Form FSA-2155 Vendor Appraiser Registration

Farm Loan Programs - General Program Administration

FSA 2155 20161116 V1

Farm Loan Programs - General Program Administration

OMB: 0560-0238

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This form is available electronically. Position 8

OMB Control No. 0560-0238


(Proposal 1)


Farm Service Agency


  1. Return Completed form to:



2. Enter Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)


3. Business Name


4. Mailing Address (Include City, State and Zip Code)


5. Business Mailing Address (Include City, State and Zip Code)


6. Physical Address (Include City, State and Zip Code)


7. Business Physical Address (Include City, State and Zip Code)


8. Cell Phone Number


9. Business Phone Number


10. Fax Number (Include Area Code)


11. Email Address (Check applicable option):



12. Resume Attached Yes No

13. Appraisal Type Real Estate Chattel Both

14. SAM Number      

15. Tax ID Number      


  1. Expert Witness/Testimony (See Statement of Work, subparagraph 5.4,):

  1. Hourly Rate for Preparation      

B. Hourly Rate for Testimony      

  1. Specialty Property (Check all that apply):

Timber Dairy Poultry Swine/Hog Nursery Feedlots Orchard Vineyard Technical Reviews

Other (Comments):      

  1. 18. Designations (Check all that apply): ARA PRRA MAI SRA IFAA IFAS


19 Counties Appraisal Services are Provided: All Counties List counties:      

See Attached

PART C – LICENSE INFORMATION (Include a copy of any license with this registration form)

  1. License Type (Check applicable box):

State Certified General Certified Residential State Licensed Residential N/A Other:      

See Attached

21. License Number:      

22. License Attached Yes No


I acknowledge that I have: (1) received, read and understand the Statement of Work (SOW) for each appraisal type, (2) read the FSA Appraisal Procurement Procedures described by this registration form, (3) completed and returned the required certifications and (4) I am willing to be registered or in the process of registering in the System for Award Management (SAM). I understand that to receive an appraisal request from FSA I must be registered in SAM. I am willing to provide appraisals to FSA according to the SOW, current USPAP requirements, and engagement letter, on any required forms described by the SOW or the appraisal order.

23. Appraiser’s Signature

24. Title of Appraiser

25. Date Signed (MM-DD-YYYY)



  1. Additional Comments:


In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: [email protected]. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

FSA-2155 (Proposal1 ) Page 2 of 3


FSA Procurement of Appraisal Services Information

Procurement of Services Description:

The Farm Service Agency (FSA), an agency of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, makes and services loans secured by real estate and chattel. FSA needs appraisal reports to complete various loan making and loan servicing responsibilities. Appraisal services and requirements are further described by a Statement of Work (SOW) that is provided by the agency for each type of appraisal. Farm and commercial appraisals can only be completed by State Certified General appraisers however; State Licensed Appraisers can complete non-farm or non-commercial properties. Personal property appraisals may be completed by individuals with chattel appraisal experience and are licensed in the state, if required by the State.

Appraisal Procurement Procedures:

FSA utilizes a micro-purchase/Purchase Order process for procuring appraisal services with vendors. FSA maintains a list of appraisers that meet our minimal requirements and demonstrate the ability to deliver appraisal reports that meet FSA SOW requirements and follow appraisal practices that are acceptable for rural appraising. In order to be added to the FSA registration list the individual must:


Complete and sign the Vendor Appraiser Registration form


Review, sign and understand the SOW for each appraisal type


For real state appraisals, demonstrate with one appraisal that you are able to deliver an appraisal report that meets FSA SOW and USPAP requirements and the report is delivered by the due date.

A vendor will be maintained on the FSA appraiser registry as long as the individual:


Maintains a current license with the State for the license requirement for FSA appraisals


Deliver 90 percent of all appraisal reports by the delivery date as described by the FSA Appraisal Order form or engagement letter unless an extension is provided by FSA in writing


Attend FSA Vendor Appraiser meet when requested by FSA


Sign a completed Vendor Appraiser Registration form and SOW(s) when requested by FSA


Appraisal reports continue to meet FSA and SOW requirements and USPAP, if applicable.

Solicitation Procedure:



All vendors are expected to maintain an e-mail account and to have Portable Document Format (PDF) software. The PDF format must be able to be read by common public PDF reader, typically Acrobat Adobe Reader.



    • Notification -

Notification will utilize electronic notification process, electronic mail (e-mail), for requesting appraisal services. If FSA solicits a bid over $2,500 then FSA will attempt to solicit bids from at least three vendors. FSA will transmit an appraisal solicitation that will describe the location, property description and will include the appraisal request form, work order, engagement letter and legal description, if applicable.

Typically, a vendor will receive notification of FSA appraisal solicitations based on the counties they have selected on the registration form that they are willing to provide appraisal services in. FSA reserves the right to limit notification of solicitations based on performance, experience and location.

    • Bid Response -

When FSA issues work order form by email, the request for a bid response will be due within 2 business days, unless otherwise stated in the solicitation. All bids must be received by the date and time requested. All bids should be sent by e-mail and should provide the bid amount, the name of the property and the delivery date of the appraisal report.

    • Award -

The award of the appraisal service is based on many factors that include cost, delivery date, vendor’s knowledge and skill of the type of property to be appraised, complexity of the assignment and other factors. Lowest bidder will not always receive the appraisal assignment.

Award of appraisal assignment will occur in writing by FSA issuing an engagement letter or similar format or a purchase order.

FSA-2155 (Proposal1 ) Page 3 of 3

Solicitation Procedure (Continued):



The vendor must provide an invoice with the appraisal report that:


Provides the Vendor’s name, invoice number and mailing address


Name of applicant or borrower and property owner, if appropriate


County/borough/parish and city name of property location


Amount of payment


Date services were provided


DUNS or SAMS Number

Vendor must be registered in SAMS. Typically, FSA will process the invoice within 10 business days from the date of receipt of an acceptable appraisal report. Actual receipt of payment should occur within 30 days from the date FSA accepts the appraisal report. Payment will be by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Vendor Educational & Qualification Requirements:

In order for a vendor to receive appraisal assignments the vendor’s experience, education and location of the subject property will be considered. Appraisal assignments that involve real estate the vendor:

  • Must be a State Certified General Appraiser for the state the subject is located, or obtain a temporary permit. State or Residential licensed appraisers may only appraise residential properties within the license scope and as allowed by FSA regulations.

  • Are expected to understand and follow acceptable appraisal techniques and principles for appraising property as described.

Chattel appraisers should have experience, be registered with industry recognized professional organization and licensed with the State if required.

Notification Requirement of Individual Providing Assistance/Approval

If the Vendor will have an associate or assistant appraiser, who is registered with the State, providing assistance with the development of the appraisal assignment or will visit the subject property the vendor must notify the APOC in writing to receive prior approval. Please review SOW for more information.

Personal Identity Verification of Vendor and Personnel

The Government may request the Vendor to complete a background investigation of the Vendor and/or their employees. Upon request by the Government the vendor will provide the required documents necessary to complete a background investigation within the timeframes identified.

Vendor Performance Review:

All appraisals will be subject to an acceptable administrative appraisal review before payment. Additionally, real estate appraisal may have a technical field or desk review and are completed at FSA’s discretion.

Electronic Payment Requirement:

The USDA procurement procedures now require that ALL vendors to be paid using EFT system. The Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) of 1996 requires that federal payments of invoices for goods and services received be paid by EFT. FSA work orders will not be awarded to vendors who have not registered under SAM. You are NOT required to obtain a DUNS number or register in SAM until FSA notifies you that you have been added to our Appraiser registry.

Evaluation Criteria:

This appraisal solicitation will be based on “Best Value”. Cost factor will be considered however, it is not expected to be the controlling factor. The Government will evaluate offers based upon price; vendor past performance; vendor education & experience related to the assignment; vendor must have previous experience in appraising similar properties in the same geographical area as described in the SOW.

Every appraisal report is subject to review by the office of the Chief Appraiser, or designees, Farm Service Agency, Washington D.C.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorAshton, Liz - FSA, Washington, DC
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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