
the same time, only about half would be
expected to resubmit a CPSC Form 223
in any one year. As of March 2016, 487
third party conformity assessment
bodies have registered with CPSC.
Approximately half (243) of these firms
would be required to re-register with
CPSC each year.
• Under 16 CFR part 1112, third party
conformity assessment bodies are
required to ensure that the information
submitted on CPSC Form 223 is current
and must submit a new CPSC Form 223
whenever the information changes.
Based on current experience with third
party conformity assessment bodies, we
estimate that two third party conformity
assessment bodies will make revisions
per year to update their information. A
change in information is a change that
does not require review of laboratory
accreditation documents, such as scope
or test methods. Examples of revised
information include changes in the Web
site URL, name of the laboratory, and
name of point of contact.
The total burden, therefore, is 283.5
hours, which we will round up to 284
hours. We estimate that hourly
compensation for the time required for
recordkeeping is $32.82 per hour (U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, ‘‘Employer
Costs for Employee Compensation,’’
Table 9, total compensation for sales,

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office, and related workers in goodsproducing industries, December 2015:
http://www.bls.gov/ncs). The total cost
burden to the respondents is
approximately $9,321 ($32.82 × 284
hours = $9,321.88).
We received one comment on the
announcement of the agency’s intention
to seek extension of approval of this
collection of information. The comment
is out of scope because it addresses
collecting and tracking safety
information about children’s products.
The commenter asserts that without
some type of registration or monitoring
devise in place, proper problem
identification will continue to be an
issue. That is not the purpose of Form
223. Form 223, which is the subject of
this PRA renewal request, addresses the
application process for third party
conformity assessment bodies that
desire to be accepted by the CPSC for
third party testing.
Dated: September 7, 2016.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2016–21826 Filed 9–9–16; 8:45 am]

Anyone wishing to object to the
grant of this license has until September
27, 2016 to file written objections
including evidence and argument that
establish that the grant of the license
would not be consistent with the
requirements of 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37
CFR 404.7.
ADDRESSES: Written objections are to be
filed with the National Security Agency
Technology Transfer Program, 9800
Savage Road, Suite 6843, Fort George G.
Meade, MD 20755–6843.
Linda L. Burger, Director, Technology
Transfer Program, 9800 Savage Road,
Suite 6843, Fort George G. Meade, MD
20755–6843, telephone (443) 634–3518.
prospective exclusive license will
comply with the terms and conditions
of 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR 404.7. The
patent rights in these inventions have
been assigned to the United States
Government as represented by the
National Security Agency.

Dated: September 6, 2016.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2016–21812 Filed 9–9–16; 8:45 am]

Office of the Secretary


Notice of Intent To Grant an Exclusive
License; Kapalya, Inc.
National Security Agency, DoD.
ACTION: Notice.

The National Security Agency
hereby gives notice of its intent to grant
Kapalya, Inc. a revocable, nonassignable, exclusive, license to practice
the following Government-Owned
invention as described and claimed in
United States Patent Number (USPN),
7,827,408, ‘‘Device and method of
authenticated cryptography.’’


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[Docket No.: ED–2016–ICCD–0082]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Comment Request;
Native American Career and Technical
Education Program (NACTEP)
Performance Reports
Office of Career, Technical, and
Adult Education (OCTAE), Department
of Education (ED).
ACTION: Notice.



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File Modified2016-09-10
File Created2016-09-10

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