DoDI 1315.19 - Authorizing Special Needs Family Members Travel Overseas at Government Expense

DoDI 1315.19 - Authorizing Special Needs Family Members Travel Overseas at Government Expense.pdf

Family Member Travel Screening

DoDI 1315.19 - Authorizing Special Needs Family Members Travel Overseas at Government Expense

OMB: 0704-0560

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Department of Defense

NUMBER 1315.19
December 20, 2005
Incorporating Change 1, February 16, 2011

Authorizing Special Needs Family Members Travel Overseas at Government

References: (a) DoD Directive 1315.07, “Military Personnel Assignments,” January 12, 2005
(b) DoD Instruction 1315.18, “Procedures for Military Personnel Assignments,”
January 12, 2005
(c) DoD Directive 1400.25, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management System,”
November 25, 1996
(d) DoD Directive 1342.13, “Eligibility Requirements for Education of Minor
Dependents in Overseas Areas,” July 8, 1982 DoD Education Activity
Regulation 1342.13, “Eligibility Requirements for Education of Elementary
and Secondary School-age Dependents in Overseas Areas,” September 20,
(e) through (k) (q), see enclosure 1

This Instruction:
1.1. Implements references (a) through (d) and DoD Instruction 1342.12 (reference (e)).
When this Instruction differs from references (a) through (e), those documents shall govern.
1.2. Supersedes DoD 1010.13-R (reference (f)) and provides guidance, assigns
responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for:
1.2.1. Authorizing family member travel at government expense for active duty Service
members who are assigned overseas and who have family members that meet the DoD criteria
for identifying a family member with special needs (enclosure 4) (hereafter referred to as “family
member with special needs”).
1.2.2. Processing civilian employees who have family members with special needs for an
overseas assignment.

DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005

This Instruction:
2.1. Applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Office
of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff , the Combatant Commands, the
Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD
Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the Department of Defense (hereafter
referred to collectively as the “DoD Components”).
2.2. Applies to active duty Service members who have family members with special needs
as defined in paragraph E2.1.13.
2.3. Applies to civilian employees and selectees who have family members with special
needs as defined in paragraph E2.1.13.
2.4. Does not create any rights or remedies and may not be relied upon by any person,
organization, or other entity to allege a denial of such rights or remedies.

Terms used in this Instruction are defined in enclosure 2.

It is DoD policy that considerations in reassigning a Service member shall be based on the policy
stated in reference (a) and special needs of family members shall affect reassignments overseas
solely according to this Instruction. Selection of civilians for overseas positions shall not be
based on those individuals having family members with special needs.

5.1. The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) shall:
5.1.1. Ensure compliance with the guidance and procedures of this Instruction in
coordination with the General Counsel of the Department of Defense (GC, DoD).
5.1.2. Resolve disputes among the DoD Components regarding the implementation of
procedures in enclosures 5 and 6 of this Instruction.
5.1.3. Ensure notification of additions, deletions, or substitutions to the locations of early
intervention services (EIS) and special education in overseas military communities.

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005
5.1.4. Ensure human resources representatives advise civilian employees or selectees of
the availability of services overseas to meet the special needs of a family member according to
enclosure 6.
5.1.5. Convene a meeting at least yearly to review the implementation of this Instruction.
Representatives from the USD(P&R); the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs; the
GC, DoD; the Military Departments; and the Coast Guard upon its request, shall be included at
such meeting. Participants shall represent the following functional areas: military medical,
military personnel, civilian personnel, housing, dependents education, human resources, legal,
and community support activities. Participants shall review Service and DoD Education Activity (DoDEA)
reports on assignment coordination, the pinpoint locations overseas, and data requirements of
this Instruction.
5.2. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs under the USD(P&R), shall:
5.2.1. Provide guidance on the medical aspects of this Instruction.
5.2.2. Ensure that policies and procedures are in place in the Military Health System to
facilitate the identification of family members with special needs.
5.2.3. Ensure that policies and procedures are in place within the Military Health
System to safeguard personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information
(PHI) gathered during the process is protected in accordance with DoD Directive 5400.11, DoD
5400.11-R, DoD Instruction 6025.18, and DoD 8580.02-R (References (g) through (j)).
5.3. The General Counsel of the Department of Defense shall provide legal advice on the
implementation of this Instruction.
5.4. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Heads of DoD Components shall:
5.4.1. Establish procedures for implementing this Instruction.
5.4.2. Ensure that all active duty Service members and their families and civilian
employees or selectees for an overseas location have information on this Instruction, including
the criteria for identification of family members with special needs (enclosure 4) and the
procedures for identifying family members with special needs (enclosures 5 and 6).
5.4.3. Ensure that military personnel activities and human resources representatives
coordinate all assignments when the sponsor requests family accompanied travel with the
responsible Military Department or other Component to:

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005 Verify the availability overseas of medical services essential to meet the needs of
family members with special needs, and Ensure the availability of EIS and related services under reference (e)
essential to meet special educational needs, according to enclosures 5 and 6 of this Instruction.
5.4.4. Ensure that military personnel activities and human resources representatives
coordinate all assignments with the responsible DoDEA office on the availability overseas of
special education for family members who are or may be eligible for these services under
reference (e), according to enclosures 5 and 6 of this Instruction, when the sponsor requests
family accompanied travel.
5.4.5. Ensure military personnel activities consider the recommendations of the Military
Medical Departments and DoDEA when approving military family member travel at government
5.4.6. Ensure that Service members who have children with special educational needs are
assigned to pinpoint locations overseas, according to enclosure 5, consistent with the needs of the
Military Department and the career of the active duty Service member.
5.4.7. Ensure that human resources representatives advise civilian employees or selectees
of the availability of services overseas to meet the special needs of family members, according to
enclosure 6.
5.4.8. Ensure the coordination and cooperation among the Military Departments and/or
other DoD Components when considering military member assignment(s) to an overseas area or
when a civilian employee is selected for an overseas position where the provision of EIS and
related services is the responsibility of another Military Department, according to enclosure 5. The responsible Military Department may request reimbursement from the
sending DoD Component if the DoD Component’s failure to coordinate an assignment with the
responsible Military Department results in: The assignment of the Service member or placement of a civilian or
selectee to an overseas location where responsible Military Department personnel are not
available to provide EIS pursuant to the child’s Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or
related services pursuant to the Individualized Education Program (IEP), and The assignment causes the responsible Military Department to incur
extraordinary expenses to provide EIS pursuant to the child’s IFSP or related services pursuant to
the IEP. The receiving Military Department may require the sending Military
Department to provide those services.

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005
5.4.9. Provide education on this Instruction to all personnel in the Military Services (and
the Coast Guard, upon its request).
5.4.10. Coordinate with the DoDEA on identifying the location of early intervention and
special education services (pinpoint locations) in overseas military communities.
5.4.11. Provide adequate resources to implement this Instruction effectively.
5.4.12. Ensure compliance with this Instruction.
5.4.13. Ensure screening and evaluations for the purpose of identifying family members
with special needs are timely and accurate. When eligibility criteria are met, ensure DD Form
2792, “Exceptional Family Member (EFM) Medical Summary,” and/or DD Form 2792-1,
“Exceptional Family Member Special Education/Early Intervention Services Summary,” are
completed, as appropriate.
5.4.14. Honor the DoDEA’s request for reimbursement according to subparagraph 5.5.3.
5.4.15. Report annually to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military
Community and Family Policy (DUSD(MC&FP)) on the current number of family members
identified with special needs and the effectiveness of the processes for implementing this
5.4.16. Ensure that policies and procedures are in place to safeguard PII and PHI
gathered during the process is protected in accordance with References (g) through (j).
5.5. The Director of the Department of Defense Education Activity, under the USD(P&R)
5.5.1. Identify the locations of early intervention and special education in overseas
military communities. The Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) shall provide
special education in overseas communities in coordination with the Military Departments.
5.5.2. Designate, and update as necessary, a point of contact in each DoDDS area to
review the DD Form 2792-1 for all school age children with disabilities.
5.5.3. Consider requesting reimbursement from the sending DoD Component if the DoD
Component’s failure to coordinate an assignment with DoDEA results in: The assignment of the Service member or placement of a civilian selectee to
an overseas location where DoDDS personnel are not available to provide special education
pursuant to the child’s IEP, and The assignment causes the DoDDS to incur extraordinary expenses to
provide special education pursuant to the child’s IEP.

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005

The annual report to the DUSD(MC&FP) referred to in subparagraph 5.4.15. has been assigned
Report Control Symbol DD-P&R(A)2213 according to DoD 8910.1-M (reference (g)(k)).

7. RELEASABILITY. UNLIMITED. This Instruction is approved for public release and is
available on the Internet from the DoD Issuances Website at

This Instruction is effective immediately.

David S. C. Chu
Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel and Readiness

Enclosures - 6
E1. References, continued
E2. Definitions
E3. Standards for Authorizing Special Needs Family Members Travel Overseas at
Government Expense
E4. DoD Criteria for Identifying a Family Member with Special Needs
E5. Procedures for Assignment of Active Duty Service Members Who Have Family
Members with Special Needs
E6. Processing an Employee for an Overseas Assignment

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005
REFERENCES, continued


DoD Instruction 1342.12, “Provision of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
to Eligible DoD Dependents,” December 16, 2003 April 11, 2005
(f) DoD 1010.13-R, “Overseas Assignment of Sponsors Who Have Children with Disabilities
Who are Space-Required Students in the Department of Defense Dependents Schools,”
March 1992 (hereby canceled)
(g) DoD Directive 5400.11, “DoD Privacy Program,” May 8, 2007
(h) DoD 5400.11-R, “DoD Privacy Program,” May 14, 2007
(i) DoD Instruction 6025.18, “DoD Health Information Privacy Regulation,” December 2,
(j) DoD 8580.02-R, “DoD Health Information Security Regulation,” July 12, 2007
(g)(k) DoD 8910.1-M, “DoD Department of Defense Procedures for Management of
Information Requirements,” June 30, 1998
(h)(l) Chapter 33 of title 20, United States Code
(i)(m) Section 932 of title 20, United States Code
(j)(n) Section 2302 of title 5, United States Code
(k)(o) Chapter 47 of title 10, United States Code
(l)(p) Section 794d of title 29, United States Code
(m)(q) Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1630.14, current edition

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005

E2.1.1. Assistive Technology Device. Any item, piece of equipment, or product system,
including, but not limited to, an apnea home monitor, home nebulizer, wheelchair, splints,
braces, orthotics, hearing aids, home oxygen therapy, or a home ventilator, whether acquired
commercially or off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or
improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.
E2.1.2. Assistive Technology Service. Any service that directly assists an individual with a
disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.
E2.1.3. Early Intervention Services (EIS). Services provided pursuant to the “Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act,” as amended (reference (h)(l)) by the military medical
departments to infants and toddlers (birth through 2 years of age) who are experiencing
developmental delays or who have a diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high
probability of resulting in a developmental delay.
E2.1.4. Evaluations. Medical, psychological, and educational assessments required to define
a medical or educational condition suspected after a screening procedure.
E2.1.5. Family Member. Same as a dependent. An individual whose relationship to the
sponsor leads to entitlement to benefits and privileges. Family Member Travel refers exclusively
to Permanent Change of Station actions.
E2.1.6. Individualized Education Program (IEP). A written document defining specially
designed instruction for a student with a disability, ages 3 through 21 years. The IEP is further
described in, and prepared under, references (e) and (h)(l).
E2.1.7. Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). A written document for an infant or
toddler (birth through 2 years of age) with a disability and the family of such infant or toddler
that is further described in, and prepared under, references (e) and (h)(l).
E2.1.8. Overseas. Other definitions notwithstanding, for purposes of authorizing family
member travel at government expense when the family member has special needs, overseas is
any area outside of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of
the Northern Marianna Islands, and the possessions of the United States (excluding the Trust
Territory of the Pacific Islands and Midway Islands). See Subsection 932 (2) and (3) of title 20,
United States Code (U.S.C.) (reference (i)(m)).

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005
E2.1.9. Pinpoint Location. A specific geographic location recommended for an active duty
Service member’s assignment because it has the following:
E2.1.9.1. A valid requirement for the active duty Service member’s grade and military
occupational specialty.
E2.1.9.2. Availability of medical and educational staff necessary to provide EIS and
special education to the active duty Service member’s child with special educational needs.
E2.1.10. Related Services.
E2.1.10.1. Transportation and such developmental, corrective, and other supportive
services as required to assist a child, ages 3 to 21, with a disability to benefit from special
education under the child’s IEP. This includes speech-language pathology and audiology,
psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, recreation including therapeutic
recreation, early identification and assessment of disabilities in children, counseling services
including rehabilitation counseling, orientation and mobility services, and medical services for
diagnostic or evaluative purposes. It also includes school health services, social work services in
schools, and parent counseling and training. The sources for those services are school,
community, and medical treatment facilities.
E2.1.10.2. Related Services Assigned to the Military Medical Departments Overseas.
See reference (e).
E2.1.11. Responsible Military Department. The Military Department responsible for
providing EIS or related services in the geographic areas assigned under reference (e).
E2.1.12. Special Education. Specialized instruction and related services for which a child,
ageds 3 through 21 years, becomes entitled when a Case Study Committee determines a child’s
educational performance is adversely affected by one or more disabling conditions as defined in
reference (e).
E2.1.13. Special Needs.
E2.1.13.1. Special Educational Needs. The needs of a family member who meets DoD
criteria for identifying a family member with special needs defined in enclosure 4, subparagraphs
E4.2.1.1. and E4.2.1.2.

E2.1.13.2. Special Medical Needs. The needs of a family member who meets DoD
criteria for identifying a family member with special needs defined in enclosure 4, subparagraphs
E4.1.1.1. through E4.1.1.7.

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005
E2.1.14. Sponsor. A person who is a member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty,
or civilian employee of the Department of Defense and a citizen or national of the United States;
and who is authorized to transport dependents to or from an overseas area at Government
expense and is provided an allowance for living quarters in that area. See reference (i)(m).

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005

E3.1.1. Family member travel at government expense may be denied when an active duty
Service member has a family member with special medical needs and the services to meet those
needs are unavailable in the overseas location, as determined by the military healthcare system,
based on acceptable U.S. health care standards. The Military Departments may elect to follow
the procedures in this Instruction when processing a sponsor with a family member who has
special medical needs in geographic areas that are not considered overseas, as defined in
paragraph E2.1.8.
E3.1.2. Active duty Service members may not be denied an essential (as defined by the
military personnel assignment system) overseas duty assignment solely because they have
children who are or may be eligible for early intervention services (EIS) or special education
services according to reference (f). They shall receive the same consideration for family travel at
government expense to an overseas duty location as families without such family members.
E3.1.3. The failure to assign an active duty Service member to a pinpoint location, as
defined in paragraph E2.1.89., is never a basis to deny EIS or special education to the active duty
Service member’s eligible infant, toddler, or child pursuant to reference (e).
E3.1.4. DoD civilian employees are selected for positions outside the United States based on
job requirements and merit factors under 5 U.S.C. 2302 (reference (j)(n)). The non-selection of a
civilian employee or selectee shall not be based on the individual having a family member with
special needs.

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005

E4.1.1. Family members of active duty Service members and civilian employees appointed
to an overseas position who meets one or more of the following criteria shall be identified as a
family member with special medical needs:
E4.1.1.1. Potentially life-threatening conditions and/or chronic medical/physical
conditions (such as high-risk newborns, patients with a diagnosis of cancer within the last 5
years, sickle cell disease, insulin-dependent diabetes) requiring follow-up support more than
once a year or specialty care.
E4.1.1.2. Current and chronic (duration of 6 months or longer) mental health condition
(such as bi-polar, conduct, major affective, or thought/personality disorders); inpatient or
intensive outpatient mental health service within the last 5 years; intensive (greater than one visit
monthly for more than 6 months) mental health services required at the present time. This
includes medical care from any provider, including a primary health care provider.
E4.1.1.3. A diagnosis of asthma or other respiratory-related diagnosis with chronic
recurring wheezing which meets one of the following criteria:
E4. Scheduled use of inhaled anti-inflammatory agents and/or
E4. History of emergency room use or clinic visits for acute asthma
exacerbations within the last year.
E4. History of one or more hospitalizations for asthma within the past 5
E4. History of intensive care unit admissions for asthma within the past 5
E4.1.1.4. A diagnosis of attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
that meets one of the following criteria:
E4. A co-morbid psychological diagnosis.
E4. Requires multiple medications, psycho-pharmaceuticals (other than
stimulants) or does not respond to normal doses of medication.

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005
E4. Requires management and treatment by mental health provider (e.g.,
Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Social Worker).
E4. Requires specialty consultant, other than a family practice physician or
general medical officer, more than twice a year on a chronic basis.
E4. Requires modifications of the educational curriculum or the use of
behavioral management staff.
E4.1.1.5. Requires adaptive equipment (such as an apnea home monitor, home nebulizer,
wheelchair, splints, braces, orthotics, hearing aids, home oxygen therapy, home ventilator, etc.).
E4.1.1.6. Requires assistive technology devices (such as communication devices) or
E4.1.1.7. Requires environmental/architectural considerations (such as limited numbers
of steps, wheelchair accessibility/housing modifications and air conditioning).
Family members of active duty Service members and civilian employees appointed to an
overseas position shall be identified as a family member with special educational needs and
eligible for EIS or special education or if they meet one of the following criteria:
E4.2.1. Has or requires an IFSP
E4.2.2. Has or requires an IEP.

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005

Each Military Service shall:
E5.1.1. Establish procedures to:
E5.1.1.1. Identify active duty Service members who have family members with special
medical needs through completion of DD Form 2792 and with educational needs through DD
Form 2792-1. The procedures must require use of the information on these forms when
considering the following:
E5. Approval of family travel at government expense to an overseas location
for a family member with a special medical need.
E5. Assignments to pinpoint locations overseas when the family member has
a special educational need.
E5.1.1.2. Update the status of the special needs of the family member(s) of active duty
Service members when conditions occur, change, or no longer exist.
E5.1.2. Coordinate with the Military Service responsible for EIS when assigning an active
duty Service member to an area outside of his or her own Military Department’s geographic area
of responsibility overseas. The DoDEA shall coordinate all cases involving the provision of
special education, including coordinating with the Military Service providing the assigned
related services (reference (e)).
E5.1.3. Maintain records on the effectiveness of the assignment process involving sponsors
who have family members with special needs and on assignment problems resulting from the
procedures or failure to follow the procedures.
E5.1.4. Military personnel activities shall:
E5.1.4.1. Coordinate with medical activities to ensure required medical services are
available before authorizing family member travel at government expense.
E5.1.4.2. Coordinate with medical activities and the DoDEA to ensure that assignments
to overseas areas are made to pinpoint locations, when EIS or special education may be required.
E5.1.4.3. Remove active duty Service members who have family members with special
educational needs from overseas orders if no suitable overseas assignment location can be found
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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005
and there is no adverse impact on the military mission or on the active duty Service member’s
E5.1.5. Military medical activities shall:
E5.1.5.1. Respond to requests from personnel activities to determine the availability of
required medical services.
E5.1.5.2. Ensure that medical treatment facilities identify family members who meet the
criteria for special needs, as specified in enclosure 3, following Service-specific guidance.

E5.2.1. When the active duty Service member becomes aware that a family member may
meet the special needs criteria, as specified in enclosure 4, the active duty Service member shall:
E5.2.1.1. Promptly notify the cognizant military authority using Service-specific
E5.2.1.2. Ensure the DD Form 2792 is completed and the current EIS provider or current
school providing special education completes the DD Form 2792-1 if there is a special
educational need.
E5.2.2. The Service member must ensure the completed DD Form 2792 and/or DD Form
2792-1 is transmitted to the cognizant military authority.
E5.2.3. A Service member shall provide the information required to complete DD Form
2792 or DD Form 2792-1, or promptly make the notification required by E5.2.1.1., as applicable.
A service member who fails or refuses to provide the required information, or who knowingly
provides false information, may be subject to disciplinary action for offenses under Article 92
(failure to obey a lawful order or regulation or dereliction of duty) or Article 107 (false official
statement), in violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) (reference (k)(o)). In
addition to UCMJ disciplinary action, the service member may also be subject to administrative
sanctions, to include denial of command sponsorship.

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005

E6.1.1. The DoD Components must select civilian employees for specific positions based on
job requirements and merit factors under reference (j)(n). The selection for an overseas position
must not be affected by the special needs of a civilian employee’s family member(s).
E6.1.2. Emphasis shall be placed on providing the civilian employee or selectee with
comprehensive medical, dental, and educational information on the community in the overseas
area where the position is located to allow the civilian employee or selectee to make an informed
choice of accepting the position.
E6.1.3. Civilian employees assigned to positions overseas are responsible for obtaining
medical and dental services and paying for such services, except services provided pursuant to
reference (e). Civilian employees and their family members have access to the military
healthcare system on a space-available, reimbursable basis only, except for services provided
pursuant to reference (e).
E6.1.3.1. The DoDDS and the receiving Military Department are required to provide
school-aged children (ages 3 through 21 years) with necessary evaluations and the special
education and related services stipulated in their IEPs, expeditiously and regardless of cost.
E6.1.3.2. The Military Departments are required to provide infants and toddlers (birth
through 2 years of age) with the EIS stipulated in their IFSPs, expeditiously and regardless of

E6.2.1. When recruiting for an overseas position, DoD civilian human resources
representatives shall:
E6.2.1.1. Provide information on the requirements of this Instruction related to civilian
employees, including employee rights as provided in section E6.1.
E6.2.1.2. Provide information on the availability of medical and educational services,
including a point of contact for the applicant to query about specific special needs. This
information must be contained in any document used for recruitment for overseas positions.

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E6.2.1.3. Include the following statements in recruitment information:
E6. “If an employee brings a child to an overseas location and that child is
entitled to attend the DoDDS on a space-required basis under DoD Directive DoDEA Regulation
1342.13, the DoDDS and the Military Department responsible for providing related services
shall ensure that the child, if eligible for special education under DoD Instruction 1342.12,
receives a free appropriate public education, including special education and related services.”
E6. “If an employee brings an infant or toddler (birth through age 2 years of
age) to an overseas location, and that infant or toddler, but for age, is entitled to attend the
DoDDS on a space-required basis under DoD Directive DoDEA Regulation 1342.13, the
Military Department responsible for providing early intervention services (EIS) shall ensure that
the infant or toddler, if eligible for EIS under DoD Instruction 1342.12, receives the required
E6. “If an employee brings a family member to an overseas location who
requires medical or dental care, the employee will be responsible for obtaining and paying for
such care. Access for civilian employees and their families to military medical and dental
treatment facilities is on a space-available and reimbursable basis only.”
E6.2.2. When the gaining civilian human resources representatives process a civilian for an
overseas position where family member travel is authorized at Government expense, they shall:
E6.2.2.1. After notifying a selectee of his or her pending appointment for an overseas
position, query him or her to determine whether a family member has special needs, using the
criteria provided in enclosure 4. It is unlawful to choose to query some selectees, but not others.
All selectees must be so queried only after notification of their selection under the Rehabilitation
Act, as amended, and part 1630.14 of Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (references (l)(p) and
(m)(q)). If the selectee indicates that a family member has special needs:
E6. The DoD civilian human resources representatives shall not subject the
selectee to coercion or any other form of pressure to decline the job offer because he or she has a
family member(s) with a special need(s).
E6. The selectee shall may voluntarily forward the following information, by
the fastest method available, to the civilian human resource representatives that shall support the
E6. Completed DD Form 2792 for each family member with special
medical needs to provide information on the availability of medical services. Failure of a
civilian employee or selectee to complete the DD Form 2792 shall preclude the processing of an
application for family travel and command sponsorship.
E6. Completed DD Form 2792-1 for each family member with special
educational needs to provide information on the availability of educational services. Failure of a
civilian employee or selectee to complete DD Form 2792-1 shall preclude the processing of an

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DoDI 1315.19, December 20, 2005
application for family travel and command sponsorship. DD Form 2792-1 must be completed if
the selectee intends to enroll his or her child in a school funded by the DoD.
E6.2.3. The gaining human resources activity responsible for processing the selectee to the
overseas position shall obtain the information in subparagraph E6.2.3.1. through E6.2.3.3. using
the fastest method available.
E6.2.3.1. The availability of required medical and dental care from the local military
medical treatment facility(ies) and in the host nation community.
E6.2.3.2. The availability of special education programs from the DoDDS for children (3
through 21 years of age) with disabilities.
E6.2.3.3. The availability of EIS for infants and toddlers, birth through age 2 years of
age, with developmental disabilities from the Educational and Developmental Intervention
E6.2.4. When the information is received, the gaining human resources activity shall inform
the selectee, in writing, of the availability of medical, educational, and early interventions
resources and services to allow the civilian employee to make an informed choice of accepting
the position. The notice shall include:
E6.2.4.1. Medical and dental care available in the local military medical treatment
E6.2.4.2. A description of the local DoDDS facility(ies) and programs, specifying the
established programs for children with educational disabilities; and
E6.2.4.3. A description of the local EIS available for infants and toddlers with
developmental delays.
E6.2.4.4. A statement indicating that the lack of EIS or special education resources
(including related services assigned to the Military medical Departments) cannot serve as a basis
for the denial of family travel at government expense, and shall be provided even if a local
program is not currently established.

Change 1, 02/16/2011



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDoD Instruction 1315.19, December 20, 2005 - Incorporating Change 1, February 16, 2011
SubjectAuthorizing Special Needs Family Members Travel Overseas at Government Expense
File Modified2016-10-06
File Created2011-02-16

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