0920-1154 Interview Protocol - Users

CDC/ATSDR Formative Research and Tool Development

Attachment E - Interview Protocol - Users_Revised20180618

Older Adult Mobility Ride Share (OAMRS)

OMB: 0920-1154

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Attachment E. Interview Protocol and Verbal Informed Consent: Users of Ride Share Services

Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-1154
Exp. Date 01/31/2020

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1154).

Introductory Script and Informed Consent for Users (Verbal)

Good morning/afternoon. My name is [NAME] and I am a researcher at NORC at the University of Chicago. I am calling in reference to a research study we are conducting for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—CDC—about adults' transportation needs and experiences. May I speak with [Name of Participant]?

If speaking with participant: Is this still a good time to conduct the interview?

If yes: Before we get started, I am going to read some information about the study. It will take a few minutes.

NORC is conducting a research study for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—CDC—about adults' transportation needs and experiences. We are interested in speaking with you today to learn about your reasons for using different types of transportation services, your experiences with those services, and the extent to which those services meet your transportation needs. We would also like to discuss your use of ride sharing.

Ride share services are for-profit or not-for-profit companies or organizations that provide transportation to people using a private automobile. Examples include a privately owned car, van, truck, or sport utility vehicle. Ride share services include volunteer driver programs, and companies such as Uber, Lyft, and ITN, for example. Ride share services do not include public transportation or rides provided by a commercial van, bus, or taxi. They also do not include rides provided by a friend or family member.

Our discussion today will last about 20 minutes. Your participation is voluntary, you may skip questions and stop the interview at any time without any adverse consequences. Your participation in this study does not involve any risk beyond what you would encounter in daily life. We will use what we learn from you and others in a written report for CDC. We will not identify you by name in this report. All information collected during our discussion will be treated in a secure manner. The information we gather will help CDC to understand adults' use of ride share services. At the end of our interview, I will ask for your mailing address so that we can provide you with ten dollars as a token of appreciation for your participation.

If you have questions about the study, please contact the Project Director, Alycia Bayne, at 908-431-5438.

Do you agree to participate in this interview?

If "Yes" then proceed.

If No: Is there a particular reason why you don't want to participate in this interview? (If time is the problem, try rescheduling). Thank you for your time.

My colleague [NAME] is also on the phone and will take notes during our conversation. We will also create an audio recording of the interview. We will use the recording to create a transcript to inform our report. We will deliver the transcript to CDC. The transcript will not include your name or contact information. We will delete the recording at the end of the project.

Do you agree to have this interview recorded?

If respondent says "yes" then proceed. BEGIN RECORDING.

If "no" then say: "That's fine. You may still participate in the interview. Please be patient as I take notes." DO NOT BEGIN RECORDING.

Interview Guide Questions (15 minutes)

I. Introduction

I'd like to start off by talking about your transportation needs and habits…

  1. What are the reasons you travel outside of your home? Please name any you can think of.

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

      1. Health care/medical appointment

      2. Shopping or personal needs, like going to the hairdresser or the grocery store

      3. Socializing with family and friends

      4. Going to work or school

      5. Travel to the airport, bus or train

      6. Volunteering

      7. Other

    1. When traveling outside of your home, what types of transportation do you use? Please name any you can think of.

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

      1. I drive my personal car, motorcycle, scooter, etc.

      2. I ride with others (partner, child, grandchild, community members, ride share services, social/senior services, etc.)

      3. I use my personal bicycle or bike share

      4. Public transportation including a bus, train, subway, ferry, etc.

      5. Taxi

      6. Walking

      7. Other

    1. If respondent does not say they drive their personal vehicle, ask: Do you have a driver's license?

      1. If yes, ask: Do you have access to a car?

    1. Have you driven in the past two weeks?



    1. If you have ever missed an event or appointment because you were not able to find transportation, can you describe the problem that kept you from arranging a ride?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

  1. I didn't want to ask a favor or be a burden to others

  2. I didn’t have someone else to ask for a ride

  3. I didn't want to drive at night

  4. The bus is too far to walk

  5. I don't like to travel alone

  6. I don't understand the services available

    1. What factors affect your decision to take one form of transportation over another?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

      1. Cost

      2. Time of day

      3. Destination

      4. Weather

      5. Health

      6. If I have someone to help me navigate

      7. If it is a familiar location

      8. If there is a lot of traffic

      9. If I have to find parking

      10. If I have to carry packages

      11. If going to have an alcoholic beverage

      12. Other

II. Use of Ride Share Services

Next, I'd like to talk about your use of ride share services. Remember, ride share services are for-profit or not-for-profit companies or organizations that provide transportation to people using a private automobile. Examples include a privately owned car, van, truck, or sport utility vehicle. Ride share services include volunteer driver programs, and companies such as Uber, Lyft, and ITN, for example. Ride share services do not include public transportation or rides provided by a commercial van, bus, or taxi. They also do not include rides provided by a friend or family member…

    1. Have you ever used a ride share service, either paid or non-profit? [Answers should be "yes." If answer is no, then continue by using the "non-user" interview protocol.]

    1. What types of ride share services have you ever used? Can you name the company, organization, or the type of service?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

      1. Paid, for-profit service (Uber or Lyft)

      2. Volunteer service

      3. [Placeholder for prompts for additional companies or organizations in geographic area, to be determined based on environmental scan]

    1. In general, what are the reasons that you choose to use a ride share service?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

      1. I do not have a driver's license (Never a licensed driver, voluntarily stopped driving or license was taken away)

      2. To avoid driving in difficult situations (nighttime, highway, left turns, bad weather, alone, high traffic, and unfamiliar areas)

      3. To socialize with family and/or friends (for example, going to a restaurant)

      4. For shopping errands, or going to an appointment

      5. Do not have a car

      6. Do not feel safe driving

      7. Doctor's orders

      8. Family request

      9. Illness

      10. Other reasons

    1. What are the important factors you consider when deciding to use a ride share service?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

      1. Cost

      2. Feeling safe

      3. Convenience

      4. I know the people who are picking me up

      5. Reputation

      6. Recommended by someone I know

      7. My children or family want me to use it

      8. My doctor wants me to use it

      9. Other reasons

    1. Are there any other reasons you use a ride share service?

    1. When you use a ride share service, how do you request a ride?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

      1. Use a smartphone/application

      2. Use the internet

      3. Use a telephone to request a ride from a ride share company or organization

      4. Someone else requests the ride for me

      5. Family or friend requests the ride for me

      6. Other

    1. When you use a ride share service, who typically pays for your ride?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

      1. Self

      2. Family or friend

      3. Health care provider

      4. Don't know

      5. Other

    1. Think about the last time you used a ride share service. Where were you going?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

  1. Health care/medical appointment

  2. Shopping or personal needs, like going to the hairdresser or the grocery store

  3. Socializing with family and friends

  4. Going to work or school

  5. Travel to the airport, bus or train

  6. Volunteering

  7. Other

    1. If a ride share service had not been available, how would you have made that trip?

III. Facilitators of and Barriers to Using Ride Share Services

Next, I'd like to talk about your opinions of ride share services…

    1. Is there anything you like about ride share services?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

  1. Safe

  2. Easy to schedule a ride

  3. Convenient for me to use

  4. Save me time

  5. Cost-friendly

  6. Reliable

  7. Available in my community

  8. Drivers' characteristics (I know them, they are… helpful, interesting, kind)

  9. Help me to improve my quality of life (health, comfort, happiness)

  10. Help me feel independent; I don't have to be a burden to others

    1. Is there anything you do not like about ride share services?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

  1. Not safe

  2. Difficult/don't know how to schedule a ride

  3. Not convenient

  4. Kept me waiting

  5. Cost-prohibitive

  6. Not reliable

  7. Not available in my community

  8. Drivers characteristics (I do not know them, they are not helpful, kind)

    1. Next, I am going to read several statements about ride share services and why some people might use them. Please tell me if you "agree" or "disagree" with each statement based on your experience with using ride share services. If you are unsure, say "don't know".

Ride share services….

  1. Are safe

  2. Are easy to use

  3. Are convenient

  4. Save me time

  5. Are cost effective

  6. Are reliable

  7. Are available in my community

  8. Help me to improve my quality of life (prompts if asked what we mean: health, comfort, happiness)

  9. Help me feel independent

  10. Drivers are friendly

  11. Drivers are helpful

    1. Will you describe your ideal driver of a ride share service?

      1. Do you prefer a driver of the same gender?

      2. Do you prefer a drive of the same age?

    1. Do you have any special needs that make it challenging for you to use a ride share service?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

  1. I use a walker

  2. I have difficulty seeing

  3. I don't feel safe with people I don't know

  4. I don't know if I can depend upon them

  5. I don't know if I can get a ride home

  6. I don't feel safe as a passenger in a vehicle

  7. I have a child who needs to use a car seat

  8. I have a dog/pet that needs to travel with me

  9. I require door-to-door assistance

  10. Other

IV. Future Use of Ride Share Services

Next, I have a few questions about your future use of ride share services…

    1. How, if at all, could ride share services be improved to meet your needs? What is your wish list?

Prompts if respondent is unsure:

      1. Lower cost

      2. Better assistance

      3. Give me the driver I know

      4. Schedule by telephone

    1. If there was a ride share service that used self-driving or "driverless" automobiles, what features or services would make you willing to take a ride?

    1. Is there any other feedback you would like to provide?

V. Demographics

I have a few final questions. I am asking these questions for analysis purposes only.

    1. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin? Prompt respondents with the following options:

  1. Yes, Hispanic or Latino

  2. No, Not Hispanic or Latino

    1. I’m going to read a list of categories. Please choose one or more of the following categories to describe your race. Read respondents the following options.

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native

  2. Asian

  3. Black or African American

  4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  5. White

  6. Other (Ask respondent to please specify)

    1. What is your sex? Prompt respondents with the following options:

  1. Male

  2. Female

    1. What is your city and state of residence?

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview.

I am going to stop the audio recording now. [End audio recording]

What is your mailing address so that I may send your ten dollar check? [Collect this information to distribute the $10 check.]

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorNORC at the University of Chicago
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-20

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